FAQ 1. Q. What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)? A. Human Growth Hormone is a natural hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland which inspires nearly every cell in the body to absorb more nutrients, proteins, RNA and DNA, causing cell division, tissue growth and repair and regeneration of aged, diseased and damaged organs to stronger, more youthful function. In other words, it is to regulate the activities of vital organs and body function, and is directly responsible for stimulating tissue repair, cell replacement, brain function, and enzyme function. Both the mind and body seem to be rejuvenated by the effects of Growth Hormone. It has been scientifically proven to help reduce body fat, increase energy and boost sexual performance. Growth Hormone is a 191 amino acid long protein that is synthesized and secreted by the pituitary gland found at the base of the brain. The hormone enters the blood stream in pulses, predominantly at night, and is then quickly metabolized by the liver into the insulin–like growth factors, IGF-1 and IGF-2. There is an overall improvement in general well–being and vitality: • IGF-1 works directly with HGH to promote growth and regulate metabolism. • IGF-2 maintains the health of nerve tissue and works with GH to stimulate bone marrow and bone growth. “The Fountain of Youth” lies within the cells of each of us. All you need is to release it. The hormone’s ability to promote cell regeneration, stimulate tissue repair and boost the immune system is critical since virtually all of the complications of aging stem from the body’s inability to repair and replace cells as it loses them. 2. Q. How does Growth Hormone (GH) work in the body? A. All of the systems in the body are stimulated by the Growth Hormone. GH is responsible for the regulation of insulin (glucose metabolism), protein synthesis, transportation of amino acids across cell membranes, regulation of IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor-1, a metabolic liver hormone), and IGF-2, Osteoblast production (bone mass) and fat metabolism (break down fat; create lean muscle). It also has a profound effect on the immune system – stimulating interferon and NK cell production. Because of some differences of body chemistry in each individual, each result will vary depending upon factors such as age, frequency of exercise and diet, etc. 3. Q. At what age does GH begin a steady decline? A. During adolescence, when growth is most rapid, Growth Hormone is produced in abundance. GH production begins a steady decline between the age of 20 and 25 (we call it aging or somatopause), at a rate of about 14% per decade, and the functions of all vital organs also decrease. 4a. Q. What effects follow the decline of GH in the body? A. The human brain shrinks in size, as do other vital organs. Much of this is due to the dramatic drop in production of samatomedins (growth factors) with age, which, in turn, are regulated by GH. 4b. Q. What signs indicate possibly suffering from Growth Hormone deficiency? A. Adults experience the following (aging factors): Reduced skin elasticity, thin skin, reduced lean muscles, increased body fat, difficulty in losing weight, decrease in size of organs, osteopenia (bone loss in older age), elevated LDL cholesterol (bad), decrease in nail and hair growth, difficulty in sleeping, reduced energy, emotional instability, reduced sex drive, either physically, mentally or both affected, etc. These are all what are commonly referred to as “aging factors” or “getting older”. By supplementing with Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula within three months of using the product, you can begin to see reduced signs of many of these aging factors-getting older. 5. Q. Can age be reversed? A. Younger HGH levels re-establish the neuro-endocrine (body and mind) connection that is lost with age, optimizing function and boosting vitality. Thousands of older or ill people have safely supplemented HGH back to levels found in normal 30 year olds and claim they feel young again, in a multitude of ways. According to reports in scientific journals, it has the following benefits: a reversal of declining pulmonary function, an improvement or reversal of many age-related symptoms and disorders, a reduction of body fat, an increase of the capacity to exercise, an increase of bone mass, a strengthening of immune system, a general enhancement of health and well-being, including a more positive brilliant outlook and a promotion of tissue repair and other processes. 1 FAQ 6. Q. What’s Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula A. It is an orally administered Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Releasing Complex. It a new revolutionary technology oral spray, going directly to the pituitary gland through the oral sublingual mucosa cells’absorption to foster GH release from the pituitary gland. It provides positive health benefits, including immune system improvement, regulation of insulin levels, enhancement of glucose metabolism, fatty tissue metabolism, better sleep and enhanced sexual performance and libido etc. It has been clinically tested and proven to increase the body’s own production of HGH (as indicated by increases in IGF-1 levels) to give you the results in anti-aging. It is a natural alternative to give the same results as taking Growth Hormone Injection. 