1 Review of basic concepts and principles of biostratigraphy. Study of the different biostratigraphic models of invertebrate fossils in Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. LIFE RECORD The Earth is 4.6 by old. Life has existed on Earth for at least 3.5 by. Life on this planet has not always been as it is now. Life on Earth has constantly changed, with new species evolving as older ones becomes extinct. The modern biosphere evolved from the earliest beginnings. 2 What is a fossil? Fossil literally means that ”which is dug up”. Fossils are any remains, trace or imprint of an organism that has been preserved in the Earth’s crust since some geologic time. Fossils are the remains of ancient organisms which have been exposed due to weathering. Value of fossils 1. Fossils are the major bases for recognizing units of time in the geologic record and for correlation of deposits containing them. (Age of rocks) 2. Fossils serve as evidence of changing environments and geographic patterns during geologic history. (paleogeography, paleoclimatology, paleoecology) 3. Fossils show the course of evolutionary modifications of organisms during geologic time. 4. Fossils are part of the physical stratigraphic record because they provide much of the substance which make up sediment. 3 Value of fossil (cont.) 1. Fossils are the major bases for recognizing units of time in the geologic record and for correlation of deposits containing them. (Age of rocks & Correlation) Value of fossils (cont.) Dating rocks by fossil content LO: last occurrence Youngest Units of geological time 5 b 4 3 a 2 Oldest d c e 1 FO: first occurrence These time units may be of any length whole periods (say Cambrian to Carboniferous) or small divisions of one period (Webster, 1987). 4 Value of fossils (cont.) Stratigraphic range Time unit 6 5 4 3 2 1 Change in fossil assemblages through the vertically repeating succession of lithologies. Even though some forms persist through more than one lithology. (Cooper, Miller & Patterson, 1987) 5 A synchronous first appearance A diachronous first appearance 6 Value of fossils (cont.) Correlation by fossils Oxfordshire North Yorkshire (Webster, 1987) Value of fossils 2. Fossils serve as evidence of changing environments and geographic patterns during geologic history. (paleogeography, paleoclimatology, paleoecology) 7 Gondwanaland reassembled and some of the paleontological links that bind it together. Mesosaurus, a Permian reptile, occurs in S. Brazil and S. Africa; Glossopteris, a Permian plant occurs across all of the Gondwana components; Lystrosaurus, a Lower Triassic therapsid reptile occurs in S. Africa, India, SE. Asia and Antartica; Cynognathus, a Lower Triassic reptile, occurs in S. America and S. Africa. Paleoclimatology Correlation of three cores from the south Atlantic as defined by changes in the direction of coiling of Globorotalia truncatulinoides. Warm Cold Warm Cold Temperature of surface waters ↑ Abundance of Right-coiling forms ↑ The percentage of right-coiling forms increases with increasing temperature of the surface waters. 8 Value of fossils 3. Fossils show the course of evolutionary modifications of organisms during geologic time. Value of fossils (cont.) Evolution Relative size of the body Size of the skull Size and configuration of the fore and hind legs Eocene Present Stages in the evolution of the horse from the Eocene to the Present. (Seyfert & Sirkin, 1979) 9 Value of fossils (cont.) Evolution (3+1 toes) (single toe) Early Eocene Present Reduction in number of toes in horses The evolution of the genus Orbulina (planktonic foraminifer) in the Miocene is an example of rapid evolutionary change over relatively short time span of 0.5 million years, in which all intermediate forms are known in an exceptionally complete stratigraphical sequence. O. universa (16 ma) Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny O. suturalis P. glomerosa circularis P. glomerosa glomerosa P. sicana Gs. bisphaericus (16.5 ma) P. glomerosa curva Photomicrographs taken from A.Hakyemez, 2007 Northern Cyprus 10 3.8 my Value of fossils (cont.) Evolution The five major mass-extinctions of the Phanerozoic. (Modified from Sepkoski, 1982) (Doyle, 1997) 11 Value of fossils (cont.) Mass extinction Paleogene-forms Pg Paleogene K Cretaceous Cretaceous-forms Survivor - forms (Doyle, 1997) Early Paleocene 3.8 my 12 Value of fossils 4. Fossils are part of the physical stratigraphic record because they provide much of the substance which make up sediment (Fossiliferous limestone). (Observable physical feature of the rock stratigraphic unit) WHAT TINY THINGS CAN TELL US The science of Micropaleontology is the study of microfossils, the microscopic remains of animals, plants and protists belonging mostly to biological groups of simple organisation (single cell) and less than a millimetre in size. • The remains of unicellular and multicellular organisms; • The dissociated and skeletal fragments of macroorganisms. 