vista pañola de zonoterapia evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 aceoot informa 3 curso de experto universitario en ozonoterapia - 2ª Edición 2010-2011 PLAZAS LIMITADAS Introducción. El presente curso nace de la colaboración entre la Universidad de Sevilla y ACEOOT con el objetivo de dar la ozonoterapia una formación universitaria, con profesorado de reconocido prestigio. Aportara al alumno los conocimientos necesarios teóricos y prácticos para aplicar esta técnica. Datos básicos del curso: Nombre: Ozonoterapia Tipo de curso: Experto Universitario Número de créditos: 25.80 LRU Número de Horas: 258 horas Unidad Organizadora: Universidad: Sevilla Departamento: Cirugia Director de estudios: Prof. Andrés Carranza Bencano (Catedrático de Traumatología y Cirugia Ortopédica) Requisitos: Requisitos para admisión: Licenciatura en Medicina Requisitos para obtención del titulo: Superar cuestionarios de cada modulo y trabajo final de curso. Preinscripción: Desde 1 al 30 de Septiembre 2010 Datos de Matriculación: Fecha de inicio: 01/10/10 Fecha de fin: 20/10/10 Precio: 1297.40 € (tasas incluidas) Impartición: Fecha inicio: 19/11/2010 Fecha fin: 22/10/2011 Modalidad: Semipresencial Lugar de Impartición: Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Sevilla Más información: El numero de plazas es limitada. Se puede hacer una reserva de plaza enviando un email a: PUBLICIDAD evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 4 aceoot informa I premio científico a la investigación en ozonoterapia "velio bocci" La Asociación Científica Española de Aplicación de Oxigeno-Ozonoterapia, con el fin de fomentar el interés investigador y estimular el desarrollo de trabajos relacionados con la ozonoterapia, convoca el I Premio Científico a la Investigación en ozonoterapia “Velio Bocci”, con arreglo a las siguientes: BASES 1º- Premio Un premio de 600 € y diploma al mejor trabajo de investigación. 2º- Requisitos - Podrán optar a este premio todos los medicos o investigadores nacionales o extranjeros. - Los trabajos tendrán como tema la ozonoterapia. - Los trabajos pueden ser de investigación sobre los efectos de la ozonoterapia o revisiones de casos clínicos. 3º- Lugar, plazo y forma de presentación de los trabajos. - Quienes opten a este premio deberán enviar la documentación requerida a la sede oficial ( Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Valladolid c/ Pasión 13 Valladolid ) o por correo electrónico al Secretario Técnico ( - El plazo de presentación de trabajos finalizara a las 14 horas del día 30 de Septiembre de 2010. - Presentación: * Los trabajos se presentaran completos y redactados en castellano o ingles con el siguiente formato: introducción, material y métodos, resultados, conclusiones y en PDF o WORD. * Se entregaran 2 copias, una con los datos del autor del trabajo y otra donde no figure ningún dato identificativo. *Si el envío es por correo postal los trabajos irán en 2 sobres cerrados, indicando “ORIGINAL” en la copia que incluye los datos del autor. *Si el envío es por e-mail se enviaran 2 copias, indicando en el nombre del archivo la palabra “ORIGINAL” en la copia con los datos del autor. SOLICITAR BASES COMPLETAS A : 5 revista española ozonotera junio 2010 eventos congresos, symposiums, jornadas,.... IX JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DE OZONOTERAPIA Granada, 12 y 13 de Noviembre de 2010. Organizado por: Asociación Científica Española de OxígenoOzonoterapia Médica. Más información: 6º SYMPOSION INTERNACIONAL DE APLICACIONES DEL OZONO II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE OZONOTERAPIA DE LA FIOOT. Palacio de Convenciones. Ciudad de la Habana (CUBA) Del 28 de Junio al 1 de Julio de 2010 Más información: PUBLICIDAD Empresa biotecnológica dedicada a ofrecer, tanto productos como servicios, aplicados a la regeneración tisular y a la medicina regenerativa. (+34) 902 501 609 (+34) 93 163 02 27 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 temas a debate 6 uso de bolsas de plástico en autohemoterapias. utilidad del suero salino ozonificado. En esta sección propondremos un tema a debatir sobre cuestiones en las que tenemos discrepancias y cada uno puede mandar su opinión al correo indicando en la referencia el tema sobre el que opina. La opiniones recibidas serán publicadas en el siguiente número de la revista THE OPEN LETTER TO PROFESSOR V. BOCCI Dear Professor Bocci, Allow me to continue the discussion, which took place at the conference in Istanbul. It seems to me that some important questions, which you put for the consideration to the congress, were not considered in sufficient details. Allow me to return to them again, in order to express the position of the Russian school of ozone therapy. On one of your slides these questions were formulated as follows: DURING THE 1ST CONGRESS OF OZONE THERAPY, it is hoped: 1. to discuss and clarify the best technological advances, 2. the need of using ozone-resistant materials to avoid toxicity. Plastic bags regularly used for blood storage are unsuitable as, in the presence of ozone, they release phthalates and plastic microparticles into blood. Neutral glass bottles are idoneous. First, about phtalates. More than 90% of phthalates produced in Europe are used to plasticize PVC. We use many PVC products every day but tend to take many of them for granted. They include everything from lifesaving medical devices such as medical tubing and blood bags. Phthalates have been used for more than 40 years in flexible vinyl (PVC) products. Their use has led to improvements in the health and well being of billions of patients, many of them children, throughout the world. No plasticizer (materials used to make plastic soft) has ever been subjected to toxicity and safety testing to the same degree as DEHP. It has been a known fact in the scientific community for many years that di -(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, DEHP, migrates from medical devices, such as blood bags and tubing, in minute amounts. However, not one single piece of validated scientific evidence shows that these products. Thus, many yearspractice of blood storage in PVC bags showed absence of any toxic effect of phthalates. Can ozone accelerate the migration of phthalates into the blood? Are there any solidly established scientific facts of the acceleration of phthalate migration from PVC into the blood under the action of ozone and ozone- induced formation of PVC microparticles? We will be glad to get acquainted with such data, if they exist. In any case, while estimating possible risks of the application of plastic bags of PVC one should take into consideration the following: 1) ozone does not interact with the bag material directly, since the conventional practice of big autohemotherapy lies in the fact that ozone- oxygen mixture first comes in contact with the blood, which must neutralize ozone for a split second. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 7 We have made the measurement of ozone concentration in the bag immediately after the completion of the blood treatment with the ozone- oxygen mixture with the ozone concentration equal to 20 micrograms per milliliter. We have not discovered the content of ozone in the bag, in the sensitivity of the method of 0.1 micrograms per milliliter. It is obvious that only one of the components of ozone- oxygen mixture - oxygen comes in contact with the bag walls. 2) There were carried out about 200 000 procedures of big autohemotherapy with the use of PVC bags in Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, in some EU countries, in Latin America and countries of the Southeastern Asia. Being the inventor of the method variant of big autohemotherapy based on the use of the peristaltic pump and PVC- bag of special construction, I collect information about the excesses and complications, which appear in the practice of doctors, who use instruments and bags of my construction carefully. Since 2001, when the practice of this variant of big autohemotherapy have begun, I obtained 1137 reports about the complications while conducting this procedure. Complications can be divided into two types - during the procedure (862) and in the first twenty-four hours after the procedure (275). Complications during the procedure were manifested by vertigo, nausea, decreased arterial pressure, fainting. As a rule, such patients admitted that this reaction usually appeared in them at the sight of the blood. The second type of complications was expressed by the increased body temperature of the patients after the first procedure, sleepiness, weakness. In certain cases, especially after the complaints of patients on sleepiness, the single dosage of ozone was reduced. These symptoms disappeared during the course. We consider these complications to be a routine reaction of patients to the procedures associated with the blood taking, since this is a usual profile of complications in the donor practice. In conclusion, it should be noted that on the basis of the positive experience of using polypropylene in your works on EBOO, and prejudices which some doctors have, especially in the West, we mastered the production of the plastic bags of 100% polypropylene, which we presented at the congress. Thus, doctors can select between two types of bags based on PVC and polypropylene, which are produced by us. The next question which you submit for the consideration at the conference was the following: 3. Recently it has become fashionable to use the IV infusion of ozonized saline. In comparison to the classical ozonized autohemotherapy, this method is quick and inexpensive but is it valid Ozonized saline must be compared with oxygenated saline and appropriate chemical and clinical data must be presented. A valid and extensive comparison between clinical results achieved with either ozonized autohemotherapy or ozonized saline must be presented. There are two aspects in this question: 1) whether hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite are formed during treatment of NaCl solution, which may be the cause for complications in intravenous infusion 2) is the dose of ozone obtained by the patient in this procedure sufficient for full therapy The affirmative answer is given to the first question in your report. However, lets consider the facts. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 7 Id like to cite the data represented in your report at the congress. It is seen from the diagram that in treatment of the saline with ozone in the concentration of 50 mg/l for 10 minutes the level of hydrogen peroxide is approximately 2.5 mcmol/l. Is this large or small Simple calculation shows that weight unit, concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 85 micrograms per liter or < 0.00001%. On the other hand, while bubbling the saline solution with ozone- oxygen mixture with this concentration, we increase the level of dissolved ozone to 4 mg/l. The comparison of the ozone concentration and hydrogen peroxide shows that ozone concentration exceeds peroxide concentration 47 times under the conditions described by you. It is obvious that presence of hydrogen peroxide, and therefore sodium hypochlorite should be disregarded under such conditions. A question about adequacy of therapy by the method of the intravenous infusion of the ozonized saline solution seems to me to be more important. Let us calculate the dose of ozone, which the patient obtains during the procedure of the intravenous infusion of the ozonized saline solution. As a rule, the ozone concentration in the liquid is equal to 1-3 mg/l used in the Russian method. In this case the patient is infused 0.2-0.4 liters of the ozonized saline solution. It is easy to calculate that the patient obtains a dose of 0.2 - 0.6 mg or 0.4 -1.2 mg of ozone, respectively. Thus, a question about is the Russian method effective is brought to a question - is the dose of ozone of 0.2 - 1.2 mg sufficient for treatment of forms of diseases traditional for ozone therapy. There is no simple answer to this question. For some diseases, for example autoimmune ones, this dosage is insufficient. In case of such diseases big autohemotherapy should be used. At the same time there is an enormous list of the diseases, for which the Russian method is completely adequate. As an example I will give the basic results of the dissertation work made at Odessa medical university Use of ozone therapy in rehabilitation treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease of Dr.A.V.Artiomenko, Odessa, 2004. Object of the research. 157 patients with stable stenocardia of exertion of 2-3 functional class by criterion class WHO/ISH,1993, heart deficiency of 2-3 functional class by the classification New York Heart Association and indications of the endothelial dysfunction became the object of the research . Control group. 32 patients got standard therapy: digozin 0.25 mg/24 hours, Amlodilin 5-10 mg/24 hours, aspirin 100 mg/24 hours., furosemide 40-80 mg/24 hours. The basic group consisted of 63 patients; ozone therapy was conducted against the background, and consisted of infusion of 150 ml saline solution in a day started from 1 mg/l, with the following increase to 0.5 mg/l for 3 mg/l and following decrease to the initial dose, in all 10 procedures. One more group of patients got basic therapy and placebo in the form of infusion of 150 ml oxygenated saline solution in a day. In 6 months after finishing the course of ozone therapy the main group was divided into two sub-groups. One of these sub-groups got the repeated course of ozone therapy. All patients got the standard cycle of clinical-laboratory studies including the spirocycleergometry, Holter monitoring ECG, dopplerography of brachial artery, Doppler echocardiography, ultrasonic examination of the heart and others. Some results of this research are given below. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 8 On the basis of the data analyzed the author came to a conclusion that: 1. Application of ozone therapy in the reconstructive period of treatment of sick people with IDH increases the antianginal effectiveness of therapy, decreasing frequency to 55.7+-7.8% and daily quantity of episodes of ischemia of the myocardium to 61.3+-8.2% in comparison with the group receiving medicamentous therapy. 2. Ozone therapy corrects effectively the endothelidependent dysfunction of patients with IHD, providing growth of endothelidependent vasodilation by 83%, that is 2.1 times more than by medicamentous therapy. 3. Ozone therapy increases tolerance to physical work, decreasing the functional class of stenocardia and heart deficiency for sure and fast. 4. Ozone therapy at the out-patient stage of rehabilitations of patients with IHD improves pharmacoeconomic effectiveness of treatment, decreasing necessity of extra antianginal therapy by 61.5% and frequency of repeated hospitalizations by 58.2% I assume that this work answers your question, taking into account that oxygenated saline solution was used as the placebo. We have tens of documented scientific research made in strict accordance with the modern criteria of the probative medicine, which have no doubts as to the effectiveness of the method of infusion of the ozonized saline of solution. More than twenty-year practice of application of this method in a number of the countries of Asia, Europe and Latin America is evidence of it. What is a basic difference in the method of infusion of the ozonized saline solution from the method of big autohemotherapy, which allows to achieve a significant therapeutic effect in considerably lower dosages of ozone I believe that the reason for this lies in the fact that substantially larger volume of the blood is treated in the Russian method. In fact, if the velocity of blood flow in the cubital vein is 50 ml/min, then 1500 ml of the blood is treated for 30 minutes of infusion, which is 15 times more than in big autohemotherapy. Probably, this circumstance is decisive in the Russian method. In conclusion I propose you to participate in the organization of the joint project on objective and independent assessment of the comparative effectiveness of the methods of big autohemotherapy and infusion of the ozonized saline solution. I propose to select the form of nosologies and the place of test conduction together. I thank you for attention, which you paid to my letter. I hope that I managed to elucidate our position to you. Accept my sincere assurances in respect and admiration by your works and by the contribution, which you have made in development of ozone therapy in the world. President of the Ukrainian Association of ozone therapists DrSci, Professor Eugeny Nazarov. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 9 ANSWER ON LETTER TO PROFESSOR E.I.NAZAROV (FROM VELIO BOCCI) Only a few days ago a colleague sent us your letter and, in order to eliminate doubts worrying several ozonetherapists, we are glad to answer the issues raised in your letter. This is now more important than ever because, after two decades of intensive work spent on clarifying the mechanisms of action of ozone in Biology and Medicine, there are now some methodological approaches invented for minimizing work that are going to jeopardize the future and acceptance of ozonetherapy within the realm of orthodox medicine. We are still struggling to prove the validity of this approach with the Food and Drug Administration (USA), that is the fundamental first step that possibly will allow the acceptance by National Health Authorities in many countries. If the Russian’s proposal of simplified and quick methods will take roots, ozonetherapy, not only will be never accepted but it will degenerate in a practice only useful for quacks , who already are too abundant. only research scientists without any interest in whatever commercial relationship with ozonetherapy. Topic: The need of using ozone-resistant materials to avoid toxicity. Only well- proven ozone-resistant materials must be used to avoid toxic effects in patients. Contrary to your statement, there is plenty of evidence published in the best international journals that various plastic microparticles, phthalates and/or other additives are released into blood components during blood storage in plastic (PVC) autotransfusion bags even during short exposure, without the presence of oxygen-ozone (O2-O3). While a minimal contamination has been tolerated, no other substance, absolutely no ozone, should be insufflated into the bag. It is necessary to remember that up to 1990 the ozonation was carried out in neutral glass bottles that are ozone resistant. Unfortunately, later on O3-autohemotherapy (O3-AHT) has never undergone the necessary standardization so that several variants of the original procedure have been used generating an enormous confusion. A critical examination of the various methodologies used in the last decade for carrying out O3-AHT in Italy and Germany has pointed out serious pitfalls that are potentially risky for the patient. In Italy another worrisome problem has been the widespread use of plastic (PVC) autotransfusion bags that, while suitable for storing blood, release various plastic microparticles and phthalates into the blood even without a short exposure to O2-O3 (Valeri et al., 1973; Thomas et al., 1978; Callahan et al., 1982; Estep et al., 1984; Labow et al., 1986; Quinn et al., 1986; Whysner et al., 1996; Latini, 2000; Stahlhut et al., 2007; Swan, 2008; Meeker et al., 2009; Jung et al., 2010). As it has been noted in patients undergoing dialysis, the mutagenic and toxic activity of these compounds is a matter of grave concern (Lawrence, 1978; Divincenzo et al., 1985). Particularly in the last decade there is mounting evidence that DEHP, by mimicking human hormones, may disrupt the endocrine system leading to developmental problems or behave as a mutagenic substance (Lyche et al. 2009). In January 2006, the European Union placed a ban on six types of phthalate softeners, including DEHP used in toys (Directive 2005/84/EC). All of the following data (see Appendix 1) were published in Bocci’s book: Oxygen-Ozone therapy. A critical evaluation, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 2002. Chapter 39, pp: 375-380. We have tested several samples of plastic bags largely used in Italy for storing blood and inflow-outflow tubing in polyvinyl chloride-di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (PVC-DEHP). All of these bags are authorized by the Ministry of Health to store blood but not to be insufflated with O2-O3. Bags are made of PVC for a maximum content of 55% while for achieving a good elasticity additional materials amount to about 45%. With small differences the composition is the following: a) about 40% of DEHP b) about 1% of Zinc 2 ethyl ethylhexanoate c) about 1% Calcium or Zinc stearate d) about 1% N,N’-diacyl ethylenediamine e) 5 - 10% of epoxidized soybean oil or similar. