ѧýlÅ Portal Updates: w w w. s a k s h i e d u c a t i o n . c o m 16 EAMCET 2014 Subjectwise Grand Tests for new syllabus Forest Officers Maths and GK Model papers POLYCET Previous and Model Papers Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl l Ô¶æ°ÐéÆý‡… l Ðól$ l 10 l 2014 Send your Feedback to..sakshieducation@gmail.com B. Ravipal Reddy Director, SIGMA, Hyderabad Data Interpretation Bar charts Bar charts are a type of graph that are used to display and compare the number, frequency or other measure for different discrete categories of data. Bar charts are one of the most commonly used types of graph because they are simple to create and very easy to interpret. They are also a flexible chart type and there are several variations of the standard bar chart including horizontal bar charts, grouped or component charts, and stacked bar charts. The chart is constructed such that the lengths of the different bars are proportional to the size of the category they represent. The X-axis represents the different categories and so has no scale. In order to emphasis the fact that the categories are discrete, a gap is left between the bars on the X-axis. The Y-axis does have a scale and this indicates the units of measurement. Directions (Q No. 1 – 5): Study the given graph carefully to answer the questions that follow. (SBI PO - 2010) Number of people (in thousands) using three different types of mobile services over the years. 1. What is the average number of people using mobile service M for all the years together? 2 3 1 4) 14 6 1) 16 2) 14444 1 6 3)16666 2 3 5) None of these 2. The total number of people using all the three mobile services in the year 2007 is what percent of the total number of people using all the three mobile services in the year 2008? (Rounded off to two digits after decimal) 1) 80.72 2) 93.46 3) 88.18 4) 91.67 5) None of these 3. The number of people using mobile service N in the year 2006 forms approximately what percent of the total number of people using all the three mobile services in that year? 1) 18 2) 26 3) 11 4) 23 5) 29 4. What is the ratio of the number of people using mobile service L in the year 2005 to that of those using the same service in the year 2004? 1) 8 : 7 2) 3 : 2 3) 19 : 13 4) 15 :11 5) None of these 5. What is the total number of people using What is the average number of.. mobile service M in the years 2008 and 2009 together? 1) 35,000 2) 30,000 3) 45,000 4) 25,000 5) None of these Directions (Q No. 6 – 10): The bar graph given below shows Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches – B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 of a publishing Company in 2000 and 2001. SBI PO's Special DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION Key & Solutions: 1. 3 The average number of people using mobile service M for all the years together = 5000 + 10000 + 25000 + 20000 + 25000 + 15000 6 = 6. What is the ratio of the total sales of branch B2 for both years to the total sales of branch B4 for both years? 1) 2:3 2) 3:5 3) 4:5 4) 7:9 5) 3:7 7. Total sales of branch B6 for both the years is what percent of the total sales of branches B3 for both the years? 1) 68.54% 2) 71.11% 3) 73.17% 4) 75.55% 5) 76% 8. What percent of the average sales of branches B1, B2 and B3 in 2001 is the average sales of branches B1, B3 and B6 in 2000? 