Feddes Repertorium 114 (2003) 5 – 6 , 350 – 357 DOI: 10.1002/fedr.200311003 Berlin, September 2003 Moscow State University M. V. Lomonossov, Botanical Garden, Moscow M. G. PIMENOV & E. V. KLJUYKOV What is Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ. (Umbelliferae)? With 3 Figures Summary Zusammenfassung A rare and enigmatic Chinese species, known as Apium ventricosum H.BOISSIEU and Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ. (the latter name is only used in current floristic literature), has been shown to be closer related to Sinocarum H.WOLFF ex SHAN RENHWA & PU FATING. This affinity, indicated recently by ITS sequence investigation, was confirmed by morphological analysis. Attribution of the species to Apium, Sium, or Chamaesium, was not confirmed by molecular and morphological data either. A new combination, Sinocarum ventricosum (H.BOISSIEU) PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV, has been proposed. The isolated position of S. ventricosum within the genus Sinocarum is emphazised by separation of a new monotypic section, Sinocarum sect. Apiopsis PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV. Was ist Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ. (Umbelliferae)? Introduction with other Chinese HANDEL-MAZZETTI’S Umbelliferae to H. WOLFF, but remained unpublished by the monographer, probably due to the absence of ripe fruits and the uncertainty about the genus to which the species could be referred. HANDEL-MAZZETTI believed the information sufficient to describe the species as a new Sium species. The reason for the attribution of a new species to Sium was probably the structure of leaves, being slightly similar to pinnate leaves of various Sium species. But even leaves in S. frigidum resemble Sium-type very approximately, as the leaflets are dissected, sometimes deeply, and not serrate. The unusual habit of the plant could be, however, In 1933 the prominent Austrian explorer of Chinese flora, Prof. H. F. HANDEL-MAZZETTI described a rare and very unusual Sium from the NW part of Yunnan province in SW China, S. frigidum HAND.-MAZZ. In its habit this small (up to 15, rarely 20 cm tall) high-mountainous plant is in disharmony with all other known species of the genus. It has 2 – 5-rayed umbels without involucre or with one narrow-linear bract; umbelets are 5 – 7-flowered, without involucel or with one bractlet. Calyx teeth absent. Petals white, ovate, without claw, with short incurved tip. The species was sent together © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eine seltene und rätselhafte chinesische Art, bekannt als Apium ventricosum H.BOISSIEU und Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ. (letzterer Name wird in der aktuellen floristischen Literatur allein benutzt), scheint näher verwandt zu sein mit Sinocarum H.WOLFF ex SHAN RENHWA & PU FATING. Diese neuerlich durch IST-Sequenzanalyse festgestellte Affinität wurde durch molekulare und morphologische Daten bestätigt. Der Einschluss der Art in die Gattungen Apium, Sium oder Chamaesium konnte nicht durch molekulare und morphologische Merkmale bestätigt werden. Es wird eine Neukombination: Sinocarum ventricosum (H.BOISSIEU) PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV vorgeschlagen. Die isolierte Stellung von S. ventricosum innerhalb der Gattung Sinocarum wird durch die Aufstellung einer monotypischen Sektion, Sinocarum sect. Apiopsis PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV unterstrichen. 0014-8962/03/5-610-0350 M. G. PIMENOV & E. V. KLJUYKOV: What is Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ.? connected with its growth under extreme conditions of high mountains. The plant life-form also accords with ecology. As we could observe during our botanical trip to SW China, it grows in wet Cobresia grasslands and could be hardly extracted from Cobresia turf. So, in herbaria S. frigidum is frequently represented without its underground part. We tried to prepare its roots (slightly thickened) and vertical rhizomes (with adventive roots in nodes), but it remains are not clear, whether the species have vegetative propagation. S. frigidum was included in standard Chinese flora (FRPS, 55,3 – PU FATING et al. 1992), and pictured in it. The picture corresponds to the type material, seen by us in WU (Fig. 1), but the mericarp crosssection is rather incorrect (see below). The species was cited also by WU ZHENG YI (1984). Other hypotheses on generic attribution of Sium frigidum SHAN RENHWA ex PU FATING (1993) proposed to transfer the species to the genus Chamaesium H.WOLFF under the name of Chamaesium frigidum (HAND.