United Nations Association of San Francisco (UNA-SF.org) Special Edition, UN-DAY 2013 in Syria, a typhoon bringing devastation and great loss of lives in the Philippines and 80 tornados reported in the U.S. Today the UN can add the historical conversations and agreements with Iran about its nuclear program – yes, the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was involved at the heart of these talks. The UN is actively addressing all these great What is UNA-SF? The United Nations Association of San Francisco (UNA-SF) is the San Francisco chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States (UNA-USA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to building public understanding of the principles of the United Nations and support for its vital work. challenges regardless of major obstacles such as opposition from “contrarians” or missing essential funding that the U.S. withdrew from UNESCO. Nevertheless, the UN continues its mission to protect, educate, assist and promote human rights, health and cultural programs around our very small planet. Let us be hopeful that the effects of global Message from UNA-SF President The UN Day 2013 was recently celebrated throughout the world. We all spoke and reflected on the work that this magnificent organization has been doing world-wide since 1945. We are reminded almost every day of the various areas where the UN is at work, now, this very minute, including peace keeping, feeding refugees, vaccinating children, assisting in natural disasters, educating about global warming, treaties and much more. The United Nations does not focus on just some of these challenges; it focuses on all of them. Contents Message from UNA-SF President Origin of the UN-Day UNDP and the MDGs San Francisco Fairmont and the UN UNESCO International Jazz Day United Nations Film Festival 2013 International Atomic Energy Agency Sustainable Energy for All Initiative UN-SF Relationship (Part II ) Editor: Hossein Kamalii hkamali@hotmail.com Communication Chair: Roger Eaton rogerweaton@gmail.com September, October and November 2013 have been particularly busy times for the UN, starting with the Syrian conflict and crisis and the terrible possibilities of military intervention by the U.S. regarding the use of chemical weapons. Since then we have seen peace keeping efforts in African countries, an earthquake in the Philippines, an outbreak of polio 1 warming do not bring any more disasters any time soon and that treaties are ratified and conclusive peace agreements signed. Let us be hopeful that funding by all States around the world will be provided to the UN. I cannot avoid thinking about the great initiative that 50 countries put together 68 years ago in San Francisco, California, USA. and obligations of the UN organs and the member states. United Nations headquarters in New York, Geneva, Paris, Rome and Vienna are considered to be international zones belonging to all members of the United Nations. When James Byrnes, U.S. Sec of State, signed the protocol he remarked that “The UN Charter was now part of the Law of Nations” and that “it was a memorable day for the peace-loving people of all nations”. Origin of the name of “United Nations” and the “UN- Day” President Franklin D. Roosevelt first suggested the name “United Nations” in January 1942 at the Atlantic Conference in Washington D.C. When, representatives of 26 countries signed the “Declaration by United Nations”. In February 1945, Churchill, Stalin and the US President Roosevelt met in the city of Yalta, Russia and agreed to a) the creation of the United Nations, and b) that San Francisco would be the site of the United Nations Conference on International Organization. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) UNESCO was the first United Nations agency1, created shortly after the United Nations came into existence. It was the decision of the UN Conference for the establishment of an educational, scientific, and cultural organization, held in London November 16, 1945. UNESCO, a UN specialized agency, promotes a culture of peace through education programs and protects the world cultural heritage through intercultural dialogue, international collaboration, and the transfer and sharing of The UN Charter was signed at the War Memorial Building in San Francisco on June 26, 1945, and the UN came into existence on October 24 of the same year. The U.N. General Assembly in its Resolution 2782 on 6 December 1971 declared 24 October as the United Nations Day and recommended that it should be observed as a public holiday by all Member States. As of UN Day 2013, 193 countries, including nearly every state in the world, have joined the United Nations. 1 The International Labour Organization (ILO), one of the oldest agencies, predates the creation of the United Nations. Headquartered in Geneva, ILO was established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the League of Nations. The ILO became a UN specialized agency in 1946. The UN Charter, as the United Nations constitution, sets guidelines describing the rights 2 knowledge in the field of education, culture, and human sciences. With its headquarters in Paris, UNESCO covers 196 member states including, Palestine joined in November 2o11. UNESCO and San Francisco It is interesting to learn that the name and concept of “Earth DAY” was first initiated at a UNESCO Conference here in San Francisco in March 1969. The Conference aimed at raising public awareness of Earth’s natural environment.. Earth Day is now an annual event celebrated on April 22 to demonstrate support for environment protection. Cheryl Jean of Chez Berlue welcomed the guests. More recently, on 20 March 2013, San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee and Chief of Protocol Charlotte Shultz welcomed UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova at the City Hall. With government, business, educational and cultural leaders in attendance at the ceremony including UNA-SF President Castro. Pablo Castro, UNA-SF President while thanking the host, briefed the audience about UNA-SF art and cultural programs. Pablo expressed the hope for UNESCO-UNA cooperation in cultural events. UNA-SF Art Group led by Ms Keiko Nelson of Japan has successfully organized a number of art and cultural exhibitions. The Mayor touted San Francisco for its appreciation of other cultures and of mutual enrichment through intercultural cooperation. Referring to the purpose of her visit to the United States, UNESCO DirectorGeneral reiterated her strong commitment towards enhancing knowledge about UNESCO’s work in the world across the United States. UNESCO International Jazz Day is a yearly event celebrated with jazz music as an educational tool for promoting peace The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) The IAEA, the UN nuclear watchdog, was created in 1957, as the world’s “Atoms for Peace” organization within the United Nations system. The IAEA primary goal is to promote safe and peaceful applications of nuclear energy. The IAEA Board of Governors, along with its General Conference is the policymaking body of the Agency composed of 35 member states, considers and approves the Agency’s budget and programs. The IAEA monitors and verifies states’ compliance with their obligations under “the Nuclear Non- The International Jazz Day in San. Francisco was commemorated on April 30, 2013 at the Chez Berlue on Union Street. The guests were entertained with live jazz performances presented by Jazz School of Berkeley and, the Hot Club of San Francisco proliferation Treaty (NPT)” to ensure that nuclear materials and facilities are not diverted for military 3 Entrance to the IAEA Building, Vienna-Austria, photos © H. Kamali purposes. The IAEA monitors nuclear programs worldwide and strengthens nuclear security by conducting workshops and educational. To this end, the agency inspectors carry out regular inspections in nuclear-related installations covered under the YUkiya Amano, 1AEA Metro Station, -Vienna International Centre While headquartered at the Vienna International Centre, the IAEA has regional offices in New York, Geneva, Toronto and Tokyo. IAEA policymaking bodies, consists of the IAEA Board of Governors, and the General Conference. Director-General speaking at the “France nuclear exhibit” Vienna, 19 Sep 2012. photos by; H. Kamali IAEA safeguard program. In this context, the Agency created a Special Task Force on Iran’s nuclear program in August 2012. The Task Force, consisting of nuclear weapon experts, intelligence analysts and other specialists is investigating the allegation that Iran is working on developing nuclear weapons. According to IAEA statement at the time, the Task Force will concentrate on implementing agreements with Iran allowing it to monitor nuclear activities mandated by Nonproliferation Treaty as well as relevant IAEA and UN Security Council Resolutions on Iran. It was the first time that the International Atomic Agency established a special task force to monitor a single country. . IAEA Building, Vienna- Austria United Nations Association Film Festival (UNAFF) UNAFF was established in 1998 to honor the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UNAFF celebrated its 16 years of raising 4 Energy Poverty What is Energy Poverty? Energy poverty means not having sufficient energy sources for the needs of population. Over 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity and another 2.6 billion people of world population still rely on “traditional biomass”, wood, charcoal, or animal waste as their main fuel sources for cooking and heating. Using such polluting fuels caused by these traditional practices kills many every. Energy poverty applies to people in places and areas with low income, poor energy sources, and services. Access to energy is critical to sustainable development, employment and income generation.. Africa, with the lowest rate of electrification in the world suffers the most from energy poverty. public awareness on Human Rights issues facing the international community by presenting democracy films. The October 17-27, 2013 program was organized with “Individual to Universal” as its theme. On 23 October 2013, selected films were. shown at the Independent Film Center in San Francisco addressing : “Sustainable Energy for All Initiative” The new UN establishment In response to this challenge, Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General announced the creation of the “Sustainable Energy for All Initiative”, to be guided by a high level group, as a key player towards providing sustainable energy for all by 2030. The Initiative has the following main objectives: UNAFF Panel discussion at the San Francisco Independent Film Center was moderated by Jasmina Boji, Founder and Executive Director UNAFF Film Festival. Photo by: George Geevargiss • Ensuring universal access to modern energy services. • Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. •Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. a) child labor and slavery in the chocolate industry documented in Ivory Coast in West Africa, and b) the constructive role of industrial cooperatives in Europe and the U.S On September 22, 2012, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the new Leadership arrangement for his Sustainable Energy for All 5 2 Initiative. Dr Kandeh K. Yumkella, outgoing Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Chair of UN-Energy, was appointed as Special United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) & the Millennium Development Goals. (MDGs) - www.undp.org