DIRECTORY Select Directory Listing to go to page containing that information. What is LEED? Project Certification LEED Rating Systems LEED Certification Levels Credit Categories Recycled Product Defined by the USGBC Definitions Crossville Porcelain Recycled Series EcoCycle, Color Blox EC, ECHO Glass SCS Documentation Certifications (EcoCycle and Color Blox EC, ECHO Glass) Recycled percentages for products Ergon Engineered Stone Recycled Series GreenTech, Mikado, Tetris What is Bureau Veritas? What is Eco-Label? Certifications (GreenTech, Mikado, Tetris) Bostik-Hydroment; LEED Certification for IEQ Credit Mortars, Thin-sets, Grout, Surface Preparation, Anti-Fracture and Waterproofing Certification Levels for Materials What is LEED? The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and developmental practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria. LEED is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. LEED gives building owners and operators tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on their building’s performance. LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas in human and environmental health: • • • • • Sustainable site development Water efficiency Energy and Atmosphere efficiency Material and Resources Indoor environmental quality Return to Directory LEED Project Certification LEED certification provides independent, third-party verification that a building project meets the highest green building and performance measures. All certified projects receive a LEED plaque, which is the nationally recognized symbol demonstrating that a building is environmentally responsible, profitable and a healthy place to live and work. There are both environmental and financial benefits to earning LEED certification. LEED certified buildings: • Lower operating costs and increased asset value. • Reduce waste sent to landfills. • Conserve energy and water. • Provide for healthier and safer occupants. • Reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. • Qualify for tax rebates, zoning allowances and other incentives in hundreds of cities. • Demonstrate an owner's commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Return to Directory LEED Rating Systems New Construction: LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations is designed to guide and distinguish high-performance commercial and institutional projects. Existing Buildings: LEED for existing buildings: Operations and Maintenance provides a benchmark for building owners and operators to measure operations, improvements and maintenance. Commercial Interiors: LEED for Commercial Interiors is a benchmark for the tenant improvements market that gives the power to make sustainable choices to tenants and designers. Core and Shell: LEED for Core and Shell aids designers, builders, developers and new building owners in implementing sustainable design for new core and shell construction. Schools: LEED for Schools recognizes the unique nature of the design and construction of K-12 schools and addresses the specific needs of school spaces. Retail: LEED for Retail recognizes the unique nature of retail design and construction projects and addresses the specific needs of retail spaces. Healthcare: LEED for Healthcare promotes sustainable planning, design and construction for high-performance healthcare facilities. Homes: LEED for Homes promotes the design and construction of high-performance green homes. Neighborhood Development: LEED for Neighborhood Development integrates the principles of smart growth, urbanism and green building into the first national standards for neighborhood design. Return to Directory LEED Certification Levels Certified =26 to 32 points Silver = 33 to 38 points Gold = 39 to 51 points Platinum = 52 to 70 points Credit Categories Sustainable Site Development = 14 points Water Efficiency =5 points Energy and Atmosphere Efficiency = 17 points Material and Resources = 14 points Indoor Environmental Quality = 15 Total Core LEED Rating System Points = 65 Innovation and Design Process Points = 5 Return to Directory Recycled Product Defined by US Green Building Council Post Consumer Recycled Content: Recycled content is an important feature of many green products. From an environmental