Exploring Therapeutic Writing: Using Different Writing Interventions in Healthcare. oxleas.nhs.uk What is CW? CW is creative writing. A broad term meaning different things to different people. Stories - the plot Narrative - the way the story is told: the agenda of the writer Being a facilitator requires: literary skills, knowledge of ‘good’ writing/grammar/ rewriting/editing work Serendipitous outcomes are common: pleasure, fun, imagination, memories etc Occupational therapists can use writing as a creative arts activitiy beginning from play... along a continuum... Find useful exercises and ideas... BBC writers room, CW workshops, Google “creative writing” CW is powerful - BEWARE!!! of practitioners - writers, authors, teachers, using ‘creative writing’ in healthcare with little or no training in mental health... Keep it safe! Poetry Roses are red, Violets are blue Story Once upon a time... is yours? Write your own on a Post-it note WAT is writing as therapy...along a continuum from play to ‘therapy’. In the context of occupational therapy, writing: Writing styles Limerick There was a young lady from What Kent... What is WAT? Haiku Warm, inviting hot chocolate deliciously floating marshmallows hits the spot! by Denise What is UWaT? Using Writing as Therapy (UWaT) exploring identity and self esteem. A pioneering, new, six-session course, exploring identity and self-esteem for clients with depression as part or all of their diagnosis. Six one and a half hour sessions Every session includes: dates, grading, closing statement - and a final enduring statement for the future. Each session - 1.5 to 2 hours Session 1 – Names – exploring the first part of identity Session 2 – Stepping stones – an overview life Session 3 – Habits and assumptions – core thoughts Session 4 - Difficult times – reflecting on behaviour Session 5 – Flow chart of options – possible changes Session 6 - Celebration of life –looking to the future. • has no emphasis on rewriting, editing, grammar or publication • is shared with others (1:1 or in a group) • includes reading out and hearing words aloud • helps people to feel heard • helps people feel valued • reduces feelings of stigma • increases confidence and self esteem. WAT includes: • any writing that improves mood and makes you feel better • playing with writing • most effective with: therapist or leader to keep group safe. ??? Ear Ink Pencil ??? Sharpener (Start with...) Pen ??? Sheet Words ??? Paper What next? Take it further.. use a Postit! Lines Training of other clinicians has commenced and a project to evaluate benefit is in progress. NB: Presentation of this work: Thursday 20th 9am See conference programme for more details. Presenters Dr. Pauline Cooper pauline.cooper@oxleas.nhs.uk Kathryn McGilloway Helen Garrod Images sourced from www.sxc.hu or OT team’s own
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