Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Numerical Methods FEQA MSc Lectures, Spring Term 2000 Data Modelling Module Lecture 2 Implied Volatility Professor Carol Alexander Spring Term 2000 1 THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 1. What is Implied Volatility? • Implied volatility is: – the volatility of the underlying price process that is 'implicit' in the market price of the option, or put another way: – the forecast of the average volatility of the underlying over the life of the option that is implicit in investors expectations. 2 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS What Influences Implied Volatility? • Implied volatility σ depends on: – the price of the underlying S – the market price of the option C – the strike of the option K – the maturity of the option t – the interest rate r – and any other variables that influence the price of the option. 3 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Black-Scholes Formula If prices are governed by geometric Brownian motion (GBM) and there is perfect replication, then the current price of a call option C has a closed form analytic solution: C = SN(x) - Ke-rtN(x-σ σ√t) where x measures the ‘moneyness’ of the option: x = ln(S/Ke-rt) / σ√t + σ√t / 2 In-the-money (ITM) x>0 At-the-money (ATM) x=0 Out-of-the-money (OTM) x<0 and N(x) is the normal distribution function Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 4 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Black-Scholes Implied Volatilities • The values of S, K, r and t are all observable, so the volatility which is ‘implied’ in an observed market price C can be computed. • No analytic form exists, but numerical methods (described in Chriss pp330-340) are used to approximate the value of the implicit function σ = f( C, S, K, r, t) • Usually volatility is quoted as an annualized percentage: Volatility = 100 σ √250 % 5 Prof. C.O. Alexander Example THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS From the FT on June 15th ‘99: FTSE 100 Index options expiring on 18th June ‘99. Strike 6250 6300 6350 6400 6450 6500 6550 6600 6650 6700 Price 223 176 132 92 58.5 33 16 5.5 2 0.5 Calls vol 29.21 26.32 24.26 22.51 21.42 19.53 19.23 18.59 Volume 10 1 2 18 30 178 400 1966 0 1 Price 4 6.5 12.5 23 40 66.5 102.5 149 199 249 Puts vol 23.65 21.55 20.4 19.28 17.9 16.57 14.48 14.05 - The closing price on the FTSE was 6451.2. Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Volume 120 37 2 22 64 12 0 3 0 0 6 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Call and Put Volatility Skews THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS If call implied volatilities are significantly different from put implied volatilities it is because the evaluation model is inadequate. Figure 2.3a: Implied Volatilities on the FTSE 100 Index Option, June 15th 1999 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 6200 6300 6400 6500 Calls 6600 Puts 6700 6800 Probably it is a model based on spot price whereas the hedging instrument is a future. 7 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Why the Differences between Call and Put Implied Volatilities ? • On June 15th 1999 the FTSE 100 future closed at 6486, but its theoretical fair value was 6453.92 • So the market price of a call was based on 6486 but the model price of the a call was based on 6453.92 • Market prices of call options therefore appear to be very expensive and the only way that the model can account for the high market price is to jack up the volatility. • Similarly puts will appear less expensive than they should, so the implied volatility that is backed out of the model will be lower. 8 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Differences between Implied and Statistical Volatility • Implied volatilities and statistical volatilities are both forecasting the same thing: the volatility of the underlying asset over the life of the option. • But the two types of volatility measure often differ. • Because they use different data and different models: 30-day Volatility Forecasts GBP-USD 25 20 15 10 5 0 May-88 May-89 May-90 May-91 May-92 May-93 May-94 May-95 GARCH30 EWMA HIST30 IMP30 9 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Differences between Implied and Statistical Volatility Implied volatility Statistical volatility Model is based on GBM: Return distributions are: dS/S = µ dt + σ dz – price increments are governed by a Wiener process (so they are independent and normal) – the volatility σ of the underlying asset S is constant. • Unconditional – constant volatility – weighted averages • Conditional – stochastic volatility – GARCH or Diffusion 10 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Differences between Implied and Statistical Volatility If statistical volatilities were correct, then differences between the implied and statistical measures of volatility would reflect a mis-pricing of the option. That is, the wrong option model is being used, or investors have irrational expectations. If implied volatilities were correct (so the option pricing model is an accurate representation of reality, and investors expectations are correct so that there is no over- or under- pricing in the options market), then any observed differences between implied and statistical volatilities would reflect inaccuracies in the statistical forecast. 