WHAT IS THE JULIA FARR YOUTH MENTORING PROGRAM? The Julia Farr Youth Mentor Program is an innovative idea which came about in March 2009 by Julia Farr Youth (JFY) and is hosted HOW CAN I / MY CHILD / MY STUDENT BENEFIT? Living with disability can be difficult, particularly when coupled with the challenges of school life and adolescence. Our mentors are young people who have real-life experiences with these issues, and can offer mentees skills and advice to get them through. HOW DO I / MY CHILD / MY STUDENT BECOME A MENTEE? If you are a person between the ages of 11 -16 who thinks you would benefit from our program, just call or email (or ask your parent or teacher to call or email) Sandy Williams at the Julia Farr Association on 8373 8325 or sandyw@juliafarr.org.au. Sandy will be happy to run through the process with you. by Julia Farr Association (JFA). JFY are a group of young adults living with disability who had a vision to design, develop and WHAT IS INVOLVED? implement a Mentor Program for children and adolescents aged 11-16 living with disability. The Mentor Program provides a unique opportunity for young people living with disability to become a mentor and to offer their experiences and advice to a young person also living with disability (mentee). Of course the mentoring program will operate on a basic structure, with regular meetings between mentors and mentees, and planned activities, but it would be ironic for a disability youth mentor group who is all about personal authority and capacity building to tell you what to do! We will do our best to meet the interests of each individual mentee, depending on what they feel they would like to focus on and what they would benefit from, whether it is confidence, social activities, basic life skills like catching a bus, or just a good chat! CAN I GET INVOLVED AS A MENTOR? Absolutely! The only prerequisite is that you are aged between 16 and 30, are living with disability and are passionate about promoting and encouraging people with disabilities to live the best life possible. Give Sandy a call.
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