THE NEUROSES THE OF SYSTEM GENITO-URINARY IN THE MALE, WITH OF ULTZMANN, R. DR. PKOFESSOK IMPOTENCE. AND STERILITY IJISEASES GENITO-UKINAKY I.N TRANSLATED W. GARDNER SUKGEON IN THE AKY GE.NnOUKIN Philadelphia F. A. DAVIS, . THE U.NIVERSITY OF VIENNA. BY ALLEN, DEPARTMENT, and London: PUBLI8HEK 1S89. M.D., BOSTON DISPENSARY. Entered Office according of the to Act of of Congress, Congress in at the year Washington, in 1889, D. C. the TRANSLATOR'S of is permission, the und generandi is that hoped of as Prof. of of Inasmuch subjects as there by The omissions first part. will this than the is two some and tofore herethe to country successful rity autho- an throw are parts light on and been fractory re- indicated by kindred repetition to abridging of treat necessary has slightly 1889. It has difficult very Ueber coeundi." the in extent some second references G. March, " eminent so Ueber cases. This original. avoided of Ultzmann class this teachings treatment management the in " and Potentia accorded author's mannlichen " circulation pathological methods the und wider a been sound des Geschlechtsapparates Potentia the monographs, two (Neurosen) Neuropathien Harn- with published translation, This die NOTE. part. to W. A. the THE NEUROSES OF SYSTEM THE IN URINARY GENITO- THE MALE. THE NEUROSES OF THE SYSTEM T^HE ual diseases the find of of of usually united origin, so of in the the it of of of this Now the of we nervous same individual, same setiological treat the of the genital roses neu- organs it is be to so-called and of class in now may in sought of neck disease the general local bladder ances disturb- nutrition. disturbances general in sometimes of of consequence spinal affections, abnormal and to still connection. (prostatic urethra), The the best seems urinary greatly. of and one aetiology changes the in those as alone, forms quent fre- nervous well as sex- more the occur several systems by that same The vary both tlie system, may and urinary among urinary organs, disease MALE. Although infrequently not THE male disease. the sexual the belong system forms of of neuroses ^ IN URINARY GENITO- reflex they or nutrition chronic consist in appear brain that excitability, sometimes and congenital, with anaemia and usually, a feeble however, and exalted, inherited associated constitution. Per- 8 of the G-enito-UrinarySystem Neuroses constitution perfectlynormal may reflex excitability, nevertlieless acquire an exalted which disposes to neurosis of the genitourinary their organism system, if they weaken physical, but especially by by overstrained Not exciting mental, activity long kept up. find nervous vesical infrequently,indeed, we tenesmus (cystospasmus) in persons who have in individuals to do, or exacting night work hold mental who, in addition to severe activity, iers, an unusually responsibleposition,as with cashsons of a secretaries,and such Even persons. so engender the most varied Still farther, in the urinary system. neuroses the shocks to general nervous system, great turbances dispain, and grief,give rise to nervous fright, well of the urinary as of the sexual as also the of life cares immediate The functions. system nervous be even from fear of threatened involuntarilyin vesical individuals in punishment with long-continuedexcitement before candidates in a outcome. property, sucli as for and of state a instance, when who have speculationof unexpected ful doubt- in or mercantile Great as, in see itself in examinations, severe the result is uncertain, engaged ; we show themselves urine pass Likewise polyuria keep who tral cen- urinary apparatus children, when they their clothes. tenesmus of the the on observed may influence sometimes persons occurs in loss of unfort- 9 in the Male. stock unate operations, person, phenomena nervous Thus apparatus. of also may the or the in the cause a and in seen loved be- varied most urinary often I have of death sexual the case business-men frequent micturition, polyuria, sometimes even slight sions, glycosuria,and, further,sexual impotence, emisand spermatorrhoea suddenly appear. A much larger contingent in these nervous tions by those manifestacases, however, is furnished of disease which their origin in local have sequently conchanges in the urinary system, and which seriously damaged In be looked to are this the connection, reflex as upon roses. neu- harmful most influence on the urethra exercised by the A gonorgonorrhoealprocess. rhoea, normal a begins at the course, which runs orifice of the of the an and urethra, and sphincter vesicjB abnormal ends beyond the isthmus first place, the prostate ; catarrh it becomes once becomes symptoms now in the gonorrhoea is involved ; in venery system. occurs, the and after in pathy sym- prostatic various vous ner- in the ary, urin- Likewise even masturbation. through long-continued and ized local- prostatic after verumontanum and by if and chronic, then sexual catarrh, around this case, beginning If,however, gradually arise,now hypersemia excesses the urethrse, then, catarrhal is prostate in, if the extends the at externus. sets course the on too gross In often Neuroses 10 of the Ge o-Urinari/Si/stem )i it repeated sexual excitement, the congestion of and especiallyof the caput the prostaticurethra is so long kept up that it has finally gallinaginis localized become a pocularis,and sinus established has of urethra This a which from if suffer inflammatory similar prostate that men, female The the in men in tensely in- women, many associated with to strange seem chronic of the us congestive or prostate present the especiallyas is, in masculinus utriculus finds its analogue and the yet know for the the in of semen, Eckhard nerves the are and which to the be urinary Goltz that preside over souglitin tlie spinal cord. tlie action nervous and little understood is still very for instance, region of of functions from the between connection apparatus centres of uterus. sexual we from which organ exact system not phenomena, with eral gen- affections,suffer hysterical processes nervous a only appear Since catarrh, it will who men prostatic find Ave of the uterus abnormalities cervical the consequence, usually and nervous of sometimes hystericalwomen. ill with and hypereemic a high degree excitability, and phenomena of has, as reflex nervousness, prostaticducts, of the ejaculatory ducts condition sometimes exalted the itself. chronicallyinflamed and affection, chronic a as condition catarrhal the there of the Also vasa tlie ; the tion, erec- bar lum- tion secre- deferentia in the Male. and of the influence The vesiculse of the prostate seminales, under are the spinal cord. and the in nerves, rich very 11 uterus both are and they tures struc- vated inner- are nerve-plexus. The by one and the same hypogastricplexus of the sympathetic,which is reinforced by filaments from the sacral ganglia and from the pudendal plexus of the sacral innervates nerves, of means in the men to plexus find circular scattered extend cortical which sensitive elsewhere and plexus connection spinal rich nerves, the plexus with their the in and of also pudendal hold in in organs its very the gastric hypo- is in intimate presents nerves, so, cortical corpuscles, plexus latter nerves; the lion gang- Since the and contains sympathetic in the numerous nerves. sacral in urethra, and Pacinian and this side, stand lumbar of the only present of the with the fibres prostate layer ganglia are in fibres their The cells. according sphincter urethrse along between of means nerve-trunks striped muscular layer,which tate, pros- ber greater numaccording to Klein, we especiallynumerous the uter- and uterus, found are cervix, and the plexus vesicles the by women bladder, by In nerves prostate between on the vesicalis. Kilian, the in plexus, the seminal with together in uterus its accessory inus, and the the which closest when of a the ordinate sub- again, relation in organs Xeu 12 rich very in the prostate, Genito-UrinarySystem such nerves, peripheral kept are nerves of the roses in the as of terminations constant a and uterus the of excitement state inflammatory processes, it appears of this clear that by transmission very in the area irritation to other nerves supplied belonging to the by ramifications of the nerves of the most varied plexi mentioned, neuroses in the character genito-urinary appear may In like manner tract. worms Oxyuris vermiby chronic " cularis, " and eczema, catarrhal of ulcers the of the neuroses produce by transmission urinary and sexual apparatus as well as general reflex excitability. records in this The pathological-anatomical anus connection are several scanty. very autopsy organic changes as with in the extends the the sults re- to prostatica ejaculatoryducts changes fices ejaculatoryducts, widening of their oriof their lumen, sometimes and dihitation total on found pars seminales, sometimes strictures,inflammation or, lected col- tion, suppurative,inflammathe the vesiculse and has sometimes ulceration, in urethrae, which has reports, and follows: of chronic, in part Kaula the or of the neck partialhypertrophy of other hand, atropliyof of the bladder, the prostate, the prostate (Curschmann). The UiiiNE in those in neuroses of the general,and especially genito-urinary system, in 13 in the Male. offers sometimes that an aids in this case such of knowledge exact conditions characteristic them materially ticed diagnosis. First of all it is to be noaffected with that patientswho roses neuare time not infrequentlysuffer at the same with polyuria. They urinate often, yet have no pain or inconvenience except that they have to The urine of polyuria urine. produce so much is of a pale straw color, and clear,with a low specific gravity (urina spastica,nervosa, diluta). Yet sometimes there is a great quantity of urine without the specificgravity of the urine being diminished in a corresponding proportion. In there of excretion I have is at the excitable in boy, who specific gravity increased clear 7 litres of colorless water, as 1.005. was This and 13-year-oldanemic a as an insipidus. dailypassed urine, almost the diabetes solids,a observed time same of which 24-hour The 81 grammes. to quantity of solids amounted The patient was at any always thirsty,and was time ready Sugar a pass not was It has to been puncture and, indeed, or 500 c.c. of the in a since floor small Claude of the Bernard fourth same circumscribed tween spot be- origin of the vagi and that produces polyuria, and nerves, that glycosuria. It certain changes in the time has also central that ventricle, the acoustic urine. present. known in 400 been nervous of the at the found sys- 14 Neurones tern are accompanied by polyuria puncture fails to If the and to from and Lecorche system. diabetes of affection an there mellitus the others is uncommon ing suffer- are central nervous found have increased an uria. glycos- there glycosuria, cause usually pol3airia. It is not find polyuria in patients who is still also Si/stem of the G-enlto-Urinary that in excretion of nitrogenous urinary constituents,that is to sipidus; inaccompanying azoturia or diabetes say, an and I have had repeatedopportunitiesto convince myself that the lightforms of diabetes be cured can mellitus, which by an exclusive and meat urea diet,excrete considerablymore healthy from who in after acid uric a In azoturia. in 24 5 per cent, short time of so-called the yet the 24-hour was 100 grammes, sugar, the an diabetic about patient ing contain- disappeared sugar exclusive of amount or a still suffer 4 litres of urine hours under of case other than cure words, they other in men; passed the diet meat solids in the one-third more ; urine than normal. cannot always be Polyuria in neurotic cases explainedin the same way, still it is generally associated with irritability. By experiments on Bernard, animals find,according to Claude we that after each appear Much puncture the abdominal viscera highly congested. more seldom we find in nervous trou- in the Male. bles of the diminution a is,oliguria and both small very such from draw lasted from a in paratively com- In these with the bladder quantity only of to two one days. in case eight days. urine I have not yet ; catheter the Benedikt anuria reports which hystericalwoman, a the cases seen lasted anuria nervous men. Sugar 2 quantitiesand the in cent, per infrequentlyfound is not in small found 2 per in several after violent weeks. the I have presence urine in Leudet also chronic has found a blow on of (curare, morphine), in the urine. which is A same in importance spinal the sugar in and urine certain is found the diseases. diseases. head, after in the Also, drugs temporarily light symptomatic glycosuria, usually transient, is in diseases of sugar cerebral the days infrequentlyobserved and sugar Further, lasted amounts brain transient disturbance mental which not of small greatest variety after cent, glycosuriaensued mild general of sugar. glycosuriawith cases have to patients. and impotence of amount of neurotic urine patient affected with reflex irritability I once temporarily the to even A a Anuria anuria. even hystericalwomen. in times 1 could in of urine, that amount of disease healthy persons without observed but twice, and kidneys I have never the a 15 of the is by nervous no means a common system, rence occur- and the to be attributed of the y^euroses 16 it to had who man about diabetes to as ten Genito-Urinary System 3 per and three set in. I consulted was longer found death to his recent up able been find to at yearly. had come on, suddenly urine time, and this have nor sugar, any of retention ago uriae diabetic Karlsbad bladder the his in old an other no visited he years had He Gradually paralysisof and of sugar cent, j^ears ago. symptoms, I knew mellitus. I since no then, (of interstitial nephritis), any in his sugar In urine. sociated glycosuriaappears to have been aswith the development of paralysisof the That bladder. glycosuriaof a mild form is also is in diseases of the liver and portal vein found this a the case need fact,which well-known be not considered here. Very often, in of neurosis, the cases freshly even passed urine has a neutral and sometimes reaction, although the patient a faintlyalkaline alkalies nor mineral have ingestedneither may could explain water, nor anything, indeed, which the of reaction of only does a the to seem of Carbonate other Such urine. pale wine-yellow when it the is reaction contrary, there urine and is ally usu- clear ; and decidedly alkaline slightlycloudy turbidity. ammonia, the ordinary alkali of have a urines, is alkaline color a is carbonate of soda. succeeded in a making not fixed On the alkali,generally Cazeneuve the present. urine and of I^ivon dogs the have alkaline of the Genito-UrinarySystem Neuroses 18 presentedby the earthy of bone. constituents Phosphoric acid forms with lime and magnesia three classes of salts, accordingto its basicity. First,acid salts,when ent one equivalentof acid unites with one equivalof base ; these salts are readilysoluble,and cal which compound present salts,when are in is all acid basic Second, urines. equivalent of acid unites equivalents of base ; these salts are three and one exist in alkaline urine in with soluble, in- form the Lastly, neutral amorphous sediment. one equivalent of acid unites with salts,when of an base ; these equivalentsof two less soluble in found solution neutral than the urine. in neutral If salts acid these are what some- salts,and salts are are in urine, the simple warming them. If, precipitate however, they are in the sediment, they appear to the basic earthy phosin contrast phates. crystalline Since, on heating the urine, albumen in a test-tube is enough to of the white the character precipitated, be shown must by the addition of a precipitate drop of acetic acid ; the earthy phosphates are is also immediately dissolved,while a precipitateof remains albumen unchanged on the addition solved disbecomes If the precipitate of acetic acid. active development of gas, it with an of carbonic and phosphatic consists of a mixture out earths ; if it dissolves withphates production of gas, it consists of phos- salts (jf the alkaline the alone. Sometimes there masturbation linen, show blue indigo find the This urine. is also known cesses ex- in indican in occurrence common of the diseases a excitement It hystericalwomen. in that a with After color. after sexual their on bordered are the even dried when large quantitiesof and nervous a violet or as general,we practise large quantity in the urine, and which spots in who persons persons, in venery, in In found of these emissions of indican increase an is sometimes there of indican marked is in neurosis. the urine 19 the Male, in m central is well nervous meningitis, system, especiallyin cerebro-spinal large quantitiesof indican are found in the urine is usually present (Oppolzer). Indican in solution, yet not in the urine infrequently very and scales found is also indigo flakes the nitric acid a blue bluish or nitric acid is of Jaife's test is an and be about ten added mixed one a in two the of narrow brown the orless col- bluish separation the Jaffe test. ner following man- of urine and strong hydrochloricacid together, and or beautiful by a If this centimetres of by ring of urine. In presence between obtained cubic equal quantity are the performed the the border distinctlyseen, indigo may : the on bluish-black is shown restingon zone coloringmatter zone for albumen of indican large amount and urinary sediment. the in test blue in drops to the of a mixture cold are saturated N^euroses of the 20 solution of Genito-Urlnary System hypochlorite of immediately becomes mixture to cubic and made colors flow the ing accordof chloroform centimetres to indigo If now, violet. or Senator, a few added, The separated,and bluish-black are lime. through the by repeatedshaking of the test-tube,the chloroform takes up the indigo,and is colored a mixture beautiful blue. It is well in the urine known that indican eases large quantitiesin disof the abdomen (in peritonitis, constipation, in a incarceration, etc.). I have seen, fatal case of peritonitisin the clinic of Prof. colored violet Lobel, a urine by the large of indigo,not red wine amount unlike in appearance and with a deep-bluesediment. appears Albumen is also in yet relativelyseldom cases, amount. This mild is produced by injury ventricle, and albuminuria of the of only only is in these in small ordinarily after great found example, after be Albuminuria, indeed, may excitement, just as it epilepticfit. and albuminuria merely transient,and an found sometimes Coe occurs, to even pregnancy the for floor of maintains the fourth that the is also rosis only a neulast opinion is to this kidneys. Still, be accepted with if great caution, since, even this explanation be the in ceitain right one cases, yet it certainly does not hold in the of pi-egnancy. of albuminuria majority of cases The is urinary sediment,too, in the neuroses sometimes indeed found, and The ly in large quantities. in the with bell the are Fig. various much of infreq[uent- not of lime oxalate colorless mixed seen 1." sizes. Oxalate of I have with lime. seen greater quantitiesof urinary sediment of renal less form lime of pears ap- usually crystals, and its combination quadrate octohedron the prism, but not infrequentlythe divingor hour-glassforms and spheroidsof oxalate of lime the Oxalate characteristic. very often is very 21 the Male. m calculi. I importance, in to the pointed uric oxalate acid. of cases the of octohedra 300 diameters. and oftener much of lime oxalate of neurosis in than attribute, therefore, much the formation of lime For years than of renal to the together in culi, cal- sharpcases Neuroses 22 I have of neurosis of oxalate renal of the Genito-UrinarySi/steyn of lime the seen without calculus heaviest sediment of symptoms appearing at the ning begintime same (Fig. 1). Another which not appears urinary sediment, uncommon only as a of result a neutral or faintlyalkaline reaction of the urine, consists of amorphous or finel}^ granular carbonate of lime Fig. 2. " Finely granular phosphate mixed carbonate of lime, of lime and cryBtallino 300 diameters. with amorphousphosphateof lime. The is dissolved white, finelypulverized sediment the addition of a drop of acetic acid,with on the of formation, many, Sometimes sometimes bubbles of consistingof also, mixed with few, sometimes carbonic tlie acid. amorphous sediment, small, colorless, wedge-shaped crystals 23 in the Male. these bevelled appear of crystallineplio^iohate of consist which of found, tlie bases are ; lime. times single,and somecrystalsappear sometimes so grouped together that several crystals their lie side by side with apices converging whole rosettes or to a single point. Moreover, The sheaves are the of periphery,while middle point of the sediment, rare A (Fig. 2). of the the bases which the form at seen, tals crys- apices unite the rosette sheaf or found sometimes phosphate of lime, is crystalline crystalline phosphate of magnesia. This appears mixed the with the usually tablets,of rounded long quadrilateral the opposite corners appear of forms these crystalline which off. All of are also ingestion of fixed earthy phosphates after the form in the found the in alkalies or urine of mineral containing such. in the Spermatozoaare likewise not uncommon of men. They are found in urinary sediment in spermatorrhoea, in the urine large numbers waters yet singlespermatozoa in other also appear of neuroses the in the urinary system (Fig. 3). Finally,as already mentioned, indigo in blue in or the present appears occurrence. bluish-black urinary scales blue. large amount that This, however, In one case flakes is of tabes small is found indigo Sometimes sediment. in such and ment sedi- the a and is sediment very rare paralysis 24 Kfuroses of the of the bladder Genito-Urinary System I liave had opportunity for the long time of observing the blue sediment precipitated indigo ; this glaucuriasuddenly a The temporary glycosuria with without sugar, diabetic 8 " two simultaneous symptoms. urate especially Fig, patient suffered same of ammonia, Amorphous carbonate of magnesia and of cent, per time same lime, crystalline spermatozoa. 