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 10 While all bags are sterile and suitable for storing blood, they are NOT chemically inert when a strong oxidant mixture (about 250 mL) composed of about 96% O2 and 4% O3 is insufflated into the bag. Particularly DEHP and butyl-glycobutyl phthalate (BGBP) are immediately released and bound extensively to plasma lipids. The plasma is likely to yield a higher content of DEHP than physiological saline. In line with the criteria expressed by the European Pharmacopea (1997), in 1999, we carried out an investigation by using sterile physiological saline that is considered the optimal “medical device” for evaluating release and size of plastic particles (2, 5, 10, 20 and 25 m size), phthalates and other compounds. It is obvious that evaluation of contaminants could not be performed in blood. Samples were numbered and all the following tests have been carried out in a blind fashion. The code was open after the final results were available. In conclusion it is hard to believe that you are not aware of phthalate or other additives toxicity that can harm patients receiving blood or even worse saline treated with O2-O3 in medical PVC-bags normally used only for blood storage. Thus, while hoping that this letter may be helpful, my best advice is to abolish altogether the use of plastic bags and adopt glass bottles. You have mentioned some 1137 reports of complications some of which are most likely have been caused by plastic particles and solubilized materials infused with blood in sensitive patients. Moreover the fate of plastic particles infused with blood taken up by phagocytosis remains a serious problem with possible late carcinogenic consequences. From 2003 up to 2007, after having supervised thousands of ozonated autohemotherapy, by both using a careful O3 dosing upgrading and the only necessary sodium citrate, no side effects have been noted. On the other hand before 1999, by unfortunately using plastic bags, especially in women, we noticed some similar side effects. We are finally glad to read that you have now mastered the production of bags of 100% st polypropylene that you have presented at the recent Istabul Congress (1st International th th Ozonetherapy Congress, 4th-6th December 2009, Istanbul - Turkey). Thus you have come to admit the use of polypropylene container as ozone-resistant that can be safely sold. Needless to say why not to use the usual safe glass bottles? Topic: It has now become fashionable to use the IV infusion of ozonated saline As a physician, having practised for years in a charity clinic, I vividly remember how busy an expert dialysis technician and myself were in performing no more than a dozen O3-AHTs in a afternoon. Thus, I can well understand that in a large clinic where daily there are a hundred patients to be treated, you cannot entertain the hope to perform the classical O3-AHT and therefore one has to compromise with an uncertain and semiquantitative procedure like the IV infusion of ozonated saline or, as in the case of Cubans, to apply the rectal O3 insufflation to all patients, which, for several reasons, is an even more unreliable approach. Almost needless to say that the classical O3-AHT, owing to the precise volume of blood, the precise volume of O3 of which one knows the exact concentration, hence the real dose, makes it an unsurpassed method. In this case the O3 instantly reacts with several blood substrates in a practically quantitative fashion. During the 5 minute mixing, we know all the biochemical reactions going on to activate blood cells so that, by the time of the reinfusion, O3 has disappeared. The beauty of the system is that, by using O3 within the well-determined therapeutic window, not only toxicity is avoided but one can control every step and fashion the ozonation process on the patient’s disease. finding a blood substitute and eventually I also landed in trying ozonating saline. As you know, it was demonstrated that ozonation of medical physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) with various O3 concentrations (50-70100 mg/mL) induced at the same time formationof hydrogen peroxide and chemiluminescent effects indicating the generation of free radicals (Bocci et al., 1998). The production of H2O2 was progressive and by using an O3 concentration of 100 mg/mL reached the value of about 20 mM after 60 min of O3 insufflation. Without further bubbling, the infusion of 250 mL of this solution in healthy volunteers caused considerable pain along the venous path of the infused arm after about 24 hours. This indicated that the solution has irritated the endothelium with the risk of a phlebitis and we were concerned that, besides H2O2, a transitory formation of HOCl or perchlorate may be the noxious agent. Although chloride could be oxidized by O3 to perchlorate (Truong et al., 2004; Rao et al., 2010), the saline solution containing traces of 2+Fe allows to the Fenton’s reactions with formation of oxydryl ralicals Hypochlorous acid constitutes an inflammatory agent of the endothelium during an infusion, even at a trace concentration. Moreover, it may activate platelets and induce a microcoagulation. Although it is well known that ClO is physiologically produced by phagocytic cells and it is an efficacious bactericidal compound, it remains either confined in phagosomes or released in plasma near endothelial cells (Goldmann et al., 2009). However, ClO is one of the most noxious reactive oxygen species (ROS) during a chronic inflammation. It is unfortunate that the practice of using ozonated saline has become common in Russia and is widely used because it is inexpensive and less timeconsuming than major AHT and simultaneously applicable to many patients. As it could be foreseen, physicians have started to use it also in Italy, Spain, Greece and Turkey. Ikonomidis et al. (2005) in Greece, have reported that they evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 11 tests before starting therapy. These precautions reinforce our preliminary objection to this approach. Moreover, Foksinski et al. (1999) have measured 8-oxodeoxyguanosine, a typical oxidative DNA damage in lymphocytes of atherosclerotic patients after the IV infusion of ozonated saline, that is a worrisome result never detected after O3AHT. Fortunately to the best of our knowledge, Russian physicians ozonize the saline with very low O3 concentrations (23 mg/mL) and this precaution certainly reduces toxicity but it leaves open the aspect of therapeutic efficacy. During the last couple of years I had been lucky to work together on this topic with two researchers of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Applied Chemistry at the University of Siena. We have ascertained that the procedure of ozonation of absolutely pure water is a far simpler procedure because this is the only case when the unstable O3 obeys Henry’s law. However if the water contains NaCl, the extremely high reactivity of O3 induces a complex series of reactions with the possible progressive formation of H2O2, unstable OCl , NaClO4, OH, O2 and some unstable O3. Razumovski, Ershov et al (2008); Bocci et al, (2009) have evaluated the complexity of O3 reactions and rapidity of its decomposition. Here we enclose our diagram. Figure 1. The diagram shows the rapid increase and decrease of O3 bubbled at 70 mg/mL concentration (gas inflow 1.5 L/min) in either ultrapure water (400 mL) or physiological saline (400 mL). Ozone bubbling was stopped after 25 min and absorbance was measured every 2 min at 260 nm. At O3 concentration of 10 mg/mL the curves are very similar, but absorbance is considerably lower than shown in the diagram. (Unpublished data). It is therefore necessary to enumerate and discuss the problems occurring during the preparation of ozonated saline: 1) For human use it would be unwise to use O3 concentration over 4 mg/mL (4 mg/L). Moreover it is essential to establish the volume per minute of the gas mixture O2-O3. The problem is that different ozone generators have variable gas output: if it is 1 L per minute, the O3 delivered to 200 mL of saline would be 4 mg/L but, if the output per minute is equivalent to 3 litres of gas, then the actual dose of O3 delivered will be 12 mg/L! As a consequence one must properly instruct the ozonetherapist in relation to the owned ozone generator as otherwise one risk to poison the patient. 2) The period of ozonation time also ought to be well defined in relation to the volume of saline because in the case of saline solution an ozonation time of 20 min appears enough to reach a plateau. Obviously a shorter or longer ozonation period will differently modifies the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, O3 and other radicals. 3) Another aspect to be clearly defined if gas bubbling will continue or not during the IV infusion period. This is because, as soon as the gas bubbling is stopped, the concentration of H2O2 remains fairly stable but the O3 concentration will halve during the next 30 min and this affects the therapeutic result. As a trivial example, I doubt that in a large clinic all the saline infusions are all under a continuous O3 bubbling and it is likely that saline bottles will be ozonated and then distributed implying a more or less long delay before the infusion. After one hour delay, O3 is not longer present. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 12 4) As a preliminary conclusion, one must ponder on the validity of using the infusion of ozonated saline. It is certainly less dangerous than the direct IV infusion of the gas mixture that some quacks, without a medical qualification, still dare to perform with the serious risk of causing an oxygen embolism. However it does not represent a good improvement because the variable presence of H2O2, O3, etc does not insure neither a good reproducibility, nor a consistent therapeutic effect. Moreover the blood flow in the cubital vein varies considerably in different patients and in women and this implies that a fairly constant infusion of ozonated saline versus a variable blood flow and content of antioxidants implies an uncertain blood/H2O2- O3 relationship with possibly a too low or too high bio-oxidation. By comparison, a fundamental pillar of the classical O3-AHT is that we can maintain precisely the blood/ O3 ratio within the known therapeutic range. 5) I regret to say that this approach contains too many uncertain parameters and, in any case, it needs to be carefully standardized to avoid risking to perform a placebo infusion or an excessive and risky treatment. Nonetheless if, on the basis of the critical need to treat too many patient, it is allowed by Russian Health Authorities it will be never accepted by neither the FDA, USA or but the EC Authorities. 6) Owing to the fact that H2O2 is one of the most important ROS generated by O3, since 2005 (Bocci et al. 1998), in women with very difficult venous access, by using a G27 needle, we have intravenously infused the solution of pure H2O2 in glucose(5 %) or saline solutions at the concentrations ranging from 0.03-0.06 % (8-16mM). The bio-oxidative therapy with H2O2 was first described by Dr. I.N. Love in 1888 (Love, 1888) and then promoted by Dr. C.H. Farr in 1993 (Farr, 1993). We showed a modest but consistent activity in women with agerelated macular degeneration. In contrast to ozonated saline, this compromise, very simple to prepare, does not contain other dangerous ROS and one does not need an ozone generator. Obviously, the glucose solution should not be used in diabetic patients. Finally, I am also very interested in treating chronic heart disease (CHD) and I would like to call your attention to the disastrous result published in the Lancet (Torre-Amione et al., 2008), by using a bad copy of minor AHT after an extremely high oxidation and heat stress on 10 mL of blood. This is a dreadful example of an irrational ozonation procedure that has severely compromised the future of ozonetherapy. The study by Dr A.V. Artiomenko (Odessa, 2004) performed with ozonated saline seems to have given a significant (statistic is missing!) improvement of 63 CHD’s patients. However, what is missing in this study is a direct comparison with a similar group of patients properly treated with O3-AHT. As it is, results not published in an international peer reviewed journals are lost for the scientific community. Summary We would like to thank you for your letter and for compelling us to express our objective judgements. Our aim is to try to demonstrate the validity and reliability of ozonetherapy and all our efforts should be directed to allow the acceptance of ozonetherapy as an effective approach within orthodox medicine. The Western world is either against or it has prejudice towards this approach and, in spite on lack of sponsors and funds, we must strive hard to succeed. V. Bocci, MD, Emeritus Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology, Prof. V. Travagli, and Dr. I. Zanardi, PhD, Department of Pharmaceutical and Applied Chemistry at the University of Siena, Italy Appendix 1 1. MATERIALS AND METHODS Particles were measured by an automatic counter (Royco) by Dr. G. Gavioli and collaborators at Braun Carex, Mirandola (Modena, Italy) while several chemical compounds among which phthalates were detected by HPLC by a specialized Institute (Istituto di Ricerche Agroindustria, Director: Dr. G.C. Angeli, Modena, Italy). The proliferation index (PI) of blood mononuclear cells (BMC) has been assessed after isolation of BMC from human blood of normal donors. PBMC were isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) gradient centrifugation, washed twice in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 20 mM HEPES buffer, spun down at low speed to remove platelets, and resuspended in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 2 mM HEPES, 10% heatinactivated fetal calf serum (FCS), 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 mg/mL streptomycin (all from Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD) at the final concentration of 1 x 10 viable cells/mL. Cell viability was assayed by the trypan blue exclusion technique and light microscope observation. Aliquots (0.1 mL) of BMC suspension were added per well in triplicate wells to 96-well flat bottomed tissue culture plates (Costar, Cambridge, MA). BMC were cultured without stimulation or stimulated with PHA at a final concentration of 5 mg/mL (Sigma Chemical Co.). After vista pañola de onoterapia junio 2010 13 12 hours incubation, either control saline, or ozonized saline in a glass syringe, or in blood bags was added to the culture medium in a 1:4 proportion. Thereafter incubation continued for 40 and 64 hours. Cell proliferation was evaluated by a colorimetric immunoassay (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) based on BrdU incorporation. Briefly, after either 40 and 64 hours of incubation at 37 with 5% CO2 in air and 100 % humidity, the cells were labelled with BrdU for 6 hr (10 IU/well). The cells were then fixed, anti-BrdU-POD antibody added and the immune complexes detected by the subsequent substrate reaction. The proliferative index (PI) was obtained, calculating the ratio between PHA-stimulated cells and unstimulated ones, after subtraction of the corresponding blanks. It is emphasized that all tests were carried out with the same procedure and timing used during a conventional autohaemotherapy. All tests were performed in double blind fashion by two external firms specialized in the pertinent assays. PI and all other analyses were assessed in the Institute of General Physiology, University of Siena. Results were expressed as mean+/-SD. 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION These can be summarized as follows: Table 1 reports the number of plastic particles ranging in size among 2, 5, 10, 20 and 25 mm in either the control saline (test no. 10), or in saline withdrawn from blood bags with no exposure to O2-O3 (test no. 1) or in saline as before but exposed to O2-O3 (70 mg/mL per mL saline, ratio 1:1) for 10 min (test no. 2), or in saline from other PVC bags, control (test no. 15) or in saline exposed to O2-O3 for 10 min (test no. 16). It appears very clear that the number of plastic particles released from different PVC blood bags far exceed the number of control samples. According to the European Pharmacopea, values of particles released after ozonation exceed the maximal tolerated value of 3.3-10.7 fold. All the saline samples collected from the plastic bags after ozonation showed by HPLC examination, several compounds as phthalates, caprolactamate and linear chain hydrocarbons not readily identifiable. Interestingly, the same examination of tubing in PVC-DEHP normally used for collecting blood and insufflating O2O3 do not show an abnormal release of plastic particles (Table 2) even though the O3 exposure was prolonged for 30 min. This is not surprising because tubings have far less additives than bags. Thus as the time of contact with O2-O3 is very transient, these tubings could still be used although we have preferred to substitute them with a new brand made up of more resistant material (PVC additioned with tris(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate, TEHT, C33H54O6) known as Staflex TOTM. Material released from this type of tubing is less than 100 fold than from tubing PVCDEHP so that this new type is absolutely safe. Besides the potential risk propounded by plastic particles and chemical compounds during the reinfusion of ozonated blood, we thought important to investigate whether BMC withdrawn from the bags show any modification of the PI. A series of analyses carried out after two different periods of incubation (40 and 64 hours) clearly show a consistent depression of the PI that can be as high as 27.2% (Table 3). Taking into account the small volume of ozonated saline added to the culture medium this value is possibly underestimated and therefore is worrisome. This negative effect is not directly due to O3 but rather to unknown compounds released into the saline during ozonation of the blood bags. It is obvious that we do not want the same phenomenon occurring in vivo and moreover, owing to the variety of compounds released from the plastic material, we don’t know which is (are) the compound(s) responsible for the inhibition. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 14 For all of these reasons, the use of a new device is now strongly recommended. This is composed of a) a neutral 500 mL glass bottle (sterile and under vacuum), b) a new atoxic tubing for collecting blood and insufflating sterilefiltered O2-O3 via an antibacterial (0.2 mm), hydrophobic ozone-resistant filter and c) an appropriate tubing with filter that is used, firstly for infusing saline, and secondly for returning the ozonated blood to the donor. It is important that the exposure of blood to O2-O3 lasts only the necessary 5 min because mixing of blood must be gentle to avoid foaming. Because blood is very viscous, it takes about 5 min to achieve a complete and homogenous equilibrium. It can be noted that the pO2 slowly reaches supraphysiological values (up to 400 mmHg) and then it remains constant. On the other hand, O3 rapidly dissolves in the water of plasma and then reacts instantaneously so that all of the O3 dose is exhausted within 5 min. The ozonetherapists must follow this procedure for avoiding either negative effects on the patients, or being found guilty of medical malpractice. The worrisome problem is the widespread use of plastic autotransfusion bags that, while suitable for storing blood, release various plastic compounds into the blood, especially lipids, even during a short time. The data were sent to The Italian National Research Health Institute in Rome. The answer was that plastic bags allowed for storing blood CANNOT BE USED WITH O2-O3 IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. The prohibition became and remains effective since 2000: Today CE neutral glass bottles fitted with ozone-resistant plastic cork and idoneous tubings are currently used. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 tema del mes Velio Bocci, Emma Borrelli, Valter Travagli and Iacopo Zanardi 15 the ozone paradox: ozone is a strong oxidant as well as a medical drug. ABSTRACT After five decades characterized by empiricism and several pitfalls, some of the basic mechanisms of action of ozone in pulmonary toxicology and in medicine have been clarified. The present knowledge allows to understand the prolonged inhalation of ozone can be very deleterious first for the lungs and successively for the whole organism. On the other hand, a small ozone dose well calibrated against the potent antioxidant capacity of blood can trigger several useful biochemical mechanisms and reactivate the antioxidant system. In detail, firstly ex vivo and second during the infusion of ozonated blood into the donor, the ozone therapy approach involves blood cells and the endothelium, which by transferring the ozone messengers to billions of cells will generate a therapeutic effect. Thus, in spite of a common prejudice, single ozone doses can be therapeutically used in selected human diseases without any toxicity or side effects. Moreover, the versatility and amplitude of beneficial effect of ozone applications have become evident in orthopedics, cutaneous, and mucosal infections as well as in dentistry. Key words: oxidative stress; antioxidants; oxidative preconditioning; ozone; ozonated autohemotherapy 1. INTRODUCTION A. A Brief Historical Review Christian Friedrich Schönbein, in 1839, noticed the emergence of a pungent gas with an ‘‘electric smell.’’ According to the Greek language, he called it ‘‘ozone’’ and presented a lecture entitled ‘‘On the smell at the positive electrode during electrolysis of water’’ at the Basel Natural Science Society. In nature ozone is continuously produced in the stratosphere (at 25–30 km from the Earth surface) by UV radiation (< 183nm) by splitting an atmospheric oxygen molecules into two highly reactive oxygen atoms, in agreement with the Chapman theory. By an endothermic reaction, each of these atoms combines to intact oxygen to form the triatomic ozone. It is also produced during the electric discharge of lightning, which catalyzes the formation of ozone from atmospheric oxygen. Ozone has a molecular weight of 48 and it is a bluish gas with a pungent odor and a solubility in water, about ten-fold higher than oxygen (49mL in 100 mL, 0.02 M, at 01C), even though an ample variability is present in the literature. 3 While it rapidly dissolves in pure water and obeys Henry’s law, in biological water ozone instantly reacts with inorganic and organic molecules dissolved in water generating a variety of free radicals. Ozone as a gas spontaneously decomposes with a half-life of 40 min, at 201C. This means that ozone is a metastable gas with a temperature-dependent half-life, but it can be stored in liquid form at a temperature below _111.91C with a specific weight of 1.571 g/mL. Methods for generating ozone are based on UV radiation, corona discharge, and PUBLICIDAD Empresa biotecnológica dedicada a ofrecer, tanto productos como servicios, aplicados a la regeneración tisular y a la medicina regenerativa. (+34) 902 501 609 (+34) 93 163 02 27 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 16 an electrochemical process. Industrial ozone is produced from air but medical ozone must be generated ex tempore only by using medical oxygen because otherwise the simultaneous generation of nitric dioxide (NO2) will be very toxic.4 The most recent medical ozone generator can control the electric voltage from 5 kV up to about 14 kV, the space between the electrodes able to modulate a gradual increase in ozone concentration and the flow of pure oxygen usually regulated between 1 and 10 L/min. The final ozone concentration is inversely proportional to the oxygen flow, hence, per unit time, the higher the oxygen flow, the lower the ozone concentration. In the final oxygen–ozone mixture, the maximum ozone concentration can be only 5%. 