We only listed the 3 most common responses. 155 participants answered the questions. Participants were from North Carolina (153), New York (1), and Saudi Arabia (1). #1: Induction with Pitocin What is this uterine activity called? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES Hyperstimulation 123 Irritability 28 Tachysystole 42 #2: What is the name for the acceleration with a dip? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES Lambda 48 Variable 40 No Answer 31 The acceleration with a dip is a Lambda Pattern and is innocuous. #3: According to the NICHD, is there a prolonged accel? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES Yes 88 No 62 #4: Pitocin is at 12 mU/minute. Is this tracing acceptable? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES No 149 Yes 4 #5: What is the uterine activity? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES None/Nothing 68 Needs to readjust toco 27 Palpate abdomen 11 #6: AROM with mec. Pit @ 12. Is the UA acceptable? UA = uterine activity ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES No 135 Yes 14 #7: Pitocin @ 14 mU/min. Is the UA acceptable? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES No 79 Yes 68 #8: Pitocin @ 14 mU/minute. What, if any, actions should the RN take? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES Stop Pit/Turn it off 109 Decrease Pitocin 63 Give O2 & fluids 46 Change patient position/ 43 turn to left side Adjust toco 18 #9: Classify the variability. ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES Absent 7 Minimal 65 Minimal to Moderate 35 Moderate 16 This is absent variability because there are no cycles per minute and the bandwidth is < 2 bpm. #10: Is there a risk of fetal acidemia? ANSWER NUMBER OF RESPONSES Yes 143 Maybe 5 No 5
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