What is CERA’S role?

What is
CERA’S role?
The Canterbury Earthquake
Recovery Authority (CERA)
is the agency established
by the Government to lead
and co-ordinate the ongoing
recovery effort following the
devastating earthquakes
of September 2010 and
February 2011.
The scale of the disaster
means the overall recovery
requires integrated
and timely decision
making across a range
of organisations. CERA
is supporting a range of
organisations in making
well co-ordinated and
timely decisions. It aims
to help restore the social,
economic, cultural and
environmental wellbeing
of greater Christchurch
Our role includes:
• Providing leadership and
co-ordination for the
ongoing recovery effort
• Focusing on business
recovery, restoring local
communities and making
sure the right structures
are in place for rebuilding
• Enabling an effective and
timely rebuilding
• Working closely with
Christchurch City
Council, Selwyn District
Council, Waimakariri
District Council and
Environment Canterbury
and engaging with local
communities of greater
Christchurch, including
Ngai Tahu, the private
sector and the business
• Keeping people and
communities informed.
What is
CCC’s role?
As the local authority
responsible for Christchurch
city, Christchurch City
Council has a major role in
earthquake recovery in the
While CERA leads
the recovery strategy,
policy and planning, the
Government tasked the
Council with leading the
plan to rebuild the central
city. The Council developed
a draft plan taking into
account the more than
106,000 ideas submitted
by residents. This is being
consulted on before the
final plan is completed by
the end of 2011.
The Council is also
working in partnership
with central Government
and key contractors on the
rebuild of Christchurch’s
infrastructure (water,
wastewater pipes and
Another area of work for
the Council is planning
for the rebuild of the
city’s suburban centres.
Residents are being
consulted for their views on
the redevelopment.
The Council is responsible
for building consents,
the assessment and
remediation of rockfall
and other geotechnical
hazards in the Port Hills
and providing advice on the
city’s heritage.
In addition to these
earthquake responsibilities,
the Council continues to
provide essential services
for the city including water
and wastewater, roads
and traffic management,
kerbside rubbish
collections, libraries, sport
and recreation facilities and
For general enquiries contact 0800 RING CERA
(0800 7464 2372) or email: info@cera.govt.nz
For more information contact the Council on
03 941 8999 or 0800 800 169.
For land information enquiries email
Visit us on www.ccc.govt.nz.
A simple guide
to understanding
key agencies’ roles
in the earthquake
recovery process
the Christchurch
City Council who actually
does what?
If your home, land and contents
suffered damage in the
Canterbury earthquakes, you
may have dealt with a number
of agencies, including the
Earthquake Commission (EQC),
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
Agency (CERA) and the
Christchurch City Council (CCC).
This brochure outlines the basic
functions of each organisation
and who to contact if you have
questions regarding insurance,
building, legal or other issues
associated with your damaged
property, land, contents or
insurance claim.
What is
EQC’s role?
EQC is a Crown entity established to provide insurance
cover for certain natural disaster claims and for public
education and research purposes.
Following the Canterbury earthquakes of 4 September
2010 and 22 February 2011 EQC has also been asked by
the Government to:
• Project manage (through a contract with Fletcher
Construction) the residential rebuild of Christchurch and
affected areas of Canterbury, and
• Manage the Winter Heating Programme. In the event of a natural disaster, EQC will pay
up to $100,000 + GST for house repairs and
$20,000 + GST for contents. Your insurance policy
should cover any additional costs.
Note, the deadline for lodging a claim for an earthquake
is three months after the event. This deadline is set in
legislation (The Earthquake Commission Act 1993) which
does not allow EQC to accept claims after the deadline.
To ensure your contents claim is processed as quickly
as possible, it is essential that you provide as much
information as possible, including receipts, valuations,
quotations, photos and invoices for damaged items, along
with a completed schedule of contents form which is
available on the EQC website.
EQC is not, however, responsible for ‘red stickering’ ,
Council 124 Notices or demolishing houses.
If you have current home and/or contents insurance,
you also have EQC cover. The premium you pay to your
insurance company includes the premium for EQC cover.
This covers damage to residential property caused by
natural disasters such as earthquakes, natural landslips,
volcanic eruptions, hydrothermal activity and tsunami under
the Earthquake Commission Act 1993.
EQC cover includes dwellings, most personal property
(excluding vehicles and art), and the land immediately
around the dwelling. Certain items such as swimming pools,
paths and fences are not covered.
Contact EQC on 0800 DAMAGE (0800 326 243) or visit www.eqc.govt.nz