(DMCA 101) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- I : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) What is the role of Information Technology in modern business? 2) Define computer? Explain the Block Diagram of computer with a neat diagram? 3) Explain about software and Hardware indetail? 4) Differentiate between RAM & ROM. 5) Write about the following a) Primary memory b) Secondary memory 6) Functions of Internet explorer? 7) Write about TCP/IP? 8) What is e-commerce? 9) Give any two Internet protocols? ———————— (DMCA 101) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- I : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Define operating system. Write the functions and features of OS? 2) Write about the following a) CRT b) ISDN c) compiler 3) Explain the role of modern in data communication? 4) Distinguish between Intranet and Extranet? 5) Write about number system? 6) Write about generations of computers? 7) What is network topology. 8) Define Artificial Intelligence. 9) What is IIS? ———————— (DMCA 102) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- II : PROGRAMMING WITH C++ Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Discuss about variable scope and storage classes 2) Explain various iterative statements with suitable example 3) Define a string. Explain about different string manipulations 4) Describe the structure of a C++ program 5) Explain about different types of access specifiers 6) Distinguish between printer and reference variable in C++ 7) Explain late binding and early binding 8) What is an identifier 9) Write syntax of else-if ladder ———————— (DMCA 102) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- II : PROGRAMMING WITH C++ Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain multiple and multi-level inheritance. Implement these inheritances through programming. 2) What is exception? Discuss about exception handling and its benefits. 3) Write a C++ program using overloaded constructor. 4) Describe various file mode operations available in C++ 5) Write a note on pure virtual function 6) Write a template function min( ) for finding minimum in a list 7) What do you mean by function call? 8) What is data hiding? 9) What is typecasting ———————— (DMCA 103) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- III : COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain the operational component of a computer. 2) Explain various secondary storage devices organizations. 3) Explain about instruction and instruction sequencing in instruction set architecture. 4) Write short notes on Dynamic Memory Access(DMA) 5) Explain the standard I/O interfaces with a suitable diagram 6) Discuss about virtual memories management requirements 7) Explain about interface circuits. 8) What is cache? 9) What is processor? ———————— (DMCA 103) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- III : COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Briefly explain cache design parameters and draw the block diagram for Direct mapping cache organization. 2) What is two’s complement multiplication and explain Booth’s algorithm for two’s compliment multiplication. 3) Explain about Multiplication of Positive numbers. 4) Explain about basic organization of a micro-programmed control unit. 5) Explain about semiconductor RAM memory 6) Explain different RAID techniques. 7) What is program counter? 8) What is register? 9) What is cycle? ———————— (DMCA 104) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- IV : DATA STRUCTURES Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1. Define the concept of data structure. Explain data structures operations with illustrative examples. 2. Write the second pattern matching algorithm. Use this algorithm to find the table and the corresponding graph for the pattern P = ababab. 3. Discuss about Polish notation. Using stack transform A + (B * C – (D / E F) * G) * H into its equivalent post fix expression. 4. Explain the concept of complexity of algorithms. 5. Discuss about different operations associated with word processing. 6. Explain binary search technique with suitable example. 7. Describe the circular linked list and how do you traverse it. 8. Define pointer array. 9. Represent two - way linked list ———————— (DMCA 104) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER- IV : DATA STRUCTURES Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1. Write Huffman’s algorithm and trace the algorithm on the following: Data item : A B C D E F G H Weight 22 5 11 19 2 11 25 5 : 2. Explain the selection sort technique with suitable example 3. Explain the towers of Hanoi problem and give its recursive solution for n = 4. 4. Find the traversals of the corresponding binary tree of the expression (A + (B – C)) * [D – E) / (F + G – H)] 5. Discuss about the inorder threading of a binary tree. 6. Explain different hashing techniques with suitable examples. 7. Define complete binary tree 8. What is priority queue? 9. What are stack operations? ———————— (DMCA 105) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - V : OPERATING SYSTEMS Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain the structure of operating system in detail. 