IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting (ESCo or Energy Efficiency Services)? Concept, Definition and Two Basic Business Models Discussion Paper (Rev. 3) Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” Graz, October 2013 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting? Synopsis and Authors Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” Synopsis and Authors This report was developed within Task 16 “Competitive Energy Services (EnergyContracting, ESCo Services)” of the IEA’s Demand Side Management Implementing Agreement. International Energy Agency IA Demand Side Management (DSM) Task 16 “Competitive Energy Services” Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” When citing from this document, please refer to it as follows: Bleyl, Jan W. What is Energy-Contracting (ESCo or Energy Efficiency Services)? Concept, Definition and Two Basic Business Models IEA DSM Task 16 discussion paper Rev. 3, October 2013. Download available from => Task 16 Authors: DDI Jan W. Bleyl-Androschin IEA DSM Task 16 „Competitive Energy Services“ Operating Agent c/o: Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions A-8020 Graz, Lendkai 29, Austria or D-76344 Leopoldshafen Frankfurterstr. 12, Germany Tel.: +43-650 7992820 Fax: +43-316-811848-9 Email: Energetic Solutions Jan W. Bleyl With contributions from Task 16 national experts (contact details on back cover). IEA DSM Task 16 - Phase III builds on work, which was previously led by Graz Energy Agency. Thank you GEA! © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 2/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting? Financing partners Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” Financing partners Austria (until 06/2012) Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Belgium Federal Public Service Economy, S.M.E.s, Self-Employed and Energy DG Energy – External relations Finland (until 06/2009) Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation India (until 06/2012) Bureau of Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power Japan (until 06/2009) Tokyo Electric Power Company Korea (since 07/2012) Korea Energy Management Coorperation Netherlands Agentschap NL Ministerie van Economische Zaken Spain (since 07/2009) Red Eléctrica de España Sweden (since 07/2012) Swedish Energy Agency: Switzerland (since 07/2012) Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE The project partners wish to explicitly thank the IEA DSM ExCo members of the participating countries and their financing partners for their support. © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 3/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Table of content, figures and tables Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” Table of content, figures and tables Content 1 Motivation ......................................................................... 5 2 Energy-Contracting (ESCo or Energy Efficiency Services) ........................................................................... 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Differentiation and Definition of Energy Services Providers and their Services ................................................................... 7 Definition and Concept of performance based EC ........................ 9 Two Basic Business Models .................................................... 11 Modular Scope of Services ..................................................... 12 List of Figures Figure 1: What is Energy-Contracting? An integrated energy efficiency service with outsourcing of risk, interfaces and guarantees to an ESCo ................................................ 5 Figure 2: Energy service value chain, business models, typical products and measures ................................................... 10 Figure 3: Scope of services of two basic ESCo models ........................ 11 Figure 4: Energy-Contracting: A modular energy service package with guaranteed outcome for the client ............................. 12 List of Tables Table 1 Differentiation of categories of energy service providers, their services and remuneration ......................................... 8 © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 4/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Motivation 1 Motivation "We will leave a steam engine free of charge to you. We will install these and will take over for five years the customer service. We guarantee you that the coal for the machine costs less, than you must spend at present at fodder (energy) on the horses, which do the same work. And everything that we require of you, is that you give us a third of the money, which you save." [James Watt, 1736-1819] The concept of Energy Performance Contracting was born early in the industrial revolution. While motivation may have changed over time – the search for suitable business models for the implementation of innovative technologies is ongoing. One of the most important and at the same time most difficult energy policy and energy economics tasks continues to be the search for suitable ‘delivery mechanisms’ for energy saving potentials. The level of success is far from satisfactory as the continuous