standpoint, post-consumer is preferable to pre-consumer recycled content, because post-consumer recycled materials are more likely to be diverted from landfill. For most product categories, there is currently no set standard for the percentage of recycled content required to qualify for inclusion in GreenSpec, but such standards will increasingly be developed in the future. Pre-consumer Recycled Content: Pre-consumer (also called post industrial) recycling refers to the use of industrial by-products, as distinguished from material that has been in consumer use. While post-consumer recycled content is better than preconsumer recycled content, the latter can still qualify a product for inclusion in GreenSpec in many product categories -especially those where there are no products available with post-consumer recycled content. Salvaged Products: Whenever we can reuse a product instead of producing a new one from raw materials -even if those raw materials are recycled -we save on resource use and energy consumption. Many salvaged materials are used in buildings: e.g. Bricks, Millwork, Framing Lumber, etc. Few salvaged materials are widely marketed. Products that reduce material use: Products meeting this criterion may not be distinctly green on their own but are included in GreenSpec because of the resource efficiency benefits they make possible. For example, concrete pigments can turn concrete slabs into attractive finished floors, eliminating the need for conventional finish flooring. Return to Directory Definitions Sustainable Design: (The new catch phrase for Green) An integrated, synergistic approach where all phases of the facility lifecycle are considered. USGBC: United States Green Building Council Post Consumer Recycled Material: Material recycled from products existing in the market. This material is likely to be diverted from the landfill. Pre Consumer Recycled Material: Industrial by-products generated during production and recaptured before entering the market. Salvaged Material: Product salvaged from existing market and re-used back into the market. SCS: Scientific Certification Systems: 3rd party who certifies the recycled product content. Green Spec: Directory that lists all recycled products for all finishes and industry standards. LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Return to Directory Crossville Porcelain, Recycled Series: EcoCycle Series: 40% Post-Industrial, Pre-Consumer Waste Grade A Porcelain Colors: EC101 Wetlands, EC102 Marshland, EC103 Earth, EC104 Pine Barren, EC105 Night Air, EC114 Grand Canyon, EC116 Plymouth Rock Size: 12x12 Colors: EC001 Storm Size: 8x8 SCS Certified No VOC Emissions Color Blox EC Series: 20% Post-Industrial, Pre-Consumer Waste Grade A Porcelain Colors: E1101 Sandbox, E1103 Slinky, E1107 Mud Pie, E1108 Sea Otter, E1115 Camping Out, E1117 I See The Moon Size: 12x12, 6x24, 12x24, 24x24 SCS Certified No VOC Emissions ECHO Glass Series: Up to 100% Pre-Consumer Waste Thru-Body Colored Glass Colors: 15 colors in 3 finishes; Clear, Frosted, Iridescent Size: 1x1, 2x2, 1x3, 1x3 offset, 2x4, 2x4 offset SCS Certified No VOC Emissions Return to Directory Regionally Extracted and Manufactured 500 Mile Credit: Crossville TN 38555 Americana Building Blox Retro-Active Color Blox Color Blox Too Palais Pompeii Tuscan Clay Weatherstone Return to Directory ~scs ~\.IFNTIFIC (,:FI!TIFI(,:"TlON SYSTFMS Press Release For Immediate Release Contacts: Annie Gardiner Marketing Communications Scientific Certification Systems 510-452-8003 Kirsten Ritchie Director Environmental Claims Certification Scientific Certification Systems 510-452-8009 Crossville Receives Third-Party Certification for Recycled Content from Scientific Certification Systems Manufacture of new tile products built on recovery of waste materials using proprietary treatment system Emeryville. CA - June 2. 