í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 15 -ÅéÓd-•®Ω’ 2009 TIME AND DISTANCE The relation among distance, time and speed is Distance = Speed × Time. Speed Time Distance Time ⎯ = = Distance ⎯ Speed If a car covers 40 kilometres in each hour then the speed of the car is 40 kmph. If a man travels 15 metres in one second's time then the speed of the man is 15 mps. e.g.: A car covers a distance of 1450 kms. in 25 hours. What is the speed of the car? (SBI 2008) A) 58 kms./ hr. B) 66 kms./ hr. C) 72 kms./ hr. D) Cannot be determined E) None of these Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2xy Sol: average speed = ⎯ x+y 2 × 80 × 120 ⇒ 2 BOATS AND STREAMS ⎯⎯ 80 + 120 = 96 kmph TRAINS If a train has to cross a pole or a man or any particular point then it has to cover a distance equal to its own length. If a train has to cross a platform or bridge or tunnel etc. then it has to cover a sum of the length equal to its length and platform/ bridge/ tunnel length. Relative speed When two speeds are in opposite direction, Relative speed = sum of the speeds. When two speeds are in the same direction, Relative speed = difference of the speeds. Still water: Water without motion. A boat can travel or a man can swim in that water with their original speeds. Stream/ current: Water flow with some speed. Down stream: Along with the flow .= Speed of the Boat + Speed of the current Upstream: Against the water flow = Speed of the Boat - Speed of the current If the speed of the boat in still water is 'b' kmph and speed of the current is 'c' kmph respectively, then What is the speed of the car? Sol: Distance ⎯ Speed = Time 1450 km = 58 kmph 25 hours Hence, the answer is (A). Conversion of speeds: KMPH to MPS Kilometre 1000 Metres ⎯ = ⎯⎯ hour 3600 Seconds 5 ⇒ ⎯ mps 18 5 Hence 1 kmph = ⎯ mps 18 MPS to KMPH 18 1 mps = ⎯ kmph 5 e.g.: 35 mps is how many kmph? 18 Sol: 35 × ⎯ = 126 kmph 5 e.g.: In what time can a man cover 360 metres at a speed of 72 kmph? A) 5 hours B) 12 sec C) 18 sec D) 5 sec E) None of these Sol: Distance = 360 m, Speed = 72 kmph 5 = 20 mps = 72 × ⎯ 18 Distance 360m Time = ⎯ = ⎯ = 18 Sec Speed 20 mps Hence the answer is (C). Note: When two equal distances are covered with two different speeds (x, y), then the 2xy average speed = ⎯ x+y e.g.: A car covers 175 km at an average speed of 80kmph and another175km at an average speed of 120kmph. Find the average speed of the car for the entire distance. Downstream (DS) = b + c Upstream (US) = b-c Q.APTITUDE ⇒ ⎯ EXERCISE 1. A bus covers a distance of 2,924 kms. in 43 hours. What is the speed of the bus ? (SBI 2008) A) 72 kms./hr. B) 60 kms./hr. C) 68 kms./hr. D) Cannot be determined E) None of these 2. A man covers a distance of 160 km at 90 km/hr and next 160 km at 60 km/hr. What is his average speed for his whole journey of 320 km? A) 75 kmph B) 68 kmph C) 72 kmph E) 85 kmph E) None of these 3. A 275 m long train running at 60 kmph crosses a platform in 36 sec. Find the length of the platform. A) 250 m B) 275 m C) 325 m D) 450 m E) None of these 4. A boat covers 162 km upstream in 6 hours. If the speed of the current of the stream is 3 kmph, find the speed of the boat. A) 30 kmph B) 24 kmph C) 32 kmph D) 18 kmph E) None of these DS + US = ⎯ 2 DS - US Speed of the current (c) = ⎯ 2 e.g.: A boat covers 92 km downstream in 4 hours. If the speed of the boat is 19kmph, find the speed of the current. A) 2 kmph B) 5 kmph C) 8 kmph D) 4 kmph E) None of these 92km Sol: Speed = ⎯ = 23 kmph 