26th International Symposium of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Brussels 21 -24 March 2006 21-24 What is EVLW and how is it measured by the PiCCO system? Dr. F Javier Belda Servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación Hospital Clínico Universitario Valencia (SPAIN) Q#1 Extra-vascular lung water (EVLW) is 1. The amount of water in the alveoli 2. A qualitative term describing pulmonary edema 3. The amount of water that is present in the lungs outside of the pulmonary vasculature 4. The amount of total water contained within the lungs Please vote now! EVLW is the amount of water that is present in the lungs outside of the pulmonary vasculature. The abnormal accumulation of EVLW is a frequent phenomenon in critically ill patients. Normal lung Floor tile Edema Advanced ARDS The normal values of EVLW are 3-7 ml/kg Although its clinical and physiological manifestations can be quite variable, increased EVLW is always a potential threat to life! EVLW is not well detected by: Chest radiograph / Blood gas analysis Halperin BD, et al (1985). Chest 88: 649±652 Baudendistel L, et al (1982) J Trauma 22: 988-983 Lungs CVC V. cava sup. PAOP Sibbald WJ, et al (1985). Chest 87:585-592 RA Measuring EVLW by transpulmonary thermo-dye dilution CV bolus injection cold indocynine green (ICG) dye RAEDV Fiberoptic arterial catheter EVLW RVEDV Aorta PBV Arterial measurement of dye- and thermo-dilution curves LAEDV LVEDV Dye-dilution curve: (Indocyanin green) Intra Thoracic Blood Volume ITBV = CO * MTtICG Intrathoracic Blood Volume MTt MTt: Mean transit time ≈ half of the indicator passed the point of detection ITTV = CO * MTtcold Intrathoracic Thermal Volume MTt Thermo-dilution curve: (8ºC) Intra Thoracic Thermal Volume ITTVcold EVLW ITBVdye (ICG) - = ITTV - ITBV = EVLW From double dye-cold indicator to single (cold) indicator c (I) injection recirculation ln c (I) e-1 At DSt MTt MTt: Mean transit time DSt: Downslope time ITTV = CO * MTtTD PTV = CO * DStTD t For several mixing chambers in series with identical flow, the decay of the dilution curve is predominantly determined by the largest compartment n = 209 pts Bias = -0.2 ml/kg SD = 1.4 ml/kg r = 0.96 EVLW measurement by the single transpulmonary thermodilution correlates very well with the double indicator technique Sources of error in single TP-TD Relationship GEDV - ITBV (n = 57 pts, r = 0.96) ITBV= 1.25 • GEDV Factors influencing: Sakka S et al, Intensive Care Med 2000 - Overall volume status - Compensatory vasoconstriction (redistribution to central compartments) Large-wite pigs: 9 control 10 hypovolemic (1ml/kg/min) EVLW: Single TP-TD (Picco) vs gravimetry Hypovolemia: Reduction >30% CO Reduction >BP 30% SvO2 <40% Lactate > 3 mmol Conclusion EVLW can be measured at the bedside using central venous and arterial line only!
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