What Is Organic Colostrum? How Can Colostrum Help Me? Can My Children Or Even Pets Benefit From Taking Colostrum? Where Does It Come From & What Forms Is It Available In? Our colostrum is a natural, organic wholefood, with so many wonderful health benefits...we've decided to include the following pages from the developer and manufacturer, Dr. Kleinsmith...And oh, by the way we sell it cheaper that they do. I'm sure many of you have probably, also, read about Colostrum on NewsTarget. This is a product which we, here at Helping America, have come to love and enjoy. Hello, I'm Kevin Roslansky, president of Helping America and I encourage you to read the following information and then decide whether or not your family could benefit from Colostrum. I have been using the Colostrum Powder now for about 3 months. This is the first thing I grab in the morning, because it's best taken on an empty stomach. I've noticed a big improvement in my digestive system, endurance and stamina. I'm just turning 45 now, and am particularly interested in the anti-aging and lean muscle effects. I can sure use the natural growth hormone and I believe this is the reason for me having to buy new jeans. I was recently complaining to my friend about having to buy new jeans when it finally dawned on me... I'm trying on jeans 2 sizes smaller than usual! So, that's when I stopped complaining and started bragging. Wow, what a great feeling. When I take mine I just grab a spoon and usually take 2 or 3 teaspoons. I put the powder directly into my mouth. I find it doesn't mix well with liquids. The taste is not bad at all, however it does tend to stick to the roof of your mouth, which, my hot tea quickly fixes that. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why my dogs kept licking the floor. When I'm in a hurry I just tip the teaspoons full of Colostrum into my mouth and some of the powder falls onto the floor, oops...they don't miss a speck! So, needless to say, I've been sprinkling some on my most loyal, beloved black labs' food now...they inhale it and lick their bowl and then each others spotless. It is so good for us, you really must try it. YOU CAN PURCHASE NATURAL, ORGANIC COLOSTRUM FROM HELPING AMERICA HERE. WE CARRY THE UNADULTERATED POWDER, CAPSULES AND CHILDREN'S CHEWABLES. FA C T S H E E T Colostrum ������ ������� ������ ������ ������� ������ Colostrum, with Leptin is the most powerful, dynamic Anti-Aging, Inch Loss, Muscle-Toning, Immune Boosting, Essential Vitamin and Mineral wellness supplement available on the market today. Thousands of human clinical studies have been conducted at prestigious institutions worldwide, validating the health benefits of colostrum. The biologically active components in colostrum can be divided into four basic categories. Based upon the health issue that your body is experiencing, the ingredients in colostrum interact with each other to produce maximum results. Isolating one substance cannot provide the benefits of complete colostrum. Suggested use: Refer to label. Supplement Facts: Refer to label. (1) Immune Factors: Active components that have very significant effects on the immune system, promoting a stronger, more efficient immune response and providing antibodies which fight specific infections. ♦ Colostrum contains over 95 Immune Factors to provide protection against bacteria, toxins, virus and disease. They activate numerous processes that are critical to the healthy function of the immune system. ♦ Proline-rich Polypeptide (PRP) is a hormone that helps regulate the thymus gland, stimulating an under active immune system or subduing an overactive immune system in cases where it has begun to attack the tissues of the body. An over active immune system has been linked to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and allergies. An under-active system is associated with an increased risk for infectious conditions, cancer and bacterially related heart disease. ♦ Colostrum contains all 5 Immunoglobulins (known as antibodies) that support the human immune system: W H AT D O C T O R S S AY A B O U T COLOSTRUM: I use bovine colostrum successfully for upper respiratory infections of all types, especially for sinusitis, which is a frequent health difficulty in Sedona where I practice. For example, a carpenter, age 42, consulting me for the treatment of sinus congestion, which comes on him once annually, responded right away to my prescribing capsules containing bovine colostrum. —Dr Lester Adler IgA: neutralizes toxins and microbes in the lymphatic and circulatory system IgM: destroys bacteria IgE and IgD: highly antiviral IgG: helps against invading pathogens Immunoglobulins (found in colostrum) are able to neutralize the most harmful bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. —Dr. Per Brandtzaeg; Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences IGF-1, found in colostrum, stimulates bone and muscle growth and nerve regeneration. Also found: topical administration to wounds resulted in more effective healing. —Drs. Skottner, Arrhenius-Nyberg, Kanje and Fryklund, Acta. Paediatric Scandanavia, Sweden ♦ Lactoferrin, has been shown to contain antiviral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an iron-binding protein with therapeutic effects in cancer, HIV, cytomegalovirus, herpes, chronic fatigue syndromes, candida albicans, and other infections. Lactoferrin helps deprive bacteria of the iron they require to reproduce, and releases iron into the red blood cells enhancing oxygenation of tissues. Many drug manufacturers have tried to isolate and synthesize the individual immune factors found in colostrum, including interferon and gamma globulin. There is no