d . . -.Mm . ,' • 11- .»v THE DULUTH EVENING HERALD. The country woman STRAIN ON is usually and healthy ro- she isn't ii is generally b*cau<»e of het own ignorance cr neglect. She is a bust. FACILITY If hard working woman, but her surr o n n d n g R are healthy, and unless she hu- some weakness, local she bears her heavy burden serious without Who BY HEAD HUNTERS Kidntj the Is Situation In the Iron and Steel Trade. inconvenience. The trouble with too many country women is that they do not sufficiently realize the supreme importance of kt-enini? healthy eneral A wi in 11 wojuanly way. from health cannot be good ?f shi If she sufTera local weakness and disease. in this way, the strongest woman will sotm break down and become a weak, sickly, nervous, complaining invalid. Dr. I'ierce's b'avorite Pre-icription cures all weakness and disease of the organs distinctly femiIt acts directly on these organs, nine. making them strong, healthy and vigorous. It cures all weakness, disorders and displacements of the delicate internal organs. It It is the greatest of all nerve tonic:>. banishes the discomforts of the peiiod of solicitude, and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It pot-itively insurea the little new-comer's health and an ample supply of nourishment. Thousands of women have testified to its wt)nderful merits, and many of them have cheerfully i>ennitted their experiences, names, addresses and photographs to be printed in Doctor Pierce's Common Setise Medical Adviser. The "Favorite Prescription " is sold by all good medicine stores, and a paper-covered ^' Medical Adviser " of looS pages is mailed free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to Cloth-bound 31 cover cost of mailing. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bufstamps. falo. N. Y. An American Photographer In the Philippines Captured By Cannibals. • ADVANCING PRICES WAS TORTIRCD HE and Finished Rails Have Products All Gone Ip. York, Manh .'S.— In its ivview In tra.lo conditions liie Iron Ase says. st iron ami brancht's of the irly all i>los a relatively small but urgent iV^n and for nrompt delivery is makins Belated further advances imperative. buyers are putting prices up on them.xelves. The scarcity of mateiiai in some lines reaches the character of a famine, and there are many who pn-din a further rise. Still, after all, tins does not touch the liurninK que.«tion at what prices contracts wili be made to replace those •-xplring in the seond and third quar- Ntw ! ' what tfr.-». At i".»r.>ed to take hold It-vt-l will again? umber of well-authenticated case« !n hich purchases for the second half ha>'e been made at rices pretty close lO thosf now ruling. But it is a fact that many buyers are inclined to await d^-. V clopments. This involves one grcut risk, and that is that no disturbanc"? i\ur in any one of the chain of iink.<» from the ore and fuel in the ground to int- tlnished material. It must not lie forgotten that there is a tremendoii.<< .«train upon the facilities for mining, transportation and different stages of f.ihrication. Let anythm.:? nccur to cause trioible. delay or suspension, and the w nole industry is disorganized. The Weather during the last month furni.^h' .s ;) good illustration of this, although it Would b.> vil'iarily a vry unlm|iorlant J \<. In piti ;.i"Ugh li.ii ilie market is In- Some By American Officials. San Francisco, March — A lei tor from Capt. Mcyueston. surgeon of the Twenty-sixth regulars, now at Manilla, I'll. of the relea.se of A. tells B. Peters, a photographer, who was captured and tortured by the Filipinos. Peters was made prisoner while taking pictures anil $1 sizes. sample liottle filthy jail, From Spaniard. his release .American here he finally secured through the intervention of Ann officials. . 4- "The savages who attacked Peters." McQueston, "were of the tribe known as head hunters and cannibals. They live in the interior of this island, and will not show any mercy after this to any unfortunate continues Capt. who may white will He Gets hands." fall into their Years Forty-Nine Plan of the Administration Regarding In the Penitentiary. the Peace Congress. New York, March 23.— A special from Washington says: There is reason to proposition believe that an important March 23.— In Frank Ainsworth. who Carrolltown, of trial internalooking to the settlement of tional disputes by arbitration will bc advanced at the coming disarmament conference by the American del?gates. It is learned on high authority that the credentials for and instructions to rails in July. the American delegates are now being Advances in finished iron and st.