Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) CHADx codes ICD‐10‐AM Seventh Edition Note: Sections 16-23 are End of Chapter or 'EOC' Codes M CHADx 1 Post-procedural complications 1.1 Complications of Infusion /Transfusion T801 Vasc comp dt infus transfn thrpc injct T802 Infection foll infus transfn thrpc injct T803 ABO incompatibility reaction T804 Rh incompatibility reaction T805 Anaphylactic shock due to serum T806 Other serum reactions T808 Oth comp foll infus transfn thrpc injct T809 Unsp comp foll infus transfn thrpc injct 1.2 Gas Embolism T800 Air embol dt infus transfn thrpc injct O880 Obstetric air embolism T703 Other effects of decompression and barotrauma 1.3 Failed or Difficult Intubation T884 Failed or difficult intubation 1.4 Other haemorrhage & haematoma complicating a procedure (not elsewhere classified) T810 Haem & haematoma complicating a procedure (not elsewhere classified) 1.5 Accidental puncture/lac during proceudre T812 Accid puncture lacr during proc NEC 1.6 Foreign body or substance left following procedure T815 FB left in body cv or op wound foll proc T816 Ac react foreign subs left during proc 1.7 Other complications of surgical and Medical NEC (including shock) T811 Shock during or due to a procedure NEC T817 Vascular complications following a procedure NEC T818 Other complications of procedures NEC T819 Unspecified complication of procedure T880 Infection following immunisation T881 Other complictions following immunisation NEC T888 Other specified complications of surgical & med care NEC T889 Complication of surgical & medical care, unspecified 1.8 Disruption of wound T813 Disruption of operation wound NEC O900 Disruption of caesarean section wound O901 Disruption of perineal obstetric wound 1.9 Wound infection (excluding Septicaemia) T8141 Wound infection following a procedure O860 Infection of obstetric surgical wound Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 1.10 Complications of cardiac and vascular implants (excluding Septicaemia) T820 Mechanical comp heart valve prosthesis T821 Mech comp cardiac electronic device T822 Mech comp coron art bypass valve gft T823 Mechanical comp oth vascular grafts T824 Mechanical comp vasc dialysis catheter T825 Mech comp oth cardiac vasc device impl T826 Infectn inf react dt card valve prosth Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 T827 Infectn inf dt oth card vasc dev impl Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 T828 Oth comp card vasc prosth dev impl gft Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 T829 Unsp comp card vasc prosth dev impl gft 1.11 Complications of genitourinary implants (excluding Septicaemia) T830 Mech comp urinary (indwelling) catheter T831 Mechanical comp oth urinary dev impl T832 Mechanical comp graft urinary org T833 Mech comp intrauterine contraceptive dev T834 Mech comp oth prosth dev impl gen tr T835 Infectn inf dt prosth dev impl urin sys T836 Infectn inf dt prosth dev impl gen tr T838 Oth comp GU prosth dev impl gft T839 Unsp comp GU prosth dev impl gft 1.12 Complications of orthopaedic implants (excluding Septicaemia) T840 Mechanical comp internal jt prosthesis T841 Mech comp int fixation dev bones limb T842 Mech comp int fixation dev oth bones T843 Mechanical comp oth bone dev impl gft T844 Mech comp oth int ortho dev impl gft T845 Infectn inf react dt internal jt prosth T846 Infectn inf react dt int fixation dev T847 Infectn inf dt oth int ortho prosth dev T848 Oth comp int ortho prosth dev impl gft T849 Unsp comp int ortho prosth dev impl gft Version 2.0 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 1 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) 1.13 Complications of other implants (excluding Septicaemia) T850 Mech comp ventricular intrcran shunt T851 Mech comp impl electrn stimlr nrvs sys T852 Mechanical complication intraocular lens T853 Mech comp oth ocular prosth dev impl gft T854 Mechanical comp breast prosth implant T855 Mech comp GI prosth dev impl gft T856 Mech comp oth spec int prosth dev impl T8571 Infectn inf dt peritoneal dialysis cath T8578 Infectn dt oth int prosth dev impl gft T8581 Oth comp dt nrvs sys dev impl or graft T8588 Oth comp int prosth dev impl or gft NEC T859 Unsp comp internal prosth dev impl gft Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 Exclude when immediately followed by condition in Cat. 4.1 1.14 Complications of Transplants T860 Bone marrow transplant rejection T861 Kidney transplant failure and rejection T862 Heart transplant failure and rejection T863 Heart‐lung transplant failure rejection T864 Liver transplant failure and rejection T8681 Failure and rejection of lung transplant T8682 Failure & rejection pancreas transplant T8688 Fail & rejct oth transplanted org tis T869 Fail & rejection trnsplnt org tis unsp 1.15 Complications of reattachment and amputations T870 Comp reattached (part of) upp extremity T871 Comp reattached (part of) low extremity T872 Complications oth reattached body part T873 Neuroma of amputation stump T874 Infection of amputation stump T875 Necrosis of amputation stump T876 Oth & unsp comp amputation stump 1.16 Post‐procedural disorders: Endocrine & Metabolic E890 Postprocedural hypothyroidism E891 Postprocedural hypoinsulinaemia E892 Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism E893 Postprocedural hypopituitarism E894 Postprocedural ovarian failure E895 Postprocedural testicular hypofunction E896 Postproc adrenocortical hypofunction E898 Oth postproc endocrine & metabolic disrd E899 Postproc endocrine & metab disrd unsp 1.17 Post‐procedural disorders: Nervous system G970 CSF leak from spinal puncture G971 Oth reaction to spinal & lumbar puncture G972 Intrcran hypotension foll ventric shunt G978 Other postproc disorders nervous system G979 Postproc disorder nervous system unsp 1.18 Post‐procedural disorders: Eye & Ear H590 Vitreous syndrome foll cataract surgery H598 Other postproc disorders eye & adnexa H599 Postproc disorder eye & adnexa unsp H950 Rec cholesteatoma postmastoidectomy cv H951 Other disorders following mastoidectomy H958 Oth postproc disrd ear & mastoid process H959 Postproc disrd ear & mast process unsp 1.19 Post‐procedural disorders: Circulatory system I970 Postcardiotomy syndrome I971 Oth fn disturbances foll cardiac surgery I972 Postmastectomy lymphoedema syndrome I978 Oth postproc disrd circulatory sys NEC I979 Postproc disrd circulatory sys unsp 1.20 Post‐procedural disorders: Respiratory system J950 Tracheostomy malfunction J951 Ac pulm insuff foll thoracic surgery J952 Ac pulm insuff foll nonthoracic surg J953 Chr pulmonary insuff foll surgery J954 Mendelsons syndrome J955 Postprocedural subglottic stenosis J958 Other postproc respiratory disorders J959 Postprocedural respiratory disorder unsp 1.21 Post‐procedural disorders: Digestive system K910 Vomiting foll gastrointestinal surgery K911 Postgastric surgery syndromes K912 Postprocedural malabsorption NEC K913 Postprocedural intestinal obstruction K914 Colostomy and enterostomy malfunction K915 Postcholecystectomy syndrome K918 Oth postproc disrd digestive system NEC Version 2.0 2 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) K919 Postproc disorder digestive system unsp 1.22 Post‐procedural disorders: Musculoskeletal system M960 Pseudarthrosis after fusion arthrodesis M961 Postlaminectomy syndrome NEC M962 Postradiation kyphosis M963 Postlaminectomy kyphosis M964 Postprocedural lordosis M965 Postradiation scoliosis M966 Bone fx foll ins orthopaedic implant M968 Other postproc musculoskeletal disrd M969 Postproc musculoskeletal disorder unsp 1.23 Post‐procedural disorders: Genitourinary system N990 Postprocedural renal failure N991 Postprocedural urethral stricture N992 Postprocedural adhesions of vagina N993 Prolapse vag vault after hysterectomy N994 Postproc pelvic peritoneal adhesions N995 Malfunction external stoma urinary tract N998 Oth postproc disrd genitourinary system N999 Postproc disrd genitourinary system unsp M CHADx 2 Adverse drug events 2.1 Skin Adverse effects due to Systemic antibiotics L200 Besniers prurigo L208 Other atopic dermatitis L209 Atopic dermatitis unspecified L210 Seborrhoea capitis L211 Seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis L218 Other seborrhoeic dermatitis L219 Seborrhoeic dermatitis unspecified L233 All contct dermatitis dt drugs on skin L244 Irrit contct dermatitis dt drugs on skin L251 Unsp contact dermat dt drugs on skin L26 Exfoliative dermatitis L270 Genl skin eruption dt drugs medicaments L271 Local skin eruption dt drugs medicaments L272 Dermatitis due to ingested food L278 Dermatitis dt oth subs taken internally L279 Dermat dt unsp subs taken internally L280 Lichen simplex chronicus L281 Prurigo nodularis L282 Other prurigo L290 Pruritus ani L291 Pruritus scroti L292 Pruritus vulvae L293 Anogenital pruritus unspecified L298 Other pruritus L299 Pruritus unspecified L300 Nummular dermatitis L301 Dyshidrosis [pompholyx] L302 Cutaneous autosensitisation L303 Infective dermatitis L304 Erythema intertrigo L305 Pityriasis alba L308 Other specified dermatitis L309 Dermatitis unspecified R200 Anaesthesia of skin R201 Hypoaesthesia of skin R202 Paraesthesia of skin R203 Hyperaesthesia R208 Oth & unsp disturb of skin sensation R21 Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption R230 Cyanosis R231 Pallor R232 Flushing R233 Spontaneous ecchymoses R234 Changes in skin texture R238 Other and unspecified skin changes Only include when Immediately followed by: Penicillins adverse effects Rx use Y400 Y401 Cephalosporin adv effects Rx use Chloramphenicol dr adv effects Rx use Y402 Macrolides adverse effects Rx use Y403 Y404 Tetracyclines adverse effects Rx use Y405 Aminoglycosides adverse effects Rx use Y406 Rifamycins adverse effects Rx use Y407 Systc antifung antibiot adv eff Rx use Y408 Oth systc antibiot adv effects Rx use Y409 Systc antibiotic unsp caus adv eff Rx use Y410 Sulfonamides adverse effects Rx use Y411 Antimycobacterial dr adv effects Rx use Y412 Antimal bl protz dr adv effects Rx use Y413 Oth antiprotozoal dr adv effects Rx use Y414 Anthelminthics adverse effects Rx use Y415 Antiviral dr adverse effects Rx use Y418 Oth spec antinfect adv effects Rx use Y419 Systc antinfect unsp caus adv eff Rx use 2.2 Other Adverse effects due to Systemic antibiotics Other codes (not included in cat. 2.1 above) when immediately followed by Y400 to Y419 (see above) 2.3 Nausea & Vomiting due to Antineoplastic Drugs R11 Nausea and vomiting Only include when Immediately followed by: Y431 Antineopl antmetblt adv eff Rx use Y432 Antineopl nat products adv eff Rx use Y433 Oth antineoplastic dr adv effects Rx use 2.4 Other Adverse effects due to Antineoplastic Drugs Other codes (not including R11) when immediately followed by Y431, Y432 &Y433 2.5 Coagulation Defect due to drugs affecting blood constituents D683 Version 2.0 Haemorrhagic disrd dt circ anticoaglt Always include this code 3 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) D684 D688 D689 Acquired coagulation factor deficiency Other specified coagulation defects Coagulation defect unspecified Only include when Immediately followed by: Y440 Iron anthypochrm‐anm adv eff Rx use Y441 Vit B12 antmegblst‐anm adv eff Rx use Y442 Anticoagulants adverse effects Rx use Y443 Anticoaglt antgnst vit K adv eff Rx use Y444 Antithrombotic dr adv eff Rx use Y445 Thrombolytic dr adverse effects Rx use Y446 Natural bl/products adv eff Rx use Y447 Plasma substitutes adv eff Rx use Y449 Unsp agt aff bl const adv eff Rx use 2.6 Other Adverse effects due to drugs affecting blood constituents Other codes (not including D683 ‐ D689) when immediately followed by Y440 to Y449 (see above) 2.7 Nausea and Vomiting due to opioids and related analgesics R11 Nausea and vomiting Only include when Immediately followed by: Y450 Opioids & rel anlgsc adv effects Rx use 2.8 Alterations to mental state due to opioids and related analgesics Conditions listed in 10.4 when immediately followed by Y450 (see above) 2.9 Other Adverse effects due to opioids and related analgesics Other codes (not including R11 & conditions listed in 10.4 when immediately followed by Y450 (see above) 2.10 Adverse effects due to Anaesthesia (Incl misadventure) Other codes (not including I950‐I959 & Conditions listed in 10.4) & & 2.11 & & & & Only include when Immediately followed by: Y480 Inhaled anaesthetics adv effects Rx use Y481 Parenteral anaesthetics adv eff Rx use Y482 Oth/unsp GA adverse effects Rx use Y483 Local anaesthetics adv effects Rx use Y484 Anaesthetic unsp caus adv eff Rx use Y485 Therapeutic gases adverse effects Rx use Also include: T882 Shock due to anaesthesia T883 Malignant hyperthermia dt anaesthesia T885 Other complications of anaesthesia . Hypotension due to Anaesthesia I950 Idiopathic hypotension I951 Orthostatic hypotension I952 Hypotension due to drugs I958 Other hypotension I959 Hypotension unspecified When Immediately followed by: any other code (not Y48) Only include when Immediately followed by: Y480 Inhaled anaesthetics adv effects Rx use Y481 Parenteral anaesthetics adv eff Rx use Y482 Oth/unsp GA adverse effects Rx use Y483 Local anaesthetics adv effects Rx use Y484 Anaesthetic unsp caus adv eff Rx use Y485 Therapeutic gases adverse effects Rx use 2.12 Alterations to mental state due to Anaesthesia Conditions listed in 10.4 when immediately followed by Y480 to Y485 (see above) 2.13 Other Adverse effects due to drugs affecting C‐V system Other codes (not including I950 to I959) 2.14 Hypotension due to drugs affecting C‐V system I952 Hypotension due to drugs 2.15 Adverse effects due to Insulin & Oral hypoglycaemics Any code when immediately followed by Y423 Only include when Immediately followed by: Y520 Card‐stimt glycoside/simlr dr adv eff Rx Y521 Calcium‐channel blockers adv eff Rx use Y522 Oth antidysrhythmic adv effects Rx use Y523 Coronary vasodilators NEC adv eff Rx use Y524 ACE inhib caus adv eff Rx use Y525 Oth antihypertensive adv effects Rx use Y526 Anthyplipid antiartsclrc dr adv eff Rx u Y527 Peripheral vasodilators adv eff Rx use Y528 Antivaricose drugs adv eff Rx use Y529 Oth & unsp agt aff C‐V sys adv eff Rx Only include when Immediately followed by: Y520‐Y529 Above Insulin/oral hypogly adv effects Rx use 2.16 Adverse effects due to other drugs Y420 Glucocorticoids adv effects Rx use Y421 Thyroid hormones adv effects Rx use Y422 Antithyroid dr adverse effects Rx use Y424 Oral contraceptives adv effects Rx use Y425 Oth oestrogen progst adv effects Rx use Y426 Antgonad antestrgn antandrgn adv eff Rx Y427 Andrgn anabolic congener adv eff Rx use Y428 Unsp hormone synthc sub adv eff Rx use Y429 Unsp hormone antgnst caus adv eff Rx use Y430 Antiallergic antiemetic adv eff Rx use Y434 Immunosuppressive agt adv eff Rx use Y435 Acid/alkalising agt adv eff Rx use Y436 Enzymes NEC adverse effects Rx use Y438 Oth prim systc agent NEC adv eff Rx use Y439 Prim systc agt unsp caus adv eff Rx use Y451 Salicylates adverse effects Rx use Y452 Propionic acid derivt adv eff Rx use Version 2.0 4 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) Y453 Y454 Y455 Y458 Y459 Y460 Y461 Y462 Y463 Y464 Y465 Y466 Y467 Y468 Y470 Y471 Y472 Y473 Y474 Y475 Y478 Y479 Y490 Y491 Y492 Y493 Y494 Y495 Y496 Y497 Y498 Y499 Y500 Y501 Y502 Y508 Y509 Y510 Y511 Y512 Y513 Y514 Y515 Y516 Y517 Y518 Y519 Y530 Y531 Y532 Y533 Y534 Y535 Y536 Y537 Y538 Y539 Y540 Y541 Y542 Y543 Y544 Y545 Y546 Y547 Y548 Y549 Y550 Y551 Y552 Y553 Y554 Y555 Y556 Y557 Y560 Y561 Y562 Y563 Y564 Y565 Y566 Y567 Y568 Y569 Y570 Y571 Version 2.0 Other NSAID adv eff Rx use Antirheumatics adverse effects Rx use 4‐Aminophenol derivatives adv eff Rx use Oth anlgsc antipyr adv eff Rx use Anlgsc antipyr dr unsp caus adv eff Rx use Succinimides adverse effects Rx use Oxazolidinediones adverse effects Rx use Hydantoin derivatives adv effects Rx use Deoxybarbiturates adverse effects Rx use Iminostilbenes adverse effects Rx use Valproic acid adverse effects Rx use Oth/unsp antiepileptics adv eff Rx use Antiparkinsonism dr adv effects Rx use Antispasticity dr adverse effects Rx use Barbiturates NEC adverse effects Rx use Benzodiazepines adverse effects Rx use Cloral derivatives adv effects Rx use Paraldehyde adverse effects Rx use Bromine compounds adverse effects Rx use Mx sedative hypnotic NEC adv eff Rx use Oth sed‐hyp antianx dr adv eff Rx use Sed‐hyp antianx dr unsp caus adv eff Rx use Tri/tetracyclic antidprst adv eff Rx use MOI antidprst adv eff Rx use Oth/unsp antidprst adv eff Rx use Phenthz antpsych neurlptc adv eff Rx use Butyroph thioxanth neurlptc adv eff Rx Oth antpsych neurlptc adv eff Rx use Psychodysleptics adverse effects Rx use Psychstimt for use disrd adv eff Rx use Oth psychotropic adverse effects Rx use