RPAC • What is RPAC

• What is RPAC
– ‘Rapid Prototyping for Automatic Controls’
– Protocol for interfacing between CAT ECM’s and
commercial rapid prototyping systems (xPC).
– Uses CAN to communicate between ECM and
rapid prototyping hardware
– Extension of CCP (CAN Calibration Protocol)
• Uses multiple CAN messages to work w/ CAN object
buffering mechanisms which prevents need for ISR
implementation on xPC
Electrohydraulic Products
Electronic & Electrical Systems
• Modes of Operation
– APP (Application) Mode
• Allows communication w/ ECM that already has software built,
allowing override (bypass) of algorithms that are in the
• Works by reading any data in ECM and writing to override
variables in the software.
• ByPass mechanisms (if/then/else) structures built into software
to facilitate (typically already in code for calibration purposes).
• Standard ECM library that is compiled w/ software which
facilitates RPAC CAN communication.
– No setting up specific CAN messages for a particular application.
Electrohydraulic Products
Electronic & Electrical Systems
• Modes of Operation cont.
– I/O Mode
• Allows production Cat ECM to be used for I/O interface
w/ machine/engine
• Standard flash file for ECM, which allows any/all ECM
I/O to be configured by rapid prototyping hardware. (No
coding required).
• Particularly good for ‘blank slate’ designs.
Electrohydraulic Products
Electronic & Electrical Systems
• Demonstation:
– I/O Mode
Electrohydraulic Products
Electronic & Electrical Systems