^ei prepared by Secretary Hay, and will be have been altogether too frequent and ready for submission tt> the president for general to enumerate, but prices vary his approval when he returns tr> Washidely according to time of delivery. ington from his Southern trip. These In ^ome branches there are still laginslruc-iions will be a complete exposiwards in the matter of advancing prices. tion of the attitude of this government A recent letting of about 2000 tons of on the question of di8armam>>at and bridge work in the West disclo.sed .Mie arbitration. policy the Following hid a little over »2 cent per r»ound l>?!ow which it si expected other nations will 'our other bidders. adopt. President McKinley \vill acVery little is being done in the dirce. rrtdit the minister to the Netherlands ion «if ex.Mdt orders, lieport has !t as one of the Ameri^-an delegates. Am'hat the mission .>f John W. Gates, of bassadors White and ToWer will probthe American Steel and Wire company, ably be the other member.=? of the flurope is lo arrange for an interna- American delegation. iiDnal agreement in prices for the prinstrongly in is The administration cipal wire products. favor of arbitration as the means for Some of the con.«olidations upon which the settlement of disputes between namuch work has been done show a ten- tions. dency toward lagging as the time for final settlements approaches. The fact USE BRASS-IIPPtD BliLLLTS. Is that it is far more difficult now than i' has been to gel banking firms to participate in underwriting syndicates. The Another Reason Why the Filipinos capacity for absorption of new industrial Should Be Governed Lssues seems to be falling somewhat, and ;i more critical spiiit '<revaiL-=. This dueNew York, March 1.'3.— A special from not. of course, mean that really merWashington says: Reports received at itorious undertakings do not find all the financial backing needed, but ihe the war department from the medical time seems past when "everything officers serving with the troops in the goes." Philippines show that Aguinaldo's The advance in raw materials is now army is using brass-tipped bullets. beginning to tell on the prices of a hmg Several American soldiers have been line of more highly finished goods as wounded by the poisonous projectiles the time approaches when supplies and. in consequence, the wounds are cheaply bought are being exhausiert. more difficult to heal than tho.-e caused The possession of material purchased by the ordinary bullet. Of course the months since ha=5 been too tempting a authorities can do nothing to preveni lever for securing business to avoid a the insurgents using any kind if bullet.-; good deal of irregularity In prices, they see fit. They have no government naturally in many eases because man- to which an ajipeal can l)e muiie. Their ufacturers did not believe in the per- action in this respect, official.^ say. is manency of higher prices for Iron, st»el another indication of their utter unfitand metals. That filling is wearing oft, ness for self-government. and with a greater volume of work m.inufacturers in many lines are raising prices with a more substantial argument to back them than higher cost of The 20''Year Favorito— raw materials, which did not really directly aCfect them so far as actual jiurha.-es were concerned. Vor rea.son.s wh.\ a.'^k your uelghlxir, or call on Thus there is a tendency to a.sk more inuneratlve prices in many branches r • the machinery and supply trades. \» an instance how the feeling has changed, we may note the fact that one of the largest jobbing foundries in the Eaf^t, if not in the country, has withdrawn all quotations, an example which it i.= likely otliei- concerns will be glad to follow. In the metal trade copper has .shown lose tleclining tendency, lake being ji Prices abroad have been to 17 cents. receding and ar*> now so far below our parity that export sales are practically stopped, the current shipments being on old contract."?. This mean.= that soon a large proportion of our supply will be available to cover our home consumption, which certainly has not expanded in so great a degree. When the pre.