2. BEHAVIOR OF OZONE A. Ozone as an Oxidant Ozone has a cyclical structure assessed by the absorption at 253.7nm with a distance among oxygen atoms of 1.26A and exists in several mesomeric states in dynamic equilibrium (Fig. 1). Among oxidant agents, it is the third strongest (E1512.076 V), after fluorine and persulphate. Molecular oxygen, by containing two unpaired electrons, is a diradical but it has not the reactivity of ozone and, by a stepwise reduction with four electrons, forms water. On the other hand, ozone having a paired number of electrons in the external orbit is not a radical molecule, but it is far more reactive than oxygen and generates some of the radical oxygen species (ROS) produced by oxygen during mitoc hondrial respiration. Phagocytes reacting with pathogens6–8 produce anion superoxide (O_2 ), H2O2, and hypoc hlorous acid (HClO) catalyzed by mieloperoxidase. Wentworth et al.9,10 have postulated that in atherosclerotic patients human endothelium cells may produce ozone, but their findings remain still doubtful.11 Moreover, H2O2 is produced by almost all cells by the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-oxydase isoenzymes, indicating the relevance of ROS in the normal organism. Interestingly, ozone, in the presence of inorganic and/or organic compounds immediately reacts and generates a great variety of oxidized molecules, disappearing in a matter of seconds. B. Ozone as UV screen In the stratospheric layer, ozone has an average concentration of 10 parts per million (ppm) and it has the important role to absorb most of the UV radiations, particularly bands B (from 280 to 320nm) and C (from 100 to 280 nm), whic h are mutagenic and can enhance skin carcinogenesis. Unfortunately, during the last decades, short-sighted human activities, by releasing chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere, have led to a decreased ozone concentration, particularly in the Antarctic, which will take several decades to be restored. C. Ozone as an Air Pollutant On the other hand, the tropospheric amount of ozone ought to be about 1 mg/m3 (0.001 ppm), ten times lower than our odor perception threshold for ozone about 20 mg/m3 (0.02 ppm). However during the last decades, in large cities, ozone levels in summer time can increase up to dangerous levels ranging from 200 to 900 mg/m3. Moreover, additional anthropogenic emissions of NO, NO2, methane, CO, sulphuric compound, and fine particulates have enhanced the toxicity not only for the respiratory tract but also for the eyes and the skin. The US Clean Air Act has set an ozone level of 120 mg/m3 as an 8 hr mean concentration to protect the health of workers. Evaluation of recent Studies allows establishing an average evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 17 environmental ozone concentration of 90710 mg/m3. However, ozone concentration in urban air can exceed 0.8ppm in high pollution conditions.19,20 For 8 hr at rest (a tidal volume of about 10 L/ min and a retention of inspired ozone of no less than 80%), the ozone dose amounts to 0.70–0.77mg daily. This is likely the minimal ozone intake because physical activity increases the volume of inhaled air, and, at peak time, the ozone levels can easily augment to 500–900 mg/m3, reducing pulmonary functions and markedly enhancing the risk of cardiovascular deaths. Ozone levels of 500 mg/m3 may not seem too high but one must consider that any single air inhalation implies an ozone dose that immediately reacts with the airway surface fluid and immediately at the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) generates the ROS and lipid oxidation products (LOP) minimally quenched by the scarce antioxidant present in a liquid film of about 0.1 mm.21 As a consequence, the whole respiratory tract against the continuous inhalation of ozonecontaminated air opposes only the ELF’s volume of about 20–40mL,22 which is negligible when compared to a plasma volume of about 2700 mL. Thus, throughout the day we must consider, neither simply the ozone concentration nor a single respiratory act, but the ozone cumulative dose that can easily sum up to 1–2 g ozone in 5 months.While ozone vanishes within the ELF, the generated ROS, LOP, and nitrating species damage the epithelial lining. The phosphorylation of a protein kinase, by activating the nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB), allows the synthesis and release of a number of cytokines such as TNFa, IL-1, IL-8, IFNg, and TGFb1. Moreover, this situation starts a vicious circle because the increased inflow of neutrophils and activated macrophages into the alveolar space worsens and perpetuates the production of more ROS including HClO, tachykinins, proteases, alkenals, and F2-isoprostanes able to selfmaintain a chronic inflammation. ROS have a very brief half-life and damage mostly the pulmonary microenvironment while alkenals and proinflamatory cytokines are absorbed by the human large expanse (about 70m2) of the bronchial–alveolar space. Recent studies have detected 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), isoprostanes, H2O2, and malondialdehyde (MDA) in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. The interesting study by Last et al has clearly shown that mice exposed to 1 ppm for 8 hr during three consecutive nights lose about 14% of their original body weight, decrease their food consumption by 42%, and enter into a cachectic state. Another important aspect of the pulmonary ozone toxicity is its reverberation on the whole organism, especially on the vascular system, heart, liver, brain, and kidneys. The pharmaco-toxicological behavior of both LOP compounds, ceramide signaling, and proinflammatory cytokines is characterized by a continuous absorption from the pulmonary area into the blood and, even though the half-life of these compounds is brief, the constant endogenous synthesis insures a constant toxicity explaining the increased morbidity and mortality of population inhaling polluted air for several months of the year. D. Ozone as a Biological Cytotoxic Agent Either normal or neoplastic cells in culture are very sensitive to a constant exposure of ozone even if the gas has a very low concentration. This observation is correct but it has led to the misleading conclusion that ozone is always cytotoxic. Indeed, we know too well that cells culture studies are mostly performed with air–CO2 at pH 7.3 but with a pO2 of 160mmHg, i.e. more than double of cells in vivo. Even more important is the fact that culture media have a significantly lower level of antioxidants than plasma, particularly of albumin. Indeed, the usual fetal calf serum is added at a 5–10% concentration that is equivalent to hardly 50% of the albumin present in the extracellular fluid. Among antioxidants, albumin with its available –SH reducing group is one of the most protective compounds. Moreover, antioxidant components are not dinamically replenished in vitro while cells remain exposed to a constant ozone concentration. Obviously ozone dissolves in the fluid every second, exhausts the scarce antioxidants, and generates toxic compounds that cannot undergo either dilution with extracellular fluid or excretion. This unfavorable situation has been demonstrated when thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), incubated in vitro at 371C and pH 7.3 in human ozonated plasma remain at a constant level for 9 hr.47 On the other hand TBARS present in ozonated blood declined very rapidly with a half-life of 4.271.7 min after intravenous infusion in patients with agerelated macular degeneration (ARMD) demonstrating the relevance of critical pharmacological properties to be extensively discussed in Section 4A.Moreover, the damaging effect of ozone on saline washed erythrocytes, totally deprived of the plasma protection, has noticeably contributed to consider ozone as a deleterious gas. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 18 3. MAY OZONE BE USED AS A MEDICAL DRUG? At first sight, the strong oxidizing properties of ozone discard the possibility that this gas may display some therapeutic effects. However, even today some ozonetherapists advance the whimsical idea that ozone, by decomposing in the blood, gifts the body its intrinsic energy accumulated during its synthesis, as shown 3O2 + 68,400 cal > 2O3 On the 19th century, ozone had been already identified as a potent bactericidal gas and it was used during World War I for treating German soldiers affected by gaseous gangrene due to Clostridium anaerobic infections. In two pioneristic studies, Stoker reported the first 21 medical cases successfully treated with ozone at the Queen Alexandria Military Hospital. It remains uncertain how a Swiss dentist, E.A. Fisch (1899–1966) had the first idea to use ozone as either a gas or ozonated water in his practice. By a twist of fate, a surgeon, Dr. E Payr (1871–1946) had to be treated for a gangrenous pulpite and remained astonished by the result achieved with local ozone treatment. He enthusiastically extended its application to general surgery and at the 59th Congress of the German Surgical Society (Berlin, 1935) reported ‘‘which other disinfectant would be tolerated better than ozone? The positive results in 75% of patients, the simplicity, the hygienic conditions and the safety of the method are some of the many advantages’’. In 1936, a Frenc h physician, Dr. P. Aubourg successfully treated chronic colitis and rectal fistulae by the direct insufflation of oxygen–ozone mixture into the rectum. It seems that Dr. Payr was the first to inject a small volume of the O2–O3 gas mixture directly into the human cubital vein, giving rise to a procedure that in the 90s, adopted by charlatans, became so dangerous to be prohibited. After the invention of the first medical ozone generator by the physicist Joachim Hansler (1908–1981), the physician Hans Wolff (1927–1980) deserves the credit for having developed the ozonated autohemotherapy (O3-AHT) by insufflating ex vivo the gas into the blood contained in a dispensable ozoneresistant glass bottle. For almost three decades ozone therapy was used in Germany but the lack of scientific and clinical studies arose scepticism and prejudice still common today. Lacking the knowledge of the complexity of biological mechanisms, a distinguished chemist wrote that ‘‘ozone is toxic, no matter how you deal with it and should not be used in medicine’’ (personal communication to V.B.). This negative concept may only be changed by valid scientific and clinical data. It is worthwhile to mention what Timbrell55 wrote in his book ‘‘The poison paradox; chemicals as friends and foes.’’ The essential facts are that first it is the dose that makes a chemical toxic, and second and more important, toxicity results from the interaction between chemical and biological defenses. Indeed the subtlety and complexity of biological systems may defy the concept that ozone is always toxic. Interestingly, Paracelsus (1495–1541) did not know biochemistry but guessed that ‘‘all things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be poisonous.’ 4. BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS ELICITED BY OZONE IN HUMAN BLOOD As it was mentioned, ozone as a gas equilibrates in 5 min in pure water and, in a closed glass bottles, its concentration (about 25% of the ozone concentration in the gas mixture) remains fairly stable for many hours. However, in a physiological environment, it immediately reacts with antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), proteins, carbohydrates and, if in excess, with DNA and RNA.57,58 Thus, ozone leads to the formation of ROS, LOP, and a variable percentage of oxidized antioxidants. A. Reactions with Plasma Components Blood is an ideal tissue because it is composed of about 55% plasma and cells, especially erythrocytes, able to cooperate for taming the oxidant properties of ozone. The plasma has a wealth of hydrophilic reductants, such as ascorbic acid (_50 mM), uric acid (_400 mM), and a little amount of reduced glutathione (GSH). These compounds have been measured before and after ozonation. Plasma contains albumin (_45 mg/mL) that by virtue of a wealth of –SH groups, is one of the most important antioxidants also because the plasma pool contains about 112 g of albumin. Moreover, the presence of proteins such as transferrin and ceruloplasmin quenches oxidizing reactions by chelating transition metals (mainly Fe2+ and Cu+). Presence of traces of these metals must be avoided because either in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, via the Fenton’s reaction, or in the presence of anion superoxide (O-2 ) via the Haber–Weiss reaction, they will catalyze the formation of the most reactive hydroxyl radical ‘OH. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 19 Although _OH has a half-life of 1_10_9 sec, it reacts with any other molecule and produces another radical. Blood cells contain not only the bulk of GSH (1–5mM) but also thioredoxin and several lipophilic compounds such as atocopherol, retinol, lycopene, ubiquinol, and a-lipoic acid, which are able to cooperatively reduce oxidized compounds, thus restoring the initial antioxidant status. Moreover, blood cells contain a variety of enzymes (SOD, catalase, GSPase, GSH-redox system), which cooperate either simultaneously or in a sequential way to restore the redox system. The work performed during the last 18 years in our lab has clarified the most important compounds generated ex vivo during the initial reaction of ozone with some plasma components and how these compounds activate some biochemical pathways in cells revealed by therapeutic effects after the transfusion of ozonated blood in the donor. The biochemical effects displayed by ozone when it comes in contact with blood components will be briefly reviewed.47,63 After having performed thousands of treatments, the standard procedure is to add 200mL of a gas mixture composed of medical oxygen (495%) with ozone (o5%) to 180mL of blood after the previous addition of 20mL of 3.8% sodium citrate at room temperature. The blood–gas volumes are gently mixed in a sterile glass bottle by rotation, avoiding gas bubbling. Within 5 min, about 1.5mL of O2 and 2.4mL of O3 dissolve in the blood water but their fate is quite different. Oxygen physically diffuses into erythrocytes and fully saturates hemoglobin (Hb4O8) but in spite of the pO2 as high as 450mmHg, the therapeutic value of oxygenation is irrelevant because the successive infusion of oxygenated–ozonated blood (about 15 mL/min) hardly modify the pO2 (_40 mmHg) of about 5 L/min of the simultaneous venous blood inflow to the heart. On the contrary, ozone dissolves more readily in plasma water than oxygen, and instantaneously reacts with hydrosoluble antioxidants and with readily available PUFA bound to albumin. Several years ago, by using a reliable ozone generator able to deliver precise ozone concentrations, the first aim was to define if indeed ozone was always deleterious or if a range of ozone therapeutic concentrations could be determined. The range was determined between 10 mg/mL gas (0.21 mmol/mL) and 80 mg/mL gas (1.68 mmol/mL) per mL of anticoagulated blood, corresponding to total ozone doses comprises between 1 and 8mg for 100mL blood, respectively. It was crucial to precisely calibrate the ozone dose (gas volume_ozone concentration) against the individual variable antioxidant capacity of the patient’s blood, thereby on one hand avoiding ozone toxicity and, on the other hand, allowing the activation of several biochemical pathways on blood cells. It was proven that during the slow mixing of the blood with the gas phase, all the ozone is consumed in less than 5 min. Several studies have clarified that some albumin and uric acid behave as sacrificial molecules whereas several antioxidants after oxidation are rapidly reduced by an efficient recycling system. Some ozone reacts with PUFA as follows leading to the simultaneous formation of 1 mol of H2O2 (included among ROS) and 2 mol of LOP. The fundamental ROS molecule is H2O2, whic h is not ionized but is an oxidant able to act as an ozone messenger responsible for eliciting several biological and therapeutic effects. As it was mentioned, the old concept that H2O2 is always harmful has been widely revised because, in physiological amounts, it acts as a regulator of signal transduction and represents a cr ucial mediator of host defense and imm une responses. While exposure to oxygen is ineffective, ozone causes the generation of H2O2 and of the chemiluminescent reaction in both physiological saline and plasma. However, while in saline there is a consistent and prolonged increase in H2O2, in the ozonated plasma both c hemiluminescence and H2O2 increase immediately but decay very rapidly with a half-life of less than 2 min evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 20 suggesting that both antioxidants and traces of enzymes rapidly reduce H2O2 to water. In ozonated blood the reduction of H2O2 is so fast that it has been experimentally impossible to measure it. H2O2 is able to easily pass through the cell membrane, but the intracellular concentration increases only 1/10 of the extracellular one. Its relative stability allows measuring it in plasma; in normotensive subjects its concentration is of 2.5 mM. In this case the intracellular concentration of H2O2 will be at the most of 0.25 mM, while the maximal intracellular concentration that can be generated for signaling purposes during the ozonation process may reach 0.5–0.7 mM.47 It appears ubiquitous as it has been detected in urine and in exhaled air. Depending upon its local concentration and cell-type, H2O2 can either induce proliferation or cell death. It can regulate vascular tone by causing constrictions of vascular beds or vasodilatation although it remains uncertain if it acts as an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor. A very enlightening finding was achieved by evaluating the variation of the total antioxidant status (TAS) as measured by the Rice-Evans and Miller’s method85 in plasma after ozonation and 1 min rapid mixing of the liquid–gas phases of either fresh blood or the respective plasma withdrawn from the same ten donor. Figure 2 shows that, after ozonation of plasma with either a medium or a high ozone concentration (0.84 mmol/mL or 1.68 mmol/mL of gas per mL of plasma, respectively), TAS evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 21 level progressively decreases at first and then remain stable after 20 min. The decrease was ozone-dose dependent and varied between 46 and 63%, respectively. Conversely, TAS levels in blood treated with the same ozone concentrations only decreased from 11 to 33%, respectively, in the first minute after ozonation. Then they recovered and returned to the original value within 20 min, irrespective of the two ozone concentrations, indicating the great capacity of blood to regenerate oxidized antioxidants, namely, dehydroascorbate and GSH disulfide (GSSG). Indeed, Mendiratta et al.66,67 have found that dehydroascorbate can be recycled back to ascorbic acid within 3 min. Similarly, only about 20% of the intraerythrocytic GSH has been found oxidized to GSSG within 1 min after ozonation, but promptly reduced to normal after 20 min. These data were enlightening and showed that the therapeutic ozonation modifies only temporarily and reversibly the cellular redox homeostasis. There is now full agreement that ascorbic acid, a-tocopherol, GSH, and lipoic acid, after oxidation, undergo an orderly reduction by a well-coordinated sequence of electron donations. LOP production follows peroxidation of PUFA present in the plasma: they are heterogeneous and can be classified as lipoperoxides (LOO), alkoxyl radicals (LO), lipohydroperoxides (LOOH), F2-isoprostanes, and alkenals, among which 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), acrolein and MDA. As free radicals and aldehydes are intrinsically deleterious, only precise and appropriate ozone doses must be used in order to generate them in very low concentrations. Figure 3 comparatively shows the modifications of plasma levels of TBARS, hemolysis, TAS, and protein thiols in a typical experiment when 13 human blood samples were exposed to air, O2, or either 40 or 80 mg/mL ozone concentrations. Plasma TBARS in vitro are far more stable than ROS, but, upon blood reinfusion, they have a brief half-life owing to a marked dilution in body fluids, excretion (via urine and bile), metabolism by glutathione-S-transferases (GST) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Among the aldehydes, 4-HNE is quantitatively the most impor tant. It is an amphipathic molecule and reacts with a variety of compounds such as albumin, enzymes, GSH, carnosine, and phospholipids. There is no receptor for 4-HNE but Poli et al.89 have reported that, after binding to more than 70 biochemical targets, it exerts some deleterious activity. Luckily, intracellular concentrations of GSH are high enough to frequently prevent or remove 4-HNE from adducts with enzymes. Owing to the unexpected stability of 4-HNE when samples of ozonated human plasma were incubated at 371C for 9 hr, it was postulated that ozone, for its high solubility in the plasmatic water, steric reasons, and the abundance of albumin molecules prefers to target their bound PUFA. The scheme presented in Figure 4 envisages the events occurring in the plasma phase. It appears reasonable that during the rapid reaction of ozone with albumin PUFA in water, the suddenly generated aldehydes, mainly 4-HNE, will immediately form adducts with contiguous albumin molecules. This hypothesis is now well supported by recent findings, which have shown that human albumin, rich in accessible nucleophilic residues, can quench up to 11 different 4-HNE molecules, the first being with Cys34, followed by Lys199 and His146. These important data clarify why ex vivo ozonation of blood does not harm the vascular system during the infusion of ozonated blood. The albumin-4-HNE adducts, not only are rapidly diluted in the blood pool but, being transferred into the extravascular pool, represent only a small aliquot of the whole albumin pool, containing as much as about 310 g protein. On this basis, it would be worthwhile exploring whether either the 4-HNE-modified albumin has an abnormal fate or how the aldehyde is released into other cell compartments, thus becoming able to trigger biochemical mechanisms. 