Communications Trainer

Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2013
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Communications Trainer
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Edition 3
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Version 111213
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
Copyright Oddsoft Limited ©2008
What is RANT XL Communications Trainer?
Computer Requirements
Program Installation
Main Screen
Timer Calibration
Window Size
Software Setup
Linking Computers
Database Loading
Running an Exercise
Procedures Libraries
Procedures Builder
Map Database & Map Editor
Licence Conditions
Limited Warranty
Appendix – Training Route Flight Logs
Version 111213
What is RANT XL Communications Trainer?
RANT XL Communications Trainer is intended for ground training use only. Information contained
in the navigation database and depicted on the Jeppesen charts is not for airborne use. For up-todate information an en-route publication, such as a Jeppesen IFR Flight Manual, must be used. In
addition, the characteristics of the instruments illustrated in RANT XL do not necessarily reflect
the performance of the physical instruments they represent. Manufacturers' manuals must be
referred to in order ascertain the actual capabilities of such instruments.
The RANT XL Communications Trainer is an easy to use aid for those concerned with the training
and testing for the issue of a UK FRTOL. It is supplied with extensive map databases, compiled in
association with Jeppesen, but it can be used with any custom-built map database written in the
same format.
Computer Requirements
The RANT XL Communications Trainer requires the following minimum computer specification:
Pentium II processor or equivalent AMD etc
800x600 pixel resolution, 16-bit colour display
128 Mbyte RAM
Internal or external sound card with headphone and microphone connections
A wireless or cable network connection via a router or crossover cable
MS Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8
2 PC headsets (see note)
Note: If you wish to use aviation headsets then an adapter such as the Flight Sound X
Adapter must be used
Program Installation
Installation Instructions
RANT XL Communications Trainer must be separately installed and set up on both of the
computers to be used for R/T training and testing.
This CD will auto-run if your computers are set up to allow this. If not, select Run from the Start
Menu. If your CD drive is D: then type d:commsetup2.exe.
Follow the instructions on-screen.
Version 111213
The first time you run RANT XL Communications Trainer you will need to calibrate your
computer's timer. This will happen automatically once you click on 'Calibrate'.
Note: Problems may occur if you are installing the program on a multi-user computer where
users have individual passwords because program installation requires ‘administrator’ rights in
order to write to the registry. Ideally the program should also be run with ‘administrator’ rights. If
problems occur then the network administrator should contact Oddsoft Limited who will advise of
a solution.
Audio Setup – Windows XP
Before trying to link the computers through RANT, the audio system on each computer should be
set up individually. With a headset plugged into the microphone and headphone sockets of the
sound card you should have a ‘side-tone’ – you should be able to hear yourself speak through the
headset as well as being able to hear any .wav or .mp3 files played on the computer. If you
cannot then you need to adjust the settings on the Windows Volume Control Panel. This is
achieved as follows:
The Windows Volume Control panel can be activated by double-clicking on the speaker symbol in
the bottom right-hand corner of the Desktop. If the panel does not show all of the required volume
controls then Properties should be selected from the Options menu and the necessary controls
should be checked.
Note that the precise name given to each of the volume
controls varies from sound card to sound card. The
required volume controls are:
Line-out (sometimes Phones or Speaker)
Once the volume controls have been displayed then they
should be adjusted. Make sure that none of them are
muted. Some microphone controls have a ‘boost’ setting
which may be needed if microphone volume is too low.
Version 111213
Audio Recording. It is possible to record both audio
and simulation to the computer during training or
testing sessions. In order to record audio correctly the
Windows Recording Control Panel must be set up. This
panel is accessed by opening the volume control panel
and selecting Recording from the Options/Properties
menu. The Mono Out or Wave Out channel should be
selected and the volume set accordingly.