-enr contracts at much lower prices begin to ex'-.ire the situation will become much 'if < clearer. In tin plate a number of importation orders have gone to the other side, not alone for drawback plates, but also for actual consumption. The Paclflc coast pf course, most exposed in this regard. In some b-anches of the Iron and n^etai our rapid advance brings up the ion whetbf-r it mav not pay to reis. the 111., an in attempted holdup of a night express train on the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy, shot and killed I'ngineer Fred Dempsey, the jury i-eturned a verdict of guilty and fixed the penalty at fortynine years in the penitentiary. The attempted holdup took place at Whitehall, in this county. June 24 last. When the engineer failed to comply with Ainsworth's commands the latter shot and fied. His partner. \Vm. .lackson, turmd state's evidence. Review Western Ingersoll on the charge of abduct- - BIG BLOCK or MARBLE. In .Vtlanta, WANT AN Modern lime 2:;.—Officers Cia., March 2.'!.— F'rofessor INSURANCE CONCERNS INDICTED. — Covington, Ky., March 2:1. The grand jury has returned indictments against the Home Life Insurance company, of New York, and ft)rty-two other fire and life insurance companies for conspirai y for "banding together and fixing and maintaining a higher rate of premium than would otherwise prevail." The indictment was found under the antitrust laws of the comintmweallh, and this action of the grand jury may 1)'^ followed by the execution of the threat made by the underwriters at the time of a previous indictment to withdraw and insurance without leave Covington Insurance companies have withdrawn from some Kentucky towns becau.se of similar pr'i.secutions. m^mmmmmimiiimmm ^ 11 ctmimunicate with their friends, who kept them supplied with food while a new shaft over 2fK) The if.st of resfeet deep waft sunk. cuing the men ha.«i been over $;{00(i. NO MOKE RECRTTITS. San Francisco, March 2:<— The transsettle. sport Charles NeLson. which \v'ill .'^ail in A few days ago It was learned that a day or two for Manilla, will take sevHerg was working in a shingle mill at enty men, under command '>f Lieut. Matlock under the name of John Carl- Alfred Aloe of the Eighteenth infantry. Bon. He had been at Matlock since Oct. I'ntll further notice no moie recruits ')- ')' ...T.i f.. 'If fb< was time of his arrest rtry as engineer of the ' ^ •'•ill rftnrn It Wir-- accepted for regiments now In the Philippines, aa their membership la tl n ov up tn the tnaxirnum. will be i I RaMjai««Ji;«l CASTORIA GENUINE ANOTHER Won By Ob- THC CCNTkUII COMmiNV, TT MUHRkT GTHECT, NEW VONK of the Fifteenth "A HAND IS In SAPOLIO THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. 'HEALTHrPOWERrENERGYr f top j'.-'rer'rr al; iveaiieniijjr !';- --^ ': -fisted foi-. the t THE ITALIAN ENVOY. buying something else. Many tions have recently appeared. ber that Pabst Malt Extract.The San Francisco. March 23. —Lieut. Ferthe rucio Vitalin. military attache of Italian embassy at Wishington. has arrived here en route to the Philippines, where he will watch :he military operthe ations as the representative of He has been asItalian government. the on signed comfortable q larters transport City of Puebla. which is lo lonvey part of the Vinth infatitry (n Manilla. imita- Bemeiu- 'Best' Tonic, was the only malt preparation Millions Givpfi Away. certainlv gratilylntr to the public (o know of one concern In the land who are not iifratd to be ge-ierous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. KtriK's New DIscovcn' for Consumption. coiiKhs and fo'.ds. have given nway ov. r 10.oo(),00ft trial bottles of ft»'- "'it mo.liknowfine: and have the sa Isf ^ands ot ing It has absolutely 'Ur. broncMtta. Afthmu, casen. hopeless hoarseness and all dlB'^ases of the throat, chest and hm^s are lairely cured by It Call on Duluth Drug 'ompany and get a Kejuiar size Rejular ceina owe &) cents trial bottle free. g^j j^ Everv t»ottle luaranieed, or prlo« It declared perfect hy the judges at the World's Fair, and alone marked with 100 points of r^Ci i~ «ri'l cau- !E z y"a to glow vjv> man.andoin fr. CARDINALS. ;t and perfection. The way to obtain the greatest amount of benefit for the least amount of money is fi nave b«vB yonr nnnv arufgisi dro<y«yi«f aeiiver deliver you VOU ft to • dozen bottles at a time. 'refunded. iwiiiiyiiiiiiM w tL .jO: -'-^---^ forever >crvons ; _ .'CftBCW rerdisoo c riclu ?L every :nd rvn- 1 Thetrreu » lets cure c ^rX/\ v •rnT»b- ; Jti-l.iiity, Variv^f^icele, -Of A: 1 oi k. Aiai'ch i.