increase in final energy consumption reveals. Since the mid of this decade, Energy Services (ES) have climbed high on political agendas and have even reached the headline of energy efficiency legislation [2006/32/EC]. Technology Suppliers, construction, operation & maintenance … Know-How Managers, consultants, engineers, architects, … Energy Carriers Gas, fuel oil, solar, woodchips … Finance TPF, equity, banks, leasing, subsidies ... Legislative Framework Procurement, laws, norms, technical rules … E n e rg y S e rv ic e C o m p a n y (E S C o ) Supply (MWh) or savings (NWh) incl. function, performance + price guarantees ESCo Client Source: after [Bleyl 2009] Figure 1: What is Energy-Contracting? An integrated energy efficiency service with outsourcing of risk, interfaces and guarantees to an ESCo Energy-Contracting (EC) is cited many times as a smart multi-purposeinstrument, which will help to overcome market barriers for Energy Efficiency (EE). While a number of obstacles can be overcome with the EC concept, © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 5/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Motivation Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” the pros and cons, the realistic potentials, the limits and added values of ESCo products in comparison to in-house implementation need further clarification. Most existing EC definitions1 fall short with regard to important properties of “real” EC projects such as outsourcing of risks to the ESCo, guarantees for outcome and “all inclusive” cost of the measures implemented, modularity of the service package or optimization according to project cycle cost. These features constitute important quality attributes of “real” ESCo products as opposed to simple energy services. And they may constitute an added value compared to standard in-house implementation models. Also the two basic business models – either delivery of useful energy (Energy Supply Contracting - ESC) or energy savings (Energy Performance Contracting - EPC) and their implications are not distinguished well enough. The goal of this discussion paper is to develop a common understanding of the key features of „real“ Energy-Contracting projects (c.f. definition in chapter 2.1), increase understanding of Energy-Contracting as a tool and delivery mechanism for implementation of energy efficiency: Pros and cons, potentials, limits and added values of ESCo products in comparison to in-house implementation, differentiate between the two basic EC business models ESC and EPC, which are both performance based, contribute to common definition and standardization efforts. We focus on some key features here, assuming that the reader has a basic knowledge of the Energy-Contracting (EC, also labeled as ESCo- or Energy Efficiency Service) concept2 and building energy efficiency. Given the complexity of the EC concept this has to be considered as “work in progress”. Feed back, questions and further cooperation are highly welcome. Please contact the authors attention to Jan W. Bleyl (contact details on page 2). 1 2 cf. [2006/32/EC], [Bertholdi 2007], [EN 15900], [DIN 8930-5], [GEFMA 540], [Satchwell 2010], [UZ 50], [VDMA 24198] this list is not exhaustive For further basics on Energy-Contracting you may refer to e.g., [SenStad+BE 2002], [dena 2004], [Bleyl+Schinnerl 2008 u. 2008a], [dena 2009], [Eikmeier 2009] (this list is not exhaustive). © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 6/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Differentiation and Definition of Energy Services Providers and their Services 2 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” Energy-Contracting (ESCo or Energy Efficiency Services) 2.1 Differentiation and Definition of Energy Services Providers and their Services In the ESCo industry but also in the respective literature, a wide variety of definitions are used, which reflect the different interests of the broad spectrum of stakeholders involved. However, for clarification and structuring purposes it is helpful to classify different groups of service providers respectively their services, distribution of project risks and remuneration schemes. We propose to distinguish between three main groups of service providers (without any intention to value them): 1. Consultancy (service) providers such as energy auditors, planning en- gineers, CMVPs, accountants, lawyers and others who basically provide advice. The consultants risks are typically limited to his professional indemnity insurance, while the project performance risk remains with the client. Payments for consultancy-type services are commonly agreed based on their inputs (hourly rates or lump sum); sometimes consultants will also have a performance based component (share of savings achieved) in their remuneration. 2. Technology suppliers of energy efficiency hardware (e.g. efficiency technologies like re-lighting, CHP and solar components or systems) or software (e.g. for energy accounting or management) and their related operation and maintenance services (e.g. servicing of burners, technology maintenance services or software updates). They all supply individual components for projects and are paid for the supply of these components, but typically not their performance or outputs. The suppliers risks are typically limited to product warranties and vendor liabilities, but the project performance risk remains with the client. 