DoD Fire Department of the Year (Large Department) Award Description: Annual team awards to recognize DoD’s most outstanding large category fire departments for achieving the highest degree of excellence in mission support and fire protection management. Eligibility: Calendar year 2005 Large Fire Department of the Year award winners from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard (including contractor operated locations). The component annual award winners are the only organizations eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Large Fire Department with 4 or more staffed firefighting companies assigned, i.e., ARFF, pumper, ladder (excludes ambulance, rescue, cross staffed, and other support) y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard) selection as “Fire Department of the Year (Large Department)” for 2005 y Component prepared nomination document describing significant achievements and contributions using the following headings: - Customer Service - Department level awards, accreditation, certifications and other recognition - Innovativeness - Implemented quality management principles and initiatives - Quality of Life initiatives (In or outside of the fire department) - Other (This allows for addressing anything not covered under the other headings) Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force 2006 DoD Fire Department of the Year (Large Department) Nominees Fort Bragg, NC Commander Naval Forces Japan Regional Fire Department Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point ARFF Division, NJ Charleston Air Force Base Fire Department, SC Army Navy U.S. Navy Fire Department of the Year (Large Category) 2006 Commander Naval Forces Japan Regional Fire Department CUSTOMER SERVICE: Flagship Organization …Premier Support to the Fleet! - Extensive Regional Mission; 18 fire stations provided protection for over 45,000 personnel at 29 different sites and multiple countries; over 30 million sq ft. inspected and 40 home-ported ships of Forward Deployed Naval Forces - Responded to 1,779 emergencies, conducted 4,221 standbys, 8,641 inspections, and issued 2,043 hot work permits - Impeccable command and control during simultaneous emergencies on a B-52 and the crash of a B-1B bomber - Decisive actions during B-1B belly landing lead to the quick extinguishment of fire and 9 crew members rescued - Life Savers! Combined both technology and skills to provide critical life saving measures on numerous occasions - Used thermal imager to locate and rescue an incapacitated victim in high rise fire; provided first aid on scene - Flawlessly performed CPR on victim suffering from massive heart attack; decisive actions saved patient’s life! - Sparked community interest, exemplary Fire Prevention & Public Education programs; hosted over 7,600 visitors throughout 2006; highly motivated and devoted staff key to promoting solid relations with host-nation community - Cohesive “Smart Ship” program supported Forward Deployed Naval Forces throughout Region; tested and maintained fire hose and SCBA’s; thus improving the fire response capabilities for the fleet - Customer Service Survey program; 97% approval rate; Evaluations used to continuously enhance service delivery DEPT LEVEL AWARDS/CERTIFICATION/ACCREDITATION/OTHER RECOGNITION: TEAM JAPAN - Major Contributor! CNO/SECNAV’s Environmental Quality Overseas Installation and Cultural Resources Award - Accolades from AF Expeditionary Commander for “Text Book Response” to concurrent B-1B and B-52 incidents - Acknowledged Professionals! “Outstanding Performers” during Navy Program Compliance Assessment that rated the Fire & Emergency Services department as mission ready, and “Best Department seen to date” - Robust Outreach Programs! Department received over 35 Letters of Appreciation from Base and Host-nation communities - Strong supporters of Regional Safety Program; Recipients of over 400 individual and unit level safety awards INNOVATIVENESS: Creative Solutions …Balancing Sound Ideas with New Technologies! - “Cutting Edge” translation program! Joint partnership with Oklahoma State University; translated 5th Edition International Fire Service Training Association curriculum for foreign Driver Operators throughout Japan - Self-sufficient firefighter training program. Pro Board certified Regional Training Center thru agreement with Texas A&M University allowed department to train and certify 90 F&ES personnel to DoD standards. $$$ Saved! - Creative use of Commanders Access Channel as an effective tool to teach fire safety throughout the community; - Outstanding initiative enabled department to reach More People, More Often, More Effectively; Great Awareness! First Ever in Region Japan! Initiated Medical First Responder Program, standardized training plans for execution; Trained & certified over 400 firefighters; raised medical response capabilities throughout all installations by 100% IMPLEMENTED QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND INITIATIVES: Now and for the future! - Provided technical expertise for nuclear carrier transition working group of Forward Deployed Naval Forces Japan - Spearheaded key infrastructure improvements ensuring smooth transition of first-ever nuclear vessel in theater - Created database to track fire safety deficiencies and monitor corrective actions; Region-wide program impact! - Developed bi-lingual presentation and trained over 1,000 fire wardens; clearly defined roles and responsibilities - Conducted comprehensive fire prevention engineering reviews for over 130 complex facility designs valued in excess of $150 million; diligence ensured fire protection and life safety features were incorporated into all designs - Implemented Air Force Institute of Advanced Distance Learning career development courses for host-nation fire inspectors; obtained 16 separate DoD certifications instilling confidence through sound knowledge and application - Deployed a team of five fire inspectors to the Island of Iwo Jima to perform fire inspections on 40 critical facilities - Diligently worked 14 hr days over a three-day period in support of Carrier Air Wing 5. Enhancing Flight Op’s QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVES: Fostering a quality work environment for our Greatest Assets! Our Folks! - Coordinated $440K fire station renovation project significantly increasing “Quality of Life” for our firefighters - Acquired 10 Incident Command notebook computers, loaded each with advanced software programs; streamlined decision-making process and eliminated the need for bulky maps and binders. Improved efficiency of operations - Upgraded regional training center; procured 21st century multimedia technology and ergonomic furniture systems OTHER: Navy Fire & Emergency Services Ambassadors …building relations throughout the Pacific! - Hosted over 126 Fire and Emergency Management officials from throughout Japan at the 8th Annual Fire Dept - Friendship Dinner …promoted friendship and mutual aid support with host-nation re departments & communities - Gave back to Community! Fire Department fund-raisers helped those in need; contributed monetary donations and gifts to local orphanages. Partnered with USMC promoting “Toys for Tots” campaign across military communities - Strengthened mutual aid partnership …taught DoD HazMat Awareness/Operations to 78 host-nation firefighters Hosted the 57th Annual Red Rooster fire fighting competition for 36 local city fire departments. Team Building!!! Protecting Those Who Defend America Marine Corps Department of Defense Fire and Emergency Services Awards Program Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Department of the Year Award (CAT III) Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina Customer Service: ¾ Supporting of over 151,566 control tower operations and approach control radar operations. Responded to 135 Emergencies to include: • Ninety-six Aircraft Emergencies. • Thirty-three Hazardous Materials Responses • Six Structural Emergencies. ¾ Responded to 2,807 alert positions and 267 MEDEVAC as well as hot refuel standbys during 2006. ¾ Provided Aviation fire protection for 698 civilian flight operations during the six day Pepsi Americas Sail event for the Morehead City Airport. ¾ Conducted Fire Fighter training with the use of the Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device (MAFTD) for three local airports, three local colleges and two Military Air Stations/Air Bases. ¾ Coordinated the manning and tasked to serve in the capacity of lead agency during four pre-staged events in support of the NASA Space Shuttle landing and launches. ¾ Conducted over 25,261 training man-hours hours to 75+ ARFF and Squadron Marines as required by MCO P3500.67 and NAVAIR 00-80R-14. ¾ In support of 2006 Toys for Tots drive ARFF Marines raised over $1,200.00. ¾ Conducted 20 tours for over 590 people of ages ranging from elementary school to senior citizens as well as provided static displays to the Havelock Safety fair, and Havelock Chili cook-off. ¾ Provided vehicles and personnel in the participation of two local parades in New Bern and Havelock. Department Level Awards, Accreditation, Certifications, other recognition: ¾ ARFF personnel won three squadron level meritorious promotion boards. ¾ Received certification for 68 department personnel in Space Shuttle Orbiter Rescue Procedures. ¾ Significantly contributed to the Air Station winning the Installation Excellence award for 2006. ¾ Total of 26 DoD certifications acquired to include Fire Officer III, Haz-Mat IC, Rescue Technician, Fire Inspector I and II, Fire Instructor I, II and III, and Haz Mat Technician Innovativeness: ¾ Directly responsible for the submission and procurement of no foam test kit modifications for all station and three wing A/S32P-19As by Environmental Affairs Division (EAD). The total cost of this initiative was $62,500.00 and is projected to substantially minimize the impact of foam to the environment as well as save over $6,200.00 annually in AFFF purchase costs. ¾ Developed and implemented a training program resulting in the educating of 381 squadron maintenance personnel on use of the 150 pound Halon 1211 extinguishers. This included lesson plans and conversion of one extinguisher to use water as a training aid. ¾ Implemented a cross training program with the MCAS Structural Fire Department, to reinforce the Fire Fighter I & II certification, for Marines who’s MOS by its nature is aviation based. Implemented Quality Management Principles and Initiatives: ¾ Implemented a tracking system for Career Development Courses (CDC) to better track and improve on the success rate of Marines enrolled in CDC training. Quality of Life Initiatives: ¾ Improved the ARFF fitness center with the addition of two tread mills and additional free weights. ¾ Improved the living conditions of the watch section building by replacing furniture, mattresses, television and refurbishing the building interior walls, ceiling and public address system. ¾ Senior Marines were trained in the following areas to assist junior and fellow Marines: Ground Safety Manager, Command Financial Specialist, Suicide Prevention Facilitator, and Equal Opportunity Representative. Other: ¾ One Navy and Marine Corps Commendation, four Certificates of Commendation, twelve Meritorious Masts, nine Letters of Appreciations, fifteen Good Conduct Medals and five physical fitness awards (individual awards) received by ARFF Marines. ¾ Licensed eleven A/S32P-19A, four 5000 gal P-26, and four class “A” tractor trailer vehicle operators. Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Fire Department of the Year Award (Large Category) Charleston Air Force Base Fire Department, South Carolina CUSTOMER SERVICE: Wheels in motion before the asphalt is dry…Charleston FFs are “on-scene!” - Today’s heroes--1,286 calls/211 structural/388 ARFF/252 EMS/12 HazMat; we saved lives/property every day! - Home of premier C-17 Globemaster III aircraft; $13B at risk; delivered 100% of war supplies, 160K cargo tons - AMC’s largest Fire Flight…protects two separate airfields operating four rwys & Chas Co’s International Airport - 295 msn-critical bldgs, 1,141 housing units, civilian airport, 10M-gal POL depot; $479M infrastructure at risk - Lifesavers! Rescuers raced to pt suffering heart attack on commercial Lear jet--successful emergency care effort - Frantic call via 911 for infant not breathing; rescue crews provided heroic CPR lifesaving efforts for 10+ minutes - No lifesaving effort spared for contractor who fell 35 ft at dorm construction site; EMS care lauded by Sr leaders - Rescue crews responded to 74-yo female in full arrest; immediate CPR/AED efforts aided in quick EMS transport - Error-free rescue op for MVA w/injured driver and two paxs--extricated occupants, administered timely BLS care - Flawless fire efforts to HazMat incident--mystery cylinder placed in overpack drum; scene safe, no injury/ life loss - HazMat experts! Firefighters contained major fuel leak on E-2 aircraft; absorbent pads kept 100 gals on the tarmac - Firefighters excelled during ’06 Air Expo on F-18 Blue Angel emergency barrier engagement; rwy open in 6 mins! - Rapidly resupplied fire units battling a huge brush fire threatening 10 houses in town of North--saved community! - Community heroes; delivered foam for mutual-aid 5K-gal diesel refueler fire in Wescott Plantation--saved the day! - Worked chaotic scene at shopping mall-- bomb dog alerted on vehicle; aided bomb squad & police; zero injuries - Decisive; MVA at front gate; gained access to pt w/no pulse--delivered AED shocks & sustained life until transfer! - Raced to ground emergency on single engine aircraft w/front gear collapse; safetied acft, cleared rwy; msn cont'd - Aided T-38 aircraft with loss of canopy upon take-off; quickly pinned gear and rendered medical attention to pilot - Commanded scene on F-15 emergency for hung flares; pinned munitions, bomb squad removed pod w/o incident - Battled fast-moving wildland fire that threatened base property; teamed w/ N. Chas FD to halt blaze--zero AF loss - Leapt into action during deep fat fryer fire at consolidated club; quick knock-down & containment saved $6M bldg DEPARTMENT LEVEL AWARDS, ACCREDITATION, CERTIFICATIONS & OTHER RECOGNITION: - Presented with Air Force’s 2006 CMSgt Ralph E. Sanborn Award for the “Best Fire Protection Flight” of the Year! - Key role in 437 CE Squadron’s selection as AMC’s Best CES & AF Curtin Award runner-up for 2006! #2 of 85 - Dept Breeds Professionals! Asst Chief Roger Schwartz-- 2006 Air Mobility Command Civilian Fire Officer of Yr! - AMC’s trendsetters; all fire-graded areas rated at least “Excellent” during 2006 AMC/IG UCI; no brag, just facts! - Brilliant--Inspector General validated--flt earned 3 Outstanding team awards, FACC, Training and Fire Prevention! - 1st AMC Wing to be IG rated w/FSTR exercise-- rated “Mission Ready”; standard all others are measured against! - Civilian/Military fire inspectors earned AF ‘06 GEICO Fire Prevention/Safety Awards; 1st winners from same base INNOVATIVENESS: Need a job done? Call 1-800 Team Charleston--ever ready, ever willing, always capable! - Sold base leaders on need for a new consolidated fire station-- $12M project approved for ‘09, Wing’s #2 priority - Procured $264K for D-21 Monaco fire alarm notification system; upgraded receivers; false calls were reduced 46% - Creative! Use of Geobase mapping messages to IC provides real-time Situation Reports--improved C2 decisions - FACC enhanced w/$750K Vesta E-911system; automated location identifier-- cut dispatch/response times 50% - Nailed down $40K in funding to inspect/maintain/service 114 flightline extinguishers-- global C-17 msns protected - First out! Primary medical responders; 15 NREMT-Bs certified this year--added new protocols; base reaps benefits IMPLEMENTED QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES & INITIATIVES: Always leading the way! - AF lead for new $100K wartime HazMat Technician Response Kit; provides offensive capability to DOD in Iraq - HQ AF FES selected CAFB Training Mgr as Fire Instructor II course subject matter expert--improved DoD prgm - DoD voice! Member of National Fire Protection Association’s 1041 Instructor Committee—leading our profession - Civic champs; coordinated joint training w/10 fire depts; taught 75 responders Incident Command Sys…IAW DHS - Bulldozed obstacles! Earned Air Staff approval for 3 manpower plus-ups due to increased missions; gained 27 FFs - EMT train-the-trainer certification now reality--3 certified flt instructors; saved $3K in contract costs; base impact QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVES: Our people are #1! Leverage available resources to increase efficiency! - Groundbreakers! Opened $2.2M MFH fire station; response times decreased from over 8 to less than 4 minutes! - Built learning ctr; 6 workstations; environment exudes professional development, top scores in Wing 3rd/4th qtrs - Cutting edge; certified 65 firefighters on AF's newest ARFF vehicle P-19R STRIKER—greater ARFF capability - Secured $30K in new furnishings for E-911 center; LCD monitors, ergo chairs, wireless comm--improved msn ops - Morale/Proficiency skyrocketed! $32K upgrade to ARFF live fire trainer; new multi-task confined space trainer OTHER: DoD Fire Protection Flight contenders! Other departments are just pretenders…need we say more? - Warfighters! “Ballad” battle tested heroes--4.6 man-yrs support for Joint OEF/OIF forces; can’t get any hotter! - Leading Joint Basing! Timely data paving way as CAFB gains 17K acres, 4 stations, 52 employees from US Navy - Resilient! Facing a 14% FF cut as part of AF 40K mil redux; dvlpd innovative AMC CONOPS; FD still in-service! DoD Fire Department of the Year (Small Department) Award Description: Annual team award to recognize DoD’s most outstanding small category fire departments for achieving the highest degree of excellence in mission support and fire protection management. Eligibility: Calendar year 2006 Small Fire Department of the Year award winners from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard (including contractor operated locations). The component annual award winners are the only organizations eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Small Fire Department with 3 or less staffed firefighting companies assigned, i.e., ARFF, pumper, ladder (excludes ambulance, rescue, cross staffed, and other support) y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard) selection as “Fire Department of the Year (Small Department)” for 2006 y Component prepared nomination document describing significant achievements and contributions using the following headings: - Customer Service - Department level awards, accreditation, certifications and other recognition - Innovativeness - Implemented quality management principles and initiatives - Quality of Life initiatives (In or outside of the fire department) - Other (This allows for addressing anything not covered under the other headings) Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force DLA 2006 DoD Fire Department of the Year (Small Department) Nominees US Army Garrison, Fort Sam Houston, TX Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA Parris Island, SC F.E. Warren Air Force Base Fire Department, WY DDJC San Joaquin, CA Army Navy U.S. Navy Fire Department of the Year (Small Category) 2006 Naval Submarine Base – Kings Bay, Georgia CUSTOMER SERVICE: US Navy’s premier submarine base--protected $9B in U.S. strategic defense assets - Responded to 385 structural, mutual aid, vehicle, wildland, and medical calls with zero firefighter injuries! - Faulty boat heater set Security Boat ablaze at 3 AM; quickly knocked down fire to prevent waterway fuel spillage - Calm under pressure! 