Young Life and Times Survey 2005 Technical notes What is the Young Life and Times Survey? All too often the opinions of young people are ignored when decisions are made about many of the issues involving them. Thus, the aim of the Young Life and Times survey is to record the views of 16 year olds in Northern Ireland, with a focus on community relations issues such as politics, sectarianism and education. By inviting respondents to suggest topics for the next year’s survey, we make sure that the topics covered are relevant to the lives of 16 year olds in Northern Ireland today. Links with other surveys The Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) survey records the attitudes and values of adults aged 18 years and over in Northern Ireland. This is an annual survey and began in 1998. The range of topics included in NILT varies each year, although many modules are repeated over time in order to monitor changing attitudes on specific social policy issues. In particular, questions on community relations and political attitudes are included each year in order to track attitude change on these issues taking place within the rapidly shifting social and political environment of Northern Ireland. Full details can be found on the website at From 1998 to 2000, a Young Life and Times (YLT) survey ran alongside NILT. All 12-17 year olds living in the household of an adult NILT respondent were asked to partake in YLT, which took the form of a paper questionnaire. Questions mostly consisted of a subset of questions from the adult questionnaire. One of the main aims was to be able to analyse the attitudes of young people and compare them with the attitudes of their parents. However, in 2001, the survey team undertook a review of YLT due to the fact that the level of use of the young person’s survey came nowhere near the level of use of the adult survey Consultation with a variety of users from the academic and voluntary sectors, found that that: • There was an extremely high level of interest in a young person’s survey • There was little interest in linking the attitudes of children to those of their parents. • There was a concern that questions suitable for 17 year olds were not always suitable for 12 year olds (and vice-versa) and that this was restrictive. • There was strong policy interest in the views of young people in the areas of community relations, political attitudes, education and employment. • There was a concern that young people were not interviewed by young people and that the optimal survey design required this. • There was a concern that the survey did not involve young people in the design of the questions. • Interviewing young people in their own homes – often in front of their parents – was problematic. • However interviewing young people in schools – often with peer effects – was equally problematic and had the additional coverage problems of children excluded from schools and low numbers of 16 and 17 year olds. Based on the findings of the consultation exercise, the current methodology was designed to address as many of these issues as possible. The first Young Life and Times Survey using this methodology was undertaken in 2003. 1 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 Technical notes Technical details of the 2005 survey Sample The survey sample was taken from the Child Benefit Register. Child Benefit is a benefit for people bringing up children and is paid for each child. Therefore, the Register contains information on all children for whom Child Benefit is claimed. This Register had previously been the responsibility of the Social Security Agency (SSA) of the Department for Social Development (DSD). However, while DSD still maintained the database, the responsibility for the payment of Child Benefit transferred to Inland Revenue. Thus, it was necessary to negotiate access to this Register from Inland Revenue, which involved an explanatory memorandum being prepared relating to the Tax Credits (Provision of Information (Evaluation and Statistical Studies) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2004. All young people who celebrated their 16th birthday during February 2005 were invited to take part in the survey. Under data protection regulations the survey team could not contact these young people directly. Therefore, all documentation relating to the survey was processed by an independent research organisation, and included a cover letter prepared by DSD. Advance letter Fieldwork was undertaken in August – October 2005. A letter was posted out to all eligible 16 year olds, consisting of an initial letter from DSD, a letter from the project team a paper questionnaire and a pre-stamped return envelope. The initial SSA letter was addressed to the relevant person and provided an introduction to the survey. It also explained the role of DSD in the project, and confirmed that the YLT project team did not have access to names and addresses of the young people in the sample. This letter contained a unique identifier (with a check letter) under the address, which was highlighted as “Your identification number”. The letter from the university project team provided more information about the survey, including the aims of the project, the three possible methods of completing the questionnaire, and details of a prize draw of £500 for which all respondents completing the questionnaire were eligible. Completing the questionnaire The fieldwork period lasted from 22 August to 31 October 2005. Respondents were able to choose one of three methods for completing the questionnaire. 1. 2. 