Audio Setup – Vista and Windows 7/8
Windows Vista and Windows 7/8 give similar control
over specific audio inputs and outputs to previous
versions of Windows but the controls can be harder
to find. Before trying to link the computers through
RANT, the audio system on each computer should
be set up individually. With a headset plugged into
the microphone and headphone sockets of the
sound card you should have a ‘side-tone’ – you
should be able to hear yourself speak through the
headset as well as being able to hear any .wav or
.mp3 files played on the computer. If you cannot
then you need to adjust the settings on the
Windows Volume Control Panel. To access the
controls, right-click on the speaker icon in the
bottom right-hand tray and select ‘Playback
Devices’. Ensure that the speakers are not muted
and the volumes are set. Now select ‘Recording
Devices’. If only ‘Microphone’ is shown then rightclick on this and select ‘Show disabled devices’ and
‘Show disconnected devices’. This should add ‘Stereo Mix’ or ‘What U Hear’ to the list. Enable this
and set it as the default.
External Audio Recording
As an alternative to audio recording to the computer an external system such as a tape recorder
or mini-disk recorder can be used. In this case either the line out socket can be used or a doubler
could be attached to the phones socket of either computer, and an audio cable run to the
recording device.
If the microphone or any other channel is not working make sure that the Mute option on
the Volume Control panel is not checked.
Feedback can cause a howling through the system if microphone volume is set high.
The 2 computers used for R/T Training and Testing must be linked together. The data connection
is via a wireless or cable (RJ45 or BNC) network link through a switch/router or using a crossover
cable. The audio link also uses the data connection. A cable network connection is preferred as it
minimises the risk of audio lag between the computers.
Version 111213
Main Screen
The main menu bar gives you access to all of the features of RANT Communications Trainer.
Here's a summary of what is available:
File. You can select your map database and navigation library from this menu. In addition you can
set up your printer.
Exercises. You can select the exercise of your choice from this menu.
Practice. You can maintain and play your recordings and snapshots of past flights.
Options. You can set the window size RANT will use. This menu also allows you to calibrate the
timer used by RANT in order to ensure that all turns are accurately flown at 3° per second.
Tools. You can access the Procedures Builder from here.
Comm Trg. You can set up and control the link to the other computer.
Help. The full range of help facilities is available here. In addition you should read and
acknowledge the RANT disclaimer.
Choose this Button
Close program
Open a map database
Open procedure library
Open map database editor
Link computers
Get Help
Timer Calibration
A consistent Rate One (Standard Rate) Turn is essential for radio aids navigation. To allow for
variations in computer timers a calibration facility has been included and can be accessed from
the Defaults menu.
When RANT is run for the first time you will be asked to calibrate the timer. Clicking on 'Calibrate'
will start the calibration sequence which lasts for about one minute. Should you ever feel that the
turn rates you are seeing are not correct then you should re-calibrate.
Window Size
Window size can be set from the Options menu. If you require to run RANT in a window the
window size should initially be set from this menu rather than just dragging the window edges.
Version 111213
Software Setup
Network Setup
The RANT Communications Trainer uses a cable or wireless network connection to transfer both
simulation and audio data between computers. If the computers to be used are not already linked
using a network then they will have to be set up manually or by using the Windows Network Setup
Wizard before RANT is run.
Initial Audio Setup
Before running the simulation, audio volume levels should be set up by speaking through the
headset microphone and checking the earphone volume, and also by the playing of a typical
audio file.
Comms Trg Setup Page
On the Comms Trg Setup page in RANT the 'Copy CD sounds to HD temp folder' check box
should normally be checked so that CD sounds are temporarily copied to the hard drive; this
reduces the delay that sometimes occurs with a 'lazy' CD. The ‘Audio Recording’ box allows you
to select whether audio recording of sessions will be permitted as well as recording of the
simulation. It is strongly recommended that compressed recording is selected to avoid the
generation of very large uncompressed WAV files. The Squelch level is set by default to ‘1’. This
setting should not be adjusted until the audio link has been achieved. With ‘1’ set the green
Trigger light should illuminate when you speak into the microphone. If your voice level does not
trigger the green light then set the squelch to zero and this should result in the Trigger light
illuminating continuously. On good specification computers this should have no noticeable effect
on other network traffic. The White Noise on Rx slider allows you to set the amount of interference
heard during reception of radio calls; this is useful when using high specification audio cards that
give an unrealistically clear sound quality. The white noise should normally be selected on the
student’s computer only. Once the appropriate selections have been made they must be saved by
clicking the 'Save Settings' button.
Version 111213
Linking Computers
The RANT Communications Trainer must be linked to a second computer for full effectiveness.