question that the significantly elevated concentrations of immune factors, essential factors, and growth factors, and the basics found naturally in colostrum are far superior to medical drugs for many people. (2) Natural Growth Factors: Effective in reducing the symptoms associated with aging. For more information, please contact: Rejuvenating the body’s levels of human growth hormone (HGH) is one of the hottest therapies for helping aging men and women maintain a more youthful vitality, trim muscular body, and strong immune and cardiovascular function. Studies show that an aging person exhibits lower levels of growth hormone than a younger one. With all 87 naturally occurring anti-aging growth factors found in colostrum, many of the diseases and THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. communication, support the immune system, and promote proper functions of the nervous and endocrine system. They also are important factors in keeping the cardiovascular system functioning at an optimum level. Why TBR Labs is the best True bovine colostrum is produced before the actual birth of the calf and can only be collected for a short period of time following birthing, without being diluted by the subsequent production of milk. The active elements such as immune factors, growth factors, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents are at their highest concentrations at the time of birth. conditions of aging can be improved. The biologically active growth factors in bovine colostrum protect the body against disease and assist the body in the following processes: Stimulates cellular and tissue growth ♦ Repairs and helps reverse the damage done by disease and the natural aging process ♦ Increases metabolism ♦ Reduces fat and increases muscle mass ♦ Involved in regeneration of the heart, lung and liver tissue, plus other organs and tissues throughout the body ♦ Stimulates protein synthesis, which is critical for the renewal of skin and bones ♦ Affects neurotransmitters in the brain, improving moods and mental acuity ♦ The regenerative effects of colostrum extend to nearly all the body’s structural cells. This makes colostrum invaluable in the quest to prevent premature aging. (3) Metabolic Factors: Influence the restoration and maintenance of the body’s proper metabolic levels. One key benefit of colostrum is a rich source of growth hormone, one of the master growth factors that assists the body to efficiently burn fat. This is supported by research from the Medical Endocrinological Department of the University Clinic of Internal Medicine, Aahus Dommune-hospital, Denmark. Researchers found that when subjects received growth hormone, fat oxidation (i.e., the burning of fat for energy) contributed 71.7 per cent of the body’s energy expenditure, compared to only 48 percent without administration of growth hormone. In addition, colostrum’s IGF-1 inhibits the burning of body proteins for energy, as stated by researchers from the Department of Pediatrics, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Leptin is a small hormone-like protein found in colostrum. It can suppress the appetite and assist in body weight reduction. Insulin in colostrum helps the body convert glucose (blood sugar) to glycogen—a great energy source. (4) Essential Factors contained in Colostrum. All essential amino acids, the building blocks of the body. ♦ Essential Fatty Acids ♦ All essential glyconutrients—In 1996, eight glyconutrients (complex sugars) were identified to be involved in the cellular communication processes. The essential glyconutrients facilitate cell to cell ♦ Our colostrum is collected only at the first milking, after the birth of a calf. This has been substantiated by laboratory tests conducted at the Endocrinology Laboratory by Dr. Donald Lein, Professor Emeritus Cornell University Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratory. Some so-called colostrum products come from the first four to six milkings after the birth of the calf and are as old as 72 hours; this is transitional milk—not colostrum. TBR Labs has developed a proprietary low temperature heat treatment process for our colostrumbased products. This process was developed to meet or exceed all testing requirements for milk based products and still protect all the vital elements that make colostrum unique. TBR Lab’s process has been reviewed and accepted by both federal and state regulatory agencies. All colostrum products produced by TBR Labs are manufactured in inspected and licensed food processing facilities following current Good Manufacturing Practices. We guarantee that every precaution has been taken to provide the highest quality product to our clients. REFERENCES: Ballard, et.al. “Effects of anabolic agents on protein breakdown.” Biochem J. 1983;210243-249. Solomons, N.W. “Modulation of the immune system and the response against pathogens with bovine colostrum concentrates.” Eur J Clin Nutr, 2002;56 Suppl 3:S24-28. Stephan, W., et al. “Antibodies from colostrum in oral immunotherapy.” J Clin Chem Clin Biochem, 1990;28(1):19-23. Shing Y, Elagabrun M; “Purification and charac. of a bovine colostrum-derived growth factor.” Moloc Endocrinology 1987; 25(3):335-40. THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT IN-TENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. A N T I - AG I N G S E C R E TS R EV E A L E D How TBR Labs Colostrum, a Premiere Anti-aging Supplement, Makes Soft Bodies Hard Again TBR Labs Colostrum is one of the most important natural anti-aging and body-building aids available today. A rich, all-natural source of all-important growth factors, TBR Labs Colostrum offers incredible benefits for persons