Psychotropic dr unsp caus adv eff Rx use Analeptics adverse effects Rx use Opd receptor antagonists adv eff Rx use Methylxanthines NEC adv effects Rx use Oth CNS stimulants adv effects Rx use CNS stimulant unsp caus adv eff Rx use Anticholinesterase agents adv eff Rx use Oth parasympathomimetic adv eff Rx use Ganglionic blocking adv effects Rx use Oth parasymp spasmlt adv eff Rx use Predom alpha‐adrenrcp agonst adv eff Rx use Predom beta adrenrcp agonst adv eff Rx use Alpha‐adrenrcp antgnst NEC adv eff Rx use Beta‐adrenrcp antagonists adv eff Rx use Cntrl act adrngc‐neuron‐block adv eff Rx Oth/unsp aut nrvs sys dr adv eff Rx Histamine H2‐receptor antgnst adv eff Rx Oth antacd antgast‐secrtn dr adv eff Rx Stimulant laxatives adv effects Rx use Saline osmotic laxative adv eff Rx use Oth laxatives adverse effects Rx use Digestants adverse effects Rx use Antidiarrhoeal dr adverse effects Rx use Emetics adverse effects Rx use Oth agents prim aff GIT adv eff Rx use Agt prim aff GIT unsp caus adv eff Rx use Mineralocorticoids adv effects Rx use Mineralocorticoid antagonists adv eff Rx Carbonic‐anhydrase inhib adv eff Rx use Benzothiadiazine derivt adv eff Rx use Loop diuretics adverse effects Rx use Oth diuretics adverse effects Rx use Elctrlytc cal wtr‐balance agt adv eff Rx Agents aff calcification adv eff Rx use Agt aff uric acid metab adv eff Rx use Mineral salts NEC adverse effects Rx use Oxytocic drugs adverse effects Rx use Skel musc relaxants adv effects Rx use Oth/unsp musc agt adv effects Rx use Antitussives adverse effects Rx use Expectorants adverse effects Rx use Anti‐common‐cold dr adv effects Rx use Antiasthmatics NEC ad effects Rx use Oth/unsp resp sys agt adv eff Rx use Loc antifung antinfect antinf adv eff Rx Antipruritics adverse effects Rx use Loc astringent detergent adv eff Rx use Emollient demulcent protect adv eff Rx Keratlyt keratplas hair Rx dr adv eff Rx Ophth dr & preparations adv eff Rx use ENT dr & preparations adv eff Rx use Dental dr top applied adv eff Rx use Oth topical agents adv effects Rx use Topical agent unsp adv effects Rx use Appetite depressants adv eff Rx use Lipotropic dr adverse effects Rx use 5 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) Y572 Y573 Y574 Y575 Y576 Y577 Y578 Y579 Y580 Y581 Y582 Y583 Y584 Y585 Y586 Y588 Y589 Y590 Y591 Y592 Y593 Y598 Y599 Antidotes chelating agt NEC adv eff Rx Alcohol deterrents adv effects Rx use Pharmaceutical excipients adv eff Rx use X‐ray contrast media adv effects Rx use Oth diagnostic agents adv effects Rx use Vitamins NEC adverse effects Rx use Oth dr & medicaments adv effects Rx use Drug or medicament unsp adv eff Rx use BCG vaccine adverse effects Rx use Typhoid paratyphoid vaccine adv eff Rx Cholera vaccine adverse effects Rx use Plague vaccine adverse effects Rx use Tetanus vaccine adverse effects Rx use Diphtheria vaccine adv effects Rx use Pert vacc incl cmb pert compt adv eff Rx Mx bact vacc ex w pert compt adv eff Rx Oth/unsp bacterial vacc adv eff Rx use Viral vaccines adverse eff Rx use Rickettsial vaccines adv eff Rx use Protozoal vaccines adverse eff Rx use Immunoglobulin adverse effects Rx use Oth spec vacc biol subs adv eff Rx use Vaccine biol subs unsp adv eff Rx use Also, include the following codes when NOT immediately followed by Y40‐59: D521 Drug‐induced folate deficiency anaemia D592 Drug‐ind nonautoimm haemolytc anaemia D611 Drug‐induced aplastic anaemia E064 Drug‐induced thyroiditis E160 Drug‐induced hypoglycaemia without coma E231 Drug‐induced hypopituitarism E242 Drug‐induced Cushings syndrome E273 Drug‐induced adrenocortical insuff G211 Oth drug‐induced secondary parkinsonism G240 Drug‐induced dystonia G251 Drug‐induced tremor G254 Drug‐induced chorea G444 Drug‐induced headache NEC G620 Drug‐induced polyneuropathy G720 Drug‐induced myopathy I952 Hypotension due to drugs J704 Drug‐ind interstitial lung disrd unsp L233 Allergic contact dermatitis due to drugs in contact with skin L244 Irritant contact dermatitis due to drugs in contact with skin L251 Unspecified contact dermatitis due to drugs in contact with skin L270 Genl skin eruption dt drugs medicaments L271 Local skin eruption dt drugs medicaments L432 Lichenoid drug reaction L560 Drug phototoxic response L561 Drug photoallergic response M1027 Drug‐induced gout ankle and foot N140 Analgesic nephropathy N141 Nephropathy ind by oth drugs substances N142 Nephropathy ind by unsp drug substances 2.17 Anaphylactic shock due to correct drug properly administered T886 Anaphyl shk dt adv eff drug proper admin T782 Anaphylactic shock unspecified ‐ when immediately followed by Y400 to Y599 . 2.18 Accidental overdose of drug or wrong drug given or taken in error X40 Poison nonopd anlgsc/antipyr/antirhm X41 Accid poisn antiep sed‐hyp psytrp NEC X42 Accid poisn narc psychodysleptic NEC X43 Accid poisn oth autonomic nrv sys dr X44 Accid poisn oth/unsp dr medts biol subs M CHADx 3 Accidental injuries 3.1 Falls with fractured neck of femur S72.‐ Fracture of Femur 3.2 Falls with intracranial injury S060‐ Concussive injury S061 Traumatic cerebral oedema S062‐ Diffuse brain injury S063‐ Focal brain injury S064 Epidural Haemorrhage S065 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage S066 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage S068 Other intracranial injuries S069 Intracranial injury, unspecified When follo W01‐W19 (exc W020‐W025, W090‐W099, W11‐W12, W14‐W16) When follo W01‐W19 (exc W020‐W025, W090‐W099, W11‐W12, W14‐W16) 3.3 All other falls (Excluding sections 3.1 and 3.2) W010 Fall on same level from slipping W011 Fall on same level from tripping W012 Fall on same level from stumbling W03 Oth fall same lvl dt col/push by person Version 2.0 6 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W10 W13 W17 W18 W19 Fall being carried/supported oth person Fall involving wheelchair Fall involving bed Fall involving chair Fall involving other furniture Fall on and from stairs and steps Fall out of/through building structure Other fall from one level to another Other fall on same level Unspecified fall 3.4 Injury due to assault Includes Codes X8500 TO Y0909 (exception: not including X9200 to X9299 or Y0300 to Y0399) X8500 X8501 X8502 X8503 X8504 X8505 X8506 X8507 X8508 X8509 X8600 X8601 X8602 X8603 X8604 X8605 X8606 X8607 X8608 X8609 X8700 X8701 X8702 X8703 X8704 X8705 X8706 X8707 X8708 X8709 X8800 X8801 X8802 X8803 X8804 X8805 X8806 X8807 X8808 X8809 X8900 X8901 X8902 X8903 X8904 X8905 X8906 X8907 X8908 X8909 X9000 X9001 X9002 X9003 X9004 X9005 X9006 X9007 X9008 X9009 X9100 X9101 X9102 X9103 X9104 X9105 X9106 X9107 X9108 X9109 X9300 X9301 X9302 Version 2.0 Asslt by drug medts biol subs sps/dp Asslt by drug medts biol subs parent Asslt by drug medts biol subs oth fm Asslt by drug medts biol subs carer Asslt by drug medts biol subs acq/frd Aslt by drugs medts biol subs ofc auth Aslt dr/medts/biol subs pers unknown Vctm Aslt drugs medts biol subs unknown mult pers Asslt drug medts biol subs oth spec pers Asslt drug medts biol subs unsp pers Asslt corsv subs sps/dp Asslt corsv subs parent Asslt corsv subs oth fm Asslt corsv subs carer Asslt corsv subs acq/frd Aslt corsv subs ofc auth Aslt corsv subs pers unknown t vctm Aslt corsv subs unknown mult pers Asslt corsv subs oth spec pers Asslt corsv subs unsp pers Asslt pesticides sps/dp Asslt pesticides parent Asslt pesticides oth fm Asslt pesticides carer Asslt pesticides acq/frd Aslt pesticides ofc auth Aslt pesticides pers unknown t vctm Aslt pesticides unknown mult pers Asslt pesticides oth spec pers Asslt pesticides unsp pers Asslt gases & vapours sps/dp Asslt gases & vapours parent Asslt gases & vapours oth fm Asslt gases & vapours carer Asslt gases & vapours acq/frd Aslt gases & vapours ofc auth Aslt gases & vapours pers unknown t vctm Aslt gases & vapours unknown mult pers Asslt gases & vapours oth spec pers Asslt gases & vapours unsp pers Asslt oth spec chem nox subs sps/dp Asslt oth spec chem nox subs parent Asslt oth spec chem nox subs oth fm Asslt oth spec chem nox subs carer Asslt oth spec chem nox subs acq/frd Aslt oth spec chem nox subs ofc auth Aslt oth spec chem pers unknown t vctm Aslt oth spec chem nox subs unknown mult pers Asslt oth spec chem oth spec pers Asslt oth spec chem nox subs unsp pers Asslt unsp chem nox subs sps/dp Asslt unsp chem nox subs parent Asslt unsp chem nox subs oth fm Asslt unsp chem nox subs carer Asslt unsp chem nox subs acq/frd Aslt unsp chem nox subs ofc auth Aslt unsp chem nox subs pers unknown t vctm Aslt unsp chem nox subs unknown mult pers Asslt unsp chem nox subs oth spec pers Asslt unsp chem nox subs unsp pers Asslt hang strangltn suffn sps/dp Asslt hang strangltn suffn parent Asslt hang strangltn suffn oth fm Asslt hang strangltn suffn carer Asslt hang strangltn suffn acq/frd Aslt hang strangltn suffn ofc auth Aslt hang strangltn suffn pers unknown t vctm Aslt hang strangltn suffn unknown mult pers Asslt hang strangltn suffn oth spec pers Asslt hang strangltn suffn unsp pers Asslt handgun disch sps/dp Asslt handgun disch parent Asslt handgun disch oth fm 7 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) X9303 X9304 X9305 X9306 X9307 X9308 X9309 X9510 X9511 X9512 X9513 X9514 X9515 X9516 X9517 X9518 X9519 X9520 X9521 X9522 X9523 X9524 X9525 X9526 X9527 X9528 X9529 X9530 X9531 X9532 X9533 X9534 X9535 X9536 X9537 X9538 X9539 X9540 X9541 X9542 X9543 X9544 X9545 X9546 X9547 X9548 X9549 X9590 X9591 X9592 X9593 X9594 X9595 X9596 X9597 X9598 X9599 X9600 X9601 X9602 X9603 X9604 X9605 X9606 X9607 X9608 X9609 X9700 X9701 X9702 X9703 X9704 X9705 X9706 X9707 X9708 X9709 X9800 X9801 X9802 X9803 X9804 X9805 X9806 X9807 X9808 X9809 Version 2.0 Asslt handgun disch carer Asslt handgun disch acq/frd Aslt handgun disch ofc auth Aslt handgun disch pers unknown t vctm Aslt handgun disch unknown mult pers Asslt handgun disch oth spec pers Asslt handgun disch unsp pers Asslt air rifle disch sps/dp Asslt air rifle disch parent Asslt air rifle disch oth fm Asslt air rifle disch carer Asslt air rifle disch acq/frd Aslt air rifle disch ofc auth Aslt air rifle disch pers unknown t vctm Aslt air rifle disch unknown mult pers Asslt air rifle disch oth spec pers Asslt air rifle disch unsp pers Asslt shotgun disch sps/dp Asslt shotgun disch parent Asslt shotgun disch oth fm Asslt shotgun disch carer Asslt shotgun disch acq/frd Aslt shotgun disch ofc auth Aslt shotgun disch pers unknown t vctm Aslt shotgun disch unknown mult pers Asslt shotgun disch oth spec pers Asslt shotgun disch unsp pers Asslt smllcalbr rifle disch sps/dp Asslt smllcalbr rifle disch parent Asslt smllcalbr rifle disch oth fm Asslt smllcalbr rifle disch carer Asslt smllcalbr rifle disch acq/frd Aslt smllcalbr rifle disch ofc auth Aslt smllcalbr rifle disch pers unknown t vctm Aslt smllcalbr rifle disch unknown mult pers Asslt smllcalbr rifle disch spec pers Asslt smllcalbr rifle disch unsp Pers Asslt lrgcalbr rifle disch sps/dp Asslt lrgcalbr rifle disch parent Asslt lrgcalbr rifle disch oth fm Asslt lrgcalbr rifle disch carer Asslt lrgcalbr rifle disch acq/frd Aslt lrgcalbr rifle disch ofc auth Aslt lrgcalbr rifle pers unknown t vctm Aslt lrgcalbr rifle disch unknown mult pers Asslt lrgcalbr rifle disch oth spec pers Asslt lrgcalbr rifle disch unsp pers Asslt other & unsp firearm disch sps/dp Asslt other & unsp firearm disch parent Asslt other & unsp firearm disch oth fm Asslt other & unsp firearm disch carer Asslt other & unsp firearm disch acq/frd Aslt other & unsp firearm disch ofc auth Aslt oth & unsp firearm disch pers unknown t vctm Aslt other & unsp firearm disch unknown mult pers Asslt oth & unsp firearm disch oth spec pers Asslt other & unsp firearm disch unsp pers Asslt explsv matrl sps/dp Asslt explsv matrl parent Asslt explsv matrl oth fm Asslt explsv matrl carer Asslt explsv matrl acq/frd Aslt explsv matrl ofc auth Aslt explsv matrl pers unknown t vctm Aslt explsv matrl unknown mult pers Asslt explsv matrl oth spec pers Asslt explsv matrl unsp pers Asslt smoke fire & flames sps/dp Asslt smoke fire & flames parent Asslt smoke fire & flames oth fm Asslt smoke fire & flames carer Asslt smoke fire & flames acq/frd Aslt smoke fire & flames ofc auth Aslt smoke fire pers unknown t vctm Aslt smoke fire & flames unknown mult pers Asslt smoke fire & flames oth spec pers Asslt smoke fire & flames unsp pers Asslt steam hot vapour/object sps/dp Asslt steam hot vapour/object parent Asslt steam hot vapour/object oth fm Asslt steam hot vapour/object carer Asslt steam hot vapour/object acq/frd Aslt steam hot vapour/object ofc auth Aslt steam hot vapour pers unknown t vctm Aslt steam hot vapour/object unknown mult pers Asslt steam hot vapour/obj oth spec pers Asslt steam hot vapour/object unsp pers 8 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) X9900 X9901 X9902 X9903 X9904 X9905 X9906 X9907 X9908 X9909 X9910 X9911 X9912 X9913 X9914 X9915 X9916 X9917 X9918 X9919 X9920 X9921 X9922 X9923 X9924 X9925 X9926 X9927 X9928 X9929 X9930 X9931 X9932 X9933 X9934 X9935 X9936 X9937 X9938 X9939 X9980 X9981 X9982 X9983 X9984 X9985 X9986 X9987 X9988 X9989 X9990 X9991 X9992 X9993 X9994 X9995 X9996 X9997 X9998 X9999 Y0000 Y0001 Y0002 Y0003 Y0004 Y0005 Y0006 Y0007 Y0008 Y0009 Y0100 Y0101 Y0102 Y0103 Y0104 Y0105 Y0106 Y0107 Y0108 Y0109 Y0200 Y0201 Y0202 Y0203 Y0204 Y0205 Y0206 Version 2.0 Asslt by knife sps/dp Assault by knife, parent Assault by knife, other family member Assault by knife, carer Asslt by knife acq/frd Assault by knife, official authorities Aslt by knife pers unknown t vctm Aslt by knife unknown mult pers Assault by knife, other specified person Asslt by knife unsp pers Asslt by razor blade sps/dp Assault by razor blade, parent Asslt by razor blade oth fm Assault by razor blade, carer Asslt by razor blade acq/frd Aslt by razor blade ofc auth Aslt by razor blade pers unknown t vctm Aslt by razor blade unknown mult pers Asslt by razor blade oth spec pers Asslt by razor blade unsp pers Assault hypdrmc needle & syrge sps/dp Assault hypdrmc needle & syrge parent Assault hypdrmc needle & syrge oth fm Assault hypdrmc needle & syrge carer Assault hypdrmc needle & syrge acq/frd Assault hypdrmc needle & syrge ofc auth Assault hypdrmc needle pers unknown t vctm Assault hypdrmc needle syrge unknown mult pers Assault hypdrmc needle oth spec pers Assault hypdrmc needle & syrge unsp pers Asslt by glass sps/dp Assault by glass, parent Assault by glass, other family member Assault by glass, carer Assault by glass, acquaintance or friend Assault by glass, official authorities Aslt by glass pers unknown t vctm Aslt by glass unknown mult pers Assault by glass, other specified person Assault by glass, unspecified person Asslt by oth spec sharp obj sps/dp Asslt by oth spec sharp obj parent Asslt by oth spec sharp obj other fm Asslt by oth spec sharp obj carer Asslt by oth spec sharp obj acq/frd Aslt by oth spec sharp obj ofc auth Aslt by oth sharp obj pers unknown t vctm Aslt by oth spec sharp obj unknown mult pers Asslt oth spec sharp obj oth spec pers Asslt by oth spec sharp obj unsp pers Asslt by unsp sharp obj sps/dp Asslt by unsp sharp obj parent Asslt by unsp sharp obj oth fm Asslt by unsp sharp obj carer Asslt by unsp sharp obj acq/frd Aslt by unsp sharp obj ofc auth Aslt by unsp sharp obj pers unknown t vctm Aslt by unsp sharp obj unknown mult pers Asslt by unsp sharp obj oth spec pers Asslt by unsp sharp obj unsp pers Asslt by blunt obj sps/dp Assault by blunt object, parent Asslt by blunt obj oth fm Assault by blunt object, carer Asslt by blunt obj acq/frd Aslt by blunt obj ofc auth Aslt by blunt obj pers unknown t vctm Aslt by blunt obj unknown mult pers Asslt by blunt obj oth spec pers Asslt by blunt obj unsp pers Asslt by pushing high place sps/dp Asslt by pushing high place parent Asslt by pushing high place oth fm Asslt by pushing high place carer Asslt by pushing high place acq/frd Aslt by pushing high place ofc auth Aslt push high place pers unknown t vctm Aslt by pushing high place unknown mult pers Asslt pushing high place oth spec pers Asslt by pushing high place unsp pers Asslt push/place vctm move obj sps/dp Asslt push/place vctm move obj parent Asslt push/place vctm move obj oth fm Asslt push/place vctm move obj carer Asslt push/place vctm move obj acq/frd Aslt push/place vctm move obj ofc auth Aslt push move obj pers unknown t vctm 9 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) Y0207 Y0208 Y0209 Y0400 Y0401 Y0402 Y0403 Y0404 Y0405 Y0406 Y0407 Y0408 Y0409 Y0500 Y0501 Y0502 Y0503 Y0504 Y0505 Y0506 Y0507 Y0508 Y0509 Y0600 Y0601 Y0602 Y0603 Y0604 Y0605 Y0606 Y0607 Y0608 Y0609 Y0700 Y0701 Y0702 Y0703 Y0704 Y0705 Y0706 Y0707 Y0708 Y0709 Y0800 Y0801 Y0802 Y0803 Y0804 Y0805 Y0806 Y0807 Y0808 Y0809 Y0900 Y0901 Y0902 Y0903 Y0904 Y0905 Y0906 Y0907 Y0908 