2006 - Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) announces recycled content certification for eight porcelain stone tile products manufactured by Crossville, Inc. Certification of these tile products confirms that Crossville meets the necessary criteria for recycled content claims based on internationally recognized standards and guidance established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the US Green Building Council (USGBC). Crossville voluntarily submitted to third-party certification to verify recycled content claims. The complete EcoCycle TN series achieved certification based on a claim of 40% recycled content: EC101 Wetlands, EC102 Marshland, EC103 Earth 12", EC104 Pine Barren 12". EC105 Night Air 12". EC114 Grand Canyon 12", EC116 Plymouth 12". ECOO1 Storm S", and ECOO1 Storm Cross Tread. "We're pleased to be able to offer our customers an array of tiles made with recycled content," says Tim Bolby, director of technical services for Crossville. "The key for us was designing a collection and treatment system that captured feedstock from one industrial process for use in another - diverting material from the landfill and providing recycled content material for our EcoCycleI'll tiles." According to ISO 14021 on "Environmental Labels and Declarations." as well as USGBC's "LEEDTM 2.2 Rating System for New Construction." pre-consumer recycled material is defined as "material diverted from the waste stream during or from the manufacturing process. Excluded is reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind, or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed with the same process that generated it." At Crossville, fine particulate waste material that was previously landfilled is now recovered through a sophisticated wastewater reclamation system. "Using proprietary membrane separation technology," says Kirsten Ritchie, director of environmental claims certification at SCS, "Crossville has made Significant strides in both reducing the amount of waste material previously requiring landfilling, while generating a pre-consumer recycled material of sufficient quality to be able to be used in the manufacture of new products." Return to Directory tt.-scs !\<'lfNTlfIC c::FRTIFICATION !\Y!\TFMS -more- DUring the certification assessment process, an engineer from SCS, conducted an on-site audit, reviewed manufacturing data, observed the manufacturing processes, and documented the sourcing of raw materials and recycled content. The data were thoroughly analyzed before making a decision to award certification. About Scientific Certification Systems SCS is an independent certifier of environmental, food quality and food purity claims. Over two decades, SCS has developed internationally recognized standards and certification programs aimed at spurring the highest level of environmental and quality performance. Its programs span a wide cross-section of the economy, recognizing accomplishments in the fields of agricultural production, food processing and handling, forestry, fisheries, energy, green building, consumer and business product manufacturing, and retail. SCS was the first company to offer manufacturers a program for verifying the accuracy of environmental claims on products. SCS o~rs certification programs for single-attribute environmental claims and for environmentally preferable product claims. For more information about SCS, visit or call 510-452-8000. Crossville, Inc. Founded in 1986, Crossville, Inc. is the largest domestic manufacturer of large-size Porcelain Stone® tile for both residential and contract applications. Crossville® will "Elevate Your Space" by continual product, style and service innovation - now and in the future. Specifiers and owners can trust Crossville to perform. For more information, contact Crossville. Inc. at 800-221-9093 or visit ### 2 Return to Directory ..." T C R 0 S S V ILL E e ELEVATE YOUR SPACE LEED MATERIAL RESOURCE CREDITS Explanation of the LEED Material Resource MR Credit 4.1 and 4.2 for Recycled Content: 4.1 ·1 Point • 10% of building materials must be recycled material based on the cost of total value of the materials in the project. • The recycled content value shall be determined by weight. • Recycled material content shall be composed of the sum of post-consumer content, and one-half of the pre-consumer content. 