What is open innovation (OI) and why is this emerging trend important to businesses and creative minds? MBA 585 North Carolina State University Table of Contents Open Innovation & Trends....................................................................................................................... 2 Success Criteria and Key Measures of Performance ................................................................................. 9 Performance Metrics of Open Innovation .......................................................................................... 13 Measuring Performance of Open Innovation at Proctor & Gamble .................................................... 14 Current Open Innovation Models and Best Practices ............................................................................. 15 Eli Lilly: Office of Alliance Management ............................................................................................. 15 Alliance Health Scorecard .............................................................................................................. 17 InnoCentive ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Procter & Gamble (P&G) Company: Connect and Develop ................................................................. 18 Identification of Needs at P&G ....................................................................................................... 19 P&G Networking ............................................................................................................................ 20 When to Engage ............................................................................................................................ 21 The Future of Open Innovation in Pharmaceuticals ................................................................................ 22 The Pharmaceutical Shift ................................................................................................................... 22 From managing a business deal to creating an effective collaboration ............................................... 22 Cloud Computing: The next big thing ................................................................................................. 23 Challenges ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 24 1 Open Innovation & Trends What is open innovation (OI) and why is this emerging trend important to businesses and creative minds? Brilliant ideas that are also feasible are difficult to come by with limited resources. Very generally, the term “open innovation” describes a move away from sole reliance on internal resources and capabilities to include vast external resources during the process of product and service development. Examples of such resources are ideas, technology, intellectual property, and skill. Internal resources are those owned or controlled by a business entity, whereas external resources are those whose access requires consent or voluntary participation by other entities. The Linux operating system provides an example of an open-innovation product. Tens of thousands of volunteer software engineers have contributed to the Linux code base, a freely available operating system. This mass participation has resulted in an OS widely regarded as superior to others with respect to reliability, configurability, and security.1 Linux has surpassed the Mac OS to become the second most-used operating system for personal computers and in 2007 accounted for 13 percent of worldwide server revenue. Corporate beneficiaries of Linux include IBM and HP who have developed a business around the OS by providing hardware, add-on software, and services for the operating system. As a result of this open innovation approach to Linux development, companies like IBM and HP have bypassed hundreds of millions of dollars in OS development costs while leveraging volunteer talent and effort. Yet another example of open innovation is Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) acquisition of what is now Crest SpinBrush, a battery-powered toothbrush from a small start-up company. That move, along with another new product, grew sales for the Crest brand by more than 50% in two years, an outcome that has been called a “category killer.”2 In both the case of Linux and of P&G’s SpinBrush, the respective businesses capitalized on groundbreaking developments by expanding their field of search beyond their own walls. We now provide an overview of open innovation with regard to how it is a valuable approach to business development and with regard to ongoing trends. Other sections of the report will explore open innovation practices in greater depth. Many businesses are engaging in various forms of open innovation because it provides important advantages. As mentioned previously, open innovation is centered on capturing value from the wide-ranging knowledge and capability that exist outside an organization. The range of this external knowledge and capability is far beyond what any organization can afford to create through its own internal research and development, hence the impetus for open-innovation initiatives like Connect & Develop.3 Connect & Develop is an effort on the part of P&G to create high-value partnerships with external entities (researchers, inventors, design companies, etc.) that lead to innovative ideas, technologies, products, and processes. Sage (sagebase.org), an open-access platform for building diagnostic and therapeutic disease models, is another example of open innovation driven by a need to capitalize on the efforts of external contributors.4 Sage was sponsored by the drug company Merck based on the recognition that analyzing tremendous 2 volumes of bioinformatics data for solving biochemistry problems would require resources well beyond what could be offered by one or a few organizations. Sage makes available software tools and high-powered cloud-computing to researchers worldwide via the internet. Through openinnovation initiatives like Sage and P&G’s Connect and Develop, the results of ordinarily costprohibitive R&D activity become available to seeking organizations. An even more important incentive for businesses to participate in open innovation is competition. As competitors upgrade their product lines through OI, businesses are increasingly under pressure to pursue new methods, knowledge, technology, and talent.5 Large increases in the number of external resource contributors coupled with their ease of mobility between business customers is driving a decline in the value of operating solely on the efforts of internal R&D.3 However, though a company like P&G finds that the cost of internal R&D is rising faster than sales growth in the absence of OI, P&G management points out that it is important for a firm to maintain its own R&D capability because doing so enables the firm to learn from others. Without having its own practicing researchers, P&G would be unable to interface effectively with external problem solvers.3 Open innovation is being applied towards achieving a variety of goals including maximizing R&D returns, managing false negatives in opportunity identification, revamping old products, and driving growth by synergy rather than only in an organization’s original area of focus. Maximizing R&D returns is about generating value from an organization’s R&D investment. An organization’s R&D efforts often results in intellectual property (IP) that does not fit with its preferred portfolio. P&G’s approach to this situation was to either find new applications for this IP for its own use or to out-license it. P&G set a specific goal of increasing utilization of its technologies from 10% to 50% in order to receive a larger return on its investment.3 Level of successful utilization has also been referred to as hit rate. Through OI practices, P&G was able to increase its hit rate at one point from 30% to 80%.6 Dutch State Mines (DSM) is another company that applies similar OI strategies. DSM is involved with several start-up companies. Those that develop along the areas that benefit DSM are spun-in to DSM. DSM gives up its stake in other companies that are not poised to contribute to its strategy.7 In essence, through open