Y0909 Aslt push/place vctm move obj mult pers Asslt push/place move obj oth spec pers Asslt push/place vctm move obj unsp pers Asslt by bodily force sps/dp Assault by bodily force, parent Asslt by bodily force oth fm Assault by bodily force, carer Asslt by bodily force acq/frd Aslt by bodily force ofc auth Aslt by bodily force pers unknown t vctm Aslt by bodily force unknown mult pers Asslt by bodily force oth spec pers Asslt by bodily force unsp pers Sexual asslt by bodily frce sps/dp Sexual assault by bodily force, parent Sexual asslt by bodily frce oth fm Sexual assault by bodily force, carer Sexual asslt by bodily frce acq/frd Sexual aslt by bodily frce ofc auth Sex aslt by bodily frce pers unknown t vctm Sexual aslt by bodily frce unknown mult pers Sexual asslt bodily frce oth spec pers Sexual asslt by bodily frce unsp pers Neglect abdnmnt sps/dp Neglect and abandonment, parent Neglect abdnmnt oth fm Neglect and abandonment, carer Neglect abdnmnt acq/frd Neglect abdnmnt ofc auth Neglect abdnmnt pers unknown t vctm Neglect abdnmnt unknown mult pers Neglect abdnmnt Neglect abdnmnt unsp pers Oth maltreatment synd sps/dp Other maltreatment syndromes, parent Oth maltreatment synd oth fm Other maltreatment syndromes, carer Oth maltreatment synd acq/frd Oth maltreatment synd ofc auth Oth maltreatment synd pers unknown t vctm Oth maltreatment synd unknown mult pers Oth maltreatment synd oth spec pers Oth maltreatment synd unsp pers Asslt by oth spec means sps/dp Assault by other specified means, parent Asslt by oth spec means oth fm Assault by other specified means, carer Asslt by oth spec means acq/frd Aslt by oth spec means ofc auth Aslt by oth spec means pers unknown t vctm Aslt by oth spec means unknown mult pers Asslt by oth spec means oth spec pers Asslt by oth spec means unsp pers Asslt by unsp means sps/dp Assault by unspecified means, parent Asslt by unsp means oth fm Assault by unspecified means, carer Asslt by unsp means acq/frd Aslt by unsp means ofc auth Aslt by unsp means pers unknown t vctm Aslt by unsp means unknown mult pers Asslt by unsp means oth spec pers Asslt by unsp means unsp pers 3.5 Other Patient Accidents (exc poisoning) W20 Struck by thrown or falling object W22 Striking against/struck by other objects W230 Caught crush jam or pinch bw door W238 Caught crush jam or pinch bw oth objects W24 Contact w lift/transmission device NEC W25 Contact with sharp glass W26 Contact with knife sword or dagger W27 Contact with nonpowered hand tool W35 Explosion and rupture of boiler W36 Explosion and rupture of gas cylinder W37 Explsn rupt pressurised tyre pipe hose W38 Explsn rupt oth spec pressurised device W40 Explosion of other materials W41 Exposure to high‐pressure jet W42 Exposure to noise W43 Exposure to vibration W44 FB into/through eye or natural orifice W459 FB or object entering skin W49 Exp oth/unsp inanimate mech forces W50 Hit struck kick bite scratch by oth pers W51 Strike against/bump into oth person W52 Crush/step on crowd/human stampede Version 2.0 10 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) W53 W540 W548 W57 W60 W64 W650 W651 W660 W661 W670 W671 W680 W73 W74 W75 W76 W77 W78 W79 W80 W81 W83 W84 W86 W87 W88 W89 W90 W91 W92 W93 W94 W99 X00 X01 X02 X03 X04 X05 X06 X08 X09 X100 X101 X102 X110 X111 X118 X119 X12 X131 X138 X139 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 X19 X210 X211 X212 X218 X219 X231 X2320 X2321 X2322 X2323 X2329 X2330 X2331 X2332 X2333 X2339 X24 X2500 X2501 X2502 X2508 X2509 X251 X252 X258 X259 X39 Version 2.0 Bitten by rat Bitten by dog Other contact with dog Bite sting nonvenomous insect/arthropod Contact w plant thorn spine sharp leaf Exposure oth/unsp animate mech force Drowning & submersion while in bath‐tub Drwn & submrs in indoor spa Drowning & submersion fall into bath‐tub Drwn & submrs fall indoor spa Drwn & submrs in swim‐pool Drwn & submrs in outdoor spa Drowning submersion fall in swim‐pool Other specified drowning and submersion Unspecified drowning and submersion Accid suffocation strangulation in bed Other accid hanging and strangulation Breath threat cave‐in fall earth/oth sub Inhalation of gastric contents Inhale/ingest food cause obstr resp tr Obstr resp dt inhalatn/ingest oth obj Confine/trap in low‐oxygen environment Other specified threats to breathing Unspecified threat to breathing Exposure to oth spec electric current Exposure to unspecified electric current Exposure to ionising radiation Exp to man‐made visible/UV light Exposure to other nonionising radiation Exposure to unsp type of radiation Exp excess heat of man‐made origin Exp to excessive cold of man‐made origin Exp to high/low/change air pressure Exp oth/unsp man‐made envir factor Exp uncont building fire Exp uncont fire not in building Exp controlled fire in building Exp controlled fire not in building Exp ignition highly flammable material Exp to ignition or melting of nightwear Exp ignition melt oth clothing apparel Exposure to oth spec smoke fire & flames Exposure to unsp smoke fire and flames Contact with hot drink Contact with hot food Contact w hot fat & cooking oil Contact with running hot tap‐water Contact with contained hot tap‐water Contact w oth spec hot tap‐water Contact with unspecified hot tap‐water Contact with other hot fluids Contact w steam & hot vapours food Contact w steam & hot vapours oth source Contact w unspec steam & hot vapours Contact with hot air and gases Contact with hot household appliances Contact hot heat appliance radiator pipe Contact w hot engines machinery & tools Contact with other hot metals Contact oth/unsp heat & hot substances Contact with funnel web spider Contact with red back spider Contct w white‐tailed & oth necrg spider Contact with other specified spider Contact with unspecified spider Contact with hornets Contact with unspecified wasps Contact with paper wasps Contct w yellow jacket wasps, V. species Contact with mud wasps Contact with other specified wasps Contact with unspecified bees Contact with bumble bees Contact with honey bees Contact with native bees Contact with other specified bees Contact centi/millipedes venm (tropical) Contact with jumper and bull ant Contact with fire ant Contact with green ant Contact with other spec venomous ant Contact with venomous ant unspecified Contact with venomous tick Contact with venomous & urt caterpillar Contact with other spec venm arthropod Contact with unsp venm arthropod Exposure to oth/unsp forces of nature Exclude when immediately preceded by any respiratory code from section 6 Exclude when immediately preceded by any respiratory code from section 6 11 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) X50 X51 X58 X59 X478 X479 X48 X49 Overexertion strenuous rept move Travel and motion Exposure to other specified factors Exposure to unspecified factor Accid poisn oth spec gas & vapours Accid poisn unsp gas & vapours Accid poisn pesticides Accid poisn oth/unsp chem nox subs M CHADx 4 Specific Infections Version 2.0 4.1 Sepsis A021 A327 A400 A401 A402 A403 A408 A409 A410 A411 A412 A413 A414 A4150 A4151 A4152 A4158 A418 A419 A427 B377 T8142 O753 O85 O883 P360 P361 P362 P363 P364 P365 P368 P369 R572 R650 R651 Salmonella sepsis Listerial sepsis Sepsis dt streptococcus group A Sepsis dt streptococcus group B Sepsis dt streptococcus group D Sepsis dt Streptococcus pneumoniae Other streptococcal sepsis Streptococcal sepsis unspecified Sepsis due to Staphylococcus aureus Sepsis dt other spec staphylococcus Sepsis due to unsp staphylococcus Sepsis dt Haemophilus influenzae Sepsis due to anaerobes Sepsis dt unsp Gram neg organisms Sepsis dt Escherichia coli (E coli) Sepsis due to Pseudomonas Sepsis dt other gram neg organisms Other specified sepsis Sepsis, unspecified Actinomycotic sepsis Candidal sepsis Sepsis following a procedure Other infection during labour Puerperal sepsis Obstetric pyaemic and septic embolism Newborn sepsis dt streptococcus group B Newborn sepsis oth/unsp streptococci Newborn sepsis dt Staphylococcus aureus Newborn sepsis dt oth/unsp staph Sepsis of newborn dt Escherichia coli Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes Other bacterial sepsis of newborn Bacterial sepsis of newborn unspecified Septic shock Systemic inflammatory response syndrom [SIRS] of infectious origin without acute organ failure Systemic inflammatory response syndrom [SIRS] of infectious origin with acute organ failure 4.2 Mycoses A318 A319 B350 B351 B352 B353 B354 B355 B356 B358 B359 B360 B361 B362 B363 B368 B369 B370 B371 B372 B373 B374 B375 B376 B3781 B3788 B379 B380 B382 B383 B384 B387 B388 B389 B390 B392 B393 Other mycobacterial infections Mycobacterial infection unspecified Tinea barbae and tinea capitis Tinea unguium Tinea manuum Tinea pedis Tinea corporis Tinea imbricata Tinea cruris Other dermatophytoses Dermatophytosis unspecified Pityriasis versicolor Tinea nigra White piedra Black piedra Other specified superficial mycoses Superficial mycosis unspecified Candidal stomatitis Pulmonary candidiasis Candidiasis of skin and nail Candidiasis of vulva and vagina Candidiasis of other urogenital sites Candidal meningitis Candidal endocarditis Candidal oesophagitis Candidiasis of other sites Candidiasis unspecified Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis unsp Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis meningitis Disseminated coccidioidomycosis Other forms of coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis unspecified Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati unsp Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati 12 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) B394 B395 B399 B400 B402 B403 B407 B408 B409 B410 B417 B418 B419 B420 B421 B427 B428 B429 B430 B431 B432 B438 B439 B440 B441 B442 B447 B448 B449 B450 B451 B452 B453 B457 B458 B459 B460 B461 B462 B463 B464 B465 B468 B469 B470 B471 B479 B480 B481 B482 B483 B484 B487 B488 B49 4.3 MRSA Z0632 Histoplasmosis capsulati unspecified Histoplasmosis duboisii Histoplasmosis unspecified Acute pulmonary blastomycosis Pulmonary blastomycosis unspecified Cutaneous blastomycosis Disseminated blastomycosis Other forms of blastomycosis Blastomycosis unspecified Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis Paracoccidioidomycosis unspecified Pulmonary sporotrichosis Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis Disseminated sporotrichosis Other forms of sporotrichosis Sporotrichosis unspecified Cutaneous chromomycosis Phaeomycotic brain abscess Subcutaneous phaeomycotic abscess & cyst Other forms of chromomycosis Chromomycosis unspecified Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis Other pulmonary aspergillosis Tonsillar aspergillosis Disseminated aspergillosis Other forms of aspergillosis Aspergillosis unspecified Pulmonary cryptococcosis Cerebral cryptococcosis Cutaneous cryptococcosis Osseous cryptococcosis Disseminated cryptococcosis Other forms of cryptococcosis Cryptococcosis unspecified Pulmonary mucormycosis Rhinocerebral mucormycosis Gastrointestinal mucormycosis Cutaneous mucormycosis Disseminated mucormycosis Mucormycosis unspecified Other zygomycoses Zygomycosis unspecified Eumycetoma Actinomycetoma Mycetoma unspecified Lobomycosis Rhinosporidiosis Allescheriasis Geotrichosis Penicilliosis Opportunistic mycoses Other specified mycoses Unspecified mycosis Methicillin resistant agent 4.4 Other drug resistant infections Z0631 Penicillin resistant agent Z0639 Agt resist oth penicillin‐rel antibiot Z0641 Vancomycin resistant agent Z0649 Agt resist oth vancomycin‐rel antibiot Z068 Agent resistant to multiple antibiotics Z0690 Agt resistant to unspecified antibiotic Z0699 Agt resist to oth single spec antibiot 4.5 Other infectious agents A067 Cutaneous amoebiasis A280 Pasteurellosis A363 Cutaneous diphtheria A368 Other diphtheria A428 Other forms of actinomycosis A429 Actinomycosis unspecified A46 Erysipelas A480 Gas gangrene A483 Toxic shock syndrome A490 Staphylococcal infection unspecified A491 Streptococcal infection unspecified A492 Haemophilus influenzae infection unsp A493 Mycoplasma infection unspecified A498 Other bacterial infections of unsp site A499 Bacterial infection unspecified A86 Unspecified viral encephalitis A872 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis A879 Viral meningitis unspecified Version 2.0 13 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) B000 B001 B002 B005 B007 B008 B009 B012 B019 B084 B09 B159 B169 B171 B199 B250 B258 B259 B303 B309 B338 B348 B349 B608 B80 B839 B850 B852 B853 B854 B99 Eczema herpeticum Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis Herpes gingivostomatis pharyngotonsillit Herpesviral ocular disease Disseminated herpesviral disease Other forms of herpesviral infection Herpesviral infection unspecified Varicella pneumonia Varicella without complication Entervir vesicular stomatitis w exanthem Unsp viral infectn w skin & mucous lsn Hepatitis A without hepatic coma Ac hep B wo delta‐agent wo hepatic coma Acute hepatitis C Unsp viral hepatitis wo hepatic coma Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis Other cytomegaloviral diseases Cytomegaloviral disease unspecified Acute epidemic haem conjunctivitis Viral conjunctivitis unspecified Other specified viral diseases Other viral infections of unsp site Viral infection unspecified Other specified protozoal diseases Enterobiasis Helminthiasis unspecified Pediculosis dt Pediculus humanus capitis Pediculosis unspecified Phthiriasis Mixed pediculosis and phthiriasis Other & unspecified infectious diseases M CHADx 5 Cardiovascular complications 5.1 AMI I210 I211 I212 I213 I214 I219 I220 I221 I228 I229 Acute transmural MI of anterior wall Acute transmural MI of inferior wall Acute transmural MI of other sites Acute transmural MI of unspecified site Acute subendocardial MI Acute myocardial infarction unspecified Subsequent MI of anterior wall Subsequent MI of inferior wall Subsequent MI of other sites Subsequent MI of unspecified site 5.2 Pulmonary Embolism (PE) I260 Pulm embolism w acute cor pulmonale I269 Pulm embolism wo acute cor pulmonale 5.3 Cardiac arrythmias, conduction disturbances & abnormal heart beat I440 Atrioventricular block first degree I441 Atrioventricular block second degree I442 Atrioventricular block complete I443 Other & unsp atrioventricular block I444 Left anterior fascicular block I445 Left posterior fascicular block I446 Other and unspecified fascicular block I447 Left bundle‐branch block unspecified I450 Right fascicular block I451 Other & unsp R bundle branch block I452 Bifascicular block I453 Trifascicular block I454 Nonspecific intraventricular block I455 Other specified heart block I456 Pre‐excitation syndrome I458 Other specified conduction disorders I459 Conduction disorder unspecified I470 Re‐entry ventricular arrhythmia I471 Supraventricular tachycardia I472 Ventricular tachycardia I479 Paroxysmal tachycardia unspecified I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter I491 Atrial premature depolarisation I492 Junctional premature depolarisation I493 Ventricular premature depolarisation I494 Other & unsp premature depolarisation I495 Sick sinus syndrome I498 Other specified cardiac arrhythmias I499 Cardiac arrhythmia unspecified R000 Tachycardia unspecified R001 Bradycardia unspecified R002 Palpitations R008 Oth and unsp abnormalities of heart beat R010 Benign and innocent cardiac murmurs R011 Cardiac murmur unspecified R012 Other cardiac sounds Version 2.0 14 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) 5.4 Ventricular Fibrillation/ Cardiac arrest I460 Cardiac arrest w success resuscitation I461 Sudden cardiac death so described I469 Cardiac arrest unspecified I490 Ventricular fibrillation and flutter 5.5 Heart Failure I500 Congestive heart failure I501 Left ventricular failure I509 Heart failure unspecified 5.6 Hypotension I950 Idiopathic hypotension I951 Orthostatic hypotension I958 Other hypotension I959 Hypotension unspecified 5.7 Cerebro‐vascular Disease & TIA I600 Subarach haem, carotid siphon & bifur I601 Subarach haem frm middle cerebral art I602 Subarach haem frm ant communicating art I603 Subarach haem frm post comm art I605 Subarach haemorrhage frm vertebral art I608 Other subarachnoid haemorrhage I609 Subarachnoid haemorrhage unspecified I610 Intracerebral haem in hemisphere subcort I611 Intracereb haem in hemisphere cortical I612 Intracerebral haem in hemisphere unsp I613 Intracerebral haemorrhage in brain stem I614 Intracerebral haemorrhage in cerebellum I615 Intracerebral haem intraventricular I616 Intracerebral haem multiple localised I618 Other intracerebral haemorrhage I619 Intracerebral haemorrhage unspecified I620 Subdural haem (acute)(nontraumatic) I621 Nontraumatic extradural