\. from Rome. March York, March 23. — The have to leave their railroad <ar« which they have remained since f.;eir v\i)iild arrival in Jersey City. the Tnternatioiia*. It ir= ilaimed that Migration society promisi'd to send thpeople to Liberia, and that they have failed to carry out the "'romi.'ie. Most or them are destitute and their condUlor! is , U6 AFTrR BEPOR£ 6 for >') 00. Guaranlred to cure. Send for free CtfWiry Davol Medicine Co. San Vt^icisco, CaL For sal : by WIRTH DruKglst. Duluili. Ulnn. riials. MAX PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. r'ENNYROYAL PILLS ' V*>N. aArt, %iM%i* flUblt. Uru«ri»» ioT CkKktotT I Bj^.iid Brand is Bed and March , witb blue ribboa. Take datvcrrw* mttrirutmi^Uioiu. At PnmniiW. or MOd Nine streets have been mapped o other. ind tiont Id elanii." lt<-/kM« f'T red Reynolds, as receiver. J.imes »n4 i,»timool»l> parllcu'ir*. Plaintiff. VS. %^ KeUef foe lAdlca." "n UiUr.\>j retar* Until yesterday Canada hhs paid a nominal rental of $1*^0 a year to preserve the battlefield. Wiihin two year:^ failing a new arrangement, the historical plains will begin to be converted into a closely settled suburb of Quebec. Every historical association in Canad"! has declared against the desecration. Uavi.i IVIADE AJAX The ME A MAN TABLETS POSITIVE! " <-' .l/.i; A'rrfoua Oiaciaae*— Fai ory. Impotency, Sleepleaanees. e". l;y Al>u86 or oilier };rc«eses and and 27iei/ </•«•"''!/ restore Lost VitJility 'n oldci cretionti. : will The 'hanse liank of ..'.-• riint-m ; arns. d«'ceaseti: Inu.t, aurflii Aiut-ric^i. Tlie 1>ii)iith p.niy. Fiiy-. paiiy, O. I.,. :ind Julia lloliei lsi>ii, ..ai: tratrix. with will John S. Robertstm. dec. - '. li The AJAX REMEDY CO.. -^^^^ "«* F<r sale Iloyce. In Duluth. 1I«T Wlrth. 11 by Minn., West Superior 831 8. You I rb;ir).'-«. .r ni - ii.'l^.n;!.i. irritmiiu or ui^-. r <> u 8 tioll of mi-Q til (1 IraniM. Noti-astrinurt, kTHtEv«KSCHEMI.-:«'r.O. 'T b.T I DmcsiMik I • : ... 4«Ht-4<Ki . x Bank \\^'.-u\ nn.i rpfiuired - rs at I), >-..1 t' :!;i-.\M'r I' lieu, Sold for Mill!!' .11" I ; sot.l .m-' iu in the oltice ;ini.i for Gonorrha;* (Jleet, Spi" rntat orr ho-a Whites. 11 n II 1 11 r a r)j .-i '^^ .- court of the remedy o\w Of 1 said couJity. w service of ibis siimm SUlil > slvc of llr i.> s;iid fail t» !!• N.i- Kiist In I"»uluth. 1' 'or w>nt iu plain wr«pp>* fo l>y ejp!f-.-, pr«'piiiii, ii.n). <>r z i>oult«, ?.:?.. . the r the rtto the the coil iv.t'. -Tth, Datetl DiiUilh. Minn.. J.ni. -d, . DAVIS. Fhotoerapkcd REVIVO London, March 23.-The Vienna cordiscussing respondent of the Times "Little love is Chinese qui-stions says: Ignited lost between Japan and the States. Certainly Japan is not anxious to see the Americans obtain a footing of In China, particularly on account America's protectionist proclivities." -. i - vonlng Herald. Feb-2S-March-S- UDKR FOR HEARING PROOF OF ' FOREIGN WILL.— Man State of Minnesota, County Me. of I'laintiffs Atiorne: >!inn. \ Made a Well ••'• ' HOLLlSTEK & HICKS National Bank bidg.. First 4iiii-40fi RESTORES VITALIT> -^x :»ri answer ti the above to I I LITTLE LOVE LOST. "T. & T." brand of coffee is used b; the principal club houses and hotel.4 oi the country; they can't afford lo buy a cheaper or inferior grade. ^ Stat Name«l P. street. "Wtmt HuiMrUcr atrMt — Have you seen <=^he •(.i\er: as Administr. annexe.! of :rns. oJlutf •mr-rovfinio«iiiar-. Tkeiruso sli other fail In oe It ani cuacts a CDKE Tablets. The) *iM c:>ca haTisK ^he i^nt: tiai 9 corod tbousA&ds asd viilcurotou. \\eeivt) apot^ in iti^strrittengnnrantfle toelToct ucura Jiaai sac 1 case or r«tund the money. I'ricf »*•* ** (f-jll trustrueii '^r :u,'i,'( or nix pkces ^Tk .-Ji iii iilainwrarirxT. ni<on receipt o: .'cnV Winnipeg. March 23. Guesseziz.ik and Czuby, twi" Galicians accused of murdering another of their race named Bojeczke and his children at Stuartburg. have been sentenced to be hanged in the jail yard here on May 26. - i ri iitumaaforstutiy, buhi&ussor PrerpQt Insanity Bird Consu SENTENCED TO HANG. '- i'. ,is Ilastin. . I ^ ir.niie!'. i' 10,0««TMani««Ul». *«^/»«p«- iaU. out. - Warlleld, .\ )boie«. >ealad ' 2n.— The ' Court. Eleventh Judicial Dis- trict uk i.».oic» Aiiji.i* i'lj (}rj'.-i lueUiiic NTT OF MIXNESOT. ^I'ATl:; «iF St. Louis.—ss. '., Plains ..l Abraham, sacred in the history of Canada, have been survevcd for building lots. KacUsb Di^monn ormad. Chlrlieairr'* ~ «8 IWU tMt^ . CnpTC pitiable. (.Quebec, VitalizerwiU quickly cure all nervous. or dueases of liie g'.