One the computers have been set up they must be linked. This must be done with both of the Link
windows open. One computer must be designated Student and the other Instructor. The
sequence of events for linking must be followed or a link will not be achieved:
1. On Instructor computer: Click the ‘Start Server’ button. This should result in a ‘Server
started’ message in the status window together with the IP address of the computer.
2. On Student computer: Type in the IP address of the Instructor computer and then click
the ‘Start Client’ button. This should result in a ‘Connected to Instructor Server’ message.
3. On the Instructor Computer: The instructor client should start automatically and this
should result in a ‘Data Link active’ message.
4. On the Instructor Computer: Click the ‘Start Voice’ button. After a pause this should
result in a ‘Voice link established’ message.
5. Check that 2-way ‘open-mike’ communication now exists between the 2 computers.
6. If there are any breaks in communication, go to the Setup page and reduce the
Squelch level. Most computers with a reasonable performance will function with the
Squelch set to Zero, giving a continuous green ‘Trigger’ LED.
7. On the Instructor Computer: Click on OK. The Student Computer should automatically
close the Link window.
The Comms Trainer is now ready for use.
Note: Both instructor and student must have the same map, chart and procedure libraries loaded
before an exercise is commenced. Identical sound files should exist on each machine also. It may
be possible to load a map and library stored on the instructor’s computer directly into RANT on the
student’s machine; if this is done using a CD then the CD must remain available in the instructor’s
computer throughout the simulation.
Version 111213
Database Loading
RANT loads a map of the UK together with a standard procedures library by default when it is run.
This library contains a number of exercise routes suitable for training.
FRTOL Testing
Test routes are supplied to examiners on CD in encrypted format. Before carrying out a test the
required map and procedures library must be loaded into RANT. On each PC, put the CD in the
drive, cancelling any automatic run option windows that appear. From the RANT main menu
select File, Open Map, or use the ‘World’ button. Use the Open Map Database window to find and
open the map file on the CD (typically the D: drive). You then will be prompted to input your
personal password. The appropriate procedures library will automatically load and this will be
shown on the status bar at the base of the RANT window. If no warning messages are displayed
then it can be assumed that the database has loaded correctly.
Note: Do not copy the contents of the CDs onto the computer hard drive; the test routes should
only be loaded from the CDs to maintain security of test materials. If your computers do not have
CD drives then the contents of the route CD can be copied onto a pair of USB ‘sticks’ but these
must then be afforded the same level of security as the route CDs themselves.
Version 111213
RANT's ‘Exercises’ menu gives access to navigation exercises (ie the training and test routes) as
well as Morse code exercises.
Navigation Exercises
The navigation exercises are chosen by the instructor from the Procedures Libraries using the
‘Exercises’ – ‘Navigation’ menu item. Following the selection, the instructor may set the required
wind – see below. Both the instructor’s and the student’s computers will then go into the
simulation mode; the navex title will be displayed at the top of the Map Window. If an image of the
navex chart is available, both instructor and student will be able to independently swap the map
view for a view of the chart. See the next section for details of the simulation.
Wind Velocity
At the start of the navigation exercises you will be able to choose the wind you want to work with
during your exercise. You can set the exact wind you require. If you select 'Actual' then the
exercise wind will be exactly what is indicated. If you set 'Forecast' the exercise wind can vary by
up to 20% from the indicated wind. Test routes have designated actual wind velocities which are
Morse Code
The Morse exercises are completely independent of the FRTOL training/testing package and
allow you to test your Morse expertise. You can select either individual letters or identifiers taken
from the current map database. In addition, you can select the speed at which they are given. The
pre-set speed is in accordance with the PANS OPS specification for navigation aids, although the
speed used in the old CAA Morse examination was slower than this.
To enter your answers, type in the letter or ident and then click on 'Submit' or hit the 'Enter' key. If
you correctly identify the given Morse letter or ident you will move automatically to the next one. If
you are not correct, you will hear the code again and will be shown both the text and code of the
correct version.
Version 111213
The Simulation mode is the fundamental mode of the RANT Comms Trainer. In this mode the
instructor and student have varying degrees of control over the simulation. The simulation will
have the initial conditions set by the navex you have selected.