haemorrhage I629 Intracranial haem (nontraumatic) unsp I630 Cereb infrct dt thrombosis precereb art I631 Cereb infrct dt embolism precereb art I632 Cereb infrct dt unsp occlus precereb art I633 Cereb infarction dt thrombosis cereb art I634 Cereb infrct dt embolism cerebral art I635 Cereb infrct dt unsp occlusion cereb art I636 Cereb infrct dt cntrl ven thromb nonpyo I638 Other cerebral infarction I639 Cerebral infarction unspecified I64 Stroke not spec haemorrhage or infrct I650 Occlusion & stenosis vertebral artery I651 Occlusion and stenosis of basilar artery I662 Occlusion & stenosis post cereb artery I664 Occlus & stenosis mult & bil cereb art I670 Dissection cerebral arteries nonruptured I676 Nonpyo thrombosis intrcran venous system G450 Vertebro‐basilar artery syndrome G451 Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric) G452 Mult & bil precerebral artery syndromes G453 Amaurosis fugax G454 Transient global amnesia G458 Other TIAs (cerebral) & related syndrome G459 Transient cerebral ischaemic attack unsp O873 Cerebral venous thrombosis in puerperium 5.8 Venous thrombosis/embolism (not progressing to PE) I800 Phleb & thrombophleb spfl vesl legs I801 Phlebitis & thrombophleb femoral vein I802 Phleb & thrombophleb oth deep vesl legs I803 Phlebitis & thrombophlebitis legs unsp I808 Phlebitis & thrombophlebitis other sites I809 Phlebitis & thrombophlebitis unsp site I81 Portal vein thrombosis I820 Budd‐Chiari syndrome I821 Thrombophlebitis migrans I822 Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava I823 Embolism and thrombosis of renal vein I828 Embolism & thrombosis other spec veins I829 Embolism & thrombosis of unsp vein O223 Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy O870 Spfl thrombophlebitis in puerperium O871 Deep phlebothrombosis in the puerperium O882 Obstetric blood clot embolism Exclude: when occuring anywhere in the string with Pulmonary Embolism (I26) 5.9 Unstable and other angina 1200 Unstable angina I201 Angina pectoris with documented spasm I208 Other forms of angina pectoris I209 Angina pectoris unspecified Version 2.0 15 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) 5.10 Cardiogenic and Other Shock R570 Cardiogenic shock R571 Hypovolaemic shock R578 Other shock R579 Shock unspecified 5.11 Other Circulatory System Complications I159 Secondary hypertension unspecified I230 Haemopericardium current comp foll ac MI I232 VSD as current comp following acute MI I233 Rupt card wall wo hemopericrd foll ac MI I238 Other current complication foll acute MI I240 Coronary thrombosis not resulting in MI I241 Dresslers syndrome I248 Other forms of acute IHD I249 Acute ischaemic heart disease unsp I272 Other secondary pulmonary hypertension I279 Pulmonary heart disease unspecified I288 Other spec diseases pulmonary vessels I301 Infective pericarditis I308 Other forms of acute pericarditis I309 Acute pericarditis unspecified I312 Haemopericardium NEC I313 Pericardial effusion (noninflammatory) I319 Disease of pericardium unspecified I330 Acute & subacute infective endocarditis I339 Acute endocarditis unspecified I348 Oth nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders I358 Other aortic valve disorders I361 Nonrheumatic tricuspid insufficiency I369 Nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disrd unsp I371 Pulmonary valve insufficiency I38 Endocarditis valve unspecified I408 Other acute myocarditis I513 Intracardiac thrombosis NEC I514 Myocarditis unspecified I516 Cardiovascular disease unspecified I518 Other ill‐defined heart diseases I7100 Dissection of aorta unspecified site I7101 Dissection of thoracic aorta I711 Thoracic aortic aneurysm ruptured I720 Aneurysm of carotid artery I721 Aneurysm of artery of upper extremity I722 Aneurysm of renal artery I724 Aneurysm of artery of lower extremity I728 Aneurysm of other specified arteries I729 Aneurysm of unspecified site I740 Embolism & thrombosis abdominal aorta I741 Embolism & thrombosis oth/unsp aorta I742 Embolism & thromb arteries upp extrem I743 Embolism & thromb arteries lower extrem I744 Embolism & thromb arteries extrem unsp I745 Embolism and thrombosis of iliac artery I748 Embolism & thrombosis other arteries I749 Embolism & thrombosis unspecified artery I770 Arteriovenous fistula acquired I771 Stricture of artery I772 Rupture of artery I776 Arteritis unspecified I778 Other spec disrd arteries & arterioles I779 Disorder of arteries & arterioles unsp I788 Other diseases of capillaries I871 Compression of vein I878 Other specified disorders of veins I879 Disorder of vein unspecified I880 Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis I889 Nonspecific lymphadenitis unspecified I890 Lymphoedema not elsewhere classified I891 Lymphangitis I898 Oth spec noninfect disrd lymph vesl & n I899 Noninfect disrd lymph vesl & nodes unsp I99 Other & unsp disrd circulatory system R0988 Oth spec sym & signs inv circ system M CHADx 6 Respiratory Complications (Re rule 3: these codes to be Included even if immediately followed by W83 & W84) 6.1 ARDS, Respiratory failure and pulmonary collapse (includes atelectasis) J80 Adult respiratory distress syndrome J960 Acute respiratory failure J969 Respiratory failure unspecified J981 Pulmonary collapse 6.2 Aspiration Pneumonia J690 Pneumonitis due to food and vomit J691 Pneumonitis due to oils and essences J698 Pneumonitis dt other solids & liquids Version 2.0 16 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) 6.3 Acute Lower Respiratory Infections (incl influenza & pneumonia) J100 Influenza w pneumonia identified virus J101 Influenza w oth resp manif id virus J108 Influenza w oth manif identified virus J110 Influenza w pneum virus not identified J111 Influenza w oth resp manif virus not id J118 Influenza w oth manif virus not id J120 Adenoviral pneumonia J121 Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia J122 Parainfluenza virus pneumonia J128 Other viral pneumonia J129 Viral pneumonia unspecified J13 Pneumonia dt Streptococcus pneumoniae J14 Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae J150 Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae J151 Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas J152 Pneumonia due to staphylococcus J153 Pneumonia due to streptococcus group B J154 Pneumonia due to other streptococci J155 Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli J156 Pneumonia dt other aerobic gram neg bact J157 Pneumonia dt Mycoplasma pneumoniae J158 Other bacterial pneumonia J159 Bacterial pneumonia unspecified J160 Chlamydial pneumonia J168 Pneumonia dt oth spec infect organisms J170 Pneumonia in bact dis class elsewhere J171 Pneumonia in viral dis class elsewhere J172 Pneumonia in mycoses J173 Pneumonia in parasitic diseases J178 Pneumonia in other dis class elsewhere J180 Bronchopneumonia unspecified J181 Lobar pneumonia unspecified J182 Hypostatic pneumonia unspecified J188 Other pneumonia organism unspecified J189 Pneumonia unspecified J201 Ac bronchitis dt Haemophilus influenzae J208 Acute bronchitis dt other spec organisms J209 Acute bronchitis unspecified J210 Ac bronchiolitis dt resp syncytial virus J219 Acute bronchiolitis unspecified J22 Unsp acute lower respiratory infection 6.4 Pulmonary Oedema, Pneumothorax & Pleural Effusion J81 Pulmonary oedema J90 Pleural effusion NEC J930 Spontaneous tension pneumothorax J931 Other spontaneous pneumothorax J938 Other pneumothorax J939 Pneumothorax unspecified J940 Chylous effusion J942 Haemothorax 6.5 Haemorrhage from Respiratory Passages R040 Epistaxis R041 Haemorrhage from throat R042 Haemoptysis R048 Haem from oth sites in resp passages R049 Haem from respiratory passages unsp 6.6 Asphyxia & Respiratory Arrest R090 Asphyxia R092 Respiratory arrest 6.7 Breathing Difficulties R060 Dyspnoea R061 Stridor R062 Wheezing R063 Periodic breathing R064 Hyperventilation R065 Mouth breathing R068 Other and unsp breathing abnormalities R091 Pleurisy 6.8 Other Hospital‐acquired Respiratory Disorders J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] J010 Acute maxillary sinusitis J014 Acute pansinusitis J019 Acute sinusitis unspecified J028 Acute pharyngitis dt oth spec organisms J029 Acute pharyngitis unspecified J039 Acute tonsillitis unspecified J040 Acute laryngitis J041 Acute tracheitis J050 Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] J051 Acute epiglottitis Version 2.0 17 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) J069 J301 J303 J304 J340 J348 J3800 J3801 J3802 J3803 J3804 J383 J384 J385 J386 J387 J390 J392 J393 J398 J40 J82 J849 J850 J851 J852 J853 J860 J869 J948 J980 J984 J985 J986 J988 J989 R0989 Acute URTI unspecified Allergic rhinitis due to pollen Other allergic rhinitis Allergic rhinitis unspecified Abscess furuncle and carbuncle of nose Oth spec disorders nose & nasal sinuses Paralysis vocal cords & larynx, unsp Unilateral partial Unilateral complete Bilateral partial Bilateral complete Other diseases of vocal cords Oedema of larynx Laryngeal spasm Stenosis of larynx Other diseases of larynx Retropharyngeal & parapharyngeal abscess Other diseases of pharynx Upp resp tract hypersens react site unsp Oth spec disease upper respiratory tract Bronchitis not spec as acute or chronic Pulmonary eosinophilia NEC Interstitial pulmonary disease unsp Gangrene and necrosis of lung Abscess of lung with pneumonia Abscess of lung without pneumonia Abscess of mediastinum Pyothorax with fistula Pyothorax without fistula Other specified pleural conditions Diseases of bronchus NEC Other disorders of lung Diseases of mediastinum NEC Disorders of diaphragm Other specified respiratory disorders Respiratory disorder unspecified Oth spec sym & signs inv resp system M CHADx 7 Gastrointestinal Complications 7.1 Gastro enteritis A020 Salmonella enteritis A022 Localised salmonella infections A028 Other specified salmonella infections A029 Salmonella infection unspecified A030 Shigellosis due to Shigella dysenteriae A031 Shigellosis due to Shigella flexneri A032 Shigellosis due to Shigella boydii A033 Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei A038 Other shigellosis A039 Shigellosis unspecified A040 Enteropathogenic E coli infection A041 Enterotoxigenic E coli infection A042 Enteroinvasive E coli infection A043 Enterohaemorrhagic E coli infection A044 Other E coli infection A045 Campylobacter enteritis A046 Enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica A048 Other spec bacterial intestinal infectn A049 Bacterial intestinal infection unsp A050 Food‐borne staphylococcal intoxication A051 Botulism A052 Food‐borne intox dt C. perfringens A053 Food‐borne intox dt Vib parahaemolyticus A054 Food‐borne Bacillus cereus intoxication A058 Other spec bacterial food‐borne intox A059 Bacterial food‐borne intoxication unsp A060 Acute amoebic dysentery A068 Amoebic infection of other sites A069 Amoebiasis unspecified A070 Balantidiasis A071 Giardiasis [lambliasis] A072 Cryptosporidiosis A073 Isosporiasis A078 Other spec protozoal intestinal diseases A079 Protozoal intestinal disease unsp A080 Rotaviral enteritis A081 Acute gastroenteropathy dt Norwalk agent A082 Adenoviral enteritis A083 Other viral enteritis A084 Viral intestinal infection unspecified A085 Other specified intestinal infections A090 Other gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin A099 Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin K520 K521 Toxic gastroenteritis and colitis Version 2.0 18 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) K522 K528 K529 Allergic & diet gastrenteritis & colitis Oth spec noninfect gastroenteritis colit Noninfect gastroenteritis & colitis unsp 7.2 Paralytic Ileus & Intestinal Obstruction (w/o hernia) K560 Paralytic ileus K561 Intussusception K562 Volvulus K563 Gallstone ileus K564 Other impaction of intestine K565 Intestinal adhesions with obstruction K566 Oth & unsp intestinal obstruction K567 Ileus unspecified 7.3 Enterocolitis dt Clostridium difficile A047 Enterocolitis dt Clostridium difficile 7.4 Constipation K590 Constipation 7.5 Nausea and Vomiting R11 Nausea and vomiting 7.6 GI Bleeding not classified to a disease K920 Haematemesis K921 Melaena K922 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage unsp 7.7 Other Digestive System Disorders K050 Acute gingivitis K052 Acute periodontitis K055 Other periodontal diseases K056 Periodontal disease unspecified K062 Traum gingivl edentulous alv rdge lesion K068 Oth spec disrd gingiva edentul alv rdge K069 Disrd gingiva & edentulous alv rdge unsp K081 Loss teeth dt accdnt extr perid dis K0881 Pathological fracture of tooth K089 Disorder teeth & support structure unsp K102 Inflammatory conditions of jaws K103 Alveolitis of jaws K108 Other specified diseases of jaws K112 Sialoadenitis K113 Abscess of salivary gland K114 Fistula of salivary gland K117 Disturbances of salivary secretion K118 Other diseases of salivary glands K120 Recurrent oral aphthae K121 Other forms of stomatitis K122 Cellulitis and abscess of mouth K130 Diseases of lips K131 Cheek and lip biting K137 Oth & unsp lesions oral mucosa K140 Glossitis K146 Glossodynia K148 Other diseases of tongue K20 Oesophagitis K221 Ulcer of oesophagus K222 Oesophageal obstruction K223 Perforation of oesophagus K226 Gastro‐oesophageal laceration‐haem syndr K228 Other specified diseases of oesophagus K229 Disease of oesophagus unspecified K30 Dyspepsia K310 Acute dilatation of stomach K315 Obstruction of duodenum K316 Fistula of stomach and duodenum K3188 Other spec diseases stomach & duodenum K319 Disease of stomach & duodenum unsp K352 Acute appendicitis w genl peritonitis K353 Acute appendicitis w localised peritonitis K358 Acute appendicitis other and unspecified K36 Other appendicitis K37 Unspecified appendicitis K388 Other specified diseases of appendix K550 Acute vascular disorders of intestine K558 Other vascular disorders of intestine K559 Vascular disorder of intestine unsp K591 Functional diarrhoea K594 Anal spasm K598 Other spec functional intestinal disrd K599 Functional intestinal disorder unsp K600 Acute anal fissure K602 Anal fissure unspecified K603 Anal fistula K604 Rectal fistula K610 Anal abscess Version 2.0 19 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) K611 K612 K613 K624 K625 K626 K627 K628 K629 K630 K631 K632 K633 K638 K639 K650 K658 K659 K661 K668 K720 K729 K750 K758 K759 K763 K766 K767 K768 K769 K810 K818 K819 K822 K828 K829 K830 K831 K832 K833 K834 K838 K839 K850 K851 K853 K858 K859 K862 K863 K868 K869 K871 K903 K904 K909 K928 K929 R194 R195 R198 Rectal abscess Anorectal abscess Ischiorectal abscess Stenosis of anus and rectum Haemorrhage of anus and rectum Ulcer of anus and rectum Radiation proctitis Other specified diseases anus & rectum Disease of anus and rectum unspecified Abscess of intestine Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic) Fistula of intestine Ulcer of intestine Other specified diseases of intestine Disease of intestine unspecified Acute peritonitis Other peritonitis Peritonitis unspecified Haemoperitoneum Other specified disorders of peritoneum Acute and subacute hepatic failure Hepatic failure unspecified Abscess of liver Other spec inflammatory liver diseases Inflammatory liver disease unspecified Infarction of liver Portal hypertension Hepatorenal syndrome Other specified diseases of liver Liver disease unspecified Acute cholecystitis Other cholecystitis Cholecystitis unspecified Perforation of gallbladder Other specified diseases of gallbladder Disease of gallbladder unspecified Cholangitis Obstruction of bile duct Perforation of bile duct Fistula of bile duct Spasm of sphincter of Oddi Other spec diseases biliary tract Disease of biliary tract unspecified Idiopathic acute pancreatitis Biliary acute pancreatitis Drug‐induced acute pancreatitis Other acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis unspecified Cyst of pancreas Pseudocyst of pancreas Other specified diseases of pancreas Disease of pancreas unspecified Disrd pancreas in dis class elsewhere Pancreatic steatorrhoea Malabsorption due to intolerance NEC Intestinal malabsorption unspecified Other spec diseases digestive system Disease of digestive system unspecified Change in bowel habit Other faecal abnormalities Oth spec sym signs inv digest sys abdo M CHADX 8 Skin Conditions 8.1 Pressure Ulcers L890 Decubitus [pressure] ulcer, stage I L891 Decubitus [pressure] ulcer, stage II L892 Decubitus [pressure] ulcer, stage III L893 Decubitus [pressure] ulcer, stage IV L899 Decubitus [pressure] ulcer, unspecified 8.2 Cellullitis L0301 L0302 L0310 L0311 L032 L033 L038 L039 Cellulitis of finger Cellulitis of toe Cellulitis of upper limb Cellulitis of lower limb Cellulitis of face Cellulitis of trunk Cellulitis of other sites Cellulitis