3. ESCos who provide performance based Energy-Contracting (also labeled as ESCo - or Energy Efficiency Services). The two basic business models are: Energy Supply Contracting (ESC), which delivers units useful energy measured in MWh and Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), which provides energy savings, measured in comparison to a exante energy cost baseline. For both models, the ESCo’s remuneration depends on the respective outputs of the services provided and not the inputs (like fuels or person-hours) consumed, thus introducing an intrinsic interest for the ESCo to increase efficiency of the technologies deployed and to reduce final-energy demand and related emissions. © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 7/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Differentiation and Definition of Energy Services Providers and their Services The key characteristics of the different service provider groups are summarized in the following table: Table 1 Differentiation of categories of energy service providers, vices and remuneration Energy Who bears service project perprovider formance categories Example services risks? 1.Consultants - Audits by auditors with client. - HVAC planning by engineers Consultant risks limited to professional indemnity insurance - M&V plans by CMVPs - Facilitaton by consultants, EAs their ser- Remuneration scheme Based on input, e.g. hourly rates or lump sum - Legal advice by lawyers - Book keeping by accountants 2.Technology suppliers + related services (mostly technical) - OEMs, technology providers, e.g. for HVAC, solar-, CHP systems or building insulation - EPCs, construction companies with client. Supplier risk limited to product warranties, vendors liabilities Based on input, e.g. price of technologies and services - software tools 3.“Real” performance based ESCos Performance based services, e.g. - Energy Supply Contracting (ESC) - Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) Technical and economical performance risk with ESCo Based on output, e.g. MWh or savings (“NWh”) delivered All three groups of service providers are needed to develop an ESCo industry. At the same time their role in the value added chain and scope of service, their degrees of risk acceptance as well as their business models and remuneration schemes are notably different. By distinguishing between these groups of service providers, the analysis and recommendations can be targeted much better. © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 8/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Definition and Concept of performance based EC Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” In many studies and statistics these groups are mingled, which may lead to rather unspecific findings and recommendations. Also in terms of reporting, e.g. in NEEAPs or ESCo registers, the numbers are not very meaningful, if not distinguished between the groups of service providers proposed above. Otherwise there is a risk to have high numbers of so-called ESCos registered, which do not correspond at all to the number of EPC projects implemented or the number of offers a RFP for an ESCo project will induce. The different categories of services also reflect clients different preferences weather to buy individual components of an EE project (e.g. separate planning, construction, maintenance contracts) or to outsource a comprehensive package to one service provider. And last but not least this differentiation allows to delimit “real”, performance based services, which includes assumption of technical and economical risks by an ESCo against standard, non-performance based services. 2.2 Definition and Concept of performance based EC Most existing definitions fall short with regard to important properties of “real” Energy-Contracting (EC) services such as outsourcing of commercial and technical risks to the ESCo, guarantees for results and “all inclusive” cost of the measures implemented or optimization according to project cycle cost (cf. [2006/32/EC], [Bertholdi 2007], [EN 15900], [DIN 8930-5], [GEFMA 540], [Satchwell 2010], [UZ 50], [VDMA 24198] this list is not exhaustive). These features may constitute an added value in comparison to standard in-house implementation. Therefore, in a narrow sense we define EC as: Energy-Contracting - also labeled as ESCo- or Energy Service - is a comprehensive energy service concept for executing energy efficiency and renewable projects in buildings or production facilities according to minimized project cycle cost. An Energy Service Company (ESCo) typically acts as a general contractor and implements a customized efficiency service package (consisting of e.g. design, building, (co-)financing, operation & maintenance, optimization, fuel purchase, user motivation). As key features, the ESCo’s remuneration is performance based, it bears the commercial as well as the technical implementation and operation risks and guarantees the outcome and all inclusive