4-HNE is the major product of peroxidation of n-6-PUFA, its concentration in normal plasma varies from 0.07 to 0.15 mM and increases with aging. Needless to say that a constant increase in peroxidation as it happens after ischemia-reperfusion, CCl4 intoxication, evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 22 vista pañola de onoterapia junio 2010 23 ADP-iron overload, and c hronic inflammation typical of some infections disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer, and degenerative pathologies causes a marked increase in 4-HNE levels, especially in the affected tissues. However, aerobic organisms, for accommodating the toxicity of aldehydic compounds, have simultaneously developed detoxifying systems37,95–99 and their evaluation is relevant because the infusion of the ozonated blood into the donor patient implies an amount of an albumin-4-HNE adduct. The following three processes sc hematically indicated in Figure 5 clarifies why 4-HNE is not a risk: (1) Dilution: The highest concentration of 4-HNE measured after exposing 180mL of human blood to the highest ozone amount (16 mg) is less than 1mM in the plasma. During the 20 min intravenous infusion, the aldehyde will be promptly diluted in a total plasma-extracellular fluid volume of about 11 L, causing a transitory increase in the plasma level up to about 0.1 mM. (2) Detoxification: Metabolism of 4-HNE is extremely fast either because small amounts of aldehydes interact with billions of cells endowed with several detoxifying enzymes such as ALDH, aldose reductase, and GST or the formation of an adduct with GSH. Several authors96,101,102 have determined a metabolic rate so high to conclude that ‘‘even with very high lipid peroxidation rates, 4-HNE cannot accumulate in an unlimited way’’.89 These data are in agreement with our results in six patients when we could assess a half-life of infused TBARS of 4.2+-1.7 min. On the contrary when the same preparation in ozonated plasma was incubated (at 1371C, pH 7.3) in acellular medium, TBARS levels hardly declined during the next 9 hr. (3) Excretion: Partially metabolized LOP are eliminated into both bile after hepatic detoxification and urine after renal excretion. In the rat, 4-HNE was detected in the urine as mercapturic acid conjugates. In normal conditions, owing to the efficiency of these processes, only submicromolar concentrations of LOP can reach organs such as bone marrow, endocrine glands, and even hypothalamic areas deprived of the blood–brain barrier where, via a variety of kinases and even a possible receptor for F2-isoprostanes, may act as a signaling event of an ongoing acute oxidative stress (Fig. 5). As a first conclusion it is clear that the ozonation process either happening in blood ex vivo or in an intramuscular site represents an acute, albeit small, oxidative stress. However, this process is acceptable only if the ozone is precisely calibrated against the antioxidant capacity of either blood or the injected tissue. Moreover, the ozone dose must never lower the antioxidant capacity more than 30% with a process lasting only a few minutes during which ozone reacts and disappears after leaving its messengers. Thus, the process of blood ozonation ex vivo has been characterized by the formation of ROS and LOP mainly acting in two phases. Among ROS, H2O2 is the earliest messenger rising and disappearing within 1 min in the plasma, while LOP during drug infusion in the donor reach the vascular systems, act on endothelial cells, and eventually reach parenchymal cells. Their pharmacodynamics minimize their potential toxicity thus making LOP as late and effective messengers. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 24 B. The Effect of Ozone Messengers Onto Blood Cells There are two questions to be clarified: first, does ozone directly activate the cells? Our methodological approac h and experimental results exclude this possibility because when blood is gently mixed ex vivo with O2–O3, ozone dissolves rapidly in the water of plasma and there it immediately reacts with antioxidants and PUFA. Blood cell membrane phospholipids surrounded by a cloud of albumin molecules do not come in contact with ozone molecules because the calculated ozone dose is rapidly exausted (Fig. 4). This dangerous interference has been excluded by either a negligible hemolysis, or a change of the hematocrit value, or leakage of K1 and lactate dehydrogenase, or a change of osmotic fragility, or of electrophoretic mobility, or increased methemoglobin. Levels (mg/dL) of fibrinogen, cholesterol, triglycerids, HDL, and LDL in plasma are not modified even using the excessive ozone concentration of 160 mg/mL per mL of blood. Equally important is the stability of enzymes such as SOD, GSH-Pase, GSH-RD, and G6PDH in the erythrocytes.112 Moreover, Shinriki et al.65 after isolating the erythrocytic membranes after blood ozonation within the therapeutic range did neither detect a decrease in aa-tocopherol nor an increase in MDA. It is unfortunate that in the past other authors have reported that erythrocytes isolated from plasma, after three washings with saline and suspension in protein-free saline, undergo structural changes and intense hemolysis when exposed to ozone. These misleading and unphysiological data have greatly contributed to emphasize the ozone cytotoxicity, which obviously was enhanced by removing plasma antioxidants. Moreover, the critical protective effect of plasma antioxidants has been emphasized in two recent studies.118,119 These results were particularly evident on saline-washed blood mononuclear cells (BMC) with a marked decrease in mitochondrial functions. Our thinking is well supported by other data as well as recent results (Fig. 6) obtained after excessive ozonation of samples of normal human blood either collected in heparin or in sodium citrate. Interestingly, heparinized samples were far more susceptible to ozone most likely because of the remaining physiological Ca21 level: in fact, a further addition of 2.5–5mM Ca enhanced the hemolysis up to 40%. Second, how ozone messengers activate blood cells? Initially, the sudden formation of an H2O2 gradient between the ozonated plasma and the intracellular fluid causes the rapid passage of about 10% H2O2 into the blood cell cytoplasms and represents the triggering stimulus: depending upon the cell type, different bioc hemical pathways can be concurrently activated in erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets resulting in numerous biological effects. The rapid reduction of H2O2 to water is operated by the high concentration of intracellular GSH, CAT, and GSPase but, nonetheless, H2O2 must be above the threshold concentration for activating several biochemical pathways as follows. The mass of erythrocytes mops up the bulk of H2O2: GSH is promptly oxidized to GSSG and the cell, extremely sensitive to the reduction of the GSH/GSSG ratio, immediately corrects the unbalance by either extruding GSSG, or reducing it with GSH-Rd at the expenses of ascorbate or of the reduced NADPH, which serves as a crucial electron donor. Next, the oxidized NADP is promptly reduced after the activation of the pentose phosphate evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 25 pathway, of whic h glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) is the key enzyme. In patients with ARMD, after 13 O3-AHT, a small increase in ATP formation has been determined but whether this is due to the activation of the pentose cycle or to an increase in phosphofructokinase activity or to both remains to be clarified. The reinfused erythrocytes, for a brief period, enhance the delivery of oxygen into ischemic tissues because of a shift to the right of the oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve, due either to a slight decrease in intracellular pH (Bohr effect) or/and an increase in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) levels as shown in Figure 7 (unpublished data). Obviously, an increase in this metabolite has a great significance because it enhances a shift to the right of the oxygenated hemoglobin, hence an increase oxygen delivery to hypoxic tissues. However, Figure 7 shows that the increase has been noted only in three patients where the initial levels were rather low. Thus, this observation needs to be explored in a large number of patients and it will be also necessary to clarify the activation of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate mutase. Needless to say that one autohemotherapeutic treatment has a minimal effect and we need to ozonate at least 3–4 L of blood within a period of 30–60 days. In another small group of five ARMD’s patients after 15–17 O3-AHT, an increase in some antioxidant enzymes has been determined (Fig. 8). This result has been reported also by other authors and it is likely that LOP act as repeated stimuli on the endothelium and bone marrow and cause the adaptation to the ozone stress during erythrogenesis. Whether the enzymatic levels remain sustained for several months during the maintenance therapy need to be evaluated. Another relevant finding was that in four patients with ARMD, after a cycle of 13 O3-AHT treatments (in which ca. 3.8L of blood were ozonated within 7 weeks), isopycnic centrifugation of blood separated old (heavy) and young (light) erythrocytes (RBC), whic h showed a marked increase in G6PDH in the young erythrocytic fraction generated during the course of ozone therapy (Table I). Whether the enzymatic levels remain sustained with time need to be evaluated. G6PDH activity, expressed as nmol/hr/mg hemoglobin, in total red blood cells was either 357791 or 406740, before and after the ozone therapy, respectively. While the enzymatic increase in the evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 26 whole erythrocyte population was understandably small, it was found markedly enhanced from 5507157 to 7487182 in very young (light) erythrocytes before and after ozone therapy, respectively. In the so-called old erythrocytes, whic h practically include the bulk of cells (20–120 days old), G6PDH obviously increased only from 3107127 up to 435787 nmol/hr/mgHb. It is necessary to mention that the percentage of either young or old erythrocytes remained practically constant throughout the treatments (unpublished data). As a consequence, a patient with chronic limb isc hemia (Phase II) undergoing ozone therapy shows a clinical improvement due to the formation of successive cohorts of erythrocytes progressively more capable of delivering oxygen to his ischemic tissues. Although ozone is one of the most potent disinfectants, it has been shown124,125 that ozone cannot inactivate bacteria, viruses, and fungi in vivo because, paradoxically, the pathogens are well protected, particularly inside the cells, by the powerful antioxidant system. Thus, the favorable effect of ozone therapy in some infectious diseases has been interpreted as due to ozone acting as a mild enhancer of the immune system, by activating neutrophils and stimulating the synthesis of some cytokines. Once again the crucial messenger is H2O2 that after entering into the cytoplasm of BMC, by oxidizing selected cysteines, activates a tyrosine kinase, able to phosphorylate the transcription factor NF-kB. The release of an heterodimer, via effector genes, causes the synthesis of several proteins, among which, the acute-phase reactants, adhesion molecules, and numerous pro-inflammatory cytokines. This process, c hecked by a phosphatase or inhibited by cytoplasmic antioxidants, is very transitory. The release of several cytokines from ozonated blood upon in vitro incubation has been measured since 1990. Once the ozonated leukocytes return into the circulation, they home in lymphoid microenvironments and successively release cytokines acting in a paracrine fashion on neighboring cells with a possible reactivation of a depressed immune system. This process, described as the physiological cytokine response, is a part of the innate immune system and helps us to survive in a hostile environment. One of our most interesting result has consisted in obser ving the variable individual production of IL-8 by blood donors in 13 blood ozonated samples. Figure 9 shows that the different release of IL-8 by medium and high ozone concentrations indicates the presence of high, medium, and no responders. The result was interpreted as due to both genetic factors and variable levels of plasma antioxidants. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 27 During ozonation of blood, particularly if it is anticoagulated with heparin, an ozonedosedependent increase in activation of platelets has been noted with a consequent release of typical growth factors, which will enhance the ulcers in ischemic patients (Fig. 10). Whenever possible, albeit with caution, the use of heparin as an anticoagulant is preferable to sodium citrate because, by not chelating plasmatic Ca21, reinforces biochemical and electric events. Finally, during the reinfusion of the ozonated blood into the donor, the vast expanse of the endothelial cells is activated by albumin-LOP resulting in an increased production of NO, plasma S-nitrosothiols, and S-nitrosohemoglobin. Figure 11 shows the in vitro production of nitrite by human vascular endothelial cells after addition of human ozonated serum. Production of NO_ was markedly enhanced by the addition of L-arginine (20 mM) and was potentiated by O3, while it was inhibited in the presence of the NO_ inhibitor N-onitroL-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME). While NO has a half-life of less than 1 sec, proteinbound NO can exert vasodilatation also at distant ischemic vascular sites with relevant therapeutic effect. There is little doubt that the therapeutic advantage observed in many patients with peripheral obstructive arterial disease (POAD) is due to multiple factors such as an increased release of oxygen due to vasodilation by trace amounts of NO and CO, and an increased availability of growth factors from platelets. All of these data emphasize that submicromolar LOP levels can be stimulatory and beneficial, 137 while it is well established that micromolar levels can be toxic. This conclusion reinforces the concept that optimal ozone concentrations are critical for achieving a therapeutic result: too low concentrations are practically useless (at best elicit a placebo effect), too high may elicit a negative effect (malaise, fatigue), so that they must be just above the threshold level to yield an acute, absolutely transitory oxidative stress capable of triggering biological effects without toxicity. There is no doubt that the process of blood ozonation must be precisely controlled with a calculated ozone dosage: at this condition it is not deleterious and actually capable of eliciting a multitude of useful biological responses and, possibly, reversing a chronic oxidative stress due to ageing, chronic infections, and the several diseases grouped within the metabolic syndrome. Indeed the ozonotherapeutic act has been interpreted as a safe ‘‘therapeutic shock’’ able to restore homeostasis.138 These aspects are critical and imply two drawbacks: first, if the ozone generator is not well calibrated or periodically c hecked, it may release erroneous and dangerous ozone amounts and, second, if the ozonetherapist does not fully understand the ozonation process, he may do some mistakes and jeopardize the approac h. Other aspects regarding the future of ozone therapy will be evaluated in Section 9. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 28 D5. IS OZONE ABLE TO INDUCE AN ADAPTATION TO CHRONIC OXIDATIVE STRESS? That ozone, one of the most potent oxidizer, may induce an antioxidant response capable of reversing a chronic oxidative stress at first sight seems a paradoxical concept. However, this concept has become common in the animal and vegetal kingdoms. Any change of theexternal or internal environment disturbs cell homeostasis, but if the stress is tolerable, or carefully calibrated in intensity, the cell or the organism can adapt to it and survive. If it is excessive or the cell is already damaged, the cell programmes its own death. Stresses include hyperthermia, hyperoxia, ischemia, hypoglycemia, pH modifications, radiation, very likely mental and hormonal derangement, and c hronic infections, whic h imply an excessive ROS and LOP production. Obviously, ozone has to be included and the phenomenon of ozone tolerance is now well known. The concept of ‘‘ischemic preconditioning’’ for the heart, which after undergoing a brief, nonlethal period of ischemia can become resistant to infarction from a subsequent isc hemic insult was pioneered by Murry et al. ‘‘Oxidative preconditioning’’ has been also well demonstrated. Therefore, it is of interest that small amounts of ROS and LOP can elicit the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes on the basis of the phenomenon described under the term of ‘‘hormesis.’’ evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 29 on the basis of this phenomenon that says ‘‘the exposure of an organism to a low level of an agent, harmful at high levels, induces an adaptive and beneficial response,” it has been postulated that LOP, by acting as long-distance messengers, can transmit to all organs the information of an acute oxidative stress.The bone marrow is par ticular ly relevant because it can upregulate antioxidant enzymes during erythrogenesis and may allow the release of staminal cells for possibly regenerating infarcted organs. The oxidative preconditioning or, as we prefer, the adaptation to the c hronic oxidative stress has been now demonstrated experimentally. The increased synthesis of enzymes suc h as SOD, GSPase, GSH-Rd, and CAT has been repeatedly determined in experimental animals and in patients (reviewed in 57). Iles and Liu have demonstrated the 4-HNE, by inducing the expression of g-glutamate cysteine ligase, causes an intracellular increase in GSH, whic h plays a key role in antioxidant defence. Furthermore LOP induce oxidative stress proteins, one of whic h is heme-oxygenase I (HO-1 or HSP-32) that, after breaking down the heme molecule, delivers very useful compounds such as CO and bilirubin.165–171 Bilirubin is a significant lipophilic antioxidant and a trace of CO cooperates with NO in regulating vasodilation by activating cyclic GMP. Fe21 is promptly chelated by the upregulated synthesis of ferritin. The induction of HO1 after an oxidative stress has been described in thousands of papers as one of the most important antioxidant defence and protective enzyme. Both mild ozone inhalation and ozonated plasma induce HSP-70. When ozone is judiciously used in small doses, can become a useful drug able to correct an otherwise irreversible state of oxidative stress. There are serious pathologies such as chronic infections, neurodegenerative, and autoimmune diseases in which a vicious imbalance between overproduced oxidants and depleted antioxidant defenses become established and lead to death. How modern medicine correct this imbalance? Several therapeutic approaches among which administration of antioxidants with addition of N-acetylcysteine have been often reported but they are only partly successful. The ozone treatment is now envisaged as a transitory and miniaturized oxidative stress resulting in a sort of therapeutic ‘‘shock’’ for the ailing organism. Ozone acting as a prodrug, realizes this shock because generates a number of messengers able to reach all cells in the organism (Fig. 5). Submicromolar levels of LOP act as key mediators and in still responsive cells may activate a sequence of biochemical mechanisms able to reactivate gene expression leading to a renewed synthesis of HSP and antioxidant enzymes. If the disease has gone too far, cells become anergic and are unable to respond to the treatment. Indeed, we have observed that after intensive chemotherapy, preterminal cancer patients do not improve with ozone therapy. That is also the reason why we always start using low ozone concentrations just above the threshold level to better ac hieve the ozone tolerance and in-line with the old concept ‘‘start low, go slow.’’ Moreover, the stimulation of the endocrine and central nervous systems may help to understand why most of the reactive patients during prolonged ozone therapy report a feeling of euphoria and wellness probably due to an improved metabolism as well as to an enhanced hormonal or neurotransmitters release. 6. WHICH ARE THE ROUTES OF OZONE ADMINISTRATION? Table II shows that ozone can be administered with great flexibility but it should never be injected intravenously as a gas because of the risk of provoking oxygen embolism, given the fact that the gas mixture contains always no less than 95% oxygen. So far the most advanced and reliable approac h has been the O3-AHT because, on the basis of the patient’s body weight, a predetermined volume of blood (200–250 mL) to whic h has been added either sodium citrate 3.8% (119mL blood) or heparin (20 IU/mL of blood) can be exposed to an equal volume of gas (O2–O3) in a stoichiometric fashion, with the ozone concentration precisely determined by using an ozone-resistant, disposable 500mL glass bottle under vacuum. This simple, inexpensive (all the necessary disposable material costs about 12 US$) procedure has already yielded therapeutic results in vascular diseases superior to those achieved by conventional medicine (discussed in Section 7A). Moreover, the therapeutic modalities, until now restricted to major AHT and to the empirical and imprecise rectal insufflation of gas, have been extended: they include the quasi-total body exposure to O2–O3 and the extracorporeal blood circulation against O2–O3.The latterprocedure is rather invasive because blood collected from a vein circulates through an ozone-resistant gas exchanger180,181 and, with the help of a peristaltic pump, returns to the circulation via a contralateral vein. On the other hand, the partial cutaneous exposure to oxygen–ozone does not need any venous puncture and, owing to the vast expanse of the skin, allows a generalized and beneficial effect. Clearly, today we can select the most suitable method for different pathologies, their stage, and the patient’s condition. A discussion on its own is needed for the minor AHT, which basically consists of withdrawing 5mL of blood to be immediately and vigorously mixed for 1 min with an equal volume of O2–O3 at an ozone concentration ranging between 80 and 100 mg/mL of gas per mL of blood already extensively described. The slightly oxidized blood, including the foam, is promptly injected into the gluteus muscle without the need of any anesthetic. As an unspecific immunomodulatory approach, it has been widely used during the last two decades for successfully treating herpetic infections. The slight hemolysis (_2%) is purposefully required because the heme released in the gluteal muscle will stimulate the synthesis of HO-1. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 29 7. WHICH DISEASES ARE SUITABLY TREATED WITH OZONE THERAPY On the basis of the mechanisms of action, ozone therapy can induce the following biological responses: (a) it improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to isc hemic tissue owing to the concerted effect of NO and CO and an increase in intraerythrocytic 2,3-DPG level; (b) by improving oxygen delivery, it enhances the general metabolism; (c) it upregulates the cellular antioxidant enzymes and induces HO-1 and HSP-70; (d) it induces a mild activation of the immune system and enhances the release of growth factors; (e) it has an excellent disinfectant activity when topically used, while this is negligible in the circulation owing to blood antioxidant capacity; (f) it does not procure acute or late side effects; (g) it procures a surprising wellness probably by stimulating the neuro-endocrine system. It does seem that ozone, by acting on many targets, can indirectly help in recovering functional activities gone astray because of a chronic disease and, if this interpretation is correct, ozone therapy acts as a biological response modifier. Although ozone therapy is now used in many countries, it is mostly used by private physicians and the performance of large clinical trials has been severely hampered by lack of sponsors, disinterest of pharmaceutical as well as health authorities, and prejudice by clinical scientists. However, a number of studies have been performed with the following results: A.Peripheral Obstructive Arterial Diseases Even a modest obstruction of limb arteries due to atherosclerosis, diabetes, or Buerger’s disease (thromboangiitis obliterans) leads to a progressive reduction of blood flow to the feet. Tissue isc hemia and any minor trauma facilitate the formation of an ulcer, whic h will not heal because oxygen, nutrients, and growth factors indispensable for the repair process are lacking. This pathology is the best suited to be treated with O3-AHT. According to FontaineLeric he classification, patient at either stage II (inter mittent claudication and transitory pain), or stage III (continuous pain, cyanosis, and possibly initial ulcers) ac hieve the best results. Stage IV includes incipient necrosis of toes and unbearable pain leads to surgical amputation that can be avoided with O3-AHT in about 50% of cases.183–185 In comparison to pentoxyfilline and prostanoids (the gold standard of orthodox treatment), O3-AHT has proved more effective and without side effects in ischemic vascular disease. In a small trial, 28 patients were randomized to either receive their own ozonated blood or an IV infusion of prostacyclin. All patients continued conventional treatment with statins, antihyper tensive, and antiplatelet aggregation drugs. Ozone therapy proved more effective than prostacyclin in terms of pain reduction and improvement in the quality of life, but no significant difference was seen in vascularization of the lower limbs in either group, most likely due to the short duration of treatment (14 treatments in 7 weeks). More prolonged treatments lead to a satisfactory healing of ulcers.Previous studies have shown the validity of O3-AHT in this complex pathology, but it is a mistake to stop therapy too early in these patients because O3-AHT, as with other conventional drugs, must be continued, albeit less frequently, for life. An improved schedule on a trial in progress consists of two O3-AHT (225 mL blood plus 25mL 3.8% sodium citrate solution), given weekly for at least 4 months. Topical therapy perfor med with ozonated olive oil is extremely useful when initial dry gangrene or ulcers are present. The frequency of O3-AHT depends upon the stage of the disease and regarding the III and IV stages it can be done every day in the attempt to prevent amputation. How well O3-AHT works it appears evident by the fact that the nocturnal evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 30 excruciating pain disappears after the first two to three treatments, indicating the improvement of blood flow in the ischemic tissue and the lack of ‘‘stealing’’ blood away from underperfused muscle. On January 2008, the Lancet published a double-blind, placebo controlled study (ACCLAIM trial) in 2,426 patients with New Yor k Hear t Association (NYHA) functional classes II–IV c hronic hear t failure (CHF). Beside standard medication, the experimental group during a period of some 24 weeks, underwent about 25 intragluteal injections eac h patient receiving 10mL of its own blood heavily oxidized with ozone associated with UV irradiation and heating at 42.51C. It is unbelivable that 10mL of blood were oxidized with as many as 75 mg of ozone, a dose that kills all cells and denature plasma proteins. This procedure, whic h is a sort of minor O3-AHT, had been invented with the aim to produce immunosuppressive compounds able to counteract the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for the progression of CHF. Results have been disappointing because no difference in the composite endpoint of death for cardiovascular reasons between the control and the experimental group were noted. A few researchers have criticized the approach that had been also a failure in the previous Simpadico trial in patients with chronic limb isc hemia. Actually this trial was stopped because of the risk of inducing neoplasia. This approac h has been discussed here because, being based on an irrational concept, may undermine the progress of the real O3-AHT that utilizes the minimal amount of ozone just sufficient for triggering useful biological activities. Millions of people suffer from c hronic limb, brain, and heart isc hemia, whic h represent the major cause of death worldwide. This has a huge socio-economic impact, particularly in the developing wor ld. If only or thodox medicine will accept O3-AHT as an adjunct to standard medication, a great leap forward will be noted. B. Age-Related Macular Degeneration In the UK alone, some 200,000 patients affected by the ‘‘dry’’ (atrophic) form of ARMD are suitable for treatment with O3-AHT, but all over the world there are about 30 million people searching for a therapy. Nonetheless, ophthalmologists can only prescribe antioxidants and zinc, which are minimally effective. Since 1995, almost 1,000 patients with the dry form of ARMD have been treated with O3-AHT at our polyclinic and three-quarters have shown an improvement of one to two lines on the visual acuity chart. Usually 15–18 treatments, at an initial ozone concentration of 20 mg/mL of gas per mL blood, slowly upgraded to 60 mg/mL (twice weekly), followed by two monthly session as a maintenance therapy, allows to maintain the improvement. Although uncontrolled, this study emphasizes that O3-AHT is the only treatment able to dramatically improve the patient’s quality of life. In this disease there is progressive degeneration and death of the fovea centralis photoreceptors and of the pigmented retinal epithelium (PRE) as a consequence of several factors, one of whic h is c hronic hypoxia. Although O3-AHT induces a pleiotropic response, the main advantage is due to an increased delivery of oxygen to the retina, which is the bodily tissue with the highest oxygen consumption. It is worth noting that O3-AHT is useless, even harmful, in the exudative form of ARMD and in multigenic and progressive disorders (e.g., retinitis pigmentosa and recessive Stargardt’s disease). The exudative form, c haracterized by an aberrant c horoidal vascular growth and a vascular hyperpermeability beneath the retina and the PRE, is caused by worsened ischemia, which negatively stimulates the release of the vascular endothelial growth factor. It must be emphasized that O3-AHT (in the dry form) not only improves visual activity but at least, in part, renders the patient capable of autonomous life. C. Chronic Infectious Diseases Ozone is regarded as the best topical disinfectant because bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, when free in water, are readily oxidized. Disappointingly, destruction of free pathogens in plasma by ozone either ex vivo or in vivo is greatly hampered by soluble antioxidants such as albumin, ascorbic acid, and uric acid and they are virtually unassailable when there are intracellular located. However, ozone therapy still deserves attention because, by improving metabolism and operating as a mild cytokine inducer,64 it can have a beneficial influence on infectious diseases. Thus, there remains a place for the application of O3-AHT as an adjuvant in c hronic viral infections (e.g., HIV, HCV, HSV), in combination with highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART), pegylated interferon-a plus either lamivudine or ribavirin and the acyclovir. On the other hand, bacterial septicaemia must be treated with the most suitable antibiotics to prevent toxaemia and multisystem organ dysfunction. Particularly important is the topical application of either (i) ozone as a gas mixture (about 4% ozone and 96% oxygen); or (ii) as ozonated water; or (iii) ozonated oils (where ozone is firmly stabilized as a triozonide) for the treatment of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, aphthous ulcers, burns, abscesses, and osteomyelitis. Topical therapy is most effective when combined evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 31 with O3-AHT owing to the improved oxygenation of hypoxic tissues. Radiodermatitis215 and wound healing have been enhanced because ozonated solutions display a cleansing effect, act as a disinfectant, and stimulate tissue reconstruction. A recent review reports that the high rates of diabetes in many parts of the world make foot ulcers a major and increasing publichealth problem. Foot ulcers cause substantial morbidity, impair quality of life, engender high treatment costs (about US$17,500–27,987) and are the most important risk factor for lowerextremity amputation. Although the constant use of rectal–colon insufflation of O2–O3 is not the optimal approach, it seems to improve the prognosis of diabetes by combining topical therapy with ozonated oil and O3-AHT. This study needs to be confirmed. Ozonated olive oil is an amazing preparation because combines antibacterial activity with healing properties due to the slow release of oxygen in hypoxic tissues and the stimulation of fibroblasts proliferation. Chronic ulcers and/or putrid wounds are one of the most distressing and difficult medical problems with which to deal and are caused by ischemia, diabetes,immunosuppression, and malnutrition. During the past decade the use of ozone derivatives in such cases has proved very beneficial, but so far official medicine has not yet discovered this excellent preparation far more effective than ointments containing often ineffective antibiotics and corticosteroids, which delays healing. With the current increase in health-care costs, O3-AHT and ozonated oils deser ve attention because they reduce hospital assistance and are inexpensive. D. Pulmonary Diseases Lung diseases, suc h as c hronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), will soon become the fourth most common cause of death, whic h, with emphysema and asthma, make significant incapacity. Using corticosteroids, long-acting b2-agonists, and antibiotics, orthodox medicine has certainly proved helpful, but it cannot change the course of COPD. However, in a series of elderly patients affected by macular degeneration and either emphysema or COPD, a remarkable improvement has been observed by combining ozone therapy (using the schedule adopted for vasculopathies) with the best conventional treatments. It is unfortunate that so far a randomized study evaluating orthodox therapy with or without O3-AHT has not been performed. E. The versatility of Ozone Application in Orthopaedics and Dentistry The application of ozone in low back pain has proved very effective. It can be administered directly (intradiscal), or indirectly, via intramuscular administration into the paravertebral muscles. This latter type of administration has been assimilated to a ‘‘chemical acupuncture.’’ During the last 6 years, more than 30,000 patients with hernial disc have been treated in Italy with a success rate varying from 62 to 80%. The value of this approach, minimally invasive and without risk, has been already recognized in several countries, from China to Spain and South America. As shown also in another study on pain-related disorders due to sport injury (232 subjects) and inflammatory disorders (770 subjects) it appears that ozone exerts a multiplicity of effects, such as the activation of the anti-nociceptive system, and it has anti-inflammatory action due to lipid peroxidation products, with the consequent inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Finally, ozone has proved very useful in dentistry for eliminating infections and blocking primary root carious lesions. The interested reader will appreciate the notable book. 8. IS OZONE THERAPY A BAD COPY OF HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY? It is often thought that ozone therapy tries to simulate the advantages of the much better known hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HOT) and therefore it seems useful to clarify that these two approaches are both theoretically and practically different. In the former, the drug is represented by ozone and, while we have described its initial reaction and the cascade of active messengers, it has also been pointed out that oxygenation of blood is not its primary intent. Conversely, by breathing almost pure oxygen at 2.6 bar into the hyperbaric chamber, the volume of dissolved oxygen in the plasma increases up to about 5 mL/dL, that is enough to satisfy ischemic tissues even if the absence of fully oxygenated hemoglobin. HOT is only transitorily effective because after 2 hr of therapy, hypoxia resumes in ischemic tissues and therefore the therapeutic effect is temporary. However, HOT has an exclusive role in CO-poisoning, air embolism, decompression sickness, and perhaps clostridial myonecrosis while ozone therapy is far more effective and practical to perform in POAD, heart ischemia, ARMD, diabetic foot, chronic ulcers, and bedsores. Thus, both approaches are relevant but each one has its selected field of application and the difference should be understood for the sake of the patient. Fisch Could not receive a more enthusiastic appreciation by Prof. Lynch. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 32 8. IS OZONE THERAPY A BAD COPY OF HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY? It is often thought that ozone therapy tries to simulate the advantages of the muc h better known hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HOT) and therefore it seems useful to clarify that these two approaches are both theoretically and practically different. In the former, the drug is represented by ozone and, while we have described its initial reaction and the cascade of active messengers, it has also been pointed out that oxygenation of blood is not its primary intent. Conversely, by breathing almost pure oxygen at 2.6 bar into the hyperbaric chamber, the volume of dissolved oxygen in the plasma increases up to about 5 mL/dL, that is enough to satisfy ischemic tissues even if the absence of fully oxygenated hemoglobin. HOT is only transitorily effective because after 2 hr of therapy, hypoxia resumes in ischemic tissues and therefore the therapeutic effect is temporary. However, HOT has an exclusive role in CO-poisoning, air embolism, decompression sickness, and perhaps clostridial myonecrosis while ozone therapy is far more effective and practical to perform in POAD, heart ischemia, ARMD, diabetic foot, chronic ulcers, and bedsores. Thus, both approaches are relevant but each one has its selected field of application and the difference should be understood for the sake of the patient. 9. CONCLUSIONS The history of medicine remind us that in the past the application of several important approaches has been delayed owing to prejudice, lack of knowledge, or of sponsors and often by commercial competition. Ozone is inexpensive and therefore ozone therapy does not make an exception in spite of the fact that all chemical, biochemical, physiological, and pharmacological mechanisms elicited by ozone as primum movens are in the realm of orthodox medicine. One wonders if now with the advent of molecular medicine and gene therapy, ozone therapy is obsolete or worthwhile being pursued. Our many treated patients answer for us by saying that it is very beneficial. The compliance is excellent and the patients, as soon as the therapeutic effect declines, ask for a new cycle, showing the benefit and lack of side effects. It has been unfortunate that, in the past, the direct intravenous injection of the gas, now prohibited, the use of primordial ozone generators and misuse of ozone by incompetent quacks has generated serious doubts about its validity. Moreover, pulmonary toxicity due to prolonged inhalation of polluted air and many nonphysiological studies, performed in saline washed erythrocytes unprotected by the potent plasma antioxidants, have generated the dogma that ozone is always toxic and should not be used in medicine. This concept cannot be generalized because it does not take into account the profound difference between the endogenous c hronic oxidative stress, due to aging or to a chronic disease, and the calculated, extremely brief, and well-calibrated oxidative stress induced on blood by using a precise and small ozone dose. When the appropriate ozone dose reacts with biomolecules it yields a number of compounds that in spite of their intrinsic toxicity, thanks for their pharmacodynamic, stimulate important biochemical pathways. Indeed, the medical effect depends upon a critical balance between an appropriate small dose of ozone and an almost infinite reacting variables such as the multiplicity of antioxidants, the life-time of ROS and LOP, their in vivo pharmacokinetic, and most important the variability of the biological response depending upon on enzyme reactivity and the stage of the disease. Since the discovery of NO as a physiological messenger, other gaseous molecules suc h as CO, H2S, and H2, in spite of being known as potentially toxic molecules, if used 668 K BOCCI ETAL. Medicinal Research Reviews DOI 10.1002/med judiciously are now considered as possible therapeutic agents. Any drug, depending upon its dosage can be either therapeutic or toxic. A striking example is represented by a vital compound such as glucose, its normal concentration in the plasma ranges between 0.7 and 1.0 mg/mL. However, when this concentration falls below 0.4 mg/mL, the consequent hypoglycemic coma can be deadly. On the other hand, if the glucose concentration remains constantly above 1.3 mg/mL, it induces the metabolic syndrome, which is well exemplified by the current diabetic epidemic. Finally, oxygen at 21% concentration in air (and an arterial pO2 of about 99mmHg) allows us to live for almost 80 years but it is deadly if we breathe pure oxygen for a few days. Thus, while a further discussion regarding ozone toxicity in medicine appears futile, it is important to examine if, indeed ozone therapy will be able to acquire a right place among the medical armamentarium. In the last decade, ozone therapy has attracted great attention in less-developed countries, while it remains partly prohibited in USA and poorly regarded in other developed countries. What can be done to c hange this severe outlook? Today we have a comprehensive framework for understanding the biochemical mechanisms and the biological effects of ozone and we have at least in part the capability of recommending ozone therapy in selected diseases either as a first choice or even better in combination with orthodox therapy. Thus, first, we must continue to organize specialized courses for physicians for avoiding conceptual or technical pitfalls. Second, while it is important to continue specific biologic studies, it is imperative to perform controlled and extensive clinical trials to prove beyond any doubt the value of ozone therapy at least in vascular diseases. Unless this is done, there is no future for ozone therapy within official medicine. The stumbling block is represented by lack of sponsors, disinterest of the pharmaceutical industry, and negligence of health authorities. As ozone therapy is a very cheap treatment, especially if it will be evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 33 performed in all hospitals on a daily basis, it will markedly reduce both medical cost and invalidity. Almost needless to say that ozone therapy, like orthodox medicine, cannot ‘‘cure’’ several human diseases such as ARMD, atherosclerosis, and metabolic diseases. However, the maintenance therapy associated with conventional medication could improve the life of many patients. By considering the huge cost of reliable controlled and randomized clinical trials, unless health authorities give a financial support, ozone therapy will remain in limbo and in the hands of private physicians who can only report anecdotal and yet useless data. Only scientifically well-demonstrated therapeutic advantages will be able to dissipate prejudice and allow oxygen–ozone therapy to become a world wide useful medicinal treatment. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 34 artículos nacionales ozonoterapia sistémica. fundamento médico, utilidad en el tratamiento del dolor. (1ª parte) en el siguiente número va la segunda parte. Fco. Javier Hidalgo Tallón (Instituto de Neurociencias, Universidad de Granada.) Nelly Albesa Caro (Unidad del Dolor. Policlínico Ruber) 1.- INTRODUCCIÓN. 2.- ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO. 3.- ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO, HIPEREXCITABILIDAD NEURONAL Y DOLOR. 4.- APLICACIONES SISTÉMICAS DE OXÍGENO-OZONO. GENERALIDADES. 5.- ISQUEMIA/REPERFUSIÓN Y ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO. 6.- NEUROPATÍA DIABÉTICA Y E.O. 7.- FIBROMIALGIA Y E.O. 8.- CONSIDERACIÓN FINAL. 1.- INTRODUCCIÓN. La ozonoterapia consiste en la aplicación de una mezcla de oxígeno médico con ozono a muy baja concentración. El ozono ha de ser producido “in situ” para cada aplicación, y es una molécula formada por tres átomos de oxígeno (O3) en lugar de los dos (O2) de los que se compone la molécula de oxígeno. La idea no es nueva, y las aplicaciones de ozono médico se remontan a principios del siglo pasado. El Dr. Kellogg, en su libro sobre difteria, ya mencionaba el ozono como desinfectante allá por el 1881, y en 1898 los doctores Thauerkauf y Luth fundaron en Berlín el “Instituto para oxígenoterapia”, llevando a cabo los primeros ensayos con animales. En el año 1911, salió a la luz el libro "A Working Manual of High Frequency Currents", publicado por el Dr. Noble Eberhart, jefe del siglo pasado. El Dr. Kellogg, en su libro sobre difteria, ya mencionaba el ozono como desinfectante allá por el 1881, y en 1898 los doctores Thauerkauf y Luth fundaron en Berlín el “Instituto para oxígenoterapia”, llevando a cabo los primeros ensayos con animales. En el año 1911, salió a la luz el libro "A Working Manual of High Frequency Currents", publicado por el Dr. Noble Eberhart, jefe del departamento de terapeutica fisiológica de la Universidad de Loyola, donde se hablaba del uso del ozono medico en el tratamiento de enfermedades como la tuberculosis, la anemia, el asma, la bronquitis, la fiebre del heno, la diabetes, etc. Pero a pesar de los éxitos obtenidos, las máquinas generadoras de ozono no han sido muy fiables, y es la tecnología actual la que nos permite obtener con toda fiabilidad la mezcla idónea de ambos gases. (1) Al aplicar este tipo de terapia, siendo el ozono altamente oxidante, realmente estamos induciendo una “microoxidación” controlada e inocua, cuya respuesta orgánica será tipo “efecto vacuna”, y activará a nuestro favor el sistema antioxidante celular. Se ha demostrado en clínica y en laboratorio que este estímulo redunda en la producción de unos “súper glóbulos rojos”, capaces de transportar y de ceder mayores cantidades de oxígeno a todas las células. (2) 2.