What is ...

1757 NW CR WaterAid factsheet 2010 for web.pdf
What is
WaterAid was established as a charitable trust on 21 July 1981
by the UK water industry as a response to the UN Decade of
Drinking Water and Sanitation. Projects in Zambia and Sri Lanka
became the first of many thousands to receive support.
Throughout the 1980s regional WaterAid fundraising committees
were formed, based in many of the UK water industry's
organisations, including the then Northumbrian Water Authority.
This enabled more and more organised fundraising events to
take place.
WaterAid enables the world's poorest people to gain access to
safe water and sanitation. Together with improved hygiene, these
basic human rights underpin health, education and livelihoods,
forming the first essential step in overcoming poverty.
In 1991, HRH Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, became
WaterAid's first president and was taken to see WaterAid
projects in Nepal. He continues to offer his support in this role to
this day.
WaterAid also works locally and internationally to change policy
and practice and ensure that water, hygiene and sanitation's vital
role in reducing poverty is recognised.
WaterAid is an international, non governmental organisation,
that’s mission is to transform lives by improving access to safe
water, effective sanitation and hygiene education in the world's
poorest communities.
WaterAid works at all levels to influence decision makers to
prioritise water and sanitation, alongside health and education, in
plans to reduce poverty. Helping their partner organisations in
the countries where they work to understand and promote the
right to water and lobby their governments to allocate further
resources to these basic services, ensuring that water and
sanitation are prominent on national and international agendas.
WaterAid's vision is of a world where everyone has access to
safe water and sanitation.
884 million people in the world do not have access to
safe water. This is roughly one in eight of the
world's population.
2.6 billion people in the world do not have access to
adequate sanitation, this is almost two fifths of the
world's population.
1.4 million children die every year from diarrhoea
caused by unclean water and poor sanitation - 4,000
child deaths a day or one child every 20 seconds.
This equates to 160 infant school classrooms lost
every day to an entirely preventable public health crisis.
Just £15 can enable one person to access safe water,
and effective sanitation and hygiene education for life.
The average person in the developing world uses 10
litres of water every day for their drinking, washing
and cooking whilst the average European uses 200
litres of water every day for their drinking, washing
and cooking. North Americans use 400 litres.
443 million school days are lost each year due to
water-related diseases. Households in rural Africa
spend an average of 26% of their time fetching
water. It is generally women who are burdened
with the task.
The weight of water that women in Africa and Asia
carry on their heads is commonly 20kg, the same as
the average UK airport luggage allowance.
WaterAid works with local partners that understand local issues,
and provides them with the skills and support to help
communities set up and manage practical and sustainable
projects that meet their real needs.
WaterAid has reached 13.44 million people with safe water and
8.16 million people with sanitation.
Safe water and sanitation close to peoples’ homes has far
reaching and wide ranging benefits, which extend beyond the
expected improvements to health and the reduction in time spent
collecting water.
Projects enable communities to achieve a better quality of life
and escape the spiral of poverty. WaterAid focuses on equity and
inclusion, to ensure that their work reaches even the poorest and
most marginalised people.
Impacts of WaterAid’s work include significant improvements in:
Time available for other activities.
Diet and nutrition.
Household income.
Family life.
1757 NW CR WaterAid factsheet 2010 for web.pdf
1757 NW CR WaterAid factsheet 2010 for web.pdf
Our employees raise money for WaterAid by organising and
taking part in sponsored events, for example:
WaterAid now works in 26 countries in Africa, Asia and the
Pacific region to help communities improve their quality of life,
through lasting improvements to water, sanitation and hygiene
education, using local skills and practical, sustainable technologies.
West Africa
1. Burkina Faso.
2. Ghana.
3. Liberia.
4. Mali.
5. Niger.
6. Nigeria.
7. Sierra Leone.
East Africa
8. Ethiopia.
9. Kenya.
10. Rwanda.
11. Tanzania.
12. Uganda.
Southern Africa
13. Angola.
14. Lesotho.
15. Madagascar.
16. Malawi.
17. Mozambique.
18. Swaziland.
19. Zambia.
Asia and Pacific region
20. Bangladesh.
21. India.
22. Laos.
23. Nepal.
24. Pakistan.
25. Papua New Guinea.
26. Timor-Leste.
How we support
Northumbrian Water has been an active supporter of WaterAid
since its creation and WaterAid is the company’s nominated
international charity. Since 1996, when Northumbrian Water
Group was formed, our employee fundraising committee,
customers and supporters have raised over £5 million
for WaterAid.
We work closely with WaterAid to provide support to the charity
and raise funds. Working in partnership with WaterAid is
important to all of our employees and, in order to manage the
fundraising partnership and provide the best possible support,
Northumbrian Water employees formed a supporters committee
and supporters group. In 2006, Essex & Suffolk Water employees
formed a sub committee in order to better organise support for
the charity in their area.
The committees, supporters groups and our employees organise
events, provide information and talks to organisations within our
supply areas, provide help at WaterAid events, organise a payroll
lottery that benefits WaterAid, and participate in sponsorship
events and campaigns on behalf of the charity.
We have introduced several companies to WaterAid that have in
turn decided to form lasting and beneficial sponsorship
partnerships through our WaterAid fundraising committee.
Our current Platinum Partners, along with ourselves, are JN
Bentley Limited, Fastflow Pipeline Services Limited, Lumsden
& Carroll Construction Limited and Gowland and Dawson
Limited; they agree to an annual package that gives them priority
access to our fundraising events and help with their own
fundraising activities.
The information services team completed a sponsored
cycle along the Coast to Coast route.
Sponsored sky dives.
Teams have taken part in several Boxing Day dips in the
North Sea.
Employees and Platinum Partner employees compete in
the Great North Run each year.
We host and enter teams at several fishing and golf
contests each year.
We have organised and hosted several charity events:
Race day.
Race night.
Annual black tie ball.
Golf day.
Employee dress down days.
Volunteering at organised events:
WaterAid has benefited from the Glastonbury Festival since
1994. Our employees help to run the VIP pit latrines and the
She-Pees at Glastonbury giving them an ideal opportunity to talk
to people about WaterAid’s work in a context where they really
understand the importance of good sanitation! With an
attendance of 170,000 people it’s a great awareness and
fundraising opportunity!
WaterAid has been the official charity of Evolution Festival since
it began in 2005. The event attracts a crowd of over 60,000
people across the two days of the May Bank Holiday weekend
with performances at venues on Newcastle and Gateshead
Quaysides. WaterAid benefits from a contribution from ticket
sales as well as our employees being able to campaign at
the event.
Raising awareness:
Providing speakers for local groups and school assemblies.
Securing valuable media coverage by organising a media
and MP supporters' visit to Malawi.
Chelsea flower show displays themed around water as a
valuable and scarce resource in partnership with
Gateshead Council.
Highlighting the problems faced by those without clean
water and adequate sanitation by engaging MPs. We have
hosted an event at the Houses of Parliament where MPs
could speak to people who have seen WaterAid’s work first
hand, ask questions and gain a greater understanding.
Campaigning directly to customers on behalf of WaterAid.
We are very grateful for the support we have received from our
customers, partners and supporters and hope that we can
continue to raise funds to save more lives in the future.
To find out more about WaterAid, visit www.wateraid.org or to
contact a WaterAid representative within Northumbrian Water,
email wateraid@nwl.co.uk or call 0191 301 6713.