300 of other urates, present are appeared. dis- also with polyuria or If at the of in the phosphate diameters. urinary sediment, and appear violet The they decompose the indigo, colored sometimes blue, sometimes in their otherwise Neuroses Organs of may recognizedgroups, be characteristic the Urinary divided into forms. and ual Sex- three well- accordingas tlieyaffect " of the G-enito-Urinary System Neuroses 26 The hypersesthesia is ordinarily cutaneous confined to of the the the of the penis itself Yet veneris. mons complain of skin sometimes varied most and that patients in sensations the abdominal region,in the nates and the derness a thighs; now burning,stinging,or great tenof the skin, again a feelingof numbness and weakness. In some patients there is time increased at the same an general reflex and these cases often present sympirritability, toms which would only be looked for,in such a degree,in hystericalwomen. As to setiology, the patientsgenerallyascribe their trouble to a gonorrhoea which, indeed, has been of long standing, and one commonly tion accompanied by swelled testicle or inflammawhole of the prostate 2^er The urine or which it have bladder. On shows either contains just been the described. At common to find in the amount, shreds the same are and [Tripperfilden], from large-headed nails, which the prostatic urethra. short ones, in the various hypersesthesiaor frequent in- not urine, in greater thick that Thus precipitated time, also,it is those known constituents earthy phosphates by heating. and of those one tion, condi- abnormal no the is felt. nothing abnormal rectum of examination or less especially sometimes bling resem- usually come It is also well diseases of the tate, pros- neuralgia of the urethra 27 in the 3Iale. Thus occurs. I have of degree affected a of the bladder. neck the with the est highand penis, glans,in patients who neoplasm in the region the with least,the at of sensitiveness especiallyof prostate and found, On were of the tion examina- tiveness sensigreatly increased in the prostatic with met sound a is sometimes urethra. Hypersesthesia and neuralgia of the accompaniments of spasm common are bladder, and will be All these of consequence and catarrhal prostatitis.The expulsion and with of the least shreds micturition, and from secretion make militaire), is in the therefore tatica urethrcTe to baths and camomile and local the tea, at [95"Fahr.],twice a region of three which action, and is Improvement the of times tion por- the external place a Next temperature or (goutte pars prostate itself full baths, enemata even diseased the when treatment. ning beginof urethra micturition. forthwith ensues ous numer- the very sphincter; consequently in ordinarilyclosed by muscular only o^Tenedduring of absence that with connection the it certain of the urethra is the in generally reflex gonorrhoea,are in readilyoccur short nection, con- occurring neuroses, thick the neuroses. of sensation, neuroses of of later in that treated the motor among bladder to warm of 28" pros- jected sub- are sitz warm water or Reaumur daily,will prove System of the G-enito-Urinary Neuroses 28 with efficient in connection most This prostaticurethra. carried out that, by of the so astringentsand the usually employ in prostaticurethra a of calibre has is silver duced intro- are for 16. The of this metallic is pose. purhas a end vesical catheter, perforatedlike is furnished end catheter long, and cm. and of treatment made of the ordinary curve smoothly rounded, outer local short, metallic No. Charriere The the is 16 catheter the sieve. of instruments, of had I have (Fig.4), which The be prostaticurethra. into the I latter should means nitrate even local treatment with a round a rubber tubing (Fig. 4). to such catheter is introduced The a depth that its point is just within the membranous portion of the urethra (consequently anterior to the prostate). The disk prevents the catheter from time deeply, and at the same slippingin more plate and to serves on the a piece close disk the external into having the of been to the 100 tubing on with of contents gentle pressure urethra into vesical end. the the end ordinary an of grammes the -The introduced manner urethra, the latter is steadied the whole the in this membranous syringe, containing attached mark always, in introducingthe shows catheter, the direction catheter A meatus. of ter, cathe- the hand, and syringe is slowly and with driven the left fluid, is through bladder. the If the prostatic of end is the catheter the fluid injectedthrough the prostatic is since the catheter difficulty, be can without urethra portion,all membranous the m 29 the Male. min already partly within the external sphincter,which offers therefore If the the only however, bulbous the fluid the portion,then not can- the through be driven prostaticportion even strong either will der un- pressure flow catheter, the distend of point catheter, reaches ance. resist- no beside out will or it ; fully pain- urethra. the These injectionsthrough the prostatic should be cent, per carbolic then I 1-2 [sulphate of ] and, as patients bear to of acid, to 1-4 a solution a ; the injection (a grammes 100 change least, For day. syringe full) of 1-2 once second first and use at or, other every I given day, every urethra per cent, zinc tion solu- soon the as the Fig. 4. " Ultzmann's Syringe-catheter. injection well, I increase of the G-enito-Urinari/S"/stem 30 Neuroses the strength gTadually to cent, the also and per 2 solutions, used and before I have more I have zinc solution. bladder used tannin 3, 4, and 5 per the patientsempty after each injection. of 1-2, 1, solutions cent., but have found zinc and alum together, much or efficient. before a Similar for the same instruments purpose, the have as zinc been by Guyon recentlyby Gross. The patientsbegin to feel better after a few and later they urgently crave the injections, each time. excellent is the Especially injection effect of the injectionsin those nervous men like hysterical behave Thus not who women. with met are who, after a infrequently men and when gonorrhoea, especially long-continued with swelled testicle or catarrh plicated com- of the moody and melancholy, have before was desire for daily work, which a no necessity for them, complain of a feelingof in the legs,and various in sensations weakness the genitals,and the hypogastricregion and time with frequentand suffer at the same ful painmicturition, emissions, impotence,and other The gin such symptoms. patientsimmediatelybethe local treatment carried to improve under After few injectionsthe described. out a as lost energy ble returns, the patientsfeel their troudisappear,and become again graduallyin tions. funcevery respect capable of performingtlieir bladder, become 31 in the Male, The (h) confined, are testicle to now sexual of the neuroses sensory spermatic cord, now and of the sensitiveness a to a atus appar- dragging stinging sensation in the testicle Qieuralgia that comes on periodically. Sometimes testis}, in both there is a painful sensation groins or a during and after stinging pain in the urethra and the ejaculation sound the with of is found urethra the the throughout,but especiallyin the where that the pain may examination On semen. attain prostaticportion, such a degree aloud, and patientscreams sensitive gnashes his teeth. diminished A also of the skin and uncommon, degree extreme is sensibilityof of the penis and designatedas nervous. By impotentiacoeundi of scrotum, is sometimes in that form consummating urethra, the with met of impotence is meant the the normal act as is not in an which lity impossibiof coition. explanation of this condition is to be sought either in an organic change, a malformation, a defect of the penis, or, the penis being healthy and normally formed, in the inabilityto have a The lastingand we with have a nervous in chronic also do to drugs as powerful in may with or cause diseases diabetes erection. In the first case organic,in the second tain psychical impotence. Ceran temporary of the brain mellitus, impotence, and and spinal cord, even permanent 32 Neuroses impotence only of the Genito-UrinarySystem occur may under is here frequently,and known as of suffered have or who and addicted be may is understood sexual have the for the wife impotence convince myself to have with of potence im- in the hold relative married case subjects,when to up awake from each impotence the with of her the that in nervous they are lascivious sleep at husband sexual persons. all. when It also in coitus one account on I case, able was in was intercourse Moreover, a to dition con- at any it is monly com- impotence that the selves alone, and give them- thoughts,or when they night,have powerful and lastingerections, while the same it comes to actual intercourse,can at In divorce husband, who people other. for sued normal other the that form it may time for instance, it succeeds prostitutes, This of things occurs well. state aversion an in which time torrhoea, sperma- long a This By cases. infrequently among not for in persons, very of been or inabilityto consummate certain individuals,while with is fer suf- either emissions have all who the act other from relative,or degree in same those masturbation. to most occurs as and, indeed, in men, young impotence alreadymentioned, or psychicalimpotence. impotence usually occurs nervous form This which discussion which, of form that ; not there persons, get no when tion erec- infrequentlyhappens, is an erection at first. Neuroses 34 This the G of of form impotence by considering the According to erections manner Under " large is still a second factor is the that blood the spaces inter- of blood. the There of great importance, and prevention of of the out ernous cav- ready for made amount eri- nervi of the and relaxed, a following of the fibres muscular thereby enlarged and reception of Kohlrausch, the in influence become tissue be and about System explained tion. origin of erec- and KoUiker the gentes the organic best can nature brought are : nit o-Urinary e This cavernosa. corpora of the back-flow the ming dam- probably accomplished apparatus. Along by the following muscular lies the musculus the i:)ars subpupica urethrse which don bulbo cavernosus begins behind in a tenof the back-flow which from the intei and origin. like the of which with muscle this tendons in merge is continuous the of is a a pen, fork. thin the dorsum on the (Linhart). When contracts, the penis in nosi of a musculi constricted, and region the and The their on ject pro- ends aponeurosis of the penis ischio-caver- this muscular the per- arranged are plumes of prongs take externus fibres muscular either side like the transversi musculi also the sphincter ani The above is apparatus of the return physis sym- of blood time also (probably prevented; at the same iscliiothrough the influence of the musculi cavernosij the [)enis is raised, ix.^ erected. in the Male. When this action against and that on the the the of too or penis by erection short cular mus- is incomplete, symphysis account feeble, incomplete, is well of constriction 35 is too duration, it that known voluptuaries,in order to action, place about "strengthen this muscular ber the root of the penis a constrictingring of rubother or influence the According in of as the diseases of erections as central known position,the found with an that during empty of pressure returning blood-vessels We powerful erections. irritation,as of the in seminal constant, indeed the very a is have with bladder. night, in a full last It is also the full bladder sufficient know, of erections. easily,and more occur men excitation causes that as certain as system nervous also brain find in we well as excited be of the Peripheral result. a erections longer than well the system. can irritation thoughts essentially nervous erections genital apparatus it is commonly bladder the is cord, and, indeed, libidinous Thus of electrical also that the erection Eckhard, to dogs by well of mechanism This under material. dorsal on to the excite matory too, that inflam- prostatitisand vesicles,serves tion inflammato produce painful, priapism. And, it is well known that peripheralirritation finally, applied to the glans penis,the skin of the penis, and the testicles, causes erection. Neuroses 36 Goltz of discovered has of erection Genito-UrinaruSystem the that, for the through peripheral nerve-irritation dogs, it is brought about powerfully when the lumbar promptly and portion is divided in the from excitation rest of the more cord. the influence He from concludes of the cerebral inhibitory the erection is thereby eliminated. nerves over fore thereNervous or psychical impotence may of the increased be dependent on action the inhibitorynerves ant, brought about by unpleasof the brain. excitement strongly agitating, Through the action of these inhibitorynerves fibres of the corpora the organic muscular ernosa cavthis that and will contract the of entrance with in well whom, itself in due be bands to the in be wrinkled The on the certainlybe as power shows cavernous in not a state shrivelled and manner, of these corpora to infrequently which might cular organic musination Exam- cavernosa. penis of small, retracted,and with the such sons per- the skin the dorsum. testicles even action the not they are penis is worm-like a usually to when excitement, the of sexual moves into Indeed, patients are tissue. met blood the obstacle an oppose are usually normal, indeed times some- strongly developed, and it would to draw a mistake clusions any general conto increased from the size and since often, as or diminished consistence is well sexual of the ticles, tes- known, patients in in the Male. the whom function lost wholly cleferentia of the testicles in coition potent. of the very insensible to there is also of skin entire than sensitive found also to common muscular the skin flow condition find that which of blood this is the throws declaration is the of acts from the out patients that electrical the be introduced over of the the bulb perinseum, muscular such conditions current that hand the holding the urethra powerful apparatus normal as can be apparatus during powerfully as semen sluggishly, second on tion. stimula- urethra, the into the rectum, electrode rectal trode elec- and nary ordi- electrode an pole placed the raphe about brought feels a of the of contractions of the by the use perinseum bulges out, the ernosa, cav- corpora of the semen is by preventing muscular same It before-mentioned no sponge halves two out as longer thrown formerly,but that it only flows out is explained. If in healthy men a coitus degree reversed. the only feebly to reacts Since the on the arrangement, return which the different very genital apparatus. According to right half is physiologicallymore quently infrethe left,yet I have not the Benedikt, stimulation, and electrical a found frequently is penis commonly of irritability of the is of both vasa through obliteration after gonorrhoeal epididymitis,may yet be very The 37 this under induced and strong the im- Neuroses 38 pulse. of the Now in found muscular that these quently infre- not contractions with even have the of the of use strong and produced only incomj^letely, scarcelyperceptible. The potence imprognosis in psychical or nervous are usually favorable. is otherwise are erections time ; strong since desire the treatment psychical. since for an of the The the and tals genitionally func- also, usually,powerful although always just at that time occur, and Since normally formed capable ; a I impotence apparatus, currents, are Genito-UrinarySystem erection the when wrong there is it is patient must influence at of the wanting, so be, above all, excited bral cere- of erection inhibitorynerves be overcome, the patient will then must have do to again be potent. Ordinarily we with abnormally excitable, so-called nervous patients,who enter upon coitus with powerful erection, but extraordinary excitement, yet before the beginning of the act the penis has becomes already drooped, and its introduction an impossibility. Such a failure so discourages the patientsthat, if it is repeated,they abstain from any further trial from a feelingof shame, and as impotent. In such regard themselves the comforting advice of the physician cases with the assurance of complete cure has a very quietingeffect on tlie abnormally excited mind, and such not infrequently the pliysiciansees activityover the 39 in the Male. with and their eyes of with despairing patients depart often sincere the most in tears expressions gratitude. If physician has, in this manner, of his patient,the latter confidence then the the won is much also composed, and the further more practicable. Should more treatment is made evidences of quieting advantage. cold water Local treatment, effectual. This be instrumental. that the through rectum erections the are The erections object clear to the that he powerful is treatment patient that a offers therefore erections. dikt, Schulz, is well most or known and the was by to make it impotent, and lasting and patient has once the relief of his difficulties. the to secure others be have to further This urethra, very he is not of this,then to sounds infrequently occur. When no when or must condition himself impotence the electrical the in not erections. convinced point of is in It remain to powerful always either of enemata, administering allowed is applicationof irritants in the the prostaticportion of the urethra be produced. Thus, after can in or be however, mechanical, day), or prescribedwith a grammes cure may apparent potassium might of notwithstanding, bromide be given in large doses (3 a be excitement strong patient attained means by of the The expected un- Benecon- 40 of the Neuroses Crenito-Urinary System currents good result. Weak were pole is usually employed. The copper the lumbar vertebrae, and with the placed over zinc pole the perineum, spermatic cords, and of Duration successively stroked. penis are with current slant 2 daily sitting, 6 to 10 dikt or weeks. employs unites Avith 3 minutes a the ; duration In obstinate urethral Bene- cases electrode pole,and zinc of treatment, which introduces he into This ever, proceeding, howprostaticurethra. current, is only by the use of the constant of the pars prostatica a galvanic cauterization alkalies of the tissues of the caustic by means (caustic soda?), since, according to electrical laws, the alkalies are set free at the zinc pole. ing Although these methods are capable of producexcellent results,yet I employ the faradic current, following the experience of Duchenne, with this modification, that one pole,a metallic staff about 6 cm. long, is placed in the rectum. the other electrode this pole in the rectum With the bulb of the ureis appliedsuccessivelyover thra, the ascending rami and rightand left over of contractions of the pubes. In this manner the the bulbo-cavernosus musculus culi ischio-cavernosi of that erection muscular of of tlie anaesthesia semen. apparatus the of the favors which promotes If there the skin of mus- produced, consequently penis,and the of are and the is at the tion ejaculatime same penis and the its sur- 42 jVeiiroses of the G-enito-UrinarySyBtem by masturbation, it is very probable that a pathological change of the caput gallinaginis of impotence must This form is involved. condered reflex neurosis as a sequentl}^be looked upon emanating from the prostate,and is to be treated also those obstinate are accordingly. There prove which, according to Benedikt, only imcases applicationof after the If the of the procedure. treatment and More leaving-inof wax powerful is the metallic exert the a same of phor while Should to nitrate methods of silver will be very be of of the heavy urethra, and of (psychro- advantageously, cold a gallinaginis be tried. more is added. avail, then no caput might treated bougies. and cold, sound pressure means cauterization the est mild- caput gallinaginis.In works metallic all these mild with Winternitz) here stretch also, the way, the the introduction of thick action the on pressure the ment treat- least flexible rubber or which sounds is at be sought local this end To to appears is the prostatic urethra rational trode. catheter-elec- neurosis then caput gallinaginis, in the most of the cause the All these in detail under pollutionsand spermatorrhoea. The of the so-called aphrodisiacs, as use cantharides,phosphorus, and other remedies, I consider harmful. Just as injurious I regard all are rings which placed apparatus and rubber about of the penis for the purpose the root of the head of producing more Tonics, such 43 and lastingerections. powerful 2. (") and Motor The cold a ment. after-treat- as of the Neuroses form the of find these which is the In the paralysis. In forms defined urinary these distinctlydefined. which the which and sometimes brings more drain they urine trousers after of of spasm the patients they have have urethra, much, very completely allowed replaced it the tied emp- penis in their to trousers, times suddenly, on taking a few steps, somefew drops, and again a larger quantity the flow from the penis,and sometimes are wet phenomenon, through to have retention remained of down the this small behind urine in in the to I believe, may by supposing urine to feel a This that off,and dition peculiar con- the to bladder, have the a very physician,namely, the profuse drihhling of nrine after The patients complain to the micturition. physician worries them less or is fibres not are attributed muscular organic organ. there be might bladder, in the phenomena Yet the in again in urinary system the muscular most urethra best water useful, and air,are sometimes genital system appear of spasmodic contractions, and form The iron, recommended be especially to of and quinine as sea-bathing,mountain cure, we in the Male. the best knee. be quantity the plained ex- of urethra. urethra is of the G-enito-UrinarySystem Neuroses 44 by the contraction fibres by which favored made its walls of the lasts,the urine of closed. As a with gut as soon thin is Now, of which the then soft with tube out than a one end is organic of the contents a as as fibres of these relaxation out, just filled with long as a flow more no and in it were, glass tube a trickles urethra tube can cular organic musnarrowed, and organic muscular fibres ensues, muscular canal stands,as It rigid walls. the resistant. more this contraction fluid out the of fluid of out a walls, as, for instance, with water end one tightly fore, dribblingof urine, thereshould be attributed to traction a spasmodic confibres of the of the organic muscular urethra throughout its whole length. Much more important and noteworthy is of the external sphincter of the bladder, spasm itself vesicce. It shows the sjyasmiis sphincteris ing in this way, that the patients complain of hava frequent impulse to urinate ; but when call comes the only satisfyit with they can and wait to they have difliculty.Sometimes closed. so-called This strain five or comes, and then the slightspurts, and the end of drops, and first at finallyin the micturition thinner then does urine force,but its normal before minutes ten until after the the any not urine flow with by drops, then full stream. a stream urine flows penis has in At comes again beonly by been re- 45 in the Male. placed in still flows trousers, there the small a plain They also comquantity of urine. ate, to urinthat they are often entirelyunable although they have the desire,and that they have to depart from the closet without having mildest effected their purpose. The degree of additional of the spasm with sphincteris certain individuals,of of presence cannot to in which made of The urethra the with sound but Spasm the in fact, sensitive could only then be sphincter of the of many prostate to or a were sense, there besides a nervous only the made under made or be in been there of either In ease. has Since passage to thesia; anaes- with bladder classified the defecating. examination stricture. strictures also a that mistakes. when was, time while be formerly thought was of the each was so obstacle an lead injectionof a large dose ate patient also could only urin- it could of the occasion there was to as distinctlyremember sittingposition,and a harmless the The morphine. of the so violent so micturition possibleby in I happens one of the they contraction always it is of urine. retention case is not Sometimes nature. Sometimes if any urinal a in urinate to spasmodic sphincter,however, a able person. in This near. being not pass water be to mon phenomenon, commostly very nervous persons, second a the is, urine, disease early times, the broadest ure, inflammatorystrictNow spasmodic stricture. 