2) Explain about the Interprocess communication in detail with a neat label diagram. 3) Explain the Virtual memory in detail. 4) Differentiate between short term and Medium term scheduler. 5) Write a note on system calls in detail. 6) Write about Race conditions. 7) Write a note on phase tables. 8) Sleep and wakeup 9) Semaphores ———————— (DMCA 105) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - V : OPERATING SYSTEMS Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) What is a deadlock? Explain deadlock prevention methods in detail. 2) Explain the optimal phase replacement algorithm in detail. 3) Explain Memory mapped files in detail. 4) Explain security and protection issues. 5) Explain about PCB in detail. 6) Explain about Authentication & verification in detail. 7) Priority scheduling 8) Define swapping. 9) Disk schedulings. ———————— (DMCA 106) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - VI : DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain each component of database management system and discuss how can you establish economic justification of database system. 2) What is a B-tree ? Give an algorithm to construct a B-tree. Construct a B-tree of degree three with the keys: 125, 140, 200, 115, 135, 145, 118, 150, 105, 120, 250, 130, 110, 300. 3) What is Normalization ? Explain different normal forms with suitable example. 4) Classify the association between the fields of a file and explain them with suitable example. 5) Illustrate the construction of an indexed sequential file with a suitable example. 6) Explain how will you map conceptual data model into a relational data model. 7) What are the basic actions performed over databases ? Explain them in brief. 8) What is the state-of-art relationship ? 9) What is multi-list data structure ? ———————— (DMCA 106) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - VI : DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Give a skeleton of the DBD of IMS. List and explain different DL/I commands of IMS. 2) Discuss the importance of database recovery and explain different database recovery procedures. 3) Discuss about different symbols used in database action diagram. 4) List different DML modification commands of IDMS and explain them in brief. 5) Briefly explain about the commands under PC-FOCUS data manipulation. 6) What are special relational operators ? Explain them in brief. 7) What is LAM ? 8) Illustrate the use of GET HOLD UNIQUE. 9) What is timestamp ? ———————— (DMCA 107) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - VII : ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) Explain the concepts used in accounting. 2) State the regulations relating to balance sheet and profit and Loss a/c of a company. 3) What are the essentials of budgetary control? 4) Explain accounting cycle. 5) State different types of cash books. 6) Classify costs. 7) What are the issues in financial decision making? 8) Journal. 9) Budget. ———————— (DMCA 107) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - VII : ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) State the tools used in financial analysis. 2) Bring out the limitations of ratio analysis. 3) What do you mean by finance function. 4) When does flow of fund take place? 5) State the sources of working Capital 6) Examine the uses of trial balance. 7) Cost concept. 8) Networking capital. 9) Cash concept of fund. ———————— (DMCA 108) ASSIGNMENT - 1, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - VIII : DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) 2) a) Show that SVR is logically implied by ( PVQ) ∧ ( P → R) ∧ (Q → S ) b) Show that ( ∃x ) ( P ( x) ∧ Q( x) ) ⇒ ( ∃x ) P ( x ) ∧ ( ∃( x)Q( x) ) a) Define power set of a set and show that the cardinality of the power set of A, P(A) is 2n if cardinality of A is n. b) Let f ( x) = Sinx, g ( x) = x 2 + 4 and h( x) = 5x , for x ∈ R where R is the set of all real numbers. Find fog, gof, foh, hof, gof, hoh and fogoh. 3) Make logic circuits from the following Boolean expressions: a) A′B + ABC + C ′ + B′ b) w y z + wz + y z + xyz 4) Prove that ( ∃x ) ( P ( x) ∧ Q( x) ) ⇒ ( ∃x ) P ( x ) ∧ ( ∃( x)Q( x) ) 5) Define strong mathematical induction. 6) What is “Monoid of the Machine”? Explain. 7) Find the recurrence relation form the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,…… 8) Define Set 9) Define Recursion ———————— (DMCA 108) ASSIGNMENT - 2, DEC - 2014. M.C.A. FIRST YEAR DEGREE PAPER - VIII : DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Maximum : 25 MARKS Answer ALL questions. 1) a) Solve the recurrence relation an − 7an−1 + 16an −2 −12an −3 = O for r ≥ 3 Wim a0 = 1, b) a1 = 4 a2 = 8 Solve the recurrence relation an − 5an−1 + 6an −2 = 0 2) where a0 = 2 and a1 = 5 a) Show that the Chromatic number of a planar graph is no greater than 4. b) Find the shortest path between A and F of the following weighed graph by using DISJKStals algorithm. 3) When are the two graphs said to be an Isomorphic. Give an example. 4) Define and explain the Adjacency matrix of the graph. 5) Define order of the recurrence relation. 6) Define Oval of a Planar Graph. 7) Define Lattice 8) What is Karnough Map 9) What is bipartite graph ————————
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