innovation, both P&G and DSM maximize their R&D returns by increasing the number of applications for their IP, whether inside the company or outside. OI is useful for managing false negatives in opportunity identification. Businesses are vigilant about quickly ending ventures that do not appear to have a success path (false positives). However, they tend to eliminate risky opportunities at the expense of accruing false negatives, that is, opportunities that later demonstrate strong viability, often in the hands of another entity.5 These lost opportunities can be sizable. An example is XEROX’s PARC technologies (laser printing, Ethernet, graphical user interfaces, etc.) that were abandoned for more promising projects. With the advent of personal computers, however, XEROX’s technologies became the foundation of highly valuable companies. One other example is compound UK-92480, which failed as a treatment for hypertension, but later became Viagra, Pfizer’s most profitable drug. Thus, while a risk-averse mindset is appropriate for mature businesses, it is not for innovative work. Good management style 3 takes this difference into account.7 Some approaches for managing false negatives through OI have been suggested as follows.5 Instead of blindly eliminating risk, Accept that not all risks can be known and risk is not sufficient reason to avoid an opportunity; experimentation is required. Invest gradually on a project based on incoming results. If results warrant terminating a project, observe any continued interest in the project by other parties after it is terminated. Continued interest and development may signal a false negative. Re-assess potential false negatives for opportunity. A terminated project may be out-licensed in order to derive maximum value from investments in the project. As an alternative to out-licensing, a spin-off venture may be started. Should the venture mature, it will provide value from equity. OI is also important for revamping old products. P&G CEO A.G. Lafley turned around P&G’s decline by investing in innovation for established products, not just new categories of products. As examples, shampoo products were reclassified by customer-preferred styles (curly, straight, thick) rather than by condition (normal, dry, oily). Screening stations were introduced in chains like WalMart to generate demand for Actonel, an osteoporosis drug. Other P&G brands like Tide and Pampers offered new and improved versions.2 Synergy is yet another method to apply OI to create growth. Here, synergistic growth means expanding a company’s portfolio into apparently disparate areas that actually complement one another and thus enhance the company’s market position. DSM exemplifies this approach. DSM initially started as a coal-mining company, but has evolved with market demand to become a manufacturer of both life-science products and performance materials.7 The company does not restrict its innovation to familiar territory, but seeks out opportunities that are synergistic with its current operations. Open innovation can take a number of forms. Two broad categories are transaction-based and codevelopment OI. Acquiring a start-up company or IP are examples of transaction-based OI. Codevelopment, on the other hand, is a partnership over whose duration the company and external contributors work together on innovation goals. The Connect & Develop (C&D) program at P&G is an example of co-development. One C&D process is for P&G staff to modify requests for proposals based on the solutions received for the original requests. P&G and external problem solvers may iterate through this process a number of times until P&G arrives at optimum solutions.7 The CreateInnovate group at P&G practices co-development OI by gathering people from a variety of fields to brainstorm together. Encouraging researchers to be involved in one or more communities of practice is another way that P&G facilitates open innovation. Some of P&G’s communities of practice are bleach, polymers, and analytical chemistry. Merck-sponsored initiative Sage provides 4 tools that bring researchers together from around the world and allow them to co-explore biomarkers for identification and drug development.4 Industry-academic collaboration is a trend in open innovation, one often encouraged or facilitated by governments. In Europe, the Lambert Agreements are expected to make it easier for not only large companies to engage with academia, but small companies as well. Small companies are wary of legal fees in contract negotiations; the Lambert Agreements are partly aimed at small companies, providing them with pre-negotiated deals that they can then tailor. These contract templates are designed to accelerate negotiations by providing a widely recognized standard that is considered to be fair. Prior to the Lambert Agreements, companies wanted all IP rights upfront and universities were reluctant to give them away, thus hindering collaborations. Development of the Lambert Agreements was sponsored by the UK Treasury. Another OI infrastructure, the Responsible Partnering initiative, is endorsed by the European Commission and aims to provide information and tools to enable open innovation between industry and academia.9 The Responsible Partnering initiative operates on two main principles. The first is that collaboration should strongly demonstrate the value of publicly funded research so as to attract more funding. Secondly, it is important that partners apply measures and practices that lower the cost of collaborations. Examples of such measures include developing long-term relationships, diligence in implementing results, fairness, and working in the public interest. In the United States, open innovation is central to NIH’s efforts to emphasize and fund translational science.10 The aim of the new NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences is to facilitate greater collaboration between academia, pharmaceutical companies, and the FDA so as to increase output of new therapies and diagnostics. Through the center, NIH seeks to reduce the business risks of investing in new therapies in order to encourage more private investments. The plan is to invest in new therapies through institutions to the point where they attract commercial interest, then turnover the development to pharmaceutical and biotech companies. NIH is also collaborating with the FDA to ensure that research results will support new drug applications. We now briefly survey the role of technology in OI. Utilization of technology in open innovation is maturing from simply allowing faster and more efficient communication of ideas to providing tools for co-developing the ideas. These new tools include simulation capability that allow customers to provide feedback on products before they are made; technology to integrate product design with service and process design; marketing and customer management systems; data-mining technology; and interfaces with makers of rapid-prototyping tools.3 These co-development tools have been termed “innovation technology.” Use of OI technology may impact staffing profile. With P&G’s CreateInnovate center, instead of hiring mostly chemists, biochemists, and chemical engineers as was done in the past, P&G is now also hiring industrial designers and mechanical engineers. IT also has an important role to play. The table below highlights the role of information technology and various tools provided by IT for OI, depending on the end user.6 5 Table 1 Open Innovation Tools from IT Companies actively practicing open innovation frequently gravitate to running one or more innovation centers. At Eli Lilly, the Office of Alliance Management supports partnership contracts by ensuring that the necessary commitments and capabilities are available for a successful relationship.11 P&G developed the Technology Entrepreneurs Network (TEN) externally, consisting of scientists, entrepreneurs, and specialists in P&G’s technology needs.3 DSM formed the DSM Venturing & Business Development group to engage in open innovation.7 External organizations dedicated to providing OI services have also been emerging with the rise of OI.12 NineSigma, for example, was founded in 2000 and ranked in