of all ages who wish to increase their lean muscle mass, improve their muscle tone, and as a means of promoting super physical vitality. It is especially important for maximizing the benefits of resistance weight training. Growth Factors Background Think of TBR Labs Colostrum as if it were a multiple vitamin and mineral formula. But instead of replenishing your body’s stores of vitamins and minerals, this daily supplement replenishes the body’s supply of a set of another unique substances known as growth factors. Such growth factors found in TBR Labs Colostrum include epithelial growth factor (EgF); insulin-like growth factor-I and II (IGF-I and IGF-II); transforming growth factors A and B; and growth hormone (GH). When ingested orally, it is now known that growth factors in bovine colostrum not only protect the body against disease; they stimulate cellular and tissue growth and repair and help to reverse the damage done by disease and the natural aging process. “In fact, we now know the growth factors in bovine colostrum stimulate the formation of DNA, essential to the What Readers are Telling Us About TBR Labs Colostrum “As the Baby-Boomers age, the world becomes more and more obsessed with staying young,” notes Lance S. Wright, M.D., cofounder of the American Holistic Medical Lance S. Wright, M.D. Association, member of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, and author of Colostrum: Mother Nature’s Health Alternative for Every Generation (Katchell Publishing 1998). “Anti-aging products are out en masse and are being purchased at an amazing rate. People will spend thousands of dollars on almost any surgery, cream, procedure or potion that promises to make them feel and look 20 years old again. We know that almost all of these attempts at bottling youth and happiness, and selling it in a 30-second commercial won’t bring the results we really want, and yet we continue to plop down our money in hopes that the next bottle just might work. Before you spend another cent, take a look at what colostrum can do to help turn back the hands of time.” Dr. Wright is on target. The regenerative effects of colostrum extend to nearly all of the body’s structural cells. In fact, the same growth factors that improve lean muscle mass also improve immune function, fight against disease processes, and aid the body in recovery from disease. This makes colostrum invaluable in the quest to prevent premature aging. survival of every cell in the body,” adds Dr. Wright. What’s more, bovine colostrum contains seven different nucleosides that are key to aiding the body’s growth and repair of body. Rich Source of Growth Hormone One key benefit of using colostrum is that it is a rich source of growth hormone, one of the master growth factors that helps the body to efficiently burn fat, according to research from the Medical Endocrinological Department of the University Clinic of Internal Medicine, Aahus Dommunehospital, Denmark. There, researchers found that when subjects received growth hormone, fat oxidation (i.e., the burning of fat for energy) contributed 71.7 percent of the body’s Muscular Weight Gain Dear Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living: I am a tree surgeon and because of the line of work I am in, I do a lot of weight training to stay fit. I have tried a number of things, including a homeopathic form of HGH (human growth hormone), but I have never been able to really gain weight. My weight has stayed relatively constant for 30 years, between 190 and 200 Lbs., until I started taking colostrum. After 3 months my weight had increased to 220 with no increase in body fat. I also noticed that I no longer needed an inhaler during the allergy season. I used to get colds and flu quite frequently but they are much less frequent now and they haven’t kept me from working like they used to. —Sincerely, David K., San Jose, California : ss hy Living e had my wife. Sh r Weight Lrso’ Prescription for Heawltha fo id d t it doing of o — in the yard m because Dear Doct d working ng colostru an ki me lose ta gs lp d in he te th ar I st was fixing ize it would e al re sh t n’ gy id er 3 d e. I the last so much en done befor nds during had never lose 20 pou play footto to le things she ed ab us n I I have bee in my diet. ng ore hi m yt e tl an weight but ng put on a lit hout changi nds—now I quit I have ou e p months wit nc 0 si 5 2 er has I weighed ge but ev onths ago my energy ball in colle ar. Three m . And since ye ng yi ch tr ea t en weigh ithout ev to 230—w I am down g too. re is helpin increased, hich I am su w n ai ag g hio I am golfin kewood, O , Pete D., La —Sincerely 10 The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living / Volume 5, Number 7 A N T I - A G I N G S E C R E T S R E V E A L E D (continued) energy expenditure, compared to only 48 percent without administration of growth hormone. This shows us that cutting down your intake of su gar an d addi n g TBR Labs colostrum to your daily supplement program will dramatically enhance your body’s ability to trim excess fat. Meanwhile, colostrum’s IGF-1 inhibits catabolism (the burning of body proteins for energy), note researchers from the Department of Pediatrics, University of Auckland, New Zealand. In 1983, it was reported that protein degradation was inhibited specifically by bovine colostrum. As such, TBR Labs colostrum may be even better than the use of anabolic and potentially dangerous agents such as trenbolone, diethylstilbestrol and testosterone—which do not alter rates of intercellular protein breakdown. How about flaccid muscles that seem to come along with advanced age? No one likes looking flabby, but such signs of aging, including