4.2 • 1 Point On addition to MR 4.1) • 20% of building materials must be recycled material based on the cost of total value of the materials in the project. • The recycled content value shall be determined by weight. • Recycled material content shall be composed of the sum of post-consumer content, and one-half of the pre-consumer content. Point provision in the Material Resource category has NO mileage requirement. Explanation of the LEED Material Resource MR Credit 5.1 and 5.2 for Regional Manufacturing. There are two points that the building can eam in this category. MR credit 5.1 and MR credit 5.2 5.1·' Point MR credit 5.1 is worth 1 LEED point and can be earned if 20% of the total value of all the materials used in the building are manufactured within a 500 mile radius of the project site~ 5.2·1 Point Un addition to IR 5,1) MR credit 5.2 is worth 1 LEED point and can be earned if 10% of the total value of all the materials used in the building are extracted. harvested. or recovered within a 500 mile radius of the project site. MR credit 5.2 can only be obtained after the prerequisites for MR credit 5.1 are met. 4.1-1 Point • Low-Emitting Materials for adhesives, sealants, paints, composite wood products, and carpet systems. • Related installation materials from most setting material manufacturer's are available in compliance with the VOC limits as defined in the South Coast Air Quality Management. District Rule #1168 Return to Directory In accordance with LEED Rating System Version 2.2 and the Federal Trade Commission use of Environmental Marketing Claim, 16 CFR 260.7(e), listed below are Crossville products containing recycled materials that may provide LEED points: Part ., & Name MR ••1* MR 5.1* S" x S" Cross·Sheen finish S" x S" Ctross-Tread finish 6" x S" cove base, inside & outside corners X X X X X X 12" x 12" Cross-Sheen finish 6" x 12" cove base, 4" x 12" bullnose X X X X 12" x 12" Cross-Sheen finish 6" x 12" cove base, 4" x 12" bullnose X X X X 12" x 12" Cross-Sheen finish 6" x 12" cove base, 4" x 12" bullnose X X X X 12" x 12" Cross-Sheen finish 6" x 12" cove base, 4" x 12" bullnose X X X X 12" x 12" Cross-Sheen finish 6" x 12" cove base, 4" x 12" bullnose X X X X 12" x 12" Cross·Sheen finish 6" x 12" cove base, 4" x 12" bullnose X X X X 12" x 12" Cross-Sheen finish 6" x 12" cove base, 4" x 12" bullnose X X X X Product Storm. EC001 Wetlands. EC101 Marshland. EC102 Earth. EC103 Pine Barren, EC104 Night Air, EC105 Grand Canyon. EC11. Plymouth Rock, EC118 all other Crossville produced products X • MR ••1, All specific products listed above have a minimum of 40% pre-consumer recycled content. • MR 5.1, If 20% of all materialslvalue used with recycled content are manufactured within a 500 mile radius of project. • MR ••2 Additional point available once 20% of the total value of the materials w/recycled content • MR 5.2 Obtained only after MR5.1 is achieved. 10% min. materiallvalue extracted-harvested, recovered within a 500 mile radius of the project. Return to Directory ..." T C R 0 S S V ILL E ELEVATE YOUR SPACE® RAW MATERIAL EXTRACTION AND MANUFACTURING POINTS Return to Directory Return to Directory Possible credit for LEED projects is available under the LEED Green Building Rating System’s Material Resource Credit 4.1, 4.2 and Material Resource Credit 5.1, 5.2... ECHO GLASS COLOR EG 010 AQUA EG 020 FOR KEEPS EG 080 ICE BLUE EG 030 PRIMA EG 100 GREEN GALAXY EG 110 ONYX EG 130 ROOT BEER FLOAT EG 140 DARK AMBER EG 280 BLUE GALAXY EG 290 PEERLESS EG 400 BLUE ANGEL EG 160 CERISE EG 210 OPAL EG 25B MOODY BLUE EG 26B AGGIE Pre Consumer (Post Industrial) 100% 50% 50% 50% 45% 50% 70% 50% 50% 50% 50% 10% 23% 23% 36% For additional information on Crossville’s products and its continuing “Green Story” please go to our website at or call (931)-484-2110 and ask for Technical Services. Return to Directory Return to Directory Ergon Engineered Stone, Recycled Series: GreenTech Series: 40% Post-Industrial, Pre-Consumer Waste Grade A Porcelain Colors: Ivory, Sand, Sage, Brown Size: 12x12, 12x24, 18x18, 24x24, 2x2 mosaic, 5x5 stick mosaic Bureau Veritas Certified No VOC emissions Mikado Series: 40% Post-Industrial, Pre-Consumer Waste Grade A Porcelain Colors: Bambu, Mogano, Ebano Size: 6x24, 12x24, 24x24, 6x36, 12x36, 24x36, 1x24 mosaic Bureau Veritas Certified No VOC emissions Eco-Label Tetris Series: 40% Post-Industrial, Pre-Consumer Waste Grade A Porcelain Colors: Madreperla, Dorato, Wenge, Grigio Size: 24x24, 12x24 Bureau Veritas Certified No VOC emissions Eco-Label Return to Directory What is Bureau Veritas? The