13 MICROFOSSILS Some of the more important groups of microfossils include: Foraminifera, Calcareous nannofossils / Coccolithophores Spores and Pollen, Dinoflagellates, Radiolarians, Diatoms, Ostracodes and Conodonts. Micropaleontology is perhaps the largest branch of paleontology, with many specialists world-wide. Because of their small size and frequently very high numerical abundance in rocks and sediments, microfossils are the most commonly used fossils for applied research. They are extremely useful in age-dating, correlation and paleoenvironmental reconstruction, all important in the oil, mining, engineering, and environmental industries, as well as in general geology. 14 Microfossils span the marine environment from the abyssal plains of the deep sea to the salt marshes of the inter-tidal zone, the freshwater aquatic environments of rivers and lakes and the terrestrial realm. These organisms were extraordinarily abundant and diverse in the past and continue to be so in modern environments, in many cases forming the primary elements in organic productivity cycles and food chains. The production of these organisms is a basic component of the global biogeochemical system, intimately linked to present and past environmental change. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION One of the most important applications of micropaleontology today is in oil exploration. Petroleum is derived from decayed phytoplankton, microorganisms that live in the sea. When phytoplankton die, they sink to the sea floor where they begin to accumulate. 15 Phytoplankton Phytoplankton are the autotrophic component of plankton. The name comes from the Greek terms, phyton or "plant" and πλαγκτος ("planktons"), meaning "wanderer" or "drifter". Most phytoplankton are too small to be individually seen with the naked eye. However, when present in high numbers, they may appear as a green discoloration of the water due to the presence of chlorophyll within their cells (although the actual color may vary with the species of phytoplankton present due to varying levels of chlorophyll or the presence of accessory pigments such as phycobiliproteins). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytoplankton Dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella Phytoplanktons Diatoms 16 The deposited phytoplankton is covered by other sediments and pushed deeper into the crust of the Earth, where it is subjected to higher pressures and temperatures. Only then will phytoplankton change structure and become kerogen, heavy oil and finally light oil, which is used for petroleum. This complex process means that not all formerly marine environments will yield petroleum. The remains of phytoplankton, microfossils, in petroleumbearing rocks undergo changes in colour because of heat. Micropaleontologists study their alteration in colour to define possible areas for oil exploration. When these fossilised microorganisms are pale or orange the sediment is immature, when they are brown the rocks are mature, indicating oil, and when the fossils are black, they indicate gas. 17 FOSSILISATION The process by which dead organisms (or parts of organisms) are transformed to fossils is known as fossilisation. When animals or plants (organisms) die, their fleshy parts quickly decompose or sooner or later the solid parts of their skeletons or shells likewise vanish without leaving a trace. The four phases of FOSSILISATION process The four phases of the fossilisation process, from life, through death and on to burial. Death can occur through a variety of factors, and the processes which act upon an organism before and after burial determine whether it is to be preserved as a fossil in the sedimentary record. (Doyle, 1997) 18 FOSSILISATION Sketch illustrating the fate of shark remains through the death-burial-erosion cycle. Width of arrows indicates magnitude of loss-gain factors. Note that the main part of the shark skeleton is not fossilised because it is cartilaginous. FOSSILISATION Rapid formation of a layer of sediment over an organism protects the residue from mechanical destruction; it also shuts out the air, slows down or even stops processes of decomposition. Decomposition may be prevented or retarded by burial in soft mud / volcanic ash / low temperature / dry air / tar, resin. 19 FOSSILISATION The conditions for fossilisation are determined by series special favorable circumstances, • Comprising quick burial of the organism under a layer of sediment (Rapid sedimentation encourages good preservation) or tar or resin, etc. • The physical and chemical properties of the environment (including sediment; fine-grained sediments are also good for preserving fossils because of the low O2 content) (Low temperature) • The nature of organic residue itself. • The conditions to which the fossil containing sediments were secondarily exposed. Types of preservation Unaltered Soft Parts: The organism may be entirely preserved [soft (organic) and skeletal (inorganic) parts] because of the protection from bacteria. Unaltered Hard Parts: The soft part is decomposed, but the hard part is preserved. • • • • • Calcitic shells Aragonitic shells Phosphatic shells Siliceous shells Resistant Organic Hard parts Altered Hard Parts: Many fossils show alteration of their original structure. 