Map Window
The Map Window shows the current position of the aircraft as well as a trail showing its progress.
The window also has one of the simulation control bars. Any controls described below that are
instructor specific or student specific are denoted (I) or (S) respectively.
Simulation Menu
Most of the options on the Simulation Menu relate to the Map Window. Some are duplicated by
buttons on the Map Control Bar. Those that aren't are described here:
View - Hide Aircraft. You can hide the aircraft's position and its track. Deselecting this
option will redraw the track up to the present time.
View - Clear Tracks. You can permanently clear the tracks left by the aircraft up to the
present time.
View - Track Colour. You can change the colour of the track left by the aircraft. Old tracks
will retain their original colour unless the map is redrawn.
View - Arrange Windows. Clicking on Arrange Windows will restore window sizes to their
default values.
Map Detail. This menu allows you to select what features appear on the map.
Flight Control. This menu is duplicated by the Map Control Bar.
Messages (I). The instructor can select message ‘wav’ or ‘mp3’ files to be played to the
Version 111213
Print Map: You can print the map
window in its entirety at any time.
Aircraft track will be darkened in
order to show on the print.
Emergencies (I). The instructor can
select an emergency to appear on
the map. After a confirmation box,
he can left-click to place the
emergency. The emergency can be
removed by selecting ‘Cancel
emergency’ from the menu or by
left-clicking on the emergency
Map Control Bar
Move (I). Clicking the Move button in allows the instructor to move the aircraft's position directly
by dragging it around the map. In addition, holding down the right mouse button will turn the
aircraft clockwise. Clicking the Move button out will continue the simulation.
Zoom. You can zoom in and out by clicking on the In and Out zoom buttons or using the ‘+’ and ‘-’
keys. The map scale will change in 100000 increments from 1:200000 to 1:2000000. The aircraft
will retain its position relative to the map window and the map will expand or contract around it.
Swap. If a chart for the navex you are flying has been stored in the \charts directory then you can
swap between the normal map view and the chart image. Track will be shown on both map and
Simulation Control Buttons
(I) The Stop button stops the simulation and, after confirmation, returns you to the
main screen. In the exercise mode you will be given a number of options if you select
Stop. The ‘Esc’ key has the same effect.
The Play button starts the simulation and de-activates time compression if the fast
forward button had previously been clicked.
The Fast Forward, or Turbo, button activates time compression. This is not available if
an audio recording is being made.
(I) The Pause button temporarily pauses the simulation.
(I) The Record button starts to record the current simulation. Clicking the button out
will stop the recording. If the Record button is subsequently pressed, you will be asked if
you wish to save the previous recording to file as only one recording can be stored in
(I) The Audio Record button starts to record the current simulation and the associated
audio. Clicking the button out will stop the recording and save the files. Filenames are
automatically allocated in the format ‘RT’ plus the date-time group of the start of the
Version 111213
Stopwatch. The stopwatch is controlled by a single button. In its default mode, the first click starts
the watch; the second click stops it; the third click zeros the watch. The stopwatch can be set to
single-click operation in which case a single click zeros and restarts the watch. If the clock option
has been selected, the instructor can reset the clock by double-clicking on the time display.
Map Window Controls
Scrolling. The Map Window can be zoomed as already described but can also be scrolled using
the 2 scroll bars.
Clicking Right (True Bearing/QDM)(I). Clicking right will bring up a pop-up menu at the mouse
cursor. If you right-click on a VDF capable airfield on the map you will be able to obtain either the
aircraft’s QDM or true bearing.
Compass Window
The Compass Window shows the current state of the compass. The window also contains the
flight control bar. All controls in the compass window are student specific and are denoted (S).
Flight Control Bar
The Flight Control Bar contains the following controls:
(S) Initiates or stops a rate 1 (standard rate) turn to the left or right.
(S) Initiates or stops a climb or descent at the default rate.
(S) Stops a turn, climb or descent.
If you hold the right mouse button down when you click on the turn buttons then you will initiate a
steep turn.
The T/O (take-off) button (S) allows you to start the simulation and the record function with the
aircraft still on the ground. Clicking on 'T/O' subsequently will set the IAS and altitude to their
normal simulation values.