7. Q. Is it safe? Any side effects? A. It is an all natural product and therefore can be used safely and effectively to help counter the effects of most aging factors of the body. It is risk free. It is direct acting, potent, yet gentle working in perfect harmony with all body systems. It has no drug–like effect or side effects; nor are there any medical claims made about it. 8. Q. At what age is Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula most beneficial? A. When GH levels drop, mood levels become less stable and the feelings of youthful resilience (the ability to bounce back) diminish. Therefore, it is best to take Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula from the age of 25 years and older. 9. Q. Who can supplement with Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. Any people who want to add years to their lives and lives to their years; those who want to feel and look younger, now evidently can. The single most important thing one can do to counter the effects of AGING in the human body is to start taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula before the aging process begins to affect the body – mostly somewhere between 30-35 years old. 10. Q. When is the best time to take Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. It is recommended to take it twice a day, morning and night on an empty stomach as far as possible. Each time spray twice under the tongue. Don’t drink water or other liquids immediately after the spray. 11. Q. What benefits are to be expected from taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. It has been shown in numerous controlled studies over the last 20 years that increasing the supply of Human Growth Hormone in the body normally will yield the following results: Anti-aging, Vitality, Longevity, Well Being. Tighter / Smoother Skin, Removing Wrinkles, Quicker Wound Healing/ Tissue Regeneration, Improved Heart and Kidney Function; Weight Loss, Increased Lean Muscle, Decrease in Body Fat without Exercise, Elimination of Cellulite, Stronger Bones, Increase Energy, Strengthened Immune System, Enhanced Sexual Performance and Libido, Regulation of Insulin Levels, Decrease in Total Cholesterol, Lower Blood Pressure, Deeper and Sounder Sleep, Improved Vision and Memory, Alleviation of Menopause and Male Andropause, Improved Hair Growth and Texture. Although Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula does not contain any Growth Hormone, it contains ingredients known to increase HGH production. Therefore the benefits associated with HGH have been experienced by many users. 12. Q. Are there any changes of daily life style when taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. To receive maximum benefits from Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula, it is recommended that users participate in a regular program of exercise and consciously eat a healthy diet, including taking multivitamins and antioxidants daily. 13. Q. Why should I choose Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula over other products on the market? A. Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula is a nutritional supplement that supports the body’s own production and release of the body’s Human Growth Hormone. It is clinically proven and backed up by Science. 2 FAQ 14 Q. What is the difference between HGH injection form and Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula oral spray? A. The HGH in the injection form actually contains very high levels of synthetic human growth hormone. It is very costly and inconvenient to have daily injections. It must be monitored by the doctor and not self-administered. It has the possibility of side effects, including weakening endocrine system. Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula is an alternative to synthetic injections. It is convenient with self-administration. It is also much cheaper. It is as effective as and safer than injections. (See table of comparison below) Comparison: HGH-Injection Use of synthetic HGH, average dose of one I.U per day. Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula Use of Growth Factor. A low dose has a similar efficacy as higher doses of HGH injection. Resultant steep increase in IGF-1 levels IGF-1 levels increase slowly and plateau at levels far below the extremes of GH replacement therapy. Poorly monitored HGH supplementation possibly associated with: Allergic reaction Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Irregularities of Bone Growth (Acromegaly) Diabetes Swelling Benefit from an increase in the body’s own release of GH. No suppression of natural cyclical release of GH- may start and stop at any time. Invasive and not natural Mild and natural Unpleasant, inconvenient daily injections Convenient and safe Very costly Much cheaper Possibility of side effects and infections Safe and effective Involve physician’s supervision Use in absence of physician 15 Q. How long does it take before you can see or feel the results after taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. Every person has different physiology; therefore the time may vary from person to