muscle deterioration, are associated with reduced levels of growth hormone and IGF-I, say researchers from the Department of Pathology and Pharmacology, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgren Hospital & HabiVitrum AB, Stockholm, Sweden. But when the level of both growth factors is increased in the body, we can experience renewed muscle growth, they add. The benefits of growth hormone and IGF-I were shown in a 1990 experimental study. Advanced age is associated with reduced levels of both growth hormone and IGF-I. But the administration of growth hormone raises levels of IGF-I to that of young rats. With increased IGF-I, the reduced protein synthesis of old rats is restored, causing increased muscle tissue in normal animals and also regenerating muscle tissue, these researchers found. “One explanation for the increase in muscle and decrease in fat is growth hormone’s control over the body’s metabolism,” notes Dr. Wright. “Because of this control, GH, by stim- FYI: Junk Food Addict Tricks If you, your children or loved ones are addicted to junk food, avoid eating the whole bag by instead buying single-serving sizes of chips, cookies, candy bars and other sugary confections. ulating the production of IGF-I, is able to tell the body to burn fat for fuel. Indeed, that TBR La bs colostrum contains both growth hormone and IGF-I is important. Scientists now know that muscle cells contain receptors for IGF-I—and that it is actually IGF-I, growth hormone’s messenger, that stimulates muscle growth and repair. ❖ REFERENCES Ballard et. al. “Effects of anabolic agents on protein breakdown.” Biochem J, 1983;210:243-249: Gil, A. & Sanchez-Medina, F. “Acid soluble nucleotides of cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk at different stages of lactation.” Journal of Dairy Research, 1981;48:35-44. Ullman, et al. “Effects of Growth Hormone on muscle regeneration and IgF-1 concentration in old rats.” Acta Physiol Scand, 1990;140:521-525. Xian, C.J., et al. “Degradation of IGF-1 in the adult rat gastrointestinal tract is limited by a specific antiserum or the dietary protein casein.” Journal of Endocrinology, 1995;146:215-225. The Doctors’ Prescription TBR Labs Colostrum is a vitality supplement—espeimported brands of colostrum have an extremely low fat concially for persons who want to look their best. We recomtent of less than five percent. mend TBR Labs Colostrum due to its high level of Many widely marketed brands of colostrum have growth factors and complete absence of detectable contamimmunoglobulin counts ranging from 25 to 40 percent; inants (e.g., pesticides, heavy metals, bacterial pathogens). these products are usually filtered or standardized. But the Our review of recent scientific findings indicates that two TBR Labs philosophy is to produce a product that is factors are important to producing colostrum with a high 100 percent first milking and complete. Some products growth factor content: time taken after birth and completetouting high immunoglobulin levels contain 30 percent or ness of the product. more. TBR Labs colostrum has not been filtered, stan“Scientific studies on whole colostrum show that some of dardized or manipulated in any way. Its immunoglobulin the bio-active components necessary to provide the health content is 22.11 percent, which indicates a high level of benefits of a true colostrum are fat soluble and found in high growth factors—and reflects the fact that the product is concentrations only up to 12 hours after birth and removal of not defatted but rather represents a complete colostrum that fat would result in the removal of important bio-active powder. In fact, in a controlled study at a government-cercomponents,” notes Dr. Donald H. Lein, chairman of tified independent laboratory, it was shown that TBR Labs Population Genetics and Diagnostic Sciences at the College of Colostrum contains higher levels of IGF-I than some Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University. TBR Labs imported brands. Colostrum, which is never defatted, has a fat content of about TBR Labs colostrum comes in capsules, powder and tasty 21.7 percent. Research shows chewables. The usual dosage is six capsules or chewables daily. that the fat “holds” approximately If using powder, take 1/2 teaspoon twice daily with water. 30 percent of the IGF-I. In a controlled laboratory study at Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories, New Ulm, however, it was found that some popular Volume 5, Number 7 / The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living 11 TBR LABS—THE COLOSTRUM OPTION The Many Miracles of TBR Labs Colostrum by Anthony Kleinsmith FOCUS ON HELPING PEOPLE, and everything else will fall into place. That’s my business philosophy. A lot of business owners are in the business of making money. Not me. Call me naïve, but my philosophy has always been that if I can help people—whether aiding someone who needs to lose weight or by offering assistance with a far more difficult health challenge such as immune dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia or hepatitis—the rest will take care of itself. When people receive help and experience an improvement in their health thanks to TBR Labs colostrum, sure, the returns of a faithful consumer may be tenfold financially—but they are a thousand fold in terms of good will. For me, TBR Labs Colostrum has never been about money. Good Feelings… I’d been producing colostrum for veterinary use for some 12 years when I finally saw so clearly that the published clinical data on the human health benefits of nature’s first food had grown to a critical mass. The time was right to provide colostrum to consumers. The