cost of the services for the duration of the project (after [Bleyl+Schinnerl 2008]) The EC service concept shifts the focus away from selling units of final energy (like fuel oil, gas or electricity) towards the desired benefits and services derived from the use of the energy carrier (e.g. the lowest cost of keeping a room warm, air-conditioned or lit). In other words: The ESCo’s remuneration depends on the output of the services provided and not the © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 9/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Definition and Concept of performance based EC inputs (like fuels or manhours) consumed, thus inducing an intrinsic interest for the ESCo to increase efficiency and to reduce final energy demand. EC services are not about any particular technology or energy carrier. Instead EC is a flexible and modular “efficiency tool” to execute energy efficiency projects, according to the goals of the facility owner. It is an instrument to minimize life- or project cycle cost, including the operation phase of the building. Typically the ESCo serves as a general contractor and is responsible for coordination and management of the individual components and interfaces of the service package towards the customer. It has to deliver the commissioned energy service (Megawatthours of useful energy or energy savings (“Negawatthours”)) to the customer at “all inclusive” prices as displayed in Figure 1:. Figure 2: illustrates and energy added value chain from primary to useful energy and energy saving services. Typical products & measures Value chaine Business models Standard ENERGY SUPPLIER (UTILITY) Primary energy Secondary/ final energy ENERGY SUPPLY CONTRACTING (ESC) Useful energy service ENERGY PERFORMANCE CONTRACTING (EPC) Energy savings service => MWh => NWh Crude oil, Heating oil, Heat, steam, cooling, e.g. climatized rooms: Energy management, electricity, natural gas, compressed air …, controls, HVAC, CHP plants, district heating, coal, biomass, efficient lighting, … Renewables, e.g. peak load management, solar systems ... … thermal insulation, + EE-measures? user motivaton … Source: after [Bleyl+Schinnerl 2008] … Figure 2: Energy service value chain, business models, typical products and measures ESCo products provide either useful energy (Energy Supply Contracting ESC) or energy savings (Energy Performance Contracting - EPC) to the end user. And they achieve environmental benefits due to the associated energy and emission savings as well as non-energetic benefits such as increase in comfort or image gains. The two business models are described in the next chapter. © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 10/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Two Basic Business Models 2.3 Two Basic Business Models The two basic ESCo business models can be distinguished, cf. Figure 3:. They provide either useful energy (Energy Supply Contracting - ESC) or energy savings (Energy Performance Contracting - EPC) as outputs to the end user. Both business models are performance based and result in a reduction of final energy demand. And they achieve environmental benefits due to the associated energy and emission savings as well as non-energetic benefits such as increase in comfort or image gains. Two basic business models 1. At Energy Supply Contracting (ESC) efficient supply of useful ener- gy such as heat, steam or compressed air is contracted and measured in Megawatt hours (MWh) delivered. The business model usually includes purchasing of fuels and is comparable to district heating or cogeneration supply contracts. The scope of energy end-use efficiency measures is usually limited to the energy supply side of the building or enterprise, e.g. the boiler room. It can also be applied to energy supply from renewable sources, e.g. solar ESC. 2. As for Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), the focus is on re- ducing final energy consumption through demand side energy efficiency measures. The scope is extended to the entire building or enterprise including measures such as technical building equipment, user behavior or the building envelope insulation as indicated in Figure 3:. The business model is based on delivering savings compared to a predefined baseline, also labeled as Negawatt hours (NWh). Figure 3: illustrates a typical scope of services of the above mentioned Energy-Contracting models. Solar SupplySupply-Contracting (Solar ESC) => M WhSolar Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) => N Wh Meter Energy Supply Contracting (ESC) => M Wh Fuel Boiler Source: after [Bleyl 2008] Figure 3: Scope of services of two basic ESCo models Most ESCo products are based on either one of the above business models. © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 11/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Modular Scope of Services 2.4 Modular Scope of Services Most energy efficiency projects differ in their contents and general conditions. Therefore, it has proved to be necessary and sensible to adapt the scope of services specifically to the individual project. This also means the building owner can – depending on his own resources – define what