20 injured submariners rescued from below decks using basket and high angle rope rigging - Protected 16K wildland acres for GA Forestry controlled burns; extinguished fire threatening recreational facilities - We still make house calls! Incident Command and life support for 106 medical calls and five lives saved - Averted potential environmental disaster; 35-gal hydraulic oil spill threatened water and marsh lands, safely contained; thereby preventing any significant damage to protected wetlands - Aggressive fire attack saved $638K MFH four-plex with LP tank blazing upon arrival; loss limited to vinyl siding - Developed SOPs for high angle rescue needs of Trident Refit Facility & installation maintenance crews - Unique F&ES challenges--largest covered drydock in Western Hemisphere & tallest building in Camden County - Reformatted Memorandums of Agreement with four MOA partners--customer service area now includes 50K people! - Exercised new MOA protocols--battled St Marys forest fire with engine crew and brush truck strike team element - Led the way! Trained Security forces, EOD, base agencies in National ICS system at SUBASE “white powder” drill DEPARTMENT LEVEL AWARDS/ACCREDITATION/CERTIFICATIONS/OTHER RECOGNITION: - Three responders featured in VT Griffin “Employees in Action” laudatory article for efforts during a house fire - Outstanding Fire Prevention support--Kings Bay awarded “Best in Navy” for regional Health/Safety/Fitness award - Tireless Training Chief--built DoD Certification program from zero; completed 126 of 174 required certs in one year - Kudos for courtesy eval of 911 Center; in depth report provided road map to meet NFPA & DoD dispatch compliance - Recognized for excellence--taught ICS and NIMS to Savannah Port Authority and SE Regional GA Police Academy - Confirmed community support at St Marys City Council meeting; presented appreciation plaque to city Fire Chief - Fire Prevention program rated “exemplary” by SUBASE OSHA Voluntary Protection Program assessment team - Received thanks from Camden County Fire Chief; base crews facilitated and evaluated “rookie class” at live fire burns INNOVATIVENESS: Building for tomorrow--integrating DoD Fire & Emergency Services vision today - Stood up Hazmat ops response capability--initiated towing capability, brought trailer and equipment into contract - Two firefighters Georgia St Search and Rescue trained; 368 grueling hours, assigned to SE regional team - Hosted GSAR training on base--utilized lift station for Confined Space Rescue class; six departments represented - Conducted helicopter medevac class; included EMS and Security elements in vectoring and loading techniques - Acquired old housing units scheduled for demolition, providing realistic forcible entry and ventilation training - Creatively attained DoD-required live-fire training--partnered with Camden County Fire Rescue for joint exercises - Trained 45 firefighters from four depts at joint auto extrication seminar; front page news for the Georgian-Tribune! - Obtained cost-free Incident Command training at Federal Law Enforcement Training Center for three chief officers - Brought in GA State Forestry to train responders--22 personnel nationally-certified as Basic Wildland Firefighter IMPLEMENTED QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND INITIATIVES: Never business as usual! - Two short-notice Asst Chief vacancies; launched in-house C2 upgrade program and qualified 5 crew chiefs - Fire Prevention inspectors worked diligently; 3,521 facility inspections, 2,785 hazardous permits, 298 fire drills - Rewrote outdated Hurricane Plan for 360 essential workers; key member Camden County disaster planning group - Updated requirement for firefighter radiological training integrated into contract saving 5,200 annual man-hours - Maintained MOA support capability; in-house SCBA maintenance program saved $40K in annual contract costs - Developed data tracker for SCBA service records; smart management for $75K of equipment and 29 individual units - Relocated bunker gear storage and renovated room to meet NFPA safety compliance and improved accountability - Launched proactive year-round fire prevention campaign through multiple installation media venues QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVES: Taking care of the people that take care of you--moral at all-time high - Secured $23K in special rescue equipment--revitalized Hazmat, Confined Space, and Rope Rescue capabilities - Obtained use of base gym for firefighters to meet standards of DoD and Navy-proscribed cardio/weight regimen - Each FF received personal fitness and wellness counseling for diet, exercise, tobacco cessation, stress reduction - Fire Station improvements a priority! New beds, floors, washer, dryer, walls painted, NFPA-compliant gear lockers - Empowered Crew Chiefs with greater responsibilities-part-time Asst Chief duties and distinctive uniforms - Created “learning lab” through self-help project to provide firefighters a comfortable, modern study environment OTHER: Out-front community leaders on and off duty, developed working partnerships in emergency services - Coordinated installation response to off-base “Radiological Spill” scenario, bringing base and community together - Integral part of multi-agency “boxed alarm” system; automatic response to support nearest adjoining jurisdiction - Cemented friendships! Base fire engine and crew honored guests at inaugural Kingsland Memorial Day Parade - Civic-minded; supported Special Olympics, Boy Scouts Camp, Red Ribbon Week campaign, ACS Relay for Life - Fabric of the community during holiday season; delivered food baskets/Angel Tree gifts to Camden House mission - Assisted “Seabee” construction crews on base projects; utilized fire apparatus to shuttle water to remote work sites Protecting Those Who Defend America Marine Corps Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Fire Department of the Year Award (Small Category) F. E. Warren Air Force Base Fire Department, Wyoming CUSTOMER SERVICE: - Designed emergency response segment U.S.’s first ever Nuclear Weapons Accident Response Capabilities Demo -- Coordinated response of 5 base and local agencies for observers from 26 NATO/Russia Council (NRC) nations -- Success! SECDEF directed demonstration described as flawless by the NRC delegation & NATO evaluators - Performed inspection/code enforcement at 793 facilities on base & across 3 states--no fire loss recorded for 2006 - Provided 6,000 volunteer hours to local fire districts/departments--joint training guaranteed successful responses - Teamed with Cheyenne FD to save 15-year-old male from mine shaft--coordinated effort ensured flawless rescue - Dispatched to 20 multi-jurisdictional brush fires--protected elementary school--saved 12K acres/$4.6M property - Responded to trauma patient with broken back--precise procedures of crew alleviated further injuries/saved a life - Developed/executed city/base multi-agency exercise--5 depts with 50 firefighters--first-ever on-base joint response - Created comprehensive multi-jurisdictional response plan for wildland fires--guaranteed success at 20 range fires -- Identified/consolidated quick-reference equipment resource location for ten county fire districts/state/DoD assets - Exceptional customer service--mitigated 24 vehicle accidents/105 medical calls--perfect execution--3 lives saved - Provided 80 training hrs on missile facility emergencies for 25 mutual aid departments--crews trained and prepared DEPARTMENT LEVEL AWARDS, ACCREDITATION, CERTIFICATIONS & OTHER RECOGNITION: - Excellence acknowledged--Department recognized as AF Space Command’s Best Fire Protection Flight for 2006 - Performed live fire training for area fire districts/WY State Fire Marshall--certified 25 local firefighters and cadets - Commanded response for nuclear weapon “Broken Arrow” exercise--DoD team said “best performance to date” - Conducted EMT-B refresher class for base/local departments/medics--dedicated 196 hours--re-certified 15 EMTs - Dedicated to improve--30 DoD certifications awarded/7 firefighter skill level upgrades--ready/prepared for action - IG recognized flight during Nuclear Surety Inspection (NSI) for “superb attention to detail”--zero discrepancies - First-class training program--tracked 7,500 hours--developed 6 wing exercises--“Excellent” rating for 2006 NSI INNOVATIVENESS: - Coordinated/hosted US Forest Service Wildfire Red Card class--certified 15 firefighters on combating range fires - Partnered w/Peterson FD, met new Jun ’06 AF mandate for live fire aircraft training and reportable requirements -- Developed/executed plan, provided critical training to 32 military troops--completed in 2 wks, no travel expenses - Enhanced multi-media training capability--designed and built training room--installed state-of-the-art equipment - Led Training Officer Working Group for fire districts and city--developed quarterly exercises--ensured joint efforts - Reduced wildfire risk created by UXO clearing proj--developed plan w/EOD--eliminated hazard--no added costs - Modernized HAZMAT training--improved current/purchased new props--drastically enhanced scenario realism - Only 1 of 7 AF Fire Departments w/training authorization to certify EMT-B’s--tripled EMS response capability IMPLEMENTED QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND INITIATIVES: - Spearheaded $57K rehab of fire department’s live fire training facility--eliminated potential training deficiency - Upgraded training administration to paperless process--eliminated duplication efforts--improved efficiency by 80% - Developed comprehensive training program to comply w/NIMS requirements--smoothed transition for entire wing - Exceedingly accurate--reviewed 119K sq ft of new construction projects--eliminated life safety concerns/hazards - Created departmental computer task list--tracked compliance w/NFPA 1201 Fire Protection Flt Assessment Plan -- Astute mgmt of 394 inspectable line items--identified/corrected critical/non-critical areas--rated “Excellent” - Meshed fire and deployment requirements--conducted and tracked mobility training for 34 military fire fighters -- Efforts ensured members received life-saving skills and training required to fulfill world-wide AF deployments QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVES: - Consolidated brush truck tool configuration--organized vital equipment--self-installation of storage unit saved $1K - Replaced antiquated FACC console--streamlined 911 dispatch center--allowed seamless integration w/comm sys - Researched/procured Smartboard & surround sound--upgraded 40 year old classroom--self-installation saved $8K - Renovations to 50 yr old station--replaced carpet in alarm center--secured contract to re-texture/paint entire bldg - Morale soared--executed over $180K in budget requirements to update station’s multi-media and comm systems OTHER: - Recognized experts--developed/instructed Incident Command course for Cheyenne Fire Department’s fire officers - Supported world’s largest outdoor rodeo--firefighters provided emergency medical care to 140K cowboys and fans - Developed temporary emergency plan for annual Thunderbirds air show--corrected planning shortfall--no mishaps - Community icons--200 vol hrs--static displays & EMS support for statewide Boy Scout conference/city safety day - Deployed 8 professionals to Balad, Iraq: AF’s 2nd busiest runway--directly protected $50M in assets/saved 3 lives - Devoted to mutual support--provided 5 instructors for WY Air Guard HAZMAT class--certified 9 firefighter techs - Firefighters led base-wide food drive for hurricane Katrina victims--collected/delivered 2K lbs of critical supplies DLA NOMINATION FOR DoD SMALL FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE YEAR 2006 DDJC SAN JOAQUIN CUSTOMER SERVICES: Leading the way…people, service, excellence, innovation and trust ●The DDJC Fire Dept provides emergency services to Defense Distribution Center San Joaquin which is a strategic distribution platform, consisting of two separate locations providing logistical support to U.S. war fighters. ●Protected 9.2 million sq. ft. of offices, homes and buildings, including 4.2 million sq. ft. of warehousing with items valued at over $4 billion, with a zero fire loss for the year. ●Provided fire and EMS for the Depot’s 1543 civilian and military employees, and over 700 tenant employees. ●Responded to 342 emergency situations on base and 258 requests for mutual aid with the nearby communities. ●Conducted fire extinguisher training for 908 depot employees using the LP gas fire extinguisher trainer for realism. ●Trained and certified 95 police officers to the HazMat operational level and Family Advocacy/Youth Center staff in CPR/first aid. ●Planned and participated in joint County and State live fire, WMD, HazMat, wildland firefighting and antiterrorism exercises. ●Committed the DDJC Accreditation Manager to assist the other DLA Fire Departments with their accreditation process to ensure all DLA Fire Departments become accredited agencies. DEPARTMENT LEVEL AWARDS, ACCREDITATION, CERTIFICATIONS AND OTHER RECOGNITION: DDJC Team Fire “Quiet Excellence” ●DDJC Fire Dept’s outstanding training accomplishments were instrumental in DDJC winning the Gold Award for 2006 from the California Council for Excellence. DDJC was the first-ever Government organization to receive this level of award in its 13-year history. This award is the equivalent to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. ●Our Fire Prevention Chief was selected by the American Legion as the California State Firefighter of the Year. ●Every member of the Department was presented with a plaque from the DDC Commander, Brigadier General Lally, and received a $600 cash award for our performance excellence. ●DDJC Fire Department personnel are 100% DoD certified to a minimum of their current grade, 60% are at the Officer IV level, department personnel have received 142 new DoD certifications this year. INNOVATIVENESS: Journey to performance excellence ●The DDJC Fire Department has completed the self -assessment process as outlined by CPSE, which includes the Strategic Plan, Standards of Response Coverage, Fire Demand Zone and Community Planning Zone maps. DDJC Fire Department is now in the applicant status awaiting arrival of the assessment team to complete the accreditation process. ●Utilizing counterterrorism funds installed a $100,000 command control center. ●Purchased an additional 100’ aerial platform to provide aerial coverage at both locations (15 miles apart). ●Upgraded all SCBA units to meet CBRN specifications utilizing counterterrorism funding. ●Utilized the “train the trainer” programs including DoD, State and County requirements. 