NG9-1-1 / NG112: WHAT IS IT? (IT’S MUCH MORE THAN “JUST AN ESInet”) BILL MERTKA, OFFER MANAGER, NGICC & NG9-1-1 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS & SERVICES, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS April 17, 2013 | EENA Emergency Services Workshop – NG112, Track 2 – Riga, Latvia NEXT GENERATION PUBLIC SAFETY VISION NG COMMAND CENTER NG112 CPE CAD Console RTCC Multimedia Communications Digital Radio / Broadband Integration Platform Applications Ecosystem NEXT GENERATION PUBLIC SAFETY • SIP Multi-media ingress to command center – NG112 • Command Center Transformation - NGICC • Digital Radio / Broadband out to first responder; broadband in from first responder NG9-1-1: WHAT IS IT? (NENA Definitions) NG9-1-1 (and by extension, NG112): • The set of network elements, software applications, databases, call taking components, and operations & management procedures required to provide next generation emergency services NENA “i3” Standards / NG112 LTD (req’ts., architecture, and specs) • The functional applications/services that form the core of NG9-1-1 / NG112 and run on Emergency Services IP networks (ESInets) ESInets • A privately-managed IP transport network that supports the core routing functional entities necessary for NG9-1-1 / NG112 call delivery; these include but are not limited to: the Emergency Services Routing Proxy (ESRP) and the Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF). An ESInet can support other Emergency Services applications and is shared by all agencies which may be involved in any emergency. Other SDOs (IETF, ATIS, EENA etc.) have also turned their attention to NG9-1-1 / NG112 • EENA has developed the NG112 LTD Standard (currently @ v1.1) • NENA i3 / EENA NG112 LTD incorporate global IETF standards • ATIS (North America) has developed a transition standard (RFAI) NG9-1-1 / NG112 BASICS NG9-1-1 / NG112 System = Procedures + Databases + i3 Architecture + ESInet within IP network It is Much More Than Just an “ESInet!” Source: NENA NG9-1-1 SYSTEM NG9-1-1 / NG112 SYSTEM OVERVIEW Emergency Services IP Networks (ESInets) Legacy PSAP Gateway Clients Access Networks Origination Networks ESInet Legacy Center Public Access IP Networks NG9-1-1 / NG112 Core Services Internet, Carrier IMS Networks, etc. Legacy Selective Legacy Network Router Gateway Gateway NG9-1-1 / NG112 Center ESInet PS LTE Legacy CircuitSwitched Networks Call Taker NG9-1-1 / NG112 Center / Command Center Dispatcher Radio System Based on EENA Diagram in “Next Generation 112 Long Term Definition,” Version 1.1 Emergency Responders HOW IS NG9-1-1 DIFFERENT? PACKET-BASED (IP) vs. CIRCUIT-SWITCHED ( CAMA, SS7, etc.) GIS BASED call routing control (vs. legacy telephone number based) Location data TRANSPORTED with the call (vs. legacy after-call lookup) ADDITIONAL TYPES of calls and messaging (e.g. multimedia, text, etc.) VIRTUAL PSAP capabilities (shared core systems; flexible call answer) Added ALTERNATE ROUTING options (e.g., sensing PSAP status) Direct control of CALL MANAGEMENT (e.g., policy routing, etc.) NO LONGER A “LOCAL” SERVICE (interoperability at county, region, state, national level) Source: PAGE 7 NG9-1-1 / NG112 IS NOT (JUST)… VoIP to the PSAP • Full, “end state” NG9-1-1 involves more than just send calls to a PSAP over IP / VoIP • Without location-based routing of “calls”, it is not “NG-baseline,” let alone “full NG” Texting to 9-1-1 • An important capability, but NG9-1-1 is MORE than just receiving text messages (or photos or video, for that matter, at the PSAP) • Multimedia sessions to the PSAP are important, but NG involves much more… NG112 NETWORK DESIGN PSTN Caller Legacy PSAP ESInet LNG LIS BCF BCF LPG ESRP ECRF VoIP Caller ECRF Carrier Proxy ESRP NG PSAP NG112 SOLUTION COMPONENTS • EMERGENCY SERVICES IP NETWORK (ESINET) – Private, managed IP network used to transport NG112 calls and data, such as from originating networks / devices to PSAPs • LEGACY NETWORK GATEWAY (LNG) – converts originating network legacy signals to SIP • LEGACY SELECTIVE ROUTER GATEWAY (LSRG) – enables two-way communications between ESInet-located