- EL ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO. Nuestras células funcionan con oxígeno; éste es un gas fundamental para que tenga lugar la degradación de glucosa con el fin de obtener la energía necesaria para la subsistencia. Pero a la misma vez que necesario, el oxígeno es un tóxico, ya que de su degradación resultan las llamadas especies reactivas del oxigeno (anión superóxido, peróxido de hidrógeno y radical hidroxilo); éstas son altamente reactivas, y su acumulo es capaz de bloquear e incluso destruir las funciones celulares. PUBLICIDAD vista pañola de onoterapia El ambiente altamente oxidativo obligó a las células a desarrollar sistemas de defensa (los denominados sistemas antioxidantes) cruciales para el bienestar celular; el incremento excesivo de especies reactivas del oxígeno está implicado, tanto en el envejecimiento fisiológico, como en procesos morbosos tan dispares como la aterosclerosis, la fibrosis quística, el Alzhéimer o incluso el dolor crónico. (3) El estrés oxidativo es inevitable cuando la vida se desarrolla en un medio rico en oxígeno, y cuando los procesos antioxidantes no son suficientes o se ven desbordados la célula puede entrar en una situación crítica que le lleve a la muerte programada, o apoptosis. De hecho, se sabe que muchos agentes inductores de apoptosis son oxidantes o dan lugar a procesos de estimulación del metabolismo oxidativo celular, al igual que muchos inhibidores de la apoptosis tienen carácter antioxidante. (4) La célula, para conservar y mantener la salud, necesita mantener un estado saludable en su equilibrio oxidante-antioxidante, de lo contrario puede caer enferma, arrastrando consigo al sistema orgánico que la sustenta. Lo deseable para cualquier átomo o molécula es tener estabilidad, lo que supone presentar en su orbital más externo dos electrones apareados que giren en sentidos opuestos. Un radical libre es una especie química (átomo o molécula) inestable por presentar un electrón desapareado en su última capa; el tener un número impar de electrones hace que el radical esté deseoso de completarse y que tenga avidez por “soltar” el electrón sobrante o “aceptar” un electrón desde otro elemento. Los radicales libres, en busca de su estabilidad, inician reacciones en cadena que se propagan con el intercambio electrónico de una molécula a otra, formándose así una cadena de nuevos radicales hasta que terminan por unirse entre sí dos compuestos de naturaleza radical, que compartiendo sus electrones de última capa generan un nuevo compuesto estable no radical. En su avidez por estabilizarse, los radicales, altamente reactivos, se adhieren a moléculas presentes en el medio celular e interfieren la dinámica de las reacciones químicas, lo que dará lugar a disfunciones celulares y enfermedades. La vinculación del estrés oxidativo con enfermedades en las que el sistema inmune resulta deficiente ha sido sobradamente contrastada, y la función distorsionada de los infiltrados de linfocitos, macrófagos y neutrófilos da lugar a una sobreexpresión del estallido inflamatorio, con exceso de especies reactivas del oxígeno, hiperproducción de proteasas y daño orgánico. Además, la hiperactividad inflamatoria cursará con niveles excesivos de sustancias algogénicas como la sustancia P, el péptido relacionado con el gen de la calcitonina, la bradiquinina, las prostaglandinas o los leucotrienos. (5) Partiendo de que se trata de enfermedades relacionadas con el estrés oxidativo que a menudo cursan con dolor, del papel del ozono como estabilizador del sistema inmune (6)(7) y de la inofensividad de la técnica, algunos autores han difundido series de casos con resultados no poco interesantes (8)(9)(10) De todas maneras el propio organismo produce radicales libres y otras especies reactivas del oxígeno; como ejemplos tenemos la síntesis de anión superóxido (O.-) en la vacuola neutrofílica durante el estallido inflamatorio, fundamental para la acción germicida, e incluso la síntesis junio 2010 35 de ozono en éste mismo proceso ha sido sugerida. (11) Los radicales libres son necesarios para la vida, y un nivel adecuado de estrés oxidativo es beneficioso por ser un estímulo propicio para que las células mantengan un sistema antioxidante adecuado. Como se ha dicho, la implicación de las especies reactivas del oxígeno en multitud de enfermedades es una realidad ampliamente aceptada; el ozono, actuando como un activador biológico, ha demostrado ser capaz de activar el sistema antioxidante celular e invertir el estrés oxidativo, fruto del desequilibrio entre los factores prooxidantes y antioxidantes. (12) 3.- GLUTÁMICO, HIPEREXCITABILIDAD NEURONAL, ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO Y NOCICEPCIÓN. La génesis de un impulso es de carácter puramente eléctrico y la comunicación entre neuronas es, en la mayoría de los casos, de tipo químico. La señal que surge en los receptores periféricos (terminaciones libres para el dolor) se propagan a lo largo del axón en el seno de la misma neurona, que comienza a sintetizar una serie de sustancias de tipo excitatorio tales como el glutámico, la sustancia P ó el PRGC (péptido relacionado con el gen de la calcitonina). El glutámico, neurotransmisor excitatorio universal, se encuentra almacenado en la terminal presináptica de la neurona, en el seno de unas vesículas, y está en espera de que se desencadene un potencial de acción que lo libere al espacio sináptico. La llegada del potencial despolarizador provoca la entrada de iones Ca++, condición indispensable en el proceso. Bloqueando experimentalmente los canales del Ca++ se consigue que el neurotransmisor no se libere, aunque el potencial de acción esté presente. Una vez tenemos al glutámico en el espacio sináptico, éste puede ser recaptado de nuevo, tanto hacia la misma neurona que lo liberó como hacia una célula glial vecina. En ambos casos se necesita una bomba de transporte que trabaja con un aporte energético supletorio. Cuanto más glutámico haya en la sinapsis, más cantidad de neurotransmisor se acoplará a los receptores postsinápticos. En concreto para el glutámico se definen varios receptores (AMPA, KAINATO, NMDA...), y la respuesta al producirse el acoplamiento neurotransmisor–receptor dará lugar a la excitación de la neurona postsináptica, que interpretará una orden determinada. Los NMDA son receptores ligados a canales iónicos para el Ca++, cuya apertura facilita la entrada del ión con resultados excitatorios. El glutámico se acopla en el borde extracelular de los receptores y actúa abriendo el canal, lo que produce una corriente de iones Ca++ fluyendo hacia el interior celular (excitación). (Figura 1) Puede ocurrir que la respuesta neuronal sea tal que la entrada de iones Ca++ sea excesiva, ó se perpetúe en el tiempo, en cuyo caso la respuesta al estímulo puede resultar exagerada. Estos fenómenos son cruciales en los mecanismos de excitabilidad, y el incremento espaciotemporal de la actividad celular resulta en un exceso de radicales libres que pueden no ser adecuadamente tamponados, favoreciendo la apoptosis o el desarrollo de fenómenos de facilitación central y neuropáticos, lo que en clínica explicaría los procesos de hiperespuesta al estímulo (alodinia e hipersensibilidad). evista spañola de zonoterapia Una neurona puede llegar a excitarse tanto que acabe destruida por la toxicidad de los radicales libres generados (excitoxicidad). Supongamos una activación de los NMDA con entrada masiva de Ca++ en la célula; la neurona responde y la ingeniería nuclear se pone manos a la obra, por ejemplo, codificando la síntesis de más receptores NMDA. Si estos NMDA se activan la excitación celular aumentará y la maquinaria celular se verá más forzada, con una mayor producción de “desechos” tóxicos para la célula (especies reactivas de oxígeno) cuyo acumulo puede ser fatal. (Fig. 2) De acuerdo con lo expuesto la literatura es limitada, pero recientemente se han publicado trabajos relacionando el estrés oxidativo a nivel neuronal con los procesos de dolor neuropático. En el modelo de la diabetes mellitus tipo II, donde la efectividad de la ozonoterapia sistémica ha sido constatada (tanto a nivel preclínico como clínico) (13) Hayden y Tyagi (2004) exponen cómo los fenómenos de toxicidad metabólica dan lugar a la formación de múltiples especies reactivas de oxígeno. (14) Se admite que en el desarrollo de la polineuropatía diabética toman parte diversos factores: metabólico, vascular, autoinmune, alteración del factor de crecimiento neuronal y remodelación de la matrix extracelular neuronal; en el trabajo que mencionamos se relaciona cada uno de estos fenómenos con el estrés oxidativo. Más recientemente, en un modelo de neuropatía inducida por ligazón en el nervio ciático de rata, Di Cesare y colaboradores (2007) constatan la existencia de fenómenos apoptóticos que se revierten con la administración de acetilL-carnitina, de efecto neuroprotector y regulador de la muerte celular en el nervio dañado. (15) Por definición, el envejecimiento celular es el acumulo de especies reactivas del oxígeno relacionado con el deterioro en las capacidades antioxidantes. El fenómeno de envejecimiento se ha relacionado con el estrés oxidativo en el sistema opioide en estudios preclínicos. Se ha observado una correlación negativa entre la antinocicepción por morfina y la oxidación proteica en las células del cortex, núcleo estriado e hipocampo, y los mismos autores demuestran cómo la capacidad analgésica inducida por fentanilo decrece conforme se registran marcadores elevados de estrés oxidativo. (16) 4.- APLICACIONES SISTÉMICAS DE OXÍGENO-OZONO. GENERALIDADES. Aparte de las aplicaciones tópicas o la infiltración de la mezcla de gases (frecuentemente empleada en dolores musculares y osteoarticulares), el objeto de este capítulo es la ozonoterapia sistémica, cuyos efectos se proyectan de forma simultánea sobre la totalidad del organismo para conseguir estimular las defensas antioxidantes. La administración de la mezcla de gases se puede llevar a cabo fundamentalmente mediante dos vías: la autohemoterapia y la insuflación rectal. La autohemoterapia puede ser “mayor” o “menor”; la autohemoterapia mayor consiste en la extracción de una cantidad determinada de sangre, que sin salir de un circuito cerrado es puesta en contacto con la mezcla de gases, con los que reaccionará hasta la dilución de los mismos; tras unos minutos la sangre se reinfunde. En la llamada “autohemoterapia menor” la mezcla tiene lugar en una jeringa, y la sangre ozonizada junio 2010 36 se inyecta por vía intramuscular. (Foto Autohemoterapia) Mediante la insuflación rectal la mezcla de gases es amplia y rápidamente absorbida a través de la mucosa intestinal; esta técnica, fácil de aplicar, muy segura y cómoda, es de elección, tanto en los trabajos preclínicos sobre ratas como en numerosos estudios clínicos en humanos. (Foto Insuflación rectal) Es una realidad el hecho de que las aplicaciones sucesivas de ozono médico a nivel general (sistémicas) redundan en un aumento significativo del aporte de oxígeno en todas las células del organismo, lo que supone, a grandes rasgos una mejora en la capacidad celular para auto repararse (17) La acción reparadora del ozono ha demostrado ser capaz de recuperar la pared interna de los pequeños vasos sanguíneos, y una constatación de esta realidad son los excelentes resultados publicados recientemente, en un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, en una prestigiosa revista europea de farmacología, donde las recuperaciones de úlceras en pacientes diabéticos son altamente significativas. (18) También se ha podido demostrar el efecto beneficioso de este gas sobre otro, el óxido nítrico, crucial en mantener a niveles óptimos la dilatación de las arterias, y por lo tanto el flujo de sangre a nivel de todo el organismo. (19) Hoy podemos asegurar que mediante esta terapia, exenta de todo riesgo, decrece sustancialmente el daño celular por falta de oxigenación, independientemente de la enfermedad subyacente. Además los productos fruto de la descomposición del ozono se comportan como activadores biológicos, lo que mejora el nivel de energía y la capacidad de nuestro sistema defensivo, en beneficio de enfermedades de tipo alérgico-autoinmune como pueden ser la psoriasis, el asma o la artritis reumatoide. (20)(21) Se ha demostrado científicamente que las aplicaciones controladas de ozono médico mejoran la maquinaria antioxidante celular al haberse medido en el interior de las células cantidades superiores de agentes antioxidantes, tales como el glutatión reducido o la superóxido dismutasa. (22) Como consecuencia directa el ozono actúa como un verdadero “basurero” celular, limpiando los radicales libres. De acuerdo con este concepto, la ozonoterapia preventiva tendría un “efecto antienvejecimiento celular”. Según los estudios en hígado y riñón de rata, cuando un organismo se preacondiciona con ozono rectal, el daño después de sufrir un accidente tóxico o isquémico será bastante menor, y esto se avala por seguimientos clínicos en pacientes con accidentes isquémicos cerebrales. (23)(24) Lo importante de este concepto es que avalaría, tanto las aplicaciones preventivas en condiciones de riesgo cerebrovascular (25)(26) como los tratamientos tempranos del dolor isquémico. Trabajos de excelente rigor y calidad pueden leerse actualmente en revistas tan prestigiosas como Nature, Transplant Internacional, Shock, Free Radicals, Mediators of Inflamation, Internacional Journal of Pharmacology, Pharmacological Research, Liver International, etc. Incluso en la revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor se dedicó evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 recientemente un monográfico completo sobre las capacidades del ozono médico y su utilidad en el tratamiento del dolor. FIGURA 2 Aunque es deseable un mayor nivel de evidencia, sí se conoce que la ozonoterapia debidamente aplicada no tiene ningún riesgo y es una realidad médica cuyo uso puede justificarse como tratamiento paliativo en medicina del dolor, aunque siempre complementando a la medicina clásica, con la cual no interfiere. Aunque escasos, los artículos científicos sobre ozonoterapia en tumorales no deben ser desdeñados. (27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32) FIGURA 1 AUTOHEMOTERAPIA RECTAL 37 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 38 artículos nacionales hipertrofia benigna de próstata (HBP) tratada con ozonoterapia Dr. José Faus Victoria Gandía - Valencia (SPAIN) email: SUMARIO: Este articulo refleja mi experiencia sobre la infiltracion de ozono en la glándula prostática. Los resultados son alentadores en esta afeccion que aflige a gran parte de la poblacion masculina entre 45-50 años de edad. La técnica usada viene de la Terapia neural descubierta y promulgada por los hermanaos Huneke. Segun la teoria de la Terapia neural, todas las glandulas organicas inflamadas pueden constituir un “campo de interferencia” que se manifestará a nivel local o a nivel general. La infiltracion de la misma próstata, hecha ya sea con Procaina u otra sustancia repolariza las membranas celulares haciendo desaparecer dicho campo de interferencia. Invito a todos los medicos ozonoterapéuticos a que la practiquen sin miedo pues el riesgo es minimo y es muy simple de aplicar. La próstata crece con la edad del hombre. En la pubertad duplica su tamaño y va creciendo progresivamente a partir de los 25 años. El peso de una próstata adulta está entre 20-25 gr. Raramente provoca problemas antes de los 40 años, pero a los 60, la mitad de los hombres sufren las consecuencias de su exceso de tamaño (puede llegar a 100 gr o mas), y a los 70 casi el 90 %, por no decir que todos los hombres tienen problemas de próstata. Durante su crecimiento, los tejidos circundantes impiden su crecimiento por lo que comprimen la uretra impidiendo el flujo normal desde la vejiga. Ante esta estenosis, la vejiga debe de contraerse con más vigor y al final se debilita. Los síntomas que provoca la hipertrofia prostática los resumimos 1. Dificultad del chorro con goteo en la última fase de la micción, con sensación de insatisfacción (disuria). Interrupción del chorro urinario 2. Urgencia en ir al baño y con mas frecuencia (polaquiuria) 3. Posibles infecciones orina por vaciamiento incompleto de la vejiga (cistitis-prostatitis) 4. Problemas en la eyaculación e incluso en la erección (impotencia) 5. Posibilidad de retención completa de orina con el consiguiente globo vesical (estadios finales) Paradójicamente, algunos hombres con grandes crecimientos prostáticos presentan menos síntomas comparados con otros, con menores crecimientos. Con ello manifestamos que no necesariamente a mayor crecimiento hay más obstrucción En EEUU hubo 4,5 millones de visitas por HBP (hipertrofia benigna de próstata) en el año 2000. Posiblemente estas cifras irán en aumento, dada el aumento de expectativa de vida alcanzada. La dificultad en la micción constituye de por sí un factor importantísimo en calidad de vida de los hombres por arriba de los 60 años. El buen funcionamiento vesicoprostático implica no solo la micción sino que además la calidad en el contexto sexual y existencial (Peters 2001) Welch-Weinger-Barry (2002) en un estudio efectuado sobre 8.406 hombres destacaron que hombres con sintomatología moderada-severa en ésta zona, tienen un status de salud mas deteriorado que aquellos pacientes afectados de gota, hipertensión arterial, angina pectoris o diabetes mellitas. Al respecto Rosen (2003) en el estudio denominado Multinational Survey of the Aging Male MSAM-7 publicó un excelente estudio donde menciona que más del 50% deM hombres de 50 o mas años presentan disfunción sexual como consecuencia de presentar síntomas urinarios bajos ¿Por qué se produce la HPB? El crecimiento prostático dependerá del desbalance entre la proliferación celular y muerte celular (apoptosis) tanto en el compartimiento estroma como del epitelio. Esto se manifiesta más a nivel periuretral y de transición. Se habla de una proporción de crecimiento estroma/epitelio de 2,7 +- 0,1, en un hombre asintomáticos mientras que en los que presentan síntomas obstructivos alcanza a ser 4,6 +-0,3 (Shapiro, 1992) A lo largo de la historia se ha asociado la HBP al envejecimiento del hombre. Este fenómeno no ocurría en aquéllos a quienes les extirparon los testículos antes de la pubertad. Por esta razón, algunos investigadores creen que los factores relacionados al envejecimiento y los testículos pueden ser los detonantes en el desarrollo del crecimiento prostáticos. Con el envejecimiento, la cantidad de testosterona activa en la sangre disminuye, dando paso a una mayor proporción de estrógenos. Estudios realizados en animales sugieren que la HPB puede ocurrir debido a que los altos niveles de estrógeno dentro de la glándula aumentan la actividad de sustancias que promueven el crecimiento celular. Otra teoría enfoca hacia la dihidrotestosterona (DHT), una sustancia derivada de la testosterona en la próstata, que puede ayudar a su crecimiento. La mayoría de animales pierden su capacidad de producir DHT con la edad. Sin embargo, algunas investigaciones indican que aún con una caída en los niveles sanguíneos de testosterona, los hombres ancianos continúan produciendo y acumulando altos niveles de DHT en la próstata. Esta acumulación de DHT puede promover el crecimiento celular. Los científicos han notado también que los hombres que no producen DHT no desarrollan HPB. En algunos casos un hombre puede no saber que tiene obstrucción urinaria hasta que súbitamente presenta dificultad total para orinar. Esta situación, llamada retención aguda de orina, es provocada tras la toma de medicamentos para la gripe o alergia (pseudoefedrina o fenilefrina evista spañola de zonoterapia habitualmente). Dic hos medicamentos de efecto simpaticomimético bloquea la relajación del cuello de la vejiga y evitar el vaciamiento urinario. Con respecto a la actividad sexual se ha especulado que la abundancia favorece, pero tambien la escasez. La actividad sexual NO TIENE ninguna relación con el desarrollo de esta enfermedad. Tampoco se ha podido demostrar consistentemente, que algún alimento favorezca este problema. Sin embargo si puede agravar la BPH con la ingesta de alcohol, temperaturas frías o largos periodos de inmovilidad, en especial sentado. Es importante hacer el diagnostico diferencial entre cáncer e hipertrofia benigna de próstata. El cálculo de PSA (proteín specific antigen) nos sacará de dudas. junio 2010 39 TRATAMIENTO FARMACOLÓGICO Medicamentos bloqueantes de los receptores al faadrenérgicos (tamsulozina, alfuzosina, doxazosina y terazosina ) Inhiben la excesiva actividad alfa-adrenérgica existente por el aumento del tono simpático. Producen pues, una relajación del músculo liso contenido en el estroma prostático. El músculo liso representala prostática hipertrofiada y benigna y el 45% de su constitución cuando se trata de glándulas prostáticas sanas. Medicamentos bloqueantes de la enzima alfa- reductasa (finasteride,dutasteride) Son potentes inhibidores reversibles de la 5-alfa reductasa. Al inhibir la 5-alfa reductasa se bloquea la conversión de testosterona a dihidrotestosterona (DHT) el andrógeno intraprostrotatico en el hombre responsable no sólo del crecimiento prostático benigno sino también de los proceso neoproliferativos del cáncer prostático Relajantes muscarinicos por un componente de hiperactividad vesical (Oxibutinina, Tolterodine) Diagnóstico Además de la clínica sugestiva de obstrucción prostática se ha practicar el tacto rectal. También se debe de evaluar la función renal con pruebas de sangre, así como la medición de la orina residual por medio de los ultrasonidos. También es importante la detección precoz de un posible cáncer de próstata porque este es asintomático y puede asociarse con la BPH. Tratamientos clásicos La cirugía prostática abierta ha dado paso a la prostatectomía transuretral. No obstante como dato curioso Kaplan 1995 demostró que la mayoría de hombres con prostatismo prefieren alternativas terapéuticas no quirúrgicas en lugar de una resección prostática transuretral y luego de 1 año de evolución estaban satisfechos con su elección terapéutica. Debo de hacer mención del tratamiento por el Láser verde desarrollado por la Clínica Mayo (Rochester-MinnesotaUSA) desde 1998. Dicho Laser emite una luz verde con una longitud de onda de 532 nm y una potencia de 120 vatios que permite vaporizar el tejido prostático que comprime el conducto de la orina (uretra). El paciente experimenta una inmediata mejoría del flujo urinario.. Al retirar la sonda vesical a las 12 horas, el paciente orina con un excelente flujo miccional y puede marcharse a su casa. Los resultados se mantienen a largo plazo y paciente ha requerido una nueva intervención por hiperplasia benigna de la próstata. Son Medicamentos que