11 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 2. Smiles, Skews and Volatility Term Structures • The smile effect in implied volatility refers to the fact that OTM options have higher implied volatilities than ATM options. • Thus the plot of implied volatility vs moneyness (or strike) on a given day, for all options of a fixed maturity, will be ‘smile’ shaped Implied Volatility, σ • The smile effect tends to increase as the option approaches expiry 0 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Moneyness, x 12 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Reasons for the Smile • The volatility smile is a result of pricing model bias, and would not be found if options were priced using an appropriate model. • Black-Scholes is based on the assumption of GBM. But Volatility is not constant, and neither are returns normally distributed. • Thus OTM options have a greater chance of ending up ITM than the Black-Scholes formula allows. • Consequently the Black-Scholes formula is biased to underprice OTM options. • This under-pricing of the model compared to observed market behaviour yields higher implied volatilities for OTM options. 13 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Reasons for the Skew • The problem is compounded in equity markets because they often exhibit a leverage effect. • That is volatility is often higher following market falls than it is following market rises of the same magnitude. • So OTM puts require higher volatility to end up in-themoney than do OTM calls. • This induces a pronounced negative ‘skew’ in the volatility smile. 14 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Volatility Term Structures THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS • On any fixed date a plot of the fixed-strike implied volatilities of different maturities gives a term structure of volatilities • For example for the 6425 strike the implied volatility term structure on 15th June 1999 looked something like this: 25% 20% months 15 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Expiry end: Strike 6275 6325 6375 6425 6475 6525 6575 6625 Call Financial Times Prices of the FTSE 100 Index European Options on June 15th 1999 Jun Put 169 126.5 89 57 33 16 6.5 2 11 19 31 49 75 108 148.5 194 Call 281 245 214 184 154.5 128.5 104 83 Jul Put 101 115 133.5 154 174 197.5 223 252 Aug Call Put 366.5 332.5 300 269.5 240 213 187 163.5 182 197.5 215 233.5 254 276 300 326 Sep Put Call 397 244 582.5 373 333 279 517.5 405.5 272 316.5 272 448 219 362 495.5 Call 219 Dec Put 16 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Behaviour of Volatility Term Structures • Long term volatilities will change much less than short term volatilities • Volatility term structures mean revert to the long term average • They may slope upwards or downwards, although they are not generally monotonic. Current Market Conditions Slope of Term Structure Volatile Downwards Tranquil Upwards 17 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS • A smile surface is a surface plot of implied volatilities for different strikes (or moneyness) and maturities • Slicing through this surface at a fixed strike or moneyness gives a volatility term structure • Slicing through this surface at a fixed maturity gives a smile, which becomes more pronounced as maturity decreases The Smile Surface Figure 13: Smile surface of the FTSE, De 1 Implied Volatlity 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.6 400 -0.4 -0.2 Moneyness 0 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 200 0.2 0 Maturity 18 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Fitting Smile Surfaces • Reliable market data for all strikes and maturities are not available • Data on OTM or very long term options is particularly unreliable since quotes may be left unchanged for days when trading is thin • So smile surfaces must be interpolated using numerical methods such as cubic splines (see Numerical recipes in C). 