90% of all training was conducted in- house, saving the Government approximately $385,000 IMPLEMENTED QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND INITIATIVES: Maintaining a focus on performance improvement ●Implemented a systematic approach (LEAN) for continuous process improvement that focuses on the identification and elimination of non-value added process steps. ●Motivated the work force to achieve their full potential through a timely, meaningful awards program. ●Adopted the Baldrige Plan, Do, Study, Act model for implementing critical performance excellence as our framework for management and the changes and improvements. QUALITY OF LIFE INITIATIVES: Commitment to employee well- being, satisfaction and motivation ●Developed a Fire Department Partnership Committee giving members a voice in the decision making process for enhancements to uniforms, equipment, training, working environment and quarters. ●Provided family support with departmental family day picnics and holiday events. ●Obtained funding to provide new sleeping quarters, a training room at station 2, satellite television for each firefighter’s room, new dining room furniture and new ice cube machines. OTHER: Supporting the community ●Provides two arson investigators to the County Arson Investigation Task Force. ●Serves as the training hub and hosts all major County and Municipal fire service training. ●Adopted and provided food and Christmas gifts for needy families in San Joaquin County. ●Supported base housing, local schools and child care centers with a visit from Smokey the Bear. ●Donated annual leave (300 hours) to assist a fellow firefighter with a personal tragedy at another installation. DoD Fire Prevention Program of the Year Award Description: This annual award recognizes DoD’s best fire prevention program for their outstanding achievements and accomplishments in direct support of the mission regardless of the size or location. Eligibility: Calendar year 2006 Fire Prevention Program of the Year award winners from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard (including contractor operated locations). The component annual award winners are the only organizations eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard (including contractor operated locations)) selection as “Fire Prevention Program of the Year” for 2006 y Component prepared nomination document describing significant achievements and contributions using the following headings: - Fire Prevention Inspections, Engineering, Code Compliance, Enforcement - Community and Public Education Programs - Innovativeness - Other (This allows for addressing anything not covered under the other headings) Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force DLA Coast Guard 2006 DoD Fire Prevention Program of the Year Nominees Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD Commander Naval Forces Japan Regional Fire Department Camp Lejeune, NC Elmendorf Air Force Base Fire Department, Alaska Defense Supply Center Richmond, VA Mr. Dale Schultz, Maintenance and Logistics Command Atlantic Army Navy U.S. Navy Fire Prevention Program of the Year 2006 Commander Naval Forces Japan Regional Fire Department FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTIONS/ENGINEERING/CODE COMPLIANCE/ENFORCEMENT: - Fire Prevention division encompasses more than 29 geographically separated areas with over 30,000,000 sq. ft. - Operates with two Prevention Chiefs, 17 local national inspectors who perform in an outstanding manner - Conducted over 8,641 quality fire inspections and issued more than 2,143 hot work permits region wide; provided quality education and hands-on training to an estimated 60,000 personnel to include local mutual aid communities - Deployed a team of five fire inspectors to the Island of Iwo Jima to perform fire inspections of 40 critical facilities - Diligently worked 14 hr days over a three day period in support of Carrier Air Wing 5 ; enhanced Flight Op’s - Provided technical expertise for nuclear carrier transition working group of Forward Deployed Naval Forces Japan - Spearheaded key infrastructure improvements ensuring smooth transition of first-ever nuclear vessel in theater - Conducted comprehensive fire prevention engineering reviews for over 130 complex facility designs valued in excess of $150 million; diligence ensured fire protection and life safety features were incorporated into all designs - Comprehensive re-writes of local Fire Prevention regulation; document provides sound guidance to fire wardens - Coordinated evacuation drills of 44 high-rise facilities; provided post-drill training that included live fire extinguisher training, evacuation procedures, personnel accountability, fire reporting procedures and fire safety COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Educating the community is essential for success! - Navy Assessment team recognized Prevention program as “Best seen to date”; Benchmark throughout Enterprise - Exemplary Fire Prevention & Public Education programs; Sparked Community Interest, hosted over 3,600 visitors throughout 2006; highly motivated and dedicated staff key to building solid bridge with host-nation communities - Over $60,000 allocated for fire prevention and educational materials in an effort to educate the public on fire safety; participated in countless community events; provided interactive training programs and displays for the public - Team Builders! Hosted 57th Annual Red Rooster fire fighting competition for 36 host-nation fire departments - Created “Sparky Show” to educate children on importance of fire safety; firefighters built stage, props, developed script and performed 30 minute show; praised by public and consistently requested by local mutual aid departments - Highly successful outreach program that provided fire safety education to the Japanese communities and local businesses; program rated first-class and received many accolades from local organizations and city leaders - Provided specialized counseling to three Juvenile Fire Setters; efforts enhanced overall safety of the community - Attention getter! Interactive puppet show at Child Development Centers used to identify danger zones in the home - Purchased second Fire Safety House for the region bolstering department’s capability to reach out to our children INNOVATIVENESS: Simply the Best!! Consistently sets the standard for Fire Prevention and Life Safety! - Launched numerous initiatives enhancing program effectiveness throughout Navy and host-nation communities - Created database to track fire safety deficiencies and to monitor the corrective actions; Region wide program use - Developed bi-lingual presentation and trained over 1,100 fire wardens; clearly defined roles and responsibilities - Implemented Air Force Institute of Advanced Distance Learning career development courses for host-nation fire inspectors; obtained 16 separate DoD certifications instilling confidence through sound knowledge and application - Utilized portable propane fire trainer to conduct fire extinguisher training for newcomers and assigned fire wardens - Trained over 7,000 personnel; provided realism while safely demonstrating dangers associated with fighting fires - Reached out to school age children through the annual Fire Prevention Week poster contest; Over 400 entries - Fire Chief and Installation Commanders presented 25 winners with U.S. savings bonds totaling more than $1,000 - Creative use of Commanders Access Channel as an effective tool to teach fire safety throughout the community; outstanding initiative enabled department to reach More People, More Often, More Effectively; Great Awareness! - Continued efforts to comply with new NFPA 10 requirement for use of Class “K” fire extinguishers; purchased, installed, and trained employees on proper use; efforts resulted in increased fire safety for employees and patrons OTHER: Unparalleled programs provide quality education throughout the base and local communities - Received numerous Letters of Appreciation from base activities and local communities for our prevention programs - Close organizational ties with local organizations such as Knights of Columbus, Shriners, Mason Lodge, Filipino American Society, and Officers Spouses Clubs; these organizations generously supplement fire safety programs - Gave back to Community! Fire Department fund-raisers helped those in need; contributed monetary donations and gifts to local orphanages. Partnered with USMC promoting “Toys for Tots” campaign across military communities - Highly effective inspections and focused education programs assisted numerous organizations in maintaining certifications and licenses to operate such as Navy medicine, Home Day Care, and Child Development Centers - Solid Customer Service Survey program; evaluation of service used as a means to continuously enhance processes - Members of the Quality Review Board; ensured home day care providers were properly trained and operated safely Protecting Those Who Defend America Marine Corps Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Fire Prevention Program of the Year Award Elmendorf Air Force Base Fire Department, Alaska Fire Prevention Inspections, Engineering, Code Compliance, Enforcement: Protected $6B in defense assets - First in DoD; developed a Joint Army/Air Force Fire Prevention regulation--consolidated fire prevention practices - Leader of the Pack! Identified during 2006 Unit Compliance Inspection as a stellar element--received no write-ups - Outstanding communicators! Instructed 22K personnel on prevention matters; .0003% fire loss/assets value $6B+ - Identified 300 FSDs on Ft Rich & Army Guard; aggressive actions resulted in 75 corrections--$450M in protected - Benchmark effort! Facility Board/earmarked $400K per FY for FSD correction--reduced FSD IIs by 65% one year - Identified/corrected CDC major deficiencies; eliminated hazards--AFCESA certified, 200 providers/kids protected - Performed 6-yr maintenance & hydrostatic test on 6K+ extinguishers; ACES records updated--first line of defense - Hydrostatic tested extinguishers for 2 satellite locations; estimated save of $810K in agent replacement costs - Completed design reviews for $250M MILCON project for housing C-17/F-22 aircraft & personnel--on schedule! - Conducted an unprecedented 1,074 fire safety (un)scheduled inspections--ensured mandatory code compliance met - Performed 406 home day care inspections covering Elmendorf/Ft. Richardson; validated standards for home safety - Team of superstars; educated 3,089 Army/Air Force personnel during newcomer’s orientation--100% trained rate! - Leader in hot work training program; trained 265 DoD/contractor personnel; 4K+ permits issued; zero related fires - Reviewed 25 MILCON/SABER projects; identified major fire deficiencies--saved $250K in design corrections - Engineered Ft. Richardson’s Army Installation Child and Youth Team (ICYET) inspections; evaluated 4 school age programs/3 child development centers on fire drills/code compliance/notification requirements--100% passed - Conducted housing briefings for 835 AF/Army/Navy/Marine personnel; education pays--lowest fire loss rate in yrs - Identified 8 dorms w/ deficient audible levels; implemented immediate corrective action--lauded by IG during UCI - Launched Comprehensive/Multi-disciplinary inspection for Elmendorf’s School Age programs, Youth Center & Child Development Centers; evaluated fire drills/occupant’s fire safety awareness/code compliance--stellar job! - Identified/initiated corrective measures for 20 commercial kitchens’ exhaust systems--new UFC requirement met - Oversees quality assurance inspections for 25 commercial cooking facilities--12 discrepancies noted & corrected - Fire Prevention Proven! Conducted 51 acceptance test; corrected 3 deficiencies--100% compliant with standards - Conducted 158 monthly fire drills at CDCs/schools/School Age Prgms/Youth Centers; initiated/monitored evacuation drills/ crushed AF 2 min reqt by a minute; 22K Elmo/Ft. Rich children participated and free from harm - Gave hands-on extinguisher training to 2.4K people; instilled confidence to extinguish fires--2,161 bldgs protected Community and Public Education Programs: Platinum results! #1 requested element for public education - Hosted open house activities at Ft Rich/Elmendorf; two day event provided equipment displays/demonstrations/fire safety info food/drinks/door prizes; extremely successful event raised awareness/entertained 1,500+ participants - Great ambassadors! Demonstrated life saving techniques in smoke filled environment to 230 individuals in local community; utilized Fire Safety Trailer during Military Appreciation Day--voted as best display & safety message - Supported Anchorage youth careers; 375+ students educated, taught fire/safety awareness--insight to military life - Trained 495 Med troops hands-on fire extinguisher use; all in 1 day; maintained 3 MDG/GP JAHCO accreditation - Local tasking; 1.2K University of Alaska students trained on fire extinguisher use--strengthen community relations - Interagency liaison; trained 75 Navy/25 Army personnel on fire drills, hotwork program, & prevention techniques - Sponsored Fire Safety Poster Contest for 6 schools; 2K students and key reminder of home fire safety importance - Teamed w/ AAFES/111th Anniversary; 400 patrons received fire/safety awareness--enhanced community relations - Instructed 70 Ft. Richardson personnel on Community Emergency Response Planning; taught how to conduct a risk analysis, size-up & treatment of injured during natural disaster/terror attack--1st line of defense trained & ready - Participated in USACE Safety Day; 250 personnel received fire awareness training--lauded by AK district manager Innovativeness: Thrives for challenges; displayed ingenuity in anticipating & meeting unexpected situations - Worked w/ local agencies; Fraternal Order of Alaska State Troopers/First National Bank Alaska/Alaska Railroad/ Wayland Baptist; received $4K in donations for prizes supporting Fire Prevention Week-- lauded as “best seen” - Command recognized Prevention Week Program as superior; posted slides on web site--absolutely none better! - Prevention message extended beyond gates; 46 Civil Air Patrollers experienced realism of home fire safety trailer - Developed hood/suppression training program; trained 300 DoD/contractor personnel--zero fire related incidents - Visits public assembly before major social events; evaluates on site safety conditions--prevents potential hazards Other: Seizes the opportunities to dazzle the public & fire communities … Remains AF’s #1 prevention program - Spearheaded fire fighter sponsored Airmen Against Drunk Driving weekend; 19 drivers/escorts--credited 47 saves - Hard charging! 6 inspectors graduated from Ansul UL 300 system training--enhanced our inspection capabilities - Promoted/evaluated fire safety during 2006 Air Show; inspected food booths/flightline/smoking areas/aircraft displays for fire safety & code enforcement--160K people attended 2 day event with zero fire/safety mishap, super! - Elmendorf/Ft. Richardson 1st; 2 inspectors certified as fire/arson investigators--met NFPA 921/1033 requirements - Exemplary performance; inspector graduated Fire Inspector III from Goodfellow AFB--class leader, top graduate - Fire station safety program manager; inspected 7 stations & 170 checklist items--maintained accreditation status DLA Fire Prevention Program of the Year Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR), Fire & Emergency Services Fire Prevention Inspections, Engineering, Code Compliance, Enforcement: • DSCR Fire Prevention staff maintains a high level of vigilance over an inspection program covering seven million square foot of inspectible structures. Of this seven million there are several hazardous material warehouses that have extremely hazardous materials in them that require a weekly inspection. The fire prevention staff is required by DODI 6055.6 to be staffed with four full time inspectors but due to budget constraints the two positions have not been filled and the two inspectors are performing the duties of four with no significant shortfalls. • Fire prevention personnel reviewed approximately $33 million in MILCON and $18 million in SRM projects. Fire prevention personnel have reviewed several key projects to include a Conference Center with a capacity of approximately 1600 seats, a water distribution project that encompasses the entire installation water system and the base wide fire alarm reporting system. All of these projects have been extremely complicated projects requiring hours of research and painstaking reviews to ensure code compliance. Community and Public Education Programs: • DSCR Fire Prevention has developed several fire prevention programs that are benchmark programs in DLA. Over the past several years DSCR has seen natural disasters that have affected operations on the installation and in the county. Recognizing the need for a disaster preparedness program the fire prevention staff put together an extensive program that covered natural disasters such as tornados, hurricanes, flooding and severe thunderstorms all which have touched DSCR employees in the last 4 years. Not only has the fire prevention staff provided DSCR personnel with handouts, but each year the staff has secured a guest speaker to talk with center personnel and several emergency preparedness agencies in the Commonwealth. • The Fire Prevention staff has developed a special relationship with an off base elementary school where they provide fire safety training several times a year to kindergartners - 6 graders. The inspectors have developed different programs for each grade that educates and entertains the children keeping them energized about fire and life safety topics in their school and in their homes. • The fire prevention staff conducts several national campaigns to include “Change Your Clock Change Your Battery” and Fire Prevention Week ensuring maximum contact with installation personnel. Innovativeness: • The DSCR, Fire Prevention section is providing an innovative approach to annual fire extinguisher training. Fire extinguisher training in the past has involved the use of a trainer that not only uses propane but requires the trainees to