46 Neuroses this of spasmodic stricture is ahvays a spasm external The sphincter of the Wadder. of this spasmodic stricture is generall)' a the cause diseased of the of condition the urethra Genlto-UrinarySystem of the or the prostatic portion prostate itself. sphincter,which and membranous have We find ani in indeed within of in of the at the catarrhal of spasm no of irritation its limits. the ulceration sphincter fissure, or of the inflammation simple urethra, wonder that we tum rec- have tions sphinctervesicae with similar affecneck of the bladder, especially when of the reflex spasm about brought Such analogue an cases themselves it is therefore spasm the localized even ; be portions of sources as nel-shaped fun- represents the prostatic spasmodicallywhen contracts The of sphincter of irritation by localized irritation the bladder in the in the may rectum. prostaticurethra rhalis tion. gonorrhoeaor of masturbaOf gonorrhoea, when a prostatitiscatargonorrhoica is present and we find its traces in be the may the urine. examination urethra result of thick-headed the Of masturbation, with is very shreds the sound, sensitive,and when that bleeds contained we in find,on the prostatic out easilywith- being evidence of any inflammation that or gonorrhoea; since we may then assume the in the prostatic urethra, probably about hypersesthesia,hypersemia, caput gallinaginis, condition with superficial catarrhal eroa even there in the Male. of sion the 47 become has membrane, mucous localized. The examination attended with with the sound demands and great difficulty, practisedhand. It is best to cylindricalm.etallic a is sometimes in the use sound a nation exami- of the greatest well-rounded and with a possiblethickness soft instruments the object is not point. With ous bent in the membranattained,for they become portion. metallic Thin small instruments, especially catheters, never the serve absolutelydangerous, because are they may false passages. sound, by lessness care- some easilycause injury and Having selected a suitable passed, is between possible with it the held thumb aud purpose make allic met- lightly as forefinger, as and down to the steady,gradual movement it is held, and the triangularligament. Here blunt is pushed gentl}^and point of the sound After firmly against the isthmus. waiting a few a the moments of the contraction graduallyfelt to relax, and easilypassed into the bladder. be done roughly, and is at the isthmus, be thrust because is we cannot only stimulated and pass reach the through. to sound the can be If the catheterization the about sound, arrived here and there, the bladder, the renewed instrument One sphincter sphincter traction, spasmodic con- cannot be made easilyexplained this difficult catheterization is the result to of diagnosis of 4S N'eiu'oses of the Gcnifo-Urinari/ Si/stejn stricture made urethral by unskilful physicians of the sphincter. there is only a spasm when osities, We also find in literature cases reportedas curiin which surgeons, assuming stricture to omy, urethrotbe present,proceeded to do external and then to their great astonishment were struments able, during anesthesia, to pass very large ininto the bladder. The must, above treatment all,be directed to sphincterpenetrablefor catheterThis is best accomplished formed instruments. by the dailypassing of large metallic sounds, utes allowingthem to remain in from 5 to 15 minand over. This practice alone is ordinarily making the establish sufficient to certain obstinate erosions or cases, normal In micturition. when however, especially of the bladder fissures at the neck urethra the prostatic suspected, with nitrate of silver by m"ans must be are ized cauter- of the porte- spasm of the remede. Much frequentis the more bladder,cystospasmus,which vesical tenesmus, considered as a and spasm true accompanied by must properlybe is which of the detrusors of the bladder. The eases in disvesicce occurs spasmiiH detrusorum of the central nerwell as irritability vous as malies system,and also as a reflex neurosis in anoof the urethra, especially the prostatic portion. Frequent micturition y" is common with Xt'uroses 50 of the Crenito-Urinary System under etc.),yet these circumstances spasmus sphincteris vesica, as already mentioned, much more frequentlyfound. detrusorum Accordingly, by spasmus understand frequent, although a painless,impulse urinate is,when that In the for the occurs, we generally impulse to part, only by day, most mental physicalor activitybegins. usually not the least need long as the patients quietly night there felt to urinate, This urinate. to is is so sleep; when, however, they pass a sleepless is all the stronger. night the vesical tenesmus desire comes sometimes The hourly,again every 10 that minutes, and 15 or when the closet the urine their will. is sometimes patients do flows This into of state just the oppositeto so hasten not violent to their clothes the against things is consequently described that in the case of sphincterisvesicae. of a pale yelThe urine is usually clear and low It has a low color. specificgravity and a spasmus taneous faintlyacid reaction. There is simulpolyuria (urina spastica,nervosa). Not neutral or without bladder, water there being and without any and therefore such abnormal cause in since cases, urine the alkaline sign of catarrh alkali, or any containing such, liaving been In evident is turbid urine infrequently the mineral taken alkaline an is secreted kidneys, of the we ternally inand without must as- sume perversion a of If the neutral and which of of with litmus cretion, se- result neys. kid- the paper drop a neutral in acid earthly phosphates. of these neutral with connection urine of acetic the tral neu- essentiallysupports of neurosis the urinary and general, and here especially frequency of micturition, cj^stoin system nervous We spasmus. in discussed under If the as of those short sediment which in of " detrusorum from tion soluready al- Urine has we thick-headed come other an- has gonorrhoea, and or which the head spasmus result a one constituent urinary sediment, in Neuroses." occurred sometimes urinary the been find also abnormal the of the diagnosis of usually the as neurosis demonstration reaction or of consists earthlyphosphates sexual urinary urine shows addition The in this urine the on of normal faintly acid reaction, we find, on solves turbidity which completely dis- or heating, that the the coexisting secretory a a of consider and 51 the Male, m find shreds the tatic pros- urethra. On and examination bladder are with found the very sound sensitive,the portion being recognizedas spot. with of the The the urine, on negative result sound or and urethra the the the appearance boiling,together the most of the normal tive sensi- tion examinacondition of neutral with tatic pros- the phates phos- neutral of reaction Genito-Urhiary System of the Neuroses 52 the If short, thick diagnosisof cystospasmus. the shreds are also visible urine, then the in opinion gains probabilitythat with a as cystospasmus a have we has which the from neurosis reflex establish freshly passed urine, the do to about come prostatica pars urethrae. The has, treatment If to fulfil. which central have tions condi- varied with spasmus cysto- a irritation of the on this system do to dependent is nervous first of must we in this case, influence harmful Such wholly removed. all be himself for a time patient must withdraw overstrainingmental occupation; likewise sexual excesses micturition, in and baths the pain as effect. In a permanent a pleasurejourney does a stay of cold-Avater at Romerbad, in cure, the sea ences influ- harmful and when cult of his diffi- cause other from fear,have such cases excellent duced protimes some- service, country, bathing, or Gastein, Teplitz,etc. a mild warm If all tion impracticable,agreeablerecreaand diversion must be provided for as much of possible. Of internal remedies, bromide these as when or such general, sometimes course been have a things are daily) large doses (3 or 4 grammes nary best, or quinine,iron, and arsenic in ordiother narcotic will doses. Morphine or some potassium works in temporarily relieve the severe and is best given in the form vesical of a tenesmus, suppository. 53 in the Male. If,on the other which spasm hand, of undertaken. effectual,or the short cysto- a tion, masturba- to oi;gonorrhoea,then the prostaticamust be pars such sounds passing cases is with astringentby means catheter (as described treatment urethral 29), in page the In do with to attributed excesses, local treatment of be may venereal have we with connection on clystersand warm baths. warm the Among motor of neuroses system, and especiallyof the accompanied by diminished are of the the be to are mentioned sphincterand bladder. with associated and paresis with of the of retention By paresis of urinary bladder, which of power paresis and also of the of Paresis the the traction, con- ysis paral- detrusors sphincter is quently fre- of urine, incontinence detrusors of uncommonly not urine. the bladder be is to understood the inabilityto completely empty the bladder. Paresis is usually meant of the detrusors by this expression. A of urine tardy evacuation sometimes occurs Thus I have which 24 the One young man, desire to only more in several urine hours. in was morning habit than men. cases in evacuated apparently the normal observed times patient urinate, and from otherwise in only twice in particular,a strong never said and from had that he evening, a pressing a urinated and desire then to re- Neuroses 54 of the lieve himself. very well for Once when he had not Genito-Urinarii System He could, 24 said,hold hours, urinating only to came he declared me for 20 passed urine after forthwith, and urinate lie so hours. out once. that I had he him straining and some urine. delay he passed about a litre of normal bladder the The to be felt over was distinctly ficult s^'mphysis. The patient complained only of difand in general. I infrequent urination prescribedmineral waters containing soda salts, of the massage bladder, cold region after least 5 whether every the times he in had 4 hours patient was that he could a bath, and warm 24 hours. desire and in 4 the lumbar micturition or without time 5 at patient must, In his urine. short a The on not, go to the or pass urinate and douches so times closet this way far restored daily,in a straining. Paresis of the detrusors is either dependent fibres (hypertroph organic change of the muscular upon fattyand amyloid degeneration)or The inaneurosis. it is a question of motor is best Inlityto completely empty the bladder der verified by liavingthe patient empty his bladmuch as as possible and then immediately A bladder, to be normal, passing a catheter. must empt}''itself completely, so that not a drop of urine can be obtained with a catheter. If the spontaneous emptying of the bladder, it will l^e possil)lc however, is insiiflicient, always normal manner 65 in the Male. with evacuate to quantity of The urine. will be evacuated catheter the The more drawn with the be there residual catheter, the on Such obstruction. mechanical weaker I say in which cases are is insufficient of urine there urine of the bladder. detrusors usuallyare the usually,because thus insufficiency of the of the bladder. is to of urine a'mount measure a the of account hypertrophy is also found bladder there is of the passage a as urine, are tatitis, prossuch the ever, complication. If,how- have we some of coat obstruction mechanical such no muscular of the cuation eva- obstructions generallystrictures of the urethra, chronic and hypertrophy of the prostate. In cases, less greater or a as rule a to to paresisor paralysisof the detrusors. The patients usually complain that do with urinate wait a until the it does lying down the and press urine to and bow-like a trickles cannot flows of urine satisfaction after at they The the turition, mic- urinating. comes falls urethra, While ing all,and standlean never If the forward incomplete more is, the oftener urinate, yet there is but the roof. from if it stream, urinate best the abdomen. on when even perpendicularlyfrom they the evacuation desire in rain-water justas of act indeed comes, flow force without is urine not each painless,they have long time, pressing and straining, which to Before badly. very they comes a the feeling of paresisJ3ass Xeuroses d6 of the G-enito-Urinary System graduallyinto paralysis,incontineuce first during the night,and after some becomes feeling of urinate fulness time patients ually gradhave a the in hypogastrium, they often, and each time only a small urine is passed by resorting to abdominal very of quantity The constant. at occurs pressure ; yet by drops. the They still flows urine have again never stantly con- the feelingof satisfaction after urination. Paralysisof the bladder is generally found chronic and cerebral spinal diseases. Yet also occurs in when of the for the various they are central most as cesses pro- but system, advanced In evacuation it is then of urine age occurs rule, although well-pronounced paresis a is not always apparent. In youth and vigorous middle life a paretic condition of bladder, especially of the detrusors, occurs such a individuals long time, of venereal cases or have such retained as the vesical or their urine suffer from sphincter as prostaticenlargement paresisof the detrusors established, has been the in for a result That, and permanent obstructions urine, hypertrophy in the in spastic of masturbation. other later becomes in excesses of of and as or of contractions in it complicated with affections nervous the febrile acute part temporary. of insufiBciency almost the in of stricture, to the cuation eva- beginning of the bladder already tioned. men- JVeiiroses of the dS On of the examination diagnosisis Si/stem Cre}uto-Un')iari/ sometimes If the detrusors patientthe much easier alone are differential still to establish. paretic,and the the sphincter still works efticiently, found tumor distended, as a fluctuating bladder symphysis, or else a flaccid bag filled is felt,which, being compressed with with desire a causes the over the It is also urinate. to is fluid hand, possible, spiteof the patient'sdeclaration that he has by percussion several just urinated, to demonstrate in of dulness the symover finger-breadths physis. In paresisof the sphincterthe spherical of the form distended the The symphysis. degree weakened offer resistance in the ; is it is not felt never is sphincter that to bladder bladder in to the flows urine such it is found seldom very impossibleto distention urine. of If we show away indeed, over bladder the pass ; a tarily. involun- paresisof with accumulated catheter resistance, we almost the cases symphysis any into usually meet, in paresis of powerful resistance at the neck in some urine the we whereas in to of urine Consequently large quantitiesof are a condition a large accumulation a over the the bladder, detrusors, a of the bladder, sphincter, meeting fall with the no instrument, If the speaking,into the bladder. figuratiyely urine be drawn ally off,a larger quantity will usuthan in in paresisof the detrusors be found paresisof the sphincter. Yet not infrequently 59 the Male. in complicatedwith paresis of the sphincter,so that these typical phenomena no are longer capable of demonstration. When the urine flows through the catheter, the position,we patient being in the horizontal notice at the beginning of the flow a relativelypowerful stream; soon, however, it diminishes, flows down and the urine perpendicularlyand paresisof in weak a the the impulse bellyis is a end the from stream Only by on detrusors the of the of coughing or by pressure powerful and bow-formed more immediately caused, which, however, stream catheter. comes be- powerless again. Finally the stops flowing entirely,yet if we press and weak urine the flat of the hand with bladder, have or patient get up and gradually upright position, then the from still flows urine of the the the assume fundus the on the bladder in greater or less amount. The is either urine normal, it shows or a tral neu- faintlyalkaline reaction, with a precipitate of neutral earthy phosphates. Sometimes or has the uriue without catarrh of whitish sometimes there sediment birth being the bladder. phosphates. In the amorphous lime, the from been The consist the turbid even accompanying turbidityand the merely sediment are the phosphate line, alka- an granular crystalline phosphate or and of of found earthy either carbonate of of lime, and magnesia crys- 60 of the G-enito-Urinari/S//stem Xeuroses tallizing long, rectangular plates. in also found I have amount cent., in paresisof the bladder, without of 2 per there the to sugar, sionally Occa- being in addition of diabetes. any The of the general symptoms after moreover, sugar, and being present months years long, has disappearedcompletely from the sequently suburine without done for the anything having been glycosuria. If,however, the stagnationof urine bladder the in for continues a long time, a purulent catarrh of the bladder or a purulent about, and in the cystopyelitis graduallycomes urine well as characteristic and of and renal The not must has or occurs been other very purulent catarrh the easily when previouslyexamined catheter-formed favorable, and thenceforth This be tion, solu- corpuscles,crystals phosphate, bladder in most with a instrument. prognosis in paralysisof very in pus This epithelium. bladder bladder sound sediment the such affections, of ammonia carbonate in the found are of these ammonio-magnesic the of sediment evidences and albumen as in the as the cases constantly bladder the drawn is urine with explained to the else they will unnecessarilyblame the patients, physician for having, by catherization,reduced them to such a condition that they are no longer able to pass their water spontaneously,as was still possible, they say, before the use of the the catheter. must be 61 in the Male. catheter. The which be drawn can catheter,the the greater from the bladder unfavorable more of amount urine with the is also, usually, the of the prognosis,as regards the contractility bladder. tion, During the subsequent catheteriza- also, inflammatory processes set life of the expressions which with in connection used bladder, such the and they are often are the may motor of neuroses gury, urinee,stran- here not made use of, only general diagnostic terms, morbid in entirelydifferent used the Nevertheless conditions. formerly were incontinentia as ischuria, I have and since which urinary tract, patient. older The quently infre- capable of immediately threatening the be even in the up not are etymology of these employed, expressions,which are still sometimes be should By incontinentia brieflyreviewed. urince (from in privative and contineo, to hold together,hold fast)is to hold may back urine. the in the occur most strain) is understood the urine great pain. a comes Finally, we (from Ux*^, urine) retention to hold, of difficult micturition. the this That inability condition varying afl^ections of the clear. By strangury (from urinary apparatus, is the urine, and TO ovpov, when understood I srpayyw, press, urge, strainingat micturition, only by drops and with understand hold urine back, or by ischuria and sometimes ovpov very I^eu 62 The be very of the roses Genito-UrinarySystem treatment of paresis of the varied. In lightcases where, mostly from infrequent micturition a persons, daily with of massage has the regular micturition mild diuretics,such with soda a salts,will visit to rubbing of douching of the the bad habit, a become bladder, at as be country bladder short in strong slow and established, in connection intervals mineral waters sufficient. or may and taining con- tics, Gymnas- mountains, cold whole body, cold sitz-baths, the perinaeum, over the bladder and the lumbar region ; further,showering the back with cold water immediately after coming out of a hot bath, all work very advantageously of the bladder. in stimulatingthe contractility Of internal remedies, quinine,ergot,and strychnia are given with good effect. Of quinine and ergot 0.5 gramme dailymay be given, and strychnia either internally(strych.sulph. 