Bureau Veritas Group is a foundation established in 1828 that has consistently built recognized expertise helping clients with standards and regulations relating to Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility. Large and small organizations, whether private or public, rely on Bureau Veritas to support them in protecting their respective brands, assets, and businesses. What is Eco-Label? Established in 1992, the EU Eco-Label "Flower" is a unique certification scheme designed to help European consumers distinguish greener, more environmentally friendly, products and services (Not including food and medicine). The EU Eco-Label is administered by the European Eco-Labeling Board (EUEB) and receives the support of the European Commission, all Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA). The Eco-Labeling Board includes representatives from industry, environmental protection groups and consumer organizations. Eco-Label on Hard Floor Coverings: • Water and energy consumption during manufacturing are limited. • Residues of dangerous substances for health and the environment are minimized. • Harmful emissions to air and water are limited. • The product includes waste management instruction. Return to Directory Return to Directory Return to Directory Return to Directory Return to Directory Bostik-Hydroment, LEED Certification for IEQ (IEQ = Indoor Environmental Quality) Ceramic Tile Thin-Set Mortars EQ 4.1 Adhesives and Sealants Reflex Big Tile and Stone Single Flex Single Flex FS Hydroment PM Mortar Hydroment DitraSet Hydroment Porcelain Mate Hydroment Tile Mate Hydroment Floor & Wall Hydroment Stonewall Grout EQ 4.1 Adhesives and Sealants Hydroment Tru Color Grout Hydroment Ceramic Tile Grout Hydroment Dry Tile Grout Surface Preparation EQ 4.1 Adhesives and Sealants Bostik SL-150 Fast Patch 102 Universal Primer Anti-Fracture and Waterproofing EQ 4.1 Adhesives and Sealants Hydroment Gold Hydroment Black Top Return to Directory Scott J. Banda Product & Market Development Manager LEEo«' Ac.credited Professional February 22, 2008 Dear Bostik: Customer: Congratulations for your forward thinking and the environmentally conscious design of your current construction project. Bostik: is pleased to be a U.S. Green Building Council member and a major proponent of the L.E.E.D. initiative in the construction materials industry. Bostik: is a leader in the flooring segment of the construction market with one ofthe most comprehensive product offerings available, all backed by strong system warranties. Bostik: is the 4th largest adhesive and sealant company in the world. The greatest advantage of utilizing all of our products for your flooring system is that you have only one manufacturer to deal with if questions or concerns arise. Additionally, we have a dedicated sales and technical service organization that is at your service any time you need assistance. Attached is a complete list of the Bostik products that may contribute to the qualification of a project for LEED-NC V2.2 certification under the following Indoor Environmental Quality credits for low emitting materials; EQ 4.1 Adhesives & Sealants, EQ 4.2 Paints & Coatings and EQ 4.3 Carpet Systems. (An extract of these standards is attached for your review.) The intent of these one-point credits is to reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, potentially irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. If you have any questions regarding our product offering, please contact me directly at (978) 750-7344. Once again, we look forward to working with you on this exciting project. Regards, Scott J. Banda Bostlk, Inc. Construction & Distribution Division 211 Boston Street Middleton, MA 01949-2128 USA Tei: 978.m.o100· Fax: 978.750.7802 Return to Directory Bostik Product List Please note that this list is segmented by brand and type of application. Durabond~ Carpet, Vinyl and Cement Patch Products Surface Preparation Multipurpose Adhesives Webcrete Ultra Finish Cement Patch 0-990 Multipurpose Webcrete 98 Portland Cement Patch 0-920 Multipurpose 0-910 Multipurpose Webcrete 95 Portland Cement Patch O-L 16 High Strength Additive 0-905 Multipurpose 0-9001 Gypsum Patch Webpatch 90 Gypsum Patch Ourabond 83P Self Leveling Underlayment