discharge a chemical agent onto the trainer to extinguish the fire. The staff researched and redeveloped their entire fire extinguisher training program incorporating a new state of the trainer that uses no chemicals, no live fire but provides the maximum hands on training possible. This new trainer can be used inside and allows those individuals that may be uneasy or concerned about using fire extinguishers a chance to become comfortable and able to deploy and use a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire. The new trainer has also saved the installation several thousands of dollars to service and recharge extinguishers. Other: • The DSCR, Fire Prevention Office is a member of the Persons with Disabilities Program Committee (PWDPC) Special Emphasis Program (SEP). They serve as stewards for concerns in regards to fire and life safety. The prevention staff works hand-in-hand with the committee to work through issues that affect individuals that require special assistance during emergencies. • The Fire Prevention Office has served as the lead office to draft the DLA Fire Protection Plan. This fire prevention plan is to be applied through our DLA Fire & Emergency Services community. This plan will serve as a comprehensive guide for installation personnel on fire prevention issues. Coast Guard U.S. Coast Guard Fire Prevention Program of the Year Award Maintenance and Logistics Command Atlantic Fire Safety Specialist, Mr. Dale Schultz 1. Fire Prevention Inspections, Engineering, Code Compliance, Enforcement. • Mr. Schultz performs two fire and life safety inspections annually of 300 East Main Street, Norfolk VA (Main Street Tower – MST) housing the Maintenance and Logistics Command Atlantic (MLCA). The building is thirteen stories; fully sprinklered, multi tenanted occupied by government (leased by GSA) and commercial business occupancies. He utilizes one inspection to address fire and life safety hazards throughout Coast Guard (CG) occupied spaces; informing CG managers of identified discrepancies and forwarding building issues to GSA for corrective action. His second inspection is coordinated with the City of Norfolk VA., Fire Department (FD) Fire Marshals Office, to perform building familiarization and to update and educate the Norfolk FD on CG emergency evacuation plans, fire drill execution, shelter-in-place procedures, and hurricane preparedness. • Mr. Schultz in responsible for ensuring that fire and life safety inspections are accomplished and compliance with nationally recognized codes (NFPA) and engineering’s best practices are adhered to at two hundred CG units throughout Atlantic Area. He conducts extensive comprehensive fire detection and fire suppression system evaluations at each of these units. He continuously makes recommendations to ensure state-of-the art fire prevention and protection is maintained throughout the two hundred CG units. 2. Community and Public Education Programs. • In support of The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Fire Prevention Week, Mr. Schultz has developed and maintains a display, in the public lobby of MST, themed around the respective NFPA fire prevention topic. Last year the topic “Prevent Cooking Fires – Watch What You Heat” was supported by themed pamphlets and handouts, videos and DVD’s playing throughout the day, and hands on discussion, maximizing his efforts in targeting building pedestrian traffic in the mornings, mid-day and evenings. • Also, as part of the Fire Prevention Week campaign, Mr. Schultz coordinates with the “Energizer Company,” who supply free of charge, two thousand nine volt batteries for distribution to building occupants, CG Families, Reservists, Auxiliarists and building tenants; as replacement batteries in residential smoke detectors. • Mr. Schultz volunteers his personal time on weekends, evenings and regular-day-off, assisting the City of Virginia Beach, VA., Fire Marshalls Office, conducting inspections of outdoor public events and places of assembly. He evaluates code compliance and public safety at special events and venues throughout the year. 3. Innovativeness. • Mr. Schultz was requested by Atlantic Area Command, in Portsmouth VA., to organize and assist the command in developing a fire and emergency evacuation plan and train the floor wardens in the event of an emergency. In addition he incorporated handicapped evacuation procedures, utilizing the City of Portsmouth VA. Fire Department and a commercially procured “DynaMed” stair chair for people with disabilities and needing assistance during evacuation. • Mr. Schultz annually coordinates updates the floor fire warden roster and provides initial and updated annual training on MST evacuation procedures. He ensures each warden is assigned a vest and whistle, and trained in the utilization of the “DynaMed” stair chair. The training also encompasses actions required in the Facility Emergency Action Plan (FEAP), Shelter-in-Place Procedure, as well as Bomb Threats and Hurricane Preparedness. 4. Other (anything not addressed in the headings, above). • Mr. Schultz is regularly requested by the command to present the required annual training, at all hands, on FAEP, Shelter-in-Place, and Hurricane Preparedness. The command population is briefed on the roles and responsibilities of the floor wardens and actions to take in the event of an emergency. He discusses the basics of High-Rise fire and life safety detection and suppression systems present in MST. DoD Civilian Firefighter of the Year Award Description: This annual award recognizes an individual civilian firefighter for superior job performance and outstanding contributions to the fire service, with specific focus for on-duty related contributions to Fire and Emergency Services program. Eligibility: Civilian Firefighter (including DoD contractor personnel) serving in one of the following duty positions: Firefighter, Driver Operator, Dispatcher, Fire Inspector, and Lead Firefighter. Civilian and Contract Firefighters with different duty position titles, but equivalent duty responsibilities, are also eligible. Calendar year 2006 Civilian Firefighter of the Year award winners from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency and Coast Guard. The component annual award winners are the only individuals eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency and Coast Guard) selection as “Civilian Firefighter of the Year” for 2006. y Component prepared nomination document describing significant achievements and contributions using the following headings: - Accomplishments - Job Performance - Technical competence - Leadership ability - Initiative - Resourcefulness Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force DLA Coast Guard 2006 DoD Civilian Firefighter of the Year Nominees Johnny E. Grice, Fort Rucker, AL Mr. Hideyki Kusaba, Commander Naval Forces, Japan Captain Paul Purdy Mr. William A. O’Meara, IV, Anderson Air Force Base, Guam Firefighter Lawrence A. Beal, San Joaquin, CA Robert C. Hiddeman, Cape May, NJ Army Navy U.S. Navy Civilian Firefighter of the Year 2006 Firefighter - Mr. Hideyuki Kusaba Commander Naval Forces Japan Regional Fire Department ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Proven performer who consistently makes the best, better! Always leans forward - Huge Mission! Astonishing support for over 5,000 personnel, eight fire stations, eight geographically dispersed sites, two housing areas, three fuel storage sites, two ordnance sites, seven-home ported ships & 500 facilities - Enthusiastic force as EMS Program Manager, acted as medical response & training subject matter expert; trained & certified 92 firefighters to First Responder level; raised medical capability 75% reduced response time 50% - Japanese/English interpreter skills proved critical during numerous multi-agency responses; allowed for rapid updates to on-scene commanders; Ensured mutual aid partners positioned correctly; praised by senior leadership - Organizer & key planner for multi-agency disaster planning group; Organized departmental participation in four citywide disaster drills; efforts praised by Regional Fire Chief and Prefectural Mayors of cities surrounding Sasebo EVOC instructor for Fire Department; Trained & certified 33 instructors; outstanding internal training capability! JOB PERFORMANCE: Mastered his chosen career field as few others have, highly committed to his craft - Major Contributor! CNO/SECNAV’s Environmental Quality Overseas Installation and Cultural Resources Award - Articulate and knowledgeable! Trained 47 personnel on mission critical confined space & high angle rescue tools; increased department’s ability to respond, control, mitigate, and protect personnel during life threatening situations - Conducted WMD/Hazmat refresher training using current information; researched information, created lesson plans, and developed power point presentations raising level of understanding for our firefighters during responses - Training & skills demonstrated during bi-lateral “Keen Edge” exercise; department praised for actions throughout - Maintained operational proficiency of $370K confined space equipment inventory; ensured equipment exceeded - stringent NFPA/OSHA standards & operational readiness for emergencies …immaculate documentation of program - Keen attention to detail! NFPA 1500 Committee member; reviewed and updated safety inspection checklist used during facility inspections resulted in identification of critical shortfalls; developed ORM and initiated corrections - Health/Safety Committee member; conducted critical Safety Stand Down briefings on all fire department concerns TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: 21st century firefighter who relentlessly increases his value to the team! - Innovative Instructor! Vital competencies demonstrated as First Responder, EVOC & Hazardous Materials Instructor - Provided English translation to Japanese EMS First Responders …provided crucial communication link for patients - Systematic! Ensures Basic Life Support procedures standardized across companies as Emergency First Responder - Efforts proved critical to successful outcome of numerous responses; praised for effort at local Town Hall meeting - Coordinator of EMS Working Group; ensuring all EMS personnel have a voice. Builds positive relationships with all! - Certified CNFJ Regional Fire Academy Instructor; diligent preparation & knowledge ensures high quality training - Translated materials, developed lesson plans, and provided hands-on training for the Ahura First Defender detector - Hand-selected to perform pump service test procedures and training on the new Pierce Engine to 45 FD personnel LEADERSHIP ABILITY: Quick to take lead in coordinating and accomplishing any-all department activities - Leads by example! Department liaison opened communication & raised relations between Japanese/American FD’s - Responded to massive 10-hour carpenter shop fire provided valuable translation input. Proven Leadership Qualities! - Critical direction to firefighters paved the way for a successful mutual aid response with no injuries to personnel - Provided CPR instruction to 150 firefighters & 33 members of base community and saved $10K in training costs - Organizer of Fire Department’s display during “4th of July” celebration; high profile event within local community - Team builder! Organizer of department’s Color Guard unit coordinated joint efforts for three host-nation parades - Received numerous Letters of Appreciation from base activities and local communities for his training programs INITIATIVE: Doesn’t wait for great things to happen, he makes them happen for the Department and himself! - Volunteered to attend advanced certification training on Confined Space Rescue & High Angle Rescue courses - Led the effort to conduct semi-annual evacuation drills of multiple high-rise living facilities moving hundreds - Efforts lauded by Commanders as pro-active; program ensures life safety is priority number 1 …Congratulations! - Created an “After Action Review” template for post-drill critique; initiative raised team & individual performance - Subject matter expert; created all promotion testing study materials and practical application skills for FD personnel - Updated tactical and operational lesson plans for the 105’ Aerial Apparatus dramatically improved response safety - Role model on & off-duty; volunteer soccer coach for local area team; competitive drive harnessed Division Title! RESOURCEFULNESS: Driven to excel: finds ways to achieve under any circumstances, always produces results! - Identified WMD, Anti-Terrorism and Hazardous Material manpower assignment needs; co-authored response matrix - Utilized annual work plan of 2,300 recurring requirements; assured program compliance and enhanced productivity - NFPA Safety/Training monitor for 150 department personnel; program focus on accident prevention & life safety - Spearheaded partnership with base Safety office for training of host-nation employees on Confined Space Rescue - Translated electronic lesson plan library of 48 topics; provides firefighter accessible 24/7 …increased accessibility! - Exceptionally active in all aspects of fire department training; ensured proficiency and mission readiness at all times - Promotes cultural sensitivity and awareness to new U.S. employees during transition to Japan …Bridging the gap! Protecting Those Who Defend America Marine Corps Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Civilian Firefighter of the Year Award Mr. William A. O’Meara IV, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Some win awards based on author’s writing ability, Will wins on accomplishments! - #1 of 5,548 superb engineers; hands down winner of the Air Force Civilian Technician Manager of the year for ‘06 - His superior leadership was recognized again! Awarded 36 CES Civilian Technician of month award for July 2006 - Provided cutting edge protection for $2B in aircraft, 1K MFH, 6K residents; mitigated 1.2K calls this award period - Expert; wrote P-30 vehicle computer based test for new drivers--he’s the in-house subject matter expert for this rig JOB PERFORMANCE: Steady as they come, underneath running A/C, in a fire, saving a life, he's your guy - Saved a life; treated heat stroke patient with 107 core temp--credited with saving members vital organs and his life - Heroic effort; administered vital EMS attention to an overdose victim--his medical skills ensured she is alive today - Saved KC-135 aircraft; evacuated crew, pinpointed smoke origin with heat gun, disconnected battery--no fire loss - Superb response to an F-18 ground emergency on take-off, aircraft lost steering and breaks skidded off the runway -- Facilitated emergency shutdown and secured aircraft; performed FOD sweep--limited airfield downtime to 5-min - Created SCBA program; didn’t just fix it, built lasting program that will flourish for years--no inspection write-ups - Driven; performed CPR and defibrillator shock on a patient suffering from anaphylactic shock and unable to breath -- Performed AED shocks/chest compressions for 45 minutes--heroic life saving efforts praised by family members - Expert tactics on B-2 bomber w/hung munitions; quickly secured aircraft/evacuated crew--$2B jet/munitions safe - Risked life six times for water rescue saves--battled waves, dangerous currents, & jagged coral reefs to save others TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Jack of all trades, SCBA, rescue, EMS, H/M, confined space, go to guy for all - He is the only non-GS-9 and above that I would trust to fill in as the Assistant Chief of Operations! He is that good - Lauded--expertise in confined space, rescue, EMS were praised by PACAF fire chief during the Apr 06 inspection - Workhorse; completed 12 fire inspections, identified & corrected 23 FSD's--$3.5M in correction now programmed - Superstar performer on NFPA 1500 committee; mitigated critical findings--flight sailed through XMAT inspection - Versatile; 1 of only 3 certified ambulance drivers in FD--life saving skills augmented an undermanned medic staff - FDs subject matter expert on aircraft rescue; created AFTO 88 and digital pre-fire plans and info at our finger tips - Responded to 5-year-old w/9mm wound to her foot--experience and quick actions were credited w/saving her foot - Requested by name by ambulance crew eight different times during complicated medical transports--no loss of life LEADERSHIP ABILITY: His courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion not position! A focused leader - Filled demanding GS-8 rescue crew chief position; mitigated 425 complicated emergencies as a crew chief--superb - “Valiant Shield” standout; protected 295 A/C, 470+ sorties, mitigated 14 in-flight emergencies--mission complete! - Vital member; most active non-supervisory level FF on self-inspection rewrite team--flight’s now 97 % compliant - Incredible direction; orchestrated training operations observed by the AF-Curtin award evaluation team--flawless - Key planner--helped develop flight’s Smart Goals for 2006; path for success--Flights model now's CE's benchmark - Flights "unofficial leader" voted as President of Firefighter Association--flight’s esprit de corps & moral leader! -- Authored by-laws, promoted membership, led fundraisers--membership up 60%, raised $1.5K for FP week 2006 - Community leader; committee chairman for Boy Scout Troop 20--team leader for “Order of the Arrow” Ceremony - Performer; lead an 18 minute response for real world water rescue call--coined by the Wing IG for record response - Led first strike containment actions on a 375 gallon fuel spill; superb mitigation averted an environmental disaster INITIATIVE: If I had an FD full of FF's like this we would have zero fire loss and win FD of the Year! - Tenacious! Attained national EMT certification; upgraded EMS program by 15%--skills used to mitigate 127 calls - Completed 300 hours of ER time to keep his EMT certification current--he is key to our front line medical defense - Attended both Fire Officer II and Fire Instructor II courses--significantly improved his fire ground knowledge base - Attained certification in space shuttle rescue, WMD train the trainer, eight FEMA emergency management courses - Orchestrated FD’s participation in the Wing annual 4th of July celebration--strived to bolster community relations - Volunteered to chaperon (47) 7th graders on field trips to Pagat Caves & Ritidan beach--Guam’s culture on display - Confined space guru; researched/replaced outdated equipment--$7K in fallout received--all UCI write-ups rectified -- Repelled down 360’ to injured hiker--patient sustained broken back—flawless packaging prevented paralysis RESOURCEFULNESS: If all my GS-7's saved me this much money I could balance the US budget in FY07 - Genius; converted burn house to combo wood/LP--realistic training helped douse $60K house fire in only 90 secs - Organized efforts to repair 16 pieces of specialized rescue equipment--ingenuity extended life span, saved FD $5K - Devised plan to rotate rescue & HazMat rigs--reduced wear/tear 40%, saved $80K, extended vehicle service life - Voluntarily performed recurring maintenance on propane live fire training facilities--efforts saved 36th Wing $30K - Creative--used our bench stock to repair 22 air packs--saved $88K--all 78 assigned packs operational--AAFB first - Life saver--ordered/received $12K in external defibrillators--medical capability up over 100%--6K residents safer - Firefighter fitness; landed $25K in cardio equipment; filled FD’s renovated gym--increased capabilities by 200% - Boy Scout Troop Committee Chairmen; volunteered over 200 hrs in 2006--Guam scouting experience memorable - Completed open water and rescue dive courses--improved water rescue program by understanding diver symptoms DLA NOMINATION FOR DoD FIREFIGHTER OF THE YEAR 2006 DDJC SAN JOAQUIN The Defense Distribution Depot San Joaquin (DDJC) Fire Department takes great pride in nominating Firefighter Lawrence A. Beal for the DLA Firefighter of the year. ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Firefighter Beal was designated as the Accreditation Manager for DDJC, and is responsible for developing a plan of action to complete our accreditation process. • Mr. Beal researched and authored the DDJC Fire and Emergency Services Strategic Plan. • Mr. Beal researched and authored the DDJC Fire and Emergency Services Standard of Response Coverage. • Mr. Beal developed Fire Demand Zone and Community Planning Zone maps for both DDJC site locations covering an area of more than 1600 acres. • Mr. Beal developed a highly efficient fire inspection report format, currently in use by our Fire Prevention branch. • Mr. Beal lead the team completing a Plan, Do, Study, Act project for Fire Hydrant markers on the depot. JOB PERFORMANCE • Mr. Beal was recently named the DDJC Firefighter of the Year, and was honored by the Local American Legion Post for that accomplishment. • Mr. Beal has contributed immeasurably to the success of the Department’s Prevention and Inspection Programs. He has conducted classes for the family housing at DDJC during several Fire Prevention functions. • Mr. Beal’s performance exceeds all of the required Federal job element criteria and the expectations of his supervisors and peers. His dedication, innovativeness, and positive work ethic motivate others around him to participate in the success of the accreditation process. • Mr. Beal conducted fire extinguisher training for approximately 150 US Army Reserve unit and GSA personnel, two tenant organizations on the base. TECHNICAL COMPETENCE • Mr. Beal holds an AS in Fire Technology. He is certified as Fire Instructor III, Fire Inspector III, Fire Officer IV, Hazardous Material Technician, and Hazardous Materials Incident Command. • Mr. Beal is certified as an Emergency Medical Technician Defibrillator, American Red Cross CPR/AED/ First Aid Instructor for the Sierra/Sacramento Chapter and American Red Cross Train the Trainer Instructor. He has completed the FEMA courses in Fire Supervisor, Emergency Program Manager, Emergency Preparedness, and Radiological Emergency Management. • Mr. Beal is a CFAI Self Assessor and Peer Assessor, and is a Certified Emergency Evaluation Team member (USAF). LEADERSHIP ABILITY • Mr. Beal often serves as a member and leader of an operations team at emergencies for which he has received recognition by his superiors for his performance, knowledge, skills and leadership. • Mr. Beal has demonstrated the desire to serve as a skilled and knowledgeable leader within the organization and command by providing employees and command staff with guidance and valuable information. He is also assisting other DLA Fire Departments with their Accreditation process by visiting DSCC, DSCP and DSCR. INITIATIVE • Mr. Beal is a motivator and a self-starter. His commitment to completing the Self-Assessment Manual led him to volunteer over 300 hours beyond his regular duty schedule. • Mr. Beal implemented the “Shared drive” for the Fire Department, populating the drive to increase efficiency within the Administration, Operations, and Prevention departments. • Mr. Beal is a proponent for Car Seat Safety, providing assistance to base families with the proper and safe installation of their children’s car seats. RESOURCEFULNESS • Mr. Beal has used his years of service in fire departments at locations throughout the world to develop a plan for the Accreditation process. His focus and goal has been to ensure our Accreditation plan exceeds the standard and exemplifies a model for other departments to follow. Coast Guard DoD Military Firefighter of the Year Award Description: This annual award recognizes an individual military firefighter for superior job performance and outstanding contributions to the fire service, with specific focus for on-duty related contributions to Fire and Emergency Services programs. Eligibility: Military Firefighter serving in one of the following duty positions: Firefighter, Driver Operator, Dispatcher, Fire Inspector, and Lead Firefighter. Military Firefighters with different duty position titles, but equivalent duty responsibilities (including shipboard and aircraft rescue firefighters), are also eligible. Calendar year 2006 Military Firefighter of the Year award winners from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard (Note: DLA does not have any military firefighters). The component annual award winners are the only individuals eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) selection as “Military Firefighter of the Year” for 2006. y Component prepared nomination document describing significant achievements and contributions using the following headings: - Accomplishments - Job Performance - Technical competence - Leadership ability - Initiative - Resourcefulness Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force Coast Guard 2006 DoD Military Firefighter of the Year Nominees SPC. Robert F. Chattin, Fort Rucker, AL ABH2 AW Caleb Stewart, NAS Whiting, FL Sergeant Stephen Coleman, Marine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendelton, CA Senior Airman Keith D. Armour, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA Alan Kilsavage, Cape May, NJ Army Navy U.S. Navy Military Firefighter of the Year 2006 ABH2 (AW) Caleb Stewart, USN NAS Whiting Field, FL ACCOMPLISHMENTS: HMENTS: Proven performer … simply the best! - Top performing Second Class Petty Officer. Awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for superior performance in his response to an aircraft crash mishap at Rainbow Field - Demonstrating total selflessness and dedication to the mission and his shipmates, Petty Officer Stewart crawled through nearly impassable brush while carrying a stretcher and medical kit to reach and treat a severely injured pilot - Quickly stabilized and treated multiple exposed fractures; directly responsible for saving the crewmember’s life - Awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for superior performance in his response to an aircraft mishap at Navy Outlying Landing Field Spencer where a training aircraft had crashed - Petty Officer Stewart’s exceptional fire fighting abilities and knowledge of fire tactics were instrumental while administering rescue assistance to two aircrewmen and extinguishing a cockpit fire during the serious mishap JOB PERFORMANCE: The right person to count on during training and emergency incidents - Provided crash, fire and rescue support for over 45,000 flight evolutions to include the response to 20 precautionary emergency landings and the transfer of over 28,000 gallons of fuel for “Hot Refueling” operations at Navy Outlying Landing Field Spencer without incident - Coordinated and executed all training requirements and drill scenarios at Navy Outlying Landing Field Spencer, to include the operation and use of the SCBA’s, Port-A-Power, K-12 saw, and air bags, to ensure operational status - Furthers his knowledge in firefighting and rescue techniques by pursuing various certifications from the Department of Defense; currently working toward Fire Instructor I, to become better prepared TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Trained, experienced, and ready for any challenge! - Vast technical knowledge. Department of Defense Fire & Emergency Services certified as Airport Fire Fighter, Fire Fighter I and II and Hazardous Material Awareness and Operations; surpassed skills of peers - Obtained Driver/Operator qualifications on the Twin Agent Unit and AMERTEK firefighting and emergency response vehicles. TAU assigned support 10 Category 1 airfields. AMERTEKs support a Category 2 Airfield by providing fire protection to aircraft weighing up to 200,000 pounds and provides “Pump and Roll” capabilities for quick extinguishment of large jet fuel fires - Certified CPR Instructor in both Basic and Professional levels; allows him to teach skills to other personnel - Highly knowledgeable in diverse array of aircraft (C-130, C-5, E-2, C-2, H-3, HH-60) operated at Navy Outlying Landing Field Choctaw, provides training to crewmembers and increase knowledge and abilities - Highly knowledgeable within the National Incident Management System. Enrolled and completed 3 courses, IS-100, IS-200, and IS-700; demonstrated continued thirst for self-improvement LEADERSHIP ABILITY: Well respected among peers and superiors - Performed flawlessly as Site Petty Officer, a position reserved for a seasoned First Class Petty Officer at the most challenging outlying field in the NAS Whiting Field jurisdiction. Ensured his team was fully qualified and properly trained in all aspects of crash, fire and rescue procedures for the various types of aircraft and missions at Navy Outlying Landing Field Spencer; which contributes to the overall success of the pilot training program - Developed and executed an arduous and highly efficient training regimen, dramatically improving fire crew operational readiness and team cohesiveness. His leadership directly resulted in NOLF Spencer crew earning Navy Outlying Landing Field of the Month three times in the past year, while competing with nine other fields INITIATIVE: Great balance between professional and personal goals.. always the first to volunteer for the task - Unselfishly served as volunteer firefighter with the Skyline Volunteer Fire Department, Milton Florida. As a driver/operator, he responded with professionalism and untiring devotion to over 250 called emergencies in the civilian community, ranging from fires, auto accidents and medical emergencies RESOURCEFULNESS: ABH2 Stewart gets the job done! - Exhausted all available resources in a textbook response to a complex mishap at both Rainbow Field and Navy Outlying Landing Field Spencer, successfully extinguishing the aircraft fires and performing aircrew extraction. Applies all aspects of his skill and knowledge he has acquired from both the military and civilian communities to perform his duties in a highly professional manner, receiving praise from his current command and fellow shipmates Protecting Those Who Defend America Marine Corps Nominee: Sergeant Stephen M. Coleman, Material Chief, United State Marine Corps, Marine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton, California. Accomplishments: -Maintained a budget of 80k, executing purchases ensuring all Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) goals and requirements were met and accomplished. -Researched and compared the cost and quality of multiple open purchase items, ensuring that the best gear was obtained at the best price, ultimately saving operational Marine Corps and ARFF money. -Issued, tracked, maintained, and repaired/replaced Personal Protective Equipment for 70 ARFF Marines. -Successfully maintained and managed all ARFF assets, valued at over 2 million dollars. -Successfully managed Respiratory Protection program by completing over 75 Fit Tests to various Marine Units. -Supervised and assisted in the instillation of a complete new kitchen which insured a clean and sanitary place for over 40 Marines to store and prepare food. Job Performance: - Coordinated and managed 12 advanced Fire and Emergency Services Certification courses, personally instructing 6 of them in which over 100 various pro board certifications were obtained by both Marines and civilian emergency service personnel with a 100 % pass rate. -Successfully managed Flight Line Fire Safety, which included the inspection, and maintenance of over 70, 150lbs. Halon 1211 fire extinguishers. -Conducted Hose Testing and Recertification in accordance with NFPA 1962 on over 90 hoses. -Managed and controlled calibrations of over 50 gauges to ensure that all tools were meeting their directed standards at all times. Technical Competence: - Sgt Coleman’s certifications are: Fire Fighter I/II, HazMat Operations, HazMat Awareness, Airport Fire Fighter, Fire Instructor I-III, Fire Inspector I-III Fire Officer I-IV, Telecommunicator I, ARFF Driver Operator, Nationally Registered EMT Basic, California Rescues Systems 1, FEMA IS 700, Respiratory Protection Program Manager. - Sgt Coleman instructed 10 Fire Officer IV students. This class is 80 hrs long and is ACE evaluated for 5 hrs upper/ level bachelor, sponsored by Texas A&M Emergency Services Training Institute. Students ranged from E-7-E-9 to GS-8 to GS-12. - Sgt Coleman is an exceptionally qualified ARFF technician. He is motivated, and has the initiative and intelligence to succeed in any environment with any task. His potential is unlimited, and is an asset to the operations division Leadership Ability: - Supervises a cadre of 3 Instructors teaching the following courses: Fire Instructor I, II, and III, Fire Inspector I, II, and III, and Fire Officer I,II,III, and IV, Telecommunicator. - His input is often sought after by other departments and U.S. Military services to develop their programs. - Continually provides sound counseling and guidance to subordinates in both line and staff positions. Initiative: - Self starter who possess a far reaching vision with a profound affect on all those around him. His systematic approach to problem solving, organizational skills, and staffing ability, has yielded many self sufficient programs. -His efforts have enabled this organization to produce certified ARFF war fighters, and DOD civilian firefighters. -Sgt Coleman’s initiative and efforts were greatly displayed as he insured that multiple capital improvements to Camp Pendleton ARFF were made, which included the remodeling of the kitchen, and all new administrative work areas. Resourcefulness: -Sgt Coleman negotiated with the public works department to fund the materials needed to remodel and up grade our kitchen and office spaces. -He coordinated with the self help center to get tools needed to complete the actual labor. -Coordinated with air station supply for new upgraded furniture for all Office spaces. Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Military Firefighter of the Year Award Senior Airman Keith D. Armour, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California ACCOMPLISHMENTS: When it’s too hot for the rest…it’s just right for him! - #1 of 3K! Top airman in 30th Space Wing--blows away competition--easy BTZ pick, Keith is on fire! - #1 of 120 fearless fire breathers! Vandenberg’s Firefighter of the Year--G-Force performance…Read on! - Remarkable Airman! Led peers on all fronts, performance 1st rate--#1/ flight's "Rookie of the Year" - Combat firefighter! Deployed to Balad AB supporting OIF/OEF--direct impact to /9.6K coalition sorties - Lifesaver! Resuscitated Iraqi national heart attack patient twice; expertly performed CPR for over 25 minutes! - Guardian Angel! Performed battlefield triage on 4 Iraqi policemen w/gunshot wounds--treatment saved lives - Hero! Responded to battle damaged aircraft--extricated, treated, saved shot-up aircrew, bullets in legs/head - Precision Medivac support; systematically treated 43 critically wounded soldiers for transport--all recovering - Volunteered 56 hrs to medical flight--provided medication and bandaged wounds of soldiers injured in combat - Flawlessly responded to >200 emergencies; efforts helped 30 CES receive 2006 Outstanding Large Unit Award JOB PERFORMANCE: Defines the art of mission accomplishment - Crisp response to 7K fuel tanker rollover spill; flawlessly applied foam blanket--eliminated explosion hazard - Masterfully responded to ruptured gas line fire; expert skills put to test--quickly extinguished fire; zero AF loss - Executed emergency engine shutdown during cockpit fire/aircrew evacuation--no injuries/saved $27M C-130 - Expertly mitigated hydraulic leak on F-16; stopped leak/applied absorbent pads--ensured no ecological harm - Seamlessly restored aircraft barrier after F-16 landing engagement--runway mission operational within 15 min - Trained 26 firefighters on rescue air systems reservicing procedures--294 breathing units 100% mission-ready - Gifted responder! Stabilized patient suffering a broken femur and uncontrolled bleeding--prevented loss of life - Meticulous! Tracked/located burned wires at top secret aircraft facility--prevented evac/no mission stoppage - Responded to electrical fire; identified source/led suppression efforts--minimized facility damage to < $500 - Critical mbr of launch support team--direct fire attack operations during 11 launches; protected $2.2B assets TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: 21st century Airman…a five star troop that sets the pace for all others - Aggressive inspection on 33 vehicles; swiftly ID'd/corrected deficiencies--maintained fleet readiness at 98% - Revamped 100+ pre-fire plan binders for facilities--critical info for first responders during fire operations - Razor sharp! CDC 98% average, national certified Driver/Operator--put training to ultimate test on three fires - Thirst for increased knowledge; completed three online classes while deployed--working toward CCAF degree - Blasted through Telecommunicator I & II CDC’s--utilized to augment 911 Center during "expanded operations" - Volunteered to attended Interspiro training--greatly enhanced flight's ability to maintain breathing equipment - Completed 48 hr dispatcher certification; obtained credentials to control/coordinate emergency from dispatch - Completed tough Emergency Medical Technician course--nationally registered, provides top service to VAFB LEADERSHIP ABILITY: Leads from the front lines…one call at a time! - Front line mentor! Readied 11 rookie firefighters for upgrade/practical tests--zero write-ups, 90% CDC average - Lead instructor for P-22, P-24, Type 3 Wildland Engine--licensed/certified 14 firefighters in time for fire season - Certified Automatic External Defibulator instructor--certified 19 firefighters on use, 2 successful responses - Mbr of 100% fit club--set the pace during intense/physically demanding Hot Shot Wildland Fire Academy - A front-runner in every category; clinched Airman of the Month honors while deployed to 332 Air Base Wing - Conducted fire station tours and briefings for 40 Boys Scouts--helped scouts earn their fire safety merit badge - Devoted BIG BROTHER! Volunteered 12 hrs/week to "Second Chance" program--mentor to troubled youth - Civic champ! Volunteered 40 hrs off-duty time--taught English to Hispanic students, left indelible AF footprint - Led planning/organizing of SNCO retirement ceremony; this fire officer/veteran received world-class send off INITIATIVE: First out the gate…grabs every challenge by the throat and shakes out success every time! - Self-motivated; enrolled in Fire Instructor I CDC; professional growth/career progression is highly paramount - Set the standard as elite member of Honor Guard team; executed numerous ceremonies--honored fallen heroes - Unparalleled credentials! Completed US Army Combat Lifesaver course--ready to support IRAQI FREEDOM - Superb base concerns; conducted 100+ company-level facility inspections--ensured fire/life safety compliance - Volunteered 24 hrs at hospital helicopter pad--carefully transferred injured soldiers from A/C to hospital beds - Gave precious off duty time at local schools teaching fire prevention topics--fire safety is UP/fire loss is DOWN - Took the lead; delivered and assembled 10 treadmills, 3 universal gyms to 6 fire stations--FF’s scores up 35% RESOURCEFULNESS: Tenaciously pursues toughest problems and works them with a vengeance! - Selfless devotion! Volunteered over 60 hours cleaning beds/patients at Air Force Theatre Hospital in IRAQ - Champion! Helped raise $50K for “Quest Burn Foundation”--Dept honored w/“Spirit Award” for awesome effort - Community mentor! Special Olympics, Kids Fire Camp, Kids Christmas in Iraq…2,000 served and trained, WOW - Difference maker! Participated in “Fill the Boot” campaign--collected $12K for Muscular Dystrophy Association Coast Guard DoD Civilian Fire Officer of the Year Award Description: This annual award recognizes an individual civilian fire officer for superior job performance and outstanding contributions to the fire service, with specific focus for on-duty related contributions to Fire and Emergency Services programs. Eligibility: Civilian Fire Officer (including DoD contractor personnel) serving in one of the following duty positions: Station Captain, Assistant Chief of Operations, Assistant Chief of Training, Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention, Assistant Chief of Operations and Readiness, Deputy Fire Chief, Fire Chief, and staff (Component, Major Command or Region) Fire Protection Specialists. Civilian and Contractor Fire Officers with different duty position titles, but equivalent duty responsibilities, are also eligible. Calendar year 2006 Civilian Fire Officer of the Year award winners from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency and Coast Guard. The component annual award winners are the only individuals eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency and Coast Guard) selection as “Civilian Fire Officer of the Year” for 2006. y Component prepared nomination document describing significant achievements and contributions using the following headings: - Accomplishments - Job Performance - Technical competence - Leadership ability - Initiative - Resourcefulness Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force DLA 2006 DoD Civilian Fire Officer of the Year Nominees Michelle Barnett, US Army Kwajalein Atoll-Reagan Test Site, Marshall Islands Assistant Fire Chief Norman Blankenship, Commander Naval Forces, Japan Fire Chief Kelven Canaday, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC Mr. Daniel A. Ardoin, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA Assistant Chief Robert Williams, Defense Supply Center Richmond, VA Army Navy U.S. Navy Civilian Fire Officer of the Year 2006 Assistant Fire Chief - Mr. Norman Blankenship Commander Naval Forces Japan Regional Fire Department ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Made a difference through performance, education, and personal initiative! - Superstar! Provided unsurpassed leadership for the premier fire prevention/public education program in DoD - Flawlessly managed 13 Japanese fire inspectors protecting 20 major installations throughout mainland Japan - Keen oversight for over 20M square feet of inspectable real-estate; efforts minimized fire loss to less than 25K - Architect of Regional Fire Department’s First Responder Medical Protocols; paved the way for Navy Fire in Japan! - Initiated First Responder Program and associated training plans for implementation--First Ever in Japan Region - Trained & certified over 300 host-nation firefighters raising medical response capability at installations by 100% - Spearheaded $12M construction of new Regional Dispatch Center; excellent effort. Fully operational center! - Initiative consolidates 11 separate fire, police, and medical dispatch centers into a single state-of-the-art facility JOB PERFORMANCE: Consistently exceeded all standards by going above and beyond! - Hard Charger! …Delivered on all tasks! Hand selected to serve as interim Base Fire Chief for a ten month period - Led evacuation efforts during Joint US/Japan mass casualty exercise at major POL/Munitions storage complex - Commanded major HazMat spill preventing severe damage to environment and potential international incident - Key Player! Orchestrated the most successful Fire Prevention Month campaign to date. More than 60,000 reached - Personally conducted 30 station tours, 15 live-fire extinguisher training sessions and 22 visits from local schools - Articulate speaker! Conducted interviews with Armed Forces Radio/Television, Stars & Stripes and Base paper - Selected as F&ES representative for 500 member Region; designated POC to instruct all functional areas on new information management tool; ensured continuity of knowledge and regional compliance w/Navy Fire guidance TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Unsurpassed technical knowledge, professional skills, and education! - Navy Assessment Team recognized Fire Prevention program “Best seen to date” benchmark throughout enterprise - Subject Matter Expert on nuclear carrier transition working group for Forward Deployed Naval Forces in Japan - Spearheaded key infrastructure improvements ensuring smooth transition of first-ever nuclear vessel in theater - Launched numerous initiatives enhancing program effectiveness throughout Navy and host-nation communities - Created database to track fire safety deficiencies and to monitor the corrective actions; Region wide program use - Developed bi-lingual presentation and trained over 1,000 fire wardens; clearly defined roles and responsibilities - Conducted comprehensive fire engineering reviews for 85 complex facility designs valued in excess of $120M - Attention to detail ensured fire protection/life safety features were incorporated into all projects; Safety First! LEADERSHIP ABILITY: Navy Fire & Emergency Services Ambassador; Inspired confidence! - Distinct mentorship qualities reached far beyond geographic boundaries of the fence line; Nation to Nation impact! - Strong Advocate for continuing education. Instituted new Individual Development Plans (IDP) for fire inspectors - Organized & participated in 35 joint training exercises with host-nation departments throughout Region Japan - Chaired Region Japan NFPA 1500 committee; provided direct oversight for implementation of numerous standard operating procedures and management plans; efforts ensured “Safety” remained the department’s highest priority - Received numerous Letters of Appreciations from base activities and local communities for his prevention program INITIATIVE: Possessed rare combination of vision and motivation; no project too large or too small! - Acquired 10 Incident Command notebook computers, loaded each with advanced software programs; streamlined decision making process and eliminated the need for bulky maps and binders. Improved operational efficiency - Upgraded Regional training center utilizing modern multimedia technology and ergonomic furniture systems - Organized 57th Annual Red Rooster fire fighting competition for 36 host-nation fire departments. Team Building! - Implemented Air Force Institute of Advanced Distance Learning career development courses for host-nation fire inspectors; obtained 16 separate DoD certifications instilling confidence through sound knowledge and application - Provided critical revisions to Fire Prevention Regulation …laid foundation for a safer work and living environment RESOURCEFULNESS: Overcame obstacles with ease; dealt effectively with new challenges! - Teamed with HQ Navy to procure live-fire training tower and coordinated site-prep and assemble facility - Coordinated $440K fire station renovation project dramatically increasing “Quality of Life” for our firefighters - Deployed with a team of four inspectors to the Island of Iwo Jima performed fire inspections of 40 critical facilities - Diligently worked 14 hr days over three-day period in support of Carrier Air Wing 5. Enhanced Flight Op’s! - Initiated work request for a two-stall facility behind the Atsugi fire station to house high value fire apparatus - Finished product resulted in valuable response assets being protected and extending the lifecycle of replacements - Gave back to community! Served as Chairman of the fire department fund; volunteered efforts providing monetary donations and gifts to local orphanages. Partnered with USMC in “Toys for Tots” campaign throughout community Protecting Those Who Defend America Marine Corps Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Civilian Fire Officer of the Year Award Mr. Daniel A. Ardoin, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Top of his game...battle tested, fire hardened warrior! - #1 of thousands! 14 AF Civ of Yr, 14 AF Civ of Qtr, 30 CES, 30 MSG, 30 SW Civ of the Yr--best in the business - Led FD to gold! FFs won sixteen AFSPC, 14 AF, 30 SW, 30 MSG, county awards & below the zone promotions - AF pointman during DoD national disaster response summit--developed Joint Services strat plan for civil support - Handpicked to serve as Ops Commander on CA Type II disaster mgt team--3 responses/1000s of people saved - Key architect in FD’s "2020 Transformation" initiative--new org struc--improved performance, service, & training - Led Air Force/Army "Fuels Management" program standardization effort--showcased VAFB's model program - Re-wrote our Communicable Diseases training program--100% OSHA compliant, 120 FFs protected/ready - Ramrod for DoD! Led 500 FFs/multi-agency Task Force to combat 27K acre Miller Complex wildland fires - C2'd multi-agency response forces during post ballistic missile launch fires--fires stopped cold/$1.5B protected - Developed Incident Action Plans for water rescues--tech guidelines used twice, 100% success--seamless ops JOB PERFORMANCE: Wing MVP! Rivaled by few...exceeded by none - High impact! Led C2 of 30 SW/mutual aid agencies to 800+ emergencies--56K on/off base citizens, $5.4B at risk - Top gun! Led 400 FFs/multi-agency Task Force to combat 60K acre Venus Fire--47K lives/homes saved - Delivered under pressure! Task Force Leader at 15K acre Perkins Fire--led 300+ FFs, prevented town evac - Masterful! Commanded 10 Hot Shot crews during Day Fire--200 FFs saved $100M mountain resort/town - Unrivaled…He led the charge! 200+ FFs/75K acre Hackberry Fire--fire warriors saved 61 homes/400 lives - He reigns when it pours! Led high-hazard helicopter ops--Airborne FFs rescued 4 trapped at Refugio Fire - Save! Led rescue effort--3 cars/7 people plunged off 100' cliff, high haz ops--massive trauma/all recovered TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Unmatched! His uncommon abilities resonate throughout the wing and AF - Completed Wildland Fire Command S-590 certification--only fire officer in DoD to be selected for exec prgm - Handpicked by State Fire Marshal to lead Wildland Fire Peer Review Committee--certified 223 nominees - Authored WMD trng plans--blueprint training initiative captures Team V/local gov't capabilities, priceless - Scored DoD Fire Instructor III cert (80 hrs)--highest level instructor cert; teaches for CA State Fire Marshal - Aced Fire Officer IV certification (80 hrs)--immediate results on large fireground ops, fire leader of choice - Tech expert! Completed advanced structural collapse training (40 hrs)--special teams earthquake response ready - Readying next generation! Taught 200 CA fire academy students--rescue, firefighting, survival procedures LEADERSHIP: All star quarterback for our Superbowl team! - Coord/delivered 3 VAFB wildland fire instructors to Ft Lewis--taught 750 US/Canadian soldiers, they got it done - Vigilant! Secured 12 one/two story demo sited housing units for live fire training--960 hrs trng for 120 FFs - Red zone focused! Fielded Fire Officer and FF Development programs--preparing for 27 upcoming retirements - Nominated to lead VAFB/City/County "Hazard Assessment Team"--consolidated/coordinated response plans - Led beddown of Forest Service Dispatch Ctr on VAFB--saved taxpayers $2M+ annually, greater connectivity - Handpicked by Wing Cmdr to be NSPS program instructor--readied 50+ civilian executives for new personnel sys - Sets pace! Completed 8 mos Leadership Enhancement prgm w/Pryor Executive Development--the best gets better - Led emergency planning for Santa Maria Air Show--expertise/experience prepared FFs, protected 20K+ spectators - Difference maker! Led "Fill the Boot" fundraiser--$12K donated to National Muscular Dystrophy Telethon - Champion! Critical in raising $50K for "Quest Burn Foundation"--lauded by Gov Office, VFD#1of 86 in So CA INITIATIVE: Boundless drive and determination...Dan is always on afterburner! - Guardian Angels! Led effort to provide seven 30 SW paramedics--coverage for 99K acres/16K+ personnel - Touchdown! Authored/coord mutual aid agreements for paramedic skill maint--wing wide EMS impact - Led corporate sponsorship effort--brand new jet skis/gear for water rescue team, $80K value/zero cost to AF - Developed DoD's first "National Firefighter Fatality Case Study"--gets Cmdrs/FFs smart on lessons learned - Athlete/humanitarian! Rode eight 100 mile cycling races for charity, $2.2K--Cancer, Heart Disease, Make a Wish - Developed benchmark risk analyses doc for Cmdrs--full spectrum vulnerabilities/asset study, critical tactical doc - Pioneering! Secured fire modeling software on C2 vehicles--1st in DoD to apply interactive response tech RESOURCEFULLNESS: Difference maker! Left indelible mark on VAFB/local community - Touchdown! Leveraged US Forest Service into teaching 14 fire/safety classes to 80 VAFB FF’s--saved $95K - Bloodhound! Secured $500K EOY unfundeds--fire trainer propane