unspecified 8.3 Dermatitis, Rash and Other skin effects L200 Besniers prurigo L208 Other atopic dermatitis L209 Atopic dermatitis unspecified L210 Seborrhoea capitis L211 Seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis Version 2.0 20 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) L218 L219 L22 L230 L231 L232 L234 L235 L236 L237 L238 L239 L240 L241 L242 L243 L245 L246 L247 L248 L249 L250 L252 L253 L254 L255 L258 L259 L26 L272 L278 L279 L280 L281 L282 L290 L291 L292 L293 L298 L299 L300 L301 L302 L303 L304 L305 L308 L309 R200 R201 R202 R203 R208 R21 R220 R221 R222 R223 R224 R227 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 R234 R238 Other seborrhoeic dermatitis Seborrhoeic dermatitis unspecified Diaper [napkin] dermatitis Allergic contact dermatitis due to metal Allergic contact dermatitis dt adhesives Allergic contact dermatitis dt cosmetics Allergic contact dermatitis due to dyes All contact dermatitis dt oth chem prdct All contact dermatitis dt food on skin All contct dermatitis dt plants ex food All contact dermatitis dt other agents Allergic contact dermatitis unsp cause Irritant contact dermatitis dt detergent Irritant contct dermatitis dt oil grease Irritant contact dermatitis dt solvents Irritant contact dermatitis dt cosmetics Irrit contct dermat dt oth chem prdct Irrit contact dermat dt oth food on skin Irrit contact dermat dt plants ex food Irritant contact dermatitis dt oth agt Irritant contact dermatitis unsp cause Unsp contact dermatitis dt cosmetics Unsp contact dermatitis dt dyes Unsp contct dermat dt oth chem prdct Unsp contct dermatitis dt food on skin Unsp contct dermat dt plants ex food Unsp contact dermatitis dt oth agents Unsp contact dermatitis unsp cause Exfoliative dermatitis Dermatitis due to ingested food Dermatitis dt oth subs taken internally Dermat dt unsp subs taken internally Lichen simplex chronicus Prurigo nodularis Other prurigo Pruritus ani Pruritus scroti Pruritus vulvae Anogenital pruritus unspecified Other pruritus Pruritus unspecified Nummular dermatitis Dyshidrosis [pompholyx] Cutaneous autosensitisation Infective dermatitis Erythema intertrigo Pityriasis alba Other specified dermatitis Dermatitis unspecified Anaesthesia of skin Hypoaesthesia of skin Paraesthesia of skin Hyperaesthesia Oth & unsp disturb of skin sensation Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption Localised swelling mass and lump head Localised swelling mass and lump neck Localised swelling mass and lump trunk Localised swelling mass lump upper limb Localised swelling mass lump lower limb Localised swelling mass lump mult sites Localised swelling mass and lump unsp Cyanosis Pallor Flushing Spontaneous ecchymoses Changes in skin texture Other and unspecified skin changes 8.4 Other Skin Disorders L010 Impetigo [any organism] [any site] L011 Impetiginisation of other dermatoses L020 Cutan abscess furuncle & carbuncle face L021 Cutan abscess furuncle & carbuncle neck L022 Cutan abscess furuncle & carbuncle trunk L023 Cutan abscess furuncle carbuncle buttock L024 Cutan abscess furuncle & carbuncle limb L028 Cutan abs furuncle carbuncle other sites L029 Cutan abscess furuncle & carbuncle unsp L040 Acute lymphadenitis face head & neck L041 Acute lymphadenitis of trunk L042 Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb L043 Acute lymphadenitis of lower limb L050 Pilonidal cyst with abscess L059 Pilonidal cyst without abscess L080 Pyoderma L088 Oth spec local infectn skin sbc tissue Version 2.0 21 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) L089 L109 L111 L138 L42 L439 L500 L508 L509 L511 L518 L519 L52 L530 L538 L539 L580 L589 L590 L598 L599 L600 L601 L603 L608 L609 L659 L700 L708 L709 L710 L719 L720 L721 L728 L729 L738 L739 L740 L741 L743 L88 L928 L929 L97 L980 L981 L982 L985 L988 L989 Local infection skin & sbc tissue unsp Pemphigus unspecified Trns acantholytic dermatosis [Grover] Other specified bullous disorders Pityriasis rosea Lichen planus unspecified Allergic urticaria Other urticaria Urticaria unspecified Bullous erythema multiforme Other erythema multiforme Erythema multiforme unspecified Erythema nodosum Toxic erythema Other specified erythematous conditions Erythematous condition unspecified Acute radiodermatitis Radiodermatitis unspecified Erythema ab igne [dermatitis ab igne] Oth spec radiat‐rel disrd skin sbc tis Radiation‐rel disrd skin sbc tis unsp Ingrowing nail Onycholysis Nail dystrophy Other nail disorders Nail disorder unspecified Nonscarring hair loss unspecified Acne vulgaris Other acne Acne unspecified Perioral dermatitis Rosacea unspecified Epidermal cyst Trichilemmal cyst Oth follicular cysts skin & sbc tissue Follicular cyst skin & sbc tissue unsp Other specified follicular disorders Follicular disorder unspecified Miliaria rubra Miliaria crystallina Miliaria unspecified Pyoderma gangrenosum Oth granulomatous disrd skin sbc tissue Granulomatous disrd skin sbc tissue unsp Ulcer lower limb NEC Pyogenic granuloma Factitial dermatitis Febrile neutrophilic dermatosis [Sweet] Mucinosis of skin Oth spec disrd skin & subcutaneous tis Disorder skin & subcutaneous tissue unsp M CHADx 9 Genitourinary Complications 9.1 Acute & Unspecified Renal Failure N170 Acute renal failure w tubular necrosis N171 Ac renal failure w ac cortical necrosis N172 Acute renal failure w medullary necrosis N178 Other acute renal failure N179 Acute renal failure unspecified N19 Unspecified renal failure 9.2 UTIs N10 N300 N390 Acute tubulo‐interstitial nephritis Acute cystitis Urinary tract infection site not spec 9.3 Urinary Retention R33 Retention of urine 9.4 Other Complications and Symptoms of the Urinary System N002 Ac nephritic synd diffuse memb glomneph N005 Ac neph synd diffuse mesngcp glomneph N008 Acute nephritic syndrome other N009 Acute nephritic syndrome unspecified N018 Rapid progress nephritic syndrome other N048 Nephrotic syndrome other N049 Nephrotic syndrome unspecified N052 Unsp neph synd dfs membranous glomneph N058 Unspecified nephritic syndrome other N059 Unspecified nephritic syndrome unsp N12 Tubulo‐interstitial nephritis NOS N130 Hydronephrosis w ureteropelvic jnct obs N131 Hydronephrosis w ureteral stricture NEC N132 Hydronephrosis w renal ureteral calc obs N133 Other and unspecified hydronephrosis N134 Hydroureter Version 2.0 22 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) N135 N136 N137 N138 N139 N151 N159 N23 N280 N288 N289 N303 N304 N308 N309 N320 N321 N322 N324 N328 N329 N342 N350 N359 N360 N368 N369 N370 N392 N393 N394 N3981 N3988 N399 R300 R301 R309 R31 R32 R34 R35 R36 R390 R391 R392 R398 Kinking stricture ureter wo hydroneph Pyonephrosis Vesicoureteral‐reflux‐ass uropathy Other obstructive and reflux uropathy Obstructive & reflux uropathy unsp Renal and perinephric abscess Renal tubulo‐interstitial disease unsp Unspecified renal colic Ischaemia and infarction of kidney Oth spec disorders of kidney & ureter Disorder of kidney and ureter unsp Trigonitis Irradiation cystitis Other cystitis Cystitis unspecified Bladder neck obstruction Vesicointestinal fistula Vesical fistula NEC Rupture of bladder nontraumatic Other specified disorders of bladder Bladder disorder unspecified Other urethritis Post‐traumatic urethral stricture Urethral stricture unspecified Urethral fistula Other specified disorders of urethra Urethral disorder unspecified Urethritis in diseases cl/e Orthostatic proteinuria unspecified Stress incontinence Other specified urinary incontinence Loin pain/haematuria syndrome Oth spec disorders of urinary system Disorder of urinary system unspecified Dysuria Vesical tenesmus Painful micturition unspecified Unspecified haematuria Unspecified urinary incontinence Anuria and oliguria Polyuria Urethral discharge Extravasation of urine Other difficulties with micturition Extrarenal uraemia Oth unsp symptoms sign inv urinary sys 9.5 Other complications of male & female genitals N410 Acute prostatitis N419 Inflammatory disease of prostate unsp N428 Other specified disorders of prostate N450 Orchitis epididymitis w abscess N459 Orchitis epididymitis wo abscess N481 Balanoposthitis N482 Other inflammatory disorders of penis N483 Priapism N485 Ulcer of penis N488 Other specified disorders of penis N489 Disorder of penis unspecified N492 Inflammatory disorders of scrotum N499 Inf disrd of unsp male genital organ N501 Vascular disrd of male genital organs N508 Oth spec disrd of male genital organs N509 Disorder of male genital organs unsp N511 Disrd of testis & epididymis in dis cl/e N512 Balanitis in diseases cl/e N518 Oth disrd male genital org in dis cl/e N61 Inflammatory disorders of breast N641 Fat necrosis of breast N643 Galactorrhoea not ass w childbirth N644 Mastodynia N645 Other signs and symptoms in breast N648 Other specified disorders of breast N710 Acute inflammatory disease of uterus N719 Inflammatory disease of uterus unsp N732 Unsp parametritis and pelvic cellulitis N735 Female pelvic peritonitis unspecified N739 Female pelvic inflammatory disease unsp N760 Acute vaginitis N762 Acute vulvitis N764 Abscess of vulva N765 Ulceration of vagina N766 Ulceration of vulva N768 Oth spec inflammation of vagina & vulva N820 Vesicovaginal fistula N821 Oth femle urinary‐genital tract fist N823 Fistula of vagina to large intestine Version 2.0 23 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) N836 N837 N838 N839 N859 N888 N898 N899 N908 N909 N938 N939 N940 N944 N946 N981 Haematosalpinx Haematoma of broad ligament Oth noninf disrd ovry fall tbe brd ligmt Noninf ovry fall tbe brd ligmt unsp Noninflammatory disorder of uterus unsp Oth spec noninf disrd of cervix uteri Oth spec noninflammatory disrd of vagina Noninflammatory disorder of vagina unsp Oth spec noninf disrd vulva & perineum Noninf disrd of vulva & perineum unsp Oth spec abn uterine vaginal bleeding Abnormal uterine & vaginal bleeding unsp Mittelschmerz Primary dysmenorrhoea Dysmenorrhoea unspecified Hyperstimulation of ovaries M CHADx 10 Hospital-acquired Psychiatric states 10.1 Depressive episode & symptoms involving emotional state F3200 Mild depres ep not in postnatal period F3210 Mod depres ep not in postnatal period F3220 Sev depres ep wo psych sym not postnatal F3230 Sev depres ep w psych sym not postnatal F3280 Other depres ep not in postnatal period F3290 Depres ep not in the postnatal period R450 Nervousness R451 Restlessness and agitation R452 Unhappiness R453 Demoralisation and apathy R454 Irritability and anger R455 Hostility R457 State of emotional shock and stress unsp R4581 Suicidal ideation R4589 Oth symptoms & signs inv emotional state 10.2 Panic and other anxiety disorders F410 Panic disrd [ep paroxysmal anxiety] F411 Generalised anxiety disorder F412 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder F413 Other mixed anxiety disorders F418 Other specified anxiety disorders F419 Anxiety disorder unspecified 10.3 Adjustment & Other Psych Disorders F061 Organic catatonic disorder F0633 Organic depressive disorder F067 Mild cognitive disorder F068 Oth ment disrd dt brain dam dysf & dis F069 Ment disrd unspec dt brain dam dysf & dis F072 Postconcussional syndrome F078 Oth orgnc person/beh disrd dt brain dis F09 Unsp orgnc or symptomatic mental disrd F2330 Oth ac predom dlsnl psych disrd wo stres F2331 Oth ac predom dlsnl psych disrd w stress F2390 Acute & trns psych disrd unspec wo ac stres F2391 Acute & trns psych disrd unspec w ac stress F29 Unspecified nonorganic psychosis F300 Hypomania F302 Mania with psychotic symptoms F309 Manic episode unspecified F388 Oth specified mood [affective] disorders F39 Unspecified mood [affective] disorder F408 Other phobic anxiety disorders F409 Phobic anxiety disorder unspecified F430 Acute stress reaction F431 Post‐traumatic stress disorder F432 Adjustment disorders F438 Other reactions to severe stress F439 Reaction to severe stress unspecified F445 Dissociative convulsions F4488 Oth spec dissociative [conversion] disrd F449 Dissociative [conversion] disorder unsp F450 Somatisation disorder F4531 Somatoform aut dysf heart & C‐V system F4532 Somatoform aut dysf upper GIT F4534 Somatoform aut dysf respiratory system F458 Other somatoform disorders F459 Somatoform disorder unspecified F489 Neurotic disorder unspecified F510 Nonorganic insomnia F514 Sleep terrors [night terrors] F515 Nightmares F99 Mental disorder not otherwise specified R456 Physical violence 10.4 Alterations to mental state Version 2.0 24 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) F050 F051 F058 F059 R400 R401 R402 R410 R411 R412 R413 R418 R440 R441 R442 R443 R448 Delirium not superimposed on dementia Delirium superimposed on dementia Other delirium Delirium unspecified Somnolence Stupor Coma unspecified Disorientation unspecified Anterograde amnesia Retrograde amnesia Other amnesia Oth / unsp symp inv cogn fn & awareness Auditory hallucinations Visual hallucinations Other hallucinations Hallucinations unspecified Oth/unsp sym inv genl sensation perceptn 10.5 Mental & behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use F103 Ment/beh disrd dt alco use withdrawal st F104 Ment/beh disrd dt alco use withdr w del F113 Ment/beh disrd dt opioid use withdr st F114 Ment/beh disrd dt opioid withdr st w del F123 Ment/beh disrd dt cannab use withdr st F124 Ment/beh disrd dt cannab use withdr st w del F1330 Ment & beh disrd withdr st unsp sed hypn F1331 Ment & beh disrd withdr st GHB F1339 Ment & beh disrd withdr st oth sed hypn F1340 Ment beh dis withdr st del unsp sed hypn F1341 Ment beh dis withdr st del GHB F1349 Ment beh dis withdr st del oth sed hypn F143 Ment & beh disrd dt cocaine withdr st F144 Ment & beh disrd cocaine withdr st w del F1530 Ment & beh disrd dt stimt withdr st unsp F1531 Ment beh disrd dt stimt withdr st mamph F1532 Ment & beh disrd dt withdr st MDMA F1539 Ment & beh disrd dt stimt withdr st oth F1630 Ment & beh disrd withdr st unsp hallucin F1631 Ment & beh disrd withdr st ketamine F1639 Ment & beh disrd withdr st oth hallucin F1640 Ment beh disrd withdr st del unsp hallucin F1641 Ment beh disrd withdr st del ketamine F1649 Ment beh disrd withdr st del hallucin F173 Ment & beh disrd dt use tbcc withdr st F174 Ment/beh disrd tobacco withdr st w del F183 Ment & beh disrd dt vol solv withdr st F184 Ment beh disrd vol solv withdr st w del F193 Ment & beh dis mult dr psyact withdr st F194 Ment beh disrd mult dr psyact withdr del 10.6 Patient self-harm (includes intentional and undetermined intent overdose) X60 Intent self poisn anlgsc antipyr antirhm X61 Intent selfpoison antiep sed‐hyp psytrp X62 Intent selfpoison narc psychdyslpt NEC X63 Intent selfpoison oth aut nrv sys dr X64 Intent selfpoison oth & unsp dr biol sub X65 Intentional selfpoisoning alcohol X66 Intent selfpoison orgnc solv hydcarb X671 Intent selfpoison LPG X672 Intent selfpoison oth spec utility gas X678 Intent selfpoison oth spec gas/vapours X679 Intent selfpoison unsp gas or vapours X68 Intentional selfpoison pesticides X69 Intent selfpoison oth/unsp chem nox sub X700 Intentional self‐harm by hanging X701 Intentional self‐harm by strangulation X702 Intentional self‐harm by suffocation X710 Int selfharm drwn & submrs bath‐tub X718 Int selfharm drwn & submrs oth spec wtr X719 Int selfharm drwn & submrs unsp wtr X76 Intent selfharm by smoke fire & flames X77 Intent selfharm steam vapour hot obj X780 Int selfharm by knife X781 Int selfharm by razor blade X782 Int selfharm by hypdrmc needle & syrge X783 Int selfharm by glass X788 Int selfharm by oth spec sharp obj X789 Int selfharm by unsp sharp obj X79 Intentional selfharm by blunt object X80 Intent selfharm jump from a high place X810 Intent harm jump / lie before a train X811 Intent hrm jump / lie a tram X812 Intent slfhrm jump / lie motor vehicle X818 Intent slfhrm jump / lie oth move obj X819 Intent slfhrm lie unspecified move obj X83 Intentional selfharm by oth spec means X84 Intentional selfharm by unsp means Version 2.0 25 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y170 Y171 Y172 Y178 Y179 Y18 Y19 Y20 Y210 Y218 Y219 Y22 Y241 Y242 Y243 Y244 Y249 Y25 Y26 Y27 Y280 Y281 Y282 Y283 Y288 Y289 Y29 Y30 Y310 Y311 Y312 Y318 Y319 Y33 Y34 Poisoning anlgsc antipyr undet intent Poisoning sed‐hyp psytrp undet intent Poisoning narc NEC undetermined intent Poison oth aut nrv sys dr undet intent Poisoning oth/unsp dr undet intent Poisoning alcohol undetermined intent Poisoning solvent undetermined intent Poisn motor vehicle exhaust undet intent Poisn LPG undet intent Poisn oth spec gas undet intent Poisn oth spec gas/vapours undet intent Poisn unsp gas or vapours undet intent Poisoning pesticides undetermined intent Poisoning unsp chem undet intent Hanging strangltn suffn undet intent Drwn & submrs bath‐tub undet intent Drwn & submrs oth spec wtr