0.02, sacch. albi 3.00, div. in dos. no. vi ; 1 or 2 powders endermically(strych.nitr. 0.10, sacch. albi 5.00, div. in dos. no. x), the mons veneris moved being shaved, the epidermis being reof a blister,and every day by means a corium; or powder dusted on the denuded hypodermically (strych. nitr. 0.05, aq. dest. half to a whole Pravaz 10.00 ; one syringeful and offers the most convenient daily),which of employing strychnia. It is the best means best to injectit into the skin of the abdomen over daily); or the Male. m the bladder. As muscular as soon 63 twitching or of exalted muscular general symptoms are apparent, this remedy must Electricitymay be used ; one pole,as electrode, being passed into and the other introduced vertebrae, or constant well as I employed. means only for beginning often bladder that it is and bladder. the later a of the detrusors introduction and the of lumbar treatment, of at the Just other when electrode only prostaticaurethrge. made to brane, mem- of of In lent puru- using paresis the electrode in into The contract passed into the sphinctervesicae by over paresis of predominates, the be the treatment, pole being placed this to reason time same in of the is to be recommended vertebrae, while is has stimulation catheter-formed a sphincter,or be trode elec- months. course not there l:he bladder, the also of electricity harmfully,for the for the mucous too irritating sets a purulent catarrh up in be may use this method pyelitisor nephritis, often shows electricity good results. the The acts very however, if there is of the lumbar catheterization of treatment, Later der, blad- catheter-formed period weeks the rectum. the regular practisedfor been the of continued dis- ter-formed cathe- a current recommend until not the into be the over the induced as can by indeed, pole placed ability excit- faradization the same pars can per more method first of urethra, which the into pole need the without rectum^ System G-enito-Urinary of the Neuroses 6-A passing be will a discussed with enuresis. This fully in connection for very sensitive is especiallyindicated patients. best The is however, treatment, always thoroughly carried out, regular course and as be bladder, whenever the beginning of in the vulcanized rubber, should most now must it to favorable a Since kind this the terization cathe- as little gentle,and cause in paresisand paralysisof possible, should irritation with catheterization. result without of catheterization, of case treated be scarcely ever can advanced an a be as and especially practicable, treatment, only catheters of the so-called Nelaton ters, cathe- as, manufactured used, such from (Jaques' patent), are der imported from England. A paretic bladcannot completely empty itself,and we therefore,by regular catheterization,force draw off its while we graduallycontract excellent material contents. The use bladder a of the in paresis of the ficulty. usually attended with no further difThe learns the management patientvery soon of it himself, and in cases running course gradually diminish to in is favorable even catheter discontinue cases it will become possible to the catheterization,indeed it running altogether. Not an unfavorable ever, so, howcourse. Neuroses (oQ of the G-enito-Urinary System With third the good health. day, however, tliey begin to complain of depression iu passed lassitude, the and temperature rises,and severe chill,which unable to leave his bed. bladder a of urine is which catheter,so renders the must be much the more or sixth day the first comes the That is,and turbid, the fifth the on first catheterization the after becomes urine patient wholly the ficient insuf- more greater the drawn off with quantity is the severe reaction, is easily understood. are recorded cases of the bladder was undertaken and where urine had in literature the with where the sequent sub- There in paresis evacuating catheterization the patient standing erect, patient,after a large quantity of drawn been off, at the end of the the It is therefore suddenly fell dead. in the advised always to pass the catheter horizontal in position. Not rare also are cases which, with the first catheterization,a perfectly normal urine is evacuated, the patient looking, healthy and strong, and in which, moreover, of 8 to 10 days, the interval after an same In patient perishes with urtcmic symptoms. these to the purulent cystopyelitisan cases, acute, usually suppurative, nephritisis added. catheterization There are also cases in whicli after the third day of catheterization, the urine begins to grow atous, bloody. The bleeding is usually parenchymnot coagula are present, yet it can microscopically,by the hsemorrhagic renal epithelium and demonstrated be of so-called color whole the has urine casts, that blood but now red, a has purulent catarrh developed, the color brownish strongly alkaline, We with pyelitiswith Sometimes or it is of growth Not only bacteria massed when plug have to with the reaction in shreds which microscope, four and vigorous motion, are brought to consist is sediment the that rapidly progressing. of but view motionless limbed whole by the bacteria compressed in the tubules, and off with they have the kidneys, they tightly teria such when plugs of bacbut masses; the urine, if they appear under cylindricalcasts, microscope as beautiful which consist entirely of motionless (Nephritisparasiticaof Klebs). The the nephritissuppurativa these of together. These collections of bacteria, in large,irregfrom the bladder, appear ular, pass in the compositi strong of dedo, then, in a word, the is bacteria seen of odor observed, when membranous been the single,small, two are clumps and microscope and examined thoroughly the green, black or cystohsemorrhagic cystitis without suppurative nephritis. ichorous an or a also becomes urine brown a now of The bleeds. tract dence evi- der, blad- the alone not urinary later, after ; bladder a 67 the Male. in in cases, unfavorable. is almost bacteria prognosis always, in Neuroses 08 There of the yet are other suppurativa kidney, and in the health Genito-UrlnarijSystem in which cases, has involved not of course however, is graduallyassociated nephritis,to ritis neph- the few a established; is the whole weeks this parative com- process, with stitial inter- an patient with kill the all the certaintyafter an interval of 2 or 3 years. Very often we see parenchymatous processes tion. in the urinary organs in after catheterizaset The patientsare usually confined to the The is relatively urine bed, and are feverish. more and with only slightlyclouded muco-pus, only correspondinglylittle albumen. and second ofthere lasts chill that a comes a third,and large a is improvement. only a short time, again to give repeated evacuations and until months, ensues, remains or Yet for way this of pus. urine, improvement after improvement This may play of improvement last weeks and improvement patientperishes. constant a the cliills begin finallypermanent urine by tion evacua- the with soon to exacerbation until the in the last,after the at denly Sud- followed soon of pus amount anew, is tains con- evidence Still there of cysto- which, although late, passes gradually pyelitis, into a nephritis. The of these cause unpleasant complications after catheterization is of paresisof the bladder of presto be sought in the negative conditions sure In paresis within the urinary apparatus. in can paralysis of tlie bladder, this organ be completely emptied spontaneously ; and never there remains of urine, this residuum in the also distended suffer from the of the bladder and their urine on and flow in order This to ously passed urine. If urine, which a negative say tubules such a and of there such finds cases for years hyperaemia in ex or the had pressure evacuated immediately fluctuation ters. ure- greater a back once of still spoatane- perhaps at sure, pres- bladder in and must pressure in the now the back evidence albumen catheterization, then might Since secretory pressure strong lateral urinary tract, be all a kidnej^s of the renal the in in urine the on the in the of less amount such of hindrance. overcome increased its confirmation the acts freelyout accumulated accumulated Still further, the stagnation,the kidneys increased secreting power and with the urine pressure of the account exerted a as are them, in lateral urine. ureters function cannot work of large quantity a of latter standing urine accumulated accumulation the on account on these ; great degree a exerts year, bladder, is the flow of urine the by residuum pressure Likewise, embarrassed the ureters and lateral certain a greater a This of urine. of the bladder. walls bladder the usually increasingyear by its volume from in ahvays residuum smaller or by 69 Male. the the vacuo, in by ensues pressure, that I in- y^euroses TO of the Crenito-UrinarySystem flammatory processes the necessary In the favorable catarrh as rule, follow a as of this disturbance. consequence more purulent must, of the or only mucous bladder, of the pelvisof cases the kidney and ureters, will take placefrom this shall then have only hyperemia ex vacuo ; we a severe cystitisor cystopyelitis.In the more added to the are purulent cystopyelitis cases, of the prostate, parenchymatous inflammations of the bladder, and the rest of the usually with abscess severe cases the whole urinary formation. parenchymatous urinary tract is added a ratus, appa- In other haemorrhage of already and by decomposition of present cystopyelitis, the urine ered. suppuration in the bladder is engendthe kidneys also cases Finally,in severe of will react, presenting usually the symptoms nephritissuppurativa. after Since, then, these unpleasant symptoms catheterization it is occurrence, with the are not to to the be counted enjoined to manage as of such rare cases greatest precaution. If the paresisof bladder be somewhat advanced, it is important the patientgo immediately to bed. I never completely empty the bladder at once, of the patient. that is,at the first examination to have If the bladder I to never 500 go to at the contain the first c.c. bed, and I send then large amount sittingdraw more the a patient home, empty the bladder of urine, than 400 have him gradually 71 in the Male. less than first catheterization and I do allow not of and 1-2 a have for some advanced mild system After by in left in only few of 1-2 per left still sometimes ary part of the urin- the is completely emptied washed solution of carbolic of this The solution carbolic after each acid power of the carbolized ; left solution is is completely empty, and the that ; to the bladder. solution that the acid catheterization advantage has out then are graduallydiminished centimetres, corresponding to the and himself undressed has bladder injection of not standing notwith- cent, contractile bladder and and quantity cubic original latter by the ; the the catheter c.c. the the of soft a bladder. the on bladder the 100 about Only processes within of pressure patient bed a bed. occur. means with acid gradually restore to symptoms the to gone 100 carbolic to go regular catheterization the patient is in bed, violent very of inflammatory organs, of urine, patients promise to keep their beds time (2 or 3 weeks) is it possible,in paresisof the bladder with relatively relations means of c.c. his bladder solution immediately reactive urinary cent, per him the when 400 injectinto I but empty bladder, c.c. at the contain meaning to, completely without the patient to depart with an it I empty the bladder If completely. but a turning re- The into bladder the is its walls of the Genito-Urinary System Neuroses 72 times against each other, which someto the pacauses tient. very painful sensations carbolic acid also has the advantage The fluids of effectuall}^ other over checking the growth of bacteria,which, with the prevailing negative pressure in the urinarytract, may penetrate need rub not from unresisted Pressure hand of the without the on the over the palm consider necessary, un- soft catheter, the the completely emptied by siphon action facility correspondingto the lowering of bladder the with symphysis I with because, with bladder neys. kid- the to even is a end outer of the catheter. In beginning inflammatory action this moreover, oftener promotes the the with pressure in of occurrence the case of bladder, the hand much atous parenchym- processes. When that the paresisof milder a patient is form still able to is pass present, so his urine spontaneously after catheterization,a complete emptying and washing out of the bladder by of the catheter a once means day is suflicient. ate When, however, the patient can no longer urinspontaneously after catheterization,then at times vesical least three daily,and if severe s'hould be present, still oftener,must tenesmus the bladder solution of be emptied carbolic galvanism and a washed out witli a acid. In the after-treatment as and course the of drugs as well bathing at a moder- use of of the O-enlto-Urinary System Neuroses 74 of the will the urine will at of The one. the abilityto hold usually established is second that year, at is,after first dentition. Now, yet little back the end about the the children who hold back able to diseased neither the child Enuresis which is enuresis to appears usually the nor organs Yet is weakened be much in have abnormal may deed usually,in- by run not disease down. sleep (at night), and case, who enuresis later years, either occurs period are urine, and enuresis. suddenly in the organism when and the urinary urine, suffer from first appear after this is then called bed-wetting;or it occurs only by day and then only after vigorous bodily and muscular movement action, such as running up stairs,laughing, gymnastics, coughing,etc., nocturna, and is called or enuresis involuntaryurination as by night,and the the occurrence itself takes place by day condition With coutinua. In still other diurna. is then regard enuresis is to the as called manner cases well resis enu- of continual, repeating day; or it is periodical, occurring irregularly. the various enfeebled Respecting the aetiology, regularly every anaemia, scrofula, rachitis,etc., conditions, as were yet formerly these do very cheeked considered not well children explain of all first cases. importance, Not developed, sturdy,and are found wlio suffer quently infrerosyfrom in the Male. enuresis, while small proportion other In a as children without bed. so from awaking, yet they do often complain to Parents bed still the all. the during and night is found Indeed, tion. condi- dressed un- another to the wet the compel be can not child the very sleep is suggested Most healthy bed one of a this wrongly. soundly ^thatthey that, although they wake times with but moved and only sound too cases, cause, sleep affected are number great children scrofulous and rachitic the among 75 physician two three or it to urinate, through in spite of infrequentlyis the bed found not wet directlyafter going to sleep,although the child had passed his urine immediately before. Trousseau, Bretonneau, and Desault have sought wet for the of cause weakness, but the bladder Desault rather and the in that detrusors suffice to are might of the sudden of the account most organs, and a normal spasmodic children contraction Trousseau say and to do sciousness, con- This explanation for the satisfactorily condition occurring in sleep is,to tions contrac- bladder, which bed-wettingwhich sometimes occurs to cystitis, and lithiasis. pyelitis, urine of bladder. of enuresis. cause general relations violent bring sleeping the in abnormal neck assumes of the not bed-wetting,not the as With of the of the sequel a normal urinary detrusors least,very Bretonneau lematical prob- consider Xeu 7t) enuresis with identical as is the view the only of neck they regard the as external correct other the bladder of fundus sphincter, Guersant one. or of the vesical bladder general. They would is, after all, only able to amount of urine, and in membrane has Lebert brought about there is a thinks in such the degree is urine heed, without through. My idea have to do That of enuresis. that with detrusors and sphincteris during sleep of narcosis of the the necessity of The felt the bed is then with a that as I neurosis the of wet resis enu- of Trousseau also assume in this form innervation sphincter,and there of is a the that the Since imperfectlyinnervated. from the expirationof is normal until the completion of dentition, very this condition the first year that is nocturna is to say, I believe disproportion between flows mass of enuresis, at least inasmuch Bretonneau, we so tity quan- to sufficiently is satisfied immediately not coincides nocturna, of children. consciousness, and arouse that small a certain a the that hold enuresis wa}^: mucous say whole the that this certain sphincter in passing that, when exceeded, been away. that der blad- velopment (imperfect decongenitalweakness of the sphincter,yet this opinion Still only to certain cases. most, applicable authors a hypercesthesiaof the suppose is,at and the a assumes and bladder. of the neck of the neurosis a Inasmuch their of the G-enito-Urinari/ Si/stem roses in the Male. in so all those does not the time, enuresis in of continuance in whicli cases cease 77 infantile this bed-wetting represents the condition. That consists results only in an imperfectinnervation sphincterof the bladder, is shown by the which are attained by electrical treatment. There are enuresis of the namely, which cases, after the first faradization remain can alreadycured of the sphincter and henceforth. Such a so sult therapeutic revation, only be explained by imperfect inner- and the are by imperfect development never of sphincter. Sex exerts influence no authors, indeed, than that assert affected girlsare on with Some enuresis. many boys more enuresis, yet this is girlsparticularly,when only apparent. With advanced in years, the parthey are somewhat ents this condition, take great pains to conceal as they know especially at puberty. ceases As are regards age, affected tenth yet years old. That enuresis as a that most between often I have well girlsas it is found enuresis with years, that the enuresis of continua, may children the third and had boys, 14, 15, kind usually under and ment treateven 17 bed-wetting, especially often be brought (especiallyphosphatic stone), and further tory and by inflammacystitis, pyelitis, affections of the vagina, vestibule,and urethra about by in lithiasis such girls, as are sometimes caused hy 78 ye of the Genito-UrinarySystem OSes ur raasturbation,has already mentioned. been absolutelynecessary that, in every urine as well as the genitalsof a child with enuresis be subjected to a close is Having of the satisfied ourselves urine, proceed we of the examination filled of urine, Then etc. affected tion. examina- condition inspectionand whether ascertain to the there the urinarius meatus found are If these cut are found off with An the polypous of treatment For local. cold the water and country enuresis Trousseau before girls. with if the the urine is in as be general quinine and are indicated, may children well cure cold of an general. excellent 26" R"^au- sitz baths mountains, river and have sometimes and crescences ex- ence incontin- examination feeble [90" Fahr.],as mild in the scissors especiallypreparationsof iron at a temperature baths aromatic mur entrance meatus necessary is normal. to be The small about usually ceases. is not always sound and Sometimes vagina. it is retention observed, and, in girls, especiallythe to the carefullyexamined is not, whether or the case, hypogastric region and bladder genitals. The by palpation in order is well the to the to as It A or visit sea effect. going to ing, bathdonna Bella- by highly recommended the evening In Hretonneau. atropiaare and a to bed 0.0 1 extract of belladonna 79 the Male, m (1-120 gr.) atropia is given. With cliildren these preparations smaller and weaker dier demand great precaution; with largerand sturbe gradually children the dailydose may increased until some enlargement of the pupils or 0.0005 apparent. At any preparations must well Ergot, as given good sometimes incontinence found is these months. vomica, have nux results. If local. is the however, of in these of treatment best method The for continued be tincture as with rate, treatment is in the a cause weakness cases, of the of the it seems logicalthat an attempt must sphincter, weakened muscle. be made to strengthen the This is best accomplished by electricity.The earlier Also formed of adults, is are urethral the in the the restless,and the sults. re- catheter- incontinence practicablewith not too with used marked no gave method the electrode, as Children of metliod cutaneous children. introduction boys, injury. The electrode, especiallyin scarcelybe performed without quently infrealso not applicationof this electrode conditions sets up urethritis and cystitis, which, in enuresis, can only have a very can harmful influence. Since, then, direct urethral electrode with the with children, I have relying on stimulation the rectum. is brought surgical experience, the of the sphincter vesicae ment treat- cable impractiinto use, indirect through It is a G-e nit o- of the Neurones 80 ^Yell-kllo^vll fact in the Cases with met that in which rectum by