sys/rescue equip, FFs on cutting edge - Midas touch! Brilliantly managed $300K ops budget--increased specialized program/training funding 40% - Developed integrated BEDAL management data system--$500K equipment items, 100% inventoried/ready - Authored emergency response plan for Space Shuttle contingency landing--A-Z, who does what, full integration - Developed congressional funds plan to develop “Training Campus”--$3M project, 120 VAFB/400 Cty FF’s - "Community Partners in Caring"--volunteered over 300 hours for caregiver program of elderly and disabled DLA DOD Fire Officer of the Year Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Supply Center Richmond Robert Williams Accomplishments • After completing the executive fire officer course Assistant Chief Williams is now in the process of completing the required courses for his master’s degree. Chief Williams is always looking to improve as a manager and as an on-scene commander. • Assistant Chief Williams has been recognized by the People With Disabilities Working Group for providing outstanding support to the committee. Job Performance: • Assistant Chief Williams performed as the manager of the organizations Fire Prevention, Public Education and Training programs. He has worked with his staff to build a technically sound operation that provides top quality services to the installation populace. He consistently makes sound decisions and spends hours researching tough problems to find answers to complex design issues working with engineers and contractors to ensure fire safety standards are incorporated and constructed properly. • Assistant Chief Williams sets the example for others to follow; he takes time to not only educate his personnel but mentors them and prepares them for the next level in their careers. Technical Competence • As one of the few Executive Fire Officers in the Defense Logistics Agency, Assistant Chief Williams looks for every opportunity to increase his technical competence through training and on-the-job experience. In addition to technical competence he devotes appropriate time and effort to the development of his professional competence. • Assistant Chief Williams’s broad-based knowledge of fire prevention codes and standards allowed him to spearhead the first DLA fire prevention regulation. Chief Williams worked not only with his staff but the fire prevention personnel from every DLA installation to start building the framework for the DLA fire prevention manual. Leadership Ability • Assistant Chief Williams clearly understands leading as facilitating the success of team and company. Under his leadership the fire prevention section developed several cutting edge programs in fire prevention that have been mirrored by other DOD installations. Assistant Chief Williams builds excellent team spirit and provides positive direction to his employees. • Assistant Chief Williams consistently demonstrates his professionalism and leadership ability when working with local departments in the metro area and because of these traits he is frequently called upon to serve on promotion boards for local fire departments. Initiative • Assistant Chief Williams demonstrates his initiative through the development of numerous fire prevention programs. Seeing the need to reevaluate the current fire extinguisher training program, he took the initiative to develop and implement a new environmentally friendly program. This new program not only is now 100% environmentally friendly, it can be deployed anywhere on the installation increasing the amount of hands-on training that is accomplished. This program has also led to a significant cost savings for refilling and recharging extinguishers. Resourcefulness • Assistant Chief Williams makes effective use of information and resources available from the surrounding counties. DSCR has taken advantage of training, equipment and other resources due to the networking and team building Assistant Chief Williams has accomplished. DSCR has benefited from firefighting, emergency medical, hazardous materials and officer development training at no cost to the government. • Assistant Chief Williams consistently and effectively organizes, assembles and arranges resources to meet organization goals during times of limited funding. DoD Military Fire Officer of the Year Award Description: This annual award recognizes an individual military fire officer for superior job performance and outstanding contributions to the fire service, with specific focus for on-duty related contributions to Fire and Emergency Services programs. Eligibility: Military Fire Officer serving in one of the following duty positions: Station Captain, Assistant Chief of Operations, Assistant Chief of Training, Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention, Assistant Chief of Operations and Readiness, Deputy Fire Chief, Fire Chief, and Component, staff (Component, Major Command or Region) Fire Protection Specialists. Military Fire Officers with different duty position titles, but equivalent duty responsibilities (including shipboard and aircraft rescue fire officers), are also eligible. Calendar year 2006 Military Fire Officer of the Year award winners from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard (Note: DLA does not have any military fire officers). The component annual award winners are the only individuals eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) selection as “Military Fire Officer of the Year” for 2006. y Component prepared nomination document describing significant achievements and contributions using the following headings: - Accomplishments - Job Performance - Technical competence - Leadership ability - Initiative - Resourcefulness Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force Coast Guard 2006 DoD Military Fire Officer of the Year Nominees Sergeant First Class Wayne J. Reinhard, US Army Garrison Fort Leonard Wood, M DCC SW-AW Robert T. McCarty, USS Nimitz CVN 68 Staff Sergeant Andrew J. Tator, Marine Corps Air Station, New River, NJ Master Sergeant Shawn E. Ricchuito, Robins Air Force Base, GA AETC Christopher D. Penno, 1076666, Astoria OR Army Navy U.S. Navy Military Fire Officer of the Year 2006 DCC (SW/AW) Robert T. McCarty, USN USS Nimitz (CVN 68) ACCOMPLISHMENTS: True Leader, Mentor and Military Inspiration! - Chief McCarty has been indispensable to the Damage Control (DC) organization and an important contributor to overall Fire & Emergency Services success for the aircraft carrier USS NIMITZ - NIMITZ’ DC firefighting equipment was graded as mission ready by the Board of inspection & survey - NIMITZ safely completed its six-month maintenance availability early, followed by a highly successful Sea Trials and Flight Deck Certification; ensuring ship was prepared for emergency operations as directed - Chief McCarty was a valuable force in the NIMITZ completed Basic Phase Training and Final Evaluation Period in a record setting 16 day at-sea period; crew was highly trained and prepared to deploy - Chief McCarty has played a key role in the NIMITZ being awarded the “Red DC” for damage control excellence by Commander, Naval Air Forces for the second year in a row; sustained readiness JOB PERFORMANCE: Task Assigned, Task Completed! - Chief McCarty is the Divisional Chief Petty Officer for DC Division, Engineering Department, USS NIMITZ (CVN 68), performance in all duties is marked by professionalism and safety-consciousness - Performs duties as At-Sea Fire Party (Flying Squad) Leader, Rescue & Assistance Team Leader, Gas Free Engineering Assistant, Repair Party Damage Control Training Team Leader, Engineering Chief-of-the-Watch and Engineering Duty Officer; provides outstanding leadership to organize shipboard fire response crews and capabilities TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Education, Training, Mission! - Chief McCarty is an expert firefighter with unmatched technical ability; sets example for others to emulate - Uncompromising trainer! Molded the Flying Squad and Repair Party Two into crack teams prepared for any emergency; significantly increased readiness of crew and support to the mission and emergency operations - Oversees maintenance for twenty Aqueous Film-Forming Foam generating stations, flawlessly conducts testing on the Flight Deck and Hangar Bay Fire Fighting Sprinkler systems; system operations validated as “ready” - His efforts ensured that these critical systems operated flawlessly during the Flight Deck Certification following the 2006 Planned Incremental Availability; allows continued safe operations for flight operations LEADERHIP ABILITY: Follow Me! - Steady and confident! Chief McCarty is a natural leader,always makes his sailors’ welfare a top priority - His skillful coaching resulted in six of his Sailors advancing to the next paygrade in 2006 and was influential in seven of his Sailors re-enlisting, aiding NIMITZ in being awarded the “Golden Anchor” Retention Award for 2006; mentors apprentice firefighters for future leadership roles - Chief Petty Officer McCarty’s dynamic leadership, poise, professionalism and keen judgment have set the benchmark for performance INITATIVE: Fix it! - Proactive and Energetic! His dedication and vigilance as the Chief Petty Officer in Charge of the Fire Watch Division resulted in zero shipboard fires during an invasive six-month maintenance availability - Skillfully managed over 450 repairs to the Firemain, AFFF and Countermeasure Washdown systems - In preparation for INSURV Material Inspection, he planned and executed over 600 material checks on all DC installed systems and portable firefighting equipment with outstanding results RESOURCEFULLNESS: Use what you have, find a replacement if you don’t! - Chief McCarty adroitly maintains systems and equipment throughout the ship, including ten Repair Party Lockers, 23 Unit Lockers, and 339 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus units; always prepared for action - Rises to the challenge! Maintains a thirty-year-old ship, organized and supervised a comprehensive maintenance team in repairing over 250 watertight fittings; diligence pays dividends Protecting Those Who Defend America Marine Corps United States Marine Corps Fire Officer of the Year Nomination, 2006 DoD Military Fire Officer of the Year Nomination, 2006 Marine Corps Air Station New River, North Carolina Marine Corps Air Station New River, North Carolina nominates: Staff Sergeant Andrew J. Tator as the Military Fire Officer of the Year ACCOMPLISHMENTS ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Served as Training Chief, Safety Officer, and Section Leader for Marine Corps Air Station New River with 4 engine Companies, 1 Water Tender, 2 Rescue Boats, and 2 Heavy Rescue Units supporting flight operations and responded to 166 calls during 2006. Supervised a Mutual Aid program that responded to 37 fire and medical emergencies on base with the Camp LeJeune Fire Department. Supervised several building improvements, fostering a sense of ownership and raising morale among all assigned firefighters. Served as Training Officer in the training and re-certification of Wilmington Municipal Airport personnel in their Airport Firefighter qualifications. Served as liaison and Training Officer for Aircraft familiarization class for a multi-jurisdictional conference at MCALF Oak Grove attended by Jones County Fire and EMS personnel, Camp LeJuene Commanders, MCAS New River Commanders, and Jones County political dignitaries. Supervised Structural and Aircraft Fire and Emergency Services for Forward Operating Base (FOB) Al Qa’im, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom IV from 1 Jan 2006 to March 15 2006 with 1 Engine Company, 1 Heavy Rescue, and 1 Light Attack Engine Company supporting 1,000 hours of flight operations and 2,000 Military and Civilian personnel operating there. JOB PERFMORMANCE ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Supervised Fire and Emergency Services as Safety Officer for Fire and Emergency Services during the 2006 Mass Casualty Drill while coordinating with all Base and Local Fire and Emergency Departments. Initiated Plan for Off-Station responses to Aircraft mishaps and/or vehicle accidents resulting in injury and danger to life, limb, and government property at FOB Al Qa’im Iraq. Functioned as Fire Marshall for inspections of over 155 building per month and integral in initiating Base Fire Protection Orders and Regulations, Inspections, and operation and placement of all fire extinguishers and smoke detectors for all berthing and office buildings aboard FOB Al Qa’im, Iraq. Spearheaded a training program with Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to provide all personnel with the opportunity to be trained to the level of Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Initiated and supervised a training program with the Ongay Safety Group of Indianapolis, IN to provide personnel with the training up to the levels of Fire Instructor III, Fire Officer II, and Fire Inspector II. Functioned as Safety Officer for 2 Class “A” aviation mishaps with no major injuries or loss of life. ¾ TECHNICAL COMPETANCE ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Instrumental in the development of an onsite HAZMAT program which trains and certifies military firefighters to the HAZMAT Technician Level. Firefighter II, Fire Instructor III, Fire Officer II, Fire Inspector II, Airport Firefighter, Driver/Operator Mobile Water Supply, ARFF Driver/Operator. Currently enrolled to complete A.A. Degree in fire Science Local supervisor for Texas A&M Pro Board certification program Trained as Coastal Water Rescue and Victim Extrication Specialist Completed Federal Emergency Management Agency classes of Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS 100), ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (IS 200), an Introduction to National Incident Management System (NIMS 700), and an Introduction to the National Response Plan (IS 800). LEADERSHIP ABILITY ¾ ¾ ¾ Instrumental in the Department’s past selection as Marine Corps and DoD Fire Department of the Year. Effectively supervised the Training Department for over 80 Marine Firefighters Safety Officer for the New River Air Station Mass Casualty Drill / Exercise which trained and evaluated over 300 personnel. INITIATIVE ¾ ¾ ¾ Supervised an ARFF / Fire Department integrated response program, which allowed cross staffing / training Developed and supervised a cross training program with civilian firefighters at Wilmington Municipal Airport. Developed and supervised with Coastal Carolina Community College a program to allow assigned Marine Firefighters to obtain A.A. Degree while stationed at MCAS New River. Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Military Fire Officer of the Year Award Master Sergeant Shawn E. Ricchuito, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia ACCOMPLISHMENTS: #1of 657 Fire Protection military leaders; GEICO award/SNCOA DG lead his peers - USAF GEICO Military Service Award winner; outstanding fire training/safety program manager; tops in DOD - AFMC Military FO OTY! Provides world class emergency services to those who deliver aircraft to the Warfighter - Dynamic leadership; skills and abilities resulted in being selected as 78 ABW/ALC/Team Robins SNCO OTY - Distinguished Graduate SNCOA class 06-B; Commandant's Award nominee; top 10% of 435 joint-mil students - Key leader; visionary programs are backbone of FD winning coveted Ralph Sanborn "Best in AFMC" Award - Winner! Selected by Team Robins Air Force Association…Civil Engineer OTY; complete package in after burn - WR-ALC/CC, 78 ABW/CC recognized as UCI outstanding performer; literally turned hard-broke dept around - DoD Fire Academy Fire Officer IV graduate; enhanced FD leadership skills; projects used as future class examples JOB PERFORMANCE: Unmatched ability & dedication; tenacity is key to Flight success; Top-notch leader - Established non-existent trng prgm from scratch; identified/corrected 8 trng IG findings; 88 FF’s now fully trained - Executed trng culminating in 45K man-hrs, 3,203 classes; 75 DOD certificates, 56 CDC's issued; EOC scores up - Developed comprehensive training plan for 88 FF’s; 175 disciplines in 13 specialties; closed 5 major UCI findings - Authored 52 SOG’s/14 FMP’s; previous plans inadequate/non-existent; ensured 294 compliance items met; tireless - Spearheaded ACES-FD fix! Implemented action to correct 5-year deficiency; 255 critical items created; now fixed! - Established firefighter readiness training prgm; 66 subjects, 1,980 classes conducted; 35 war fighters trained 100% - Supported 2 Presidential visits, managed fire prot/security; President, 400 DVs, AF-1 safe; lauded by secret service - Dedicated 24 hrs of protection; 2-day Air Show; supervised six Houston Co mutual aid FF’s; 75K attendee’s safe - Coordinated Niagara Falls ANG evals; 6 DOD certifications awarded; annual training plan requested by 8 FD’s! TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: Highly skilled asset; raises the bar for peers to meet; unsurpassed knowledge - Completed B.S. Occupational Education degree requirements; graduation application accepted; earned 3.95 GPA - Facilitated AF contract field test for new breathing apparatus; 13K units worth $70M; state-of-the-art equipped - Aggressively worked PB-720 staffing reduction; realigned 34-member UMD/UMPR; plan lauded by AFMC - Developed solid finance plan; lauded by WR-ALC/PKPB for managing mistake-free program on $861K budget - Developed home-station minimum staffing plan to support AEF; projected $150K in