電訊管理局在一九九三年七月一日 成為一個獨立政府部門,是電訊管理 局局長的行政機關。立法會在一九九 五年五月十日通過決議,電訊管理局 自一九九五年六月一日起根據《營運 基金條例》(第430章)以營運基金 方式運作。電訊管理局局長根據《電 訊條例》(第106章),獲委任為負 責監管電訊市場的法定人士。電訊管 理局隸屬於資訊科技及廣播局。 電訊管理局分三個部門: 規管事務部 負責為香港的電訊業 營造一個公平競爭的營運環境,主 要職責包括公共電訊服務的規管和 發牌、執行牌照條件內的公平競爭 條款、管理電訊服務號碼計劃、調 解營辦商之間有關互連和其他的紛 爭、保障消費者利益和處理關於公 共電訊服務的投訴。 電訊管理局簡介 WHAT IS OFTA? O FTA was establis hed as an independent government department on 1 July 1993 and serves as the executive arm of the Telecommunications Authority (“TA”). By resolution of the Legislative Council under the Trading Funds Ordinance (Cap 430) on 10 May 1995, OFTA has adopted a trading fund operation with effect from 1 June 1995. The TA is appointed under the Telecommunication Ordinance (Cap 106) as the statutory body responsible for regulating the telecommunications industry. OFTA is under the policy portfolio of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau (“ITBB”). OFTA has three branches: 支援部負責法例、技術標準、國際 事務和電訊管理局的行政事宜,職責 包括通訊衛星系統和服務的規管和發 牌、確保各項國際協議獲得遵守、訂 定技術標準和核准有關的電訊設備。 執行部負責管理無線電頻譜,向負 責規管廣播服務的有關政府機構提供 技術支援,並向公營機構提供電訊事 宜的諮詢和策劃服務,職責包括專用 電訊服務的發牌、調查干擾投訴,以 及檢控非法使用電訊設備。 The Regulatory Affairs Branch is responsible for the development of a fair and competitive operating environment for the telecommunications industry in Hong Kong. In this capacity, it oversees the regulation and licensing of public telecommunications services, enforces the fair competition rules under licence conditions, administers the telecommunications numbering plan, resolves interconnection and other types of disputes between operators, protects the interests of the consumer and handles complaints concerning public telecommunications services. The Support Branch oversees legislation, technical standards, international affairs and organisational administration of OFTA. Its portfolio includes the regulation and licensing of communications satellite systems and services, ensuring compliance with various international agreements, developing technical standards and approving related equipment. The Operations Branch manages Hong Kong’s radio frequency spectrum and provides advisory and planning services to the public sector and technical support in the regulation of broadcasting services. Its role includes licensing private telecommunications services, investigating interference complaints and prosecution against the illegal use of telecommunications equipment. 電訊管理局營運基金報告書 1998 1999 OFTA TRADING FUND REPORT 5
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