19 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Use of Smile Surfaces in Dynamic Delta Hedging • The most basic dynamic hedge is to match a position in the underlying with an amount N(x) of an option • This is hedge ratio is the option delta, and since x = ln(S/Ke-rt) / σ√t + σ√t / 2 its value depends very much on implied volatility and maturity, as predicted by the current smile surface • As the underlying moves over time, the position will need constant re-balancing to be delta neutral • So, over a period of time, very large losses might be made if the wrong hedging volatility is used 20 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc 3. Volatility Regimes THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 6750 70.00 6500 60.00 6250 50.00 6000 40.00 5750 30.00 5500 5250 20.00 5000 10.00 Mar-99 Feb-99 Jan-99 Dec-98 Nov-98 Oct-98 Sep-98 Aug-98 Jul-98 Jun-98 Apr-98 May-98 Mar-98 Feb-98 4750 Jan-98 0.00 4500 4025 4075 4125 4175 4225 4275 4325 4375 4425 4475 4525 4575 4625 4675 4725 4775 4825 4875 4925 4975 5025 5075 5125 5175 5225 5275 5325 5375 5425 5475 5525 5575 5625 5675 5725 5775 5825 5875 5925 5975 6025 6075 6125 6175 6225 6275 6325 6375 6425 6475 6525 6575 6625 6675 6725 6775 6825 6875 6925 6975 ATM FTSE100 How should we model movements in implied volatility smile surfaces as the underlying price moves? 21 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Derman’s ‘Sticky’ Models 1. Sticky Strike 2. Sticky Delta 3. Sticky Tree Bounded Market Trending Market Jumpy Market σK = σ0 - b(K-S0) σK = σ0 - b(K-S) σK = σ0 - b(K+S) σK independent of S σK increases with S σK decreases with S σATM = σ0 - b(S-S0) σATM = σ0 σATM = σ0 - 2bS σATM decreases as price increases σATM independent of price σATM moves twice as fast as the skew 22 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Modelling the Relationship between ATM Volatility and Price THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 0.006 Probability 0.005 0.004 First question: How is ATM implied volatility likely to move as the underlying price changes? 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 Change in Equity Index Change in ATM Implied Volatility 23 Prof. C.O. Alexander Scatter Plots THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Daily changes in FTSE and 1mth ATM vol Daily changes in FTSE and 3mth ATM vol 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 -2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 -2 -4 -4 -6 -6 -8 -8 -10 -10 0 50 100 150 200 24 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 250 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Scatter Plots THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Daily Change in Cable and 1M Imp Vol Daily Change in Cable and 3M Imp Vol 3 8 2.5 6 2 1.5 4 1 0.5 2 -0.08 0 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 -0.06 -0.04 0 -0.02 -0.5 0 0.02 0.04 -1 0.06 -2 -1.5 -4 -2.5 -2 25 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Constructing a Joint Distribution of ∆S and ∆σATM 0.007 Probability 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 Change in Implied Volatility Change in Index prob(∆σATM and ∆S) = prob(∆σATM∆S) prob(∆S) 26 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 0.06 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Estimating prob(∆σATM∆S) THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS • To give conditional probabilities prob(∆σATM∆S) one needs to model the relationship between implied volatility and the price. • The linear model of ATM implied volatility and the price has been employed: ∆σATM = α + β ∆S + ε in which case ∆σATM | ∆S ∼ N(α + β ∆S , σε2) 27 Prof. C.O. Alexander Daily Data on σATM and S THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 60 6500 55 6250 50 6000 45 5750 40 35 5500 30 5250 25 5000 20 4750 ATM Mar-99 Mar-99 Jan-99 Feb-99 Jan-99 Feb-99 Dec-98 Dec-98 Nov-98 Oct-98 Oct-98 Nov-98 Oct-98 Sep-98 Sep-98 Aug-98 Jul-98 Jul-98 Aug-98 Jun-98 Jun-98 May-98 Apr-98 May-98 Apr-98 Mar-98 Mar-98 Jan-98 Feb-98 Feb-98 Jan-98 10 Jan-98 15 4500 Does the FTSE100 index price have a negative relationship with 3 month ATM volatility? FTSE100 28 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Daily Data on σATM and S THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 25 2.20 20 Does the Cable rate have a negative relationship with 1 month ATM volatility? 2.00 15 1.80 10 1.60 5 1M Imp Vol Jul-95 Jul-94 Jan-95 Jul-93 Jan-94 Jan-93 Jul-92 Jul-91 Jan-92 Jan-91 Jul-90 Jul-89 Jan-90 Jan-89 Jul-88 1.40 Jan-88 0 Daily Clo. 29 Prof. C.O. Alexander ∆σATM = α + β ∆FTSE + ε THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Coefficient on Daily Change in FTSE Significance of Coefficient on Daily Change in FTSE 0 0 -0.005 -2 -4 -0.01 -6 -0.015 -8 -0.02 -10 -0.025 Beta (1mth ATM) Beta (2mth ATM) Beta (3mth ATM) tstat (1mthATM) Jan-99 tstat (3mthATM) 30 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Feb-99 Mar-99 Dec-98 Oct-98 tstat (2mthATM) Nov-98 Aug-98 Sep-98 Jun-98 Jul-98 Apr-98 May-98 Jan-98 Jan-99 Feb-99 Mar-99 Nov-98 Dec-98 Oct-98 Aug-98 Sep-98 Jun-98 Jul-98 -16 Apr-98 May-98 -0.035 Jan-98 Feb-98 Mar-98 -14 Feb-98 Mar-98 -12 -0.03 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Prob(∆S) • We shall assume that prob(∆S) is represented by a normal density ∆S ∼ N(µ, σ2) • The parameters could be obtained from statistical forecasts of the mean and variance. • Their values will depend very much on current market circumstances. 