What is I.B.?? The International Baccalaureate program is a rigorous, college-preparatory program which offers a broad curriculum complemented by an opportunity to study a subject in depth. It is a 2-year course of study, undertaken during 11th and 12th grade. Beaverton High School has been approved by the International Baccalaureate Organization. The I.B.O. was founded in the 1960’s in Geneva, Switzerland. ..................................................................................................................................... Full IB Diploma: Subject requirements One from each category: 1 - Language A1: English (HL) 2 - Language B: French, Japanese or Spanish (all SL) 3 - Individuals & Societies: History (SL/HL), Psychology (SL/HL) and/or Social Anthropology (SL) 4 - Experimental Sciences: Environmental Systems (SL), Biology(HL) and/or Physics(HL) 5 - Mathematics: Studies (SL), Math SL or HL 6 - Arts & Electives: Visual arts (SL/HL), Theatre (SL/HL) or additional course from above (usually from category 3 or 4) Students must take at least 3 (but not more than 4) subjects at the Higher Level (HL) and the others at Standard Level (SL). Other requirements IB Seminar : Study skills/time management help (Grade 11 - 1st sem.) Theory of Knowledge (ToK): Interdisciplinary course (11th-2nd Sem./12th-1st sem.) Creativity, Action, Service (CAS): 150 hours required (50 in each category) Extended Essay: Independent investigation/project ............................................................................................................................................................ F.A.Q.: Upon entering high school, what should a student be doing in 9th and 10th grade to prepare for the I.B. program? MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: RECOMMENDED (optional): • Take Spanish, French, German or Japanese (both years) • Prepare to take at least Algebra 2 as a junior (9th: Algebra 1 or higher / 10th: Survey or higher) • Prepare to take Pre-Calculus as a junior (9th: Geometry / 10th: Adv. Algebra 2) • Participate in Honors Designation programs • Take Chem. II in 10th grade • Take Literary Seminar course F.A.Q.: When does a student need to make the decision to pursue IB? - Students must commit during forecasting in the 2nd half of 10th grade. - Students MUST see the IB Coordinator to forecast & sign up for program. F.A.Q.: Who is good candidate for IB courses? An IB student is highly motivated, attends regularly, can organize and manage time effectively, has strong reading abilities, and can communicate effectively in writing. F.A.Q.: What is the difference between IB & AP? I.B. A.P. • Depth of study • Breadth of study (coverage) • Analysis-based • Content-based • Multiple assessments • Assessment = exam (often mult. choice&/or essay) exam = all essay / solutions includes in-class project • Holistic program • Individual units of credit • Accepted for credit at most colleges • Accepted for credit at most colleges ~ See the B.H.S. Program Planning guide for more specific information. ~ Students who are not pursuing the Full Diploma have the option to enroll in any IB class (for a “Certificate”) . ............................................................................................................................................................................ I.B. & College • Colleges want to see that the student has taken the “most rigorous program available”. • More colleges in the U.S. now grant equivalent credit for IB & AP. example -- University of Washington: Students who earn the full diploma may be awarded up to 45 credits for Higher Level subjects and 15 general education credits. • Statistics show that IB students have a higher acceptance rate than other applicants. (See examples below -- more data available from coordinator -- source: IBO ,2003) College Acceptance rate of all applicants Cornell Univ. Brigham Young Univ. Florida State Univ. Harvard Univ. Oregon State Univ. Penn State U. of Calif. Berkeley U. of So. California U. of Washington Yale Univ. 28.5% 30% 48.8% 11% 75% 57% 24% 30.2% 68% 13% Acceptance rates of full IB Diploma students 51% 100% 98.7% 14.8% 100% 91.8% 53% 76.7% 92.5% 18.9% Some colleges offer special admissions and/or scholarship incentives for IB Diploma students. Oregon State University: Full Diploma students with 30 points (out of 42) on exams will be given sophomore standing at entrance and be eligible for a $2000 per year scholarship. For a list of the IB acceptance policies of all colleges, see the IB website: ibo.org Comments from Directors of College Admissions: "Send us prepared students a la IB...it is the *best* high school prep "The IB is a first-rate program, one we are familiar with, and it prepares students well for a university like ours." Fred Hargadon, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Princeton University "IB is well known to us as excellent preparation. Success in an IB program correlates well with success at Harvard. We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Program on the transcript." Marily McGraff Lewis, Assistant Dean of Admissions, Harvard University
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