PSAPs and PSAPs on legacy networks • LEGACY PSAP GATEWAY (LPG) – converts SIP to legacy signaling, so that traditional PSAPs can connect to NG networks • LOCATION INFORMATION SERVER (LIS) – Provides location to end devices or other NG elements that request location of a device, based on a series of identifiers • EMERGENCY CALL ROUTING FUNCTION (ECRF) – Provides location-based routing of emergency calls based on stored GIS boundary file data • LOCATION VALIDATION FUNCTION (LVF) – Provides civic address location validation vs. GIS database information • EMERGENCY SERVICES ROUTING PROXY (ESRP) w PRF – SIP proxy optimized for emergency calls that forwards emergency calls • NG PSAP – Native IP-based PSAP solution, designed according to all of the existing and future NG standards put out by various global SDOs DATA SOURCES Video Input Incident Databases and Criminal Complaints Arrest Records & Photographs Parole and Probation Databases National Crime Databases BRINGING TOGETHER VAST STORES OF DATA FROM ACROSS THE GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISE APPLYING ANALYSIS TO TURN INFORMATION INTO INTELLIGENCE MAKING THAT INTELLIGENCE ACCESSIBLE BY ALL TO INFORM OUR DECISIONS AND ACTIONS CREATING SAFER CITIES AND THRIVING COMMUNITIES 112 Call Records Crime Mapping Systems NG112 “USE CASE” REAL-TIME CRIME CENTER ACT IN REAL-TIME A dedicated team of officers monitors inputs from video systems, sensors and other data sources to detect an incident in real-time as it unfolds and trigger the appropriate response BE READY FOR WHAT’S NEXT Data analytics enable you to better anticipate and forecast, bringing the advantage of intelligent prediction for proactive planning and response preparation CONNECT WITH THE CITY TAP THE BEST SOURCE OF INTELLIGENCE: THE CITY ITSELF. ENHANCE THE WAY YOU RESPOND Integrate and correlate multiple sources into one unified view and tie radio and video system together to deliver critical information to first responders for improved situational awareness A REAL-TIME CRIME CENTER IN ACTION EXAMPLE: AN INDIVIDUAL BRANDISHES A GUN CITIZEN Witnesses at the mall make calls to 9-1-1 9-1-1 CALL TAKER CAD OPERATOR answers calls, fills incident form and pushes to CAD operator enters incident, dispatches nearby units, establishes talk group REAL-TIME CENTER OFFICER Pulls video feed guided by dispatcher information and provides tactical support to officer in the field via RTVI and radio console Dispatched to an entrance, receives image of suspect from commander PAGE 13 PAGE 13 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS CREATES INNOVATIVE PUBLIC SAFETY SOLUTIONS TRUSTED BY FIRST RESPONDERS FOR MORE THAN 75 YEARS. ONE VISION, ONE SOLUTION FROM ONE COMPANY-MOTOROLA TRUSTED INNOVATION YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW KEEPING THEM SAFE, HELPING THEM DO THEIR JOB BETTER BUILDING SAFER CITIES CONTACT INFORMATION BILL MERTKA OFFER MANAGER, NGICC & NG9-1-1 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC. 1-847-576-3420 BACKUP SLIDES NG9-1-1: WHAT IS IT? (2) NENA NG Baseline: • A fully compliant NG9-1-1 system must include: - The functions of today’s E9-1-1 system, replicated in IP protocol and structures as defined by NENA NG9-1-1 standards, including all network and PSAP components of the system - A number of capabilities beyond E9-1-1 functions, such as the basic ability to support non-voice multimedia, such as text and video NG9-1-1: WHAT IS IT? (3) NENA NG Baseline: • Additional minimally required components or capabilities of baseline NG9-1-1 include, but are not limited to: 1) 2) 3) ESInet (Emergency Service IP network) GIS data creation to support 3 and 6 below, and associated management tools Publication of Authoritative NG9-1-1 Validation related Databases for use by OSPs and Location DB providers to pre-validate civic addresses (in replacement of MSAG), supported by LVF and LIS functionality Publication of Authoritative NG9-1-1 Routing Data for state and regional levels Support for legacy originating services via gateways (e.g., access to traditional ALI databases) Geospatial controlled IP