31 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS …on 31st March ‘99 • Assume the index was fairly stable, as reflected by a marginal density for one-day changes in FTSE100 of ∆S ∼ N(0, 352). • The OLS estimate of a linear relationship between the one-day changes in 1 month ATM volatility ∆σATM and ∆S on 31.03.99 was: ∆σATM = -0.3 - 0.017 ∆S (-2.73) (-10.01) s.e. regression = 0.492 ⇒ ∆σATM | ∆S ∼ N(−0.3 − 0.017 ∆S , 0.4922) 32 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Prob(∆σATM and ∆S) in a Stable Market FTSE100 31 Mar 99 0.01 Probability 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 Change in Implied Volatility Change in Index ∆S ∼ N(0, 352), ∆σATM | ∆S ∼ N(−0.3−0.017 ∆S , 0.4922) 33 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Prob(∆σATM and ∆S) in a Jumpy Market FTSE100 9th Oct 98 0.01 Probability 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 Change in Implied Volatility ∆S ∼ N(−30, 602), Change in Index ∆σATM | ∆S ∼ N(-0.03 ∆S, 1.252) 34 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc 4. Principal Component Models of the Smile THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS FTSE100 Index, 3 month ATM Volatility and the Skew: Jan ‘98 to Mar ‘99 60.00 6500 55.00 6250 50.00 6000 45.00 40.00 5750 35.00 5500 30.00 5250 25.00 5000 20.00 4750 Mar-99 Feb-99 Jan-99 Dec-98 Nov-98 Oct-98 Sep-98 Aug-98 Jul-98 Jun-98 May-98 Apr-98 Mar-98 Feb-98 10.00 Jan-98 15.00 4500 4025 4125 4225 4325 4425 4525 4625 4725 4825 4925 5025 5125 5225 5325 5425 5525 5625 5725 5825 5925 6025 6125 6225 6325 6425 6525 6625 6725 6825 6925 ATM FTSE100 35 Prof. C.O. Alexander Relationship between the Index and the Skew Deviations THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Deviation of fixed strike volatility from ATM volatility 3 months 25.00 6500 20.00 6250 15.00 6000 10.00 5.00 5750 0.00 5500 -5.00 5250 -10.00 5000 -15.00 4750 Mar-99 Feb-99 Jan-99 Dec-98 Nov-98 Oct-98 Sep-98 Aug-98 Jul-98 Jun-98 May-98 Apr-98 Mar-98 Feb-98 -25.00 Jan-98 -20.00 4500 4025 4125 4225 4325 4425 4525 4625 4725 4825 4925 5025 5125 5225 5325 5425 5525 5625 5725 5825 5925 6025 6125 6225 6325 6425 6525 6625 6725 6825 6925 FTSE100 36 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Relationship between the Index and the Skew Deviations THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 1 month 40 6500 35 6250 30 25 6000 20 5750 15 10 5500 5 0 5250 -5 5000 -10 -15 4750 4500 Mar-99 Feb-99 Jan-99 Dec-98 Nov-98 Oct-98 Sep-98 Aug-98 Jul-98 Jun-98 May-98 Apr-98 Mar-98 Feb-98 -25 Jan-98 -20 4025 4075 4125 4175 4225 4275 4325 4375 4425 4475 4525 4575 4625 4675 4725 4775 4825 4875 4925 4975 5025 5075 5125 5175 5225 5275 5325 5375 5425 5475 5525 5575 5625 5675 5725 5775 5825 5875 5925 6025 6075 6125 6175 6225 6275 6325 6375 6725 37 6775 6425 6475 6525 6575 6625 6825 6875 6925 6975 FTSE100 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 6675 5975 Why Does σK - σATM Increase with S? σK - σATM = -b (K - S) 1. Sticky Strike 2. Sticky Delta 3. Sticky Tree Bounded Market Trending Market Jumpy Market σK = σ0 - b(K-S0) σK = σ0 - b(K-S) σK = σ0 - b(K+S) σK independent of S σK increases with S σK decreases with S σATM = σ0 - b(S-S0) σATM = σ0 σATM = σ0 - 2bS σATM decreases as index increases σATM independent of index σATM moves twice as fast as the skew 38 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS How Should the Skew be Modified as the Index Changes? • Step 1: Model the skew deviations from ATM volatility with a principal component analysis on ∆(σK(t) - σATM(t)). • Step 2: Model the relationship between the Index and the skew deviations as: ith principal component (t) = γ0,i (t) + γi (t) ∆FTSE + ηi (t) [t = option maturity (1mth, 2mth or 3mth)] 39 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS PCA of the Skew Deviations • A principal components analysis of the daily change in σK - σATM shows that typically 80-90% of the variation in σK - σATM can be explained by 3 principal components. • The factor weights show that the principal components are capturing: – parallel shift (PC1) – tilt (PC2) – convexity (PC3) 40 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Variation Explained by Principal Components 3 month data Eigenvalue Cumulative R2 PC1 PC2 PC3 