a SOM fractionation methods as related to functional groups and stabilization mechanisms Luisella Celi1, Chiara Cerli2, Daniel Said-Pullicino1, Eleonora Bonifacio1 1 University of Turin, DIVAPRA, Torino, Italy 2 University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands luisella.celi@unito.it Barcelona June 27-30, 2011 Introduction SOIL ORGANIC MATTER is a continuum of compounds SOM decomposition and stabilisation Introduction a Rate = f ([S], [E], pH, T, O2, H2O) Substrate Inherent degradability Intrinsic recalcitrance Occlusion into aggregates Physical inacessibility Water limitation Impossibility of S or E to migrate Chemical interaction with minerals Chemical protection Migration in subsoil horizons Enzyme limitation Introduction a CO2 Uncomplexed C Aggregate turnover uncomplexed C into macroaggregates unprotected C CO2 sorption CO2 physically C associated to microaggregates chemically stabilised C Condensation CO2 Recalcitrant C biochemically stabised C Adapted from Six et al., 2002 Introduction a SOM TURNOVER CO2 Active Unprotected MRT = 1/K1 intermediate Physically MRT = 1/K2 passive C Chemically MRT = 1/K3 Recalcitrant MRT = 1/K4 Soil organic matter turnover DECOMPOSITION MRT = f (1/k1, 1/k2, 1/k3,1/k4….) AB I LI ZATI O N SoilS Tfunctionality soil fertility OXIDATION DEGREE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS pedogenesis Introduction a The continuum of organic matter is not assessable we need to isolate and separate SOM into organic pools with respect to their specific functions and turnover Methods a Approaches to isolate and separate OM pools Chemical extraction methods Extraction with NaOH and Na4P2O7 Chemical degradation methods Sequential degradation of OM with oxidants (H2O2, KMnO4, NaClO,…) Destruction of the mineral phase by HF Physical separation methods Fractionation of aggregates according to size Particle size separation after physical destruction of aggregates Density fractionation Chemical Methods Chemical extraction methods Classical extraction with NaOH and Na4P2O7 Principle: separation based on different solubility of pools characterized by similar charge to mass ratio Goal: bring SOM pools into solution based on their different degree of fragmentation and oxidation METHOD Chemical Extraction SOIL Water extractable OM H 2O NaOH Na4P2O7 SUPERNATANT 30-80% of TOC Humin HCl Non extractable OM Humic acid insoluble HS Fulvic acid soluble HS OXIDATION DEGREE OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES CHEMICAL COMPOSITION WEOM Chemical Extraction WEOM, FA and HA differ for their chemical composition degree of depolimerisation and oxidation FA HA HA Solution-state 13C NMR Celi et al., 2010 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION WEOM Chemical Extraction WEOM, FA and HA differ for their chemical composition degree of depolimerisation and oxidation Lignin derived-phenol oxidation degree A G E Solution-state 13C NMR A G E Mineral hor. HA HA Organic hor. FA Cerli et al., 2008 SOIL FUNCTIONALITY Chemical Extraction Kirovsky district 40 km SE of St. Petersburg 0 10 20 40 65 a SOIL FUNCTIONALITY FA = f [soil(Ac/Al)V] Chemical Extraction HA = f [soil(Fe+Al)DCB] SOIL (Ac/Al)V 0.2 0.4 0 CA 10 Oi 10 Ac 10 C 20 Oi 20 Oe/Oa 20 AE 20 BC 20 C 40 Oi 40 Oe 40 Oa 40 EA 40 Bs 40 BC 40 C 60 Oi 60 Oe 60 Oa 60 E 60 Bhs 60 BC 60 C 0.6 0.8 1.0 SOIL Fe+Al 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 DCB (weight % soil) 0.8 1.0 1.2 0 CA 10 Oi 10 Ac 10 C 20 Oi 20 Oe/Oa 20 AE 20 BC 20 C 40 Oi 40 Oe 40 Oa 40 EA 40 Bs 40 BC 40 C 60 Oi 60 Oe 60 Oa 60 E 60 Bhs 60 BC 60 C 0 10 FA and HA production is related to SOM decomposition and mineral 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 weathering FA (OC % TOC) 50 60 HA (OC % TOC) Celi et al., 2008 Chemical Extraction NaOH/Na4P2O7 extraction replaces H+–bridges within organic compounds by Na+ and disrupts polyvalent cation bridges between OM and soil minerals hydrolysis involves organo-mineral and organoorgano interactions