undet intent Drwn & submrs unsp wtr undet intent Handgun discharge undetermined intent Air rifle discharge, undetermined intent Shotgun discharge, undetermined intent Sm calibre rifle disch, undet intent Large calibre rifle disch, undet intent Disch oth & unsp firearms, undet intent Contact explsv matrl undetermined intent Exp smoke fire undetermined intent Contct steam hot obj undetermined intent Contact w knife undet intent Contact w razor blade undet intent Contct w hypdrmc needle & syrge undet intent Contact w glass undet intent Contact w oth spec sharp obj undet intent Contact w unsp sharp obj undet intent Contact w blunt obj undetermined intent Fall jump push fm high plc undet intent Fall lie before move train undet intent Fall lie move tram undet intent Fall lie move motor vehicle undet intent Fall lie move oth spec obj undet intent Fall lie move unspecified obj undet intent Other spec events undetermined intent Unspecified event undetermined intent M CHADx 11 Early Pregnancy Complications 11.1 Complication of Abortion, Ectopic and Molar pregnancies O030 Spont abortn incomp complic pelv infectn O031 Spont abortion incomp complic by haem O032 Spont abortion incomp complic embolism O033 Spont abortion incomp oth/unsp comp O034 Spontaneous abortion incomplete wo comp O035 Spont abortn compl/unsp w pelv infectn O036 Spont abortn complete or unsp w haem O037 Spont abortn compl or unsp w embolism O038 Spont abortn compl unsp w unsp comp O040 Medical abortn incomp w pelv infectn O041 Medical abortn incomp w haem O042 Medical abortn incomp w embolism O043 Med abortion incomp w oth/unsp comp O044 Medical abortion incomplete wo comp O045 Med abortion compl unsp w pelv infectn O046 Medical abortn complete or unsp w haem O047 Medical abortn compl unsp w embolism O048 Med abortion complete or unsp oth comp O050 Oth abortn incomp w pelv infectn O051 Oth abortn incomp w haemorrhage O052 Oth abortion incomp w embolism O053 Oth abortion incomp w oth/unsp comp O054 Oth abortion incomplete wo complication O055 Oth abortn compl unsp w pelv infectn O056 Oth abortn complete unsp complic haem O057 Oth abortn complete or unsp w embolism O058 Oth abortn complete or unsp w oth comp O060 Unsp abortn incomp w pelv infectn O061 Unsp abortn incomp w haemorrhage O062 Unsp abortn incomp w embolism O063 Unsp abortn incomp w oth/unsp comp O064 Unsp abortn incomp wo complication O065 Unsp abortn compl/unsp w pelv infectn O066 Unsp abortn compl/unsp w haem O067 Unsp abortn compl/unsp w embolism O068 Unsp abortn compl/unsp w oth comp O070 Failed medical abortn w pelv infectn O071 Failed medical abortn w haem O072 Failed medical abortn w embolism O073 Failed med abortion w other/unsp comp O074 Failed medical abortion wo complication Version 2.0 26 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) O075 O076 O077 O078 O079 O080 O081 O082 O083 O084 O085 O086 O087 O088 O089 Oth unsp fail attempt abortn w infectn Oth unsp fail attempt abortn w haem Oth unsp fail attempt abortn w embol Oth unsp fail attempt abortn oth comp Oth unsp fail attempt abortn wo comp Infectn foll abortn ectop molar preg Haem foll abortn ectop molar pregnancy Embolism foll abortn ectop molar preg Shock foll abortn ectop molar pregnancy Renal fail foll abortn ectop molar preg Metab disrd foll abortn ectop molar preg Pelv damage foll abortn ectop molar preg Oth venous comp abortn ectop molar preg Oth comp foll abortn ectop molar preg Comp foll abortn ectop molar preg unsp M CHADx 12 Labour, Delivery & Postpartum Complications 12.1 Foetal heart rate abnomalies O680 Labour delivery complic FHR anomaly O682 Labour delivery FHR abn w mec liquor 12.2 Foetal meconium and other distress O681 Labour delivery complic meconium liquor O683 Labour delv biochem evdce fetal stress O688 Labour delivery w oth evdce fetal stress O689 Labour delv complic fetal stress unsp 12.3 Complications of unbilical cord O690 Labour & delivery complic prolapse cord O691 Delivery cord around neck w compression O692 Labour delivery w oth cord entanglement O693 Labour & delivery complic by short cord O694 Labour & delivery complic vasa praevia O695 Labour & delivery w vascular lesion cord O698 Labour & delivery complic oth cord comp O699 Labour & delivery complic cord comp unsp 12.4 Unsuccessful Interventions During Labour O610 Failed medical induction of labour O611 Failed instrumental induction of labour O618 Other failed induction of labour O619 Failed induction of labour unspecified O665 Fail applictn vacuum extr forceps unsp O755 Delayed delivery after artificial ROM O756 Delay delivery after spont or unsp ROM 12.5 Complications of Maternal Anaesthetic during pregnancy and puerperium O290 Pulmonary comp anaesthesia during preg O291 Cardiac comp anaesthesia during preg O292 CNS comp anaesthesia during preg O293 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia preg O294 Spinal epidural anaes‐ind headache preg O295 Oth comp spinal epidural anaes preg O296 Failed or difficult intubation dur preg O298 Oth comp anaesthesia during pregnancy O299 Comp anaesthesia during pregnancy unsp O740 Aspr pneumonitis dt anaes labour delv O741 Oth pulm comp anaes labour delivery O742 Cardiac comp anaes labour & delivery O743 CNS comp anaes during labour & delivery O744 Toxic reaction LA labour & delivery O745 Spinal epidural headache dur labour delv O746 Oth comp spinal epidural labour delivery O747 Fail or difficlt intubation labour delv O748 Oth comp anaes during labour & delivery O749 Comp anaes during labour & delivery unsp O890 Pulmonary comp of anaes during puerp O891 Cardiac comp of anaesthesia during puerp O892 CNS comp of anaesthesia during puerp O893 Tox reaction dt local anaes during puerp O894 Spinal epidural headache during puerp O895 Oth comp spinal epidural during puerp O896 Failed difficult intubation during puerp O898 Oth comp anaesthesia during puerperium O899 Comp anaesthesia during puerperium unsp 12.6 First degree and unspecified perineal laceration O700 First degree perineal laceration delv O709 Perineal laceration during delivery unsp 12.7 Second degree perineal laceration O701 Second deg perineal laceration dur delv 12.8 Third degree and Fourth degree perineal laceration O702 Third deg perineal laceration dur delv O703 Fourth deg perineal laceration dur delv Version 2.0 27 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) 12.9 Maternal Haemorrhage O441 Placenta praevia with haemorrhage O460 Antepartum haem w coagulation defect O468 Other antepartum haemorrhage O469 Antepartum haemorrhage unspecified O670 Intrapartum haem w coagulation defect O678 Other intrapartum haemorrhage O679 Intrapartum haemorrhage unspecified O720 Third‐stage haemorrhage O721 Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage O722 Delayed & sec postpartum haemorrhage O723 Postpartum coagulation defects 12.10 Other Obstetric Trauma Rupt of uterus bef labour, unsp O7100 O7101 Spont rupt of uterus bef labour O7102 Traum rupt of uterus bef labour O7110 Rupt of uterus during labour, unsp O7111 Spont rupt of uterus during labour O7112 Traum rupt of uterus during labour O712 Postpartum inversion of uterus O713 Obstetric laceration of cervix O714 Obstetric high vaginal laceration alone O715 Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs O716 Obstetric damage pelv joints & ligaments O717 Obstetric haematoma of pelvis Obstetric uterine laceration or tear O7181 O7182 Diats of recti abdo musc in preg / delv O7188 Other specified obstetric trauma O719 Obstetric trauma unspecified O902 Haematoma of obstetric wound 12.11 Other complications intrapartum & postpartum O750 Mat distress during labour & delivery O751 Shock during or foll labour & delivery O752 Pyrexia during labour NEC O754 Oth comp obstetric surgery & procedures Vaginal delivery foll previous C/S O757 O758 Oth spec complications labour & delivery O759 Complication of labour and delivery unsp O872 Haemorrhoids in the puerperium O878 Oth venous comp in the puerperium O879 Venous complications in puerperium unsp O903 Cardiomyopathy in the puerperium O904 Postpartum acute renal failure O905 Postpartum thyroiditis O908 Oth complications of the puerperium NEC O909 Complication of the puerperium unsp 12.12 Retained Placenta O730 Retained placenta without haemorrhage O731 Retained portion placenta & memb wo haem 12.13 Maternal Infection (excluding wound infection & septicaemia) O411 Infection of amniotic sac and membranes O861 Oth infectn gen tract following delivery O862 Urinary tract infectn following delivery O863 Oth GU tract infections foll delivery O864 Pyrexia unknown origin foll delivery O868 Other specified puerperal infections 12.14 Breast Disorders associated with childbirth Infectn nipple wo attachment difficulty O9100 O9101 Infectn nipple w attachment difficulty Abscess breast wo atchmt difficulty O9110 O9111 Abscess breast w atchmt difficulty Nonpurulent mastitis wo atchmt difficlt O9120 O9121 Nonpurulent mastitis w atchmt difficulty Retracted nipple wo attachment difficlt O9200 O9201 Retracted nipple w attachment difficulty O9210 Cracked nipple wo atchmt difficulty O9211 Cracked nipple w atchmt difficulty Oth/unsp dis brst wo atchmt difficlt O9220 O9221 Oth/unsp dis breast w atchmt difficlt Agalactia wo mention atchmt difficulty O9230 O9231 Agalactia w mention attachment difficlt O9240 Hypogalactia wo attachment difficulty O9241 Hypogalactia w attachment difficulty O9250 Suppressed lactation wo atchmt difficlt O9251 Suppressed lactation w atchmt difficulty O9260 Galactorrhoea wo attachment difficulty O9261 Galactorrhoea w attachment difficulty O9270 Oth disrd lact wo attachment difficlt O9271 Oth disrd lact w attachment difficlt 12.15 Other Disorders Predominately related to pregnancy Version 2.0 For section 12.15 count only 'C' prefixed codes 28 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) O200 O208 O209 O210 O211 O212 O218 O219 O222 O225 O228 O229 O230 O231 O232 O233 O234 O235 O239 O25 O264 O265 O267 O2681 O2682 O2683 O2688 O269 O318 O418 O419 O420 O4211 O4212 O422 O429 O450 O458 O459 O471 O479 O881 Threatened abortion Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy Haemorrhage in early pregnancy unsp Mild hyperemesis gravidarum Hyperemesis gravidarum w metab disturb Late vomiting of pregnancy Other vomiting complicating pregnancy Vomiting of pregnancy unspecified Spfl thrombophlebitis in pregnancy Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy Other venous complications in pregnancy Venous complication in pregnancy unsp Infections of kidney in pregnancy Infections of bladder in pregnancy Infections of urethra in pregnancy Infectn oth parts urinary tract in preg Unsp infectn urinary tract in pregnancy Infections genital tract in pregnancy Oth & unsp GU infection in preg Malnutrition in pregnancy Herpes gestationis Maternal hypotension syndrome Sublux symphysis pubis preg brth puerp Renal disease pregnancy‐related Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy Neuralgia in pregnancy Oth spec pregnancy‐related conditions Pregnancy‐related condition unspecified Oth comp specific to multiple gestation Oth spec disrd amniotic fluid membranes Disrd of amniotic fluid & membranes unsp PROM onset labour within 24 hours PROM onset labour between 1‐7 days later PROM onset labour more than 7 days later PROM labour delayed therapy Premature rupture of membranes unsp Prem sep placenta w coagulation defect Other premature separation of placenta Premature separation of placenta unsp False labour >= 37 completed weeks gest False labour unspecified Amniotic fluid embolism M CHADx 13 Perinatal Complications 13.1 Prenatal injuries P032 Fetus & newborn aff by forceps delivery P033 Fetus & newborn aff by vacuum extr P034 Fetus & newborn aff caesarean delivery P9650 Fetus & newb aff by unsp IU proc P9651 Fetus & newb affected by amniocentesis P9652 Fetus & newb aff by chori villous sampl P9653 Fetus & newb aff by fetal bl sampling P9654 Fetus & newb aff by comp IU fetal surg P9659 Fetus & newb aff by oth IU proc 13.2 Intracranial Haemorrhage, Hypoxia and Other Brain Injuries P100 Subdural haemorrhage due to birth trauma P101 Cerebral haemorrhage due to birth trauma P102 Intraventricular haem dt birth trauma P103 Subarachnoid haemorrhage dt birth trauma P104 Tentorial tear due to birth trauma P108 Other intrcran lacr haem dt birth trauma P109 Unsp intrcran lacr haem dt birth trauma P110 Cerebral oedema due to birth trauma P111 Oth spec brain damage dt birth trauma P112 Unsp brain damage due to birth trauma P200 Intrauterine hypoxia before onset labour P201 Intrauterine hypoxia during labour P209 Intrauterine hypoxia unspecified P210 Severe birth asphyxia P211 Mild and moderate birth asphyxia P219 Birth asphyxia unspecified P520 Intraventricular haem G.1 fetus newborn P521 Intraventricular haem G.2 fetus newborn P522 Intraventricular haem G.3 fetus newborn P523 Unsp intraventricular haem fetus newborn P524 Intracerebral haem fetus & newborn P525 Subarachnoid haem fetus & newborn P526 Cerebellar post fossa haem fetus newborn P528 Oth intracranial haem fetus & newborn P529 Intracranial haem fetus & newborn unsp P90 Convulsions of newborn P910 Neonatal cerebral ischaemia P911 Acquired periventricular cysts newborn P912 Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia P913 Neonatal cerebral irritability Version 2.0 29 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) P914 P915 P916 P918 P919 Neonatal cerebral depression Neonatal coma Hypoxic ischmc encephpath [HIE] of newborn Oth spec disturb newborn cerebral status Disturbance newborn cerebral status unsp 13.3 Other Birth Trauma P113 Birth trauma to facial nerve P114 Birth trauma to other cranial nerves P115 Birth trauma to spine and spinal cord P119 Birth trauma to CNS unsp P120 Cephalhaematoma due to birth trauma P121 Chignon due to birth trauma P122 Epicranial subaponeurotic haem birth inj P123 Bruising of scalp due to birth trauma P124 Monitoring trauma of scalp of newborn P128 Other birth trauma to scalp P129 Birth trauma to scalp unspecified P130 Fracture of skull due to birth trauma P131 Other birth trauma to skull P132 Birth trauma to femur P133 Birth trauma to other long bones P134 Fracture of clavicle due to birth trauma P138 Birth trauma to oth parts of skeleton P139 Birth trauma to skeleton unspecified P140 Erbs paralysis due to birth trauma P141 Klumpkes paralysis due to birth trauma P142 Phrenic nerve paralysis dt birth trauma P143 Other brachial plexus birth trauma P148 Birth trauma to other perph nervous sys P149 Birth trauma to perph nervous sys unsp P150 Birth trauma to liver P151 Birth trauma to spleen P152 Sternomastoid trauma due to birth trauma P153 Birth trauma to eye P154 Birth trauma to face P155 Birth trauma to external genitalia P156 Sbc fat necrosis dt birth trauma P158 Other specified birth trauma P159 Birth trauma unspecified 13.4 Respiratory Distress of Newborn P220 Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn P221 Transient tachypnoea of newborn P228 Other respiratory distress of newborn P229 Respiratory distress of newborn unsp 13.5 Aspiration & Other Respiratory Disorders of Newborn P240 Neonatal aspiration of meconium P241 Neonatal aspr amniotic fluid & mucus P242 Neonatal aspiration of blood P243 Neonatal aspr milk & regurgitated food P248 Other neonatal aspiration syndromes P249 Neonatal aspiration syndrome unsp P250 Perinatal interstitial emphysema P251 Pneumothorax in perinatal period P252 Pneumomediastinum in perinatal period P253 Pneumopericardium in perinatal period P258 Oth perintl cond rel air leak syndrome P260 Perinatal tracheobronchial haemorrhage P261 Massive perinatal pulmonary haem P268 Oth perinatal pulmonary haemorrhage P269 Unsp perinatal pulmonary haemorrhage P280 Primary atelectasis of newborn P281 Other & unsp atelectasis of newborn P282 Cyanotic attacks of newborn P283 Primary sleep apnoea of newborn P2840 Apnoea of newborn, unspecified P2841 Apnoea of prematurity P2849 Other apnoea of newborn P285 Respiratory failure of newborn P2882 Acquired subglottic stenosis in newborn P2889 Oth spec respiratory cond of newborn P289 Respiratory condition of newborn unsp P293 Persistent fetal circulation 13.6 Circulatory Disorders of Newborn P290 Neonatal cardiac failure P291 Neonatal cardiac dysrhythmia P292 Neonatal hypertension P294 Transient myocardial ischaemia newborn P2981 Neonatal hypotension P2982 Ben & innocent card murmurs in newborn P2989 Oth cardiovascular disrd P299 Perinatal cardiovascular disrd unsp 13.7 Perinatal infections (exc septicaemia) Version 2.0 30 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) P3750 P3751 P3752 P3759 P38 P390 P391 P392 P393 P394 P398 P399 Neonatal candidiasis, unspecified Top or GI neonatal candidiasis Invasive neonatal