13.3574 2.257596 0.691317 0.742078 0.8675 0.905906 2 month data Eigenvalue Cumulative R2 PC1 PC2 PC3 19.68491 0.866442 0.834766 0.855866 0.893537 0.929831 1 month data Eigenvalue Cumulative R2 PC1 PC2 PC3 25.7177 11.6942 6.119627 0.476254 0.692813 0.806139 41 Prof. C.O. Alexander THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Strike 4225 4325 4425 4525 4625 4725 4825 4925 5025 5125 5225 5325 5425 5525 5625 5725 5825 5925 Factor Weights in PCA of σK - σATM PC1 0.53906 0.6436 0.67858 0.8194 0.84751 0.86724 0.86634 0.80957 0.9408 0.92639 0.92764 0.93927 0.93046 0.90232 0.94478 0.94202 0.93583 0.90699 PC2 0.74624 0.7037 0.58105 0.48822 0.34675 0.1287 0.017412 -0.01649 -0.18548 -0.22766 -0.21065 -0.22396 -0.25167 -0.20613 -0.2214 -0.22928 -0.22818 -0.22788 PC3 0.26712 0.1862 0.035155 -0.03331 -0.19671 -0.41161 -0.43254 -0.28777 0.068028 0.13049 0.12154 0.14343 0.16246 0.017523 0.073863 0.073997 0.074602 0.068758 3 months 42 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc ith PC = γ0,i + γi ∆FTSE + ηi THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS 30 γ1 (parallel shift) is always positive and usually very highly significant. 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 tstat on pc1 tstat on pc2 Mar-99 Jan-99 Feb-99 Nov-98 Dec-98 Oct-98 Sep-98 Jul-98 Aug-98 Jun-98 Apr-98 May-98 γ3 (convexity) often has the opposite sign to γ2. Mar-98 Jan-98 -15 Feb-98 γ2 (tilt) is often negative (stable market) but sometimes positive (jumpy market) or zero (trending market). tstat on pc3 43 Prof. C.O. Alexander What Happens to σK - σATM as the Index Increases in a Stable Market? THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS σK - σATM σK - σATM γ1 > 0 γ2 < 0 + K (a) σK - σATM increases with the Index σK - σATM = K K (b) The range (or slope) of the skew decreases as the index increases 44 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Stable Market Regime THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Low K vol Most of the movement in volatilities comes from the low strikes ATM vol High K vol S↑ As the index moves σK - σATM is relatively constant for low strike volatilities But for high strike volatilities σK - σATM decreases (increases) as the index increases (decreases) 45 Prof. C.O. Alexander What Happens to σK - σATM as the Index Increases in a Jumpy Market? THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS σK - σATM σK - σATM γ1 > 0 γ2 > 0 + K (a) σK - σATM increases with the Index σK - σATM = K K (b) The range (or slope) of the skew increases as the index increases 46 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Jumpy Market Regime THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Low K vol Most of the movement in volatilities comes from the high strikes ATM vol High K vol S↑ As the index moves σK - σATM is quite stable for high strike volatilities But for low strike volatilities σK - σATM increases (decreases) as the index increases (decreases) 47 Prof. C.O. Alexander What Happens to σK - σATM as the Index Increases in a Trending Market? THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS σK - σATM σK - σATM γ1 > 0 γ2 = 0 + K (a) σK - σATM increases with the Index σK - σATM = K K (b) The range of the skew does not much change as the index increases 48 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc Trending Market Regime THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Low K vol There is not so much movement in volatilities at any strike ATM vol High K vol S↑ As the index increases σK - σATM also increases for all strikes So for some just OTM strikes σK - σATM can move from negative to positive as the option moves to ITM 49 Prof. C.O. Alexander Sticky Models vs PCA THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS R-Squared from Linear Skew Parameterization 1.2 Sticky regimes models assume the skew is a linear function of the strike 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 R-Sq 2m Mar-99 Jan-99 Feb-99 Nov-98 Dec-98 Oct-98 Sep-98 Jul-98 R-Sq 1m Aug-98 Jun-98 Apr-98 May-98 Mar-98 Jan-98 Feb-98 0 Principal component analysis includes linear and non-linear effects R-Sq 3m 50 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000 Lecture Notes for Numerical Methods, FEQA MSc THE BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS Reading N.A. Chriss (1997) Black-Scholes and Beyond IRWIN Chapter 8 E. Derman (1999) ‘Volatility Regimes’ RISK Magazine, April Issue M. Kani and E. Derman (1997) ‘The Patterns of Changes in Implied Index Volatilities’ Goldman Sachs Quantitative Strategies Research Notes M. Rubinstein (1994) ‘Implied Binomial Trees’ Jour. Finance 69, no. 3 pp 771-818 51 Prof. C.O. Alexander Copyright ISMA centre, January 2000
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