Na4P2O7 disperses soil particles This method simultaneously separates OM pools stabilised by different processes leading to nonhomogenous fractions with respect to their turnover TURNOVER Chemical Extraction Increase of δ13C in different fractions after 1, 5 and 20 yrs of maize cultivation on a former C3 soil Balesdent and Mariotti, 1996; modified by G. Guggenberger, 2009 Chemical fractions, but WEOM, do not differ with respect to their turnover Chemical Methods Chemical degradation methods Degradation of OM with oxidants (H2O2, KMnO4, NaClO,…) Principle: separation based on preferential and/or sequential removal of OM from soil Goal: mimic biodegradation separating less protected OM from OM pools linked to mineral phase Chemical Methods Chemical degradation methods Destruction of minerals by HF Principle: separation based on preferential dissolution of minerals Goal: separate uncomplexed OM from OM pools associated to mineral phase METHOD Chemical degradation SOIL oxidant Uncomplexed OM residue removed OM 26 – 96% of TOC Recalcitrant OM residual OM HF Mineral-associated OM Released OM STABILISATION DEGREE OF ORGANIC MATTER Chemical degradation and turnover Uncomplexed OM 14C age more modern Chemical degradation Oxidation-resistant OM 14C age older Reviewed by Von Lützow et al., 2007 SOIL FUNCTIONALITY 100 2.00 + HF 80 1.60 60 1.20 40 0.80 20 0.40 Feox (g Kg-1) + NaClO organic C (% TOC) Chemical degradation Bw Bs Bs Bsm 0 0.00 oxidised podzolisation recalcitrant mineral-associated Bonifacio et al., 2011 less protected OM decreases with the binding strength of organo-mineral associations intrinsic recalcitrance explains short-term stabilisation Mineral-associated OM increases and correlates to Fe oxides CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Chemical degradation Mikutta et al., 2006 NaClO removed primarily 14C-modern OM Recalcitrant OM is constituted mainly of aliphatic and O-alkyl moieties Lignin is not contained significantly in mineral-associated or recalcitrant OM → lignin is not a long-lived component of OM PRO/CONTRA Chemical Methods Classical OM fractionation based on different solubility in NaOH, Na4P2O7 and HCl gives functionally OM pools sensitive to soil type and pedogenetic processes separates small to heterogeneous macro/supramolecules However this method simultaneously separates OM pools stabilised by different processes leading to non-homogenous fractions with respect to their turnover Degradation methods are suitable to discern among different stabilisation mechanisms However oxidative procedures are still hardly comparable due to different methodological parameters ([oxidant], time, T, … ) Incomplete oxidation Physical Methods Physical separation methods aim at relating more directly soil structure and function of OM by separating OM pools with different physical surroundings Uncomplexed OM Unprotected (LIGHT FRACTION) Occluded (in aggregates) Primary organomineral complexes <2 m clay-sized 2-20 m silt-sized 20-2000 m sand-sized Secondary organomineral complex <20 m microaggregates 20-250 m small macroaggregates >250 m macroaggregates Physical Methods Particle size separation Particle separation after physical destruction of aggregates Principle: separation based on dispersion of primary particles by ultrasonication or dispersant Goal: to obtain differently sized organomineral complexes with a structure and function primary specific C DISTRIBUTION Particle size separation Enrichment of C and N in the finer soil particles Guggenberger 2002 Sand-sized <10%TOC silt –sized 20 -40% TOC clay-sized 50 -75% TOC C DISTRIBUTION AND TURNOVER turnover Particle size separation Hagedorn et al., 2005 PRO/CONTRA Particle size separation Particle size separation Isolates well functionally defined pools However Does not separate OM but soil particles Soil dispersion often does not give true primary particles but aggregates Re-flocculation of primary particles after dispersion Structure of soil is not considered Physical