the top 20 percent of Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies in 2008. NineSigma connects innovation seekers (clients) with solution providers (typically other companies). Clients of NineSigma come from a variety of industries including automotive, food and beverage, chemicals, medical, and consumer goods. InnoCentive, founded by Eli Lilly in 2001, matches a community of over 140,000 engineers, scientists, business people, inventors, and research organizations to clients seeking innovative solutions. Another OI organization is the USA National Innovation Marketplace, an online registry where inventors and IP owners can describe their ideas to solution seekers. Retirees are a sought talent pool for open innovation projects, another trend in OI. Eugene Steuerle, senior fellow at the Urban Institute, believes that retirement-age adults are the largest untapped 6 pool of human talent.13 However, tax and pension laws make it difficult for older adults to take the path of partial retirement with reduced hours, forcing them to either completely retire or find parttime work with another company. Valerie Paganelli, consultant with Watson Wyatt, says that the idea of partial retirement is popular with employees: a Watson Wyatt survey found that two-thirds of older workers would like to reduce their hours before completely retiring; and one-third of these workers would agree to postpone their full retirement if reduced hours were available. IRS has made a proposal that might encourage phased-retirement: workers that are 59 or older may voluntary cut back hours and be allowed to receive partial-payment from their pension. This rule would allow workers to stay with their current employer. People like Sam Johnson, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Education and Workforce Committee, believe that Congress needs to act to give employers full flexibility to orchestrate phased-retirement. Procter & Gamble and Eli Lilly, among others, have not waited for this to happen. They have gotten around the current rules by starting separate companies like YourEncore through which retirees can continue to work for them indirectly. YourEncore was founded in 2003 by P&G and Eli Lilly as a way to tap into the talent pool of retirees; it matches retirees with short-term projects from client companies.14 Workers enlisted by YourEncore are not limited to working with their former employer. In fact, there’s great value in cross-pollination. P&G, for example, can use the virtual modeling skills of an engineer from Boeing to explore designs for its diapers. Various strategies are being developed to capture value from OI initiatives. Open strategy is about balancing value creation in open innovation with value capture: how a company can derive value from an externally-created resource without alienating the external community.1 Linux, MySpace, Wikipedia, and YouTube exemplify organizations that benefit from a community of contributors. Traditional business views such as Porter’s model focus on ownership and control of resources. A modification of this model is required to practice open innovation because resources like volunteer contributors and innovation communities are not owned or controlled by the company. These differences require new strategies for success. Figure 1 illustrates a continuum between closed and open innovation with regard to value creation and capture. At one extreme are Microsoft and Google, who employ a closed-innovation approach, creating value in-house and owning all of it. On the other extreme are YouTube and MySpace whose values are almost entirely created by external communities, with resulting content belonging to the companies. Linux is at an intermediate node where the externally-created value is not owned by business beneficiaries but is used by them to generate profit. These examples demonstrate the variety of possibilities for creating and capturing value in open innovation. 7 Figure 1 Continuum from Closed to Open Innovation13 Finally, implementing open innovation requires a mindset that is conducive to the process. Some of the important characteristics of an “intrapreneurial mindset” are a willingness to do whatever is required for project success, regardless of job description, and an ambition that may require asking for forgiveness rather than permission.7 Internal motivation on an individual level is more important than external incentives and simple recognition of contributions by an individual can create internal motivation.15 Nabil Sakkab, P&G’s senior vice president for Corporate R&D, describes the characteristics of great players in open innovation: they are comfortable with collaboration, have both a technical and business mindset, are entrepreneurial, are quick to identify opportunity, and are able to run experiments to assess the deal and close it, if possible. They also need to be open-minded toward new ideas at all times.3 P&G’s CEO, Lafley, exemplifies other qualities that foster an innovation culture. His approachability, easygoing demeanor, and good listening skills are credited for his success in transforming what has been described as a closed, arrogant culture to one of ideasharing, both inside and outside of P&G.2 His methods are contrasted to that of his predecessor who is described as demanding and authoritarian. P&G is now striving to move its innovators away from a perfectionist mentality to one that encourages people to fail early and often in order to speed up experiments and eliminate non-viable projects, thereby improving R&D efficiency. However, even with the right corporate culture and motivation, success is not guaranteed. The health of the open innovation process must be continuously monitored to ensure that the process is receiving adequate inputs to generate effective solutions. Thus, a set of metrics and criteria is critical to the success of the OI process. 8 Success Criteria and Key Measures of Performance In this section, we will examine the success criteria and key measures of the performance of open innovation. However, before getting to open innovation, we will review success criteria and performance measures of innovation itself. Economic studies during the past several decades have concluded that technology innovation (and related capital and human investment) contributes nearly half of the nation’s productivity, economic growth and standard of living.16 Today more than ever before, companies must exploit their innovative capabilities to develop new businesses if they are to successfully confront the disruptive effects of emerging technologies, empowered customers, new market entrants, shorter product life cycles, geopolitical instability, and market globalization. Indeed, the development of innovative capabilities is the only means by which companies can sustain a competitive advantage.17 In every industry, the leading companies are the innovators. Nevertheless, the leadership position of a company is only short lived, not due to the lack of innovation but due to the lack of sustained innovation. The lack of sustained innovation at companies suggests that the management either does not pay attention to innovation or it does not have the right information about the ‘health’ of innovation. It is thus imperative that business leadership pay the utmost attention to the role of innovation in market growth, and competitiveness. However, sound decision making regarding innovation at a company requires credible, timely and relevant measurements, as per the saying “what you get is what you measure.” Whereas having no metrics can lead to ‘shooting in the dark,’ bad metrics can lead to bad diagnosis, improper decisions and unintended consequences to the company. Despite the importance of innovation as an engine of growth, and the need for innovation metrics to make informed decisions, it is surprising that many companies do not measure their innovativeness. Among companies that measure their innovativeness, most use productdevelopment metrics only, such as annual R&D budget as a percent of annual sales, number of patents filed in the past year, percentage of sales from products introduced in the past year, and number of ideas submitted by