3. They could take part by phone, having quoted their identification number and check digit. They could complete the questionnaire on-line – quoting their personal identifer to enter that part of the Young Life and Times website. They could complete the paper questionnaire that was sent to them in the initial pack and post it back in the pre-stamped envelope. After 1 week and after 4 weeks, reminder postcards and questionnaires were sent out to addressees who had not made contact of any kind. 2 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 Technical notes Survey content The main focus of the survey in 2005 was community relations. Other topics included: • Education, including bullying • Mental Health, including the 12 item General Health Questionnaire, and stress • Social pressures, including smoking, drinking, drugs and sexual intercourse • Attitudes to politics • Background information At the end of the 2004 survey, respondents were given the opportunity to identify questions they felt were suitable for inclusion in the 2005 survey. The range of topics included in the 2005 survey incorporate these suggestions. Response rate 2049 questionnaires were sent out. 819 completed were received, representing a response rate of 40%. Table 1 shows that the most popular mode of completing the survey was paper (783 questionnaires or 95.6%). The next most popular mode was online (33 respondents or 4.0%), with only 5 respondents opting to complete the survey by phone. Table 1: Mode of survey completion n Paper 783 Online 33 Telephone 5 Total 819 % 95.6 4.0 0.6 100 Getting the data Tables of results from the 2005 survey were available on the YLT website within two months of the end of the fieldwork period. Users can also download the data in SPSS portable file format from the website to carry out their own statistical analyses. The YLT website is available at 3 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 Technical notes Using the data This documentation is intended to provide background information to the survey and to the survey and sampling methodologies. However, if you require any further technical information, please contact us (see contact details on page 5). The data have been tested extensively, but if you find anything that looks like a mistake, please let us know as soon as you can. Please note that this data should not be weighted. A helpline service is also available for anyone who has a query about the survey or the results (see contact details on page 5). Alternatively you can use the helpline section on the ylt website ( In order to maintain anonymity, the ethnicity (Q4) and religion (Q50) variables have been deleted from the data file. However, the RELIGCAT variable consists of the following categories: ‘Catholic’, ‘Protestant’ and ‘No religion’. Due to the small number of cases, other categories are not included in this variable. General Health Questionnaire The 2005 survey includes the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), which is designed to identify short-term changes in mental health. The 12 items consist of the following questions: Question number 32 Variable name CONCENT 33 34 WORRY USEFPART 35 MAKEDEC 36 37 STRAIN OVERCOME 38 ENJOYACT 39 FACEPROB 40 UHAPPY 41 LOSECONF 42 WORTHPER 43 HAPPY Question text Have you recently been able to concentrate on whatever you are doing? Have you recently lost much sleep over worry? Have you recently felt you are playing a useful part in things? Have you recently felt capable of making decisions about things? Have you recently felt under constant strain? Have you recently felt you couldn’t overcome your difficulties? Have you recently been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities? Have you recently been able to face up to your problems? Have you recently been feeling unhappy and depressed? Have you recently been losing confidence in yourself? Have you recently been thinking of yourself as a worthless person? Have you recently been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered? The GHQ-12 can be analysed in various ways. The Young Life and Times website provides statistics based on two of these scoring methods. However, these are not included in the dataset to download. 4 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 Technical notes Contact information For all queries relating to the survey, please contact: Dirk Schubotz ARK School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work Queen’s University Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Tel: (028) 9097 3947 Email: Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the support given by Department for Social Development and Inland Revenue in providing the sample. We particularly appreciate the time and effort taken by all the 16 year olds who responded to the survey. The 2005 Young Life and Times Survey was funded by a grant from The Carnegie United Kingdom Trust. 5 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 SPACE FOR STICKY LABEL WITH ID YOUNG LIFE & TIMES SURVEY 2005 1 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 RSEX YEARSNI 1. Are you male or female? 2. How many years have you lived in Northern Ireland? 9 Male Female 1 Years 2 PLACELIV 4. To which ethnic group do you consider you belong? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________ 3. Would you describe the place where you live as… 9 A big city The suburbs or outskirts of a big city A small city or town A country village Or, a farm or home in the country? Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 WALKAREA WALKCENT 5. Considering the area in which you now live, how long a walk (in minutes) do you think it would take you to move outside of your area? 6. Considering the area in which you now live, how long a walk (in minutes) do you think it would take you to move to the centre of your area? 9 9 0 to 5 minutes 6 to 10 minutes 11 to 15 minutes 16 to 20 minutes More than 20 minutes Don’t know 0 to 5 minutes 6 to 10 minutes 11 to 15 minutes 16 to 20 minutes More than 20 minutes Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 THISOCT OCT2YRS 7. What do you think you will be doing in October 2005? 8. What do you think you will be doing in two years time, in October 2007? 9 9 At school or college full time Working full time Working part time At school or college and working part time On a training scheme Unemployed Going to college or university full time Working full time Working part time At college or university and working part time On a training scheme Unemployed 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Please say why you think you will be unemployed) ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Please say why you think you will be unemployed) ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Other 7 (please say what) ______________________________ (please say what) ______________________________ 2 7 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 HEARDEMA 10. How did you hear about it? 9 9. Have you ever heard of the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)? EMAFRND From friends EMASCH At school EMSCOLL At a College of Further Education EMAJOBC From Job Centre/Jobs & Benefits Office EMAPAR From my parents EMAGVT Through government information EMAOFAM (Other family members) EMAGVT (Through the media) EMAOTH Other 9 Yes No Don’t know 1 (Please go to the next question) 2 (Please go to question 12) 3 (Please go to question 12) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Please say what) _______________________________________________ EMADK Can’t remember 1 INFLEMA DIFFEMA 11. Did EMA influence your decision whether or not to continue your education in September 2005? 12. EMA is a fortnightly payment of up to £60 for students aged 16-18. It is paid directly to young people from households with an income of £30,000 or less who stay on in education after compulsory schooling. Students can also receive 3 payments of up to £100 for fulfilling course objectives. 9 I didn’t know about EMA then Influenced a lot Influenced a little Not at all influenced Don’t know 1 (go to next question) 2 (go to question 13) 3 (go to question 13) 4 (go to question 13) If you had known about EMA would this have made a difference to your decision whether or not to continue in education? 5 (go to question 13) Yes No Don’t know 1 2 3 How much do you agree or disagree with the following three statements? STAYSCHL RELYBEN 13. Staying on in full-time education seriously improves career prospects. 14. There is nothing wrong with relying on benefits for income after leaving school. 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 FTEDMNY WELLOFF 15. People who stay in full-time education longer will eventually earn substantially more money. 16. How well off do you think your family is financially? 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know 9 Not at all well off Not very well off Average Well off Very well off Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 LEAVENI 17. Thinking about the future, do you think that you yourself will stay in Northern Ireland, or do you think that you will leave at some point? 2 3 4 5 6 18. Why do you think that you will leave? (Please tick all boxes that apply.) 9 WHOGONI1 Better job prospects elsewhere WHYGONI2 Because of the Troubles WHYGONI3 To seek a better future in general WHYGONI4 Because of a relationship WHYGONI5 To go to college/university WHYGONI8 (To go travelling/gap year) WHYGONI6 Other 9 Stay Leave Don’t know Other 1 1 (Please go to question 20) 2 (Please go to next question) 3 (Please go to question 19) 4 (Please go to question 19) (Please say what) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (please say what) ______________________________ ________________________________ WHYGONI7 Don’t know 1 BACKNI 19. And do you think that you would ever come back to live? 9 Yes No Don’t know 1 2 3 TYPESCHL RELSCHL 20. What type of school do you (did you last) attend? 21. Would you describe your school as … 9 9 Planned Integrated Grammar Secondary Irish language Special School Other All or nearly all Protestant All or nearly all Catholic Mostly Protestant Mostly Catholic About half Protestant and half Catholic Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 (please say what) ______________________________ 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 The next few questions are related to bullying in school. SCLOTBUL STFBULJB 22. Would you say that students at your school get bullied by other students? 23. Are there particular staff at your school whose job is to deal with bullying? 9 A lot A little Not at all Don’t know 9 1 Yes No Don’t know 2 3 4 1 (Please go to question 24) 2 (Please go to question 25) 3 (Please go to question 25) GOTOSTAF SCHLBUL 24. Do you think that most people - if they were being bullied - would or would not go and talk to one of these members of staff? 25. In general, do you think your school provides real help for people who are bullied or not? Would talk to them Would not talk to them It depends Don’t know Yes No Don’t know 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 UBULLSCH OFTENBUL 26. Have you yourself ever been bullied in school? 27. How often have you yourself been bullied at school in the last two months in school? 