RBL Institute What Is Talent? DAVE ULRICH & JOE GROCHOWSKI THE RBL INSTITUTE | MINI FORUM WHITE PAPER | NOVEMBER 2011 Participating RBL Institute Members: Lynne Segall, Accenture | Rick Vanasse, Bon Secours | Lisa George, Cardinal Health | Yuvi Bhasin, Deutsche Bank | Sandy Lionetti, GroupM | Jo Eisenhart, Northwestern Mutual | Beth Motzenbecker, Pfizer | Dalila Dabbicco, Prudential plc | Paula Loop, PricewaterhouseCoopers | Lyndsey Lewis, Rio Tinto O ur Premise: There are so many frameworks, tools, “Talent” is not an abstraction. By investing properly, com- platitudes, programs, and promises in the talent panies receive real value from building better talent from domain that it is easy to get confused. Talent has employee productivity, customer loyalty, investor intangibles, become a rather nebulous term. The volume of talent confer- and community reputation. ences, workshops, and webinars have become affirmations that talent matters, acknowledgement that leaders must invest in talent, recognition that training alone is not sufficient for developing talent, awareness that employee engagement does indeed lead to higher productivity and renewed commitment that good employees need to be hired and retained. Executives often leave these talent workshops and webinars having checked off the talent review box, but not really making concrete progress on improving talent. A F R A M E WO R K F O R D E F I N I N G TA L E N T Executive teams talk about talent all the time and almost all agree that talent is important, but the term talent becomes less relevant when executives talk in vague terms about talent. The RBL Group has created a simple framework (see Figure 1) that looks at four different definitions of “talent” and enables executives to invest in the unique development needs of each talent stakeholder. Figure 1: Overview of Talent Pyramid and Choices 1: C-Suite Executives: Succession, Customization, Teamwork 2: Senior Business Leaders: Square Root of X 3: High Potentials: 4: All Employees What is Talent? | TheRBLGroup ©2011 5–15% of people, 5–15% of the time; Personal Development Plan 1 1. The C-suite: A primary focus with c-suite executives is on managing succession—preparing backups on the tal experiences, and external opportunities to learn. e.Create measurement mechanisms to track leadership succession plan and identifying the requirements to fill success. For example, measure the export and import senior leadership roles. Development for the c-suite should of leaders in the company. be highly customized to continue to nurture and develop 3. High potentials: The old rule of thumb to define a high them. For example, you may want to develop someone in potential was whether or not a person could make two this segment by getting him or her involved in external vertical moves in five years. RBL’s rule of thumb is this boards. Teamwork should also be another important focal group should be about 5–15 percent of the workforce and point for this group. You need to make sure the c-suite is about 5–15 percent of their time should be spent on de- functioning well as a team and that you are assessing the velopmental experiences. Our definition of what it means team dynamics. to be high potential looks at four factors: 2. Senior business leaders (key leadership cadre): RBL’s rule of thumb is that this segment of talent should equal the square root of the total number of employees. For example, if you have 200,000 employees, your key leadership cadre should be about 450 people. The goal with your key leadership cadre is to develop a systematic way of building this group of leaders. Here are a few steps: a. Build a clear business case for leadership. b.Have a clear theory of leadership. Every company has a leadership competency model, but these models tend to be internally focused. The RBL Group suggests that you also include outside stakeholders when you build your leadership competency model. For example, does your model incorporate customer expectations? Our research on The Top Companies for Leaders shows that those ranked as Top Companies incorporate outside/in elements in their competency models. c. Have a clear way to assess people against your a.Ambition b.Agility c.Ability d.A pattern of achievement Of the 5–15 percent of the time spent on high potential development, we suggest that 50 percent of the development should include coaching and mentoring; 30 percent should be spent on training; and 20 percent should be development opportunities outside your company—such as philanthropy. 