Date Name PYRAMID? WHATIS A FOOD i1 r Background on a distant Biologistsin the year 2014 observea food chain which is part of an ecosystemis what they ptanet.They find that it has many characteristicsof tood chains on earth. Here . discover: rr ^ r r ---rL. of photosynthesis, On a particular area of land, a sm-al],plant-like organism capable The snive,in turn' is calleda vortek, servesas a sourceof food for-an animal cu["d a snive' food chain preyed upon by a kluke. There are 100 vorteks, 50 snives, and 25 klukes. The may fe diagrammedas shownin Fig' 7-2' rt o qt I 'E a frl o h cl o & '9 € d) 4 t \o r* a CHAIN. 7_2. SA}IPIETOOD FIGURE FI 6) (J 6) .q E{ o) ol o Buttdtnga FoodChaln interactions occurring By completing the activity described below, you will better understand in food chains. tr - " on a blank sheet of paper, list the members of this food chain by: the food chain near the a- placing them i" i.a.r, with the members at the bottom of bottom ofthe Page; and b. spacing them 5 cm aPart. it to represent Z. For each, beginning with the bottom one, draw a horizontal block around guidelines: the number. of .u.f, member inside the block following these bottom of the block above the it touches so that tall, u" nrijnt, Each block should be 5 cm it. b. width: Make the width to scale accordingto the numbers of each organism in the food chain-1O organismsin 1 cm. (The block around the vorfeks, for example, wiil be 10 cm wide.) c" centering:Center each block on the page' (continued) WHAIIS A F00DPYRAMID? 3. Draw lines to connectthe edgesof the blocks.What shapeis formed? level as to 4. Each block represents a trophic level. Label the organisms in each trophic which is a: a. producer b. primary consumer c. secondaryconsumer o tt I fa Explain in the spaces abovewhy you chosethese labels for each one' cause certain food' 5. This food chain is similar to many on earth. What factors do you think chains to have this shaPe? (l) a J d c) k a; r. d) tr a i E1 >l a shape 6. T\rrn your drawing upside down. Describe a food chain on earth which might have similar to this one. '{. d o) o How would the numbers of each member of the food chain-vorteks, snives, and klukespredators change over the course of time in each situation below? Assume there are no other or food sourcesunless otherwise indicated' a. the biologists visiting the planet consume all of the vorteks for food; b. a deadly diseasewipes out all of the klukes; ) (continued) WHAI IS A F00DPYRAIvIID? ," ,J c. animals called skunkolas travel to the area being studied from another region of the planet. The skunkolas prey upon the vorteks; the klukes, however, dislike the taste of the skunkolas and refuse to eat them. d. the biologists remove all the snives for study; o €Y e. more vorteks are planted; o @ 0d 0) k ! o l o tc) : ,q f. a tertiarv consumer called a ioon is introduced" F d o 8. It has been stated that it is more energy efficient to eat "lower on the food chain." Look again at the shape of the food chain you drew and explain why this statement is true. Date Name PYRAMID FOOD EVATUATION QUESTIONS ) the following your teacher will provide you with information about actual ecosystems.For each, complete steps: 1. Draw the shape of the food pyramid, and describe the reasons for this shape.Reasons: g c t 'rt EI H I t. *; *.**;re producers and primary, secondary, and terbiary consumers? ,ll o k (|, aa q) G t in the horizontai column of removing ,n- o"" below, indicating the effect on each member t. ;;** each member in the vertical column' ORGANISM1 CRGANISM2 ORGANISM3 ORGfu\ISM4 r '.. cl. R : k qQ .1 c tr q) o t.{ >' effect on: ORGANISM1 6, ORGANISM4 O) o
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