-MAZZ.) SHAN RENHWA ex PU FATING. We have discovered that S. frigidum is not the first legitimate name of the species, as it was earlier described by H. BOISSIEU (1906) under the name of Apium ventricosum H.BOISSIEU. The good type material kept in P (Fig. 2), being clearly identical with later described S. frigidum. The reason to attribute the species to Apium was probably the same as in the case of S. frigidum – leaf blade dissection. Apium is the genus of 15 – 20 species of different continents and its monophyly is doubtful. Leaf dissection is more variable than in Sium, and some species have leaves distantly resembling those of A. ventricosum. A. ventricosum was cited later only by H. WOLFF (1927) in his treatment of a considerable part of DRUDE’S Umbelliferae – Ammineae (correctly, Apieae) for ENGLER’S, Das Pflanzenreich. The type locality of A. ventricosum (Zogalougla) is probably in the same region of Yunnan, or in adjacent Sichuan. Modern data on distribution show the area of the species limited by preTibetan regions of these two provinces of SW China. 351 So, there are three viewpoints (hypotheses) about the generic attribution of the species – Apium, Sium, and Chamaesium, all these genera being distant one from other. This issue was checked using modern molecular (sequencing) investigation of internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nrDNA (VALIEJO-ROMAN et al. 2002), side by side with some other critical taxa of Chinese Umbelliferae. The results clearly did not confirm the hypotheses on the attribution of the species to Apium or Sium. Unfortunately, there were no data about ITS sequences of Chamaesium, up to now not included in molecular Umbelliferae studies. This last genus and S. frigidum are, however, morphologically not similar, and, in particular, considerably differ in fruit anatomy (see below). Molecular analysis has shown a new affinity for S. frigidum, in this case with the genus Sinocarum H.WOLFF ex SHAN RENHWA & PU FATING. This is the fourth hypothesis about taxonomical relation of this enigmatic species. Carpological and other morphological characters to check taxonomic position of the species Being a part of today’s molecular-phylogenetic investigations, the taxa remain to be understudied morphologically, especially regarding of the carpology. The fruit TS pictures in the FRPS are not perfect, ignoring some essential anatomical details. Sometimes, these pictures are simply incorrect. We tried to check all the four proposed hypotheses on generic position of A. ventricosum to select the most probable, i.e. that confirmed by morphological data. Among morphological characters the carefully exolored fruit structure could be regarded as the most informative (although not always). The fruits of A. ventricosum (Fig. 3a) are compressed laterally, hardly dividing to mericarps, without carpophore. Stylopods small, short-conical, styles very short, 0.5 – 0.7 mm long, reflexed. Mericarps elliptic, 2.2 – 2.5 mm long, ca 0.7 mm broad, in cross-section almost round, ribs inconspicuous, commissure narrow. Exocarp of 1 – 2 layers of comparatively large thin-walled cells. Mesocarp of small parenchyma cells. Secretory ducts hardly visible, © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 352 Fig. 1 Type specimen of Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ. (WU) © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Feddes Repert., Berlin 114 (2003) 5 – 6 M. G. PIMENOV & E. V. KLJUYKOV: What is Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ.? 353 Fig. 2 Type specimen of Apium ventricosum H.BOISSIEU (P) © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 354 Feddes Repert., Berlin 114 (2003) 5 – 6 Fig. 3 Transections of mericarps: a — Sinocarum ventricosum (H.BOISSIEU) PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV (Apium ventricosum H.BOISSIEU), origin: China, Sichuan, between Xinduqiao and Kanding, 30°04?N, 101°46?E. 21.09.1998, PIMENOV et al., 288 (MW); b — Apium graveolens L., origin: Kirghyzia, Osch prov., near Suzak. 28.08.1975, PIMENOV et al., 1424 (MW); c — Sium latifolium L., origin: Russia, Volgograd prov., Ilovlja. PIMENOV et al., s.n.; d — Chamaesium paradoxum H.WOLFF, origin: China, Sichuan, between Danba and Renmei, 30°31?N, 101°37?E. 18.09.1998, PIMENOV et al., 244 (MW); e — Sinocarum cruciatum H.WOLFF, origin: China, Sichuan, route Hongyuan – Barkam, valley of Somohe, 32°01?N, 102°36?E. 16.09.1998, PIMENOV et al., 188 (MW) © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim M. G. PIMENOV & E. V. KLJUYKOV: What is Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ.? one to three in valleculas, three on commissural side. Rib secretory ducts small. Endocarp of comparatively large thin-walled cells with slightly lignified walls. Spermoderma of small cells. Endosperm plane on commissural