software call routing function (ECRF and ESRP) 1 4) 5) 6) NG9-1-1: WHAT IS IT? (4) NENA NG Baseline: • Additional minimally required components or capabilities of baseline NG9-1-1 include, but are not limited to (con’t.): 7) The ability to control call routing based upon a policy routing function (PRF) with standardized methods to define/build and control Policy Rules 8) Additional data acquisition after call delivery to facilitate call processing by call taker or other public safety entities 9) Support for transfer of calls with accumulated call taker notes and added data, or an access key to such data, to any authorized entity interconnected by ESInets 10) Ability to interconnect with other NG9-1-1 systems and to interwork with E9-1-1 systems 11) Support for system monitoring/logging/discrepancy reporting necessary to support troubleshooting and ongoing operation and maintenance NG9-1-1 DETAILED ARCHITECTURE INFORMATION IS EVERYWHERE BUT CAPTURING IT IS JUST THE START CITY FLEET LOCATIONS TRANSIT SCHEDULES CITY SOCIAL MEDIA SURVEILLANCE NG112 CSR SERVICE CAMERAS CRIME REPORTS REQUEST INTELLIGENT SMART TRAFFIC LIGHTS METERS NETWORKED BIKE SHARE STREET UPGRADES UTILITIES WORKLIST BUILDING PERMITS ZONING PROJECTS AIR QUALITY SENSORS CONNECTED TRASH CANS INSPECTIONS RECORDS HEALTH CODE RECORDS NETWORKED METERS WHAT IS A REAL-TIME CRIME CENTER? CALL TAKING DISPATCH EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER FUSION CENTER • Aggregates multiple data sources to improve situation awareness and help aid in the response process • Integrates video system with radio system, CAD and records • Puts all information onto on unified, map view • Makes video wall actionable • Integrates existing and new technology REAL-TIME CRIME CENTER • Staffed by badged officer Crime Analysts to handle real-time incidents IMAGINE A WORLD WHERE… A CALL IS SEEN AS IT HAPPENS. Accidents, gunshots and alarms trigger intelligent video and dynamic sensorsalerting the command center Citizen text messages, images and video are received and immediately available across the platform Radio console and NG112 call controls within CAD speeds communications to responders and citizens Incident parameters and GIS information guide automatic recommendation of multi-agency units Incidents generate and update between CAD systems, improving inter-agency utilization of resources Responders receive incident, location and streaming video over optimized public safety LTE Reports are quickly completed from the field with increased accuracy and speed IMAGINE A WORLD WHERE… RESPONDERS ARE AIDED BY SMART SYSTEMS. Mission critical video and voice are delivered to responders via optimized, secure and controlled public safety LTE Operational reach expands as text information is securely sent over LMR radio systems Customer services applications reduce emergency call volume as citizens calls route to the appropriate handling point Advanced broadband-data devices automatically synchronize when responders exit their vehicles Multi-agency and public safety resources connect and coordinate with one, real-time view of situations Deployed mobile-command centers have direct access to central command and mutual-aid information Proactive monitoring and analytics across the platform result in increased awareness of community issues IMAGINE A WORLD WHERE… RESPONDERS’ SAFETY IS ACTIVELY MONITORED. INCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLIFIED. A fire fighters vital signs are automatically monitored with keyword triggers and voice-pitch measurements Wearable, in-vehicle and fixed cameras stream real-time video to the command center An officer pushes a radio-emergency button to provide his exact location, prioritize radio traffic and feed nearby camera video to the command center Multimedia records including voice and video are synchronized for full scenario reconstruction and keyword search Scenario reconstruction provides invaluable tools for prosecution, training and liability defense Permissions and digital signatures protect agency records
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