Bachelor in Physical Education (B. P. Ed.)

Bachelor in Physical Education (B. P. Ed.)
Q. 1- What is the eligibility criteria for B. P. Ed course in the University of Delhi?
Ans- The eligibility criteria for B. P. Ed. (as per NCTE norms & standard) are as follows:
 A candidate seeking admission in the B. P. Ed. Degree (two semester), must have Bachelor's degree
in Physical Education with 50% marks.
 Candidate having Bachelor’s degree with Physical Education as an elective subject with 50%
 Candidate having Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education with 45% marks or Bachelor’s Degree in
Physical Education as an elective subject with 45%marks and has participated in National/All India
Inter-University/Inter-University competitions in sports, recognized by AIU or IOA.
 For in-service candidates like trained physical education teachers/coaches and Graduates with
45%marks, and with at least three years of teaching experience.
Q. 2-When can one obtain the form for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans- The candidates can obtain the form for B. P. Ed tentatively in the month of May/ June, as per the
notification of University of Delhi.
Q. 3-What is the application fee for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans- The application fee for B. P. Ed is Rs.650/- for General category and Rs.350/- for SC/ST Category.*
*Fee is subject to change.
Q. 4-How many seats are available in B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans-The seats available in B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi is seventy seven (77).
Note: Seats are subject to change by the University of Delhi.
Q.5- Where can students collect the application form as well as the prospectus for B. P. Ed in the
University of Delhi?
Ans- A student can collect the application form as well as the prospectus from Indira Gandhi Institute of
Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vikaspuri, New Delhi.
Q.6-What is the price for the prospectus along with application form for B. P. Ed in the University of
Ans- The price of the prospectus along with the application form is Rs.175/- when collected in person and
Rs.200/- by post.
*Fee is subject to change.
Q. 7-What is the mode of payment for application form for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans- There are various mode of payment for application form for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi. A student
can pay by cash if he/she visits the College and collects the application form. If a student wants the application
form and prospectus by post then, he/she can send a Demand Draft in favor of "IGIPESS-Admission Account UG" payable at New Delhi.
Q.8- Is there any other mode of payment admissible for students residing outside Delhi?
Ans- Other mode of payment such as Cheque/Money Order/Postal Order shall not be accepted. The candidate
must write his/ her name and form number on the reverse of the Bank Draft before sending the application by
Q.9-What are the documents required to be attached at the time of submission of application form?
Ans- The documents required to be attached at the time of submission of application form are as follows:
(i) Receipt of the payment of cash of Entrance test fee.
(ii) Self -attested copies of all Certificates / Mark sheets.
(iii) Three passport size photographs (two self-attested affixed on the application form and one without
attestation on the Attendance Card).
(iv) No Objection Certificate from the current employer (in case of employed candidates).
Q.10-What is the admission procedure for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans- The admission procedure for B. P. Ed course is through an entrance examination. The components of the
entrance examination are as follow:
1. Written Test:
60 Marks (Objective Assessment in two parts)
i) 40 Marks based on prescribed syllabus through objective mode.
ii) 20 Marks for communication skill (Hindi and English-10 marks each
on multiple choice questions).
2. Sports Proficiency: 10 Marks
3. Physical Fitness Test: 05 Marks (Refer Physical Fitness Test Marking Scheme)
(Canadian Test)
4. Playing Ability Test: 15 Marks (Conducted by the PG Admission Committee)
5. Interview:
10 Marks (Conducted by the PG Admission Committee)
6. Medical Examination: Qualifying (Conducted by the Department of Physical
Education & Sports Sciences,
University of Delhi.
TOTAL : 100 Marks
Q. 11- What is the syllabus for entrance examination of B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans-The entrance examination shall carry a weightage of 60 (40 +20) marks of which some questions shall be
based on the following syllabus and some questions shall be for Communication Skills (English and Hindi). The
entrance examination shall be based on Multiple Choice Questions.
The tentative area of syllabus of B. P. Ed is as follows:
1. Meaning, Definitions, Need, Importance, Objectives & Principles of Physical Education.
2. Careers in Physical Education and Sports.
3. Meaning, Importance, components and factors effecting physical fitness and wellness.
4. Meaning, need and essential elements of sports environment
5. Role of Lifestyle in the management of diseases
6. Philosophy of Olympism and Olympic Movement
7. Posture and common postural deformities
8. Meaning, importance of Yoga and Ashtang Yoga
9. Meaning and components of a Balanced diet
10. Meaning, methods and principles of Sports Training
11. Latest general knowledge, rules and regulations of games and sports
12. Planning and organization of sports competitions
13. Meaning, importance and concept of sports psychology
14. Meaning, importance and concept of sports sociology
15. Latest sporting events
16. General Knowledge related to games & sports
Q.12- What is the criteria for Physical Fitness Test under selection procedure for B.P.Ed in the
University of Delhi?
Ans-The Modified Canadian Physical Fitness Test is used for selection procedure for B. P. Ed in the University
of Delhi. A brief description of the test is given below:
(a) 10’6" Long Jump
(a) 7’6" Long Jump
(b) Vaulting Horse Jump of 5' height
(b) Vaulting Horse Jump of 4' height
(c) 7 times Crossing Over the width of 6' River.
(c) 5 times Crossing Over the Width of 4' River.
(d) Crossing over the Hurdle of 3’6" height
(d) Crossing over the Hurdle 2’8" height
(e) Forward Roll on Mat. (one)
(e) Forward Roll on Mat. (one)
(f) Carrying two buckets of weight equal to half
of the body weight of the Candidate up to the
Finish Line
(f) Carrying two buckets of weight equal to half
of the body weight of the Candidate up to the
Finish Line.
Q.13- How much attendance is required for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans- 75% attendance is required for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi.
Q.14-What is the tentative fee for B. P. Ed in the University of Delhi?
Ans-The tentative fee for B. P. Ed is Rs.7161/-.*
*Fee is subject to change.
Q.15 Where can one contact for further clarification?
Ans. Candidates can contact at the following address for further clarification:
Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences
C/o Indra Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences
B-Block Vikas Puri,
New Delhi-110018.
Phone No: 011- 25624753, 25593497, 25549003
E-mail ID: ,
DISCLAIMER: The duration of Course will be four years for the academic session 2013-2014, subject to
final notification issued by University of Delhi. The foundation courses shall be added under this scheme.
The information shall be updated accordingly in due course of time.