1) 75% 2) 77.5% 3) 82.5% 4) 87.5% 5) 89% 9. What is the average sale of all the branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000? 1) 73 2) 80 3) 83 4) 88 5) None of these 10. A total sale of branches B1, B3 and B5 together for both the years (in thousand numbers) is? 1) 250 2) 310 3) 435 4) 560 5) 575 Directions (Q No. 11 – 12): A soft drink company prepares drinks of three different flavours – X, Y and Z. The production (in thousands) of three flavours over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below. 100000 2 = 16666 6 3 Required percentage = 2. 4 The total number of people using all the three mobile services in the year 2007 = 15000 + 20000 + 20000 = 55000 The total number of people using all the three mobile services in the year 2008 = 10000 + 25000 + 25000 = 60000 Required percentage = = 3. 1 The number of people using mobile service N in the year 2006 = 10000 The total number of people using all the three mobile services in that year = 20000 + 25000 + 10000 = 55000 10000 × 100 ≈ 18% 55000 4. 2 The number of people using mobile service L in the year 2005 = 15000 The number of people using mobile service L in the year 2004 = 10000 Required ratio = 15000 : 10000 = 3 : 2 5. 5 Total number of people using mobile service M in the years 2008 and 2009 together = 25000 + 15000 = 40000 6. 4 Required ratio = 75 + 65 : 85 + 95 = 7 : 9 7. 3 Total sales of branch B6 for both the years = 70 + 80 = 150 thousand Total sales of branch B3 for both the years = 95 + 110 = 205 thousand Required percentage = 150 × 100 = 73.17% 205 = 80 + 95 + 70 245 = 3 3 Average sales (in thousand number) of branches B1, B2 and B3 in 2001 = 105 + 65 + 110 280 Required percentage = = 3 3 50 + 40 + 55 + 45 + 60 + 50 300 = = 50 6 6 The average annual production of flavour Y = 55 + 60 + 50 + 55 + 50 + 55 325 = = 54.17% 6 6 The average annual production of flavour Z = 55000 × 100 = 91.67 60000 Required percentage = 120 × 100 = 133.33% 90 12. 2 The average annual production of flavour X 8. 4 Average sales (in thousand number) of branches B1, B3 and B6 in 2000 11. The total production of flavour Z in 1997 and 1998 is what percentage of the total production of flavour X in 1995 and 1996? 1) 96.67% 2) 102.25% 3) 115.57% 4) 133.33% 5) 135% 12. For which flavour was the average annual production maximum in the given period? 1) X only 2) Y only 3) Z only 4) X and Y 5) Data insufficient 10. 4 Total sales of branches B1, B2 and B5 for both the years (in thousand numbers) = (80 + 105) + (95 + 110) + (75 + 95) = 560 11. 4 The total production of flavour Z in 1997 and 1998 = 60 + 60 = 120 The total production of flavour X in 1995 and 1996 = 50 + 40 = 90 45 + 50 + 60 + 60 + 45 + 40 300 = = 50. 6 6 I DI I OI MI SI 98 Hit the books AÆý‡¦…: Hit the books = to begin to study hard; Study school assignments carefully; prepare for classes by reading and doing homework. ÐéMýSÅ {ç³Äñæ*-VýS…: After relaxing all weekend I hit the books on Sunday evening. ÐéÆ>…™èl…ÌZ M>ÐéÍÞ¯]l…™èl Ñ{Ô>…† ¡çÜ$MýS$¯]l² ™èlÆ>Ó™èl B¨ÐéÆý‡… ÝëĶæ$…{™èl… MýSçÙtç³yìl ^èl¨Ðé¯]l$. ÑÐ]l-Æý‡-×æ: ç³…§ö-Ñ$çø Ô¶æ™é-ºª… {ç³£ýl-Ð]l*-Æý‡®…ÌZ ç³#sìæt¯]l D gê¡Ä¶æ*°² pound the books A° MýS*yé Ð]lÅÐ]l-çßæ-ÇÝë¢Æ‡ý $. Hit MýS$ to start, to begin, to leave, to go A¯ól AÆ>¦-Ë$¯]l²ç³μsìæMîS D çÜ…§ýl-Æý‡Â…ÌZ to come into contact with something forcefully A¯ól AÆý‡¦… CçÜ$¢…¨. The bomb hits the target A¯ól ÐéMýSÅ…ÌZ hit MýS$ "Ë-„>Å°² ból¨…-^èl$' A° ¿êÐ]l…. "MýS-çÙt-ç³yìl ^èl§ýl$Ð]l#', "^èl-§ýl$Ð]l# ÑçÙ-Ķæ$…ÌZ ^éÌê ç³Ç-{Ôèæ-Ñ$…-^èl$' A¯ól AÆ>¦-Ë™ø D {ç³Äñæ*-V>°² Ðéyýl™é…. To learn English, she not only hit the books but also practised conversing with others every day A…sôæ B…VýSÏ… ¯ólÆý‡$aMøÐ]lyé°MìS BÐðl$ çÜ…º…-«¨™èl ç³#çÜ¢M>Ë$ MýSçÙt-ç³yìl ^èl§ýl-Ð]l-yýlÐól$ M>MýS$…yé C™èl-Æý‡$-Ë™ø çÜ…¿êíÙ…-^èlyýl… MýS*yé A¿¶æÅ-íÜ…-_…-§ýl° AÆý‡¦…. It's time for me to turn off my computer and hit the books because I have an examination tomorrow A…sôæ Æó‡ç³# ¯éMýS$ ç³È„ýS E¯]l²…-§ýl$¯]l MýS…ç³NÅ- rÆŠæ Bõ³íÜ §ýl–çÙt…™é ç³#çÜ¢-M>Ë Ò$§ýl ò³sêt-ÍÞ¯]l çÜÐ]l$Ķæ$… BçÜ-¯]l²-OÐðl$…-§ýl° AÆý‡¦…. GMýS$P-Ð]lV> A¯]l-«¨-M>-ÇMýS (informal) çÜ…§ýl-Æ>Â-ÌZϯól D gê¡-Ķæ*°² Ðéyýl-™éÆý‡$. ⎛ 245 ⎞ 3 × 100 ⎟ % = ⎛ 245 × 100 ⎞ % = 87.5% ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 280 ⎟ ⎝ 280 ⎠ 3 ⎝ ⎠ We need to study for our Physics test. We'd better pound the books for a while A…sôæ ¿o†- 9. 2 Average sales of all the six branches (in thousand numbers) for the year 2000 MýS-Ô>{çÜ¢ ç³È-„ýSMýS$ íܧýl®… M>ÐéÍ M>ºsìæt Ð]l$¯]l… Mö…™èl-õÜOò³¯é MýSçÙt-ç³yìl ^èl§ýl-Ðé-Ë° AÆý‡¦…. & yéMýStÆŠ‡ Ð]l…Xç³#Æý‡… }¯é£é^éÇ 1 = (80 + 75 + 95 + 85 + 75 + 70) = 80 6 email: vschary@gmail.com ѧýlÅ 17 Oòßæ§ýlÆ>»ê§Šl l Ô¶æ°ÐéÆý‡… l Ðól$ l 10 l 2014 B. Rajendra Senior Faculty Hyderabad Unit- III, IV & V of Second year In the last and concluding part of the series of EAMCET model papers, in the second year syllabus Unit-III , Unit-IV and Unit-V is being discussed. All are of the related topics dealing with classical and molecular genetics. Some subsections of Molecular genetics are a new addition to the old syllabus. Both long term and regular students feel difficult to understand these chapters. Most of the question will be knowledge based and easy questions. Problems on DNA and genetics is a regular feature in EAMCET exams. One or two problems may be given from these units. Practice is essential for this type of questions to save time on solving the questions. In Biotechnology part of the syllabus not more than one question can be expected whereas in the application part knowledge based questions can be asked. Model questions: 1. Recessive trait in the pea plant 1) Yellow pod 2) Yellow seed 3) Green pod 4) Violet flowers 2. Wrong statement regarding monohybrid cross 1) All F1 plants look alike 2) In F2 generation 50% are homozygotes 3) Alleles are separated in to gametes 4) Two different genotypes are observed 3. The number of F2 classes in dihybrid cross 1) 9 2) 6 3) 4 4) 1 4. One of the scientists who rediscovered Mendel's results 1) Morgan 2) Tschermark 3) Sutton 4) Sturtevant 5. Assertion(A): Deletion and insertion of base pairs of DNA cause frame shift mutation Reason (R): Genetic is triplet codon without overlapping and commas. 1) Both A, R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 2) Both A, R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. 3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true 6. In a population of pea plants the percentage of RrYy is 1) 40 2) 20 3) 25 4) 33 7. True statement regarding reasons for selecting Pisum sativum by Mendel for his hybridization experiments A. Though bisexual it is easily cross pollinated B. It can also self fertilized C. It shows seven contrasting characters D. It is perennial and produce many seeds Roundup ready soybean is.. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1) A, B & C 2) B, C & D 3) C, A & D 4) A & B In Antirrhinum majus colour of the flower can be red or white or pink. True statement regarding this is 1) Colour of the flower is controlled by three different genes 2) Colour is multiple allelic. Red dominant over pink and white. 3) Red and white are true breeds. Red is not completely dominant over white 4) Colour is biallelic but do not segregate . In a population of 936 plants percentage of genotype AABb is 1) 117 2) 702 3) 468 4) 434 In a cross between a homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive parents A. All the F1 generation individuals show similar phenotype B. Parental traits reappear in F2 generation C. Equal ratio of reciprocal heterozygotes appear in F2 generation D. Half of the F2 individuals are homozygous 1) A & B 2) A, B & C 3) A, B & D 4) A, B, C & D In garden pea Tallness (T) is dominant over dwarf (t). Green pods (G) are dominant over yellow (g). What will be the appearance of the offspring of the cross TTGg x ttGg 1) All tall and green 2) All tall plants with green or yellow flowers. 3) Some are dwarf green and some are tall yellow 4) All tall and yellow True statement regarding codominance in Lens culinaris for seed coat is 1) All F1 hybrids show dominant traits 2) Half of the F2 generation shows dominant traits. 3) Half of the F2 generation shows both traits. 4) One fourth of F2 generation shows both traits In a population of true breeding plants of Antirrhinum white flowers are 144. The number of red flowers is 1) 144 2) 288 3) 432 4) Nil RNA functions as a structural molecule in 1) Some enzymes 2) Inner membrane of mitochondria 3) Ribosomes 4) All the above The distance between two base pairs in a nucleatide strand is 1) 0.34 Å 2) 20 Å 3) 2.7 Å 4) 3.4 Å Flow of information from RNA EAMCET BOTANY 27. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. to DNA takes place in 1) Prokaryotes 2) Eukaryotes 3) HIV 4) φX 174 Histone proteins are rich in 1) Lysine and Arginine 2) Cysteine and methionine 3) Aromatic amino acids 4) Valine and Leusine In the lytic cycle of viral infection, if phage coat is labeled with radioactive sulphur 1) All the progeny resulting from the infection will have radioactive sulphur 2) Some viral particles will have radioactivity 3) None of the progeny will have radioactive sulphur. 4) Only one of the progeny will have radioactive sulphur. hnRNA is transcribed by 1) RNA polymerase I 2) RNA polymerase II 3) RNA polymerase III 4) DNA polymerase. Assertion (A): Leusine is coded by six codons Reason (R): Code is degenerate. 1) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 2) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. 3) A is true, R is false 4) A is false, R is true. Number of Hydrogen bonds in a DNA molecule of 1 kbps length with 200 Adenines is 1) 1400 2) 2800 3) 2400 4) 2000 Length of the DNA molecule with 900 nucleotides is 1) 1530 Å 2) 3060 Å 3) 6120 Å 4) 715 Å RNA is less stable than DNA due to 1) Lack of double strand in RNA 2) 1 RNA cannot generate its replica 3) Smaller size of RNA 4) Presence of 2'OH in the pentose sugar of RNA. Wrong statement among the following 1) RNA cannot mutate 2) RNA viruses are less stable 3) RNA can code for protein 4) RNA can code for DNA Location of Promoter in an operon is 1) Immediately upstream to structural genes 2) Immediately downstream to operator genes 3) Between repressor and operator 4) Upstream to reprssor genes In the absence of inducer in the lac operon is 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 1) Transcription takes place 2) Repressor cannot be synthesized 3) Transcription do not start 4) Translation does not take place. Assertion(A): In bacteria translation and transcription takes place simultaneously. Reason(R): In bacteria nuclear membrane is absent 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. 