Representative of the Secretary-General, and Chief Executive Officer of the “Sustainable Energy for All. Global Partnership for Development Poverty, for decades, has been the major challenge facing the international community. UNDP, the UN global development agency was the leading UN agency in launching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the most significant development program in the history of the United Nations. Dr. Kandeh K. Yumkella Addressing the UN General Assembly, the SecretaryGeneral stated, “I am very pleased that Dr. Yumkella and Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank have agreed to serve in leadership positions for this important new initiative” The launching of the Millennium Development Goals dates back to September 2000 when the leaders of 189 nations gathered at the UN headquarters in New York to attend the UN Millennium Summit under the theme; ”the Role of the United Nations in the The UN General Assembly declared 2012 as the International year of Sustainable Energy for All, and some twenty international organizations including UN agencies, the World Bank and WTO as well as NGOs and private sector groups are supporting the Initiative. twenty-first century”. At this summit the world leaders adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration and pledged to achieve a set of integrated global development targets under the Millennium Development Goals with poverty eradication at the top of the international agenda. 2 I got the opportunity to meet with Dr. Yumkella at his new office building next to the UN headquarters in Vienna. While briefly explained the UNA of San Francisco, conveyed congratulations and good wishes to Dr Yumkella in his global mission. Dr. Yumkella was pleased with the great international support for the “Energy for All Initiative”, and welcomed UNA-USA efforts in advocating the vital work of the United Nations, especially the city of San Francisco, the birthplace of the organization( Hossein Kamali) Nelson Mandela, the great leader of Africa, and “world figure fighting poverty and inequality, said”:: “Overcoming poverty is not a charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of fundamental human rights, the right of dignity and a decent life” Kofi Annan, UN Secretary–General, noted the close connection between human rights and poverty when he said: “Wherever we lift one soul from a life of 6 convey congratulations to Ms Clark along with best poverty, we are defending human rights. And whenever we fail in this mission, we are failing human rights.” wishes to UNDP towards achieving the MDGs. Millennium Development Goals Beyond 2015 UNDP, with its development network of 166 country offices, works closely with the governments, private sector and NGOs towards achieving the MDGs. It has played an important role in the MDG partnership to fight poverty by providing policy advice and helping institutional capacity building. At the MDG Summit in September 2010, UN member states inititated steps towards advancing the global development agenda beyond 2015. In July 2012, UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon,established a UN high level team to coordinate preparations for beyond 2015. “The highlevel panel consiss of 27 members from governments, NGOs and business community to advise on the gobal development framewark beyond 2015”. In its efforts to achieve the MDGs, UNDP coordinates its activities with other UN agencies at the country level. UNDP has also been monitoring transparency of countries’ progress towards the Goals, and sharing of successful practices. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is to protect and assist millions of refugees worldwide Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General while launching 2013 Development Report stated “The MDGs have mobilized action from governments, civil society and other partners around the world with significant results.” Despite great efforts, fighting poverty, not least in Africa, remains a major challenge facing the international community. In view of the MDGs experts group represented by UN and African organizations in Addis Ababa, “while peace, security and stability is crucial for development, poverty eradication is the core and dynamic element in the achievement of the MDGs”. A sample of UNHCR tents provided for the Syrian refugees in Turkey. photos; H. Kamali United Nations Postal Administration Generating public awareness in support of the vital work on the United Nations including UNDP in achieving the Millennium Development Goals has been a priority emphasized by the UNA-USA in its advocacy agenda. UNA-SF welcomes the appointment of Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, as UNDP Administrator confirmed by the UN General Assembly for a second term on April 30, 2013. Helen Clark is the first woman to lead the UN's global development network. United Nations is the only world organization which is permitted to issue stamps and provide postal services. “An agreement made between US government and the United Nations to issue stamps in USD. Similar agreement were made between Austrian and Swiss governments to issue stamps in Euro and Swiss Francs” The Stamps are very collectible and can also be used for postage” provided they are mailed at the UN Headquarters’ in New York, Geneva and Vienna. For instance you may The United Nations Association of San Francisco (UNA-SF) would like to take this opportunity to purchase UN stamps and mail your material at 7 the post office located at the visitors’ Lobby at the UN Headquarters in New York. UN stamps with a variety of designs created by artists are educational reflecting the Charter’s goals and achievements of the organization, e.g., Human Rights; Peacekeeping, UN-Day celebrations, Labor; Women’s