components of the energy service will be outsourced and which components he or she carries out in-house (e.g. financing or ongoing on-site maintenance provided by a caretaker). The necessary components for implementing energy (efficiency) projects are summarized in an energy service package with result guarantees given to the client as displayed in Figure 4: Source: after [Bleyl+Schinnerl 2008] Fuel + power purchase Detailed planning, Construction, Commissioning (Co-)Financing, Subsidies Project development, Rough planning Added value Function-, through outsourcing: performance- and price guarantees „EnergyContracting“ Operat. & mainten., Troubleshooting, Optimization, User mvation M & V, Quality assurance, Controlling - a modular service package incl. outcome guarantees Outsourcing of commercial and technical risks => “Energy-Contracting“ is the guarantee, that the overall system performs to specifications. Over the whole contract term. Figure 4: Energy-Contracting: A modular energy service package with guaranteed outcome for the client All the tasks shown in the figure, such as planning, construction and financing, as well as all the ongoing components of the service, such as operation and maintenance, optimization, purchasing of fuel and quality assurance, have to be covered by the building owner or the ESCo throughout the contractual period. In contrast to widespread opinions, the ESCo service package does not automatically need to include financing. Financing can be provided by the building owner, the ESCo or a third financing partner, depending on who © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 12/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy Contracting (ESCo Services)? Modular Scope of Services Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” can offer the better conditions.3 In any case, the ESCo can be used as a vehicle and facilitator for financing.4 In the ESCo’s prices, all the expenditure items for the defined scope of services throughout the contractual period must be included (“all inclusive prices”). Correspondingly, project or life cycle costs (LCC) are calculated at the Energy-Contracting model. The functional, performance and price guarantees provided by the ESCo and the outsourcing of technical and economic risks to the ESCo may constitute an added value for the client, which should be considered at the comparison with an in-house (do-it-yourself) implementation. 3 4 This view is also reflected in the Anglo-Saxon EPC markets, where two basic EPC models are differentiated, mainly with regard to who finances the investment: “Guaranteed Savings” refers to a service model without ESCo finance, whereas “Shared Savings” include financing in the ESCo’s service package. This topic has been elaborated in more detail in [Bleyl+Suer 2006] or [Bleyl+Schinnerl 2008a]. © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 13/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting? References and Literature (selection) References and Literature (selection) [2006/32/EC] Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Energy End Use and Energy Services, 2006/32/EC as of 5 April 2006 [Bertholdi 2007] Paolo Bertoldi, Benigna Boza-Kiss, Silvia Rezessy Latest Development of Energy Service Companies across Europe - A European ESCO Update EC JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Ispra 2007 [Bleyl+Schinnerl 2008] Bleyl, Jan W.; Schinnerl, Daniel “Energy Contracting” to Achieve Energy Efficiency and Renewables using Comprehensive Refurbishment of Buildings as an example in: Urban Energy Transition edited by Peter Droege, Elsevier 2008 [Bleyl+Schinnerl 2008a] Bleyl, Jan W.; Schinnerl, Daniel in IEA dsm Task XVI “Opportunity Cost Tool, Comparison and Evaluation of Financing Options for Energy Contracting Projects. A Manual for ESCo, ESCo customers and ESCo project developers, download available from [Bleyl 2009] Bleyl, Jan W. Integrated Energy Contracting (IEC). A new Model to Combine Energy Efficiency and (Renewable) Energy Supply. IEA dsm Task XVI Discussion Paper download available from [Bleyl 2011] Bleyl, Jan W. Conservation First! The New Integrated Energy-Contracting Model to Combine Energy Efficiency and Renewable Supply in Large Buildings and Industry in ECEEE Summer Studies, paper ID 485, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France June 2011 [Bundescontracting 2009] currently not online [dena 2004] Deutsche Energie Agentur Leitfaden EnergiesparContracting Berlin 4th edition. December 2004. [dena 2009] Deutsche Energie Agentur Leitfaden EnergielieferContracting under preparation, publication planned for 2009. [DIN 8930-5] Deutsches Institut für Normung Kälteanlagen und Wärmepumpen. Terminologie Teil 5: Contracting Berlin, November 2003. [Eikmeier et al. 2009] Eikmeier, B., Seefeldt, F., Bleyl, J. W.; Arzt, C.: Contracting im Mietwohnungsbau, Abschlußbericht, Bonn April 2009 [EN 15900] European Committee for Standardization (CEN/CLC/TF 189) Energy efficiency services – Definitions and es- © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 14/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting? References and Literature (selection) sential requirements draft under