Universal Primer 60L Additive 0-250 Moisture Vapor Barrier Coating 0-261 Extreme Moisture Vapor Barrier Coating Ourabond Extreme Primer Wall Surface Adhesives 0-745 Fire Retardant 0-740 Multipurpose Wall Carpet Adhesives 0-870 Carpet Tile & Pad 0-860 Double Stick 0-850 Carpet 0-818 Tack Strip 0-817 Carpet Pad 0-808 Exterior Carpet 0-807 Sprayable Durabond® Hard Surface Adhesives 0-670 Sheet Goods & Carpet 0-650VCT 0-640 Pure Vinyl Specialty Adhesives 0-1400 Epoxy 0-1500 Universal Ceramic Products Ceramic Tile Thin-5et Mortars 0-70 ProFlex 0-65 High Perfonnance Non Sag Mortar 0-60 Medium Set Mortar 0-50 Flexible Thin Set Mortar 0-55 Fast Setting Thin Set Mortar 0-40 OuraFlex Multi Purpose Mortar 0-25 OitraSet 0-20 Porcelain Set 0-5 Premium Thin Set 0-2 Floor Grade Bostik. Inc. Construction & Distribution Division 211 Boston Street Middleton, MA 01949-2128 USA Tel: 978.m.0100 - Fax: 978.750.7802 Return to Directory Grout Anti-Fracture and Waterproofina Durabond Fortified Tile Grout - Sanded Durabond Fortified Tile Grout - Unsanded 0-222 Duraguard Surface Preparation Durabond 83P Universal Primer Hydromentl> Ceramic Products Ceramic Tile Thin-set Mortars Reflex Big Tile and Stone Mortars Single Flex Single Flex FS Hydroment PM Mortar Hydroment DitraSet Hydroment Porcelain Mate Hydroment Tile Mate Hydroment Floor & wall Hydroment Stonewall Grout Antl-Fracture and Waterproofing Hydroment Ceramic Tile Grout Hydroment Dry Tile Grout Hydroment Gold Hydroment Black Top Surface Preparation Bostik Sl-150 Fast Patch 102 Universal Primer Hardwood Products Adhesives Accessories BEST Polyurethane TKO Polyurethane BST Polyurethane EFA Polyurethane Bostlk Wood Floor Restorer Bostik Wood Floor Restorer Remover Bostik Wood Floor Cleaner MoistUre Vapor Protection MVP4 Moisture Vapor Protection EMC Epoxy Moisture Coating Hardwood Products Adhesives Moisture Vapor Protection D-332 Polyurethane D-321 Polyurethane 0-317 Polyurethane 0-288 Moisture Vapor Protection 0-250 Moisture Vapor Barrier BostIk, Inc. ConsIruction & Distribution DMsion 211 Boston Street Middleton. MA 01949-2128 USA Tel: 978.m.0100 - Fax: 978.750.7802 Return to Directory LEED LlMNlUHIP IN 1..11ft a IMYtaOMMINTM OIIIChi EQ Credit 4.1: Low-Emitting Materials: Adhesives & Sealants 1 Point Intent Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, potentially irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. Requirements All adhesives and sealants used on the interior of the building (defined as inside of the weatherproofing system and applied on-site) shall comply with the requirements of the following reference standards: • Adhesives, Sealants and Sealant Primers: South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule #1168. VOC limits are listed in the table below and correspond to an effective date of July 1, 2005 and rule amendment date of January 7. 2005. Architectural Applications VOC Limit (giL less water) Indoor Carpet Adhesives Carpet Pad Adhesives Wood Floor Adhesives Rubber Floor Adhesives Subfloor Adhesives Ceramic Tile Adhesives VCT & Asphalt Adhesives Drywall & Panel Adhesive Cove Base Adhesives Multipurpose Construction Adh Structural Glazing Adhesives 50 50 100 60 50 65 50 50 50 70 100 Specialty Applications VOC Limit (gIL less water) PVC Welding CPVC Welding ABS Welding Plastic Cement Welding Adhesive primer for Plastic Contact Adhesive Special Purpose Contact Adhesive Structural Wood Member Adhesive Sheet Applied Rubber Lining Operations Top & Trim Adhesive Substrate SpecifIC Applications VOC Limit (gIL less water) Sealants VOC Limit (giL less water) Metal to Metal Plastic Foams Porous Material (except wood) Wood Fiberglass Architectural Nonmembrane Roof Roamwy Single-Ply Roof Membrane Other 250 300 250 450 420 Sealant Primers Architectural Non Porous Architectural Porous 30 50 50 30 80 510 490 325 250 550 80 250 140 850 250 VOC Limit (gIL less water) 250 775 Other 750 BostIk, Inc. Construction & Distribution Division 211 Boston Street Middleton. MA 01949-2128 USA Tel: 978.m.0100 - Fax: 978.750.7802 Return to Directory LEED (Continued) EQ Credit 4.1: Low-Emitting Materials· Adhesives & Sealants 1 Point • Aerosol Adhesives: Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives GS-36 requirements in effect on October 19, 