-nerauve organs broug lit ofe tv youihiul errors or excesses, such as Lost Manhood, lusomiiia.Sptrruia.oriiiiea, Painsin Baclt.livil Dreams. btminal Emissions. Nervous Ut-bilUy Pimples, Headathe. Trnfitii«-«s to Marrv. Exhausting Drains, aricocele and Constipation. Stops losses by day or night. Prevents quickness ol discharsre, which leads to Spertnatorrho* and Injootencv. Cleanses the lircr. kidneys and urinary- oigar s of all impurities, s'trentrthensand restores small wfsfcoT.Tar*.^ll.<'"a tK»r. 'i twenty seven colored families, numbering 10, fiersons in all, who are stranded In Jersey City after having come from th-West to go to Liljeria. it is alleged. imder a contract with ihv International Migration society, were notified by the Central railroad of New J« r!--ey that they in Druggi.«t, 21. COLORED EMIGRANTS STRANDED. New ^^IRT^ —A Joui nal spesays: It has been arranged at the Vatican that if the pope survives Ions enougrh t"^bold the two forthcoming consistories, he will create ten new cardinals, thus nearly filling the vacancies at the college of cardinals. Six of these cardinals will be Italians. Of the remaining four one will be French, one Australian, one Spanish and one American. It is generally conceded that Archltishop Ireland cardinal. will be the new American .\cc<irding to a high prelate in the Vatican, two more cardinal.-; will be named, (hie of these will be Arciibishop Corrigan, of New York. Nt->\ MA X Sold in Duluth by Tor a Red Hat. cial euan£tee,guua^euld),SlXi0.25«iitiiU7wherb. HALSIDDfiUGCO.,CI , Ma It or lii: Samuel of the Estate of 1: 1 Where be i IMf.'. In the r.uek. pr >daceB thA abovo rcRuli* in 30 dayi. It acta po verfully and <jul<-kly. Cures vrb«>n iOl othew fall roiMxnenwiUrcii&ia then" lost nunoood. and oM youthful vieor by usiut coi n will recover tUt ir K; CVl VO. It quickly and Burc.y roatoTM Neiroci oeis Lo»t VltoUty, Imroimcy. Nigjt:? EmiBeijaa Momory. 'Waetinc Disea»(>«. ciio fyj It Power, railinif and iiidi jcretion all ettecte ot peU-abusi' or excei* »1 ich uDfitB one lor nf luiy. boaioeeB or raai ria«o. l\ tl « seat of dlEi-ase. bul QO only euros by Ktarting builder, brine !• » great m-rvoton'o and blood tieckaaiiJ ro to ; lack the pink glow to pule < string the flrt> of yootU. It wanlB oCf JnBeUtj Uil Oootimiption. Inslr'. on havirnt llEVIVO.rt ot ler. It can b« canxcd in rest r«>ckct. By tt^l popl •: JCHt per j>ackaxe. o. six lor S5.00, vrlUi • U 'e wrttten iraaraptott to core or raJHM Ten ProlKite Court. Special III 15ih, in writings purporting to ...n.i..^ ...I...) • ..I' lis? -li, Will of l:. cease'.".. "i" f^ ' : (lie |iri»baie •A'.\i\ ri-Lii-^u-r '>!' • f • ill will- It vlf- ibt inp let- '.' I : I w Aii.i liilli. .-"-t t ttemooey. Circular fre<>. y ill reai - tl .at ed U* ry be \'- blm issued thereon; to is iinh'ietl. ibal the ^^roofs of ':iM mrd slrntnent. and the s 111 b« fore this eouri. at ,,N Ol said cotnity. on Mouu.n the" .\prll, .-v. n. 1V>".». at teti r,.,-..,,....,i a ma>when all persons li... .. «r or contest the pmbate of said It Royal MedickQC Co., 'gJiS:^?!!!: ^or cale In Duluth. Hina., hy U, 9 B OYCK. l.Ue, «'.>; and Addz«n dnisKkit. 1 . MEN i«AKE PERFECT f y PKKKI* TO lit: is further orderwl. the time and place of sai .Vml ;^i : V .iM. I'U'iifj \ Brrr 't • • . ^ .1 , d ill Duiiith. in led at Duluth. aay of March. A. 1"». Hv ' OL bv MAX WlRTil 4obl iTi DoltMh. Minn aid a F. BOVCE, ir Jglel* the ;t»- ir .i;iy HerpubKStIk ]>!•;' tbe Court. J. R. MIDDLECOFl'. Judge t 1 tua IMc.. ; of Ik* - ' d i«pi>er iig " i;,l:- e>- ice 11 I'll -! lliii' of b' i" I '. tb© fep-1 t'Dti iod'oour..; ! _^ Is : crain ti.«-' Archbishop Ireland Agato Mentioned MONITOR FOR FREIGHTER. have given it the immense popularity it has attained. It is indorsed by thousands of physicians and patients. It makes strength. It gives vigor and health when every avenue of hope seems lo be closed. When you ask forPabst Malt Extract, The "Best" Tonic, do not be led into IS *itk old Oakland, Cal.. March 23.