What is Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)? ·

What is Tuberous Sclerosis
Complex (TSC)?
To register early, secure sponsorships or make
dinner reservations, you can mail in your
registration. (Note: There is no online
registration available this year.)
TSC is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to
form in various organs, primarily the brain,
eyes, heart, skin, kidneys, liver and lungs.
People with TSC often develop epilepsy, autism
and learning and behavioral problems. In fact,
TSC is the leading known genetic cause of
epilepsy and autism.
TSC affects some people severely, while others
are so mildly affected that it often goes
At least two children born each day will have
TSC (approximately 1 out of 6,000 live births).
TSC knows no racial, cultural or economic
There is no cure.
Registration Deadline: September 2, 2013
Mail-in Registration
Complete the registration form on the other side
of this brochure and mail to the following address
along with your check:
What is the
Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance
(TS Alliance)?
Mark Koers
6742 Kingman Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46256
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Tuberous
Sclerosis Alliance (TS Alliance) and Mark Koers from all
cost, expense and liability arising out of my participation in this event to benefit the TS Alliance. I do hereby
waive all claims for damage or loss to me or my
property which my be caused by any act or failure to
act, by the TS Alliance, its officers, agents or employees
arising directly or indirectly from my participation in this
event; and I hereby assume liability for any loss,
damage or other liability from such event.
I give permission for the TS Alliance to use photographs
of me in promotion and advertising for the TS Alliance
activities without compensation of any kind.
The Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance (TS Alliance)
is the only national voluntary health organization
dedicated to finding a cure for TSC and improving
the lives of those affected through research,
support and education.
The TS Alliance of Indiana is a volunteer branch
of the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance that provides
support to TSC individuals and families in their
community, increases awareness of TSC and
raises critical funds to help find a cure.
If under 18 parent or guardian must sign
September 14, 2013
For more information on the
Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance or tuberous
sclerosis complex, please visit
or call 1-800-225-6872.
Proceeds to benefit
the Tuberous Sclerosis
River Glen Country Club
12010 Clubhouse Drive
Fishers, IN 46038
Time and Format
Registration: 1:00 p.m.
Start Time: 2:00 p.m.
(Shotgun/Scramble Format)
Tournament for
TSC Champions
Enjoy a day of golf and fine food while providing
hope for a cure to the children, adults and
families living with tuberous sclerosis complex
(TSC). Tournament for TSC Champions proceeds
will benefit the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance (TS
Alliance) and offers a wonderful occasion for
businesses and their employees to join together
outside the workplace with co-workers, friends,
and clients to make a difference in their local
Every twenty minutes a child comes into the
world with TSC. It can strike any family, at any
time, and for no known reason. By sponsoring the
Tournament for TSC Champions, you aid in the
fight against this devastating genetic disorder that
causes tumor growth in vital organs throughout the
body. TSC is a genetic disorder that is like having
epilepsy, autism and kidney disease all rolled into
one. Join us in our quest for a cure while offering
vital community-based support programs.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Dinner Sponsor
Verbal Recognition at dinner reception, company/
family name or logo on signage at the dinner
reception, and on cover of event program
Supporting Sponsor
Includes golf, lunch, and dinner for four, company/
family name or logo on hole sign, and company/
family name or logo listed in the event program
Beverage Sponsor
Includes company/family name or logo on signage
at beverage station
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Hole Sponsor
Player 4
Includes company/family name or logo on hole sign
Dinner ONLY # of person(s)
Includes golf, lunch and dinner for four
Individual Golfer
Sponsorship Level
Includes golf, lunch, and dinner for one
[ ] Dinner
[ ] Supporting
[ ] Beverage
[ ] Hole
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Shotgun Start/Scramble Format
Dinner to immediately follow golf
Individual Dinner
Includes dinner for one
[ ] Foursome
[ ] Ind. Golfer
[ ] Ind. Dinner
Please email your company logo in a high
resolution format to: mark.koers@att.net
Entry Deadline is September 1st.
Please make checks payable to:
Checks made payable to “Indy TS Golf”
“Indy TS Golf”
For more information, please contact:
Mark Koers at (317) 213-5274
or mark.koers@att.net
and send completed registration forms
and payment to:
will not be able to attend, but please
accept my donation of $
Mark Koers
6742 Kingman Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Total Amount Enclosed