employees. According to a 2005 article, the top five metrics used by most companies were R&D spending as a percent of sales; total patents filed, pending, or awarded; total R&D head count; number of products or projects in active development; and first year sales of new products.18 Such metrics can be useful for a product driven company such as a biotechnology or pharmaceutical company, which is the concern for this paper. However, these metrics offer a limited view of a company’s innovativeness (and sustained innovation capability), and neglect business-concept innovations. In order to measure the company’s overall (360o) innovation capability, Muller, Valikangas and Merlyn have built a framework for the selection of metrics that managers can customize to track innovation success in their companies. Figure 2 provides the Innovation Framework for the selection of metrics.17 9 Figure 2 Innovation Framework17 The framework combines three views on innovation, resource, capability and leadership. The resource view addresses the allocation of resources to tactical investment in the existing business and innovation (strategic investment in new business). The resources are capital, labor and time, and output is the return on investment in strategic innovation. The capability view measures the company’s competencies, culture and conditions to support the conversion of innovation resources into opportunities for business renewal. The inputs of the capability view are preconditions for innovation, such as the extent to which a company’s skills, tools, culture and values are adapted to innovation. Outputs include the development of new skills and knowledge domains that cover innovation and strategic options. The leadership view evaluates leaders’ involvement in innovation activities, the establishment of formal processes to promote innovation, and dissemination of innovation goals. Innovation process provides yet another element of the framework by measuring organizational structures and innovation incentives. The innovation process interlinks the resource view and the capability view. Table 2 lists sample metrics for each of the views. It is not necessary to measure all the metrics listed in Table 2 to measure a company’s innovativeness. However, it is recommended to choose at least one metric for each of the six elements listed in the framework. Such metrics have to be simple, meaningful and intuitive. The metrics related to input and leadership views measure the company’s level of engagement with innovation, whereas the metrics related to output and processes measure the success of company’s innovation platform. The metrics suggested in Table 2, based on the framework of Figure 2, are important for measuring the innovativeness of a company. Even though these metrics can be used 10 to measure the performance of open innovation, the emphasis is on in-house R&D. Some examples of how these metrics and more others have been used by companies such as Proctor & Gamble to measure open innovation will be discussed later. Table 2 Sample Metrics Resource view Inputs- capital, talent, time: % of capital that is invested in innovation activities such as submitting and reviewing ideas for new products and services, and developing ideas through an innovation pipeline Number of entrepreneurs in the company, i.e., individuals who have previously started a business % of workforce time that is currently dedicated to innovation projects Output- return on investment Number of new products, services and businesses launched in the past year % of revenue from products or services introduced in the past three years Share of wealth, i.e., the change in the company’s market value during the past year divided by the change in the total industry’s market value during the same period Capability View Inputs- preconditions % of employees for whom innovation is a key performance goal % of employees who have received training in innovation Number of innovation tools and methodologies available to employees Output- renewal Number of new competencies measured as a simple count among a threshold proportion of employees Number of strategic options (i.e., newly created opportunities to significantly advance an existing business) Number of new markets entered in past year Leadership View Processes % of executives’ time spent on strategic innovation rather than day-today operations % of managers with training in the concepts and tools of innovation Number of times during the past 5, 10 and 20 years in which senior management has redefined the company’s core business Number of ideas submitted by employees in the past 3, 6 and 12 months Ratio of successful ideas to ideas submitted Number of ongoing experiments and ventures Average time from idea submission to commercial launch 11 As mentioned above, short lived innovativeness does not provide companies with lasting revenue growth. Therefore, companies have to engage in sustained innovation. To this end, Innovation Management Maturity Assessment (IMMA) developed by Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS) at North Carolina State University not only diagnoses the innovation maturity of a company but also suggests a path for improvement. According to Paul C. Mugge, Innovation Professor, CIMS Director, College of Management, NCSU “Our assessments provide companies powerful insights into their innovation proficiency. They also lay out a roadmap for change." The IMMA is based on 25 years of CIMS research into the best practices of leading corporations. The tool requires the company to rate organization's performance across the five core competencies and five management dimensions of innovation as presented in Figure 3. CIMS helps identify potential IM 'gaps' and provide the tools and programs to close them. The results are 'heat mapped' to illustrate organization's strengths and weaknesses. This easy-to-read display guides management on where to focus on the areas that need the most help. Figure 3 North Carolina State University’s CIMS Innovation Management Maturity Assessment The assessment is divided into two parts: core competencies and management dimensions. The 10 components are rated using a scale from 1 to 5. The entire assessment takes about 5 minutes to complete. In some aspects, CIMS IMMA incorporates capability view, leadership view and resource 12 view from the framework presented by Muller, Valikangas and Merlyn. However, CIMS IMMA is more comprehensive, forward looking and easy to implement.17 Open innovation business models can exist in different levels of maturity. As the paradigm of open innovation has evolved over the past decade, many models have been developed to describe the maturity of open innovation within a company. Figure 4 presents a model developed by Dr. Chesbrough and PRTM Management Consultants to describe the evolution of open innovation.19 His model consists of three levels of maturity. The first level is a state of external awareness in which the company regularly looks outside for new ideas and technology. The second level is a business model which fully integrates internal and external activities. The third and final level is the establishment of an open innovation “ecosystem”. In this stage of evolution, the business is fully integrated into an interconnected network. There is no longer a central hub and all partners share risks and rewards. Innovating the company’s business model also becomes a key focus of the strategy. Figure 4 Evolution of Open Innovation – Three Levels of Maturity19 Performance Metrics of Open Innovation It is beyond doubt that companies need to measure the success and sustainability of innovation to justify a budget for R&D. Measurement of performance is even more essential for open innovation. First, as a new model for innovation, there is some upfront cost to set up open innovation in a company. The upfront cost can only be justified if there is expectation of higher return than the totally-invented-here (TIH) innovation. Second, there are plenty of skeptics and fence-sitters of open innovation even in companies that are at the forefront of implementing open innovation. Only 13 hard data generated by measuring the performance of open innovation