2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. 3) A is true, R is false 4) A is false, R is true True statement regarding Griffith's experiment I. Biochemical nature of genetic material is known. II. Experimental bacteria is Streptococcus pneumoneae. III.Heat killed virulent bacteria is transformed. IV.Mice developed resistance to avirulent bactereia 1) I & II 2) I, III & IV 3) Only II 4) I, II & IV Roundup ready soybean is 1) Herbicide tolerant 2) Pods are round and inflated 3) Soybean with reduced maturing time 4) Soybean with high protein Bt cotton is resistant to 1) Viruses 2) Insects 3) Fungi 4) Herbicides Golden rice "Taipei" is rich in 1) Vitamin B 2) Vitamin A 3) Vitamin C 4) Vitamin K Flavr Savr is 1) A gene for flavour 2) Bruise resistant tomato variety 3) Technique in genetic engineering 4) Fungus resistant potato variety Bacterium used in producing transgenic plants. 1) Bacillus thuringienesis 2) Bacillus subtilis 3) Escherechia coli 4) Agrobacterium tumifaciens. Transgenic potatoes are resistant to 1) Phytophthora 2) Pseudomonas 3) Cold and drought 4) Bacterial rot Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique of 1) Gene insertion 2) Gene Isolation 3) Gene multiplication 4) Gene sequencing 36. Male sterility is induced by genetic engineering in 1) Carica papaya 2) Brassica napus 3) Lycopersicon 4) Brassica nigra 1) 1 5) 1 9) 1 13) 1 17) 1 21) 2 25) 3 29) 1 33) 4 2) 4 6) 3 10) 4 14) 3 18) 3 22) 1 26) 3 30) 2 34) 1 Admissions KEY 3) 3 7) 4 11) 2 15) 4 19) 2 23) 4 27) 1 31) 2 35) 3 4) 2 8) 3 12) 3 16) 3 20) 1 24) 1 28) 3 32) 2 36) 2 {ç³ÐólÔ>Ë$ Ìê…VóSÓgŒæ ç³…yìlsŒæ òÜsŒæ& 2014 Ìê…VóSÓgŒæ ç³…yìlsŒæ MøÆý‡$ÞÌZÏ {ç³ÐólÔ>°MìS °Æý‡Óíßæ…^ól Ìê…VóSÓgŒæ ç³…yìlsŒæ M>Ð]l$¯Œæ G…{r¯ŒæÞ sñæ‹Üt(GÌŒæï³ òÜsŒæ)& 2014MýS$ Æ>[çÙt ´ëuý‡Ô>Ë Ñ§éÅÔ>Q ¯øsìæíœMóSçÙ¯Œæ Ñyýl$§ýlË ^ólíÜ…¨. MøÆý‡$ÞË$: ★ ™ðlË$VýS$ ç³…yìlsŒæ ★ íßæ…© ç³…yìlsŒæ ★ EÆý‡*ª ³ ç …yìlsŒæ AÆý‡á™èl: ¯øsìæíœMóSçÙ¯ŒæÌZ °Æó‡ªÕ…_¯]l AÆý‡á™èlË$ E…yéÍ. §ýlÆý‡RêçÜ$¢Ë$: B¯ŒæOÌñ毌æÌZ ËÀÝë¢Æ‡¬. B¯ŒæOÌñ毌æ Çh[õÜtçÙ¯ŒæMýS$ _Ð]lÇ ™ól¨: Ðól$ 9 {ç³ÐólÔ¶æ ç³È„ýS ™ól¨: þ¯Œæ 22 Ððl»ŒæOòÜsŒæ: http://lpcet.cgg.gov.in/ E§øÅV>Ë$ Job Opportunities »êÆŠ‡PÌZ sñæMìS²-MýSÌŒæ Bïœ-çÜÆý‡$Ï »ê»ê Asê-Ñ$MŠS ÈòÜÆŠ‡a òÜ…r-ÆŠ‡-(-»ê-ÆŠ‡P), Ð]l¬…O»ñæ... MìS…¨ ´ùçÜ$tË ¿¶æÈ¢MìS §ýlÆý‡-Rê-çÜ$¢Ë$ MøÆý‡$-™ø…¨. ´ùçÜ$tË$: ★ sñæMìS²-MýSÌŒæ Bïœ-çÜ-ÆŠ‡-/-íÜ-(-G-Ë-{MìSt-MýS-ÌŒæ): 3 ★ sñæMìS²-MýSÌŒæ Bïœ-çÜ-ÆŠ‡-/-íÜ-(-G-Ë-{M>t-°-MŠSÞ): 3 ★ sñæMìS²-MýSÌŒæ Bïœ-çÜ-ÆŠ‡-/-íÜ-(-Ððl$-M>-°-MýS-ÌŒæ): 2 AÆý‡á™èl: MýS±çÜ… 60 Ô>™èl… Ð]l*Æý‡$P-Ë™ø çÜ…º…-«¨™èl Ñ¿ê-VýS…ÌZ ½D-/-½-sñæMŠS ★ sñæMìS²-MýSÌŒæ Bïœ-çÜ-ÆŠ‡-/-íÜ-(-íœ-h-MŠSÞ): 10 ★ sñæMìS²-MýSÌŒæ Bïœ-çÜ-ÆŠ‡-/-íÜ-(-MðS-Ñ$-[ïÜt): 9 AÆý‡á™èl: MýS±çÜ… 60 Ô>™èl… Ð]l*Æý‡$P-Ë™ø çÜ…º…-«¨™èl Ñ¿ê-VýS…ÌZ G…GïÜÞ §ýlÆý‡-Rê-çÜ$¢Ë$: B¯Œl-OÌñæ-¯ŒlÌZ ËÀÝë¢Æ‡¬. B¯Œl-OÌñ毌l Çh-[õÜt-çÙ-¯ŒlMýS$ _Ð]lÇ ™ól¨: Ðól$ 30 Ððl»Œæ-OòÜsŒæ: www.barcrecruit.gov.in
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