9 Yes No 1 (Please go to the next question) 2 (Please go to question 28) 9 A lot A little Not at all 1 2 3 UBULLOTH OFTENUB 28. Have you yourself ever taken part in bullying other students? 29. How often have you taken part in bullying other students at school in the last two months in school? 9 Yes No 1 (Please go to the next question) 2 (Please go to question 30) 9 A lot A little Not at all 5 1 2 3 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 The next two questions are about the social pressures that some young people say they experience. 30. Have you ever felt pressurised to do any of the following things even though you did not really want to? (Please tick one box in each row) Yes No Don’t know PRESSPM Join a paramilitary organisation 1 2 3 PRESSDRG Take illegal drugs 1 2 3 PRESSCIG Smoke cigarettes 1 2 3 PRESSALC Drink alcohol 1 2 3 PRESSSEX Have sexual intercourse 1 2 3 PRESSWGT Lose weight 1 2 3 PRESSOTH Other (please say what) 1 2 3 _________________________ 31. If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, did the pressure mainly come from friends, peers, the media or from some other source? (Please tick one box in each row) Friends WHOPARA WHODRUGS Join a paramilitary organisation 1 Take illegal drugs 1 Peers, but not friends 2 The media Other source (please specify) 3 4___________________________ _____ 2 3 4___________________________ _____ WHOSMOKE Smoke cigarettes 1 2 3 4___________________________ _____ WHODRINK Drink alcohol 1 2 3 4___________________________ _____ WHOSEX Have sexual intercourse 1 2 3 4___________________________ _____ WHOWGT Lose weight 1 2 3 4___________________________ _____ WHOOTH Other (Please say what) 1 2 3 4___________________________ _____ _____________________ ____ 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 Now some questions about how you have felt in the last few weeks. CONCENT WORRY 32. Have you recently been able to concentrate on whatever you're doing? 33. Have you recently lost much sleep over worry? 9 9 Better than usual Same as usual Less than usual Much less than usual 1 2 3 4 Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual 1 2 3 4 USEFPART MAKEDEC 34. Have you recently felt you were playing a useful part in things? 35. Have you recently felt capable of making decisions about things? 9 More so than usual Same as usual Less useful than usual Much less useful 9 1 2 3 4 More so than usual Same as usual Less so than usual Much less capable 1 2 3 4 STRAIN OVERCOME 36. Have you recently felt constantly under strain? 37. Have you recently felt you couldn't overcome your difficulties? 9 Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual 9 1 2 3 4 Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual 1 2 3 4 ENJOYACT FACEPROB 38. Have you recently been able to enjoy your normal day-to-day activities? 39. Have you recently been able to face up to your problems? 9 More so than usual Same as usual Less so than usual Much less than usual 9 1 2 3 4 More so than usual Same as usual Less able than usual Much less able 1 2 3 4 UHAPPY LOSECONF 40. Have you recently been feeling unhappy and depressed? 41. Have you recently been losing confidence in yourself? 9 Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual 9 1 2 3 4 Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual 7 1 2 3 4 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 WORTHPER HAPPY 42. Have you recently been thinking of yourself as a worthless person? 43. Have you recently been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered? 9 Not at all No more than usual Rather more than usual Much more than usual 9 More so than usual About the same as usual Less so than usual Much less than usual 1 2 3 4 STRESSED 1 2 3 4 45. What makes you stressed? 44. How often do you get stressed? 9 Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never 1 (Please go to question 45) 2 (Please go to question 45) 3 (Please go to question 45) 4 (Please go to question 45) 5 (Please go to question 46) Stress and depression are quite common among young people in Northern Ireland If you are affected by problems like these and want to speak to someone, call one of the helplines below. DON’T IGNORE PROBLEMS LIKE THESE! Youthline Northern Ireland: Childline (for young people up to 18 years): Samaritans: Or e-mail: 0808 808 80 00 0800 11 11 0845 790 91 92 You can also find useful information at: The next few questions relate to your own background and your experiences of politics and community relations in Northern Ireland. POLITICS KNOWPOL 46. 47. How much interest do you generally have in what is going on in politics? How much do you feel you know about politics in Northern Ireland? 9 A great deal Quite a lot Some Not very much None at all Don’t know 9 A great deal Quite a lot Some Not very much Nothing at all Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 RELAREA 48. Would you describe your area as… 9 Mainly Catholic Mainly Protestant Or mixed? Don’t know 1 2 3 4 ANYRELIG RELIGION 49. Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion? 50. If yes, which? 9 9 Yes No 1 (Please go to the next question) 2 (Please go to question 52) Church of Ireland (Anglican) Catholic Presbyterian Methodist Baptist Free Presbyterian Brethren Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (please say what) ______________________________ CHATTEND RELIDIMP 51. Apart from special occasions such as weddings, funerals, baptisms and so on, how often nowadays do you attend services or meetings connected with your religion? 