side. The Apium-, Sium-, and Chamaesium-hypotheses could be rejected on the basis of comparative carpological analysis; Apium and Sium, as it was noted above – also according to ITS sequencing results. The fruits of Apium graveolens L. (Fig. 3b), the type species of Apium, are slightly compressed laterally, dividing to mericarps, with entire carpophore. Calyx teeth absent. Stylopods short-conical, styles ca. 0.5 mm long, reflexed. Mericarps elliptic in outline, pentagonal in cross-section, 1.4 – 1.5 mm long, 0.9 – 11 mm broad, with equal short-winged ribs. Exocarp of small cells with slightly thickened outer walls. Commissure narrow. Mesocarp of parenchymatous cells. Vittae 1 – 3 in valleculas, large and small, 2 – 4 (?) on commissural side. Rib vascular bundles lengthened in radial direction. Endocarp and spermoderma of small cells. Endosperm plane on commissural side. The similar description can be found in DRUDE (1897 – 1898), and KLAN (1947). The fruits of Sium latifolium L. (Fig. 3 c), the type species of Sium, are slightly compressed laterally, dividing to mericarps, carpophore often reduced (some other species have well developed carpophore). Mericarps elliptic in outline, 2.8 – 3 mm long, 1.4 – 1.5 mm broad, in cross-section pentagonal, with five keeled to short winged, obtuse ribs, approximately equal. Exocarp of one layer of small cells with slightly thickened outer walls. Commissure narrow. Mesocarp in ribs of comparatively large round cells with thin, slightly lignified pitted walls. Vascular bundles are solid, situated in distal parts of ribs, being accompanied by several small secretory ducts. Vallecular vittae 1 – 2, commissural 2 – 4. There are additional solitary vittae in proximal part of ribs. Endocarp and spermoderma of small cells. Endosperm plate on commissural side. The similar histological structure can be found in KLAN (1947); but the general picture with six mericarp ribs is probably of terate fruit; in text five ribs are indicated. In general, S. latifolium fruits have a structure, rather usual in Apieae. One of comparatively rare features is the posi- 355 tion of vascular bundles in distal parts of the ribs. Similar fruit structure was described by GOROVOY (1966) for S. suave WALTON, a species from the same type section of Sium. The fruits of Chamaesium paradoxum H.WOLFF, the type species of Chamaesium H.WOLFF (Fig. 3 d) are of two dividing mericarps with 2-cleft carpophore. Mericarps 2.7 – 2.8 mm long, 1.5 – 1.8 mm broad, ovate, convex at dorsal side, with groove at commissural side. Calyx teeth connate, forming crown. Stylopods flat, styles ca. 0.8 mm long, reflexed. Ribs 10, visible, approximately equal, terete. In cross-section mericarp almost round. Exocarp of large cells, slightly elongated in radial direction. Mesocarp in ribs of small parenchymous cells, destroyed in maturity. Vascular bundles 10 (corresponding to ribs), thin. Vallecular vittae solitary. There are small secretory ducts in some ribs. Endocarp of large cells. Endosperm with broad deep groove at commissural side. Other species of the genus have a similar structure. The peculiarity of Chamaesium fruit anatomy is the double number of mericarp vascular bundles and ribs, what is rare in the family. Are all these ribs primary, appearing as a result of splitting of five primary ribs (usual structure in the majority of Apioideae), or five ribs are primary and five are secondary? This issue could be solved in fruit development studies. In any case, fruit structures in Chamaesium and A. ventricosum are considerably different. The attribution of the species under analysis as a member of Sinocarum is more complicated. There is no clear idea about the volume of this genus, its specific content and diagnostic characters for delimitation from some related genera. In this situation one should check the nomenclatural type of Sinocarum, S. cruciatum H.WOLFF, and to compare it with our critical species. The fruits of S. cruciatum (Fig. 3 e) are ovate, glabrous, dividing, with bifid carpophore. Stylopods short-conical, styles up to 0.5 mm long, reflexed. Mericarps 2.0 – 2.2 mm long, 1.1 – 1.2 mm broad, slightly compressed dorsally, in cross-section semicircular, with thin pericarp; ribs subinconspicuous or thin filiform. Exocarp unilayered, of small cell, interrupting near column. Commissure narrow. Mesocarp of small parenchymatous cells. Vit- © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 356 tae three per valleculas, four to six at commissural side. Rib secretory ducts small, visible not in each rib. Endocarp unilayered, of narrow cells, lengthened in tangential direction, with slightly lignified walls. Spermoderma of comparatively large cells. Endosperm on