and proving that open innovation can work better than TIH can change the mind-set of such people in a company. Here we describe some of the metrics that Proctor & Gamble (P&G) has used to measure the performance of open innovation. A literature survey indicates that P&G is one of the best and earliest to adopt the process of open innovation.20 Measuring Performance of Open Innovation at Proctor & Gamble In 2000, P&G went through a challenging period; it missed its growth target two quarters in a row. Then, it was clear to P&G executives that their ‘invent-it-ourselves’ model was not capable of sustaining high levels of top-line growth. For a company the size of P&G, the required organic growth of 4-6% meant about $4 billion each year. The R&D productivity had leveled off, and the innovation success rate–the percentage of new products that met financial objectives–had stagnated at about 35% at P&G. Squeezed by nimble competitors, flattening sales, lackluster new launches, and a quarterly earnings miss, P&G lost more than half its market cap when the stock slid from $118 to $52 a share in 2000. That was a wake-up call for P&G. In 2000, only 15% of P&G’s new products incorporated elements from outside of P&G. The newly appointed CEO of P&G, A. G. Lafley made it a goal to acquire 50% of innovations from outside the company. In 2002, P&G implemented an open innovation model, called Connect & Develop (C&D). By 2007, a little over 50 percent of its pipeline and products in the market had an external technology or an external C&D connection. As a sign that the open innovation is working for P&G, in 2011, P&G was ranked 5th for world’s most admired company by Fortune magazine.36 Initially, P&G used the percent of pipeline and products in the market with an external element as a metric of open innovation. How high the share of external element can go is probably dependent on the industry and many other factors. However, for open innovation to work there has to be internal capability for R&D. In the event that the company loses its internal invention and development capability, it will not be in a position to evaluate technologies coming from outside. At the time when P&G adopted the open innovation model, ‘percent of pipeline and product with an external element’ was chosen as a metric of open innovation since there was not a better one known at that time. Since then, P&G has been measuring the success of its open innovation using several other metrics as described below. Number of ‘touch points’ to market launch: P&G documents the number of touch points a potential product has to go through to make it ready for market launch. The fewer touch points that exist the more time and money saved. At P&G, the products from open innovation consistently involve less touch points than TIH products. Time taken for a product to market launch: The shorter the development time for a product the better. At P&G, the development time for products with external elements is often much shorter than TIH products. 14 Net product value (NPV): A product from external element is followed throughout its life cycle, and NPV is documented. At P&G, usually the products with external elements have higher NPV than TIH products. Shorter development time for open innovation products biases the NPV towards open innovation products. In addition to performance metrics, P&G also has other process metrics to make sure that the innovation is sustainable. To this end, there is a training program to train scientists and engineers in open innovation. To be able to succeed with open innovation, a company has to respond rapidly and diligently to partners’ initiative. The response time to partners’ initiative is another measure that P&G uses to gauge the efficiency of open innovation process. The other metric is the view of employees towards open innovation. In the beginning, there is a lot of skepticism. However, once it has been demonstrated that open innovation works, the proportion of employees with positive opinion about open innovation increases. The number of external partners and the number of deals signed in a given time period can be other process metrics for open innovation. Now that we have established what open innovation is, highlighted some key trends of open innovation, and reviewed a framework for establishing metrics for open innovation success and performance, we will now discuss in detail some of the current open innovation models in use by leading companies in the field of open innovation. Current Open Innovation Models and Best Practices Big pharma as a whole has shown great reluctance in adopting the notion of open innovation. Big pharma has the resources and cash to hold out for several years for their internal development pipeline to come up with another “blockbuster” product that will keep the company alive and satisfy the stakeholders. Small pharmaceutical companies on the other hand, lack the financial resources to support large scale production and expensive clinical trials. Many of these small companies lack even a year’s worth of cash in the bank. As a result, these companies are often forced to engage in open innovation and seek external alliances in order to survive. Big pharma’s strict reliance on internal R&D has worked in the past as there were fewer products on the market and more unmet needs. Over the past twenty years; however, the market has been flooded with drug products and there are fewer unmet market needs with simple solutions. As in P&G’s case mentioned earlier, R&D costs are increasing faster than revenue from new products. As a result, some of these companies are beginning to realize the need for open innovation. In spite of the overall reluctance of the industry as a whole to adopt open innovation, a few large companies have made enormous strides in the direction of open innovation. We will now explore some of these companies and highlight some of their best practices in open innovation. Eli Lilly: Office of Alliance Management Eli Lilly is regarded by many to be at the forefront of the open innovation movement among big pharma. Until the early 1990s, Lilly was driven by internal R&D. In the early 1990s Lilly’s thinking 15 began to change. Lilly management realized that they needed more than an occasional partnership opportunity in order to supply a sustainable external stream of ideas to supplement their R&D pipeline.19 As Lilly shifted its strategy to sustainable alliance capability, it became clear that they would need to improve their business model to adapt to the requirements of managing alliances for success. Thus, in 1999, the Office of Alliance Management (OAM) was born. The goal of the OAM was to manage relationships between Lilly and their external partners. The OAM was organized as a group of committees that oversaw each alliance. Each committee was assigned an alliance manager from Lilly and each partner was given equal representation on the committee. The OAM was given three responsibilites to function as the 1) internal alliance champion, 2) alliance leader, and 3) alliance manager. The alliance champion is typically a senior level executive who provides the high-level support necessary to breakdown bureaucratic barriers. The alliance leader is the technical leader, or project manager who manages the day-to-day activities of the alliance. Finally, the alliance manager represented the OAM and mediated the business relationship between Lilly and the alliance partner. The alliance manager was involved with the entire alliance process, beginning with the early search for partners and the due diligence process. The alliance manager was also given four key responsibilities.11 1. Provide pre-deal assessment for potential alliances 2. Facilitate the start-up of new alliances 3. Support value creation efforts for ongoing and transitioning alliances 4. Build Lilly’s capacity and capabilities for alliances To aide in the managing and success of alliance management, the Lilly Alliance Management Process (LAMP) was created. LAMP is essentially a protocol with guidelines to help streamline the alliance management process. LAMP also provided a framework to identify value creating tools and common processes.11 