discussion. March 2009 [ESP 2009] Berliner Energieagentur Energiesparpartnerschaft Berlin. Ergebnisse aus 23 Gebäudepools nicht veröffentlicht Berlin 2009 [GEA 2009] Grazer Energieagentur GmbH, 2009 [GEFMA 540] German Facility Management Association EnergieContracting. Erfolgsfaktoren und Umsetzungshilfen GEFMA 540, Ausgabe 2007-09 [IEAdsm 2009] Task XVI „Competitive Energy Services“ of the IEA (International Energy Agency) Demand Side Management Implementing Agreement. Task flyer available [IPMVP_2009] Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) download available from [Satchwell et al 2010] Andrew Sactchwell, Charles Goldman; Peter Larsen; Donald Gilligan; Terry Singer 2010 A Survey of the U.S. ESCO Industry: Market Growth and Development from 2008 to 2011 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL-3479E. June 2010 [SenStadt+BE 2002] Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung des Landes Berlin und Berliner Energieagentur EnergieeinsparContracting. Die Energiesparpartnerschaft. Ein Berliner Erfolgsmodell April 2002. [UZ 50] Österreichisches Umweltzeichen Richtline UZ 50 Energie-Contracting Wien 2003 [VDI 2067] Verein Deutscher Ingenieure 2067 - Wirtschaftlichkeit gebäudetechnischer Anlagen. Grundlagen und Kostenberechnung, Blatt 1 Düsseldorf 2000 [VDMA 24198] Verband Deutscher Maschinen und Anlagenbau Perfomance Contracting. Begriffe, Prozessbeschreibung, Leistungen VDMA 24198 Frankfurt/Main Februar 2000 [VfW 2009] Verband für Wärmelieferung Der Verband für Wärmelieferung in Zahlen Hannover 2009 download verfügbar unter [Watt 1736-1819] Watt, James quoted © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: after as of Wikipedia 09-10-18 15/18 Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting? IEA DSM Task 16 Participating Countries and Contacts IEA DSM Task 16 Participating Countries and Contacts Austria India (until 06/2012) Energetic Solutions Bureau of Energy Efficiency Jan W. Bleyl (Operating Agent and NE) Email: Tel: +43-650-7992820 Srinivasan Ramaswamy (NE 10/2009) Email: Tel: +91-11-26179699 Lendkai 29, 8020 Graz Abhishek Nath (NE until 10/2009) Email: Tel: +91-11-2617-9699 Grazer Energieagentur GmbH Daniel Schinnerl (NE until 06/2012) Email: Tel: +43-316-811848-15 Kaiserfeldgasse 13, 8010 Graz. Belgium Fedesco Knowledgecenter Lieven Vanstraelen (National Expert) Email: Tel: + 32-495-551 559 4th Floor, Sewa Bhavan, R.K. Puram New Delhi -110066, India Japan (Sponsor until 06/2009) Japan Facility Solutions, Inc. 1-18 Ageba-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 162-0824, Japan Korea (since 07/2012) Royal Green House, Rue Royale 47 1000 Bruxelles Korea Energy Management Corporation Industry Energy Management Department Factor4 Kim, Kil-Hwan (national expert) Email: Tel: +82-31-260-4452 Johan Coolen (National Expert) Email: Tel: +32-3-22523-12 Lange Winkelhaakstraat 26 2060 Antwerpen, 388, Poeun-Daero, Suji-Gu, Yongin-Si, KyonggiDo, 448-994, Republic of Korea Finland (until 06/2009) Netherlands Motiva Oy P.O.Box 489, 00101 Helsinki Escoplan Ger Kempen (National Expert) Email: Tel: +31-639-011339 Binnenhof 62-b 1412 LC Naarden Essent Retail Services BV (until 06/2012) Withuisveld 7, 6226 NV Maastricht © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 16/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting? IEA DSM Task 16 Participating Countries and Contacts Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” Spain (since 07/2009) Red Eléctrica de España Dpto. Gestión de la Demanda Andrés Sainz Arroyo (National Expert) Email: Tel. +34-91-650 20 12-2252 Paseo del Conde de los Gaitanes, 177 28109 Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain Hitachi Consulting (until 06/2012) Borja Herrero Ruiz (National Expert) Email: Tel. +34-91-7883100 Orense, 32, 28020, Madrid, Spain Sweden (since 07/2012) Swedish Energy Agency Mattias Törnell (National Expert) Tel. +46-16 544 21 69 Fredrick Andersson (National Expert) Tel. +46 16 544 23 27 Kungsgatan 43, P.O. Box 310 SE-631 04 Eskilstuna Switzerland (since 07/2012) Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications Markus Bareith Tel. +41 31 325 15 94 Mühlestrasse 4, 3063 Ittigen, Postadresse: 3003 Bern © Jan W. Bleyl - Energetic Solutions + Authors. For requests: 17/18 IEA DSM Task 16: What is Energy-Contracting? IEA DSM Task 16 Participating Institutions Task 16 ”Competitive Energy Services” IEA DSM Task 16 Participating Institutions Austria Energetic Solutions (since 07/2012) Grazer Energieagentur (until 06/2012) Belgium Fedesco: EnergInvest (since 07/2010): Factor4 (since 07/2010): Finland (until 06/2009) Motiva Oy: India (until 06/2012) Bureau of Energy Efficiency: Japan (until 06/2009) Japan Facility Solutions, Inc.: Korea (since 07/2012) Korea Energy Management Coorperation: Netherlands Essent Retail Services BV (until 06/2012): ESCOPLAN (since 07/2012): Spain (until 06/2012) Red Eléctrica de España: Hitachi Consulting (until 06/2012): Sweden (since 07/2012) Swedish Energy Agency: Switzerland (since 07/2012) Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE: Contact details are provided at the inside of the cover. Energetic Solutions Jan W. Bleyl
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