20 Type of preservation Microfossils How a dead bivalve becomes a fossil. The sequence of stages between the death of the organism, and its preservation in various ways. (Benton & Harper, 1977) Types of preservation Unaltered Hard Parts: The soft part is decomposed, but the hard part is preserved. 1. Calcitic shells: (CaCO3 : Calcite) It is one of the most widely used skeletal substance by the animals. 2. Aragonitic shells: (CaCO3 : Aragonite) It is unstable mineral and tends to be removed in solution or recrystallized into calcite. 3. Phosphatic shells: (Ca3PO4 : Tricalcium phosphate) It is chemically resistant. 4. Siliceous shells: (SiO2.nH2O: Opal) Amorphous hydrous silica. It is unstable, unaltered forms are largely restricted to rocks of Cenozoic age. 5. Resistant Organic Hard parts: Certain organic compounds (molecules of C, H, O and other elements) are resistant to bacterial action. 21 Types of preservation Altered Hard Parts: Many fossils show alteration of their original structure. • Change in physical structure • Change in chemical composition • Rearrangements of molecules • Removals of molecules • Additions of molecules • Substitions of molecules Type of preservation Altered Hard Parts recrystallization (Benton & Harper, 1977) 22 Type of Preservation Recrystallization Arrangement of the original molecules in crystalline aggregates. In complete recrystallization the original microstructure is lost and the shell is converted into a mosaic of interlocking crystals. (structure change) Calcite → Calcite Aragonite → Calcite Type of Preservation Dehydration and crystallization Wall material loses its water Opal (SiO2.nH2O) → Chalcedony or Quartz (SiO2) 23 Type of preservation Altered Hard Parts Replacement (Benton & Harper, 1977) Type of Preservation Replacement Solution of the hard structure of shell Deposition of some other mineral substance in the voids Substitution of one chemical ion for another in a mineral. Pyritization: Chalcedony/Quartz , Calcite/Aragonite → replaced by pyrite Calcitization: Chalcedony/Quartz → replaced by calcite/aragonite Silicification: Calcite/Aragonite → replaced by chalcedony/quartz Dolomitization: Calcite/Aragonite → replaced by dolomite Carbonitization: replaced by carbonate minerals; siderite, rhodocrosite 24 Type of Preservation Traces of animals Burrows: are the excavations of an animal made into soft sediment. Boring: are holes made by an animal into shells, rock, wood, or hard sediment. Coprolites: are the fossilized excrement of animals. CLASSIFICATION Classification is the arrangement of things in categories. The formal arrangement of organisms in the groups of a hierarchy of taxonomic categories. Taxonomy: The science of the orderly arrangement of things. The systematic classification of organisms. 25 Species are groups of individuals that generally look like each other and can interbreed together to produce offspring of same kind. They can’t interbreed with other species. (Blood relationship) (Biological definition) Species are assemblages of individuals having identity or near identity of form and anatomical features, except for sex differences, and measurable distinctness from other assemblages. Apart of the minor differences, all members of a species share a range of features which they are not shared by any other species. In other words, they consistently resemble each other more than members of any other groups. In order to understand the concept of species, it is very necessary to take account of the fact that No two indivuduals are absolutely identical. Individuals belonging to any one species vary in size, shape, and many details of external and internal characters. Species comprises a population. 26 The concept of the species in Paleontology In biology, the term species is used to illustrate morphological (e.g.shape and size), behavioural (e.g.birdsong and hibernation) and genetic differences between organisms, and as such is genetically accepted as the natural taxonomic unit. A modern definition of a biological species would be ‘a group of inidividuals that look alike and that are able to interbreed to produce fertile young’. In paleontology, the interpretation of fossils as biological species is important to the interpretation of ancient environments. The concept of the species in Paleontology However, without the aid of a time machine, it is impossible to determine whether groups of fossils were able successfully to interbreed, although individuals sexes have been recognised for some fossil groups. The determination of true species is especially difficult in fossils. Paleontologists have to rely heavily upon the first part of the definition of