4hrs Boat + Current = 23 ⇒ 19+ Current = 23 ∴ Current = 23 -19 = 4 kmph. Hence, the answer is (D). Speed of the boat (b) e.g.: 1: In what time a 125 m long train running at 90 kmph can cross a signal pole? A) 1.3 sec B) 5 sec D) 15 sec G.S.GIRIDHAR C) 12 sec E) None of these Sol: Distance = 125m, speed = 90 kmph 5 = 90 × ⎯ = 25 mps 18 Distance 125m Time = ⎯ = ⎯ = 5 Sec. Speed 25 mps Hence, the answer is (B). e.g.: 2: A 250 m long train running at 72kmph speed crosses a bridge in 19sec. Find the length of the bridge. A) 150m B) 225m D) 175m E) None of these C) 130m Sol: Let the length of the bridge be 'x' meters Distance = (250 + x)m, speed = 72 kmph 5 = 72 × ⎯ = 20 mps 18 Speed = 19 sec. Distance = speed × time 250 + x = 20 mps × 19 sec 250 + x = 380 m ⇒ x = 130 m Hence, the answer is (C). 5. Speed of a boat is 8 kmph. It goes to a distance from A to B upstream and comes back from B to A downstream in 24 hours. If the speed of the current is 2 kmph, find the distance between A and B. A) 60 km B) 75 km C) 40 km D) 90 km E) None of these ANSWERS 1) D 2) C 3) C 4) A 5) D EXPLANATIONS 2924 km 1. Speed = ⎯ = 68 kmph 43 hrs 2xy 2 × 60 × 90 2. Average speed = ⎯ ⇒ ⎯ x+y 60 + 90 = 72 kmph 3. Let the length of the platform be 'x' km. 5 275 + x = 60 × ⎯ × 36 ⇒ x = 325m 18 162 km 4. speed = ⎯ = 27 kmph 6 hrs upstream = 27 kmph Boat - Current = 27 kmph Boat - 3 = 27 ⇒ Boat = 30 kmph. 5. Let the distance between A and B be 'x' km. x x = 24 ⇒ x = 90km. ∴ ⎯ + ⎯ 8-2 8+2 SOME MORE MODELS 1. A train 100 metre long is running at the speed of 21 km/hr and another train 150 meter long is running at the speed of 36 km/hr in the same direction. How long will the faster train take to pass the first train? Sol: Sum of the length of both the train = 100 + 150 = 250 m Difference of their speeds = 21 - 36 (same direction) 5 25 = 15 km/hr = 15 × ⎯ m/sec = ⎯ m/sec 18 6 250 ⎯ 25 required time = ⎯ = 60 seconds 6 2. A person going in a car at 30 kmph reaches his office t1 minutes late. If he goes at 40kmph he reaches there t2 minutes earli- er. How far is the office from his house? Note: A person walking at x km/hr reaches his office t1 minutes late. If he walks at y km/hr, he reaches there t2 minutes earlier, then The distance of the office from his house = x × y t1 + t2 ⎯ × ⎯ km 60 y-x Sol: Required distance = 40 × 30 5+10 ⎯ × ⎯ km. 40 - 30 60 15 40 × 30 = ⎯ × ⎯ km. = 30km. 10 60 3. A car takes 5 hours to cover a distance of 300 km. how much should the speed in km/hr be maintained to cover the same dis4 tance in ⎯ of the previous time? 5 4 Sol. Distance = 300 km Time = ⎯ th of 5 5 = 4 hours Distance = ⎯ 300 Required speed = ⎯ Time 4 = 75 km/hr 4. In what time a 350m long train running at 108 kmph speed can overtake a 175 m long train running at 36 kmph speed? A) 26.25 sec B) 12.5 sec C) 21.75 sec D) 32.15 sec E) None of these Sol: Distance 350 + 175 = 525 m Speed = 108 - 36 = 72 kmph 5 = 20 mps = 72 × ⎯ 18 525 m Time = ⎯ = 26.25 Sec. 20 mps Hence, the answer is (A). 5. A boat covers 90 km down stream or 66 km upstream in the same time. If the speed of the current is 2 kmph, find the speed of the boat. A) 18 kmph B) 13 kmph C) 11 kmph D) 9 kmph E) None of these Sol: Let the speed of the boat be 'x' kmph Time to cover 90 km downstream 90 km = ⎯ (x+2) kmph Time to cover 66 km upstream 66 km = ⎯ (x - 2) kmph but the time to cover both the distances is same 90 66 ⎯ = ⎯ ⇒ x = 13 kmph x +2 x-2 Hence, the answer is (B). 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