52. Some people feel very strongly about their religious identity, that is, whether they are Catholic, Protestant or something else – even if they don’t go to church. Other people say that their religious identity is not important to them. How important is religious identity to you? 9 9 Once a week or more 2 or 3 times a month Once a month Several times a year Less frequently Never Don’t know 1 Very important Quite important Neither important nor unimportant Not very important Not at all important I don’t have a religious identity 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 NINATID NATIDIMP 53. Which of these best describes the way you think of yourself? 54. Some people feel very strongly about their national identity, that is, whether they feel British or Irish or something else. Other people say that their national identity is not important to them. How important is your national identity to you? 9 British Irish Ulster Northern Irish Other 1 2 3 9 4 Very important Quite important Neither important nor unimportant Not very important Not at all important Don’t know 5 (please say what) __________________________ Don’t know 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 FEELPROT FEELCATH 55. How favourable or unfavourable do you feel 56. How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from the Protestant about people from the Catholic community? community? 9 Very favourable Favourable Neither favourable nor unfavourable Unfavourable Very unfavourable Don’t know 9 Very favourable Favourable Neither favourable nor unfavourable Unfavourable Very unfavourable Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PROTCATH 57. And do you see yourself as: 9 Part of the Protestant community Part of the Catholic community Neither 1 (Please go to the next question) 2 (Please go to the next question) 3 (Please go to question 72) How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? COMPROUD 58. COMGLAD Overall, I am proud to be part of the Protestant/Catholic community. 59. I am glad that I am part of the Protestant/Catholic Community 9 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 COMEMBAR COMNOT 60. 61. Sometimes I wish I were not part of the Protestant/Catholic community. 9 Sometimes I am embarrassed to be part of the Protestant/Catholic Community. 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 JEWREL WEBREL 62. Do you openly wear any items of personal jewellery or clothing that signifies your religion and/or political allegiance? 63. Do you visit websites of political or cultural organisations associated with your religious community? 9 Very often Sometimes Rarely Never Don’t know 9 1 2 3 4 5 Very often Sometimes Rarely Never Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 IMPACT SCONTACT 64. Thinking about how you feel about the other main religious community, what do you think has been the most important influence on your views? 65. Thinking about your time at school, did you ever have contact with pupils from a different religious community to yourself? 9 My church My family My school My friends Other 1 2 9 Yes No Don’t know 1 (Please go to the next question) 2 (Please go to question 67) 3 (Please go to question 67) 3 4 5 (please say what) _______________________________ Don’t know 6 66. Was this … CONTACT1 At school CONTACT2 As part of inter-school projects CONTACT3 Travelling to school CONTACT4 Other Yes Yes Yes Yes (please say what) ______________________________________ 11 1 1 1 1 No No No No 2 2 2 2 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 SOCDIFF FRNDREL 67. How often do you socialise or play sport with people from a different religious community to yourself? 68. Thinking about your close friends, how many friends do you have from the other main religious community? 9 Very often Sometimes Rarely Never Don’t know 9 None at all One Two to five Six to ten More than ten Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 1 (Please go to question 72) 2 (Please go to the next question) 3 (Please go to the next question) 4 (Please go to the next question) 5 (Please go to the next question) 6 (Please go to the next question) VISITFRD VISITYOU 69. How often do you visit the homes of friends who are from the other religious communities? visfrien 70. How often do these friends visit your home? 9 9 Very often Sometimes Rarely Never Don’t know Very often Sometimes Rarely Never Don’t know 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 FONETXT 71. And how often do you phone or text friends who are from the other religious community? 9 Very often Sometimes Rarely Never Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 CCPROJCT PROJPOS 72. Have you ever attended any crosscommunity projects (that is, projects with young people from different religious communities)? 73. Thinking about the most recent crosscommunity project you took part in - how would you describe your contact with people from different religious communities? 9 Yes No 9 1 (Please go to the next question) 2 (Please go to question 74) Very positive Positive Neither positive nor negative Negative Very negative Don’t know 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 OMARRRLG SMARRRLG 74. Do you think that most people in Northern Ireland would mind or not mind if one of their close relatives were to marry someone of a different religion? 75. And you personally? Would you mind or not mind? 9 I would mind a lot I would mind a little I would not mind Don’t know 9 Most people would mind a lot Most people would mind a little Most people would not mind Don’t know 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 OMARRETH SMARRETH 76. Do you think that most people in Northern Ireland would mind or not mind if one of their close relatives were to marry someone of a different race or ethnic origin? 