commissural side with not deep double groove. Of course, the fruit of A. ventricosum are considerably more similar to the fruits of Sinocarum, than to those of Sium, Chamaesium, or Apium. There are, however, some differences. The fruits of A. ventricosum are compressed laterally and have no carpophore (the last character can be an adaptation against a long dispersal of seeds). In S. cruciatum carpophore is developed normally, and mericarp are compressed dorsally, although not strongly. There are some particular traits in habit and vegetative part of A. ventricosum plants, which do not correspond completely to those of Sinocarum. Therefore, in Sinocarum the species occupies a more or less isolated position. As the relationships the species within Sinocarum and with presumably related taxa are obscure, we believe it would be best to separate the regarded species into a monotypic section of Sinocarum. Feddes Repert., Berlin 114 (2003) 5 – 6 Type: China “Zogalougla, CH.I.A.BLANCHE,” (holo – P!) marecages. = Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ., 1933, Symb. sin. 7, 3: 719, tab. 11, fig. 2 – 4; WU ZHENGYI (ed.), 1984, Index Fl. Yunnan. 1: 928; PU FATING et al., 1992, in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 55, 3: 249, tab. 109, fig. 5 – 9. ) Chamaesium frigidum (HAND.-MAZZ.) SHANRENHWA ex PU FATING, 1993, in WANG WENTSAI (ed.), Vasc. Pl. Hengduan Mts.: 1290. T y p e : China “Prov. Yunnan bor.-occid.: supra vicum Anangu austro-orientalem pagi Dschundien (“Chungtien”), in regione frigide temperatae limo turfi Diolo. 16.08.1915. H. F. HANDEL-MAZZETTI, 7684” (holo – WU!; iso-US, PE – photo!) D i s t r i b u t i o n : China (SW: Sichuan, Yunnan). Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Investigations (RFFI) and the National Geographic Society (USA). The curators of KUN, P, PE, and WU are gratefully acknowledged for the study facilities to examine collections. The authors thank our French colleagues, M. JeanPierre R e d u r o n and Dr. Alain C h a n g y , for preparation of electronic picture of Apium ventricosum. Taxonomic implications References Sinocarum H.WOLFF ex SHAN RENHWA & PU FATING sect. Apiopsis PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV sect. nov. Ab omnibus speciebus generis Sinocarum bene differt fructibus lateraliter compressis, carpophoris expertibus, vittis mericarpiorum indistincte coherentibus, foliis pinnatis et partis hypogaeeis radicibus tuberiforme incrassatis et rhizomatis verticalibus nodis cum radiis adventivis prebentibus. T y p e : S. ventricosum (H.BOISSIEU) PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV (Apium ventricosum H.BOISSIEU) Sinocarum ventricosum (H.BOISSIEU) PIMENOV & KLJUYKOV comb. nova ) Apium ventricosum H.BOISSIEU, 1906, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 53: 425; H. WOLFF, 1927, in ENGLER Pflanzenr. 90 (IV, 228): 46. © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim BOISSIEU, H. 1906: Note sur quelques Ombellifères de la Chine d’après les collections du Muséum nationalle de Paris. – Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 53: 418 – 437. DRUDE, O. 1897–1898: Umbelliferae (Apiaceae, Doldengewächse): 63 – 250. – In: A. ENGLER & K. PRANTL (eds.), Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3 (8). – Leipzig. GOROVOY, P. G. 1966: Zontichnye Primor’ja i Priamur’ja [Umbelliferae of Primorie and Priamurie]. – Leningrad (in Russian). HANDEL-MAZZETTI, H. F. 1933: Umbelliferae: 706– 730. – In: Symbolae Sinicae. 7 (3). KLAN, Z. 1947: Srovnávací anatomie plodu rostlin okolicnatých oblasti Republiký Ceskoslovenské (anatomický klíc). – Praha. PU, FATING; SHEH, MENGLAN & LIOU, SHOULU 1992: Supplementum. – Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 55 (3): 249. PU, FATING (PU FADING) 1993: Umbelliferae: 1276 – 1355. – In: WANG WENTSAI (ed.), Vascular Plants of Hengduan Mountains 1. M. G. PIMENOV & E. V. KLJUYKOV: What is Sium frigidum HAND.-MAZZ.? VALIEJO-ROMAN, C. M.; TERENTIEVA, E. I.; SAMIGULLIN; T. H. & PIMENOV, M. G. 2002: nrDNA ITS sequences and affinities of Sino-Himalayan Apioideae (Umbelliferae). – Taxon 51(4): 685 – 701. WOLFF, H. 1927: Umbelliferae – Apioideae – Ammineae – Carinae, Ammineae novemjugatae et genuinae: 1 – 398. – In: A. ENGLER (ed.), Das Pflanzenreich IV, 228 (Hf. 90). – Leipzig. WU, ZHENGYI (ed.) 1984: Index Florae Yunnanensis. Vol. 1 et 2. – Kunming. 357 Address of the authors: Professor Dr. M. G. P i m e n o v , Dr. E. V. K lju y k o v , Moscow State University M. V. Lomonossov, Botanical Garden, R-119899 Moscow, Russia. e-mail pimenov@2.botgard.msu.ru Manuscript received: March 15th, 2003. © 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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