You can use the Cursor keys to start and stop turns. In addition the Page Up and Page Down
keys will initiate climbs and descents. The Enter key will stop turns and climbs or descents.
You can set aircraft speed and altitude by typing in the required values or by using the 'spin'
arrows. You can also set the climb and descent rates that will be used when the Climb and
Descent arrows are clicked (if you have chosen this option from the Start Details page). In
addition, the altimeter sub-scale can be set (S).
Heading Bug (S). The heading bug is moved by using the left/right buttons close to its control
knob. Holding the right mouse button down while clicking on left/right arrows will increase the rate
of movement. In addition, the bug can be moved by 'wiping through' its control knob; that is, place
the mouse arrow on or near the control knob and then, holding the left button down, move the
mouse left or right as required. The aircraft will automatically roll out of a turn on reaching the
bugged heading.
Version 111213
Communications Window
The Communications Window shows the current state of the radio and transponder control boxes
as well as the warning panel and press-to-transmit (PTT) button. Any controls described below
that are instructor specific or student specific are denoted (I) or (S) respectively.
Radio and Transponder Control Boxes (S). The student can set the appropriate radio
communications frequencies and can set the transponder as required. Any change in settings will
be mimicked on the instructor’s boxes.
Warning Panel (I). The instructor can select and deselect emergencies on the warning panel.
These will be mimicked on the student’s panel and announced with a gong/beep.
PTT. The instructor and student have PTT buttons which will operate the audio link. Any time a
button is pressed a ‘Tx’ caption will appear on the radio control box. The instructor’s control box
will also show an ‘Rx’ if the student is transmitting. You can also use the Space Bar to transmit.
Brief (I). The instructor has a ‘Brief’ button which he can click ‘in’. With ‘Brief’ selected both he
and the student have an open microphone and so he can brief the student as required. ‘Brief’ will
override any student transmission. Before starting a simulation the line-in and microphone
volumes should be adjusted with ‘Brief’ enabled.
Note: A loud howling noise when the Brief button is depressed indicates that microphone volumes
are too high.
Recording and Playback
Sessions can be recorded, saved to disk and played back. Audio recordings can be played back
independently of the simulation or in synch with it.
When a session is played back the compass and navaid windows are disabled although the map
window control bar is available.
A progress bar is provided. You can move the playback forwards or backwards using the progress
bar slider, either with the mouse or by using the cursor keys.
If an session including an audio recording is played back then the progress bar and the fast
forward button are disabled.
When you reach the end of the playback, the simulation will pause automatically. Clicking on the
Stop button will allow you the choice of continuing in the Practice mode or returning to the Main
Screen Shots
If you wish to capture a screen-shot at any time and save it as a bitmap, just press Ctrl 'P' and use
the save dialogue box that will appear.
Version 111213
Running an Exercise
The RANT simulation provides a real-time environment in which RT can be taught or tested. The
student is responsible for 'flying' the aircraft around the test route. The student's correct use of the
radio control box, transponder, press-to-transmit switch and altimeter sub-scale can be monitored
by the instructor/examiner. The examiner can generate emergency situations and can inject 3
party radio transmissions as well as controlling the pace of the exercise.
Once the exercise has been loaded as described in the manual, the audio levels between the
instructor and student can be checked by the instructor depressing the 'Brief' button. This puts
both instructor and student on an open mike. The 'Brief' button can be used any time by the
instructor when he wishes to brief the student.
Start-up, Taxy, Take-off
The simulation does not allow realistic taxying around an airfield; to allow for audio recording of a
test from the initial taxy call, the simulation can be started using the 'Play' button; the aircraft will
not move until the 'Take-off' button is pressed at which point it will go straight to cruise altitude and
speed on heading for the first leg of the navigation exercise.
Once on the navigation leg, radio calls can be made as required. At each turning point the student
must initiate a turn onto the next leg heading so he needs to have a PLOG for the route; setting
the heading bug before the turn will ensure that the aircraft rolls out on the correct heading.
Alternatively, the instructor can click the 'Move' button which allows him to move and turn the
aircraft as required. At any stage the instructor can move the aircraft to a new position or can use
the 'Turbo' button to compress time. The instructor, but not the student, can also pause the
exercise at any time.