candidiasis Other neonatal candidiasis Omphalitis newborn w or wo mild haem Neonatal infective mastitis Neonatal conjunctivitis & dacryocystitis Intra‐amniotic infection of fetus NEC Neonatal urinary tract infection Neonatal skin infection Oth spec infectn spec to perintl period Infectn spec to perinatal peri unsp 13.8 Haemorrhage and Blood Disorders of Newborn P53 Haemorrhagic disease of fetus & newborn P540 Neonatal haematemesis P541 Neonatal melaena P542 Neonatal rectal haemorrhage P543 Oth neonatal gastrointestinal haem P544 Neonatal adrenal haemorrhage P545 Neonatal cutaneous haemorrhage P546 Neonatal vaginal haemorrhage P548 Other specified neonatal haemorrhages P549 Neonatal haemorrhage unspecified 13.9 Jaundice P580 P581 P582 P583 P584 P585 P588 P589 P590 P591 P592 P593 P598 P599 Neonatal jaundice due to bruising Neonatal jaundice due to bleeding Neonatal jaundice due to infection Neonatal jaundice due to polycythaemia Neonatal jaundice dt mat drugs or toxin Neonatal jaundice dt swallowed mat blood Neon jaundice dt oth excess hemolys Neon jaundice excess dt haemolysis unsp Neonatal jaundice w preterm delivery Inspissated bile syndrome Neon jaundice w oth hepatocellular dam Neon jaundice dt breast milk inhibitor Neonatal jaundice from oth spec causes Neonatal jaundice unspecified 13.10 GI and Feeding Disorders of Newborn P75 Meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis P760 Meconium plug syndrome P761 Transitory ileus of newborn P762 Intest obstruction dt inspissated milk P768 Oth spec intestinal obstruction newborn P769 Intestinal obstruction of newborn unsp P77 Necrotising enterocolitis fetus newborn P780 Perinatal intestinal perforation P781 Other neonatal peritonitis P782 Neon haematemesis/melaena dt mat blood P783 Noninfective neonatal diarrhoea P788 Oth spec perinatal digestive sys disrd P789 Perinatal digestive system disorder unsp P920 Vomiting in newborn P921 Regurgitation and rumination in newborn P922 Slow feeding of newborn P923 Underfeeding of newborn P924 Overfeeding of newborn P925 Neonatal difficulty in feeding at breast P928 Other feeding problems of newborn P929 Feeding problem of newborn unspecified R634 Abnormal weight loss Include only for perinatal episodes ‐ Exclude if coded with P92 code in the string 13.11 Other Neonatal Complications P60 DIC fetus & newborn P610 Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia P611 Polycythaemia neonatorum P612 Anaemia of prematurity P613 Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss P614 Other congenital anaemias NEC P615 Transient neonatal neutropenia P616 Oth transient neonatal disrd coagulation P618 Oth spec perinatal haematological disrd P619 Perinatal haematological disorder unsp P703 Iatrogenic neonatal hypoglycaemia P704 Other neonatal hypoglycaemia P708 Oth trns disrd fetal carbohydrate metab P709 Trns disrd fetal carbohydrate metab unsp P710 Cows milk hypocalcaemia in newborn P711 Other neonatal hypocalcaemia P712 Neonatal hypomagnesaemia P713 Neon tetany wo calcium magnesium def P714 Transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism P718 Oth trns neon dis calcium magns metab P719 Trns neon disrd calcm magns metab unsp Version 2.0 31 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) P720 P721 P722 P728 P729 P740 P741 P7420 P7421 P7422 P7429 P7430 P7431 P7432 P7439 P744 P745 P748 P749 P2881 P2883 P800 P808 P809 P810 P818 P819 P830 P831 P832 P833 P834 P835 P836 P838 P839 P961 P962 P9681 P9689 P963 Neonatal goitre NEC Transitory neonatal hyperthyroidism Oth trns neon disrd thyroid fn NEC Oth spec trns neonatal endocrine disrd Transitory neonatal endocrine disrd unsp Metabolic acidosis of newborn Dehydration of newborn Disturb of sodium bal of newborn, unsp Hypernatraemia of newborn Hyponatraemia of newborn Oth disturbances sodium balance newborn Disturb of K+ bal of newborn, unsp Hyperkalaemia of newborn Hypokalaemia of newborn Oth disturb of potassium bal of newborn Oth trns electrolyte disturb newborn Transitory tyrosinaemia of newborn Oth transitory metabolic disturb newborn Trns metab disturbance newborn unsp Snuffles in newborn Grunting in newborn Cold injury syndrome Other hypothermia of newborn Hypothermia of newborn unspecified Environmental hyperthermia of newborn Oth spec disturb newborn temp rg Disturb newborn temp rg unsp Sclerema neonatorum Neonatal erythema toxicum Hydrops fetalis not dt haemolytic dis Oth unsp oedema spec fetus newborn Breast engorgement of newborn Congenital hydrocele Umbilical polyp of newborn Oth spec cond integument spec to fetus Cond integument spec fetus & newb unsp Neon withdr sym dt mat use drugs addictn Newb withdr sym fm Rx use drugs in newb Jittery baby Oth spec conditions in perinatal period Wide cranial sutures of newborn M CHADx 14 Haematological Disorders 14.1 Post Haemorrhagic Anaemia D62 Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia 14.2 Other Hospital‐acquired Anaemia D552 Anaemia dt disorders glycolytic enzymes D593 Haemolytic‐uraemic syndrome D594 Oth nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemias D596 Haemoglobinuria dt hemolys oth ext cause D598 Other acquired haemolytic anaemias D599 Acquired haemolytic anaemia unsp D619 Aplastic anaemia unspecified D63 Anaemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere D641 Sec sideroblastic anaemia dt disease D643 Other sideroblastic anaemias D648 Other specified anaemias D649 Anaemia unspecified 14.3 Coagulation defects D65 Disseminated intravascular coagulation D684 Acquired coagulation factor deficiency D688 Other specified coagulation defects D689 Coagulation defect unspecified 14.4 Agranulocytosis, Thrombocytopenia and other blood disorders D690 Allergic purpura D691 Qualitative platelet defects D692 Other nonthrombocytopenic purpura D693 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura D694 Other primary thrombocytopenia D695 Secondary thrombocytopenia D696 Thrombocytopenia unspecified D698 Other specified haemorrhagic conditions D699 Haemorrhagic condition unspecified D70 Agranulocytosis D721 Eosinophilia D728 Other spec disorders white blood cells D729 Disorder of white blood cells unsp D730 Hyposplenism D731 Hypersplenism D733 Abscess of spleen D735 Infarction of spleen D738 Other diseases of spleen D739 Disease of spleen unspecified Version 2.0 32 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) D751 D758 D759 D801 D803 D848 D849 D890 D891 D892 D898 Secondary polycythaemia Oth spec dis blood & blood‐forming organ Dis blood & blood‐forming organs unsp Nonfamilial hypogammaglobulinaemia Selective deficiency of IgG subclasses Other specified immunodeficiencies Immunodeficiency unspecified Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia Cryoglobulinaemia Hypergammaglobulinaemia unspecified Other spec disrd inv immune mechn NEC CHADx 15 Metabolic Disorders 15.1 Dehydration / volume depletion E86 Volume depletion 15.2 Electrolyte disorders w/o dehydration E870 Hyperosmolality and hypernatraemia E871 Hypo‐osmolality and hyponatraemia E872 Acidosis E873 Alkalosis E874 Mixed disorder of acid‐base balance E875 Hyperkalaemia E876 Hypokalaemia E877 Fluid overload E878 Oth disrd electrolyte & fluid bal NEC Do Not Include: when code exists with E86 anywhere in the string 15.3 Hospital‐acquired Nutrition Deficiencies (incl nutritional anaemia) E440 Moderate protein‐energy malnutrition E441 Mild protein‐energy malnutrition E46 Unspecified protein‐energy malnutrition E500 Vit A deficiency w conjunctival xerosis E501 Vit A def Bitots spot conjnct xerosis E502 Vit A deficiency with corneal xerosis E503 Vit A def w corneal ulceration & xerosis E504 Vitamin A deficiency with keratomalacia E505 Vit A deficiency with night blindness E506 Vit A def w xerophthalmic scars cornea E507 Other ocular manifestation vit A def E508 Other manifestations vit A deficiency E509 Vitamin A deficiency unspecified E511 Beriberi E518 Other manifestation thiamine deficiency E519 Thiamine deficiency unspecified E52 Niacin deficiency [pellagra] E530 Riboflavin deficiency E531 Pyridoxine deficiency E538 Deficiency other spec B group vitamins E539 Vitamin B deficiency unspecified E54 Ascorbic acid deficiency E550 Rickets active E559 Vitamin D deficiency unspecified E560 Deficiency of vitamin E E561 Deficiency of vitamin K E568 Deficiency of other vitamins E569 Vitamin deficiency unspecified E58 Dietary calcium deficiency E59 Dietary selenium deficiency E60 Dietary zinc deficiency E610 Copper deficiency E611 Iron deficiency E612 Magnesium deficiency E613 Manganese deficiency E614 Chromium deficiency E615 Molybdenum deficiency E616 Vanadium deficiency E617 Deficiency of multiple nutrient elements E618 Deficiency other spec nutrient elements E619 Deficiency nutrient element unspecified E630 Essential fatty acid [EFA] deficiency E631 Imbalance of constituents of food intake E638 Other specified nutritional deficiencies E639 Nutritional deficiency unspecified E640 Sequelae of protein‐energy malnutrition E641 Sequelae of vitamin A deficiency E642 Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency E643 Sequelae of rickets E648 Sequelae other nutritional deficiencies E649 Sequelae unsp nutritional deficiency D500 Iron deficiency anaemia dt blood loss D501 Sideropenic dysphagia D508 Other iron deficiency anaemias D509 Iron deficiency anaemia unspecified D510 Vit B12 def anaemia dt intrinsic fct def D511 Vit B12 def anaemia dt B12 malabs w prot D512 Transcobalamin II deficiency Version 2.0 33 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) D513 D518 D519 D520 D528 D529 D530 D531 D532 D538 D539 Other dietary vit B12 deficiency anaemia Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia unsp Dietary folate deficiency anaemia Other folate deficiency anaemias Folate deficiency anaemia unspecified Protein deficiency anaemia Other megaloblastic anaemias NEC Scorbutic anaemia Other specified nutritional anaemias Nutritional anaemia unspecified 15.4 Hypoglycaemia and Hyperglycaemia E161 Other hypoglycaemia E162 Hypoglycaemia unspecified R73 Elevated blood glucose level 15.5 Disorders of mineral metabolism E830 Disorders of copper metabolism E831 Disorders of iron metabolism E832 Disorders of zinc metabolism E833 Disorders of phosphorus metabolism E834 Disorders of magnesium metabolism E835 Disorders of calcium metabolism E838 Other disorders of mineral metabolism E839 Disorder mineral metabolism unsp 15.6 SIADH, Hyperthyroidism & Other metabolic disorders E032 Hypothyroidism dt medts & oth exog subs E054 Thyrotoxicosis factitia E055 Thyroid crisis or storm E058 Other thyrotoxicosis E059 Thyrotoxicosis unspecified E060 Acute thyroiditis E061 Subacute thyroiditis E069 Thyroiditis unspecified E078 Other specified disorders of thyroid E079 Disorder of thyroid unspecified E164 Abnormal secretion of gastrin E209 Hypoparathyroidism unspecified E211 Secondary hyperparathyroidism NEC E212 Other hyperparathyroidism E213 Hyperparathyroidism unspecified E214 Other spec disorders parathyroid gland E221 Hyperprolactinaemia E222 SIADH E229 Hyperfunction pituitary gland unsp E233 Hypothalamic dysfunction NEC E236 Other disorders of pituitary gland E269 Hyperaldosteronism unspecified E274 Other & unsp adrenocortical insuff E278 Other specified disorders adrenal gland E279 Disorder of adrenal gland unspecified E291 Testicular hypofunction E348 Other specified endocrine disorders E349 Endocrine disorder unspecified E721 Disrd sulfur‐bearing amino‐acid metab E738 Other lactose intolerance E790 Hyperuricemia wo inf arthritis toph dis E801 Porphyria cutanea tarda E807 Disorder bilirubin metabolism unsp M CHADx 16 Nervous System Complications 16.1 Hospital‐acquired Paralysis G510 Bells palsy G810 Flaccid hemiplegia G811 Spastic hemiplegia G819 Hemiplegia unspecified G8200 Flaccid paraplegia unspecified G8220 Paraplegia, unspecified, unspecified G8221 Paraplegia, unspecified, acute G8223 Paraplegia, unspecified, complete, acute G8225 Paraplegia, unsp, incomplete, acute G8250 Tetraplegia, unspecified, unspecified G8251 Tetraplegia, unspecified, acute G831 Monoplegia of lower limb G832 Monoplegia of upper limb G833 Monoplegia unspecified G834 Cauda equina syndrome G838 Other specified paralytic syndromes G839 Paralytic syndrome unspecified 16.2 Dystonia, Tremors and Gait disorders G245 Blepharospasm G248 Other dystonia G249 Dystonia unspecified Version 2.0 34 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) G252 G253 G258 G259 R250 R251 R252 R253 R258 R260 R262 R268 R270 R278 R290 R292 Other specified forms of tremor Myoclonus Oth spec extrapyramidal & movement disrd Extrapyramidal & movement disorder unsp Abnormal head movements Tremor unspecified Cramp and spasm Fasciculation Oth & unsp abnl involuntary movements Ataxic gait Difficulty in walking NEC Oth & unsp abnormalities gait & mobility Ataxia unspecified Other & unsp lack of coordination Tetany Abnormal reflex 16.3 Other Nervous System Complications G002 Streptococcal meningitis G003 Staphylococcal meningitis G008 Other bacterial meningitis G009 Bacterial meningitis unspecified G030 Nonpyogenic meningitis G039 Meningitis unspecified G048 Oth encephalit myelitis encephalomyelit G049 Encephalit myelitis encephalomyelit unsp G060 Intracranial abscess and granuloma G061 Intraspinal abscess and granuloma G062 Extradural & subdural abscess unsp G08 Intrcran intraspin phleb & thrombophleb G218 Other secondary parkinsonism G4000 Local‐rel idiopath epil local sez wo IE G4010 Local‐rel sym epil simp prt sez wo IE G4020 Local‐rel sym epil complx prt sez wo IE G4021 Local‐rel sym epil complx prt sez w IE G4030 Genl idiopath epil & epil synd wo IE G4050 Special epil synd wo IE G4060 Gr mal sez unsp w / wo pet mal wo IE G4070 Pet mal unsp wo gr mal sez wo IE G4080 Other epil wo IE G4090 Epil unspecified wo IE G4091 Epil unspecified w IE G418 Other status epilepticus G470 Disorders initiating & maintaining sleep G471 Disorders excessive somnolence G472 Disorders of the sleep‐wake schedule G508 Other disorders of trigeminal nerve G509 Disorder trigeminal nerve unspecified G521 Disorders of glossopharyngeal nerve G522 Disorders of vagus nerve G523 Disorders of hypoglossal nerve G527 Disorders of multiple cranial nerves G528 Disorders other specified cranial nerves G529 Cranial nerve disorder unspecified G540 Brachial plexus disorders G541 Lumbosacral plexus disorders G544 Lumbosacral root disorders NEC G546 Phantom limb syndrome with pain G547 Phantom limb syndrome without pain G548 Other nerve root and plexus disorders G549 Nerve root & plexus disorder unsp G551 Nrv root plexus comprs I/V disc disrd G553 Nrv root plexus comprs oth dorsopathy G561 Other lesions of median nerve G562 Lesion of ulnar nerve G563 Lesion of radial nerve G568 Other mononeuropathies of upper limb G569 Mononeuropathy upper limb unspecified G570 Lesion of sciatic nerve G571 Meralgia paraesthetica G572 Lesion of femoral nerve G573 Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve G578 Other mononeuropathies of lower limb G579 Mononeuropathy lower limb unspecified G580 Intercostal neuropathy G588 Other specified mononeuropathies G589 Mononeuropathy unspecified G618 Other inflammatory polyneuropathies G628 Other specified polyneuropathies G629 Polyneuropathy unspecified G638 Polyneuropathy oth dis class elsewhere G709 Myoneural disorder unspecified G728 Other specified myopathies G729 Myopathy unspecified G736 Myopathy in metabolic diseases G902 Horners syndrome G908 Other disorders autonomic nervous system Version 2.0 35 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) G909 G913 G918 G919 G931 G932 G934 G935 G936 G938 G939 G950 G951 G952 G959 G960 G961 G969 G98 R295 R2988 Disorder autonomic nervous system unsp Post‐traumatic hydrocephalus unsp Other hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus unspecified Anoxic brain damage NEC Benign intracranial hypertension Encephalopathy unspecified Compression of brain Cerebral oedema Other specified disorders of brain Disorder of brain unspecified Syringomyelia and syringobulbia Vascular myelopathies Cord compression unspecified Disease of spinal cord unspecified Cerebrospinal fluid leak Disorders of meninges NEC Disorder of central nervous system unsp Other disorders nervous system NEC Neurologic neglect Oth & unsp sym inv nervous sys M CHADx 17 Other Complications 17.1 Major Symptoms (includes instantaneous death) R02 Gangrene not elsewhere classified R15 Faecal incontinence R161 Splenomegaly not elsewhere classified R17 Unspecified jaundice R190 Intra‐abdominal pelv swelling/mass/lump R291 Meningismus R470 Dysphasia and aphasia R471 Dysarthria and anarthria R481 Agnosia R482 Apraxia R491 Aphonia R58 Haemorrhage not elsewhere classified R680 Hypothermia not ass w low envir temp