W H AT I S Y O U R G R E AT P U R P O S E ? Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation W H AT I S Y O U R G R E AT P U R P O S E ? leaders collaborative “Leaders Collaborative will change the way you think about everything. It has caused me to discover what my purpose is, what my legacy needs to be. It was an experience I will cherish forever.” - PHIL HETZEL, LC8 Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation As part of Leaders Collaborative, you will become part of an experience with the right conditions and relational process for you to discover your great purpose and see measureable results for you and your organization. CONDITIONS “The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” • Clear theological foundation • Opening retreat • Servant leadership principles • Monthly learning laboratory • A holistic biblical understanding of work, • Strategic readings and experiential exercises vocation and calling • Acceptance, contribution and belonging – M A R K T WA I N • Deep understanding of giftedness, strengths, motivations and leadership styles • Oriented around cultural renewal and city Leaders Collaborative is a transformational, cohort- transformation 1 • Proven methodologies to clarify and confirm vocation and calling • Coaching communities • Personal goal development • Closing celebration • Ongoing encouragement and accountability as you seek to reach your goals based program designed to awaken your great purpose through twelve months of coaching and collaboration. PROCESS OUTCOMES Equipped, connected and mobilized leaders ready to serve in their respective spheres of influence and giftedness for the cultivation and restoration of the city. The result is a community of leaders working together to transform Pittsburgh into a city of truth, beauty, goodness, justice and human flourishing. Individual Outcomes: • Clearer understanding of your personal core strengths and motivators • Strengthened ability to lead high performance teams and organizations • Ability to lead teams through transformational relationships and healthy work cultures • Heightened understanding of how to build values-based enterprises Organizational Outcomes: • Expanded high potential leadership bench • Improved organizational culture with strong servant leader principles • Values and language for organizational infrastructure Community Outcomes: • Connected leaders across sectors: business, non-profit, church, etc. • Meaningful partnerships and enhanced collaborative relationships • Values-based cultural transformation 2 Our F A C U L T Y Q&A WITH RICK WELLOCK L I S A S L AY T O N RICK WELLOCK President, PLF Director Organizational Development, PLF Lisa brings over 20 years of experience in sales experience as a specialist in and marketing, senior organizational transformation management and ministry leadership. Since joining PLF in 2005, Lisa designed and launched Leaders Collaborative, has been one of PLF’s lead instructors on all Leaders Collaborative cohorts and has delivered organizational development, training and coaching 3 Rick has over 30 years of and personal/professional effectiveness. Rick adds lasting value to his clients through his expertise in human systems development, organizational design and “pathing,” facilitation and planning, professional/ executive coaching and relationship/team services to major customers such as Bombardier, development. He has served as senior consultant with NetHealth, CTR Systems, Akina and Wabtec. Lisa the McNellis Company, Creative Planning Specialists, received her undergraduate degree from Mount People Management International, Inc. and Pittsburgh Holyoke College in Anthropology and her master’s Leadership Foundation. He has a BA from Geneva in social and civic entrepreneurship from the Bakke College, a masters of divinity from Gordon Conwell Graduate University. Seminary, and certifications from the New England Gestalt Institute and Interpersonal Communication Programs, Inc. Rick’s clients are privately held and family-owned businesses, numerous Fortune 100 and 500 companies, non-profit and faith-based organizations and churches. Q: What is the role of community in Leaders Collaborative? A: “Community is at the heart of who we are, what we create, and why what we do really works. Our work focuses on the creation, facilitation and cultivation of community where people are able to come together and be together in ways that make a difference.” Q: How do you think about relationships with respect to a leader? A: “When people consider leadership engagement and development, they think of the individual, and that’s absolutely true, but it is insufficient and incomplete. It’s the individual in relationship to those that they are with and the context in which they lead. We provide conditions to bring people to themselves and to one another, in a way that allows them to really know that they are accepted. Things that they might not have been able to acknowledge about themselves or see in one another emerges.” Q: The idea of transformation is overwhelming for people. What can you say to help people understand that this process will give life and not bury them? A: “We focus on small positive next steps, not big deals but small engagements, believing that if we can do that which is needed in the moment at the greatest point of contact and impact, then the result will take care of itself. How people make transformational shifts is not primarily through things they just start doing, but through what they A D D I T I O N A L L E A D E R S C O L L A B O R AT I V E FA C U L T Y stop doing. We help people pay attention to who they are, but also Dr. R. Bruce Bickel, Senior VP, PNC Wealth Management; President, Transformational Leadership Group to those things that aren’t helpful, that get in the way of them being Herb Kolbe, PLF, Director of Leadership Initiatives true to their work and true to the full expression of their giftedness Jay Roy, CEO, Federal Home Loan Bank (retired) and calling.” Alycia Sutor, Partner, Akina Dr. Terry Timm, Lead Pastor, Christ Community Church of the South Hills 4 Y O U R E X P E R I E N C E : Session Overviews Leaders Collaborative meets one day a month, typically the first Wednesday, from 8:30 am to 4 pm. 5 “The webbing together of God, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and