complete difficult of operations performed part of the lower infrequentlyfollowed urine. Urinary System the also are voided be during defecation. of sphincter ani and the sphincter vesicae stimuli the applicationof various on the externus the in is the rectum of method This only can of retention micturition urine not are in of point which treatment, departure of also anatomical the action simultaneous finds this its of relations planation ex- this region. hsemorrhoidal The both median nerves, arising from the pudic and ferior, in- of branch sacro-coccygealplexus,supply together the with the sphincter lower part of the bladder and vesictje,also the sphincter ani externus in women, the vagina. It internus, and finally, the is therefore applied in of the neck clear the that rectum, bladder, an electrical is transmitted sets stimulus the to contractions, and up thereby strengthensthe sphincter vesicie. for this purpose I use an ordinary sledgebattery [Schlitten-Apparat] of Dubois-Reyelement. is armed with one One mond, which pole of large as wooden and an the a induced lead handle current pencil and (Fig. 5j, is 7 a cm. which The passed into the rectum. ordinary sponge-holder,and metallic pin long, with is well other in as a oiled pole is boys is JVeuroses 82 and 0/ the without defecation Pollution the of semen or at muscular occurs as apparatus of coat of micturition. described sexual the copiously more end the be might of the neurosis sensation. especiallypleasurable Tliis evacuation after G-cnitn-Vrinary System motor a with spasm of vesicle,and seminal spermatorrhoeaas a similar neurosis with paresis ducts. of the ejaculatory The ideas of pollution and spermatorrhoea there are as are commonly confused, especially of spermatorrhoeawhich mixed forms, ^.e., cases There sometimes have pollutionsalso. also, are however, perfectlypure forms, and therefore the division into pollutions and spermatorrhoea of There be retained. must are, namely, cases lose semen by day, after pollutionwhich never urination defecation or ; likewise there are pure of have pollutions, spermatorrhoeawhich never instead of them but in dailylose semen quantitiesand often continuously. cases small Other describe authors and pollutions, and which This colorless. for,where a after from case viscid classification dischargeof hand, in the chronic is not looks so-called defecation nal diur- designate as spermatorrhoea discharge which every and nocturnal and is poUutiones and of urination a viscid the urethra, the whitish or inappropriate, diurnse is also semen rhoea, gonor- are ent, pres- usually found ; and on the turbid diagnosisof other charge dissper- in the Male. matorrhoea be cannot made without That examination. secretory neurosis of the rhoea,which also furnishes is to has, however, semen, as will be admits Curschmann there say, a is with nothing in common fullydiscussed more scopical micro- a prostate, prostatorviscid,turbid fluid, a which 83 and nocturnal later diurnal on. lutions pol- spermatorrhoea,and at the same considers spermatorrhoea the superlative and time of degree When pollution. they may they occur looked be Curschmann once upon oftener much will allow not in 10 14 days, as physiological; if they are pathological. pollutionsoccur a to division based on the frequency of the pollutions,but holds that when pollutions,even they occur frequently, still be regarded as charge a physiological dismay of the on the followingday of sense relief. other He and Since in semen important r61e, its brieflyspoken of. Normal which of the semen, consists seminal which as of mental of the a when from ache head- vigor. affections anomalies is well has patients feel the suffer these feels pathological on pollutions,even languid, and impairment the strong, or considers rarelyoccurring, after and and well hand, all those exhausted affected if the individual semen plays should known, secretions vesicles, of the is of the here a an be mixture testicles, prostate, and J^^euroses 84 the of Genito-UrinarySyatem glands of the urinary system. time amount is somedischarged at one times smaller, according to greater, sometimes of the producer ; ordinarily continence it is other The the accessory 10 between Normal boiled 15 grammes. and has semen starch whitish a paste, color,resembling peculiar,characteristic, a Its consistence heavy odor, and an alkaline reaction. immediately after ejaculationis hone}^and like become gelatine,to of 5 course The 10 or and hours, of the cellular normal semen some and a of constituents the in semen, few cells and of the sometimes to as the some detritus. From layer containing spermatozoa possible to arrive at a generative power of the in question. If a drop of fresh semen is examined the microscope,a picture full of movement semen be test- s^^ermatozoa. The upper layer ing translucent,the microscope show- it is conclusion poured into a settle,is found, after of thickness the to been separated into two layers. In the two layers are of equal bulk. layer is w^hite,opaque, and consists lower only the have semen is turbid fluid in more minutes. allowed to normal stiffens like however, again yet having semen, tube The ; it soon, ropy seen. with a As if stick,so an the confusedlysquirm ant-hill had been spermatozoa in about. Besides under will stirred up livelymotion these are to 85 in the Male. be only seen cells,and epithelialcells, spermatic some little fine a granular matter. consist of semen spermatozoa of normal oval flattened, pear-shaped,shovel-like or Tlie an head and divided into middle piece the times should be show and 6. " day 300 normal are found, time, at first colorless crystals (Fig. 6). on The ten spermatozoa diameters. and after been has semen considerable hours is least at The Crystals. tail. a be the head. at least 12 greater numbers, boidal and which present in large numbers, a a piece tail should Spermatic movement When third middle length of Fig. stand a end thread-like long a the still tion. evacua- allowed to second or only single,later in transparent, rhomWhen incompletely of the Genito- Neuroses S6 Urinary System these crystalsappear crystallized, rounded the at ends. albuminoid them A. tapering Bottclier other bodies, considers authors nio-magnesicphosphate. I have also that they these crystals,and found phosphoric acid and magnesia ; ammonia ammo- examined of consist I could find. not As at and regards the time, it is,as has one very variable. The repeated the finallyonly the the lives,on of amounts which a The other time few remarked, hand, the the two amount greater discharged are is drops will be continently a more semen there Nevertheless been frequently coitus will each painfullyproduced. discharged semen before more smaller until become, man of amount at are coitus. conditions extreme easily distinguishable, ivdmely,polyspermia are and aspermia. of a largeamount Polyspermia^the ejaculation of semen at one coitus, is relativelyseldom I have observed. examined such a only once A case. very about man tospasmus, and to he lost such drawers wet and a with that felt themselves and he so were that must wet. with polyuria,cys- plained neuralgic pains, comnocturnal pollutions of large amount the bed through; declared various that me old, robust, yet years suffered who nervous, 40 each time after coitus have that semen his thoroughly the women urinated, for they I had the patient col- 87 in the Male. coitus, and discharged at one about found, indeed, an extraordinary amount, Yet the patient told me 35 grammes. that he lect the had semen been not able The semen. showed semen After spermatozoa. constituents with the white lower elements, were Somewhat either Its obstacle the of the that no In semen one lular cel- It semen. a mechanical ation (obliter- semen brought is condition. temporary in or fact the is produced, light by to in a aspermia occur after prostatitis suppurativa, he to produce semen during coitus, man be a me in rare very coitus semen. he of sexual nor I as was man, case 24 was observed I have old, which years This occurrence. whether to as perfectlypossiblebefore another robust a marriage,since the act seen been In prostatitis. aspermia of be have I case being able although this had in a it cannot not must the stimulus. married the or of ejaculatoryducts), or in is produced, or, if semen that sexual absence sought either discharge of the to the comparison aspermia is frequent is to be cause in semen, the that increased. permanent a showed living layer comprising more aspermatismus, and normal it settling, of the fluid of the the whole collect to he might perfectlyable at first distrustful sulted con- contract to a of the a perform had intercourse, yet he pollution produced man never discharge patient's of the Genito-UrinarySystem Neuroses 88 st("rv, but able, after long observation, to was The young disease. His formed ; produce from him the but the months semen ; my and the 24th his to had man nor year, oft-repeatedsexual of I believe semen, with do he Whether the reflex that, in this such in centre to be express an opinion. Cases of other unable was to me that recently again Since the case, have we to aspermatismus. of non-excitability ejaculationis,according to considered, Schulz, and In the cases of result. genital mal, entirelynorhad a pollution up never had been able, in spite excitement, to ejaculate absolute, permanent an excite to informed advice. professional apparatus of this patient was sought I tried later I received he and with met coitus patient Several no sound repeated letter,in which a normally were without ual sex- any prostaticurethra. in order testicles, both semen. still had he with times many had never genitalorgans excitement, sexual had of semen, the formation of liis assertions. correctness man in the of faradization spite of the examination obstruction no of myself convince I do not venture aspermatismus, temporary on to the Usually,in such patients,gonorrhoea with prostatitishas gone These also generally suffer at before. persons other the hand, frequently occur. same time neuroses, with now several, and of the often urinaryand veiy now ferent, dif- of 90 Neuroses of the Genito-Urinary System of the testicles, are blood and shortened pus, the in seen, motionless spirallytwisted shovel-shapedheads alone. infrequentlyappears, not examination, among the form blue, or as When the Since flakes bluish-black scales. spermatozoa in this to the semen there scopic micro- on spermatozoa, of a in is called azoospermia. is fructifyingelement is impotentia generandi. It is from distinguishthis condition tentia impoare that in cornflower coeundi, for patients affected with often the entirely absent are condition the semen, wanting, well the beautiful of with spermatozoa tails,or even or Indigo ing contain- semen and their spermia azoo- perform the act of coitus vigorously,and usuallyhave no idea able to is abnormal. semen after Azoospermia usuallyoccurs epididymitis when the latter was teral. bilagonorrhoica,especially Yet this is not absolutelynecessary, since inflammation of the spermatic cords alone an Azoospermia bring about this condition. may of the vasa takes deferplace by obliteration entia; the testicles to stopped,and in the only mixed If semen passage of the vesiculse the secretion seminales the spermatozoa ejaculatedsemen. the secretion witli that of this kind of of the can is no The the from thereby longer appear semen sents repre- vesiculso urethral be examined the nales, semi- glands. in a fresh in in state, it will in noticed normal the in only normal be in seen served. ob- microscopically, corpuscles will great ; transparent more to be semen slightdifference If allowed charged dis- Avill also be times some- seen, degenerated epithelium,and fat. are It If it be examined colloid there a been it has is much semen lymph molecular that amount. color will watery. sometimes 91 coagulates like it The and noticed be that the Male. settle hours, some well formed and numbers again, those large, transparent crystalsof phosphoric acid and From magnesia this of that the of account the vasa the spermatic crystals. of azoospermia after obliteration clear deferentia,it appears " ejaculatedsemen the seminal of consists vesicles,and the that tion secre- the cles testi- furnish only the fructifyingconstituent, the Since the spermatic crystalsalso spermatozoa. in azoospermia, it can be affirmed with occur certainty that they are peculiar to the secretion of the seminal The quick affords contain many appear third in a day, tardy or semen. and very because of appearance inference an of the power vesicles. as That to the these tals crys- fructifying is to say, if livingspermatozoa, not late, sometimes a semen the until tals crysthe is impossible crystallization fluid full of movement, such as a normal If, containing many livingspermatozoa. contain motionless however, the semen spermasemen Neuroses 92 tozoa none or in the appear Gcnito-Urinary System of the all,then at of course therefore,and the commonest half the the greater lier, ear- do is their is the worse semen pollutions and of sexual and excesses, Sexual masturbation. The hour. an causes spermatorrhoea are spermatic ciystals formed perfectly more and crystalsappear, number, just so much containing them. these The the cially espe- imply excesses ciated protractederections,and each erection is assowith swelling of the caput gallinaginis. Through this too frequent and long-continued swelling in the prostatic urethra, a catarrhal localized in the caput gallincondition becomes aginis, and a marked hypersemia and hypersesin the whole thesia prostatica urethr?e, pars sometimes whence, originatingreflexly,come and sometimes spermatorrhoea. That pollutions in the caput gallinaginis is at a catarrhal process times involved, urine of are pus such we that,in the pollutions,there with of epithelium,and spermatozoa. corpuscles, with the sound, patientsbe examined If membrane and the fact consist shreds sometimes patientsutter red from patientsaffected prostaticurethra the see is found loud of which floating cries this endoscope,it is sensitive so of found be to be of color,swollen, partlydenuded bleedingeasily. If the pain. region that examined a tlie the ous muc- with dark, cherryof epithelium, 93 in the Male, Inflammations of the prostate also have pollutionsand as a after of the prostate, sediment, or processes of the as the rhoea, gonor- seminal their appearance icles, vesnever as and hypertrophy prostatitis chronic almost can of inflammation In chronic Especiallyin pollutionsmake before. spermatorrhoea sometimes consequence. times some- the on contrary, spermatozoa in the urinary constantly be seen a proof that, through inflammatory gland enlargement, the sphincters ejaculatory ducts rendered been have insufficient. In affections sometimes known to its also obstinate The at and the alone in severe time same diagnosis of confirmed the presence In with osis, phim- well as hardly are nervous cularly parti- persons committed seminal sexual discharge microscopically. Of of spermatozoa plays here important r61e,yet only when the semen individual of would yet they semen, of cause masturbation. or always be too spermatorrhoea tightprepuce, not produce dischargesof excesses A Nervousness impotence. have sometimes occur. system, nervous infrequentlythe I have repeatedly,in cases removal, cured pollutions as phimosis,is pollutions. who central pollutionsand are by of the in question actuallycontains azoospermia, which pollutionsor with may must course the most of the tozoa. spermabe ciated asso- spermatorrhoea, JVeiu'Oses of the 94: the of spermatozoa absence evidence. fluid,on a In slide,must hours some Genito-Urinary System examined sucli is,of cases droj3 of a be covered ficient insuf- course, the and after for the characteristic matic sper- over, crystals. If be found constantlj^or very frequentlyin the urinarysediment; if the patient discharge after urination or after defecation a spermatozoa of large amount possible to semen ; or, out squeeze of if it finally, the penis a be often whitish drop containing spermatozoa, then the patient suffers with spermatorrhoea. If, however, the be negative,and only result of this examination take place at a copious discharge of semen night,then the patient suffers with pollutions. Mixed forms indeed, are, of not rare, yet either those of spermatorrhoea preponderate,so that this almost always be easily made. may If pollutionsoccur very often,the associated are general symptoms especially symptoms of irritation of distinction the symptoms nervous pollution or system, while, in with faintness and appear and true varied with them, the general form of spermatorrhoea, of impotence, depression, melancholy are most prominent. Patients frequent pollutionsusually suffer from symptoms and the most render exertion. dizziness in the head, which on the toms symp- morning after the pollution, tal patient incapable of every menthere Sometimes is a dragging the 95 in the Male. bit occipitalregion. The patients exhireflex irritability, so greatly exaggerated they start at every unexpected noise, at pain in a that the roll in the unsteadily,and highest degree noticeable that often Very made bare be the testicles ; while The and these patients. sexual excitement the country milk sea mental or or cold infrequentlyfound is not to is of the external electrical tion stimula- skin hype rsesthe tic. discharges is both At the same time a strictly life must be prescribed for It likewise at least ten- of seminal general and local. regulated habit of or patients observing carefully the the urethra the treatment avoided; If the occur. less sensitive genitalsare nervous noticed. spermatorrhoeait that words. certain and far so continual, slight,subsultus a will In strip,on to body dinum fails at the voice the heart is of excitement, in breathing difficulty palpitationof are changes color, the eyeballs of speech, a disturbance face the moment every is and clear that, before masturbation is it necessary must for the all, be tients, pa- sical phytemporarily,to avoid severe labor. An invigorating trip to mountains, water cure, in as connection well as with river a or diet The especiallyindicated. consist of easily digestible dishes, and be entirely non-stimulating. Spices, bathing, are should should spirituousliquors,strong coffee and tea should of the G-enito-Urinary System Neuroses 96 the and day, not to eat much too evening, before in the often during at a time. cially Espegoing to bed, only It is also better be avoided. extremely frugal meal, with little drink, the should be partaken of,in order that neither an and stomach intestines bladder the nor may be overloaded. sleep should not risingis particularlyto The bed should have and for heating long,and early recommended. be Tlie hard, well-filled rather pillow should The and, a last too be tress. mat- hair, horse- filled with body, thick, heavy, covering the coverlets should used. be never lie on the back ; and patients should never when in the morning they should they awake sal immediately empty the bladder, for,in the dorThe position,the distended return blood-vessels,and viscera on the increase the press thereby hyperaemia of the prostaticurethra. hypersemia intensifies also the sesthesia of tliis part, and The creased in- hyper- tively requires then relaslight irritation (for instance, a very heavy coverlet, a touch of the hand, etc.),to set reflex up contractions that is to say, Quinine weakness and and and iron anaemia from it of the seminal icles, ves- pollutions. as tonics are indicated predominate. From when phor cam- no lupulin I have seen great and results,and just as little from belladonna On the other hand, bromide of potasvalerian. Xt'uroses 98 System of the Cienito-Urinary large a sound be made to pass Nos. to 26 20 should always the orificium of the be chosen urethrse Charriere as can usually ; scale are ployed. em- sounds These act the on through pressure pars prostaticaas well as by thenweight. If there is at the same marked time h^^per^sthesiaof the urethra, we begin with may for this passing bougies, and Pitha gives preference purpose all the to wax bougie over others. much In very and the cold the closed, double rubber The end inflow is the vessel Fio. The Cold 7. on on the of cold of leads cold to water is an By the tube the elevated an the floor. outflow from tube with which attached. are placed in the water; empty suction current started, and Sound (Psychroplior). into tubes of the outflow metallic, a outflow filled vessel (called Winternitz) catheter, to and long better, sound psychrophor by (Fig. 7). This is inflow way, much sometimes works same the lower flows through vessel and the double sound the sound keeps in the Male. uniformly The urethra. stood 72" Fahr.]), graduallypass often that borne, while has [68" to fresh to observed tatic pros- that to well is not water the of the water temperature and I have water. pressure on air the in cold the begin with water (16" to 18" Reaumur It is usual varies. metallic the with connection in acts Here cold. 99 spring cold very water the at A well. ordinary temperature works very sitting lasts, at first,5 minutes, increasing to Should 30 minutes. bladder for a arise,the few days. Astringents also work liquidform as well as in of the suppositories, Dittel's be as very in beneficially, of small the form size of a a ral ureth- troduced barleycorn,in- of prostaticaby means porte-remede. For using astringentsin the into the suspended be must treatment of the of catarrh symptoms pars liquid form, my short catheter-syringemay manner employed to advantage, in the same described on powerful and page 28. If a more is to be lastingeffect produced on the mucous suppositories and Dittel's porte-remedeare used (Fig. 8). In the figure,A represents a catheter,with urethral membrane, open end is closed The and a by an obturator which just C, and rounds short fits in in the off the of silver. B, also made obturator ends made curve, an of silver. olive-shaped bulb, opening end. This At of the the catheter distal end is 100 a Xeiiroses knob, be fixed I use, of the Genito-Urinari/ of which