person to notice the results. In general, you may notice the benefits within one to two weeks of taking the product, such as improved sense of well being, better sleep patterns and increased energy levels. Other results such as tighter and firmer skin, improvement of muscle tone, fat loss and restoration of hair loss will be noticed between the first and second month, and your body will repair itself over time. Different people notice different results with the product. Some people see immediate, dramatic results, while others experience more subtle benefits. With proper diet and exercise, the results can be faster, deeper and pronounced. Positive changes take place between one to six months. Have patience! Your GH levels may have been low for years. If your receptor sites are blocked, it could take some time for your body to respond in a positive manner. 3 FAQ 16 Q. What do I have to do to maximize the benefits of taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. When taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula, you may face the following stages so as to improve wellness. Therefore you may expect possible symptoms in the first few weeks when taking the product: Normalization: To increase HGH level in the body after having low levels for so long, the body needs to normalize or make adjustment. Supplementation: When the body is triggered, it is ready to supplement HGH to higher levels. Maintenance: When reaching the IGF-1 optimal levels, keep maintaining the hormonal levels. 17 Q. What are the possible symptoms expected after taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. When the body increases its vital energy, it begins to heal its weak or old health issues. The body may expel toxins stored in the fat tissue and organ systems. This process may cause uncomfortable temporary conditions. Detoxification and Metabolism: Dizziness, increase in frequency of going to rest room, yellower urine color, skin irritation, acne and irregularity of menstruation, aches or soreness (lasting for a few days to weeks), sleepiness, hot flash, rashes, sweating, constipation, dehydration, mild anxiety, heart palpitation, headaches and viral outbreaks (potential signs that the body has begun to heal itself). If you experience prolonged symptoms, consult an anti-aging physician to identify another possible cause of your condition. 18. Q. What is the recommended cycle of taking Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. You don’t have to stay in this product indefinitely, but it won’t hurt you if you do so, as it is perfectly safe. You will know what is best for you by how you look and feel. Standard recommendation is to check your IGF-level before starting the spray. Take for five consecutive days and rest for two days. Repeat this cycle for 13 weeks before rechecking your IGF-1 levels. You should see a dramatic outcome. Caution If you have an existing health disorders such as heart disease, cancer, thyroid problems, Alzheimer’s, HIV+, Sexually transmitted disease, etc., or if you are pregnant or a nursing mother, you must consult an anti-aging physician before taking any dietary supplements or this product. Any powerful supplement has the potential to push dormant health conditions to the surface such as chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, drugs, bacteria, viruses, parasite wastes, yeast, etc., which may lie dormant in the organs, and fatty tissue until the body has the energy to get rid of them. Discontinue to use it and consult an anti-aging physician to identify any other possible causes of your condition, if you experience prolong symptoms. 19. Q. Why is Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula better than those of other products including tablets and powder? A. Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula’s clinical tests proved and supported the efficacy and effectiveness. Not only the delivery system works with quick and better mucous membrane absorption but it is also effective. In addition, with oral sublingual spray it is closer to the pituitary gland for stimulating the secretion of HGH. Bile acids in the stomach destroy the property or cause the inactivation of the product through the digestive process. This affects the efficacy of tablets or powder. 20. Q. Which part(s) of the body will benefit first from Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. The product first benefits that part of your system most in need of help, repair or rejuvenation. Then, it moves to the next area most in need. 4 FAQ 21. Q. What symptoms can you see with weak pituitary function? A. Pituitary function is the body’s Master Energy Center. Weak pituitary function may cause these symptoms: • Aging • A run-down condition • Low energy • Accumulation of fats, etc. 22. Q. Would smoking or drinking alcohol affect the benefits of Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula? A. If you smoke, drink, fail to exercise and/or have poor diet, the results you desire may take longer. 23. Q. Why is it that the effects of Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula for some people seem to diminish after prolonged application? A. You should be aware that at certain times with some people the body may shift into ‘neutral’ and some results seem to diminish or vanish altogether. If you experience this, your body may either be using GH to rebuild tissue or, to a certain degree, be resting. 