relajan el detrusor en hiperactividad. Los agentes anticolinérgicos logran que se retarde la sensación inicial de urgencia urinaria, inhibiendo las contracciones involuntarias de la vejiga que necesiten terapias a largo plazo. Los usuales efectos colaterales de los anticolinergicos son: sequedad de las mucosas, particularmente de los ojos, sensación de boca seca, cefaleas, estreñimiento, taquicardia, confusión …..etc hacen bastante difícil su prescripción . Fármacos bloqueadores de impulsos periféricos a través de los receptores purinergios, opiáceos. Tendrán su lugar asegurado en la terapéutica de los estados hiperactivos vesicales ya que bloquean los impulsos aferentes 1-Toxina botulínica: Inhibe la acetilcolina disminuyendo la contractilidad vesical y produciendo atrofia muscular en el sitio de la inyección. El proceso es reversible y los axones se regeneran en tres a seis meses. La molécula de toxina botulínica no atraviesa la barrera hematoencefálica y por ende no tendrá efecto sobre el sistema nervioso central. Interés en discinergia vesico-esfinteriana, esclerosis múltiple…etc Chuang (2005) revela que la toxina botulínica inyectada dentro de la Glándula prostática tiene visos de convertirse en un tratamiento promisorio en pacientes con crecimiento prostático benigno sintomático. Gonadotrofina coriónica humana Puede actuar directa o indirectamente sobre la glándula prostática y tejidos asociados a través de mecanismos independientes de el bloqueo alfa-1- adrenérgico o independiente del mecanismo de inhibición de la 5-alfa reductasa vista pañola de onoterapia Fitoterapia (Medicina Complementaria o Natural) La creciente utilización de estos productos alternativos en los últimos años en todas partes del mundo ha sido motivada por el sentimiento creciente de rechazo hacia otras formas de terapia, bien sea médicas o mínimamente invasivas o propiamente quirúrgicas así como a los resultados no adecuados obtenidos con éstos tipos de tratamientos. Pero otras de las razones de su amplio uso es que no se necesita prescripción médica para su compra así como al hecho de que estén etiquetados para promocionar la salud prostática así como rodeados por un aureola de seguridad por el hecho de ser productos naturales y quizás el factor mas importante de su uso masivo es que se vende en lugares no acostumbrados de venta de productos para la salud como por ejemplo automercados tiendas de suplementos nutricionales y parafarmacias El Ginseng asiático Utilizado para la astenia psicofísica con el objetivo de mejorar la resistencia física y mental podrá ocasionar hipertensión arterial y alterar los tiempos de sangrado. Nunca se deberán administrar con corticosteroides o warfarina sódica o estrógenos ni con vitamina E. junio 2010 40 los leucotrienos y otros metabolitos de la 5-Lipooxigenasa .Dentro de los principios activos que conforman el Pygeum africanum tenemos los esteroles, los terpenoides y los alcoholes vegetales que mejorarán los síntomas urinarios porque inhibirán los factores de crecimiento betafibroblástico (TGFb) y los factores de crecimiento epidermico EGF que inducirán la proliferación fibroblástica disminuyendo la inflamación y el edema. Efecto antiestrogénico, debido a que inhibe la Aromaterasa que convierte la Testosterona a la a la androsten y a estradiol. Isoflavonas de soja Las isoflavonas de la soya comprenden tres grupos principales y sus formas Glicosiladas: genisteina, daidzeina y la gliciteina. Los Isoflavonas o Fitoestrogenos son compuestos no esteroideos derivados de las plantas que poseen actividad biologica como los estrógenos. Actúan compitiendo a nivel del receptor estrogénico pero su actividad estrogénica es bajo. Inhiben de la 5-alfa reductasa Estados Unidos de Norteamerica fallecen 4 a 5 veces más hombres por cancer de prostata que en Japon debido a su alimentación rico en soja. Kava® Utilizado para el stress la ansiedad y el insomnio podrá ocasionar alteración de los reflejos motores de la capacidad cognoscitiva y podrá aumentar los efectos producidos por el consumo alcohlico y los barbitúricos. También podrá causar dermatosis ictericia e incoordinación motora. Urtica dioica Tiene efecto de inhibir los factores de crecimiento o inclusive la interacción de dichos factores de crecimiento y por último se le asignan también efectos de inhibición del metabolismo de la celula prostáticas así como su crecimiento por acciones sobre dicha membrana a nivel del sodio, potasio y la ATPasa Serenoa repens (Saw Palmetto) Metodología para la punción e infiltración de ozono Es la más utilizada y la más conocida. Puede inducir apoptosis o muerte celular programada así como inhibición de la proliferación celular lo cual lleva a una reducción en el volumen prostático y a una mejoría sintomática y de la uroflujometra en el estudio urodinamico (Vacherot 1999). La Serenoa repens lo podemos conseguir individualmente o unido a formulas prostáticas combinado con bioflavonoides, licopeno daidzeina genisteina selenio, vitamina E, entre algunos de los principios herbarios y vitamínicos mas conocidos.. etc. Como efectos colaterales están las molestias gástricas El paciente en decúbito supino y con las rodillas dobladas se rebate con las manos los testículos hacia el abdomen. El médico enfrente con el dedo índice de la mano izquierda localiza la próstata a través del ano (como si de una exploración rutinaria se tratara). Con al otra mano pincha a través del rafe del periné buscando imaginariamente la próstata localizada. Pygeum Africanum Dada la sencillez de su práctica y la mejora rápida de los síntomas que ocasiona, recomendamos a todo profesional médico que se enfrente a este tipo de patología, en especial los urólogos. Fitofarmaco utilizado en Europa debido a sus propiedades de reducir la inflamación en el área prostática y de mejorar sustancialmente los síntomas asociados al crecimiento prostatico benigno Andro (1995), Pansadoro (1993). Entre sus propiedades se cuentan la inhibición de los factores de crecimiento fibroblástico tiene efectos antiestrogenicos inhibe Dosificación: La dosis oscilará entre 30 -40 mcgr/ml, dependiendo del nivel de stress oxidativo que presente el paciente. evista spañola de zonoterapia PREMISAS HIPOTÉTICAS 1. El ozono promueve una activación en la síntesis de las enzimas involucradas en la eliminación de los radicales libres (glutatión peroxidasa, catalasa y súper oxidodismutasa. 2. El ozono tiene afinidad especial por los dobles enlaces de los fosfolípidos de las membranas provocando la escisión de los ácidos grasos (ozonolisis) (Criegge, 1973; Srisankar y Patterson, 1979). Dichos ácidos grasos insaturados quedan “partidos” en forma de peróxidos, con menos átomos de Carbono, convirtiéndose en hidrófilos (“amigos del agua”), y con esto se facilita su eliminación». 3. El ozono desarrolla todo su poder a través de sus metabolitos: los peróxidos. ( Dr. Frank Shallemberger) 4. Teniendo como sustrato el Acido Araquidónico presente en las membranas, la cicloxigensa o prostaglandinsintetasa y la lipoxigenasa son enzimas microsomales que catalizan la inserción de O2 en varias posiciones en el ácido araquidónico libre, promoviendo la formación de Prostaglandinas, tanto las pro como las anti-inflamatorias 5. Las prostaglandinas son mediadoras de la transmisión del mensaje que las hormonas troficas como la LH, la TSH y la ACTH producen sobre las células efectoras. Estas a su vez probablemente, actuando sobre unos receptores junio 2010 41 CONCLUSIONES Teniendo en cuenta que el aumento de tamaño “benigno” de la próstata (hipertrofia) se debe a un acúmulo de metabolitos o radicales libres en el estroma que mantienen un estado inflamatorio “larvado” tanto del estroma como del epitelio celular, la acción del ozono “licuando” dichos metabolitos sería beneficioso. Asimismo el ozono por el mecanismo de la ozonolisis a nivel de las membranas aumenta la síntesis de PGs a partir del acido Araquidónico del tipo 2 por mediación de la cicloxigenasas facilitaria la acción mediadora del influjo de las hormonas en dichos tejidos. Así como la liberación de citokinas promoverían la activación del sistema inmunitario. Todo ello, en conjunto, facilitaría su reducción y evitaría la obstrucción a la hora de lo micción BIBLIOGRAFIA Dr Julio Cesar Potenziani Bigel l i *Especial ista Uro logo Hospital Privado Centro Médico de Caracas Dr. Rafael F. Velazquez Macias (Vias urinarias y sexualidad) h t t p : / / w w w. u ro c i r u g i a . c o m / U ro n o ve d a d e s / u ro n _ h p o. h t m Ziada A. Rosemblum M, Crawford E, Benign prostatic hyperplasia: An overview. Urology .Mar 1999 Luis W. Lu, MD, FACS.Director, Elk County Eye Clinic S e n i o r S t a f f M e m b e r, Pe n n s y l va n i a E ye C o n s u l t a n t s . evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 42 artículos nacionales ozone therapy for tumor oxygenation: a pilot study evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 43 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 44 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 45 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 46 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 47 evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 49 artículos nacionales ozone therapy in the functional recovery from diseases involving damage to central nervous system cells. PhD. GOMEZ MORALEDA, M.A. (MEDOZONO S.L. SPAIN) Paper presented at the 12th World Congress of the International Ozone Association. MAY/95, LILLE, FRANCE Abstract On the basis of personal experience during several years in preclinical and clinical trials, sets of results are presented, concerning the Ozone Therapy treatment of different groups of subjects suffering from various diseases which involve degenerative or ischemic damage of central nervous system cells (Senile Dementia, Cerebrovascular Ischemia, Hipoacusia, Optic Nerve Dysfunctions, Sequels of Glaucoma and Retinitis Pigmentosa). Regarding previously mentioned results, some interrelated hypothesis are formulated to explain the different effects achieved in functional recovery of patients with the Ozone Therapy. These are based in some of the already known effects of ozone on living cells, so as in the cells physiology of those subsystems of the central nervous system involved in each disease. INTRODUCTION Ozone has been widely applied in many diseases caused by peripheral circulatory disturbances, infections, alterations of the immune system, aesthetics, etc., but less attention has been paid to research about nervous cells damage produced by degenerative and ischemic diseases affecting subsystems of the central nervous system (CNS), so as by other causes as traumatic or compressive events, etc. Several studies were performed in Cuba, under the scientific direction of the author in the National Centre for Scientific Research, Ozone Research Centre and in various Hospitals and Health Institutes, concerning different diseases with their common basis on Central Nervous System dysfunctions. I would like to emphasize special recognition to all valuable professionals participating in the individual clinical trials mentioned in present paper. Present paper shows a brief summary of these diseases, some of their main characteristics, and the most important positive results achieved after the ozone therapy treatments of groups of patients suffering from them. Ozone was administered to patients by systemic way, mainly by Major Autohemo Therapy, in dosis over 5.000 µg/session. A set of hypothesis is also proposed to explain such results. MAIN TEXT DISEASES: • Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) . RP is a degeneration of the retina which primarily affects photoreceptors and pigmented epithelium, being the main symptoms: night blindness, followed by a progressive reduction of the visual field (Daugman, 1986, DukeElder, 1984). It is hereditary in nature, and can be transmitted under different autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, xlinked and sporadic. Visual alterations generally start in the medium periphery, provoking an annular scotoma, which evolves towards tubular vision and finally complete blindness (Márquez, 1962, Wirt, 1984). The histopathology of this disease (Marquez 1962, Daugman, 1986 and Scuderi & Moreno, 1986) show vascular alterations due to retinal vessels attenuation. Also choroidal sclerosis was reported, which contributes to tissue anoxia and leads to atrophy of retina layers. Nevertheless, drugs with oxygenating action on the CNS tissues and the retina, used so far, did not give satisfactory response to treatments. Other theories (Wirt, 1984, DukeElder, 1984 and Vodovozov, 1986) invoked encephalon disturbs, immunological alterations, lack of vitamins, etc. Nevertheless, therapeutics directed to these causes did not give the expected results as well. • Optic Nerve Dysfunction (OND). One of the most frequent causes of blindness around the world is OND, or optic atrophy (OA), which can be the result of different disturbances affecting the visual pathway, like ischemic, toxic, metabolic, hereditary and degenerative phenomena, injuries or compression, among others, producing this type of irreversible sequel. Today, neuroplasticity is recognized as a nervous tissue property in spite of neurons incapacity for multiplication (BachRita, 1980, Estrada, 1988 Boisson, 1990). Peripheral nervous system possibilities of regeneration are well known and recent research emphasized this property, though in lower degree, in the CNS (Varon et al.,1986, Aguayo et al.,1986, Aguayo et al.,1985). Optic nerve (ON) as a part of the CNS is deprived of myelin sheath and has been the target of some experimental work on neuroplasticity. Aguayo et al., in 1986 showed the ON axons possibilities of regeneration in rats when they are able to make appropriate contact with the coliculli cells, through peripheral nerve segment grafts. Neurotransplantology is gaining ground at present, but investigations on the ON injuries are still in animal experimental stage (1989, Carmignoto et al., 1989, Sievers & Hausmann, 1989) and no conclusive results have been reported in man. In the process of the OND not all nerve fibers are fully degenerated and this depends on the intensity of the injury, time of evolution, glial reactions, etc. Such criteria are taken into consideration to try to develop different therapeutic methods, including hyperbaric oxygenation and photic and electric stimulation, with poor effect up to date. • Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG). It is, according to etiology, a multi factorial chronic disease, suffered by approximately 2% of population over 40 years evista spañola de zonoterapia (Speath & Jandra,1989, Tielsch et al., 1991). It is associated to diseases with large vascular component (Kashintseva, 1986). The characteristic pathologic rise in intra ocular tension, joined to the circulatory deficiency and the metabolic changes in retina and O.N. deteriorate the nervous function, leading to the glaucomatous optic atrophy. Changes in circulation cause the variation of the blood rheological properties, hypoxia and modifications in the oxygen metabolism, which in sum deprive the metabolism and produce alterations in ocular tissue trophism (Kashintseva & Kribonski, 1979, Mukha, 1990). Experimental models of glaucoma show destructive damage in ocular vessels and tissue, mainly in the draining system, provoking not only ocular tension alterations, but also altered metabolic processes (Conde & Gurtobaya, 1977, Nesterov, 1982). Some years ago, in addition to the local hypo tensors, pharmacologic complexes were attempted to improve haemodinamics and restore the normal oxidation processes in ocular tissue, with the aim of to stimulate the deteriorated nervous function (Conde, 1977). They exhibited poor evidence of improvement and no long lasting effects. • Senile Dementia (SD). SD is probably one of the most fearful central nervous system diseases for the aging and mostly the worse managed from the clinical point of view, still aggravating its prognosis, not only for the patients but also for families and society, in which they live. Classification scale of senile dementias recognized as "incurable", published by Hachinsky and in agreement with other authors (Smith & Kiloh, 1981) was applied, where Alzheimer dementia constituted approximately 60 % of cases, those of vascular nature represented 20 % and mixed types (vascular - degenerative), the remaining 20 %. It allowed studying "incurable" dementias, excluding all those cases potentially reversible and different in nature, which in elderly patients can be expressed as pseudo demential state. In geriatrics, the concept of health is defined in terms of function, a healthy elderly is not that one, who does not suffer from any pathology, but one who is autonomous. The fundamental objective for incurable SD treatments (of vascular or degenerative etiology) is to increase the autonomy of elderly, especially in regards to mental condition, self medication capacity and daily life activities performance, giving special attention to multidimensional evaluation and validity. Lot of drugs have been tested throughout the time for therapeutics in this disease, from psycho pharmacs to neural metabolic activators, including, of course, cerebral vasodilators. Many authors (Pfeiffer, 1980, Greenblatt et al., 1975, Jenike, 1987, Kane & Smith, 1982, Jenike, 1988) accept that adverse reactions produced with the use of these medications must be constantly considered, especially because no really positive effects have been found. • Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease (ICVD). The majority of these brain processes are in great extent dependent from, and consequence of different diseases, as arteriosclerosis, arterial hypertension and dislipidemies (Gimenes, 1988). Aging is a physiological junio 2010 50 condition, associated with increase in the incidence of the before mentioned processes, producing an augmentation of cerebra vascular disease in the third age (Otsfeld, 1980). In ischemic cerebrovascular disease, reduction in the oxygenation pattern of brain takes place. Consequently, normal nutritional cycle of neurons is reversed and anaerobic glycolisis prevails, producing drop in available ATP for the energetic cycle of neurons (Heiss, 1983, Heiss et al., 1983). Several treatments apply for this disease. Some of them try to avoid the appearance of phenomenon (Devesa, 1992), while others try to diminish mortality and sequels in those who already present symptoms. In both groups, some progress has been achieved, especially in the first group, by means of appropriate handling of preventive aspects. Results in the second group are not so promising, specially concerning sequels. • Cochleo-Vestibular Syndrome (CVS). Regarding biochemical and metabolic aspects of some pathologies of the internal ear, it has been recognized that one third of patients suffering from neurosensorial bilateral Hipoacusia present abnormal glucose tolerance curves (Paparella, 1982). Same author reports audition dysfunctions in patients under hypoglycemic conditions and diabetes. It is presumable the important role of glucose in normal function of cochlear organ, being the perilinfa's glucose concentration similar to that of serum and knowing that ciliated cells, as all other somatic cells, involve aerobic metabolism with high energy yield, stored as ATP. Ages (Ages, 1989) reports certain metabolic alterations to occur in internal ear as cochleo-vestibular manifestations of hypothyroidism, so as in the vertigo syndrome of cervical origin, exhibiting positive response to cinarizine (Bartual, 1988). Noise induced auditive dysfunction causes lowering of oxygen tension, as in the Manasse otosclerosis, with consequent hypoxia in the membranous labyrinth and accumulation of toxic metabolic detritus, damaging it. Presbiacusia involves depletion of cellular population, due to extra cellular deposition of material and accumulation of toxic substances in the cells. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Most important positive results achieved by ozone therapy in the clinical trials performed (Menendez et. al., 1990, Menendez et. al., 1992, Santiesteban et. al., 1993, Ferrer et. al., 1992, Devesa et. al., 1993, Rodriguez et. al., 1993, Basabe et. al., 1992), are as follows: evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 51 vista pañola de onoterapia junio 2010 52 evista spañola de zonoterapia DISCUSSION Ozone presents important properties which make it very useful in medical field, related to its stimulating effect on oxygen metabolic processes and blood circulation, where it modifies the rheological properties of the blood, preventing erythrocytes from aggregation and increasing their deformability and permeability. To understand the ozone action mechanism it is important to consider not only its possible direct effect as an oxygenating agent, but also a complex of biochemical processes. It is known that ozone selectively reacts with the unsaturated fatty acids of the phospholipidic layer of cell membranes, producing a series of short chain peroxides "ozone metabolites" with important functions in the organism. These include increasing of the oxygen absorption capacity of erythrocytes as well as its transference to tissue, stimulation of oxygen metabolization through the reactivation of several biochemical cycles, activation of enzymatic redox systems which protect against degenerative processes, and modulating effect on biological and immune responses. At a first glance, the mechanisms which could explain the satisfactory improvements in the majority of patients under the different clinical trials presented, all of them involving damage to CNS cells, are neuroplasticity and CNS cells revitalization. It is already demonstrated in previous reports the ability of ozone to enhance blood flow and oxygen supply to tissue. This fact could be part of the effects on the diseases discussed, but not enough to explain the observed degree of stimulation of those CNS cells processes mentioned above. This is supported by the evidence that other drugs with similar oxygenating effects were applied to the same diseases with no such positive results. In the past few years, it has been recognized that in some diseases affecting CNS cells, at least part of the damaged and dysfunctional ones could be still alive in some kind of sub functional state during some time. This opens the possibility to find a way to reactivate them and restore their functions. Also neuroplasticity, makes possible the substitution of the already died cells functions by other neighboring cells, which in turn should improve their capabilities. Stimulation of glycolisis by ozone metabolites could be one of the keys to understand the functional recovery of those cells severely damaged but still not completely died. These cells, as a result of hypoxic conditions due to different causes (ischemia, compression, toxicity, trauma, edema, expression of inherited dysfunctions, degenerative processes, etc.), could have been forced to change their metabolism from the normal aerobic, to anaerobic. It is very well known that anaerobic glycolisis yield much less energy than the aerobic, and probably the cells forced to that condition, under lack of ATP, would slowly die. In those cells not having the ability to spontaneously change their metabolism to aerobic again, subsequent increases of oxygen availability would not be enough to restore normal metabolic pathways, specially aerobic glycolisis, and the cells, would continue suffering deterioration, not having energy enough for their vital functions. Ozone metabolites, being able to stimulate aerobic glycolisis in the cells by means of activation of the enzymes involved, and improving the availability of energy as ATP, would be the trigger for both: revitalization with functional recovery of those deprived, but still alive cells, and also neuroplasticity, it means assumption (partially at least) of the functions of those already died by adjacent healthy and activated neighboring cells. These hypotheses agree with the observed junio 2010 53 fact that ozone therapy was more effective in such diseases, the earlier the treatment was applied, being this parameter quantitatively related to the survivance of dysfunctional cells. Not less important is that similar success was achieved in diseases of different etiology, as is the case for Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia, O.N. dysfunctions (except for Optic Leber Atrophy, in which no improvement was observed) and CVS. Lack or poor improvement in those patients who were completely blind or deaf, or presented signs of deep or complete atrophy, could suggest that good results in the application of the ozone therapy could be expected when some degree of the functions remain and atrophy is not complete. In other words, it seems probable that structural substratum and or functional reserves are necessary, so that the neuroplasticity or functional recovery mechanisms could be activated. This idea would be supported also by the fact that recovery was faster and more evident in the less severe or recent cases. The mechanism of ozone actions in some of these entities could also be related to its ability to significantly stimulate other enzymatic processes in cells, some of them vital for cell protection against degenerative processes, such as metabolization of aggressive oxygen species and detoxification. Examples could be degenerative processes in which detritus of cells are accumulated, so aggravating the damage to other cells. In such cases, some specialized cells of the immune systems should also perform their specific cleaning function, such as macrophages. Some reports about ozone stimulation or modulation of macrophages, lymphocytes, etc point out the dose dependent effect of ozone on the immune system, and establish the marked stimulation which can be achieved with the appropriate dose of ozone in the phagocitosis of macrophages. Regarding RP, for example, it was reported that the cells of the pigmented epithelium, adjacent to the photoreceptors layer, have the responsibility for phagocitosis of the segments of photoreceptors that are periodically rejected from them when already exhausted. One of the mechanisms proposed to explain the degeneration of photoreceptors is that the pigmented epithelium cells in certain extent loss their phagocityc capacity and rejected segments are accumulated and decomposed, damaging the photoreceptors themselves by toxemia. In such process, one of the beneficial effects of ozone could be the stimulation of the phagocityc capacity of pigmented epithelium cells to eliminate toxemia and recover the functionality of photoreceptors. Similar mechanisms could also take place in the cochlear organ, were similar damage due to toxemia was already mentioned in the introduction. CONCLUSIONS In our opinion, the ozone treatment, at least, favors certain reversion of unfavorable conditions of vascular or metabolic nature in those neurons which are not completely damaged and/or in some specific adjacent cells which must protect them and so they could potentially recover their functions, at least partially. evista spañola de zonoterapia REFERENCES • AGES. 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Pacini, Italia. 1984. evista spañola de zonoterapia junio 2010 55 artículos internacionales ozone treatment reduces markers of oxidtive and endothelial damage in an experimental diabetes model in rats SAID MOHAMMED AL DALAIN, GREGORIO MARTÍNEZ, EDUARDO CANDELARIO-JALIL, SILVIA MENÉNDEZ, LAMBERTO RE, ATTILIA GIULIANI and OLGA SONIA LEÓN Ozone has been used as a therapeutical agent and beneficial effects have been observed. However so far only a few biochemical and pharmacodynamic mechanisms have been elucidated. We demonstrate that controlled ozone administration may promote an oxidative preconditioning or adaptation to oxidative stress, preventing the damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Taking into account that diabetes is a disorder associated with oxidative stress, we postulate that ozone treatment in our experimental conditions might protect antioxidant systems and maintain, at a physiological level, other markers of endothelial cell damage associated with diabetic complications. Five groups of rats were classified as follows: (1) control group treated only with physiological saline solution; (2) positive control group using streptozotocin (STZ) as a diabetes inductor; (3) ozone group, receiving 10 treatments (1.1 mg kg_1), one per day after STZ-induced diabetes; (4) oxygen group (26 mg kg_1), one per day, as in group 3 but using oxygen only; (5) control ozone group, as group 3, but without STZ. The ozone treatment improved glycemic control and prevented oxidative stress, the increase of aldose reductase, fructolysine content and advanced oxidation protein products. Nitrite and nitrate levels were maintained without changes with regard to non-diabetic control. The results of this study show that repeated administration of ozone in non-toxic doses might play a role in the control of diabetes and its complications. INTRODUCTION Diabetes produces a large number of changes in vessels that affect the reactivity of smooth muscle and endothelium, the production of vasoactive substances by endothelium, vessel wall permeability to macromolecules, susceptibility to atherosclerosis and activity of the thrombolytic system [1–3]. These events are related to the chronic vascular complications of this disorder. The vascular lesion in diabetes consists of microangiopathy, distinguished by thickening of capillary basement membranes resulting in increased vascular permeability. These changes are clinically manifested as diabetic retinopathy and/or microangiopathy, which consists of atheromatous involvement of large blood vessels. Macroangiopathy is morphologically similar to non-diabetic atheroma, but tending to occur earlier and be more extensive [4]. Vascular endothelium appears to be a vulnerable target for hyperglycemia-induced metabolic changes. High glucose concentrations promote endothelial cell damage by different mechanisms, probably through mutual facilitatory interactions between them [5]. Activation of polyol pathway, nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins and the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in diabetic complications. Ozone, administered by rectal insufflation in a Lumber of controlled treatments, has shown protective effects against the damage induced by carbon tetrachloride and hepatic and renal isc hemia-reperfusion through a probable mechanism of oxidative preconditioning which confers protection by stimulation of antioxidant endogenous systems, accumulation of adenosine and by blocking the xanthine/xanthine oxidase pathway for ROS generation [6–9]. In addition, a decrease of blood cholesterol and stimulation of antioxidative response in cardiopathy patients treated with intravenous ozone therapy has been demonstrated [10]. Taking the view that diabetes promotes an oxidative damage and ozone protects the cells in oxidative stress situations, we investigated the actions of ozone on PUBLICIDAD evista spañola de zonoterapia mechanisms, probably through mutual facilitatory interactions between them [5]. Activation of polyol pathway, nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins and the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in diabetic complications. Ozone, administered by rectal insufflation in a Lumber of controlled treatments, has shown protective effects against the damage induced by carbon tetrachloride and hepatic and renal isc hemia-reperfusion through a probable mechanism of oxidative preconditioning which confers protection by stimulation of antioxidant endogenous systems, accumulation of adenosine and by blocking the xanthine/xanthine oxidase pathway for ROS generation [6–9]. In addition, a decrease of blood cholesterol and stimulation of antioxidative response in cardiopathy patients treated with intravenous ozone therapy has been demonstrated [10]. Taking the view that diabetes promotes an oxidative damage and ozone protects the cells in oxidative stress situations, we investigated the actions of ozone on streptozotocin-induced diabetes, characterizing the redox balance and its relation with markers of polyol pathway, non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins and the levels of nitrates and nitrites, as a measure of nitric oxide (NO) production. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Male Sprague–Dawley rats weighing 250–278 g were obtained from CENPALAB (Bejucal, Havana, Cuba). Animals were housed in temperature- and lightcontrolled rooms and allowed free access to normal diet pellets and tap water. All procedures were performed as approved by the Institutional Animal Care Committees (ARCA No. 012) and in accordance with the European Union Guidelines for animal experimentation. Induction of experimental hyperglycemia Experimental diabetes was induced by a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 45 mg kg_1 streptozotocin (STZ) (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) to overnight fasted rats [11]. STZ was dissolved in citrate buffer solution (0.1 M, pH 4.5) and freshly prepared immediately before injection. Animals were considered hyperglycemic when non-fasting serum glucose levels were higher than 20 mM after 48 h of STZ injection [12]. Blood glucose was measured using a diagnostic kit obtained from Sigma 315–100 (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) based on a colorimetric reaction. Animals and treatment The protocol consisted of five experimental groups (n D 10 each). (1) Control group treated only with physiological saline solution; (2) positive control group using STZ as a diabetes inductor; (3) ozone group, receiving 10 treatments (1.1 mg kg_1, a dose of ozone in which the phenomenon of oxidative preconditioning is achieved without appreciable toxicity [6–9]) one per day after STZ-induced diabetes; (4) oxygen group, vehicle of O3 (26 mg kg_1, dose equivalent to the O2 concentration present in one O3 dose) one per day, as in group 3 but using oxygen only; (5) control ozone group, as group 3, but without STZ. The ozone concentration in the O3/O2 mixture was 50 _g ml_1. Ozone was generated by OZOMED equipment junio 2010 56 manufactured by the Ozone Research Center (Cuba) and was administered by rectal insufflation. Ozone was obtained from medical grade oxygen, was used immediately upon generation and represented only about 3% of the gas .O2 C O3/ mixture. The ozone concentration is measured by using a built-in UV spectrophotometer set at 254 nm (accuracy, 0.002 Å at 1 Å, repeatability 0.001 Å and calibrated with internal standard). The ozone dose is the product of the ozone concentration (expressed as mg l_1 by the gas .O2 C O3/ volume (l)). By knowing the body weight of the rat the ozone dose is calculated as mg kg_1 as in our previous papers [6–9]. After 11 days of diabetic induction, blood glucose was measured, the body weight of the animals was monitored and then they were killed by diethyl ether anesthesia. Afterwards the pancreas was promptly removed for biochemical studies. Pancreas homogenates were obtained using a tissue homogenizer Edmund Bühler at 4 _C. The homogenates were prepared using a 50 mM KCl/histidine buffer pH 7.4, 1 : 10 (w/v) and were spun down with a Sigma Centrifuge 2K15, at 4 _C and 8500 g for 20 min. Supernatants were taken for biochemical determinations. Biochemical determinations The biochemical parameters were evaluated in the supernatants of pancreas homogenates 11 days after STZinduced diabetes and 24 h after the last treatment with ozone or oxygen, respectively. The different parameters were determined by spectrophotometric methods using an Ultrospect Plus Spectrophotometer from Pharmacia LKB. Catalase activity was measured by following the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide at 240 nm at 10 s intervals for 1 min [13]. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were measured using kits supplied by Randox Laboratories Ltd., Ireland (Cat. No. SD125 and No. RS505). Concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) were analyzed using the LPO-586 kit obtained from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA,USA). In the assay, the production of a stable chromophore after 40 min of incubation at 45 _C was measured at a wavelength of 586 nm. For standards, freshly prepared solutions of malondialdehyde bis [dimethyl acetal] (Sigma St Louis, MO, USA) were employed and assayed under identical conditions [14]. Quantification of total hydroperoxides was measured by Bioxytech H2O2-560 kit (Oxis International Inc., Portland, OR, USA) using xylenol orange to form a stable colored complex, which can be measured at 560 nm. Total protein concentration was determined by the method of Bradford with bovine serum albumin as standard [15]. After precipitation of thiol proteins using TCA 10%, the reduced glutathione (GSH) was measured according to the method of Sedlak and Lindsay [16] with Ellman’s reagent (5,50 dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) 10_2 M (Sigma St Louis, MO, USA)), the absorbance was measured at 412 nm . Nitrite/nitrate levels were determined by the Griess reaction by first converting nitrates to nitrites using nitrate reductase (Boehringer Mannheim Italy SpA, Milan, Italy). Then the Griess reagent (1% sulphanilamide, 0.1% N-(1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride evista spañola de zonoterapia acid) was added [17]. Samples were incubated at room temperature for 10 min and absorbance was measured at 540 nm using a microplate reader. The advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) were measured through the oxidation of iodide anion to diatomic iodine by AOPP [18]. Relative fructolysine content (Amadori’s product of glycated serum protein) was measured by reduction of the redox indicator nitrobluetetrazolium (NBT) at 530 nm [19]. Aldose reductase activity was determined using a conventional procedure [20]. Statistical analysis. The OUTLIERS preliminary test for detection of error values was initially applied for statistical analysis. Afterward, the ANOVA method (single way) was used followed by the homogeneity variance test (BartlettBox). In addition, a multiple comparison test was used (Duncan test). Data were expressed as the mean _ standard deviation of 10 animals. The level of statistical significance employed was at least P < 0:05 for all experiments.. RESULTS Body weights and blood analysis Rats treated with streptozotocin (STZ) and STZ C O2 were hyperglycemic and lost weight over the experimental period (Table I). Ozone treatment reduced hyperglycemia by 40% in comparison with STZ-treated rats. Body weight of the rats was increased in a similar way as for the non-diabetic control. Antioxidant–prooxidant balance The O3 C STZ treatment increased glutathione (GSH) concentrations with regard to the remaining groups [Fig. 1(a)]. The enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) showed a similar trend junio 2010 57 [Fig. 1(b, c)]. Neither GSH nor SOD were different in the remaining groups (non-diabetic, STZ-induced diabetes, O2-treated diabetic or O3-treated rats). Treatment with ozone caused a reduction in glutathione peroxidase with regard to STZ (43%) and STZ C O2 (36%) groups; however, concentrations in ozone-treated diabetic rats were still raised above those seen in nondiabetic control rats [Fig. 1(d)]. Total peroxides were reduced in the ozone-treated group with regard to all treatments, including the control non-diabetic [Fig. 2(a)], whereas malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations were maintained at the level of the control in the animals treated with O3 or in the group treated with O3 C STZ (P < 0:05) and a significant increase was noted in the treatments with STZ and O2 C STZ (P < 0:05) with respect to control group.Biomarkers of the polyol pathway, non-enzymatic glycosylation, protein oxidation and nitric oxide The results obtained for these parameters are shown in Table II. Aldose reductase activity which catalyzes the reduction of glucose to sorbitol and the relative fructolysine content, precursor of Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) was significantly (P < 0:05) increased in STZ and O2-STZ diabetic rats. On the other hand, there was no significant differences when comparing the diabetic rats treated with ozone and the control non-diabetic. The ozone group did not significantly (P < 0:05) modify the aldose reductase activity with regard to normal control rats. A close relation was found (r D 0:78, P < 0:05) between relative fructolysine content and AOPP concentrations. The levels of NO2/NO3, in the ozone-treated group, did not differ from the control group. Both groups showed significantly higher concentrations with regard to STZ and STZ C O2. evista spañola de zonoterapia DISCUSSION Most previous studies have focused on immediate or concurrent factors, which contribute to the phenomenon of diabetes-induced endothelial dysfunction. In the present study we have integrated some of the most important metabolic events associated with the diabetic endotheliopathy process and its control by ozone treatment. It is of critical importance to maintain the antioxidant potential of the pancreatic cell in order to ensure both its survival and insulin secretory capacity during times of increased oxidative stress. On the other hand, the pancreas is the main target of STZ. The antioxidant–prooxidant balance, associated with the control of oxidative stress was favored by ozone treatment, while the group treated with oxygen (vehicle of ozone) did not differ from the STZ-induced diabetic rats. Ozone reduced STZ-induced hyperglycemia and it increased the antioxidant defenses (GSH, SOD and CAT levels) of the pancreas [Fig. 1(a, b, c)]. The capacity of ozone to enhance antioxidant endogenous systems, in front of oxidative stress by oxidative preconditioning or adaptative mechanisms, has been demonstrated [6]. There is evidence that hyperglycemia can lower both the activity of a number of enzymes including SOD [21] and GSH synthesis, presumably by glycation [22]. It is not possible at this knowledge state to define how ozone treatment decreases hyperglycemia. However the observation that diabetic patients have lowered antioxidant defenses, both enzymatic (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px) and non-enzymatic (vitamin C, E or A, free radical scavengers or ‘total radical-trapping antioxidant capacity’) is almost as well established as the observation of increased oxidative damage [21]. Therefore, these results suggest that ozone protective effects on antioxidant endogenous defenses improve glucose metabolism. In line with the increase in antioxidant systems there was a reduction of total peroxides and the concentrations of MDA were at the level of the control group (Fig. 2). MDA and peroxides have been associated with diabetes and its complications. An approximately three-fold increase in ROS production accompanied by a similar elevation of MDA, an index of lipid peroxidation, was seen in rat aorta after 1 month of diabetes [23]. In addition, a role for H2O2 has been demonstrated in protein crosslinking junio 2010 58 in diabetes [24]. No differences were observed in GSH and SOD among non-diabetic, STZ-induced diabetes and oxygentreated diabetic groups. This behavior may be due to compensating mechanisms similar to the one which was found for (mRNA) SOD in STZ-treated rats [24]. When analyzed, the treatment with ozone maintained the necessary antioxidant–prooxidant balance. Nevertheless, endothelium integrity and function depend not only on the ROS control but also on possible modes of action and some potential interactions between the polyol pathway, ROS production, advanced glycation endproducts and NO generation [5, 25, 26]. The concentrations of the mediators derived from the increased flux of glucose through the polyol pathway (aldose reductase and fructolysine) were reduced by ozone treatment while AOPP were not increased in the ozone treatment group. Corresponding with these results, a close relation between fructolysine contents and AOPP concentrations was found (r D 0:78, P < 0:05). The regulative effects of ozone on aldose reductase activity represent another interesting action of this complementary medical approach since aldose reductase is a key enzyme of the polyol pathway and its inhibitors have been used as therapeutical drugs linked to improving NO production or release [27]. This is brought about through NADPH-sparing activity that helps to replenish antioxidant reserves, thus having an indirect antioxidant action in mild diabetic neuropathy or in preventing periphereal and autonomic neuropathy in unaffected diabetic patients [28]. Substantial evidence exists that diabetes results in impaired endothelial dysfunction suggesting diminished nitric oxide production from diabetic endothelium [29]. Ozone treatment prevented depletion of NO2/NO3 (Table II). This result indicates that NO production has not been affected by STZ-induced diabetes. Thus, ozone may protect against the imbalance in NO–ROS interactions, improve NO-mediated relaxation and decrease microvessel reactivity, in this experimental model of diabetes. In summary, ozone treatment improved glycemic control and prevented oxidative stress, the increase of aldose reductase, fructolysine content and advanced oxidation protein products. NO2/NO3 levels were maintained without changes with regard to non-diabetic control. These events are closely related with endothelial
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