b}^means immovably in for the System bayonet-lock may a the catheter. small purpose, tannin of or suppositoriesof and cacao-butter, of nitrate and cacao-butter 0.1 gramme, silver (tannin nitrate or of silver 0.01 in gramme, each suppository). The patient lying on his back,the porte-remede is of passed, under control left the forefinger, is in the which is then the obturator and the pushed it is given the in urethra. If cauterize the same we By a prostatic wish using strengthof double nitrate (i.e.,0.02 the of is done way, After ^''^'TSie''^'''''' deposit to caput gallin- of deposited in in. amount aginis,it been drawn withsitory suppo- possible to remedy has ; of this instrument means a rectum in a the pository supthe of silver gramme). the suppository pars prostatica,the in the Male. 101 patient lies quiet a quarter of the suppository has this time done its work. severe vesical It is then hour. an During melted and has for the best patient to of cauterizing, the If,for the purpose go to bed. stronger nitrate of silver suppositorieshave been minutes used, the patient feels, some later, a the neck and tenesmus the bladder. of sometimes, however, bleeding from slight,sometimes and sensitive crave the the pain and few until urethra profuse. hours the The be The is very patients bed. If After desire diminish, and urinate " sometimes profuse, cold the joerinseum. to " day urethra painful. position in at later next ensues, micturition horizontal haemorrhage be applied to A not the stinging pain a must compresses 2 the 3 or days the patient finds himself well, with the exception of a slighturethral discharge which vanishes in a I have observed retention of urine, day or two. profusehcemorrhage, and other unpleasant symptoms after cauterization. be cauterization can remain I therefore only undertaken quietly in bed advise that when the for from 2 tient pa5 to days. In very sensitive patients I use at first only half the dose, that is,half a suppository,and if this is well borne, the full dose A singlecauterization is not be repeated at least 2 or must than once, however, cauterizingwith or, at nitrate is then given. usuallyenough ; it 3 times. most, twice of silver should Oftener a week, not be Neuroses 102 done. Good Lalle by of the of I possibleby With the through described in take erections rectum tioned, men- ment instru- thra prostaticure- This fitted with perforated,for of hard a the rubber, on together the the and lished estab- again aroused, of semen and turnal noc- that Assuming relaxed condition has a a the trived con- cure of the size plug, of hen's ^gg^ olive- end graduallytapering cross-piece. The plug free escape of and is in T-bandage. This flattened plug, which presses page far Trousseau is a ducts on ceases, a pigeon'sQgg to that of sh:jpedon one end, the other rectum, tried, as so prostatse for a of is instead. compressor and is defecation and emissions. seminal be place,the frequentloss spermatorrhoeaconsists in of the ejaculatoryducts, his zation all, faradi- at enuresis desire pollutionsoccur of this may with sexual after urination press the improvement the that means of not or connection Sometimes made porte- already as means seldom pollutions occur is the of nitrate of silver. given amount spermatorrhoea predominating, when a of cauterization prefer place accurately in to of Dittel, because, it is 80. the results are lid's method, ma remede as Genito-UrinarySystem the dilated kept flatus,is place by what someolive-shaped, is pushed into the prostate, and thereby bring spcrniatorrlia;a.The and should relaxed about latory ejacua instrument cum i." in the Male. usually very it works, as When badly a borne rule, very varicocele, stone, and these all The of of (a) Since and will gen- be of the there renal of there being of the anomalies has of " bladder. alkaline an at the Sometimes earthyphosphatesprecipitatedby the urine the indican is found sugar and turbid urine uria, Teissier), sometimes been Urine." the and tion func- polyuria (urina (anuria hysterica), secretion 7ieutral urine, without catarrh the head anuria the the urine, which sometimes spastica), sometimes sometimes of urinary system recognizethese the few a brieflymentioned. detail under in found of description neuroses, anomalies We the in sensory now to examination a secretory neuroses secretory neuroses confined considered of the considered of secretion. see the often so most motor only The are time of must, of Neuroses are already been them We influences the in processes complicated the motor and scribed neuroses just desensory that they are tion of secondary consideraand are only rarelyobserved as independent certain by morbid Secketoky conditions. have by phimosis, up hy operation. ito-urinarysystem with kept harmful be removed course, 3. by the patient,and unsatisfactorily. pollutions are rectum, 103 or same we ing heat- (jphosphat- large amount times Kletzinski),some(^glaucuria, albumen temporarily appear. a of 104 of the jVeuroses The (b) system secretory polyspermia and it remains described, and secretory With glands. erection as sexual of of excitement, penis has ejaculationof semen the accessory tract, and consists gland mass Since Littre. to the the of this clear fluid must object of The the lubricate discharge of urethra the viscid fluid is secreted continuallyand first to describe ascribes as the in of the the the glands largest the that clear tion. prostaticsecre- be to seems thereby facilitate and which semen, without is called be of is this secretion greater consistency than condition This secretion of the prostate connection, it is this in like drop, meatus. prostate,of Cowper's glands,and of taken has of drop represents the secretion tal glands of the urinary and geni- clear, viscid the from as occurred, the oozes egg^ urethral the long before the place, a clear, transparent, viscid white sexual ready aspermia^ alsider only to con- of neuroses every the of neuroses include the soon G-enito-Urinary System is If urine. a fluid this of clear, greater amount, indeed sexual excitement, this the Gross was prostatorrlioea. this condition correctly. He cause Prostatorrhoea subacute^nd may be chronic transient tatitis. prosor manent. per- slightdegree it is often found the yellowishdrop ally when after gonorrhoea, graduand finally whitish and flocculent becomes To a colorless,watery, and slightlyviscid. The pa- fluid contain the the on Genito-UrinarySystem of the Neuroses 106 spermatozoa, no it may be either azoospermia or it is secretion from prostate.The drop is allowed to dry slowly the microscope slide,or, if a largerquantity semen of be obtained can for examination, it is allowed and hours to settle several If the beautiful the sediment is amined. ex- spermaticcrystalsare of the semof the contents inal (characteristic of a patient the fluid is the semen vesicles), affected with azoospermia ; if,however, in the tals slowly dried drop only the characteristic crys- found of salt common question is concentric from the amyloid are seen, prostate. bodies secretion the may Sometimes be in also discovered, certaintythe prostatic Usually, however, in origin of the secretion. the clear,viscid fluid are found only a few cylindrical cells and mucous corpuscles. epithelial which demonstrate On examination with with the sound the urethra is tatic generallyfound extremely sensitive in the proswith the finger per portion. Examination shows Sometimes, rectum nothing abnormal. dent, eviof a prostatitis are however, the remains such as hard places,pit-like depressions, asymmetry of the lobes, etc. The urine is on heating,the phosusually, phatic turbidity. is favorable ; The prognosisin prostatorrhoea the genito-urinaryneuroses, yet, as in most of the treatment ery to complete recovduration cannot certainlybe stated. clear and shows The that of treatment of seminal It Most to 40) be use of short The of however, desired effect, page 100) means results in solution, have by is these cauterization indicated. Dittel's rectum results. the is the of means page not of local followed (see methods times some- per however, best of here good very as same minutely that prostate given the been has catheter-syringe urethral by the has astringents Should, urethra and recommended, treatment. is remarked be may faradization page 107 prostatorrhoea emissions, described. (see Male. the in the porte-remdde have the 29). the prostatic (see IMPOTENCE. STERILITY AND AND STERILITY is of men few the ago were able procreative operation, for baths, the has semen sometimes the most desired begun lead and does It where is a of power signifies coitus, cases that generandi procreative coeundi in and the well-known the is the has always not Potentia of sterility the ability often fact to found is semen in coeundi perform upon the the potentia the unimpaired so-called to generandi. while absolutely that come solely semen, male gradually potentia depends taining at- processes truth potentia imply and examined have male the to the since morbid the on without closely more since established become male be understood, better be to to thrown treatment Only result. sess pos- sometimes however, part, to unfruitful usually local to men also of subjected, a coitus must case was was microscopically, which In that of act parties blam^e She wife. the the both Only held was power. the all marriage date. recent perform of in potentia generandi opinion to satisfaction the the most the years who of knowledge OUR IMPOTENCE. act in sterile. impotent 112 and Sterilitif who men, still sometimes if coitus attempt thej only of able are flaccid with penis,are impregnate the female, normal a possess paternity There to Impotence. not are tions Accusa- semen. this in rare also in literature tion. connec- of cases nation impreg- of virgins with a wholly intact,narrow the ejaculation in order hymen, where to avoid had taken impregnation place at the vulva or its neighborhood. Professor G. Braun, time ago, published some some very interesting " " of this class. cases known fact that It is,moreover, here and also there obstetric in clinics met girls in labor are with, in The hymen is found entirelyintact. the of procreation depends, the upon quality proof of this sterile of for the the most man's marriages are well- a whom power part, only As semen. often brought to notice, where the husband is remarkably potent and fulfils his conjugal duties perfectlyin particular; yet the marriage remains every sterile because the of semen the husband is unfruitful. In the generandi followingpages will first be the subject of ijotentia discussed, and, later, that of potentiacoeundl ; finally,a few therapeutic hints will be given. ^ince 2)ote7itia generandi^ as already mentioned, depends, for the most part, on the good or bad condition of the the male semen, semen first of all should in health and be sidered con- disease. (Oid Impotence. Steriliti/ 114 spermatozoa ous these granules forms. These still found. are also are have massed Sometimes in cylindrical resemblance some to the dark in the occur granular renal casts which urine in chronic Bright'sdisease. The spermatic cells are the breeding-places of the spermatozoa; and, according to Kolliker, out of each of a cell a spermatozoon develops. nucleus d. Fig. Semen, Normal 9." cells; c, epitbelium 300 granules. Normal after 48 (from spermatozoa; the 6, Spermatic prostate ?); d, seminal diameters. sheltered semen, hours Living a, still shows lightand cold, living spermatozoa from microscope. In spermatozoa which have died gradually after ejaculationthe tail is outstretched, or, at most, slightlycurved, under whereas the in those that are discharged motion- bent. spiral or rolled tail is either dead, the less,i.e.^ 115 Impotence, and Sterility which Spermatozoa in up a been have nal by injurious secretions (urine, acid vagithis secretions, etc.) very commonly show killed condition. The of the motion in fresh spermatozoa semen extremely lively. By whiplike wriggling of winds and is urged forward the tail the head is its way, without through the field. other striking against narrowest migration of This in passages the cells, the scopic micro- spermatozoa, ers observsuggestive of voluntary motion, caused in early times to regard the spermatozoa as indicated by organized living creatures, as animalcules the term, seminal [Samenthier" '' chen]. Water in albumen, sugar, these motionless their of alkaline favorable while acid arrests metallic the and acid potash on and the other their movements, salts and so that Animal acids. a salts, the harmful they gain re- secretions strength are spermatozoa, secretions, such soda of however, revive moderate vitalityof etc., have mucus, ; and reaction thin Caustic activity. the tails to curl solutions spermatozoa, former to the causes etc.,may, urea, of movements Concentrated loop. a the often and spermatozoa up checks soon as urine, influence. invigoratethe spermatozoa hand, cold completely as also do solutions of and SteriUti/ 116 manifold. The distinctions Aspermia understood unable absolute The is condition a to and It is either it during their whole as either in nocturnal Such years a His the sexual men lives,been patient, is either temporary. or of aspermia acquired. In who have able to sexual never, discharge excitement, pollutions. have case had this is excitement, is form Qoitus,under I observed been never that wife declared wet which congenitalor with semen in he had able to old, who, although 10 years, By Aspermia concerns by the following semen. permanent the first case or in are " relative, permanent absolute semen, of other or : ejaculatesemen. or rare. variable,and very absence " semen furnished semen ma}^ be drawn in coitus whether of amount is ejaculation 1. of male changes pathological The one Impotence. she had after pretty good, although not testicles were small, otherwise 40 man, been married produce semen. found never coitus. was a His remarkable. the self herpower The gans genital orpatient said The perfectlynormal. that during coitus he experiened the sensation felt a kind of satisfaction, of ejaculation,and In order seen although he had never any semen. the semen whether not to prove or regurgitated into the bladder during coitus, the urine passed were after the act but was with examined for seminal negative result. ents, constitu- single man, 24 years (see page 87). publishedelsewhere form of permanent aspermatismus no Another this of that case, old, I have For a usuallybe shown ; the condition seems merely congenital. The genitalsin the case appeared perfectlynormal, the penis can cause be to second capable of erection, the yet could semen no the testicles case often are be drawn system could In such cases in In we come of the erection. from be assumed or which Ejaculationis the lation. ejacu- constituent drops two the of smaller company generally acing, wholly want- of the accounts that other Schulz, of centre from and urethra nervous with assume, one the demonstrated. be no can quality of central reflex aspermia which glands and the than mucus first conclusions and case is secreted viscid the perfectsemen. no the only can absolute semen of either of non-excitability of furnish quantity affection No semen. In smaller, yet small testicles which the to as small, and not produced. be were with met testicles the size of the testicles From a 117 Imj^otence. Sterilityand patients it must of spasmodic contractions the lation perinealmuscles which complete the ejacuare entirelyabsent. More than congenitaland permanent common of semen absence the acquired forms. are The loia acquired are forms usually brought of permanent about by asper- affections 118 and Sterility of the Impoteiice. Not infrequently purulent lobar or prostatitis suppuration of the whole^ prostate has preceded. In the acquired form of permanent aspermia,both ejaculatoryducts become occluded and have the must dular glanprostate. of the prostate itself have tissue the part destroyed. The most duct sometimes only the in A from man once consulted had formerly manner one a of ; but Roumania, me cohabited some and since 40 He entirelynormal previouslyhe had had an of urine and perinseum,after the old, years of this kind. retention that time dischargesemen conclusion in years illness,with severe about for trouble suppuration in to of noticeable. is not a occlusion for nution perceptibledimibut usuallyit semen, causes amount been he had in coitus. He never rhoea, gonor- been said that fuse pro- able at the experienced a sort of satisfaction, althoughno ejaculationtook place. On examination of the genitaltract I found the urethra slightlycontracted in the bulbous tracted a portion. The deep, reperinseum showed where, apparently,after an operscar, ation, of pus had been a great deal discharged. In place of the prostate there was felt,per rectum^ flattened nodule, scarcelythe size small a of a of pigeon'sQgg, of the rectum contraction. he coitus was and the involved whole in anterior the wall cicatricial and Sterility In a of view doubt about and there had aspermia here 119 is scarcely been brought ejaculatory ducts of the by obliteration suppuration of the prostate. moderate Although the easily dilated, no toward the of He of aspermia. Formerly he of coitus in able was could semen forcible be made me but to At of patient complained account on childless. the within had the also and act year with entirely time same frequent a even appear Pollutions this time. within Vienna, in accomplish to manner, straining. ceased here married, but was normal a semen. consulted old, likewise 31 years be made was progress merchant a case, could stricture further secretion second A no condition this that Impotence. the scalding micturition. The patient of feeble was build, had hoarse a voice,and had with of the showed already suffered years lungs. Physical examination the at ness yearly visited urine passed only the contained of resort and showed the bladder. of ease as far be introduced and difficulty immovable as pain. tumor, the the into Per as The lungs. health pus catarrh with of the apices catarrh patient Roznau. the dul- The istics characterThe sound prostate, but could bladder great rectum large as a wdth hard, lar, nodu- the fist,was that tubercu- found. In this case it must be assumed 120 SteriUti/and Impotence. of the losis had here grown to prostate,which infiltration, unusually developed, indurated an had rendered and the ejaculatoryducts prostate incapacitated. Beside the these forms mia, with the sexual there is comparatively a apparatus. a temporary normal This impervious asper- condition form of of aspermia months, in or suddenly,lasts a few weeks and then vanishes as suddenly as it came. thus affected are Persons generally of a very Either nervous they have been temperament. from birth or have become nervous so through in venery, masturbation, or frequentattacks excesses of gonorrhoea.In the first case it is usually a certain anxiety,a dread of failure of the act the patient someof intercourse,which makes times impotent, sometimes ; in the aspermous last case, however, the gonorrhoealprocess pears ap- sets to have of the These yet been, in fact,the immediate disturbances nervous cause in the sexual sj^stem. in coitus, usually aspermous infrequentlysuffer with pollutions. patientsare not Sometimes such after inflammation at the neck Here a of of the reflex occur cases the after prostatitis, testicles,and catarrh bladder, followinggonorrhoea. neurosis, proceeding from prostate, is generally concerned, which the monly com- yieldsto appropriatelocal treatment. be Relative admitted, is aspermia, it must to do with Here have cases we especiallyrare. 122 and Sterility since it cannot Impotence. ture, strictlirouglithe narrow and the patient appears seen, pass be it cannot aspermoiis. Since, during erection, the caput gallinaginis swells and the urethra toward the is made stricture is bladder thereby riorly postethe since, moreover, ; much so closed the by narrower the pains of the patient,during ejaculation, easilyexplained. The semen, which erection,so is the are compressed in the the stricture, can part of the neither escape behind urethra forward nor lancinatingpain in the erection perinaeum during ejaculation. The subsides and with it the swelling now graduall}^ of the stricture and that of the caput gallinagini then semen usually flows back ; the the the it mingles with into bladder, where urine, although a small quantity may pass the hence backward, and stricture Such normal appear cases condition removal or the of In absolute the and are orifice of the the at of restored course by dilatation of the existingobstruction. patientis In relative and in so far the stricture permanent aspermia, it evident, impotentia generandi the to thra. ure- is involved is selfand sterile. aspermia male present,as the is sterility semen likewise charged fails to be dis- In this genitaltract. artificial impregnation with fresh semen an case maybe brought about, dischargedas a polluti(jn into the female Sterilitycmd succeeds which well very semen the procreative the as long be no of urethral as of the power talk of aspermia patient depends the although, semen, remains semen in which cases temporary quality of the solely upon in those In is normal. the 123 Imj)otence. absent, there impregnation. Sterilityin is, of contractions can cases ceteris course, paribus^cured by their removal. 