4. The company as a whole (all employees): The key question here is are you creating a culture dedicated to building talent? We argue that there are three parts to talent: a.Competence: Does the individual have the required knowledge and skills? b.Commitment: Is the individual engaged? c.Contribution: Is the individual able to find a sense of theory of leadership. d.Make sure you are investing in training, developmen- meaning and purpose at work (see Figure 2)? Figure 2: Talent Overview Talent, Workforce, People Talent = COMPETENCE Right person, right place, right time, right skills • Set standards • Assess • Invest • Integrate What is Talent? | TheRBLGroup ©2011 X COMMITMENT Enact an employee value proposition • What do I get? • What do I give? X CONTRIBUTION Create meaning at work • Identity • Purpose • Relationships • Work environment • Work itself • Learning/resilience • Civility 2 GROUP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON TALENT During the call we asked participating Institute members to share any questions or comments they had about talent. Below is a recap of the comments. culture), “emotional intelligence,” “intellect,” and “engagement” (with the company and its values). This approach encourages managers to think more broadly about their assessment of potential and ensures they are not focusing on past performance. Deutsche Bank: Through talent reviews we make sure we Defining High Potential calibrate performance and potential. Deutsche Bank: We have a talent review process in place Bon Secours: We have end-of-year reviews that focus on and have found that as the process has matured in the Bank performance. But we also do mid-year reviews that are much the quality of the data and discussions around talent has more focused on development and aspirations. About 80 per- improved. In talent review conversations we tend to find cent of the mid-year review is focused on development with the anchor of the discussions is more on performance than the other 20 percent spent on performance. For the end-of- potential. How do other companies define high potential? year review, it’s the opposite—about 80 percent is spent dis- What tools / approaches have helped shift the discussion from cussing performance and about 20 percent on development. performance to longer potential? Cardinal Health: We look at the person’s track record of Tracking High Potentials performance over time, assess the person against our leader- Accenture: We are interested in finding better ways to track ship behaviors, which we call “leadership essentials,” that include internal and external factors, and we have realistic discussions about whether the individual is willing to do what it takes to be a high potential (which we define as the our high potentials. Bon Secours: We use a company called Success Factors that tracks our high potentials against our 9-box grid. ability to move two levels). We find it is hard for managers to Deutsche Bank: We also use Success Factors, which assess ambition. The goal is to get our managers to have a provides the ability to track the outputs of our global talent realistic discussion with employees. We tend to find that some reviews. managers define high performers as high potentials but a high performer does not always equal a high potential. Pfizer: We use PeopleSoft. We have customized their tool a lot so we can do the type of tracking that we want. A question Deutsche Bank: We have worked over the years to clarify I have for the group: what are you doing around individual our definition of potential. Some of the thinking right now is development plans? to anchor it to tangible factors such as readiness to move to a larger role. Dave Ulrich: When you are trying to determine whether Bon Secours: During our mid-year reviews an individual development plan gets created and it is included in our Success Factors tool to look for trends and themes. or not a person is willing to do what it takes, we find HR can do some important “behind the scenes” work to ensure that people are not put in a situation where they are offered a promotion they can’t take. For example, before you offer someone a new role or promotion, HR can talk to the person beforehand to see if the new role or promotion fits in with his or her current family situation (e.g., maybe they can’t or don’t Developing High Potentials PwC: After we do our high potential analysis we make sure there is transparency to educate the individual and the coaches. What innovative things are other companies doing to develop their talent? want to relocate). Bon Secours: We use 360-degree feedback and coach- Pfizer: We have a learning agility questionnaire with about ing and all the feedback is shared with the coach to build it 82 questions. We look at three factors: input from colleagues, into the development plan. We use both inside and outside performance, and talent review conversations. coaches. Rio Tinto: We provide managers with a template outlining Dave Ulrich: We are finding that if you spend X dollars on the key indicators of potential within Rio Tinto, which are “aspiration,” “alignment” (with Rio Tinto’s safety and behavioral What is Talent? | TheRBLGroup ©2011 a training program and add X additional dollars on coaching along with the training, the total cost goes up by about 20 3 percent but the impact goes up 50 percent when you add Deutsche Bank: In some of our divisions we have disclosed coaching on top of the training. the 9-box grid position to the employee but in others we Cardinal Health: We have three high potential programs and all three have external coaching built into the programs. We also use mentoring and engage mangers of the participants (done both pre and post the mentoring). Northwestern