Scott Fishman, an alliance manager at Lilly, described his role in one particular alliance like this: There’s the contractual governance, which is what you can read in the contract. But what really brought the collaboration to life was the non-contractual governance. It was those small extra things. It was adding score cards; it was additional venues for research discussions and for coordination of activities. It was a lot of non-contractual things that didn’t rewrite the contractual governance but enhanced it.11 The OAM has proven to be very effective in alliance management. Lilly partners have described their experiences with Lilly and the OAM as very positive. The OAM and its dedication to the success of the alliance gives Lilly’s partners confidence that they have a voice in the partnership. A senior scientist for one of Lilly’s partners described working with Scott Fishman and the OAM: 16 Scott has been a terrific influence in the alliance. Scott and I spent a lot of time on the phone. Scott is a voice of reason and process. It helps to balance the style of others at the Lilly team. Scott is the kind of person who I could call up and say, “Look, we’ve got a situation, in chemistry or maybe wherever. We need to talk through this and see how we’re going to sort this out.” In any alliance, you got to have someone who is diplomatic and uses really good judgment. Scott has a very good understanding, because he’s involved in many other alliances.11 In 2003, Lilly received the Quality Award for Alliance Management from the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals. By 2004, Lilly had more than 200 strategic alliances.11 Alliance Health Scorecard Part of the success of Lilly’s OAM can be attributed to the regular Voice of Alliance (VOA) surveys that the OAM conducted to measure the health of the alliance. Lilly developed an Alliance Health Scorecard (AHS) as a tool to analyze the health of the alliance relationship. The AHS measured the health of the alliance across fourteen categories (Figure 5). The scorecard is often used to measure the change in each area over time.19 It provides a clear picture of the alliance and clearly identifies areas where more effort is needed to improve the relationship. Figure 5 Alliance Health Scorecard19 17 InnoCentive Even with many alliances and a wealth of subject matter experts, Lilly encountered some difficult development challenges that confounded their expertise. Regardless of how much experience they possessed in-house, these challenges often required the aid of external expertise to be resolved. Many of these challenges did not lend themselves well to seeking partnerships or hiring consultants. Lilly needed a set of tools that could be used to reach outside of the company to find the right skill set or right person to solve the dilemma. Alpheus Bingham and Aaron Schacht, both Eli Lilly executives, realized the necessity for such a toolset. The unprecedented wide-spread reach of the internet provided the technology for such a tool to become a reality. With this in mind, Bingham and Schacht set out to develop InnoCentive, a tool that would utilize the internet to reach a nearly unlimited pool of talent. InnoCentive was the first global internet-based platform designed to connect “seekers” and “solvers”. InnoCentive was designed to protect the intellectual property of both the “seeker” and the “solver”. Seekers in search of a solution, post a high-level problem statement on InnoCentive’s web platform. Solvers can browse through all of the problems statements to find ones that they want to work on. Solvers then volunteer to work on the problem and are provided more information under a non-disclosure confidentiality agreement. If the solver finds a solution, they submit the proposed solution to the seeker. If the seeker is satisfied that the solution works, the solver given a monetary award ranging anywhere from $5,000 to $1 million and the intellectual property associated with the solution is transferred exclusively to the seeker. InnoCentive exists solely as a medium to connect seekers and solves. InnoCentive neither generates nor vouches for solutions. Seekers pay a set price ($35,000 in 2009 unless a bundle is purchased) to post problem statements.20 InnoCentive began as an internal tool for Lilly, but quickly became a separate entity after enjoying huge successes. In 2009, InnoCentive had grown to 32 employees who continually improve the tool and provide its services to any company in need of finding solutions to complex problems. From 2001 to 2009 there were more than 170,000 participants from 175 countries. From more than 800 problems posted, nearly 400 solutions were found (approximately 50% success rate). Nearly $4 million in awards were paid to solvers for these 400 solutions. The real strength of the InnoCentive tool is its ability to reach an extremely wide range of expertise. Karim Lakhani, a professor at Harvard Business School, noted that “The further the focal problem was from the solvers’ field of expertise, the more likely they were to solve it.” It has also been noted that the most successful solvers were organizing problem solving teams to select and solve problems. Some of these solver teams also worked closely with the academic community to reach solutions. With the evolution of this pattern, InnoCentive has begun developing additional tools and features to encourage to formation of problem-solving teams.20 Procter & Gamble (P&G) Company: Connect and Develop As discussed earlier, P&G realized the need to utilize external resources after their huge market decline in 2000. P&G realized its internal R&D could not meet its growth objectives by spending 18 more and more on R&D for less and less payoff even though its R&D was well established with a strong knowledge pool. As a result, the new appointed CEO, A.G. Lafley, asked employees of P&G to find a solution for this situation.20, 22 Larry Huston, vice president of innovation at P&G Company, and Nabil Sakkab, vice president, Corporate Research and Development, and a member of the Leadership Council, at P&G, said that P&G knew that most of its best innovations had come from connecting ideas across internal businesses. And after studying the performance of a small number of products from the internal labs, they realized that external connections could produce highly profitable innovations as well. Thus, they decided to be more open in their innovation process, and developed a new open innovation model called Connect and Develop (C&D). This new model was designed to look at available external resources to find new products, technology, packing, design, processes, and business models.20, 23 The new C&D model would not elimiate internal R&D, but instead leverage their capabilities to find and develop technical partnerships. Lafley estimated that a total of 1.5 million potential researching forces, including scientists or engineers elsewhere in the world, could be their potential resources. However, prior to implementing this plan, he had to change the company’s attitude towards external innovations from “not invented here” to “proudly found elsewhere.” He also needed to change how the company defined, and perceived its R&D organization – from 7,500 people inside to 7,500 plus 1.5 million outside, with a permeable boundary between them. This new approach produces more than 35% of the company’s innovations and billions of dollars in revenue.23 Identification of Needs at P&G For C&D to work, P&G needed to know what they were looking for and where to innovate. If they did not have well defined targets, they would not find useful ideas. So they searched ideas from the area that showed a degree of success already as prototypes, technologies, or evidence of consumer interests. Based on synergic effect with its technology, marketing, distribution or capabilities, they narrowed down the focus areas. However, P&G was producing more than 300 brands and spending almost $2 billion a year on R&D across 150 science areas, including materials, biotechnology, imaging, nutrition, veterinary medicine, and even robotics. They decided to narrow their focus based on three criteria.23 Top ten consumer needs: P&G compiled a top-ten-needs list for each business, which might contribute to brand growth by asking its customers, rather than working on the problems that they found interesting. These needs lists were then developed into science problems to be solved. Adjacencies: This criterion was also important because expansion of successful product lines could help the company to take advantage of existing brand equity. For instance, P&G’ had expanded the Crest brand beyond toothpaste to include whitening strips, power toothbrushes, and flosses. 