2. Polyspermia. This condition is relatively than rarer a siderable conaspermia. By it is understood " increase at double be be found three allowed that of amount charged dis- semen single ejaculation,which even or semen a the in times settle in to only the If the normal. test-tube,it a fluid is increased them elements, among the the be may ; the cell- show, spermatozoa, comparison with the normal increase. Microscopically the normal; living spermatozoa are in will no ejaculation, semen appears in seen large numbers. A me 40 single man, on 3. this account (see page Oligospermia. By " of very small evacuated amount varies from found very at this 86). is meant of amounts a in advanced the gonorrhoea. charge disThe semen. condition diminution as in and usually the is wise like- age; of the testicles prostate, such The the singleejaculationusually This commonly consulted once 2 to 5 grammes. after inflammation of old, years eases dis- follow amount of 124 Sterilityand after these semen of another or one inflammations readilyaccounted is tract the of the in obliteration contains of which secretions lectively col- Thus, ejaculatedsemen. deferentia vasa the semen seminales as well of the that as diminished. In essentially ciated cases, therefore,oligospermiais often assowith azoospermia. already mentioned, the color of normal be very prostate may is semen whitish, dried The the longer the secretion of the testicles, the secretion spermatitisor prostatitis the Yesicul?e As by genital deficiency no after such in the for of the constitute and Impotence. linen in stain like of boiled starch. stiffens which semen, characteristic a of that the has, while manner, row, light,grayish-white color and a narIn disease,espebrownish-yellowborder. cially of the genital system, the semen may fresh, a shades. various assume These yellow color. the admixture become come from linen brown blood The : " brownish- generally due are in these to cases part, in the prostatic portion urethra, where, in the neighborhood most a caput gallinaginis, has semen. shades of blood. arises, for the of the found are of recZ, reddish-brotvn^and 1. Semens of the Thus localized. the In the The seminal first case chronic blood vesicles the may, along dried urethritis however, with stains on the the On the rustycolored. irregularly stains there are usually small blood- appear Impotence. Sterilityand specks,while in the second evenly colored, which mixing happen of the blood in the seminal yellow semen the case indicates with the 125 stains intimate an might as semen, vesicles. The pear ap- brownish- contains, usually,blood and pus in varying proportions. The of bloody pollutions is generally cause gonorrhoea of the posterior urethra, the pars Not infrequentlyin the fourth week of acute gonorrhoea priapism with bloody pollutionssets in. These often last only time and then disappearentirely, a short yet they prostatica urethrse. sometimes continue with and undiminished., them by local In treatment. not no general, in in excesses prostate and seminal The bloody pollutions in these stains on change the linen from red and Yelloiv and The are semen and ual sex- diseases of as in sometimes cur oc- come infrequentlybethe observed color to reddish-brown of the gradually to ish-yellow brown- yellow. The semen. usually due a are the organs. which acute on later and various gonorrhoea not purulent. In such cases have cases vesicles,as well degeneration of cancerous is many a may 2. is put until occur years check sequel of chronic gonorrhoea. also be bloody after masturbation then the if power, bloody pollutionsdo persistmany may to pus. yellowish or color In this greenish of these stains the stains case color. The pus Imjyotence. and 6'teriliti/ 126 for the comes, part, from most the urethra and during mingles only imperfectlywith the semen stains have not, therefore, ejaculation. These yellow color, but even an dried stain in smaller seminal irregularlydistributed. of inflammation in the pus The the or pus seminal directlyfrom these organs and evenly yellow colored. appear the first kind is very commonly inflammation the at the neck of the largerpatclies, however, may, vesicles,come then only found are well the Yellow stains of semen found in chronic bladder, whereas evenly colored pollutionsappear and the on appears marked rarely more in chronic sper- matitis. As for also for bloody pollutions,so purulent the commonest factor ^etiological yellow semen is gonorrhoea,and, as already mentioned, tlie become bloody pollutionsnot infrequently transformed into the purulent. 3. these Wine-colored violet or ually grad- Tlie color of semen. pollutionsis,especiallyin the dry state, It arises from indigo. The very characteristic. shows only a grayishfreshlydischarged semen violet tint,yet with the microscope it is possible of blue crysto demonstrate a large amount talline indigo. The wine-red color of this semen, which is due to tlie red indigo,often gives with bloody semen, test for blood modification occasion A shows to its once the the confusion microscopical or at of cal chemi- coloring of agent stain the bloody the linen on is very even of specimen contained pus indigo there in very stains, discharged linen, there on the semen, of is strong indigo and the In semen. ing contain- semen individuals, especiallyafter excesses or of jaundiced that show persons yellow beer color. Freshly evacuated, normal the tions pollu- brownish- a contains semen The livingspermatozoa in large numbers. of the majority of the spermatozoa is few a moving healthy semen field,with ocular 3, about According ereal ven- masturbation. also be liere remarked active, only of color nervous It may a usually living spermatozoa in Such pollutions occur are numbers. normal I dried in this case. yet there must infer this,because of seminal result which, with seen, grass-green is the which the rare. pollutions and as seldom though collection my even, never coloring of the is very I have semen be such, Besides, semen. semen, Blue in the 127 Impotence. Sterilityand 100 to the more should a slowly. show Hartnack in tion mo- very A the mal, nor- scopic micro- objective 7 and livingspermatozoa. relative numbers of the matozoa sper- distinct pathological conditions are recognized,namely, oligozodspermiaand azoa ospermia. By oligozoospermia is understood two marked diminution while in the azoospermia number means of their tozoa, sperma- total ab- Impotence. Sterilityand 128 Oligozoospermiaoften sence. yet age, often that it is found also secreted are The (Fig. 10). 10. " Semen h, dead corpuscles; in in even are, for the commonest of c, seminal g, pus granules. spermatozoa perfectlyfresh a part dead most cases Olip^ozoospcnnia. spermalozoa; frequently youth. Very more the few that and state, motionless FiG. still congenital condition a as it is found vanced ad- in occurs n. of Living corpuscle; oligozoo- tozoa; sperma- d, blood 300 diameters. of the spermia are the gonorrhoealinflammations flammatio epididymes and spermatic cords. By these insometimes is brought about comand sometimes l)lete only partialobliteration of the vasa deferentia. from becomes the The testicles passage to of the llie seminal matozoa spercles vesi- thereby very imperfectand scanty. 130 ter Sterilityand Impotence, do auonialies, however, Much azoospermia. form. more Here, a as always not involve is the common rule,there have quired ac- been of the testicles and gonorrhoealinflammations cords, with subsequent complete obliteration of In certain cases the latter. azoospermia comes about of gradually,at first with the occurrence until the bloody,and then of purulent pollutions, semen finallybecomes watery and the spermatozoa The bloody and the purulent to appear. cease semens generallystill contain spermatozoa, but and are in number they are usually diminished often motionless, and at last,after repeated observation disappear. Very they all at once about frequently,however, azoospermia comes without previous bloody and purulent pollutions. The flammatio intensityand frequency of the inof for the who men have had tlie yet have other hand, normal rule no There azoospermia. bilateral and 8 times On of occurrence furnish testicles the are epididymitis6 and fruitful or semen. slightpain in the spermatic cords and a mild, unilateral epididymitis bring about azoospermia; the most intense may inflammations of the testicles and epididymis often the leave very semen unharmed, slightinflammatory very processes testicles and The spermatic cords result size and density also of induration of the while epididymisdo in times some- in the mia. azoosper- the not ing remain- always Sterilityand opinion Impotence. azoospermia, altliougii bilateral, great importance, and, when warrant an it is of to as renders of the imperativean examination Although in azoospermia the semen consists of the only ulse seminales, the testicles is always in general. always are in the amount The in these of The exhibits of the and of that these consists properties ducts and often also crystals. masses and forms a times a not There the act day. to of settle in under the sometimes concentric the a seminal very spermatic not semen frequentl in- microscope colloid most of oval varied arrangement. also, fatty molecular cretion se- This granules, and consist the the is formed. well-formed shows to test-tube,only epithelium from numerous proves azoospermous a sediment exhibit coagulating which When azoospermous sometimes semen strong very belong not Fresh which in do urethra, of seminal of is not perform semen, testicles. mostly have several normal little whitish very there peculiaritiesof is allowed semen of secretion azoospermia, freshlydischarged, as the ous muc- of the able to are even same smell of who men daily and semen other materipJlyimpaired. cases desire,and who coitus vesic- potentia coeundi, also, is azoospermous sexual the wholly wanting, yet diminution a the the urethra, and semen. discharged from secretions prostate, and of the glands the 131 detritus kernels, spheroid ally, Occasionwith small. 132 Sterilityand Impotence. strongly refractinggranules forms In fresh vesicles. derived probably are are from they semen These seen. seminal the often form clumps shape of yellowish bodies of the size and grainsof sago. The so-called sijeymiatic almost are crystals found in azoospermia. The thinner of and appear is,the semen azoospermous the larger they semen they first appear hours, even a if day or drop is these sooner In are. after the They two. allowed be the crystals normal lapse of may stantly con- many strated demon- dry in the air on the microscope are then a glass slide. Under found stone-shaped colorless, whetimperfectlycrystallized, forms, usually lying upon one another or arranged in rosettes. chemical The composition of the spermatic Bottcrystalsis not yet clearly understood. cher considers Schreiner Other of a them authors or The that that these the vesicula3 lie an identifythem Charcot, wherever mucous the secretion authors crystals of occur from of substance, organic base. consider these crystalsphosphate even ammonio-phosphate of magnesia. later so-called they albuminoid an phosphoricsalt a magnesia the to there and with assume cretion profuse setains glands. Fiirbringermaincrystalsare present neither in from the testicles seminales, but also holds is in that nor only that a the in from cretion, prostaticsepeculiarodor Sterilityand of semen do not arises from belong the are found the greatest number, in Since, in the not least the rhomboid rhomboid incomplete boat or of is the these the stant con- tion asser- crystals of secretion colorless, and of system found are a these long be- crystals.Under rhomboid When rosette. a or so to prisms. Sometimes to prisms combine rhomboid is part, almost are semen, spermatic crystals are microscope cross, latter seminales. the vesiculse to the concretions spermatic crystalsare the in of pros- secretion disregarded,that be to in of azoospermia. prostatic the and forms, and semen in the azoospermous belong also, at The in the while only rarely found, secretion, for they beautiful most concentric common, are crystals. They surely orchitic moreover, the tatorrhoea these the to 133 Impotence. tablets two or form the crystals take whetstone, of which and more oblique crystallization an the form the g^f a tapering in bent an oj)posite direction angles are (Fig. 6, page 85). The spermatic crystalsare not a product of as was decomposition of the semen, formerly in azoospermous supposed, for they are found after ejaculation, and few hours in a semen normal semen immediately glassslide. That only late,often third appear the after crystalsin not day, is explained by until the drying normal the abundance on the semen second of or liv- Sterilityand 134 in such ing spermatozoa of movement, such In semen. a healthy semen, as take cannot Impotence. place. Only fluid full ation crystallizthe wlien matozoa sper- comes begraduallydied and the semen Therefore, quiet,can the crystalsform. after the in normal semen they are first found lapse of 24 hours ; in azoospermia, on the other have hand, in hour an usually a permanent affection. flammati temporarily only a short time after inis Azoospermia It occurs of the always of the one In with move when harmful unfruitful is riage. mar- the fresh,healthy semen other of causes catarrhal oligozoosper- and sterility, male involves commonest with in ospermia frequentlypractised.Azo- great activity. mixed or testicles,and coitus is too when mia two. or If the spermatozoa move however, semen, secretion,with substance, the acid be urine, spermatozoa sluggishlyor not at all,even ately is immedithe freshlyejaculatedsemen flammati placed under the microscope. During ineither very testicles,of the prostate,and of the especially of spermatozoa often are vesicles, motionless seminal the of tlie seminal found. vesicles spermatozoa, indeed sometimes found, on examination, to be In the majority of all of them, secretion, althougliit has reaction, seems exert a jjarniful an tarrh ca- the are The motionless. catarrhal to chronic alkaline influence on Sterilityand the is climiiiished the number that which Semen contains unfruitful. is tozoa at the the have they been time. same motionless only Whether spermatozoa, when speryna- motionless discharged gain genital tract in coitus,ever reI can mobility is not known. only the female into their that in several say usually observed, also, is It spermatozoa. 185 Impotence. found 1 have forced the the Professor because of such wives about of the condition abnormal has men, still contains this all the more examining the nothing abnormal on found living ones, some analogous condition to contains only a few, that favorable that generally have bent already remarked. abnormal ; and be and the semen living,spermatozoa not absolutely sterile, under only occur dead are or forms p"a.thological mentioned 3, those with only rarely and when the : tails,as of spermatozoa 1, spermatozoa ; 2, spermatozoa two tails. These alone, mingling with spermatozoa. discharged spirallytwisted large hydrocephalic heads 2 heads in which an conditions. Spermatozoa may furnishes but (oligozoospermia); it is although impregnation can formed am genitals. Semen, however, which, majority of the spermatozoa motionless, a Of sterilityin semen, C. Braun, I the with most of cause marriage motionless. spermatozoa seek to of unfruitful cases with with occur normally Impotence. and Sterility 136 of semen, constituents pathological with the microscope,besides blood and observed corpuscles and epithelium, is sometimes pus beautiful blue crystalline indigo in largeamount. the Among This is found and glands of which of semen free the then in semen of the movements possible; is this sory acces- charged partly dis- it,appears In the first place purposes. the of the partly before and semen dilute to made are prostate and urethra, which various serve serves the the with to scales, individuals. secretion of the The it the infrequentlyin not nervous very flakes and blue in corn-flower occurs general,by spermatozoa secretion also has probably the function of preparing the urethra urethra The is, for the receptionof the semen. in its whole is well known, length to the as which canal a belongs as caput gallinaginis, A well to the sexual as to the urinary system. let outan as usually serves canal, however, which urine, cannot, without acid for the modification, also serve an as outlet further for the epithelialcovering of the dilated urethra, especiallyin its physiologically portions, for instance, the bulbus urethra, is alkaline The semen. " " moistened I.e., tlie acids on to neutralize the urine the with of the the the remains urine of urine, and and the urea, these, act juriousl in- spermatozoa. In order, then, acid by urethral walls, made adlieiingto them, and to prepare them 138 SteriUty and however, nales from come evenly mixed within with ^^^^ the vesiciilae semithe semen, cauteri- accomplish much. Fortunatel}^,however, this is ^H^ tial '^l^^^^ rare The occurrence. diagnosisbetween from pus B the will not zation /^i, Impotence. the and from nales may by a of the be differenblood prostatic the a and urethra vesiculte semi- generallyestablished microscopical comparison the sediment urinary with the If, namely, semen. neither contain urinary sediment blood nor ever, if,howpus corpuscles, they it semen, they found are from come assumed be may the the in that vesicula3 seminales. Oligozoospermia is activity of of stenosis condition testicle the the which of or deferentia, a vasa is result functional diminished of either the brought about especially by epididymitis and funiculitis spermatica. There can be no thought of operative interiiianu's Dropper. lury fcrcuce uieujiai y/, Capii-^ij^^ ^j^ caUietcr; remains Hynngo. but of the accouut . their to arouse ,, , luiiicn , deferen- vasa ^^ ,, Pravaz the with . nothing fiueness ii of r tnereiore the testicles tliemselves SteriUtifand If the tissue organs. form to in a condition this the of At current. the spermatozoa increased in such Not favorable so Here have we atrophy is the do, of the of the faradization If tried. only of the singlerare there favorable be expected no more in inflammation for, even to be If impervi- of the but not be no a spermia, azoo- be may eration oblit- an present, ensue. may plete com- therapeutic testicles up, be imperviousness cause the in ever, If, howment treat- avail. then, azoospermia year, of the azoospermia be more all deferentia result than the plugging a with plete com- complete obliteration,this will be of A be azoospermia. If there testicles recovery be vis permanently in testicles,or of vasa cases as rule, either with powerless. deferentia vasa a result deferentia. vasa will be measures as of the atrophy be same deferentia, vasa even may acts on semen. to of the ousness the formation semen tergo^ dilatingthe contracted and large in spermatozoa induced the still is testicles the these infrequently happens not increased the time a of use of faradization direct accomplished by numbers, this is best and secretory activity, increased to 139 Impotence. as a when rule, is only it has to existed counting from a preceding testicle. If, however, the of ing longer duration, there is nothhoped for from therapeuticmeans, if the vasa deferentia could be made 140 and Sterility pervious,there would of the atrophy of of its loss Impotence. takeu have pkce ah-eady during this long period testicle function. If the epididymes or ened i.e.,thickspermatic cords feel infiltrated, and of inunction hard, resorptionby means the and bathing should be attempted. the ability inBy impotentiacoeundi is understood to accomplish the of sexual course interact v^ith erect penis. This inability is sometimes due be the to about broughi that sometimes make case of it possibleto of the penis and the should semen about place In the act. at the to latter the better ing understand- lyieclianism mechanism Kolliker of of of ejaculation and Kohlrausch " by the the spaces reception of of erections ^ Under : followingmanner the nervi erigentesthe organic fibres of presence erection of first be elucidated. muscular for the the in the influence which For impotence According to The coitus, and ejaculationis usually the cause plishment penis becoming flaccid before the accom- of male the can long enough last not finish the of coitus. come takes erection it does of time at all premature the the erection no the at an time, but proper fact that this * See are a cavernous widened tissue and also prepared large quantity of largequantity of pugj; '.'A. relax, blood. blood in and Sterility the explain of the erection which penis blood the cannot this end as it flows would never mass, addition, be provided in must, a is alone could flow perfect in, a There occur. contrivance a into the poured 141 not, however, erection, for if the blood the again,in out does cavernosa corpora Impotence. by nosa caver- corpora immediately flow out again, and omical accomplished by the following anat- arrangement. At the of the elements the opened the at nervi Joh. according to nae and " the through short with arterial cavernous Miiller,the the muscular erigentes. Thereby in the fillingthem cavernosa corpora the relax time same branches, anastomosing " erection cavernosa corpora of the influence are of beginning spaces helici- arterise blood. blood From partly returns through veins which empty into the vena lis penis, and partlythrough those which from the means of gaps under side the in the of the are cavernosa of of the interior with cavernosa, the blood outflowing veins, and the corpora relaxation cavernosa of the of the nervi the into the on corpora the reflux cavernosa, chief the corpora pressure is checked. corpora the forms poured necessarilyexerts by blood, the filling cortical reticulum, which receptaclefor emerge reticulum penis. If,then, distended dorsa- cavernosa corpora cortical the the on of blood If from now z.e., the be incomplete, a erigentes, the tion ac- suf- 1-1:2 Impotence. Sterilityand ficient quantity of tissue to veins, and blood exert the cannot the on pressure be penis cannot the enter tile erec- outgoing brought to state a of erection. The mechanism of erection, then, is under of the influence erections electrical stimulation cord. In. According to excited in dogs by system. nervous Eckhard, the be can of the brain as well as of observe we analogous manner fluence that in men erections take place through the inof lustful thoughts in the brain, as well of spinaldisease. Peripheral in certain forms as irritation also, applied to the genitals,causes the erection. full a pressure the of night, in the last dorsal the the on than known that seminales, such as position,the veins Also erections. erections longer It is also viscera powerful the vesiculse bladder, easilyand more empty bladder. an during excite