IIT Indore Committee against Sexual Harassment What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) such as: Physical contact and advances; A demand or request for sexual favours; Sexually coloured remarks; Showing pornography; Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to the following: 1. Creating an offensive working or learning environment by repeated written, verbal, physical and/or visual contacts with sexual overtones: Written forms may include suggestive or obscene letters, notes and invitations. Verbal forms may include derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, epithets. Physical forms may include assault, unwelcome touching, impeding or blocking movements. Visual forms may include leering, gestures, display of sexually offensive objects, pictures, cartoons or posters. 2. Establishing a pattern of conduct that would cause discomfort and/or humiliate a reasonable person at whom the conduct was directed which may include one or more of the following: Unnecessary touching, patting, hugging, or brushing against a person’s body. Remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing / body or about sexual activity or speculations about previous sexual experiences. Continued expressions of sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome. 3. Making reprisals, threats of reprisals, or implied threats of reprisal following a rebuff of harassing behaviour. 4. Retaliating against a person for reporting or threatening to report sexual harassment. Policy of the Institute: It is the policy of the Institute to create and maintain an environment free from sexual harassment in the Institute. The Institute strongly disapproves of any conduct that constitutes sexual harassment. All students, faculty, and staff members are advised to report any matter related to sexual harassment to the Committee against Sexual Harassment. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action will be taken promptly. The Committee will maintain confidentiality within the limits of the law and will not disclose sensitive information to any individual except for those who have a specific need to know. Sexual Harassment Advisory What can you do if you are sexually harassed? 1. Do not feel helpless or blame yourself. 2. Do not ignore the harassment in the hope that it will go away. When sexual harassment is ignored, it is often interpreted as a sign of approval. 3. Articulate your discomfort and say NO CLEARLY. Make it clear to the offender that his/her conduct is unwelcome and offensive. 4. Keep a record of what happened and when. Include dates, times, places, names of persons involved, etc. 5. Talk to a member of the Committee Against Sexual Harassment. You may also send email to committee_sh@iiti.ac.in. 6. Remember that the Committee can be approached by any member of the institute, irrespective of gender or designation. 7. The members of the Committee against Sexual Harassment at IIT Indore, are: Sl. Name of the Member No. 1 Dr. Krushna R. Mavani, Chairperson Assistant Professor, Physics 2 Dr. Subhendu Rakshit, Member Associate Professor, Physics 3 Dr. Santosh Kumar Member Vishvakarma, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering 4 Mr. Tentu Satyanarayana Member Assistant Registrar 5 Ms. Anjali Bandiwadekar, Deputy Librarian 6 Ms. Monika Gupta, Students Counsellor 7 Ms. Fozia Aziz, Ph.D. Scholar 8 Mr. Navneet Lal Sharma Ph.D. Scholar 9 Ms. Shruti Verma Ph.D. Scholar Member Member Contact Details krushna@iiti.ac.in Tel: 2438 727 subhendu.rakshit@iiti.ac.in Tel: 2438 766 skvishvakarma@iiti.ac.in Mobile: 9630932869 aradmin@iiti.ac.in Tel:2438 750 anjali@iiti.ac.in Tel: 2438 713 counsellor@iiti.ac.in Tel: Student fozia.aziz@iiti.ac.in Representative Tel:2438 778 Student navneetlal@iiti.ac.in Representative Tel: 2438 Student shruti.verma@iiti.ac.in Representative Common e-mail: committee_sh@iiti.ac.in You can prevent sexual harassment, the following may help: - Never compromise on your safety. - Never ignore your gut instincts for your safety. By all possible means, avoid such incidences with you. - If found suspicious activities, immediately run away to a safer place or towards public without a delay. - In case anyone follows you, immediately change the direction of walking towards a safer place and while walking never hesitate to call your nearest possible help or to cry loud for help. - Avoid talking with strangers in suspicious situations and odd hours. - If a stranger asks you anything while sitting in a vehicle, maintain a safe distance if you want to answer.
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