24. Q. How should I apply Youth Spring Health Enhancing Formula if my sleeping pattern doesn’t improve or even after application in the night? A. In very few exceptional cases, people might not experience a good sleeping pattern. They might be‘hyper’. From experience, it is suggested that they should only spray in the day time. After a certain period of time, they could try again to spray in the night as well. They might sleep well, because the body has adapted to it. Alternatively, try to lower the dosage or number of sprays per day and skip the night spray. 25. Q. Why don’t I see the results? A. Sufficient Dosage and Time. Some people who take the product do not sing its praises. Some do not take enough; others do not take it long enough. Each individual is unique and the dosage and/or time need to increase for some people to see the effect. The course is six months. If this product is going to help you at all, it must be in the form your body can use. Anything less is a waste of your time and money, and it robs you of the opportunity to enhance your health and life style. 26. Q. How to increase the dosage to experience the results? A. Gradual Dosage Increase to See the Result. A general rule with this product is that if you are not getting the results you want, increase the dosage gradually until you do. Once you get results, stay at the dosage level. This product should be used 2-3 times daily. Consistent use of this product provides the best results, as its benefits are cumulative. 27. Q. Will L-Arginine affect those with viral infections? A. This product contains L-Arginine and might surface or promote the growth of certain viruses (e.g. Herpes). Therefore, if any person were with viral infections, stop and avoid using this product until the infection is completely eliminated. 28. Q. What would a hyperactive person expect from taking this product? A. You may experience some insomnia if you take this product late in the day. This is because this product can boost your energy level, which is welcome during the day but not necessarily before retiring. 29. Q. How to deal with Insomnia – Sleeplessness if it occurs? A. If symptoms persist or continue to occur, or if sleeplessness persist continuously for more than two weeks, stop using it for a week or two and then resume. Repeat the process; sometimes the body adapts to it. Otherwise, consult a physician. Insomnia may be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical illness. 5 FAQ Tips for Life Style support • Eat regular meals and keep your diet light at night. • Avoid the consumption of excessive sweet foods (including refined and canned foods), as it results in a blood sugar level that is counter-productive to the release of HGH. High-sugar foods should especially be avoided before going to bed. • Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit and vegetable juice daily. • Exercise regularly outdoors to get additional advantages of natural vitamin D for bone health. • Avoid eating immediately before exercising. Blood sugar level must be stable during exercise for HGH release to take place. • Take a daily brisk walk to keep the system free and flowing. • Keep stretches on rising and each evening before bed. • Practice abdominal breathing. • Weight training three times a week along with aerobic exercise is a perfect way to keep tissue and skin from sagging. • Weight training also helps keep the muscle, while you lose the fat – an advantage of a natural menopause. When estrogen levels drop naturally, so does some body fat and excess fluids. • Get a Massage Therapy treatment once a month for energy restoration, a body tune-up and a feeling of well-being. • Alternating hot and cold Hydro-therapy to stimulate circulation. • Quit smoking if you still smoke! Smoking contributes to breast cancer, emphysema, osteoporosis, wrinkling and early menopause. • Avoid stimulants such as alcohol(hard liquor), caffeine(tea and coffee) and high-sugar foods. • Take multi-vitamins and minerals, calcium+vitamin D, vitamin B complex, antioxidants (vitamin C and E etc.), DHEA etc. for supplement and also apply natural progesterone cream, etc. 6 Male Female 6-WEEK CLINICAL STUDY DATA CHART IGF 1 (ng/mL) Patients Age Group 70+ 60-69 50-59 <50 Years 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Increase of IGF 1 Amount Lean Body Mass (kg) <50 Years 50-59 60-69 >70 59 58 56.6 55.2 53.8 52.4 51 P13 P7 P12 P5 P6 P4 P3 Increase of Lean Body Mass Level 7 P13 P14 P1 P3 P10 P11 P8 P2 Patient Bone Density (g/cm2) <50 Years 50-59 60-69 >70 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 P13 P7 P12 P6 P4 P5 P8 P15 P14 P1 P3 P10 P11 P9 P2 Patient Increase of Bone Density Level Adipose Tissue Mass (kg) <50 Years 50-59 60-69 >70 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 P13 P7 P12 P4 P8 P6 P5 P15 P14 P1 P3 P10 P11 P89 P2 Patient Decrease of Adipose Tissue Mass Level Total Cholesterol (mg/dL) <50 Years 50-59 60-69 >70 275 255 235 215 195 175 P13 P7 P12 P5 P6 P4 Decrease of Cholesterol Level 8 P8 P15 P14 P1 P3 P10 P11 P8 P2 Patient
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