species, and recognise groups which look like each other. Therefore the morphology of a fossil group has the greatest importance in paleontology, and the accurate recognition of new species is reliant on stringest methods to identify accurately both differences and similarities in shape and form. 27 The concept of the species in Paleontology Three methods can be used to determine species in paleontology: Morphological resemblence Biometry Shape analysis All three are effectively different components of the same process: the analysis of morphology. CLASSIFICATION Morphology of the specimen to be identified is compared with a population Angle of apex, shape of fold, number of ribs, overall size,etc. Population of collected specimens Comparison of a single brachiopod specimen with a large population of individuals judged to represent a single species. If the morphology of the individual falls within the range of the large population most paleontologists would consider that the individual belongs to the same species. (Cooper, Miller & Patterson, 1987) 28 Cartoon demostrating the concept of taxonomic hierarchy (Doyle, 1997) Individals Species-Homo sapiens: wise man Genus – Homo: man Family – Hominidae: human, near humans Order – Primates : monkeys, apes, men Class – Mammalia: mammals Phylum – Chordata: animals with backbones Kingdom – Animalia : animals The categories of biological classification within each Kingdom as illustrated by Homo sapiens. Open University 29 Linné classification • Indivuduals • Species (is fundamental unit) • Genus • Subfamily • Family • Superfamily • Suborder • Order • Class • Phylum • Kingdom Increasing inclusiveness The scientific classification of the organisms was created for the first time by the Swedish naturalist, Linné in 1758. Species nomenclature Globigerina bulloides / Globigerina bulloides Such nomenclature is binominal. The first name is the name of the genus to which the species belongs and it is written with an initial capital letter. The second word is the so-called trivial name and it begins with a small letter. Combination of the generic names and species names must be written in italics or underlined. 30 Species nomenclature Fixation of names: Type species is an individual belonging to an assemblage and is chosen to represent the taxonomic unit. The type of a species is a particular specimen. This single individual is called holotype. Kingdoms 31 All organisms are composed of cells. There is a fundamental difference between organisms based on the type of cells: Prokaryotes lack a well defined cell nucleus and intracellular organelles Eukaryotes possess cell nucleus and specialized organelles (Doyle, 1997) Prokaryotes Archaeobacteria are the most primitive life forms, probably ancestral to all other life forms— some can tolerate extremely high temperatures and hostile chemical environments; others can live in the absence of oxygen Eubacteria are slightly more advanced—some are capable of photosynthesis 32 Eubacteria (Stromatolites built by Eubacteria) Bacterial filaments Modern stromatolites Precambrian stromatolites Protists Single-celled organisms, including: Algae Dinoflagellates Diatoms Calcareous nannoplanktons Radiolarians Foraminifers Affinity to Plants Affinity to Animals The preserved microfossils of protists are extremely useful for dating. 33 Protists Dinoflagellate Diatoms Calcareous nannoplanktons Protists Dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella Diatoms 34 Protists Planktonic foraminifers Radiolarians Adaptation to environment Ecology is the study of the mutual relationships between organisms and their environment, including the rock substrate. 35 Some organisms live on the land, and some live in the water. • Land-dwellers are called terrestrial organisms • Water-dwellers are called aquatic organisms • Marine (inhabit saline sea water) - salinity of sea water is about 34 - 36 parts per thousand total dissolved solids, or about 3.5% salt. • Non-marine (inhabit freshwater) - salinity of freshwater is about 1 part per thousand total dissolved solids, or about 0.1% salt. Includes rivers, freshwater lakes, springs, caves, wells, groundwater. Brackish (inhabit water of intermediate salinity) - brackish water is a mixture of fresh water and sea water, and may be found in bays, deltas, lagoons, estuaries, harbors, etc. Hypersaline - water of very high salinity, such as the Great Salt Lake, Dead Sea, and some tropical bays and lagoons with high evaporation rates. 36 Kinds of Marine environments Subdivision of the sea floor Subdivision of the depth zones of the water Intertidal region Continental shelf Continental slope Abyssal plain Trench Littoral zone Sublittoral zone Bathyal zone Abyssal zone Hadal zone Subdivision of Marine environment Neritic environment Oceanic environment Neritic Oceanic environment Intertidal region (Boggs, 2001) 37 Marine LIFE - lifestyles Planktonic organisms: floating Nektonic organisms: swimming Benthonic organisms: At the bottom (Benton and Harper, 1997) Marine organisms Modes of life Planktonic organisms: live free in the sea. They do not have organs to help them move. Because of their low body density, they are able to float/ drift. Nektonic organisms: move actively in search of food by means of swimming organs. Benthonic organisms: live in a very close relationship to the bottom. 