19 Technology game boards: this was P&G’s unique technology evaluation system to predict how acquisition of the technology in one area might affect products in other categories. Through process, the company also could answer questions such as what needed to be strengthened, what needed to be acquired to help itself for better competition with rivals, and what can be licensed, sold or further co-developed. P&G Networking P&G’s global network is the platform which constitutes the C&D strategy. The networks themselves do not provide any advantage compared to the phone system. The benefits are found in their strategic use. After identifying the needs of the company, P&G works closely with proprietary networks and open networks of individuals and organizations available to the company. Using these networks, P&G searches for ideas from various researching sectors. Here are some major examples of networks that P&G used to seek out new ideas.23: 1) Proprietary Networks a) Technology entrepreneurs (TEN): These technology entrepreneurs’ networks around the world contribute to the operation and momentum of C&D. These people in P&G lead the development of its needs lists, create adjacency maps and technology game boards, and write the technology briefs that define the problems the company is trying to solve. They also create external connections by meeting with university and industry researchers and forming supplier networks, and they actively promote these connections to decision makers in P&G’s business units. These groups of people have identified more than 10,000 products, product ideas, and promising technologies. b) Suppliers: 50,000 R&D staff members in its top 15 suppliers are a huge source for potential innovation. To maximize the value from them, P&G created a secure IT platform to share its technology briefs with its suppliers. For example, if P&G wanted to make detergent perfume last longer after clothes come out of the dryer, they would post this problem on the platform. One of its chemical suppliers may have a solution. However, this approach had the drawback that suppliers were unable to see each other’s responses. To solve the problem, P&G and its suppliers sometimes worked together through this network in P&G’s lab and they’ve seen a 30% increase in these joint projects. P&G also holds top-to-top meetings with suppliers so its senior leaders can interact with its suppliers to arrange shared staff, improve relationships, increase the flow of ideas, and strengthen each company’s understanding of the other’s capabilities. 2) Open Networks a) NineSigma: This is an open innovation services provider that connects companies having science and technology problems with companies, universities, governments, 20 private labs, and consultants that can develop a solution. Ninesigma writes a technology brief that describes the company’s problem, and sends this to its possible solution providers worldwide. If any company submits its proposal to NineSigma, it is forwarded to the contracting company. If the company likes the proposal, NineSigma connects the company and the solution provider, and the project proceeds from there. Through this open network, P&G distributed its technology briefs to more than 700,000 people and have completed over 100 projects, with 45% of them leading to agreements for further collaboration. b) InnoCentive: mentioned in Eli Lilly’s case c) YourEncore: In 2003, P&G and Eli Lilly found the networking company called YourEncore, which connects about 800 high-performing retired scientists and engineers from 150 companies with 50 client businesses. By using YourEncore, companies can bring people with deep experience and new ways of thinking from other organizations and industries into their own. The advantage of this network is providing client companies experience at low cost and with little risk on crossdisciplinary approaches to problem solving. Several retirees from YourEncore may work together on a single problem for P&G. d) Yet2.com: This is an online marketplace for intellectual property exchange. In 2000, P&G joined a group of Fortune 100 companies as an initial investor in Yet2.com. If a company seeks a specific technology, Yet2.com and its client company write a technology brief and distribute it to its global networks, including businesses, labs, and institutions. If any member in the network is interested in posted briefs, they request Yet2.com to introduce the relevant client. Once introduced, the parties negotiate directly with each other. Through this network platform, P&G was able to license its low-cost micro needle technology to a company specializing in drug delivery. When to Engage Once products and ideas are identified by the networks mentioned earlier, P&G screens them internally. At the initial screening level, technology entrepreneurs meet with lab heads, scan patents, or select products off store shelves. The company evaluates these products, technologies, or ideas against the criteria mentioned earlier. The next step is to log the product into P&G’s online “eureka catalog” and distribute it to the general managers, brand managers, R&D teams, and others throughout the company’s network for evaluation. At the same time, the technology entrepreneur may actively promote the product to a specific manager in relevant lines of business. If an item captures the attention of the director of the baby care business, she will assess its alignment with the goals of the business, identifying obstacles, and gauging the product’s business potential. If an item passes these steps, it goes on to be tested in consumer panels. If the consumer panel response is positive, the item is moved into its product development portfolio. The External Business Development group then contacts the product’s manufacturer and begins negotiating licensing, 21 collaboration, or other deal structures. At this point, the externally sourced product enters a similar development pipeline as any internal product would. In the end, only one out of 100 candidate ideas found on the outside is commercialized.23 The Future of Open Innovation in Pharmaceuticals The Pharmaceutical Shift On average, a pharma company needs 10 years between the discovery of a compound and its entry to the market.24 Drug development timelines are not getting any shorter and internal development pipelines are beginning to run dry. This year alone, the drug industry will lose patent protection on 10 blockbuster drugs that represent $50 billion in annual sales.25 Taking into account that the probability of a drug in preclinical testing progressing to clinical testing is only 1 to 5%, companies have to find a faster, cheaper and more efficient way to develop innovative products in order to sustain long-term profitability.24 The easiest way to do this is to use the external creativity found in smaller companies and in public research. These small discovery and development firms make a plethora of new drug candidates available to larger pharmaceutical companies through licensing and partnering.26 However, with this shift to open innovation, R&D will no longer be an easy-to-manage in-house operation, but a global initiative with many stakeholders involved. This shift in innovation models must also be accompanied with a shift from a paranoid individualist mindset to an information sharing mindset in which collaboration is the center of business relationships. Information sharing networks must be established. Large pharmaceutical companies, with large sums of financial and capital resources, will serve as the center of a collaboration network and manage relationships between multiple business partners and stakeholders. These