delight is what the Hebrew prophets call shalom. We call it peace, but it means far more than peace of mind or a cease-fire between enemies. In the Bible, shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight—a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed…Shalom, in other words, is the way things ought to be.” – Neil Plantinga O P E N I N G R E T R E AT LEADING THROUGH SERVING Understanding how your beliefs, your wiring, your Becoming the leader whose inspiring vision and view of the world, and your experiences shape your caring way of relating with others catalyze the full and leadership style and the influence you have on others. powerful engagement of colleagues and followers. SELF LEADERSHIP L E A D I N G T H R O U G H R E L AT I O N S H I P S Integrating the self-discovery process and gaining Building increasingly instrumental relationships insight into planning effectively for energy that strengthen your leadership impact, encourage management and goal setting to achieve balance teamwork, and serve others. and set priorities. L E A D I N G T H R O U G H VA L U E S L E A D I N G T H R O U G H A C C O U N TA B I L I T Y Making certain that your personal behavior, the daily Ensuring that employees have a direct and positive efforts of your people and the weight of your resources impact on the goals of the organization and that they are disciplined and managed in alignment with your take responsibility for the impact they have. personal and corporate vision and values. G R E AT P U R P O S E G O A L & C E L E B R AT I O N Integrating and applying Character, Competence, and Courage dimensions of great leadership to a real-life and real-world leadership goal to be carried out in the enterprise you work in every day. Together, each collaborative explores how a biblical leadership perspective can accomplish great things in Kingdom service for the common good. High value is placed on creating shalom in all areas of a leader’s life—personal and professional. We also equip leaders to create shalom for those that serve with them. Cohort members continue to meet together regularly for six months after the Great Purpose Goal & Celebration, in small group coaching sessions that are scheduled independently. In these meetings group members encourage each other and hold each other accountable for making progress on their Great Purpose Goals. The entire cohort gathers again at the twelve month mark for a final session. 6 PLF Serves L E A D E R S & T H E I R O R G A N I Z A T I O N S PLF’s mission is to equip, connect, and mobilize leaders to serve from every sphere of influence for the cultivation and restoration of Pittsburgh and our region. Leaders Collaborative is a core PLF program designed to realize our vision of transforming Pittsburgh into a place of truth, beauty, goodness, justice, and human flourishing, a place of Shalom. In addition, PLF invests in leaders and their organizations in all sectors through: 7 EQUIPPING O R G A N I Z AT I O N S S E R V E D • Executive coaching and vocational stewardship • Developing organizational cultures of engagement and performance • Customized executive briefings and training programs Many organizations send their leadership staff through Leaders Collaborative or hire PLF to deliver custom in-house versions for their employees. The following is a sample of organizations that have benefited from Leaders Collaborative: CONNECTING • Gatherings and conferences »» Jubilee Professional Anesthesia Business Consultants Federated Investors »» Leadership Breakfast Series Aetna Hefren Tillotson »» Greater Pittsburgh Community Leaders Prayer Breakfast Akina Corporation (Chicago) Henne Jewelers Amachi Pittsburgh Light of Life Rescue Mission Bombardier Total Transit Systems NetHealth Systems Cathedral High School (Indianapolis) New Community Church Christ Church at Grove Farm Pittsburgh Fellows Coalition for Christian Outreach Prominent Fluid Controls US CTR Parking Solutions Reclaimed Things Education Partnership TrueFit MOBILIZING • Leaders Collaborative Community, the network of more than 120 men and women who have participated in an LC cohort and remain connected to PLF and each other for the good of the city. • Initiating and supporting city-wide initiatives that build engagement and unity across all sectors including local churches and denominations. • Entrepreneurship that incubates and accelerates gospel-minded ventures in the non-profit, marketplace and church spheres. 8 From P A S T P A R T I C I P A N T S “With the fast pace of business comes a steady stream of challenges that all require strong leadership. Leaders Collaborative has been an essential strategy to help our whole team practice the principles of servant leadership, improve engagement, overcome obstacles, and rise to new levels of performance.” “Every leader will tell you they want to do the right thing, but what is the right thing? It sounds simple, but it is subtle and complex. We make trade offs every day—they need to be thought about in the right way and decided on with the right value system.” – RAY BETLER (LC1) CEO & President, Wabtec Corp. – DARRIN GROVE (LC1) President, TrueFit | Board Chair, PLF “I joined Leaders Collaborative for businessrelated purposes but quickly learned that personal transformation was an inevitable part of the process of improving my leadership skills.” “Having the real-life experience of leadership at my company and nonprofit foundation for over 15 years and the time spent with the PLF has broadened my knowledge and execution of real servant leadership tenfold.” – ANNA HOLLIS (LC1) Executive Director, Amachi Pittsburgh – CRAIG SCHWEIGER (LC6) Executive Director, Light of Life Rescue Mission “Leaders Collaborative provides the opportunity, tools and feedback to reflect on what is core for you as a person, central to your purpose, compatible with your gifts and capacity, and missing from your leadership.” – SAM JAMPETRO (LC10) Rector/Executive Director, Charis247 Anglican Faith Community leaders collaborative is a program of Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation 100 W Station Square Drive Suite 625 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1139 www.plf.org info@plf.org w: 412.281.3752 f: 412.281.2314
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