38 Benthonic organisms 1. Vagile (mobile / vagrant) organisms: The movement of them is limited by their contact with the substrate. 2. Sessile (seated) organisms: are fixed to / sit on the substrate or another organism. Since they do not move, they are completely under the influence of their environment. Thus they are excellent environmental indicators. • infaunal - living beneath the sediment surface • epifaunal - living on top of the sediment surface . Ecology of Foraminifera Foraminifera are aquatic organisms, found in both freshwater and marine environments. Approximately 5000 species are benthic and live on the bottom of the ocean, on shells, rock and seaweeds (epifaunal) or in the sand or mud at the bottom (infaunal). About 100 species are planktonic and live in the upper 200 meters of the water column. 39 Foraminifera are found in all marine environments, from the intertidal to the deepest ocean trenches, and from the tropics to the poles. Species of foraminifera can be very particular about the environment where they live. In other words, some are abundant only in the deep ocean, others are found only in brackish estuaries or salt marshes along the shore, and most live at certain depths and water temperatures in between. Because different species of foraminifera are found in different environments, paleontologists can use their fossils to determine past environments. Some foraminifera from families such as Allogromidae and Lagynidae inhabit freshwater. Freshwater Foraminifera from Lake Geneva Gromia brunneri (1,2) Gromia gemma (3) Gromia squamosa (4) Gromia saxicola (5,6) Gromia linearis (7,8) http://homepage.univie.ac.at/maria.holzmann/papers/Picture_Gallery.pdf 40 What controls Foraminifera distribution? There are many parameters which influence foraminiferal distribution in aquatic life. Physical variables (Temperature, Water depth, Hydrostatic pressure, Light intensity, Sediment type, Current systems). Chemical variables (Salinity, Nutrient and Oxygen, Dissolved calcium carbonate). Biological interactions (Predation and Competition). Temperature: Each species is adapted to a certain range of temperature conditions. They cannot tolerate the great variation of temperature. So temperature acts a barrier of the dispersal of marine animals. Every species adapt themselves into a certain range of temperature conditions to have successful reproduction. This range is very narrow for low-latitude benthic faunas which is in tropical climate. However, this range is getting wider throughout polar regions. Stratification of the oceans show that lower layers of water are progressively colder than the surface layers. For example, average temperature is 28 ºC in tropical waters but average less than 4 ºC in the abyssal waters. Planktonic foraminifers distribute bipolar and show the characteristics of both southern and northern subtropical waters. 41 How benthic and planktonic foraminifer abundance and general composition change with depth and salinity (from Armstrong and Brasier, 2004). Salinity: The concentration of dissolved salts in sea water varies when there is strong evaporation or a dilution from rain water or runoff from lands. These changes may affect the adaptation of marine organisms. For example, Planktonic foraminifera have a very low tolerance to the salinity changes (Stenohaline) Highest diversity of foraminifera inhabit environments with normal marine salinities (~35 ‰). The low salinity (<17 ‰) environments such as brackish lagoons and marshes show low diversity of agglutinated foraminifera and some hyaline forms. The hypersaline (~40 ‰) waters with high carbonate ion concentrations are favorable to porcelaneous Miliolina. 42 Light: (amount of light): Light intensity is not thought to control the distribution of Foraminifera directly, though it may show an indirect control because symbiotic algae living together with foraminifera need light for photosynthesis. Floating microscopic plants and some single-cell organisms in the photic zone are the source of food to other organisms. Thus, the zone of light penetration in the oceans (the photic zone) is attractive to foraminifera. Photic zone is affected by water clarity and the incient angle of Sun’s rays. Nutrient and oxygen: If the food supply is low, as in deep sea, foraminiferal densities tend to be high but diversity can be low. However if the food supply is high, foraminiferal diversities tend to be high. Also, high rate of nutrients lead the anaerobic conditions thus scarce foraminifera. Oxygen deficiency does not eliminate foraminifera because of their low oxygen demand. Depth: Foraminifera are found from sea level to more than 10000 meters. The relative proportion of planktonic to benthic species varies according to depth with shallow waters having 0 % and in deep waters (>1000 m) having 100 %. Below 3000 meter only agglutinated foraminifera can be found because of the solubility of calcium carbonate with increasing depth, calcareous foraminifera are unknown. Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure influences foraminifera indirectly through its effect on the rates of reactions in sea water and on the solubilities of gases, such as CO2 which is necessary to the formation of calcium carbonate. 43 How benthic and planktonic foraminifera change with depth and latitude in the Pacific Ocean from Armstrong and Brasier, 2004. 44 Substrate: may affect the distribution of the foraminifera. At the bottom of the sea one can have hard rock, gravels, sands, clays, muds, etc. These conditions affect the distribution of marine benthonic organisms. Foraminifera from coarser substrates tend to be thick-walled, heavily ornamented forms of lenticular or globular shape. Low energy habitat with fine-grained substrates are attractive to many infaunal species with thin, delicate and elongate shell. Dissolved calcium carbonate: Solubility of calcium carbonate increases with increasing depth. Below 500 m water is considered undersaturated and calcium carbonate tend to dissolve. Most carbonate goes into complete solution below 4500-5000 meters. Below the level of complete carbonate dissolution, only some agglutinated, but no calcareous foraminifera is found. Current systems: Currents systems affect the distribution of sediment and the mechanical action of currents affect the postmortem transport of foraminiferal tests. However, foraminifera are mostly adapted to calm waters. 45 Biological interactions, such as predation and competition, must also play a role, although this is poorly understood and difficult to quantify. When the density of foraminifera becomes great, foraminifera have been observed to migrate away from the crowded areas. The main relationship among foraminifera is symbiosis, for example, between foraminifera and many tiny algae is common. Selected algae, either chlorophyceans, rhodophyceans, dinophyceans or diatoms, are found in combination with specific hosts. Because of the different light preferences of their algae, the foraminifers occupy different depth ranges in the photic zone (<200 m). Importance of Foraminiferal Ecology Despite their small size, Foraminifera are useful to geologist, paleobiologists and paleoceanographers because of their wide distribution and their ability to preserve a record of past oceanic conditions in the calcite of their tests. Understanding the present-day patterns gives an insight into oceanic and climatic systems throughout Earth’s history. Because different species of foraminifera are found in different environments, paleontologists can use their fossils to determine past environments. 46 Since planktonic foraminifera are surface seawater dwellers, they reflect changes in surface seawater, while benthic foraminifera especially from the deeper regions of oceans, are reliable representatives of changing bottom water conditions. If a sample of fossil foraminifera contains many living species, the present-day distribution of those species can be used to infer the environment there when the fossils were alive. Even when samples contain all or mostly extinct species data, such as species diversity, the relative numbers of planktonic and benthic species which is planktic/benthic ratio are used to infer past environments. In addition to using species distributions or to study past environments, the chemistry of the shell can tell us about the chemistry of the water in which it grew. Most importantly, the ratio of stable oxygen isotopes depends on the water temperature, because warmer water tends to evaporate off more of the lighter isotopes. Studies of stable oxygen isotopes in planktic and benthic foraminifer shells have been used to map past water temperatures. These data help us understand how climate has changed in the past and thus how it may change in the future. Research subject: Effect of seawater carbonate concentration on foraminiferal carbon and oxygen isotopes ???? 47 The relationship of density and diversity In the most hostile environments, communities commonly display a low diversity, composed of opportunistic species which reproduce rapidly. Under normal conditions, communities may be more stable and diverse, composed of equilibrium species with less need to reproduce rapidly and in great numbers. (Doyle, 1997) 48 FORAMINIFERA LIFE CYCLE Microspheric forms Form B small initial chamber large test large number of chambers less common in nature reproduce asexually Megalospheric forms Form A large initial chamber small test few number of chambers more common in nature reproduce sexually 49 50 51 52
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