FACT Sheet 8000 Series Carrier Code for Freight Forwarders

FACT Sheet
8000 Series Carrier Code for Freight Forwarders
What is the CBSA definition of a freight forwarder under eManifest?
A "freight forwarder" will be defined as: An agent who arranges for the transportation
of goods and who may provide other services such as grouping and consolidating
shipments, de-stuffing containers, Customs brokerage, and warehousing. (Includes deconsolidators and pool car operators) [ECCRD, Chapter 5: ACI/eManifest House Bill
(Draft Version 3.0)]
“freight forwarder” means a person who, on behalf of one or more owners, importers,
shippers or consignees of goods, causes specified goods to be transported by one or
more carriers; (agent d’expédition)
What is an 8000-series carrier code?
A carrier code is a four-character unique identifier that is assigned by the Canada Border
Services Agency (CBSA) to identify a carrier. Only one carrier code is issued to each
legal entity (corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship). With the implementation of
eManifest, freight forwarders will require an 8000-series carrier code (a fourcharacter code that begins with an 8) in order to transact business with the CBSA.
What is the difference between a bonded and non-bonded 8000-series carrier
A non-bonded 8000-series carrier code may only be used to transmit house bill /
supplementary data to the CBSA. A non-bonded freight forwarder that is in possession
of a valid non-bonded 8000-series carrier code can submit non-consolidated house bill
data only, however the goods must be released at First Port of Arrival (FPOA).
170 Attwell Drive, Suite 480, Toronto, Ontario M9W 5Z5
www.ciffa.com  August 2014 Fact Sheet
A bonded 8000-series carrier code may be used to transmit house bill / supplementary
data to the CBSA. A bonded freight forwarder that is in possession of a valid bonded
8000-series carrier code can submit consolidated and non-consolidated house bill data
and may move goods ‘in bond’ beyond the FPOA. A bonded freight forwarder in
possession of an 8000-series carrier code posts security with the CBSA to cover the
following situations:
to move goods to a CBSA office inland (not located at the border) to have the shipment
When eManifest is in effect, you may need to know the bonded/ non-bonded status
of an 8000-series carrier code, particularly if you accept co-load shipments.
When do I need the 8000-series carrier code?
when you deconsolidate air, marine, rail and highway shipments
when you handle ‘back to back’ (single) air, marine, rail and highway shipments where
the freight forwarder’s name appears on the master and the eHBL data must be filed
What should I do if I don’t have an 8000-series carrier code?
If you have shipments that may need to move beyond the first port of arrival for release,
then you need to apply to the CBSA for a bonded 8000-series carrier code.
IMPORTANT Note: “Only freight forwarders physically located in Canada are eligible to
apply for a bonded freight forwarder carrier code." Refer to Memorandum D3-3-1
How do I apply for an 8000-series carrier code?
Freight Forwarder (non-bonded)
Complete application form BSF329-9 Application to Obtain a Non-Bonded Freight
Forwarder Code (to Supply Electronic Supplementary Data for Advance Commercial
Information (ACI) Only and submit scanned documents to the CBSA.
Freight Forwarder (bonded)
Prepare and/or complete Form E370 – Application to Transact Bonded Carrier and
Forwarding Operations.
170 Attwell Drive, Suite 480, Toronto, Ontario M9W 5Z5
www.ciffa.com  August 2014 Fact Sheet
Post security with the CBSA in the form of a Customs Bond – Form D120 – or other
method as listed in Memorandum D1-7-1 and Memorandum D3-3-1, Forwarded and
Consolidated Cargo – Import Movements.
Mail the original documents to the CBSA.
Full information and application forms can be found on the CBSA website here
IMPORTANT - 'Back to Back' or ‘Single’ shipments require eManifest
In situations where the freight forwarder is named as the consignee on the Master Bill of
Lading or Master AWB, and there is an underlying HBL, an electronic house bill
(eManifest) must be transmitted to the CBSA within the required time frame. Until the
transmission of advance electronic house bill data becomes mandatory, electronic
supplementary reports will continue to be required in the air and marine modes. (ACI Air
& Marine).
If your freight forwarding company is the consignee on the master bill of lading (for
example on a 'back to back' or ‘single’ shipment), an electronic house bill (eManifest)
must be transmitted to the CBSA. This means that the shipment must be reported on an
8000-series carrier code and the customs release request will quote the 8000-series
cargo control number.
Freight forwarders are encouraged to contact the eManifest help desk at eManifestmanifestelectronique@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca if they have questions.
Making 8000-series carrier codes available to others in the supply chain.
CIFFA will make its Members’ 8000-series carrier codes available to the public, on a
voluntary basis, by allowing Member firms to add their 8000-series carrier code to their
company profile data on the CIFFA website. By sharing a code, the Member agrees that
it will be made public.
There have been concerns raised regarding privacy. Some comments on that subject:
Mandatory electronic submission of HBL data should eliminate any concerns
regarding abuse, as both the portal and Manifest Forward will require electronic
business profiles in place with CBSA prior to a company having the ability to
170 Attwell Drive, Suite 480, Toronto, Ontario M9W 5Z5
www.ciffa.com  August 2014 Fact Sheet
transmit HBL data electronically or receive a Manifest Forward. This should
alleviate the majority of concerns; however there may still be a slight window of
It is a good idea as the list of 8000 codes does not exist anywhere else.
Forwarders and carriers will need to know 8000 codes and whether or not that
code is bonded, especially in co-load situations.
Manifest Forward
Manifest Forward will allow trade partners to identify other parties (e.g. carrier, freight
forwarder, warehouse operator, customs broker) within the trade chain to whom the
CBSA can forward an electronic copy of house bill data. The parties to whom the CBSA
can forward house bill data are nominated by the transmitter of house bill data through a
Secondary Notify Party (SNP) identifier (ID).
Carriers will be identified by their carrier code,
Freight forwarders will be identified by their 8000-series carrier code,
Brokers will be identified by their account security number, and
Warehouse operators will be identified by their sub-location code.
Importers (TBA)
CIFFA is not a law firm and does not have any lawyer or any other person qualified to give legal advice on staff. CIFFA offer s its
Members general guidance and assistance based on the collected experience of its Members and staff, and does so gratuitously
and without liability for loss or damage of any kind for the use or misuse of this information, even if the loss or damage is caused or
contributed to by CIFFA’s own negligence or the negligence of its employees.
CIFFA CANNOT AND DOES NOT OFFER LEGAL ADVICE. Only a lawyer qualified and licensed to practice in your jurisdiction and
properly retained can provide legal advice. If you are of the opinion that you may have a legal problem, you should seek the advice
of a qualified professional.
170 Attwell Drive, Suite 480, Toronto, Ontario M9W 5Z5
www.ciffa.com  August 2014 Fact Sheet