R960 Instantaneous death 17.2 Headache & Migraine R51 Headache G430 Migraine without aura [common migraine] G431 Migraine with aura [classical migraine] G438 Other migraine G439 Migraine unspecified G440 Cluster headache syndrome G441 Vascular headache NEC G442 Tension‐type headache 17.3 Oedema & Ascites R18 Ascites R600 Localised oedema R601 Generalised oedema R609 Oedema unspecified 17.4 Chest Pain R071 R072 R073 R074 Chest pain on breathing Precordial pain Other chest pain Chest pain unspecified 17.5 Abdominal Pain R100 Acute abdomen R101 Pain localised to upper abdomen R102 Pelvic and perineal pain R103 Pain localised to oth parts low abdomen R104 Other and unspecified abdominal pain 17.6 Fever (not classified to condition) R502 Drug‐induced fever R508 Other specified fever R509 Fever unspecified 17.7 Convulsions R560 Febrile convulsions R568 Other and unspecified convulsions 17.8 Dizziness, Fainting & Blackout R42 Dizziness and giddiness R55 Syncope and collapse 17.9 Complications of the Eye and Ear H000 Hordeolum & other deep inflam of eyelid H001 Chalazion H010 Blepharitis H019 Inflammation of eyelid unspecified Version 2.0 36 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) H020 H022 H024 H025 H028 H029 H041 H042 H043 H045 H048 H049 H050 H054 H058 H059 H150 H151 H158 H160 H162 H163 H168 H169 H178 H182 H183 H188 H189 H200 H209 H210 H211 H215 H218 H219 H270 H271 H278 H313 H314 H318 H330 H332 H333 H335 H341 H342 H348 H350 H352 H356 H358 H359 H431 H432 H438 H440 H441 H444 H448 H46 H470 H471 H476 H477 H490 H491 H492 H498 H499 H500 H501 H502 H510 H512 H518 H531 H532 H533 H534 H535 H538 H539 H540 H543 H544 Version 2.0 Entropion and trichiasis of eyelid Lagophthalmos Ptosis of eyelid Other disorders aff eyelid function Other specified disorders of eyelid Disorder of eyelid unspecified Other disorders of lacrimal gland Epiphora Acute & unsp inflam lacrimal passages Stenosis & insuff lacrimal passages Other disorders of lacrimal system Disorder of lacrimal system unspecified Acute inflammation of orbit Enophthalmos Other disorders of orbit Disorder of orbit unspecified Scleritis Episcleritis Other disorders of sclera Corneal ulcer Keratoconjunctivitis Interstitial and deep keratitis Other keratitis Keratitis unspecified Other corneal scars and opacities Other corneal oedema Changes in corneal membranes Other specified disorders of cornea Disorder of cornea unspecified Acute and subacute iridocyclitis Iridocyclitis unspecified Hyphaema Other vascular disrd iris & ciliary body Oth adhes & disrupt iris & ciliary body Other spec disorders iris & ciliary body Disorder iris & ciliary body unsp Aphakia Dislocation of lens Other specified disorders of lens Choroidal haemorrhage and rupture Choroidal detachment Other specified disorders of choroid Retinal detachment with retinal break Serous retinal detachment Retinal breaks without detachment Other retinal detachments Central retinal artery occlusion Other retinal artery occlusions Other retinal vascular occlusions Backgrnd retinopathy retinal vasc change Other proliferative retinopathy Retinal haemorrhage Other specified retinal disorders Retinal disorder unspecified Vitreous haemorrhage Crystalline deposits in vitreous body Other disorders of vitreous body Purulent endophthalmitis Other endophthalmitis Hypotony of eye Other disorders of globe Optic neuritis Disorders of optic nerve NEC Papilloedema unspecified Disorders of visual cortex Disorder of visual pathways unspecified Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy Other paralytic strabismus Paralytic strabismus unspecified Convergent concomitant strabismus Divergent concomitant strabismus Vertical strabismus Palsy of conjugate gaze Internuclear ophthalmoplegia Other specified disrd binocular movement Subjective visual disturbances Diplopia Other disorders of binocular vision Visual field defects Colour vision deficiencies Other visual disturbances Visual disturbance unspecified Blindness both eyes Unqualified visual loss both eyes Blindness one eye 37 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) H545 H546 H549 H55 H570 H571 H578 H579 H600 H601 H602 H603 H605 H608 H609 H610 H611 H613 H618 H650 H659 H669 H681 H699 H700 H709 H729 H738 H739 H748 H811 H812 H813 H818 H819 H830 H832 H838 H900 H901 H903 H904 H905 H906 H907 H912 H918 H919 H920 H921 H922 H931 H932 H938 H939 Low vision one eye Unqualified visual loss one eye Unspecified visual impairment Nystagmus & other irregular eye movement Anomalies of pupillary function Ocular pain Other specified disorders eye & adnexa Disorder of eye and adnexa unspecified Abscess of external ear Cellulitis of external ear Malignant otitis externa Other infective otitis externa Acute otitis externa noninfective Other otitis externa Otitis externa unspecified Perichondritis of external ear Noninfective disorders of pinna Acquired stenosis of external ear canal Other specified disorders external ear Acute serous otitis media Nonsuppurative otitis media unspecified Otitis media unspecified Obstruction of Eustachian tube Eustachian tube disorder unspecified Acute mastoiditis Mastoiditis unspecified Perforation tympanic membrane unsp Other spec disorders tympanic membrane Disorder tympanic membrane unspecified Oth spec disorders middle ear & mastoid Benign paroxysmal vertigo Vestibular neuronitis Other peripheral vertigo Other disorders of vestibular function Disorder vestibular function unspecified Labyrinthitis Labyrinthine dysfunction Other specified diseases of inner ear Conductive hearing loss bilateral Unilateral conductive hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss bilateral Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss unspecified Bil mixed conduct sensorineur hear loss Uni mixed conduct sensorineur hear loss Sudden idiopathic hearing loss Other specified hearing loss Hearing loss unspecified Otalgia Otorrhoea Otorrhagia Tinnitus Other abnormal auditory perceptions Other specified disorders of ear Disorder of ear unspecified 17.10 Musculoskeletal Complications (not associated with falls) M5412 Radiculopathy cervical region M5413 Radiculopathy cervicothoracic region M5414 Radiculopathy thoracic region M5416 Radiculopathy lumbar region M5417 Radiculopathy lumbosacral region M5419 Radiculopathy site unspecified M542 Cervicalgia M543 Sciatica M544 Lumbago with sciatica M545 Low back pain M546 Pain in thoracic spine M5483 Other dorsalgia cervicothoracic region M5484 Other dorsalgia thoracic region M5485 Other dorsalgia thoracolumbar region M5486 Other dorsalgia lumbar region M5487 Other dorsalgia lumbosacral region M5488 Other dorsalgia sacral & sacrococcygeal M5489 Other dorsalgia site unspecified M5490 Unsp dorsalgia mult sites spine M5492 Unspecified dorsalgia cervical region M5493 Unspecified dorsalgia cervicothoracic M5494 Unspecified dorsalgia thoracic region M5495 Unspecified dorsalgia thoracolumbar M5496 Unspecified dorsalgia lumbar region M5497 Unspecified dorsalgia lumbosacral rgn M5498 Unsp dorsalgia sacral & sacrococcygeal M5499 Unspecified dorsalgia site unspecified M702 Olecranon bursitis M703 Other bursitis of elbow M704 Prepatellar bursitis Version 2.0 38 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) M705 M706 M707 M7112 M7158 M7199 M7265 M7266 M7268 M7295 M758 M765 M766 M767 M779 M7910 M7911 M7912 M7913 M7915 M7916 M7917 M7918 M7919 M7920 M7921 M7922 M7923 M7924 M7925 M7926 M7927 M7928 M7929 M7930 M7936 M7961 M7962 M7963 M7964 M7965 M7966 M7967 M7969 M7980 M7981 M7982 M7983 M7984 M7985 M7986 M7987 M7988 M7995 M7996 M0001 M0003 M0005 M0006 M0007 M0092 M0093 M0094 M0095 M0096 M0097 M1317 M1384 M1387 M205 M2127 M2133 M2137 M2186 M2196 M220 M2512 M2516 M2522 M2535 M2541 M2542 M2543 M2544 M2545 M2546 M2547 Version 2.0 Other bursitis of knee Trochanteric bursitis Other bursitis of hip Other infective bursitis upper arm Other bursitis NEC other Unspecified bursopathy site unspecified Necrotising fasciitis pelvis thgh Necrotising fasciitis lower leg Necrotising fasciitis other site Unsp fibroblastic disrd pelv rgn & thgh Other shoulder lesions Patellar tendinitis Achilles tendinitis Peroneal tendinitis Enthesopathy unspecified Myalgia multiple sites Myalgia shoulder region Myalgia upper arm Myalgia forearm Myalgia pelvic region and thigh Myalgia lower leg Myalgia ankle and foot Myalgia other Myalgia site unspecified Neuralgia & neuritis unsp mult sites Neuralgia & neuritis unsp shoulder Neuralgia & neuritis unsp upper arm Neuralgia & neuritis unsp forearm Neuralgia & neuritis unsp hand Neuralgia & neuritis ? pelv rgn & thgh Neuralgia & neuritis unsp lower leg Neuralgia & neuritis unsp ankle & foot Neuralgia & neuritis unsp other Neuralgia neuritis unsp site unspecified Panniculitis unsp multiple sites Panniculitis unspecified lower leg Pain in limb shoulder region Pain in limb upper arm Pain in limb forearm Pain in limb hand Pain in limb pelvic region and thigh Pain in limb lower leg Pain in limb ankle and foot Pain in limb site unspecified Oth spec soft tissue disorders mult site Oth spec soft tissue disorders shoulder Oth spec soft tissue disorders upper arm Oth spec soft tissue disorders forearm Oth spec soft tissue disorders hand Oth spec soft tissue disorders pelv thgh Oth spec soft tissue disorders lower leg Oth spec soft tissue disorders ankle ft Oth spec soft tissue disorders other Unsp soft tissue disrd pelv rgn & thgh Unsp soft tissue disorder lower leg Staph arthritis & polyarthritis shoulder Staph arthritis & polyarthritis forearm Staph arthr polyarthr pelv rgn & thgh Staph arthritis polyarthritis lower leg Staph arthritis polyarthritis ankle foot Pyogenic arthritis unsp upper arm Pyogenic arthritis unspecified forearm Pyogenic arthritis unspecified hand Pyogenic arthritis unsp pelv rgn & thgh Pyogenic arthritis unsp lower leg Pyogenic arthritis unsp ankle & foot Monoarthritis NEC ankle & foot Other specified arthritis hand Other spec arthritis ankle & foot Other deformities of toe(s) (acquired) Flexion deformity ankle and foot Wrist or foot drop (acquired) forearm Wrist or foot drop (acquired) ankle foot Oth spec acquired defrm limbs lower leg Acquired deformity limb unsp lower leg Recurrent dislocation of patella Fistula of joint upper arm Fistula of joint lower leg Flail joint upper arm Oth instability of joint pelv rgn & thgh Effusion of joint shoulder region Effusion of joint upper arm Effusion of joint forearm Effusion of joint hand Effusion of joint pelv rgn & thgh Effusion of joint lower leg Effusion of joint ankle and foot 39 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) M2548 M2549 M2581 M2584 M2586 M2591 M2596 M2597 M311 M316 M319 M4624 M4626 M4627 M4628 M4642 M4646 M4647 M4652 M4846 M4894 M509 M512 M5326 M533 M5382 M5389 M6005 M6008 M6083 M6085 M6092 M6095 M6096 M6099 M6208 M6226 M6227 M6250 M6259 M6262 M6265 M6266 M6267 M6268 M6280 M6281 M6283 M6284 M6285 M6286 M6288 M6289 M6295 M6299 M6385 M6388 M6513 M6582 M6584 M6586 M6587 M6588 M6591 M6593 M6594 M6596 M6597 M6599 M660 M6646 M6791 M8401 M8402 M8416 M8418 M8425 M8437 M8442 M8445 M8446 M8448 M8485 M8488 M8600 M8615 M8617 Version 2.0 Effusion of joint other Effusion of joint site unspecified Oth spec joint disorders shoulder Other specified joint disorders hand Other spec joint disorders lower leg Unsp joint disorder shoulder region Unspecified joint disorder lower leg Unsp joint disorder ankle and foot Thrombotic microangiopathy Other giant cell arteritis Necrotising vasculopathy unspecified Vertebral osteomyelitis thoracic rgn Osteomyelitis of vertebra lumbar region Vertebral osteomyelitis lumbosacral rgn Vert osteomyelitis sacr & sacrcocygl Unspecified discitis cervical region Unspecified discitis lumbar region Unspecified discitis lumbosacral region Oth infect spondylopathy cervical rgn Fatigue fracture vertebra lumbar rgn Unsp spondylopathy thoracic region Cervical disc disorder unspecified Oth spec intervertebral disc displacemnt Spinal instabilities lumbar region Sacrococcygeal disorders NEC Other specified dorsopathies cervical Other specified dorsopathies site unsp Infective myositis pelvic region thigh Infective myositis other Other myositis forearm Other myositis pelvic region and thigh Unspecified myositis upper arm Unspecified myositis pelvic rgn & thigh Unspecified myositis lower leg Unspecified myositis site unspecified Diastasis of muscle other Ischaemic infrct muscle lower leg Ischaemic infrct muscle ankle & foot Muscle wasting & atrophy NEC mult sites Muscle wasting & atrophy NEC site unsp Muscle strain upper arm Muscle strain pelvic region and thigh Muscle strain lower leg Muscle strain ankle and foot Muscle strain other Oth spec disorders muscle multiple sites Oth spec disorders muscle shoulder rgn Oth specified disorders muscle forearm Oth specified disorders muscle hand Oth spec disorders musc pelv rgn & thgh Oth spec disorders muscle lower leg Oth specified disorders muscle other Oth spec disorders muscle site unsp Unsp disorder of muscle pelv rgn & thgh Unsp disorder of muscle site unspecified Oth disrd muscle in dis cl/e pelv thgh Oth disrd muscle in dis cl/e other Other infective (teno)synovitis forearm Oth synovitis & tenosynovitis upper arm Other synovitis and tenosynovitis hand Other synovitis & tenosynovitis low leg Oth synovitis & tenosynovitis ankle ft Other synovitis and tenosynovitis other Unsp synovitis & tenosynovitis shoulder Unsp synovitis & tenosynovitis forearm Unsp synovitis & tenosynovitis hand Unsp synovitis & tenosynovitis lower leg Unsp synovitis & tenosynovitis ankle ft Unsp synovitis & tenosynovitis site unsp Rupture of popliteal cyst Spont rupture other tendons lower leg Unsp disorder synovium & tendon shoulder Malunion of fracture shoulder region Malunion of fracture upper arm Nonunion fx [pseudarthrosis] lower leg Nonunion fx [pseudarthrosis] other Delayed union of fx pelv rgn & thgh Stress fracture NEC ankle & foot Pathological fracture NEC upper arm Pathological fx NEC pelv rgn & thgh Pathological fracture NEC lower leg Pathological fracture NEC other Oth disrd of bone continuity pelv thigh Other disorders of bone continuity other Ac haematogenous osteomyelitis mult site Oth acute osteomyelitis pelv rgn & thgh Other acute osteomyelitis ankle & foot 40 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) M8618 M8685 M8689 M8690 M8693 M8694 M8695 M8696 M8697 M8698 M8699 M8981 M8982 M8983 M8985 M8986 M8988 M8989 M8996 M8997 M8998 M9071 M9072 M9073 M9075 M9078 M952 M958 R2989 Other acute osteomyelitis other Other osteomyelitis pelv rgn & thgh Other osteomyelitis site unspecified Unspecified osteomyelitis mult sites Unspecified osteomyelitis forearm Unspecified osteomyelitis hand Unsp osteomyelitis pelv rgn & thgh Unspecified osteomyelitis lower leg Unspecified osteomyelitis ankle & foot Unspecified osteomyelitis other Unspecified osteomyelitis site unsp Other spec disorders of bone shoulder Other spec disorders of bone upper arm Other spec disorders of bone forearm Other spec disorders of bone pelv thigh Other spec disorders of bone low leg Other specified disorders of bone other Other spec disorders of bone site unsp Unspecified disorder of bone lower leg Unspecified disorder of bone ankle foot Unspecified disorder of bone other Bone fx in neoplastic disease shoulder Bone fx in neoplastic disease upper arm Bone fx in neoplastic disease forearm Bne fx in neoplastic dis pelv rgn & thgh Bone fx in neoplastic disease other Other acquired deformity of head Oth spec acquired defrm, musculoskeletal Oth & unsp sym inv musculoskeletal sys 17.11 Dysphagia R13 Dysphagia 17.12 Other Symptoms R030 Elevated BP reading wo diagnosis H/T R031 Nonspecific low blood‐pressure reading R05 Cough R066 Hiccough R067 Sneezing R070 Pain in throat R093 Abnormal sputum R12 Heartburn R14 Flatulence and related conditions R196 Halitosis R293 Abnormal posture R431 Parosmia R432 Parageusia R438 Oth & unsp disturbances smell & taste R462 Strange and inexplicable behaviour R464 Slowness and poor responsiveness R468 Oth sym signs inv appearance behaviour R478 Other & unsp speech disturbances R490 Dysphonia R492 Hypernasality and hyponasality R498 Other and unspecified voice disturbances R520 Acute pain R529 Pain unspecified R53 Malaise and fatigue R590 Localised enlarged lymph nodes R591 Generalised enlarged lymph nodes R610 Localised hyperhidrosis R611 Generalised hyperhidrosis R619 Hyperhidrosis unspecified R630 Anorexia R631 Polydipsia R632 Polyphagia R633 Feeding difficulties and mismanagement R634 Abnormal weight loss R635 Abnormal weight gain R638 Oth sym concerning food & fluid intake R682 Dry mouth unspecified R688 Other specified general symptoms & signs R69 Unknown & unsp causes of morbidity Version 2.0 41
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