Methods Aggregate separation Principle: separation based on dispersion of secondary particles by wet and dry sieving Goal: to separate OM in differently sized secondary organomineral complexes METHOD Aggregate separation SOIL Wet sieving <250 2000-250 m NaPT m Ultrasonication Uncomplexed LF residue Ultrasonication 2000-250 250 - 20 <20 250 - 20 STABILISATION DEGREE OF ORGANIC MATTER <20 Aggregate separation C DISTRIBUTION 6 25 Increase of C in the smaller aggregates 5 20 4 3 15 2 10 1 0 m <20 M <20 m 250-20 M 250-20 M 2000-250 LF 5 Said-Pullicino et al., unpublished data C/N Ratio C distribution (mg C g-1 soil) NF_S Microaggregates protected in macroaggregates are richer in C than separated microggregates C/N decreases from uncomplexed unprotected (LF) to m<20 m PRO/CONTRA Aggregate separation Separation of aggregates Isolates functional pools based on aggregate hierarchy Microaggregates stabilise oxidised OM However lack of standardization / time consuming does not separate OM but soil aggregates Re-flocculation of particles after dispersion Pools isolated by aggregate fractionation have formed by different, simultaneously acting stabilisation mechanisms Useful pre-treatment to obtain more homogeneous fractions Physical Methods Density separation Principle: separation based on different density between uncomplexed OM and associatedmineral OM Goal: to separate free uncomplexed OM from OM associated to mineral phase METHOD Density separation SOIL Density solution 1.6 g cm-1 residue Uncomplexed LF Ultrasonication Floating material Uncomplexed Occluded Mineral associated Floating material residue STABILISATION DEGREE OF ORGANIC MATTER CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Density separation Chemical Extraction (Ac/Al) V 0C Free, occluded uncomplexed OM differ from mineral associated OM 10 Ac 10 C 20 AE 20 BC 20 C MOM is more stabilised and more oxidised 40 EA 40 Bs More oxidised OM accumulates into minerals with time 40 BC 40 C 60 E 60 Bhs 60 BC 60 C Free Uncomplexed OM Occluded uncomplexed OM 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Mineral associated OM Cerli et al., 2008 SOIL FUNCTIONALITY Density separation SOIL Fe+AlOXALATE (weight % soil) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 CA 10 Oi 10 Ac 10 C 20 Oi 20 Oe/Oa 20 AE 20 BC 20 C 40 Oi 40 Oe 40 Oa 40 EA 40 Bs 40 BC 40 C 60 Oi 60 Oe 60 Oa 60 E 60 Bhs 60 BC 60 C mineral associated OM increases with formation of Fe and Al oxides 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 MOM (OC % TOC) Cerli et al., 2008 PRO/CONTRA Chemical Methods Separation by density Isolates unprotected or occluded uncomplexed OM from associated pools OM is increasingly stabilised by interaction with minerals Is suitable to study OM cycling and turnover However lack of standardisation 1.6 g cm-3 seems the most suitable density Crucial step: ultrasonication energy for separating occluded OM (test) Useful pre-treatment to obtain more homogeneous fractions CONCLUSIONS Various approaches isolate •different operationally defined OM fractions •often show a structural or functional bias Choice of method depends on question A hypothesis-based combination of methods is the most effective approach to obtain meaningful process-oriented results, useful for understanding OM dynamics and turnover in various ecosystems Conclusion a COMPARISON CO2 Active intermediate Unprotected MRT = 1/K1 Physically MRT = 1/K2 passive C Chemically MRT = 1/K3 Recalcitrant MRT = 1/K4 Chemically/recalcitrant NaOH/P2O7 Oxidant /HF uncomplexed Particle size uncomplexed Chemically/recalcitrant Aggregate uncomplexed Chemically/recalcitrant Density Unprotected physically chemically recalcitrant Chemically/recalcitrant Thanks to you for attention C. Cerli, D. Said-Pullicino E. Bonifacio for collaboration COST FP 0803 for invitation METHOD WEOM Density separation H2O SOIL Density solution 1.6 g cm-1 Uncomplexed LF Floating material residue ? QUESTION
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