What is kirstyskids.org

What is kirstyskids.org
Kirstyskids.org is a registered
charity with OSCAR. Charity
registration number
SC042871. The Kirsty Bryden
Memorial Trust helps to
improve the lives of children
who are suffering from serious
life limiting illnesses, children
with special needs and their
We are a no overheads
Highland Childrens charity
every penny goes to the
children we help; We operate
on good will and sponsorship,
using only unpaid volunteers
who use their own private
cars, we pay for our own fuel
to attend events.
We source posters, badges etc.
from sponsors to deliver 100%
of all donations direct to those
in need.
We always investigate every
cause to ensure no cash gets
wasted through misguided
good intent. We deliver to
maximize the benefit of every
penny raised.
The charity was formally
opened as a trust devoted to
the care and support of
children and young adults in
The Trust was formed in order
to teach children and young
adults about Kirsty and what
she did with her life. Kirsty
was a young girl who devoted
her life in her selfless
devotion of care to children in
need . It aims to continue to
contribute to the care of sick
children, their siblings and so
continue with Kirstys work.
Kirstys kids.org believes that
kids should learn to find the
joy in giving and have fun
fundraising rather than kids
feeling that life is about the
next “IPod or fancy phone.
We promote fun fundraising
for kirstyskids.org
The Trust known as Kirstys
Kids. Was formally opened in
2010 at an opening ceremony
by MSP Dave Thompson at
Craiglea Lochailort to pay
tribute to Kirstys courage
determination in the way she
devoted her life in her selfless
devotion of care to sick children around the world during
her young life.
What did Kirsty do
During Kirsty's short life she
was always helping kids by
fundraising. At the age of 5
years she took part in a sponsored bounce. The average
rate of bounces for the kids
was around 30, Kirsty... well
she made 80.
Kirsty was always asked what
she wanted to do when she
grew up her reply was always
the same, "to help kids".
At the age of 14 Kirsty had
already been instrumental in
raising hundreds of pounds for
presence felt as soon as she
entered any room.
Kirsty traveled to Banavie
School to help as a classroom
assistant for the special needs
kids she loved them and
adored helping.
Kirsty soon had the measure
of the disruptive lad who had
limited speech and mobility.
"shut up your just the same as
everyone else here and your
spoiling story time for
everyone". The lad never
became disruptive again in
Kirsty's presence and they
formed a special bond.
One child being disruptive due
to his special needs required
several extra helpers, but not
when Kirsty arrived, small as
she was, Kirsty being the
smallest wee lass in her class,
had a way of making her
Kirsty treated everyone as
We are constantly
looking for volunteers
to help with fundraising
for our West Highland
Childrens charity.
If you are interested in
finding out more about
fun fundraising please
contact Kirstyskids.org.
If you know of someone
who might wish to
become a volunteer and
work with Jan and John
we are always looking
for help. Especially at
our Fundraising events.
We have one in May
and one in July.
What Have We Done?
We have raised thousands of pounds
assisting the work of organisations, by
providing much needed wish list items.
These items are things that the
organisations cannot fund by their normal
means and Kirstys Kids assists them to
enhance the care provided.
Our fundraising has directly taken 52
children suffering from short life
expectancy and serious life limiting
illnesses to a fantastic climbing adventure
center in Edinburgh.
We have provided specialist light and
sound sensory equipment to Special needs
Special TV for the Young Adults in
Inverness CHAS at home center.
We have funded 15 kids to special
summer fun camps.
We have funded kids to go on CHAS
young adults summer camp.
We have funded Clown doctors for
hospitals and hospices through CHAS.
We have provided a specialist cot to
Provide Specialist portable unit to CHAS
at home Inverness.
What made this possible
Prior to Kirstys death she was planning on
using her tiny motor bike to raise much
needed cash for her kids.
To Kirsty every child suffering through
ill health mental or physical abuse or
social difficulties serious life limiting
illnesses were all her kids. She planned to
ride round the entire coast line of the UK
on her 10hp bike to raise the cash. Kirsty
had recently completed a charity
parachute jump before going to
Mozambique where she spent months
caring for impoverished orphans and even
found herself being left in charge of 130
orphans over Christmas 2009 while the
staff left the massive orphanage in Kirstys
hands at only 18 years of age she was the
sole mother to 130 kids from 5 months
old to 16 years old.
During 2011 Kirstys dad John who is
currently the Chairman of the trust
decided to take Kirstys place on her
planned challenge to raise 10,000 pounds
for her Kids. The charity motorcycle trip
round the UK took John 4 weeks and
8,053 miles. During this time motorcycle
clubs, social groups, walkers and
individuals were inspired when they
heard about Kirstys work. In-fact so
many people were inspired and helped
through sponsored walks, coffee
mornings, running charity shops, a quiz
So many events took place that The
Charity has amassed 30,000 pounds every
penny of which has gone to help those
children in need inside its first 2 years.
2 kids on holiday saw
John on Kirstys bike
during the 2011
challenge. One small girl
who had been given
cash to buy ice cream
saw the bike and told
her brother, ”no ice
cream for us those kids
need our money more
than we do”.
Kirsty inspires & still through her example
gets things done
During Kirstys short life she passed her
test weeks after her 17th birthday and
started driving thousands of miles the
length and breadth of the UK to attend
charity camps where she spent her time
nursing kids with short life expectancy.
Kirsty always used her own fuel and
travelled at her own expense. When she
travelled to Mozambique she had worked
hard doing extra shifts to pay for her
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travel she also fundraised and collected all
the cash she could . When she arrived in
Mozambique Kirsty funded improvements to the orphanage and over saw the
work by delegating and teaching the kids
to look after each other and themselves.