—The been monitor Comanche, nhich has bought from the government by a local firm is to he converted into a freight ferry boat to rim in San Francisco l>ay. Her antiiiiie engines will l>e replaced with new machinery f nd she will be modeled at a cost of f.W.OOo. to one person's telling another the benitits derived from its use. It is sold in almost every city and town in the United States. Its purity an«l elficat^y A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAV/ as no inquiry lan be male itito the acts of an offin-r after that offii-r has become a civilian. KEVOLl'TlONTST. A proof CITT. Augusta, Ga.. Marri and men that It impossil>le to get the courts of inquiry a iplied Plaintiffs. CuinulatiYe Evidence ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The muster out comes so soon i- SALVAGE DIVIDED. of merit in any article is the of free advertising it receives. Are Finally Rescued. enleijupsted grace, but instead of his lieavoring to rai.se the amount of shortage he took a train for the West, to it is alleged, leaving his bondsmen The Children's Panacea— The Mother's Friend, tion. ( Suit Against Gold Coins Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic nibHtance. Its age is its j^iuirantee. It destroys Womii* aud allays FeverLshness. It cures Diarrlicea and "Wind t^ollc. It relieves Teetbinjr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fooil, rej^ulates the ;-itoinach and Bowels, gfiving healthy and natural sleep. ington for a court of in<iuiry. The general opinion i.s thai i.icre sliould have been specific charges a.gainst the officers referreil to and not a blanket of mud for the entire organiza- nexation to the United States; express the belief that the Porto Rico courts can be trusted with the ivil government of the island, l)Ut will <leclare a willinpness to await the action of congress. The platform will also favor free suffrage, public schmds, reform in taxation, free trade with the United States the establishment of a jjold basis for the currency, the American system for Ih" judiciary, and will nle Ige the party to lend every effort towards civilization and to teach the inhabitants to become loyal to the United State.-s. due to I'tutt^ins nf^ither Minnesota feel terribly the unjuslness of such a scathing reprimand as that aoministered by Gen. Young without a h'^aring. Nearly all of the officers have applied to the adjutant general at Wash- Porto Rico. San Juan. Porto Rico. March 2:1.—Thleaders of the Radical party have de- amount The universal success of Tabst Malt Men Imprisoned Eor Thirteen Days Extract, The "Best" Tonic, is largely of were enabled and ject to Gen. Young's Roast. Camp McKenzie. ."'• MINERS RELEASED. His previous standing had been above reproach, and the hoard disposed be to 'if supervisors was lenient, fterg was accordingly given the INQUIRY. Oflicers of Fifteenth Minnesota Yates of the geological survey has been advised that a marble block weighing cided to organize a Reiaiblican parly in something over 100,000 pounds has l>een Porto Ri<o with a thoroughly Americaii successfully removed from a quarry at Marble Hill, Ga., and started on its way platform. They will endeavor to unite to New York. The marble is almost all factions. The platform will be subpure white and measures 27 feet mitted at a meeting to be held today 2 inches long by 4 feet inches deep. It and will endorse the policy of President is l>elieve(l to l)e the largest block McKinley. will pledge fidelity to th^ quarried in modern times. American flag, hail the prospect of an- wide and will have at least .^O feet of water over the sill at mean high tide. good. a substitute for Castor Oil, Pare^jorle, Drops Soothing; .Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. etal admitiislrations. UN NIW Republican Party to Be Organized CASTORIA is C:)Rt4)ria is mill.s, A B4BY ELEPHANT. Believed to Be the Largest Quarried I .shortage What I mine pumpWisconsin Ex*Countv Treasurer and men. Charles Reuss and Burt Prey, who Allegfd Defaulter Captured were Imprisoned in the Bon Air mine 23.— Sheriff thirteen days ago. were reached by the Tacoma. Wash.. Ma,rch Vogtlin of Mason county, has arrested rescuers and restored to their friends. of They .show little effects of their experiJohn Carlson Herg, ex-treasurer ence. They were on the 4.'{0-foot level county. Wisconsin, an alMarathon when a cave-in near the tup of the defaulter. Last September when shaft cut them off from the outer world. .-:ed of the embezzlement of $i:{,000 Fortunately the big water pipe was r.'-tg confessed his guilt, and promised n*>t broken by the i;ave and by blowhis ing a hole in it with dynamite the men if given a few days' time to make ' IIS© President Jefferson Davis of the Southern Confederacy and wa.'; placed in charge of a signal corps that operated in this section and along the James river. He was a Republican and held oftlce as inspector of hulls under sev — (> that Alway.s Boujjlit, aud Avhicb Iki^ .