overtime saved quarterly - Authored 5-year strategic plan; comprehensive management vision evident; "Benchmarked" by AFMC and UCI - Instructed 20 Peach County volunteer FF’s on emergency tactics; trained 22 Macon airport FF’s on F-15 egress - AFSNCOA in-residence graduate; honed supervisory and speaking skills in joint environment; superb leadership! - Completed hazardous materials chemistry course; sharpened chemical compatibility/emergency management skills LEADERSHIP ABILITY: Command presence evident; seeks process improvement; epitomizes AF core values - Masterfully led flight as Deputy Chief for 5-months; EPR program vastly improved; 27% to 100% on-time results - Leader; 78 CEG Top-4 President; expertly led 74-member mentoring org; 78 CEG Quarterly Awards Board mbr - Corrected 20 IG/14 SAV items in 6-months; prepped for UCI; 384 line-items closed; lauded by AFMC inspectors - Expertly led 5-member fire dept EET; provided 50 challenging FSTR scenarios; UCI selected "Outstanding Team" - Instituted FD awards prgm, firefighters now recognized; FF's win 3-AF, 8-AFMC, 8-WR ALC, 8-ABW, 15-CE - Led 15 members for life hazard in billeting; 200 smoke detectors installed in 12-hours; 110 residents safely housed - Taught 6 hrs EPR writing lesson at Maxwell AFB basic officer course; expertly mentored 12 new AF Lieutenants - Ambassador; Warner Robins HS JROTC booster; 80 Toys for Tots; Coats for Kids organizer, 300 garments - Guardian program FD representative; established equip. requirements; eliminated $25K of unnecessary resources INITIATIVE: Self-motivated with unquenchable thirst for involvement; center of gravity for projects; pace setter! - 778 CES/CC retirement/change of command co-chair; supervised planning and narrated both events; perfection - Articulate speaker! Selected out of 422 to introduce CMSAF Murray during SNCOA leadership seminar speech - Completed ACES-FD mgt database trng; corrected 114 fire reports & implemented trng program/trained 64 FF’s - Attended Air Force Electronic Trng seminar; eliminated 1,105 line items; streamlined 43 records; now compliant - Established focus day; 20 major programs in 5 sections reviewed monthly; increased FD productivity/compliance - Standardized evaluator program; efforts ensured DOD certification integrity; 58 certifiers using same criteria - Laid 500 bricks at Enlisted Heritage Hall enlisted heroes display; fallen brethren remembered in class; excellence! - Constructed $100K inmate children's home; framed walls and stairs; 12-hours dedicated for safe children housing RESOURCEFULNESS: Out-of-the-box thinker; manages with perfection; his innovative ideas lead the way - Procured $800K live fire structural trng fac.; 300 FF’s improved proficiency; mutual aid training in high demand - Planned and executed $500K furnishing initiative for $7.2M fire station new construction; superb fiscal manager - Identified J-FIRE chemical ensemble shortfall; supervised procurement of gear worth $39K for 35 war fighters - Certified Physical Training Leader; 2-day course increased fitness program knowledge; improved FF fitness levels - Inventoried $20K/400 books at local elementary school; painted offices; improved low-income school environment - Implemented live fire ARFF and structural facility maintenance contract; comprehensive maint plan saved $30K - Executed $20K fire dept training computer plan; 10 desktops, 3 laptops procured; multi-media training fully used Coast Guard Coast Guard Group Astoria Or. Nomination for the 2006 Coast Guard Military Fire Officer of the Year Award AETC Christopher D Penno 1076666, USCG 1. Accomplishments: • Aviation Electronics Technician Chief (E-7); 24 years of military service. • Aircrewman; Rescue Helicopter Flight Mechanic; functions as an integral member of a four person HH-60J helicopter crew to safely and efficiently conduct SAR, Maritime Homeland Security and other missions as assigned; approximately 1,800+ hrs of flight experience and 23 years of aviation service; External load & Fast Rope qualified. • Certified Firefighter; Fours years of experience responding to over 1200 fire and emergency medical calls for assistance. 2. Job performance: • Ground Safety Manager; serves as an investigator, inspector, and safety liaison between unit departments; Identify hazards and recommend solutions. • Assistant Fire Chief: is responsible for maintaining 2 ARFF vehicles, ensuring adequate training is provided to 45 CFR responders , ensures all of the annual testing is completed for SCBA’s, hose, and ladders and all aspects in compliance with guiding directives. 3. Technical Competence: • Certified by the Oregon Dept of Public Safety as an NFPA Firefighter II, Aircraft Rescue Firefighter, Driver, Pumper/Operator, & Vehicle Extrication Specialist. • Certified as an EMT First Responder by the State of Oregon. • Emergency Vehicle Certified (EVT) in design and performance for both structural and ARFF vehicles, certified in emergency vehicle electrical, and certified in pump testing and performance. • Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (EVOC) Trainer. 4. Leadership Ability: • Serves as a collateral duty ARFF Assistant Fire Chief for Group Astoria. • Quality Assurance Shop Supervisor; supervises 4 highly motivated E-6’s to conduct routine and non-scheduled inspections for the unit’s three HH-60J “Jayhawk” MediumRange Recovery helicopters. • Completed the National Fire Academy leadership series • Completed the Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Academy 5. Initiative: • Serves as a volunteer firefighter for the City of Warrenton, Oregon. • Serves on Fire Defense Board for Clatsop County Oregon. • Built strong partnerships between the Coast Guard and the Clatsop County Fire Defense Board aligning the Coast Guard’s response with the Astoria Regional Firefighting Plan 6. Resourcefulness: • Investigated the possibility of sending the Air Stations Drivers/Watch Captains to Big bend Community College for the 40 hour Basic ARFF training and to receive 10 hours of in the truck driving and fighting fires with a fully operational ARFF vehicle during both day and night scenarios. • Personally planned and implemented 2 Mass Causality Incidents (MCI) to exercise the mutual aid response between the Coast Guard and the local fire departments. • Procured and implemented the use of a Portacount Fit Tester at no cost to the Unit. • Found a replacement civilian ARFF Instructor to conduct annual recurrent ARFF training. DoD Firefighter Heroism Award Award Description: This annual award recognizes an individual or team of individuals for single acts of heroism above and beyond the call of duty, while on-duty, assigned to the Fire and Emergency Services organization and in the performance of Fire and Emergency Services related duty. Eligibility: Any member or group of members, of a DoD fire department (or primary duty firefighters on ships) from Firefighter to the Fire Chief (including DoD contractor personnel) is eligible to compete for this award. Calendar year 2006 Firefighter Heroism Award winner from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard (including contractor operated locations). The component annual award winners are the only individuals eligible to compete for this DoD level award. Criteria: y Component (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Defense Logistics Agency, and Coast Guard (including contractor operated locations)) selection for 2006 Firefighter Heroism Award. y Component prepared nomination document describing achievements using the following headings: - Heroism Act Description - Risk to the Rescuer - Rescue approach, method, technique, etc. - Outcome of the Heroism Act - Other (This section allows for addressing anything not covered under the other headings) Army Navy Air Force 2006 DoD Firefighter Heroism Award Nominees Joseph W. Brown; Troy K. Michels; Tana S. Wooten; Scott A Sveum; Julianne S. Fiala-Bradstreet; SSG Keith R. Hawkins, US Army Garrison Fort Leonard Wood, MO Fire Captain Joseph D’Intino, Firefighter/EMT Pete Lusby, Firefighter/EMT Lawrence Kerns, Firefighter/EMT William King Naval District Washington – NSA/Annapolis, Maryland Mr. Charles W. Brooks and Mr. John L. Markley, Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA Army Navy U.S. Navy Firefighter Heroism (Team) Award 2006 Fire Captain Joseph D’Intino, Firefighter/EMT Pete Lusby, Firefighter/EMT Lawrence Kerns, Firefighter/EMT William King Naval District Washington – NSA/Annapolis, Maryland WHAT WAS THE ACT OF HEROISM? Rescue from structure under heavy fire conditions! - On 31 October 2006, 2243hrs, NSA-Annapolis Chesapeake Bay Detachment Engine 151 was dispatched mutual aid to Calvert County for a house fire with reported trapped victims inside the house. - Engine 151 arrived first, they reported heavy fire showing from the single-family dwelling. Police on location advising that one subject, a 55-year-old male with severe burns, was found outside of the structure and two additional occupants were trapped inside the burning structure. - Captain D’Intino sized up the incident and determined immediate rescue actions were required with subjects trapped and heavy volume of fire; Firefighter Lusby (Driver/Operator) prepared E-151 for rapidfire attack while Firefighters Kerns and King grabbed a pre-connected handline and rushed inside the flaming structure to initiated fire suppression and rescue activities. All of the Navy fire team performed above and beyond the call of duty. - The quick reaction and selfless actions utilized by Firefighters Kerns and King in fire suppression allowed Captain D’Intino along with incoming additional firefighters to immediately enter the structure to search and remove a 52-year-old female and a 13-year-old male and deliver them to awaiting Emergency Medical Services personnel outside of the burning structure. Firefighters operated as a team and under the leadership of the Fire Captain, the team took quick, decisive, and heroic actions to save a life! WHAT WAS THE RISK TO THE RESCUERS? Engine 151’s crew risked death and injury to initiate and accomplish life saving objectives for known trapped occupants inside the heavily involved structure! - As the first unit on the scene, Engine 151’s crew unselfishly risked their own lives to aggressively enter and search under extreme fire conditions to conduct rescue activities, providing hope of survival to the trapped victims; any delays would have been fatal to both occupants. - During this heroic rescue effort, Firefighter Kerns sustained first and second degree burns on his hands and lower back and Firefighter King sustained a first-degree burn to his ear while actively searching. WHAT WAS THE APPROACH, METHOD, TECHNIQUE, ETC? Aggressive fire attack along with search and rescue operations; training and experience pay life-saving dividends! - With the heavy fire conditions encountered, Engine 151’s crew immediately realized that if the trapped occupants had any chance for survival at all, firefighters would have to initiate aggressive fire suppression activities and push the fire and toxic gases away from the bedroom areas of the structure providing a temporary entry and escape path for search and rescue efforts by fellow firefighters. Their strategy and approach worked! - Fire Captain D’Intino mustered arriving volunteer firefighters and initiated immediate heroic search and rescue efforts to successfully locate the 13-year-old male as well as the 52-year-old female, rapidly delivering them from the fiery doomed structure to the skilled hands of the EMS personnel to initiate prompt treatment. WHAT WAS THE OUTCOME? A life saved! - The crews quick response and courageous initial actions without question significantly increased the chance of survival for both occupants who were trapped inside the burning structure. - After fire crews rescued the 52-year-old female, EMS personnel were able to re-establish breathing and pulse prior to her being transported to the nearest hospital, where she recovered from critical injuries. - CPR was started on the 13-year-old male as soon as fire crews rescued him from the burning building. EMS personnel rapidly transported to the nearest hospital, sadly, he never regained consciousness. - Firefighter Kerns was transported from the scene to the nearest hospital for treatment of his first and second degree burns. Fortunately, after two weeks he returned to full firefighting duties. - Firefighter King was treated on the scene for a minor burn to his ear and immediately returned to duty. OTHER: - All individuals on this team have been awarded the Navy Fire & Emergency Services Life Saving Award for their heroic actions and rescue operations under severe fire conditions. Protecting Those Who Defend America Air Force Air Force Nominee for the DoD Firefighter Heroism Award Mr. Charles W. Brooks and Mr. John L. Markley, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California ACT OF HEROISM: Risked ALL... for just one chance! - On 11 February 2006, Airborne Rescue Firefighters Charlie Brooks and John Markley responded with a UH-1 helicopter and aircrew to a mutual aid request. They performed a high hazard airborne rescue of an ATV rider who had gone over the edge of a cliff, became trapped on a small ledge, and was surrounded by 50’ flames. The victim had fallen and became lodged approximately 400 ft down a steep and rocky 1000’ mountainside, and was suffering from multiple broken bones and internal injuries. Having no means to contact any outside source for help, he shot a flare into the thick brush below him in hopes of creating a visible smoke column. This fire quickly grew into a wildland inferno surrounding the victim, cutting off any means of rescue and initiating a full wildland fire response from local agencies. - Charlie and John had to overcome high winds, an unstable rescue platform, aggressive flame fronts, limited visibility due to smoke and then utilizing the helicopter rescue winch, had to lower and insert themselves into a fire situation. Without delay or concern for their personal safety, they lowered themselves into an extremely small working space, surrounded by fire and treacherous terrain, with no way out but up, to guarantee the survival of the fallen victim. These two heroes utilized skill, guts and determination to save the life of another human being at the possible cost of their own. RISK TO RESCUER: They looked death in the eye and made it blink! - Certain death awaited these two firefighters if their skills and judgment missed the mark by even the slightest degree. Failure wasn’t an option, only rescuing the trapped and injured victim mattered. - The degree of technical difficulty, limited time, and inferno-like fire conditions made conventional intervention impossible. Fearless, relentless and tireless…these two warriors put it all on the line. RESCUE APPROACH: A lifetime of training and experience put to the ultimate test! - Upon sizing-up the extreme rescue situation and severe fire and wind conditions, firefighters Charlie Brooks and John Markley, working with the helicopter crew, made numerous high-hazard attempts to lower themselves through the flames and smoke canopy to gain access to the victim. During the fourth attempt, Charlie and John were able to anchor themselves along the cliff wall and began treatment, packaging and extrication procedures. Specialized rescue ropes and hoisting equipment was utilized in addition to the KED stabilization tool. - With over fifty years of experience and literally hundreds of wildland fires and several airborne rescues under their collective belts, our firefighters recognized and understood the fire behavior and applied the precise rescue techniques necessary to save the badly injured and trapped victim. OUTCOME: Uncommon acts of courage made a difference where nothing else would! - The life of a gravely injured and desperately trapped accident victim was saved, and years of specialized training and commitment defined the outcome of this critical moment. Vandenberg firefighters carried the Air Force banner high…making a difference where it matters most, on the front line. - The fall/entrapment victim suffered a broken hip; an injured back; shock, multiple lacerations to his face, arms and hands; and smoke inhalation. The victim spent two months in the hospital and has since returned to his job while continuing ongoing therapy. His family was spared the tragedy of losing a loved one, and two heroes were unveiled…reluctantly. OTHER: They lead where others dare not tread! - Charlie Brooks and John Markley have served selflessly on the front lines, committing their lives to the safety and enrichment of our community and our nation. These firefighters collectively responded to over 1.2K fire, medical and rescue incidents during the year, keeping the 16K+ citizens that live and work on Vandenberg’s 99K acres safe and protecting our nation’s premier gateway to space. They also supported 18 mutual aid fire assignments involving over 200K acres, protecting over 25K citizens and saved 8K homes throughout Southern CA. These efforts were lauded by congressional delegates at the annual First Responder’s Recognition Banquet. - Both are members of specialized water rescue and urban search and rescue teams, and members of the Air Force’s only Firefighter Helitack and Airborne Rescue teams. - They were vital in raising over $150K in the last 6 years for “Quest Burn Foundation” and MDA’s “Fill the Boot” charities; VAFB was #1 of 86 Southern CA fire/police/hospital agencies.
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