While stranded with the kids Kirsty made
contact with her father and managed to
get an old broken down truck running
which she drove to the city herself loaded
with provisions and returned to give the
130 orphans a Christmas party. For such
a small wee lass she could pack a punch
and was capable of doing the work of 2
adults with ease. She was a no nonsense
get stuck in and travel light girl. On her
death Kirsty was only 19 years old. Her
mum and dad found that her personal
effects fitted into a small box but she had
in her wardrobe 5 boxes of thank you
letters from doctors parents but mostly
from her kids.
While working for the family business
A family friend of Kirstys was needing a
Kirsty was always asking to have time off to chat this was all to common Kirsty was a
help her kids across the world.
friendly caring listener. She was always
there for other kids to give advice and
She was doing just that on the day of her
death. Kirsty was helping a Lochaber mum help. Tragically both Kirsty and her
by taking her to Aberdeen childrens hospital young passenger were killed when the car
from the Lochaber area. Kirsty waited with left the road on a notorious accident black
the mother and her sick baby daughter who spot. Both kids lost their lives. After 314
accidents in 2 years and 2 years of
required treatment before returning them
home. Driving across Scotland and back was campaigning to have the road repaired it
was finally sorted out and to date no
a pleasure for Kirsty as she was making a
further accidents are known to have
difference to a sick child and her mum and
dad. When Kirsty came home she left home occurred on the repaired sections.
Kirstys zest for life and in helping her
kids has inspired people from all over the
world. She continues to inspire kids
Kirsty in Mozambique
to collect her younger brother from youth
Why is Eeyore such a big feature in www.kirstyskids.org
Kirsty loved Eeyore it was her favourite
toy. The Disney character was always
doom and gloom. It was Kirstys job to get
the best our of her kids and to that end
Kirsty helped to get children and young
adults who were feeling sorry for themselves to think of others less well off and
to encourage them to find the joy in fun
fundraising or taking part in helping others.
Kirsty could get the message across that
material things were trappings which
could get people into debt and feeling
sorry for themselves. When John was
fundraising Kirstys mum Jan told him to
take Eeyore as she believed Eeyore would
raise more cash than he ever would.
He was hosted by various sponsors and
came back from the USA with around
6,500 USD
Since then Eeyore has become an avid fun
fundraiser to Kirstys Kids children adore
him. He has been to all our sponsored fun
fundraising events and even stayed on the
back of the bike during the entire 2011
round UK challenge. Last year Eeyore
went to USA on a solo fundraising tour!
Hold your Own Event
Anyone wishing to hold and event for KirstysKids.org please
contact Trust House 01687470404, or email events@kirstyskids.org.
Helping kids & youngsters in UK
Kirstys Kids works a voluntary
programme for children who are finding it
As a resource for all kids even those
struggling, “perhaps getting involved in
anti social behavior”. We will take them
on at Trust house Lochailort where they
can work as unpaid volunteers.
What they learn are new skills and
abilities, a sense of belonging and they
Volume 1, Issue 1
learn to find the value in life as fun
fundraisers and workers getting Trust
house and garden ready for children with
short life expectancy to come and visit the
Highlands Volunteers can gain self
confidence and self worth. They will learn
to believe in themselves while getting the
chance to provide employers with a
certificate that they have been involved in
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Trust House
We are committed to helping kids who have been going
towards antisocial behavior , drink, drugs or been involved
in petty crime. By working for Kirstys kids they begin to
learn about children who are unable to do things for
themselves. Getting to meet children or young adults who
have life limiting illnesses or suffering from short life expectancy. When kids get involved as volunteers we can see them
light up and suddenly realize that “the latest Ipad “ is no
longer a priority.
Both youth groups or individuals can contact us for
information on how to become fun fundraisers or helpers.
Tel 01687470404
Please have a look at and
share our facebook page
Please consider a monthly donation
some of our supporters have set up a
direct debit to give £5.00s per month.
Eeyores 2013 Endurance challenge
Following the success of the 2011 challenge we are sending John off with Eeyore once again on
Kirstys wee tiny bike in the hope that this time we can raise £15,000 for kirstyskids.org.
To celebrate the formal opening of the Trust on 4th July 2011. by MSP Dave Thompson at Trust
house. This is the departure date.
100% of the donations go to the kids nothing is ever used for admin costs or trip expenses John
travels by the seat of his pants and relies on public support to lend a hand.
So if you can help by providing some bike assistance perhaps mechanical, tyres, panniers or clothing please give us a call. We have a virgin money giving page so you can sponsor John and Eeyore
on line so the charity can claim the gift aid.
John would like to have a load of fellow bikers see him off at Lochailort or join him on route even
if for a few miles or a cheery wave just as Kirsty had wanted on her planned UK trip.
There will be a short remembrance service at 11am open to everyone. This will be held on the lawn
at Trust house prior to John’s departure at on 4th traveling south to the ferry in Hull then set off
into Europe and up into the Norwegian mountains before cutting across into Sweden , Finland, Lapland and into the Northern Territories of Russia and eventually into Moscow. Then travel back
north to Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, France. Then back north to Estonia.
Big fat bloke on wee 10ph bike although he is trying to loose weight. Johns lawn mower is 13hp so
that gives some idea of the magnitude of this feat.
If the bike breaks down John has pledged to push it until some fellow bikers or mechanical person
comes along to assist.
No cash from donations made in aid of Kirsty's Kids will ever be used for administration or expenses on this charity fundraising event. Even fuel will be purchased from personal funds or jerry can
donations like last time. This will be a success if we get funding though sponsorship. Please help by
donating on line, sending a cheque or even contacting us to create your own event to support us.