year was 1998. I knew we could expect “miracles” from veterinary use of colostrum. Having grown up in Cache Valley, Utah, known for its dairy products, I used to take sickly calves from other ranchers when I was a child and nurse them to health with colostrum. But what would our consumers find? GOSH, THERE ARE SO MANY REPORTS AND STORIES now coming into Colostrum Central here at TBR Labs. I feel truly blessed. I love helping people and seeing them getting better. Maybe I can help you. I’d love to show you how a true first-milking colostrum like TBR Labs can improve your health or help you to meet your health challenges head on. If you want to know more about colostrum, give me a call at TBR Labs at (800) 916-3681. I cannot diagnose or treat. But colostrum can support one’s own underlying health and enhance the body’s healing response. ❖ Kleinsmith is recognized worldwide as a leading expert on the production and science of colostrum. We find colostrum works extremely well for gastrointestinal problems. Take this recent report… Irene… Irene had irritable bowel syndrome with diabetes. For seven years she experienced severe digestive problems and could not even touch raw or even cooked vegetables. She was skeptical but her doctor advised her to use colostrum, and she began taking three TBR Labs Colostrum capsules, twice per day. Within a month, she was feeling better and she started eating salads with lettuce, bell peppers, onions, and carrots without any gastrointestinal pain whatsoever. We know that insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-I) in colostrum has the ability to aid the body in utilizing insulin and therefore reducing sugar levels in the blood. This may be why, interestingly, her blood sugar normalized and her diabetes symptoms disappeared. 14 The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living / Volume 5, Number 10 Arlan… Another true-life story that really stands out is that of Arlan Reynolds. When Arlan came into our Colostrum Central offices in Orem, Utah, his face had a very gray, death pallor. Arlan’s physician told him he was suffering from an enlarged heart and circulatory blockages. He advised him to forgo all physical activity, a seeming death sentence to someone who led as active a life as Arlan. A friend had given Arlan a bottle of TBR Labs colostrum and told him it could help to regenerate bodily tissues and organs. Now, Arlan was in my office wanting to know whether colostrum could help. I am not a doctor. I can neither diagnose nor treat health conditions. I could only say that, in general, colostrum possesses high concentrations of growth factors (especially human growth hormone) and that many studies show these can indeed help to rejuvenate dying organs and tissues, especially muscle tissue. “The heart’s a muscle…” I told him. Arlan nodded and his eyes lit up as he began to see what I was driving at. “I can’t guarantee results,” I continued, “but if you want to try it, there are no contraindications for use of colostrum, so go for it.” Colostrum is simply a natural food with immune factors and growth factors. Arlan began with 10 capsules a day. After several months, he went to his original cardiologist who performed an EKG and other tests. His enlarged heart had returned to normal size; his circulation had normalized. The findings were so unexpected that when Arlan brought his results to his specialist, his cardiologist thought there was something wrong with the testing or that there had been an equipment malfunction. His cardiologist put him through more tests; all revealed a return to normal function. Today, when Arlan grabs your hand to shake, it is with a grip so strong you feel like he might break your bones! Arlan often speaks to other cardiologists at the request of his own, telling everyone about TBR Labs Colostrum. You might call him a walking advertisement for TBR Labs. I’m just glad he’s better now. I M M U N E - T R E E — T H E C O L O S T R U M O P T I O N (continued) Hunter… Skyler… Recently, we started a placebo-controlled study at a daycare center in Salt Lake City to test whether TBR Labs strawberry chewables for children could reduce the incidence of infectious disease in a crowded daycare setting. I’ll tell you why the study was never completed. It has to do with a little boy named Hunter Shepherd. You see, Hunter, one of the participants in the study, was constantly sick. By the time he was 18 months old, he had two sets of tubes in his ears for drainage, due to chronic infections. He had never slept through the night. A relative was a pediatrician. So medical care costs were not a problem, and, perhaps as a result, he had been on just about every antibiotic known to man. But these only served to further weaken his immune function. Once Hunter started on colostrum, within three days he was sleeping through the night. Within seven days fluid buildup and drainage from his ears, nose and back of throat had ceased. Well, Hunter’s story was not unique. After two months on the chewable strawberry tablets, the parents of the children receiving only the placebo had begun to notice that the kids in the other group were almost all free from colds, flu, allergies, and other respiratory ailments. The parents noticed the children receiving the colostrum chewables seemed happier and had better attention spans and listening skills. The parents of the children on the placebo tablets demanded to know which children were receiving the colostrum. When they learned that their children were not receiving colostrum but only placebo, they demanded to be put on the active chewables. Or else, they threatened, they would quit the daycare center. The owner