with Thus, usually occur with an suflices to distention occurs of in strict gives rise to frequent erections. of the rectum, diseases Constipation,lithiasis, continence, above with of the all,diseases frequent erections. diseases of the prostate,are associated tory Especially inflamma- prostate are not quently infre- prolongederection of the of painful priapism. Finally, penis,and even it is well known that peripheralstimulation, as skin to the glans and applied in masturbation erection. of the penis and to the testicles, causes the occasion of Sterilityand doubt is,accordingly,no There reflex that peripheral well genitals,as able of the prostate, are conditions about the applied to irritation 143 Impotence. table irri- as to bring erections. Regarding the of erections excitation nerve-irritation, Goltz pheral by peri- found has that more promptly and brought about they are powerfully when, according to experiments on region. dogs, the cord is divided in the lumbar from concludes He a brain, and The experiment cord occur cord brain made have promptly of erections of the will be To existence psychical form of the occurs division the from and of thereby inhibitory well the currence oc- impotence, as mechanism of only also brieflyconsidered. conditions the corpora ginisswells subject, the also be normal are bar lum- peripheral on severed very must ejaculation of erection. supposition. with explains complete semen of to fullyexplained later. more Under check, inhibitorynerves been The powerless. nerves the also this from to severed the for argues more lumbar of the ducts with dogs stimulation, because nerve proceed occurrence hibitory in- also are designed are on plainly Erections the which extent, the certain there of erection^ which nerves the that this ; thereby with the erect cavernosa the mouths directed ejaculation of penis. With tion erecthe caput gallina- of the forwards ejaculatory toward the Impotence. Sterilityand 144 portion,and membranous behind. is closed bladder the at ordinarilyserves urethra, which for the dischargeof urine, is of sexual the clear from appears void to easy the in the with discharge semen. perinaeum during the toward backwards to the use penis erect, impossible very pain, felt ejaculationof semen the tightstricture,shows of canal a is erect, but Also the as caput gallinaginis penis to cases the the fact that it is when urine process devoted the by the only That, system. is closed bladder the this By time same in that the passage bladder is closed the to semen. Before glands the of of occurrence urethra the ejaculation begin the secrete, and to infrequently appears, with strong erection, as a viscid, clear drop at the The orifice of the urethra. tion object of this secretralize is probably,as already mentioned, to neuthe secretion not the urethral by of means them a walls, bathed ropy, for the alkaline fluid,and reception coitus, the in acid of the urine, to pare pre- semen. of ejaculation tuous approaches,a spasmodic sensation with volupis experienced in the excitement periWhen, in moment begins discharge of semen At the same through the ejaculatory ducts. Then time the prostate dischargesits secretion. the semen, graduallypouring from the narrow ejaculatoryducts, is impelled forwards, since it nteum, and the Stenlityand 14G Impotence. followingforms of impotence are to be is distinguished:1, organic impotence, which usually absolute j 2, psychicalimpotence,with its variety,relative impotence; 3, impotencedue with abnormal to iveahiess nervous irritability, in premature which culminates ejaculation;4, form of impotence. the paralytic 1. Organic Impotence. In this case, on count acof organic malformation and mutilation, The " of disease account on or of ity vicin- be perpenis, coitus cannot formed. this class belong extensive spadias hypoepispadias,deficiencyor abnormal and of smallness the and penis,elephantiasis penis,deviations erection on immediate normal a To of the in the due to in cavernosa and of curves partialdestruction consequence tumors the penis of the of wounds cavernitis,finally swellings in the pora cor- and surrounding largehernise and scrotal tumors, etc. Also generalcorpulence,with a very prominent, overhanging belly, may, in many cases, render the organic coitus impossible. With form of impotence there may be very strongly developed sexual desire. Ejaculationmay take parts, such place in a as normal manner, but tlie insertion of of the organic changes penis, on account mentioned, has become impossible. Organic impotence is, for the most part, absolute, and only rarely accessible to therapeuticmeasures. the An interestingcase in this connection, which Impotence. Sterilityand another published in I have 147 be place, may here brieflymentioned. J., 41 Adolf bookstore, Adolfine, because name affected with scrotum, were He originallybaptized was the with birth at his voice to and men's his assumed he sex the masculine genitals, and cleft feminine. sprout and medical established. From of and name But year. character, the careful a girl, Adolf, amination ex- this wore examination, the following condition found ; with had the scrotum half the a of split into somewhat was testicle completely wanting. in The the lower penis, very right half thighs cleft were scrotum female parts. than the ; lower The of angle left small, the the angle of the right left, and The none. subpubica was ated situ- was cleft scrotum. so that when appeared rose-red skin, The upper The there delicate vestibule. small firmlyadherent was spread apart, with The the meatus of the scrotum, closelyjoined to in the two thicker small vulva. a oi the pars pendula and urethra was thighs spread apart, the genitals appearance was contained the to a clothes. On the begun subjected to patient was time had the assume his 20th in a his considered until later his beard when as hypospadias extreme girls'clothes wore here old, employed years glans penis wall of the cleft scrotum. to the the like was urethra Sterilityand 148 Impotence. patient had strong sexual strange to sa}^, married, yet, of desire The and was, was course, able un- satisfied He perform the act of coitus. his desire by friction of his genitalsagainstthose of his wife, whereupon ejaculation followed. On erection half of the scrotum bulged out with the enlargement of the penis. This make to him, by patient desired me I operation,a penis capable of intromission. attempted the operation,and, indeed, succeeded in producing a small, freely movable penis, which could be partiallyinserted,to the great joy of the patient. form of impo2. Psychical Impotence. This tence It is is usuall}^of a temporary nature. in individuals. nervous commonly observed for marriage in advanced They are either candidates to " or age, who persons have masturbated early youth, or those who have had prostatitis, gonorrhoea complicated with of the catarrh of the bladder, and inflammation a great deal testicles. of In the first confidence that act his in makes find men of in the it is case to perform In manner. excitement their the have a promise of a great state a dread of not conjugalduties consequence action of account marriage contracted, in able These patient impotent. tliemselves, on excitement, and to power usually a lack accomplish the of the in of this vous ner- being a able suit- nervous nerves inliibitory Sterilituand from the fails at brain the and dread may sometimes of such be their themselves in the table and the When they have of to by spasmodic fibres of the trabeculce is the inhibitorynerves the fear and the same folds nosa. caver- only be those ganic or- in This cavernosa. corpora plained ex- embedded are of the of erection action stimulated of by In of catheterism. dread feels penis of the that corpora manifestation a of transverse contraction a come be- less than can which in move cavernosa the appearances ally gradu- seen the shows skin have stretched diameter touch contraction muscular is penis corpora the erection examination smaller, and To of the pendulous portion is These contraction the erection of harder, the the cartilaginous, the influence and The glans. to The sounds. manner. smaller the the on clothes the on worm-like and occurrence studied shrink, grow to due the on patients with unfastened of aggravated critical moment. fear penis is 149 Impotence, exactly fluences purely psychical inway, then, other of the inhibitory the action stimulate and nerves, the such patient is, at moments, impotent. In be to are not there of masturbation case taken unnatural their sexual consideration. into accustomed to means is another coitus, who normal for appetites,may Men the not tor facwho ploy em- gratificationof succeed in the 150 Impotence. Sterilityand performance of their conjugal duties, but still be fullycompetent to cohabit in the usual may with manner prostitutes. A failure in the marriage bed so discouragesthese patientsthat, after repeated attempts, they become incapable of gettingan tions erection, although powerful erecIt is also times. remarkable a that circumstance formerly in tent temporarilyimpohigh degree potent, become after a gonorrhcea,especiallywhen cated compliwith catarrh of the bladder, prostatitis, sometimes a other at occur may such patients,who inflammation or the of the the testicles. In these apparently exerted gonorrhoea has influence were the on nervous a cases lyzing para- apparatus of prostate. prostate contains in its superficiallayers ers, lining the urethra, as well as in its cortical layThe extensive ganglia,and other nervous to this plexi,interspersedwith arrangement belongs,among functions, that of tions. reflexlyexcitingerec- eter ordinary pressure of a metallic cathsound is not or infrequentlyfollowed by zation cauteristrong erection of the penis. Likewise the application of astringentsto the or It is also prostaticurethra produces erection. The well known that tumors of the prostate,calculi, inflammations of the prostate,are especially very often accompanied by painful erections priapism,much against the will of the patients. and " doubt is,then, scarcely a There 151 Impotence. Sterilityand that from prostate reflex erections can be produced. reflexes,however, are transmitted by the branches, and when altered way, in any these these rule, to all part, and take kind of these defloured away of marriage, the graduallyand the in is a In varied most gradual moval re- come patientsagain beone and not been where, cases later,however, the ; the after the only I know 3^eaTs after become give rise, as impotence. of latter will the potent. two however, processes, psychicalinfluences cases nerve by inflammation, as following gonorrhoea transient, temporary a The e.g.^ impotence prostatitis, explained. All have latter the wife had impotence passed bore women one child after another. affected Patients psychical impotence genital apparatus. In certain however, azoospermia is found. cases, These patients, when they lie alone in bed, in distinction have powerful erections very usually have with a normal " from soon paralyticform of impotence, yet as as they attempt coitus, which they generally approach with doubt, anxiety, or fear,there the is either The " no erection or a very imperfect prognosis of psychical impotence is one. usually favorable. Relative which the psychicalimpotence is that patient is unable to perform form in the act and Sterility 152 of coitus with Impotence. certain women In such onl}^ It is very the impotence is manifested unpleasant when toward the patient'sown quently wife, as is not infrethe case. generally plays least wife. from aversion an In on which interests, this form found. and time do can it when individuals such nerves, and to men a who men large number not quently infre- can at the sexual of any who men it is play who as endowed are so-called no a woman Impotencedue thing for rare such tive sensiary liter- tual intellec- r61e in sexual lamentable to with book-worms, partly indeed, from 3. the material is not perform the at willinglyyields large contingent is furnished by A men, are woman is still only herself. those any from impotence There with act, yet there of sion aver- contracted, are but affection, mutual or mutual a important part, or side,especiallyof an one marriages love cases natural tveahiess tercourse in- ness. awkward- with abnormal This form of impotence is always irritability. distinguishedby premature ejaculation. The affected coitus with enters man so penis upon " erect. Just, however, the act, even into tlie as he is about l)efore the penis can vagina, ejaculationand to begin be introduced immediate flac- cidityof tlie organ take place. This form of impotence with j)remature ejaculationis very common with persons who enter upon coitus 154 Sterilityand Lnpotence, wilts even queutl}'the 2;)enis Ejaculationalso is abnormal, not at all within since the vagina. it either does else verj- late. During ejaculation the semen comes no longer in jets,but graduallydrops,as it were, from very slowly the urethral orifice. This form of impotence is observed not of infrequentlyas a symptom chronic general diseases,as in diabetes mellitus, in the morphine habit,in cerebral and spinaldiseases, occur or " and of the cachexiae with On erection affection The is volved. in- are sociated infrequentlyas- skin of the found ered with- penis and without the into pain skin sound the of the genitalsis to the electric current passes with thigh and than even urethra bladder. found the of the sensitiveness diminished: of the cord genitalsare The The the Lesions only slightlysensitive, indeed anaesthetic. much the in is not the flaccid. testicles kinds. spermatorrhoea. examination and and of centres of various Not in much more that of the is ease quently infre- ity the vicinsensitive penis and scrotum. immediate The is not the cases is who The in whom of cause this form of tence impo- largeproportionof furnished by masturbators, and profligates desist from their practices. cannot always prognosis is the power lost, improvement clear. A doubtful. of and In young erection even is not recovery persons wholly may be patients,however, restoration is scarcelyto be expected. power of impotence varies according The treatment attained of 155 Impotence. Sterilityand or older different to the In ; in organic impotence, relief obtained be can about in the penis, the former as condition be removed hyper tropliiedintegument the in least the endeavor of be must made to infiltration. the treatment antisypliilitic will mercury traumatic have cavernitis,or of the cavernosa corpora here a favorable in the as latter,at in the corpora of the erect causing distortion cavernosa, the well as in infiltration With part. be formed. can elephantiasisof and must be may small, freelymovable a intromission of tumors case only by surgicalmeans. far so penis capable of In rule, improvement a of the improvement brought as epispadias,by plasticoperations, and hypospadias In affection. of the forms penis, orption bring about resvolved, If syphilisis in- and iodine with In influence. advanced destroyed reticular a age, storation re- of structure is inconceivable. Yet even for the promotion iodine, local applications of absorption,compression by of and sticking-plaster, lukewarm means of strips douching may large irreducible herniae as well as great swellings of the testicles, especially by operation. hydrocele,may be remedied be tried. The The psychical form of impotence disappears spontaneously, not when quently infrethe 156 and Sterility disturbances, mental depends, vanish. become impotent them have when they have a been which on Thus the men when suddenly may those snatched impotence however, their circumstances to by death, away their unexpectedly lost In these cases pain,grief,and paralyzinginfluence on the When, dear most have erection. time Impotence. of centres of course and improve erty. prop- misfortune the in or come be- they In such quieted,the impotence vanishes. the cases friendlyadvice of a physician,who the confidence of his patient,has a possesses favorable very Most influence. this form commonly, however, is found in nervous previously been addicted have gonorrhoea. had and in vivid and severe those excess, such " read have and Quinine, iron, cold and groundwork more of which them up the penis is by functional always they are occur no means ber. largest num- form travel extinct. at wished the for. wrong Local There that time and treatment is the the Much ment. treat- of erectile power disturbance, in worst bathing,country water the paint in the tlie cases or uals individ- general treatment. eflicacious,however, is the local In these a have of masturbation air and especiallymountain who Nervous books show make persons tence impo- masturbation, to colors the consequences sexual light who men young of the merely erections never must when then for have object,in an thinks in his trust patient becomes Since, local the point of the forms recommended : allowed With keep towel and or the heavy, metallic and the sound distal end the in sounds of Nos. horizontal tion, posi- the into bladder of means a pressure alone prostate, thereby manner it is well the increase acts the on infrequently happens even 5 16 10 minutes. depressed by so bladder, Here urethra, sometimes similar consists prostaticurethra. the a be Charri^re for from in the as so excited In there to remain are cases pulation. manito metallic being passed pressure it not in prostate are This usually from patient in the the on the for instrumental of otherwise tension attack sounds. curve, the sounds and the prostate, so impotence with daily passage 20 to 30, with that " 1. Treatment moderate the following methods The to of the explained in detail, from excited treatment much and potent. already been be may tient pa- place. The unexpected an so power soon very has as erections the in such the self-confidence sexual own when take cannot strengthens the manner by to applications, time a erection an local at erection an of occurrence a and creations about bring artificial manner, an of instruments means 157 Impotence. and Sterilitif while the after in the course acts " that sound a few of a the erections is still in days, in few tain cer- minutes. 158 and Sterility 2. Cold The bladder with the tube patient in action. with flow beginsto through vesical the other of the water used at the togetheron act a 51" to this only cold In well. of Avater warm over be may heat heat sound is 3. The three by one on of mechanical sel. ves- the temperature be that is, [52" 14" to be used. works water 16" to RdNot remarkably has no effect, [100" Fahr.] and circulate through the to observed in certain cases quickly and of cold. Irritation by means the prostate through the cold the best means of excitingerections. treatment means cold allowed excites exerted empty verj^ sensitive of from Reaumur powerfully than thence 9" to 10" Reaumur 30" It may sound. and Fahr.] may where cases half of one water-main, heat sometimes but by siphon from and patientsare 68" [63" to the water temperature aumur that If Fahr.]. water circulating through the sound prostate. Usuallythe water is of from temperature end, pressure from it is taken as through of the the sound half into the metallic tion, posi- the free end the cold the the horizontal syringe,and flows water to Here hand a the from through The sound back the or air is exhausted outflow the P$i/chrophor (see page having been passed into the sound The 98). Sound Impotence. erections of the more ^:""rs prostaticaure- Just as heat astrinrjents. irritants,astringentsalso act on of and the and Sterility Impotence. 159 Even prostate by exciting erections. simple irrigationof the posterior urethra with weak of zinc, alum, and solutions erections causes used best are in the which suppositories, urethra by 100). page other form of small of Dittel's means Tannin works urethral in the prostatic porte-remede (see well first,0.05 containing, at frequent in- not ever, astringents,how- ; placed are agents in suppositories latter gramme, 0.1 gramme. should Patients half the retain suppositoryabout urinating. On urinating, hour, before an penis usuallyswells and, later,erections more may be day, powerful and A 5 per the erections solution cent, of in a the similar due to douching in ejaculation, the of the urethral In the cold have nitrate urethral become sound dropper work paralyticform effect are of the of silver, dropper (see way. is with connection and abnormal associated mild caput gallinaginisby of local treatment favorable of weakness which irritability, premature frequentlyand urethral suppositories day, or at least every enduring. impotence nervous painfulsensation, a more every until applied by means page 138) acts In occur introduced other with These powerfully. the with with cold tions cauterizaof the means especiallywell. of not impotence the results encouraging, yet treatment v/ith the sounds, 160 Sterility and of sound cold the and sometimes may important Also coitus. long all other with connection excellent In where, the from attempts excitement water at must in treatment here accomplish should of perinseum. the of very other In slight degree then, should described contraction is observed local above of to carried be until the take a also the raphe men, perinseum in out the the and traction con- paralytic to occurs tion, Faradiza- all. in is the manner powerful bulbo-cavernosus musculus faradization the through distinct place. into healthy at not metallic a on phenomenon or For pushed while this musculus of increased, the muscles, impotence form normal, powerfully out the be the pole placed is current of the pole, in one bulging be to is semen sluggishly recommended. and the dribbles is rectum the ejaculation,the of electrode, form time jets, but in rectal felt is patients complete urethra, faradization purpose when It these Cold on bulbo-cavernosus this observed. electricity may discharged from suppositories, results. cases not be sexual strictly forbidden. be a for a tannin here advise for abstinence the even to Impotence. In many avails cases, nothing. ever, how-
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