Mutual: For our c-suite candidates we use an external coach to do a 360 process and help create a development plan with the individual. Then, the direct manager, the CEO, and CHRO work together with the coach and the individual to ensure alignment with the plan and progress is made in development. Accenture: In one of our management consulting programs, the person gets one hour with an external coach. The people who have gone through this program find this to be the most beneficial part of the program (it’s also the most expensive part of the program). We also have a program for a select group of our women where they are partnered with external haven’t. Our experience is that where the process is more mature we are able to have open and honest conversations. It really depends on the experience of managers and the maturity of the process. Transparency will be accepted and expected if the maturity is there. Cardinal Health: We tell people if they are high potential. This is new for us. We find that some managers handle it a lot better than others. The question that often comes up is: what about the rest of us who are not considered high potential? We stress that everyone has to have developmental opportunities. We steer people to other development opportunities. We have a tool called “Development is as easy as 123”—it’s a tool for managers to develop the rest of their people. Every employee can have development plan. F I N A L G R O U P CO M M E N T S communications coach and they also get one-on-one follow- To end our discussion, we asked each participant to share up sessions. It’s a very high touch program but it has a huge something innovative they are doing around talent or some- yield. Currently, we are building a program for most of our thing they are currently focused on with respect to talent. c-level staff that incorporates high-level coaching. It is costly Below are the final comments. but provides a lot of value. Accenture: We are doing customized training programs For the program we have for our women, we have seen (university model where you can customize around your promotions increase. The percentage of total promotions went schedule). from 17 percent to 25 percent in one year. The coaching in Bon Secours: We have nine-month training program with six this program focuses on communication skills and there is an coaches in the program that run a “feedback and formation” internal sponsor who coaches the women on their careers. group. People meet with coaches and they also meet as a GroupM: We are new to deploying coaches. We are trying to team. So there is team feedback and coaching that adds value get good measures on the return of this type of investment. beyond the duration of the program. The “old guard” sees coaching as an expense for inneffective Cardinal Health: The way we have integrated our leader- managers. But there is a culture shift where people see the ship behaviors (“leadership essentials”) into all aspects includ- importance of having coaches for high potentials. ing the culture and the fact it focuses on internal and external elements. Transparency about High Potentials Northwestern Mutual: Development course (People Leader Rio Tinto: Do other companies share talent assessment infor- Development Forum) for people before they become people mation with employees, and openly identify people as high managers so they can be prepared to move into leadership potentials? And how do other companies approach the com- roles. Plus, we’ve created an alumni program for attendees of munication of the focus on high potentials as a group with the the course to continue to grow and learn from each other. broader organization? Deutsche Bank: We are looking at employee engagement Bon Secours: We tell people that they are in our 9-box, but data by different talent segments and have found that there we don’t share potential numbers. We don’t feel our busi- are certain survey questions high performers/high potentials ness is quite mature enough to handle this well, plus there is tend to rate higher than the average employee. subjectivity involved in the process. We have given people GroupM: Integration of talent management across the entire definitions of what it is to be a “high contributor” and provide (highly diverse) organization. feedback. What is Talent? | TheRBLGroup ©2011 4 Pfizer: We have a senior leaderhip program for 800 people (VP and above) that includes business simulations and this program is now being carried down to the next generation of leaders. Rio Tinto: We are looking to ensure talent management is better integrated with other people management processes including human capital planning, succession planning, and career frameworks. The focus is on linking talent management outcomes with broader business plans and HR processes to extract maximun value from the organizational and individual talent discusssions. Prudential: We have a long-term development program. It is a six-year program that includes two job rotations. There are about ten people in each group. What is Talent? | TheRBLGroup ©2011 5
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