networks will consist of many companies specializing in specific areas of the value chain such as discovery, development, clinical trials, regulatory approval, manufacturing, packaging and distribution, and marketing. The trend will be centered on sourcing specialized external companies and managing strategic collaborations.27 Benefits of such extensive outsourcing and collaboration include: Improved R&D efficiency28 Improved collaboration between public and private laboratories Improved relationships with customers, medical staff and regulatory agencies that will be involved in early stage research. These benefits are key to accelerating the product development pipeline and push open innovation. From managing a business deal to creating an effective collaboration A key element to success in collaboration is people. In 2006, Cutting Edge Information estimated that 70% of alliances failed because of poor partnership health.28 The question becomes, how do we 22 manage a large network of collaborators who don’t necessarily share the same goals and interests and how do we create an efficient information sharing environment? We will probably trend toward the Elli Lilly capability complementation model in which partnerships are not only business deals but alliances. An Office Alliance Management or similar comittee will take charge of supporting the successful implementation of the alliance. With the proliferation of open collaborations, building a trust relationship is paramount for the deal to be effective and sustainable.29 Another method that is being employed to facilitate the paradigm shift from a “push” to a “pull” strategy is crowd sourcing. There are pharmaceutical companies that are using methods like those of InnoCentive where these companies can post challenges that they have encountered with various projects and offer a bounty for an appropriate solution from the public.30 This type of innovative approach allows a company to develop and deploy a product more efficiently and effectively. Another example of the use of crowd sourcing, mixed with open platform, would be the implementation of a “digital workplace” which serves as an online database where everyone can put in their information, studies, and ideas to help the company be more efficient and effective in all areas of its business.31 Cloud Computing: The next big thing The recent development and proliferation of “cloud computing” will open up new possibilities for innovation business strategies. Cloud computing can be defined as computing in which services and storage are provided over the internet or "cloud".33 Essentially, everybody within the company (partners as well) will use the same tools and share the same operations platform which will always be available. By using a common language, toolset, and platform, you increase collaboration within the company as well as with external sources. Having a closer relationship with external stakeholders makes it possible for the company to “pull” information from the market. For example, they can set up automatic alerts whenever a certain number of doctors notice side effects or potentially dangerous drug reactions. With this technology you unlock the possibility to pull large amounts of data from the web, accessing petabytes of up-todate data on demand. The “cloud” also promises a wealth of processing power. Large banks of processing power can be accessed over the web on demand. For example, a scientist can access the processing power of the “cloud” to run a protein simulation remotely in the middle of a desert and receive a result much faster than if he were left to the processing power of his laptop alone. Finally, the flexibility of the cloud will permit the company to save money having a reduced dependence on their own IT infrastructure and switching to a pay as you go approach (rent power only when needed).34 The next step is to understand how to manage this computing power and vast amounts of data to acquire knowledge. This knowledge is the promise of a better understanding of the market which will permit pharma companies to address market needs quicker and more accurately. However, in spite of all of the advantages of cloud computing, the application of the technology is surrounded 23 with uncertainty. Storing all of your data on a large networked server represents a major security issue. On the internet nothing is secure and good hackers can virtually enter everywhere, becoming a huge threat for the pharma industry in which knowledge is the added value of companies. We have to find new ways of securing data over cloud computing networks to unlock its full potential. It is the key to new fields like sentiment analysis or data-mining. Challenges It is quite easy to adopt a consultant point of view and list all the problems and what a company should do to improve their process; but from a company point of view it is not so easy. When your industry has been successful for dozens of years in a given environment, you don’t want things to change. In nature, the environment changes over time. Species that don’t adapt disappear. Businesses are the same. The external business environment is evolving and Pharmaceutical industry has to evolve to survive. But change represents risk and uncertainty. We don’t have the magic recipe for the perfect future-proof successful pharmaceutical business plan. The transition will also be extremely difficult and full of challenges. Executives feel like they are trying to move their Titanic corporate boat (heavy and previously thought unsinkable) from a tempest zone to a tropical area, but in the process they have to cross the Arctic sea and avoid icebergs with limited supplies and using a telescope in the fog. They are scared. In the business world, every decision is a question of people and people are scared of uncertainty. The real question is how to make pharmaceutical workers more confident about change, how to make them adopt open innovation within their company. Let us offer a few suggestions. First, you need to give the key to workers within the company. According to Tushman and O'Reilly, organizational culture lies at the heart of organization innovation. But in order to change a corporate culture you need to start with the top of the pyramid and change the vision and values of the top executives.35 With an innovative company culture it is easier for individuals to change their work habits and mode of thinking. For both workers and executives, the key is educating them on open innovation and its benefits on the future of the company. Once they are aware of the necessity of change, open innovation should be implemented step by step, function by function. This step-by-step approach minimizes the risk of making a disruptive mistake. It will also allow time for stakeholders to adapt and prove to the entire company that open innovation can work for them. Conclusion If the mega pharmaceutical companies of today can make this transition successfully, it will change the landscape of the industry as we know it. Pharmaceutical companies will see healthy forecasts and a sustainable business model that will carry them into the future. New, more effective drugs with fewer side effects will enter the market at a pace previously unseen. Market needs will be more accurately determined and met in a much more timely manner. And problems which were once considered impossible to solve will find solutions. But open innovation is not a magic bullet; it 24 is not the end-solution in itself. Instead, it is a process through which companies can change to be successful in the future. 25 References 1. Chesbrough, Henry, et al. 2007. Open Innovation Strategy. California Management Review 50: 57-76. 2. Eisenberg D. et al. 2002. A Healthy Gamble. Time International (Canada Edition). 160: 36. 3. Salter, A., et al. 2006. The Role of Technology in the Shift Towards Open Innovation: The Case of Procter and Gamble. R&D Management 36:333-346. 4. 2009. Harnessing Open Innovation. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 8: 344-345. 5. Research Technology Management, January-February 2004. Managing Open Innovation. Chesbrough, Henry. 6. 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