The instructor can terminate the exercise at any time and can then replay the flight, including
audio if this has been set up correctly.
Version 111213
Procedures Libraries
The procedures libraries used by RANT are associated with particular map databases. Each
library can contain a selection of navigation exercises. These are available through the Exercises
menu. The information stored in each procedure comprises map information and the required
flight path to make good the navigation exercise.
Although the libraries are text files, they should not be edited with a conventional word processor.
A Procedures Builder is available in the Tools menu.
Procedures Builder
The Procedures Builder allows you to design and maintain individual navigation exercises. These
procedures are then stored in the Procedures Libraries and are available to you in the Exercises
The building sequence involves first defining the flight conditions and navaids that will be used
and the aircraft's starting position, and then mapping out the procedure's flight path.
If you build any new procedures, you can associate chart images with them by storing the charts
in 8-bit bitmap form in the \charts sub-folder. You must confirm that you will not be breaking any
copyright laws before scanning the required plates.
Flight Conditions
The initial Procedures Builder Flight Conditions Tab allows you to set the starting parameters for
your procedure. You can set the aircraft's initial parameters, including position.
The Map Parameters Tab takes you to a screen similar to that used for setting start details and
allows you to set map scale and detail as well as being able to modify the aircraft's initial position
and map offset.
Clicking on ‘Next’ then moves you to the Lines and Gates screen.
You will be asked whether you wish to load a chart image. If you are using a currently available
chart then you can use it to help you complete the next section. In addition, if you have registered
the chart, then you will be able to use it as a template for drawing the procedure electronically.
Lines and Gates
Each procedure should comprise of lines showing the required aircraft path and gates, with or
without altitude limits, through which the aircraft must pass. These gates are not relevant to the
Comms Trainer and will be added automatically.
The procedure for defining lines and gates uses a variation of the main map window. A new
button bar is available.
Version 111213
Drawing Command Bar
Swap. If a chart image is available, you can swap to and from the chart view. The full range of
drawing tools will be available to you with the chart on-screen.
Select. With this button depressed you can select any of the drawing elements on the map. The
selected element will be highlighted in magenta and a description of it will appear in the Builder
Line. Selecting Line allows you to draw a straight line on the map. You must hold the left mouse
button down over the line's start point and drag out the line to the required end point. The Builder
window will show the current position of the mouse cursor relative to the navaids used, as well as
the line vector.
Arc. Arcs can be drawn with the Arc button depressed. Drawing an arc is a 2-stage process. First
a line is drawn between the 2 end points of the arc and this is then moved out to the required
radius by dragging it with the left mouse button down. Radius details are shown during this
dragging process.
Gate. Any number of gates can be defined although a minimum of 2 gates is required. With ‘Autogate’ selected in the Builder window gates will be added automatically and the Gate button will be
Erase. If an element has been selected with the Point button it can be erased by clicking on the
Erase button. This is a permanent process and so a confirmation box will appear before deletion.
Move. If a gate element is selected then it can be dragged to a new position if the Move button is
depressed. Details of the present position are shown in the Builder window.
Snap. Snap is selected on by default. Any line or arc end will snap to the nearest line end within
approximately half a mile. Clicking Snap out will disable this feature.
Back. Clicking Back will take you back to the navigation aid and position definition page to allow
you to modify your choice of navigation aids etc.
Procedures can be saved in a number of ways:
Clicking on the Save icon will save the procedure in the current procedure library. If the
procedure is new then you will be prompted to enter a name for it.
From the 'File' menu you have more options:
'Save' has the same function as the 'Save' icon.
'Save as' allows you to rename a modified navex.
‘Save in' allows you to save the navex to a new or a different procedure library. To create
a new library, simply type the required name in the file save dialogue box.
Audio Messages
RANT is supplied with 4 short audio messages relating to a procedural approach. If more audio
messages are required for RT training purposes then these will be added to the Messages menu
automatically if the appropriate audio files (mp3 or wav) are placed in the program
files\RANTXLComms\sound folder.
Version 111213
Map Database & Map Editor
The map database used by the RANT Comms Trainer is a text file. The RANT Map Editor allows
you to view and edit these map databases.