2000. Aerosol Adhesives voe weight (gIL minus water) General purpose mist spray General purpose web spray Special purpose aerosol adhesives (all types) 65% VOCs by weight 55% VOCs by weight 70% VOCs by weight Potential Technologies & Strategies Specify low-VOC materials in construction documents. Ensure that VOC limits are clearly stated in each section of the specifications where adhesives and sealants are addressed. Common products to evaluate include: general construction adhesives, flooring adhesives, fire-stopping sealants, caulking, duct sealants, plumbing adhesives, and cove base adhesives. Bostik, Inc. Construction & Distribution Division 211 Boston Street Middleton. MA 01949-2128 USA Tel: 978.n7.0100· Fax: 978.750.7802 Return to Directory LEED l.IAOUlWIP .........,. • _¥l&ONMIPtTAI. ....... EQ Credit 4.2: Low-Emitting Materials - Paints & Coatings 1 Point Intent Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. Requirements Paints and coatings used on the interior of the building (defined as inside of the weatherproofing system and applied on-site) shall comply with the following criteria: - Architectural paints, coatings and primers applied to interior walls and ceilings: Do not exceed the VOC content limits established in Green Seal Standard G5-11, Paints, First Edition, May 20,1993. o Flats: 50 gIL o Non-Flats: 150 giL - Anti-Corrosive and anti-rust paints applied to interior ferrous metal substrates: Do not exceed the VOC content limit of 250 gIL established in Green Seal Standards GC-03, Anti-Corrosive Paints, Second Edition, January 7, 1997. - Clear wood finishes, floor coatings, stains, sealers, and shellacs applied to interior elements: Do not exceed the VOC content limits established in South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113, Ardlitectural Coatings, rules in effect on January 1, 2004. o Clear wood finishes: varnish 350 gIL; lacquer 550 giL o Floor coatings: 100 giL o Sealers: waterproofing sealers 250 giL; sanding sealers 275 giL; all other sealers 200 gIL o Shellac: clear 730 gIL; pigmented 550 gIL o Stains: 250 giL Potential Technologies & Strategies Specify Iow-VOC paints and coatings in construction documents. Ensure that VOC limits are clearly stated in each section of the specifications where paints and coatings are addressed. Track the VOC content of interior paints and coatings during construction. BostIle, Inc. Construction & Distribution Division 211 Boston Street Middleton, MA 01949-2128 USA Tel: 978.m.0100· Fax: 978.750.7802 Return to Directory LEED EQ Credit 4.3: Low-Emitting Materials - Carpet Systems 1 Point Intent Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. Requirements All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet the testing and product requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program. All carpet cushion installed in the building Interior shall meet the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Program. All Carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements of EO Credit 4.1: VOC limit of 50 gIL. Potential Technologies & Strategies Clearly specify requirements for product testing and/or certification in the construction documents. Select products that are either certified under the Green Label Plus program or for which testing has been done by qualified independent laboratories in accordance with the appropriate requirements. The Green Label Plus program for carpets and its associated VOC emission criteria in micrograms per square meter per hour, along with information on testing method and sample collection developed by the Carpet & Rug Institute (CRI) in coordination with California's Sustainable Building Task Force and the California Department of Health Services (DHS), are described in Section 9, Acceptable Emissions Testing for Carpet, DHS Standard Practice CAlDHS/EHLBIR-174, dated 07/15/04. This document is available at: 01350 7 15 2004 FINAL PLUS ADDENDUM-2004-01.pdf (also published as Section 01350 Section 9 (dated 2004) by the Collaborative for High Performance Schools ( ao.Uk, Inc:. Construction & Distribution Division 211 Boston Street Middleton. MA 01949-2128 USA Tel: 978.m.0100 ~ Fax: 978.750.7802 Return to Directory
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