said she could not bear to lose clients. We ended the study and put all of the kids on the strawberry colostrum chewables. Perry Earl… People with Parkinson’s disease also seem to find they are helped by colostrum. Perry Earl had been using L-deprenyl for three years but still had tremors of his hands and arms when a friend suggested taking TBR Labs. He started to do some research and learned colostrum would not interfere with any medications. Perry Earl thought he would like to try it and sent me an e-mail to ask my opinion and to let me know he had started taking our pineapple-flavored lozenges every half hour, letting them dissolve under his tongue. After one week, his tremors were nearly gone and he was not experiencing the highs and lows that he was with only his medication. His doctor has lowered his medication. Cia’s Story I wasn’t even expecting the call… Cia Sun, of Phoenix, Arizona, had been suffering from hepatitis C, and now she was on the phone telling me that TBR Labs colostrum had changed her life. Talk about feeling good! We both felt great! “My energy is so much better,” she was telling me. “My immunoglobulin count is improving, and now I’m looking to TBR Labs Colostrum to help me to change many other facets of my life.” She listed reducing wrinkles; losing inches from her hips and thighs; help with her allergies; and, further improvement in immune function. Cia and I speak several times a year. Her allergies have gone away. As for her hepatitis C…well she uses the “C” word and the way her tests look she may well be cured or at least in long-term remission. Perhaps colostrum aided her body’s underlying healing response. You see, the combination of growth and immune factors contained in TBR Labs first-milking colostrum work on supporting immune system and liver function in a manner like no other natural remedy or medical drug. The specific immune and growth factors in TBR Labs Colostrum have been written about in medical and scientific journals for years. They are recognized for their ability to enhance the healing of damaged tissue, as well as strengthening the body’s antibody response. The growth factors in colostrum may well have helped to revitalize Cia’s liver function. The proline rich polypeptides, immunoglobulins, lysozymes and lactoferrin in TBR Labs Colostrum aided her body’s fight against viruses and bacteria—even those associated with hepatitis C. Colostrum’s lactoferrin also has an anabolic effect, helping to activate liver enzymes, strengthening the whole body. Helping children is always special. Skyler Jones was eight years old and living in Durant, Oklahoma, when, in February 1999, she was diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a condition in which the child’s blood platelet count is extremely low, presenting problems with blood clotting, bruising, loss of appetite, mood swings, and disturbed sleep patterns. Several weeks of therapy with prednisone did not help and her platelet count continued to fall. Intravenous treatment with gamma globulin temporarily raised her platelet count, but three weeks later a routine blood test revealed her platelet count had reverted to abnormally low levels. Every three weeks thereafter, Skyler would be hospitalized and given ever-higher doses of gamma globulin with her platelet count soaring only to fall just as quickly. There was consideration of removing her spleen, very possibly making it necessary to keep her on penicillin for the rest of her life. In October 1999 after hearing an interview with me on a radio show, her grandmother Rose Herren realized the possible benefits for Skyler and purchased TBR Labs Colostrum. Slowly, her platelet count would rise and maintain a safe level. The time between hospital visits lengthened. Most telling: when Skyler did not receive her colostrum on a regular basis, her platelet counts would fall to unsafe levels. Bridget… Fibromyalgia has few good treatments, but, again, colostrum seems to help. Bridget had been on colostrum for six months when she reported she was no longer experiencing joint pain from her fibromyalgia and was even riding her bike again. Her energy level soared. She had chronic constipation with bowel movements limited to once every eight days. Now she is having a movement daily. Like Cia, Bridget is using the C word. Volume 5, Number 10 / The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living 15 T H E FA M I LY PA G E S / T B R L A B S — T H E C O L O S T R U M O P T I O N Colostrum— The Individual Components and What They Do T B R first-milking colostrum is a powerful dietary aid for promoting great health. This quality first-milking colostrum product helps quench your appetite, promotes energy, improves immune health, and enhances overall sense of well being. To date, over 80 different components have been isolated from firstmilking colostrum products, such as TBR Labs . These work together synergistically to produce the profound healing, health maintenance and rejuvenation support that only first-milking colostrum can provide. The biologically active components in complete first-milking colostrum can be divided into categories based upon the health aspect where they exert their greatest influence. As we go through the discussion of what these substances do, you will see that in some cases the func- Immune Helpers Many people know that first-milking colostrum is great for their immune health. Many different types of immune helpers are present in first-milking colostrum. These include the following: Immunoglobulins, also called antibodies, neutralize pathogens in the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Many people take colostrum for the immunoglobulins (Ig) in an effort to receive immunity for a wide range of pathogens. Thanks to its immunoglobulins, first-milking colostrum consistently has an effect on pathogens that may invade the intestinal tract causing diarrhea and gastrointestinal illness. Lactoferrinis an iron-binding protein that aids the body in utilizing iron. The ability of lactoferrin to bind iron is important in keeping invading bacteria in check since they require iron to multiply. Many other functions have been attributed to lactoferrin, including antimicrobial and antiviral activities, immune regulation and cell-growth regulation. Lactoferrin enhances phagocytosis (the engulfing of harmful organisms by white blood cells) and plays a powerful role in reducing the inflammation that accompanies many health problems. Transferrin is yet another mineral-binding carrier protein that attaches to available iron and can act independently or in concert with lactoferrin to impede the growth of certain aerobic bacteria, particularly in the gut. Lysozyme is an enzyme that can break down the outer cell wall of certain bacterial organisms, thus inhibiting their reproduction and making them vulnerable to attack by other immune factors. It is found in saliva, tears and in other mucous membranes. Lysozume plays a key role in the first line of defense against bacteria and is so important that it has recently been added to some baby formulas. Peroxidase is an enzyme that generates the release of hydrogen peroxide to “burn” bacteria. This is the basis for the use of hydrogen peroxide as an alternative therapy. Proline-rich polypeptide (PRP) is a hormone that helps regulate the immune system, keeping it in balance between under- and over-activity. This is extremely important for those persons with 1 tions of these components can be clearly separated into such categories, while, in many cases, the dividing line is not as clear. The major categories are the immune factors (immune helpers), growth factors (tissue repair helpers), and metabolic factors. Let’s look at each to gain a greater understanding of the diverse benefits to be received from a quality first-milking colostrum product. ❖ autoimmune disease. Proline-rich polypeptide has a balancing effect on the immune response and can suppress an overactive immune system in cases where it has begun to attack the tissues of the body. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that may help relieve pain. Cytokines are messenger proteins that mediate many immune functions. They are involved in the production of T-cells, lymph activity, and in regulating the force and duration of the body’s immune response. One cytokine, known as interleukin-10, is highly anti-inflammatory and is a key helper to relieve discomfort among persons with arthritis-related joint pain. Lymphokines are hormone-like peptides. They are released by activated white blood cells. They help to regulate the immune response. Oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates bind to the surfaces of the intestines, preventing the attachment of pathogens there. Evidence is also available that these components act as growth promoters for the beneficial flora in the gastrointestinal tract. Thymosin is a hormone composed of two protein-based chains, known as alpha or beta chains, which are separately present in bovine colostrum. The chains act on the thymus gland independently or in concert with each other to stimulate activation, development and maintenance of the immune system. Transfer factors are small proteins produced in response to the body’s exposure to certain types of microorganisms, particularly those that reside in deep tissues for a long period of time, like the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. They are specific for a particular microorganism and are carried inside certain types of specialized white blood cells. Transfer factors work in concert with various white blood cells and other factors in an attempt to keep pathogenic microorganisms under control. Nucleotides and nucleosides are important for metabolic functions. They enhance antibody responses and contribute to iron absorption during digestion. Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme that can attach to the cell walls of certain bacteria, and interfere with the ability of the bacteria to replicate themselves. The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living / Volume 6, Number 4 T H E FA M I LY PAG E S / T B R L A B S — T H E C O L O S T R U M O P T I O N c o n t i n u e d Tissue Repair Helpers The tissue repair helpers in first-milking colostrum are responsible for helping us to fight premature aging. Among these are the following: Growth hormone (GH) is the single most abundant hormone produced by the body, affecting almost every cell. GH levels are highest during teenage years and they fall rapidly thereafter. GH increases metabolism, reduces fat and increases muscle mass. It is involved in the regeneration of heart, lung and liver tissue, as well as many other organs and tissues throughout the body. GH stimulates protein synthesis, which is critical for the renewal of skin and bones. It is also considered to be an immune stimulant because it helps the body produce antibodies, T-cells and white blood cells. GH even affects neurotransmitters in the brain, improving moods and mental acuity. Insulin-like growth factors (IGF) I and II belong to a whole family of hormones contained in colostrum, called the IGF super family. IGF-I is considered to be the most potent of these. It functions like the captain of a ship, triggering the events that activate cell growth and reproduction, protein synthesis, and the release of Metabolic