The format of the map files is most important. If incorrect punctuation is used the map data may
be misinterpreted
The map file must have the extension .map. The rest of the file name should be appropriate to the
map area, for example:,
Any line starting with a semicolon (;) is ignored by the computer. Such lines can be used for
comments and to split up blocks of information. The following lines, without semicolons must be
The Map's Title (name as required)
After the map title, the following information must be included:
Map centre datum latitude and longitude.
Information on adjoining maps (if available).
Predominant elevation in feet.
All latitudes and longitudes must be expressed in degrees and minutes. Decimals of a minute can
be used as can seconds. Format should be respectively:
N 5400 W 0025
N 5400.05 W 0024.83 or
N 540003 W 002450
Notes: Spaces (not tabs) must be used between N and W and the digits.
If degrees, minutes and seconds are used then latitude must be expressed in a 6 figure
group and longitude in a 7 figure group.
Blocks. Information on landmasses can be included in the Block section. Block definitions must
have the following format:
Number of points in block
Lat and long of each point
Colour of block
Version 111213
Arcs & Lines. Information on zone or FIR boundaries and restricted airspace can be included in
the Arcs and Lines section. Arcs and lines can be defined using the following format:
Start and end lat and long
Radius (if an arc)
Centre (if an arc)
Style - dash, dot, dashdot, solid. Solid is the default style.
Features. The Features section can be used for ground features such as towns, disused airfields,
obstructions etc.
Points. The Points section is used primarily for reporting points.
Colours. Arcs, lines, Blocks and Points can be given the following colours:
Facilities. The facilities section contains information on airfields and beacons.
Airfields. If you wish to record more than one runway for an airfield you should make a separate
airfield entry for each runway. The format of airfield information is:
ICAO code, runway details, elevation, position, id position.
Zone. An optional line starting with 'ZONE' can be added describing a standard airfield control
zone. The following conventions are used:
Type - ATZ or MATZ (military air traffic zone)
Zone radius in nms
Stub radius in nms - if required
Stub orientation/s (in degrees true) - if required
Comms. An optional line starting with ‘COMMS’ can be added containing airfield radio
frequencies. The following codes are recognised by the program:
An asterisk after the station callsign (ie APP*) indicates that VDF is available.
Navigation Aids. The following navigation aid types are allowable:
Version 111213
The information required for each beacon type is:
Type, ident, variation, frequency, elevation, position, id position, DME offset.
IDME (DME associated with specific ILS)
Type, ident, track, frequency, elevation, position, id position, offset.
Type, ident, track, frequency, elevation, position, capability, glideslope, middle
marker, outer marker.
Type, ident, frequency, elevation, position, id position, marker position, marker
The position specified for ILS or ILSDME beacons should be the instrument touchdown point and
not the location of the localizer antenna or of any associated DME. Marker ranges should be
specified from this touchdown point. Many DMEs associated with ILSs, are located at the centre
of the airfield but are electronically offset to the appropriate touchdown point; these can be
entered into the database as IDMEs. Offsets can be entered for any DME as the last data field.
Airways. The format for airway recoding is:
Name, reporting and turning points (must already be in database).
Other information on formatting can be read in the databases supplied.
Magnetic variation (declination) is calculated dynamically during program operation using the
'World Magnetic Model' developed by the USGS, US DOD and the UK institute of Geological
Note: Additions to and deletions from the navaid information in a map file may affect any
previously designed procedures that use these navigation aids.
The map editor is a simple word processor.
You have the conventional abilities to manage files as well as to cut, copy and to paste.
These short-cut buttons are available:
Close editor
New map
Open map
Save map
Find text
Move to Section
Undo last action
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The following abbreviations are used in RANT:
Automatic Direction
Course Deviation
Direction Indicator
Distance Measuring
Electronic Flight
Instrument System
Electronic Horizontal
Situation Indicator
Global Positioning
Horizontal Situation
Initial Approach Fix
Indicated Air Speed
Missed Approach Point
Non-directional Beacon
Omni-bearing Selector
Inbound Course
Altimeter Setting (height
above airfield)
Altimeter Setting (altitude
above sea level)
Relative Bearing
Radio Magnetic Indicator
International Civil
Aviation Organisation
Instrument Landing
International Standard
Locator Beacon
Rate of Descent
Standard Instrument
Tactical Air Navigation
Terminal Approach
True Air Speed
Very High Frequency
VHF Omni-directional
Radio Range
Version 111213
Oddsoft Limited has a web-site dedicated to our products. Visit us at to read
the latest product news and to find out more about Oddsoft.