^« , .. for ovor tiO yi'ars, has l>orne the signature of and hits been inade under his perS4>nal supervisiim since its inlaiir> T^i^~^ U ''^^^^^^^^ Allow no out* to deceive y«»n in this. iW\ Counterfeits, liuitati«tiis aud Substitutes are but K\jteriiuents that trifle with and eiulangrer the health of Infants and Children— Kxpcrienee agrainst £xi>eriiiient. ill large and small, fit and unfit, are included in the plan. Chicago and Cleveland are both discu.ssed — —At the past The promoters announce bines. WAGES 2:! in rollln.'; organizaticm will probably bt> effe-ted within the next two weeks. The capital proposed is $1.-),0(K),000 and thirty-six KEUEY HARD WARE 00„ Leadville. Col., Ma,rth (lock last night'lh'i 'two headway eon- to and Southern week, and nearly all the necessary oplions have been secured. Much b'ss money will be invested proportionately than in other recent Iron and steel com- Boston, March 23.— In the Tnit' Valparaiso, Chile, March 2;{.— Gen. Judge court, before district States former president of Peru, has Caceres. arrived at Ari«a, Chile, and threatens Lowell, the unique case of W. H. to attempt to (jverthrow the Peruvian Lowell and others, of Gloucester, own.^rs, government at the first opportunity. of the schooner VV. H. Bolivia, master and crew Senor Alonzo. president of has despatched troops from Oruro. his Cross, vs. ninety-nine gold coins and base of operations, against the federal- other valuables, dere let on the high ists or insurgents to suppress a revolt seas, was decided, th'> property bein^r extending divided among the libellants. The valuamong the Indians no>v Tha Slore Mmrohmnimm from Cavanna to Desaugadro. ables were picked up from the scene df They were atthe Burgogne disaster. ADVANCED. tached to the body of a man and wero Pittsburg. March 23.— The engineers estimated to be worth $10."»0. The body NEW N\VY DRY DOCK. com- could not be identified and had to b;of the Jones & Laughlin Steel pany mills have been notiefld that their buried at sea. No one appeared to claim Will Be Large Larqe Enough to Take In wages would be advanced 10 per cent the property, and the court was aslied April IC. A representative of the firm to award the amount to the .salvors. Th" Biggest Ships. is responsible for the statement that on court divides the money in halves, holdSan Francl.sco. March 2.3.— The battle- the same date there will be a general ing one half as salvage. <>f which oneship Iowa will at once be taken to the advance in all departments, affectin.g third is to go to the vefsel's owners, onefully 5000 men. third to the master and one third to ihc Union Iron works, where she will recrew. The other half will be held by the main about six weeks while being reJOHN L. TO REFEREE. government. L. San Francisco, March 23. John paired. Her boilers will be retubed and BROUGHT SOME GOLD. her cylinders overhauled. It is under- Sullivan has been chosen to referee the night San Francisco, Match 23. A special stood that she will then go to Port McCoy-Choyinski fight on Friday The ad- from Seattle. Wash., says the that Orchard to be do:-ked and have bilge at the Mechanics' pavilion. to steamer Laurada, wh ch recently arkeels put on and then go to Manilla to vance sale of seats already amounts The l>ett'ng, which opened at rived from the north, brought $150,000 relieve the Oregon, which may come $15,000. 10 to r., is now 10 to 6 In favor of Mc- from the Klondike, being the first shiphome to be docked. ment of treasure from there this year. The new dry dock at Mare Island will Coy. The fact of the gold dust being on the be /<ig enough to take in the largest vessel has not been made public beship now in the navy or under construction. fore. It will be 7,50 feet long. 80 feet ABSCONDER ARRESTED. The movement .says: solidule Western mills ha.s made Tjapiner. <« import material duty free, which may be done if the goods return in the original packages. In the West. 2:!.