What is new? Mirage Standalone

Mirage 1.5
Public Beta R5
Welcome and thanks for your interest testing the upcoming version: Mirage 1.5.
Every software unfortunately
comes with bugs. Finding and
correcting all of these bugs before final release is part of our
companys strategy.
What is new?
Mirage Standalone: The all new "Mirage Standalone" is part
of all Mirage versions except for the "Mirage Design Edition" supporting the Epson Stylus Pro WT 7900 (white ink printer).
So we decided to go public with
Mirage 1.5 the sooner the better
in order to enable as many people as possible to make use of
the great new features and help
us finding bugs we haven't discovered yet.
One thing in advance: We
kindly ask you to send bug reports to support@dinax.de with
subject: "bug Public Beta 1.5".
Please understand we do not
offer any "how to?" support
- beside this document - for
this public beta until final release.
If for any reason the installer
crashes on your workstation or
working with Mirage 1.5 Beta R3
shows bugs you can not live with
it is easy to return to the current
official release Mirage 1.4.2. All
you need to do is reinstall 1.4.2
(available from our website at:
We will keep you updated about
later versions and of course the
final release by email.
Thanks for the opportunity
Your Mirage Team
Stand Alone
On the other hand many customers are requesting many features this version will provide
them with.
The new "Mirage Standalone"
allows you to print native PDF
files and pictures on a direct way
for the first time without needing
a hostaplication to be installed.
Simply drag PDF, JPEG or
TIFF files or folders with mixed
content of supported file formats
to the new "Mirage Standalone"
application program icon without any host application such
as Photoshop being required.
Save Settings
For repetitive jobs all Mirage settings can be stored now!
You're currently preparing a print job and the settings of this job
might be a source of great timesavings for future jobs or being
helpful to be used by collegues that are not so well trained yet?
Click the "Save Settings / Edit Settings" button. A new dialog will
open. Just name the settings you want to store and that is it.
The next time you open the Mirage dialog just click on the settings
button, select a stored setting and apply these settings to the current job .
You can edit a setting or create a set of settings from scratch.
What a great new feature.
We have had requests for a functionality like "Save Settings" combined with a
"hotfolder" functionality for long.
Well, "Save Settings" is there, but what
about hotfolders?
"Mirage Droplets" provide you with a
tool that offers "hotfolders" functionality
but is way easier to setup, administer
and handle.
din.a.x Digitale Bildbearbeitung GmbH • Fuggerstrasse 9a • D-41468 Neuss • E-Mail: support@dinax.de
Mirage 1.5
Public Beta R5
You can create a "Mirage Droplet" from any stored setting. Simply store the "Mirage Droplet" to any
place you like - the desktop might be a good place. Now you can drag PDF, JPEG & TIFF files or folders
(even with mixed content) to your "Mirage Droplet" and the Mirage userinterface will open. All settings
that are "connected" to the "Mirage Droplet" are applied. Just PRINT... That's it!
Additional plug-in for Illustrator:
The new "Mirage for Adobe© Illustrator" plug-in allows you to run Mirage direct from within Adobe© Illustrator. Print single files or multiple art-boards at once. To enter Mirage from Adobe© Illustrator select
"Mirage Print..." or "Mirage Print All..." from the "File" menu.
New designed user interface:
The Mirage user interface allows to re-arrange all settings the way you
like them ordered and supports all different sizes of screens including
13" notebooks.
Grab a "headline" of a setting section and drag its position to order the
You can "right click" (see screenshot to the left) to deselect settings you
may not want to see in the Mirage menu or re-select them if needed.
There is more you can do, just try.
64 bit support
Mirage now supports 64bit of Adobe© Photoshop CS5 on Macintosh OS X.
Custom Media
Administration of all Media types available in Mirage, including pre-installed and custom media, has become more powerful than ever. To make use of the new settings available open the Mirage "Settings..."
dialog and select the "Custom Media" tab.
Organize Media Types into groups (like Photopaper, Matte media, FineArt etc.). Just add
a group and drag media-types into it.
In order to get a better overview on media you have installed clicking one of these buttons
will show / hide Mirage pre-installed media (left button) and custom added media (right
In the near future many media manufacturer will offer so called "Mirage Media
Packages" that will be downloadable from the web. As soon as the first "Mirage
Media Package" become available they will be installed with just a click on this
Hide Media
The more media types you add, the more unclear the media selection menu becomes. Enter the "Custom Media" tab of the "Settings..." menu and check / uncheck the checkbox of a media you may not
din.a.x Digitale Bildbearbeitung GmbH • Fuggerstrasse 9a • D-41468 Neuss • E-Mail: support@dinax.de
Mirage 1.5
Public Beta R5
need at the moment to hide it from the "on" menu of the Mirage user interface.
New printer support:
Mirage 1.5 now supports all latest Epson Stylus Pro printers including the Epson Stylus Pro 4900, 7890
& 9890. But there are many more good news:
• The Epson Stylus Pro 4000 is now supported Macintosh OS X (Intel).
• Mirage now offers RGB support for Epson Stylus Pro 4000, 7800, 9800 on Macintosh OS X (Intel)
enabling the usage of RGB ICC profiles.
NOTE for users of Epson Stylus Pro 7800 / 9800 on Macintosh OS X: All previous versions of
Mirage (incl. 1.4.2) required usage of CMYK ICC profiles for these printer models. Mirage 1.5 now
supports RGB ICC profiles for these printers on Macintosh OS X as standard. The advantage is that
you can use now the same ICC profiles you have been using with your printer driver like provided from
your media manufacturer.
i.e.: If you were using Mirage to print to these printer models on Macintosh OS X and have been using
custom CMYK ICC profiles, these CMYK profiles will NOT work when installing the standard Mirage
1.5 version. We are still able to provide support for these printers in CMYK if required. Please send an
email to support@dinax.de to receive instructions!
Mirage PRO Extension
We have added great new features to the "Mirage Pro Extension". The "Mirage Pro Extension" is the
simpliest way ever to create professional ICC profiles utilizing the Epson SpectroProofer device:
Using the Mirage 1.5 PRO Extension allows you to utilize any SpectroProofer device to create individual RGB ICC profiles for any other printer that is supported by Mirage* (i.e.: print your target on an
11880, 3880, 9800... and measure the target with a SpectroProofer that is attached to a 4900, 7900,
9890 and so on). Just follow the easy steps of the wizzard "Add new Media" from the "Custom Media"
tab of the "Settings.." menu.
Cut sheet support
A feature that was requested by many was enabling the creation of ICC profiles using the Epson
SpectroProofer device measuring targets printed to cut-sheet media. The Mirage 1.5 PRO Extension
now allows printing to / and measure targets from roll and cut-sheet media.
* Except for the Epson Stylus Pro 7600, 9600 and WT7900 as these printers require CMYK ICC profiles.
din.a.x Digitale Bildbearbeitung GmbH • Fuggerstrasse 9a • D-41468 Neuss • E-Mail: support@dinax.de