Empowerment, and Environment; The first United Nations stamps were issued in $US on the UN-Day, 24 October, 1951. Global Earth Summit (RIO-20) Selected UN Stamps of personal collection ©Hossein Kamali 8 Extracted from research document by Hossein Kamali, UNA-SF Board Member (part II) The origin of the United Nations Charter President Truman accompanied by US officials arrived in San Francisco for the signing of the Charter and closing of the Conference. The Fairmont San Francisco, known as the “White House of the West,” plays a big role in UN-San Francisco history. The Fairmont hosted world leaders and delegates to the 1945 United Nations International Conference. It was here at The Fairmont’s San Francisco Garden Room that the United Nations Charter was drafted.” President Truman waved as he arrived at The Fairmont San Francisco Plaque displayed at the entrance of the “Garden Room”, The Fairmont Francisco 25 April- 26 June 1945” “In this Room Met the Consultants of Forty Two Organizations assigned to the United States Delegations at the Conference on Intentional Organization in which the United Nations Charter was drafted. Their Contribution is Particularly Reflected in the Charter Provisions for Human Rights and United Nations Consultation with private organizations On 25 June 1945” Fairmont hosted World leaders attending the San Francisco International Conference, April-June 1945 The above are the leaders from the Soviet Union, France, United Kingdom, China, and the United States , Fairmont Penthouse, April 1945 Source; Fairmont San Francisco 9 Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General in San Francisco April 1998 The purpose of the Secretary-General’s visit to San Francisco was to talk about the need for partnership between the UN and business community, academic and citizens’ organizations. His program included attending the ceremony at the War Memorial Building, meeting with business leaders, Resource Center of the United Nations---and speech at the University of California, Berkeley. Kofi Annan said “The War Memorial Building where the United Nations charter was signed” Major UN-related events during and after San Francisco Conference “the United Nations must not be aloof”. “Security is more than the absence of war.” President Roosevelt died only two weeks before the opening of the UN-International Conference. Upon his death, Governor Warren of California, declared two days of public sorrow and Mayor Lahan proclaimed April 14, 1945 as an official day of mourning in San Francisco. Roosevelt Memorial Ceremony Muir Woods, 1945 Kofi Annan, at the luncheon hosted by the United On May 19, 1945, some 500 delegates and advisors to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco travelled to Muir Woods and held a ceremony in memory of the late President Roosevelt. A plaque which can still be visited today was placed with: Nations Association USA, Commonwealth Club and World Affairs Council. Fairmont San Francisco, 20 April 1998 photo by: George Geevargis To learn more about the UN-Fairmont historic event, our board member met with Tom F. Wolfe, “America’s First Concierge”, who kindly guided him to the archival photographs and the Garden Room, in which the UN Charter was drafted.. “Here in this Grove of Enduring Redwoods, reserved for posterity, Members of the United Nations Conference on International Organization met on May 19, 1945 to honor the Memory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ThirtyFirst President of the United States, Chief architect of the United Nations, and Apostle of Lasting Peace for All Mankind.” Tom Wolfe and Hossein Kamali at the Fairmont 10 UN Educational Exhibit Sponsored by the UNA-SF and YMCA By: Roger Eaton Board member Hossein Kamali* has teamed up with the YMCA Buchanan Exec Director, Rodney Chin, to set up a UN educational exhibit aimed at educating young people on the vital work of the United Nations. The exhibit's focus is on the UN relationship with San Francisco. Images highlight the origin of the UN and the UN Charter as the constitution of the world’s organization along with UN Plaza and UN Day celebrations in the years since 1945. Other images demonstrate the vital work of the organization: Human Rights, women's issues, Refugees, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Also there are photos from recent UN events in Vienna that Mr Kamali attended. Phase II of the project will cover UN development programs in Africa with a display of UN-related books, flags, maps, journals and posters alongside items representing trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and African cultural values. *I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to the following UN officers at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) , who, provided me with valuable information and material for our UN/Africa Exhibit in San Francisco: Nyron Sequeria, UN Protocol Officer; Mohammad Dionne, Chief Africa Programme;; Anthony AK Kamara, Protocol Officer “Energy for All”; Mikhail Evstafyev, Head UNIDO Advocacy and External Relations and Charles Arthur, Communication Officer( Hossein Kamali). 11 Ban-Ki-moon 2007- Kofi Anan 1997-2006 Kofi Annan portrait at Kofi Anan Hall, E Building UN Headquarters, Vienna Kurt Waldheim 1961-1971 U Thant 1972-1981 United Nations secretary-Generals Boutros BOUTROS-GHAL, UN Secretary-General at the UNA-USA Convention Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1992-1996 Javier Perez de Cuellar 1982-1991 UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar visit to Africa, Dag Hammarskjold 1953-1961 Trygve Halvdan Lie 1946-1952 in conversation with Hossein Kamali, UNIDO Senior Field Adviser Source: Encounters in West Africa, Canada 2002 12
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