— The Iron Trade RADiAMT HOME. 1 Mills Cleveland. March ing Gerald Laplner from In front of his parents' house in Chicago about a yeaago, has made a full onfe.ssion. Collins says he is an old soldier. He was an inmate of the military home at Los Angeles, Cal. There he met Mrs. Ingersoll. She told him she had a farin at Painesville an«l asked him to lome Kasi and live with her. They came to Chicago, where they arrived a few days before the last of May 1898. On Decoration day Mrs. Ingersoll came to rim with the- child. She said she had found They rethe little one on the street. mained in Chicago a few days, tinm came East to Painesville. Collins .said he had no suspicion that the child had been abducted. He was held in ^500 and Mrs. Ingersoll In {."iOOO for the hearing on Thursday. Late yesterday notice was served on the county cleric to .summon an examining court to pas:upon the sanity of Mrs. Ingeisoll, which seems to Indicate that the defense will be insanity on her part. A hearing was had last night on -1 writ of habeas ci rpus, and Judge Ciark of the common pleas court awarded to Mrs. the child the custody of V ^•mII' Ihirty-Six The Kind You Have \ You iiiay have a and pamphlet telling all as probable headfiiiarters. about it sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton. N. Y. A REPUBLICAN REBEL. When wiiting mention that you read this generous offer in The Dululh Daily Herald. Maj James F. Milligan Dies at His .'>(i-cent TRAIN ROBBER'S SENIENCE. nuieler. al- include Will o> with kidney di.sease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot the great kidney, liver and bbidder remedy promptly cures the most distressing cases, lis mild and extritordinary effeet is soon realized. Sold by druggists in Favors arbitration. very firm, with an upward tendency. Charcoal iron has been jumping lately. In Bes.semer pig ih^re has been a halt. The railmakers have again advanced prices in the West. It is of interest, to--*. in this connection that the Youngstuwn plant of the National Steel comrany will is expected, be in a position to roll it Make Probably Will ROLLING MILL COMBINE. It rheumatism: PreVideat a Trip Westward. Washlngioii, Maieli :^::. — 1( is now iieHeved that Prenident McKltvley wili take un extended vacation this summer, if jiublie business Will |»ermlt. Lust spiing he wanted to nmke a trip through the West, visiting Yell«)wston.Purk. and going us far as the Paciflicoast and he jnuy see his way clear to take that trip this summer. the adult ha.s |>ain nche in the ba<'k: if the water passes in irregular «|uantities, or ;it irregular intervals or has u had odor; if it stains the linen or vessel the color of I'ust if the f(¥*t swell: if there are pufl'y or ilark ciides umler the eyes, your kidneys are the c luse and need doctoring. Treatment of some diseases may be dela.ved without danger, not .so start at once to take still The He was thrust into a where he was visited by a native captain, who tested his sword on his body and threatened to kill him. The rebel chief then called in a number Home In Norfolk. THE KIDNAPIRS. of naked savages, all armed, who exe-Noilolk, Va.. March 2:5.— Maj. jaiii.s cuted a war dance and made passes at John Collins, the Man Indicted, Tells F. Milligan. a veteran of the Mexican Peters, one of whom wounded him in and civil wars, is dead at his home in His Story. the arm. The next morning he was this city, aged 70 years. He resigned as Painesville. Ohio. March 2:1.— John Coltaken to Maloios, where he found eight midshipman in the United States navy .\merlcans, two Englishmen and :i lins, who was arrested here with Mr.^. and jiersonally tendered his services to outside the lines. consin without the formality of requisition papers. ,Sheril¥ Malone or" Wau- factor. jirev.il- : < has been notified and Merg back. Released After tervention They never stipation and biliousness. All good dealers have them. Wis., Was But g^pe. .sau. s«i jieople suppt)Se. If Keep Don't suffer from constipation. the body clean inside as well as outside. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure coa- : bicnne ISJM> 2.% ANOIHER UIMKrT. dull Mrs. Frank Camfietd, of Bast Dickinson, Krankliu Co., N. Y., writes: " I deem it my duty to express ray deep, heart- feli gratitude to you for having been the means of restoring me to health. My troubles were of the womb— laflammatory aiid bearing-down sensations." buyers be There are a lroul»b' lias Blame? urine scalils the llesh, or If. when the •hlld reaihes an age when it should be able to control the passage, and It Is yet afflicted with bed- >vettinK, depend upon it the cause of the dlflltviUy is kidney trouble, und the first stej) .should \k' towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is »lue to a disea.sed «onilltlon >f the kidneys and bladder, and not to i habit as most -. Piq Iron, to eni thai ii is not tincoinnion fur a child to i>e l>orii afllb te<J With weak kldm-y.s. If the child urinates t. o often. If the i That Is MARCH TIiritSDAY, of Probiue. (Seal."* Puhnh Evening ii;5. Herald, Mareh-l«;-23-3i>-» u
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