Our download page may have just the map database or navigation library that you need. You can
also expect to find program upgrades in the future.
If you have questions or comments on the program then please e-mail us at It
is with the help of your feedback that we have moved the program to where it is now - keep the
process going!
Snail Mail
If you don't have the benefit of an Internet connection, you can always write to us with any
comments or queries on RANT Comms Trainer. You'll find us at:
Oddsoft Limited
33 George Street
If you're really stuck then call us and we'll try to sort the problem out straight away. Please
remember that we're in the UK and time your call accordingly. Technical queries at 2 am UK time
will not get the best of service.
Any Enquiries
44 (0)1242 609239
This line has voice and voicemail facilities.
Oddsoft Limited acknowledges the support given by the following companies:
Jeppesen for allowing the representation of approach and departure plates in the procedures
exercises and the use of en-route charts.
Honeywell / Allied Signal Aerospace for permission to represent their range of Bendix/King Silver
Crown navigation equipment.
Russell Jordan for allowing use of the Inno Setup Builder to create the program installation
Alan Murphy for assistance with programming the GPS interface and the inspiration provided by
his GPS Utility (GPSU) software.
Alastair Wang, Bob Trott, Paul Thompson and Andy Woolford for nagging until the program
worked properly.
Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
Version 111213
RANT XL is produced in association with Jeppesen who assisted in database compilation and
supply of en-route charts, approach and departure plates.
Jeppesen (UK) Limited
Boeing House
Crawley Business Quarter
Manor Royal
RH10 9AD
(44)1293 842404
0800 085 5377
Web site:
Version 111213
Licence Conditions
The user of this software is licensed by Oddsoft Ltd to install the program on a pair of computers
for use as a radio telephony communications training and testing device. This licence is not
transferable. If it is intended to use this software in any other environment then an appropriate
licence must be obtained from Oddsoft Limited.
Limited Warranty
Notice: Oddsoft Limited reserves the right to make changes in the product at any time and without
This software product and this help file are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Oddsoft
Limited. No part of this file or any of the accompanying materials may be copied and passed to a
third-party in any form or medium without prior consent of Oddsoft Limited.
Oddsoft Limited warrants to the original consumer that the media furnished in this product will be
free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of sixty days from the supply date. If
the media supplied as part of this product prove to be defective, and provided that the consumer
returns the media to Oddsoft Limited in accordance with the instructions in the following
paragraph, Oddsoft Limited will replace defective media free of charge.
To obtain a replacement CD please return the CD, postage pre-paid, to Oddsoft Limited, at the
address shown in the Technical Support section, a description of the defect, and your name and
return address.
The supplied software, media and documentation are provided “as is”. There is no warranty of
fitness for a particular use, and no other warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
regarding the software, media and documentation, except as expressly provided in the preceding
paragraph. Accordingly, the entire risk as to the use, results and performance of the software,
media and documentation is assumed by you. In no event will Oddsoft Limited be liable to you or
anyone else for any consequential, special or indirect damages resulting from possession, use or
malfunction of this product, including without limitation, damage to property and, to the extent
permitted by law, damages for personal injury, even if Oddsoft Limited have been advised of the
possibility of any such damages or loss. You agree that the liability of Oddsoft Limited arising out
of any kind of claim (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) will not exceed the amount you
originally paid for the use of this product.
This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may have others which vary from state to
state within the USA and from country to country. Some states do not allow the exclusion of
incidental or consequential damages, or the limitation on how long the implied warranty lasts, so
some of the above may not apply to you.
Version 111213
Appendix – Training Route Flight Logs
The following 4 flight logs relate to the training navigation exercises provided with the RANT
Comms Trainer. The routes are:
Gloucestershire – Kemble – Oxford
Cranfield – Sywell – Coventry
Andrewsfield – Wattisham – Bourne
Exeter – Yeovilton – Compton Abbas
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