77. And you personally? Would you mind or not mind? 9 I would mind a lot I would mind a little I would not mind Don’t know 9 Most people would mind a lot Most people would mind a little Most people would not mind Don’t know 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 PCENTMEC FEELMEC 78. Among the figures below, which one, in your opinion, comes closest to the actual percentage of people from minority ethnic communities currently living in Northern Ireland? 79. And how favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from minority ethnic communities? 9 Very favourable Favourable Neither favourable nor unfavourable Unfavourable Very unfavourable Don’t know 9 Less than 1 in 100 Between 1 and 5 in 100 Between 6 and 10 in 100 Between 11 and 20 in 100 More than 20 in 100 Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 The next few questions are about your views on the future of community relations between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. RLRELAGO RLRELFUT 80. 81. What about relations between Protestants and Catholics? Would you say they are better than they were 5 years ago, worse, or about the same now as then? And what about in 5 years time? Do you think relations between Protestants and Catholics will be better than now, worse than now, or about the same as now? 9 9 Better Worse About the same Other Better Worse About the same Other 1 2 3 4 (Please say what) _______________________________ ________________________________ 4 Don’t know 5 MXRLGNGH Do you think that religion will always 83. make a difference to the way people feel about each other in Northern Ireland? 9 Yes No Other If you had a choice, would you prefer to live in a neighbourhood with people of only your own religion, or in a mixedreligion neighbourhood? 9 1 Own religion only Mixed religion neighbourhood Other 2 3 (Please say what) _______________________________ 1 2 3 (Please say what) _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Don’t know 4 Don’t know MXRLGWRK OWNMXSCH 84. 85. And if you were looking for a job, would you prefer a workplace with people of only your own religion, or a mixed religion workplace? 4 And if you were deciding where to send your children to school, would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion, or a mixed-religion school? 9 9 1 Own religion only Mixed religion school Other 2 3 (Please say what) _______________________________ 1 2 3 (Please say what) _______________________________ ________________________________ Don’t know 3 ________________________________ 5 RELGALWY Own religion only Mixed religion workplace Other 2 (Please say what) _______________________________ Don’t know 82. 1 ________________________________ 4 Don’t know 14 4 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 86. Is there anything else you would like to say about community relations in Northern Ireland? Every year we ask respondents what they think we should be asking the 16-year olds in next year’s survey. Below are some questions that last year’s respondents suggested we should ask. How much do you agree or disagree with the following two statements? RLACTPST TEENAGES 87. 88. Religious activities, such as attending services weekly, are a thing of the past. 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know Other There are not enough social places for teenagers such as cinemas and bowling centres. 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Please say what) _______________________________ (Please say what) _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ SEXATT 89. Which of the following statements applies best to you? 9 I have felt sexually attracted: …only to females and never to males …more often to females and at least once to a male …about equally often to females and males …more often to males and at least once to a female …only to males and never to females I have never felt sexually attracted to anyone at all. 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 And how much do you agree or disagree with the following two statements? RISKPARA SAFENGH 90. 91. There is a risk of young people being asked to join paramilitary groups. I feel safe in the neighbourhood I live in. 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know Other 9 Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Please say what) _______________________________ (Please say what) _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 92. If the government decided that they should be spending more money on young people in Northern Ireland, how do you think they should spend the extra money? We will be running another survey of sixteen year olds next year. Is there anything that you think we should be asking them about life in Northern Ireland? 16 Young Life and Times Survey 2005 The results of this survey will be published some time after the autumn of 2005. If you would like an invitation to the launch of the findings, please tick this box and fill in your contact details below. and fill in your contact details below. If you would like a summary of the results, please tick this box Name ____________________________________ Address ____________________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone number ___________________________ Email address ___________________________ Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire If you have completed this questionnaire, please send it back in the Freepost envelope provided. Please note that you do not need a stamp. The 2005 Young Life and Times Survey was funded by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust. 17
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