Factors The metabolic factors in colostrum aid our utilization of carbohydrates and play a role in normalizing weight problems. Leptin is a small hormone-like protein that can suppress appetite and lead to body weight reduction. Mature fat cells (adipocytes) release leptin in the presence of insulin, which is also found in colostrum. Insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cells have binding sites for leptin and it is believed that the size of fat cells may be a major factor in determining the amount of leptin released. Therefore, leptin deficiency may be associated with obesity, particularly in diabetic individuals. Insulin is a hormone required for the effective utilization of glucose (blood sugar) in the body. Insulin binds to specific sites on cells, facilitating their interaction with IGF-I and, thus, initiating the conversion of glucose to glycogen, a high-energy source carbohydrate. Vitamin-binding proteins act as carriers to deliver B-complex vitamins to the body. Mineral-binding proteins, especially lactoferrin and transferrin, not only interfere with the replication of certain pathogenic microorganisms; they also serve to capture iron from the ingested food and present it in a form that can readily be absorbed by the body. energy (glucose metabolism). Because it is involved in so many major functions, IGF-I is found in association with almost all the cells in the body. It improves the function of GH to build muscle and burn fat. It is also recognized for its ability to regenerate and repair cartilage. As we age, the cells in our body do not reproduce themselves as well, and, since IGF-I is a primary factor in the ability of cells to grow and reproduce, it is highly desirable for its many antiaging and regenerative effects. Epithelial growth factor stimulates normal skin growth. Transforming growth factors A and B are helpful in healing wounds and in the synthesis and repair of RNA and DNA. Fibroblast growth factor stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and contributes to tissue development and wound healing. Platelet-derived growth factor is involved in the healing of vascular wounds. It is released in conjunction with blood clotting during the healing process. Trypsin inhibitors and other protease inhibitors help prevent the destruction of immune factors and growth factors by enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. They also prevent the ulcer-causing bacteria, H. pylori, from attaching to the walls of the stomach. In this way, they are instrumental in the healing of gastric ulcers. Lactoferrin can also bind copper and deliver it in a form suitable for absorption by the body. In addition, two carrier proteins are present in colostrum. These assist in calcium absorption. Casein, which is also an abundant source of amino acids to build new protein molecules, is the first; alpha-lactalbumin, which is present in appreciable quantities only in first-milking colostrum, is the other protein carrier. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) is a phosphorylated nucleotide in a very specialized form that transfers the chemical energy necessary to drive metabolic reactions to form new protein, carbohydrate, and fat molecules. Enzyme inhibitors, also known as “permeability factors,” are actually small proteins that slow down or inhibit the enzymatic breakdown of proteins. They provide protection to the immune, growth and metabolic factors as they pass through the digestive tract. There are many other substances present in colostrum, many present in minute quantities and they also provide benefits to first milking humans who ingest colostrum routinely as a dietary supplement. However, there are two substances, in addition, to those described above that may provide significant benefits. They are the hormone melatonin, which has a direct effect on the establishment of biological rhythms and proper sleep patterns; and relaxin, a hormone known to directly affect contracted muscles. The Doctors’ Prescription First-milking colostrum such as TBR Labs is a rich source of many health-promoting compounds. Only unadulterated, first-milking products without their fat removed are likely to be rich in these immune, growth and metabolic factors. Some companies de-fat their colostrum products, not being sensitive to the fact that fat is not only a carrier of many of the most biologically active components in colostrum but also that fat protects these compounds during processing. TBR Labs is true first-milking colostrum—a whole food that is only minimally processed. We have found health-conscious consumers get great results from this product. While adults can use colostrum as both a capsule, powder or pineapple lozenge, children tend to love the strawberry chewable. TBR Labs is widely available through health distributers nationwide. But if you have any trouble finding a source for it, visit wwwtbrlabs.net or call TBR Labs toll-free at (800) 916-3681. DID YOU KNOW? Organic Foods Appear to Reduce Children’s Pesticide Burden A study to assess preschool children’s organophosphorus pesticide exposure in the Seattle metropolitan area made an interesting discovery: the only child whose urine contained no measurable pesticide metabolites lives in a family who buys exclusively organic produce and does not use any pesticides at home. Ninety-six children were included in the study conducted by the University of Washington Department of Environmental Health. SOURCE: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2001;109(3): 299-303. Volume 6, Number 4 / The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living 2
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