Living WELL St. Dominic’s

St. Dominic’s
Summer 2013
heart disease in women 2
pelvic floor dysfunction 5
are x-rays harmful? 6
sun safety tips
bug bites that bug
Women and Cardiovascular Disease
by Reid Cotton, M.D., Interventional Cardiologist, St. Dominic’s
“What a strange
thing man is;
and what a
stranger thing
woman ... ”
— Lord Byron,
18th century
t does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that
there are differences between men and women.
From a cardiovascular perspective, this holds true
as well. However, there is the perception that heart
disease does not affect women as frequently as it
does men, and therein lies a problem.
Women’s Hearts Are Different
In a survey performed in 2012 assessing women’s
awareness of cardiovascular disease (that is, heart
attack and stroke risk), the authors concluded that
women still have a limited understanding of their
risk as well as the unusual symptoms that can
accompany a heart attack.
The reality is that cardiovascular disease (again,
heart attack and stroke related deaths) has been
the number one killer of American women since
1908. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause
of death in every major developing country.
By comparison, invasive breast cancer affects one
in every eight American women in her lifetime.
More Deaths than Breast Cancer
Contrast the breast cancer death rate to the
270,000 women who die each year of a heart
attack, reflecting a six-fold increase in death rate
compared with breast cancer. Although the
cardiovascular death rates have generally declined
over the last four decades, the death rate for young
women (ages 35–54) is increasing. Many experts
believe the increase in young women is
predominantly due to the obesity epidemic,
which increases the risk of diabetes and other
risk factors associated with heart disease.
Risks and Prevention
These facts are hard to swallow but clearly
point to the importance of one’s need to
both understand the disease risk and its
symptoms and also practice preventive
behavior. In contrast to men, women are less
likely to experience the classic “elephant on
my chest” feeling during a heart attack.
Typical symptoms for women, which may
occur together or separately, include:
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pressure, fullness, or tightness
• Indigestion
• Dizziness
• Cold sweat
• Nausea
• Arm, jaw, or upper back pain
Immediate medical attention should be
sought if these symptoms are present. If
any of the symptoms mentioned above
should occur with exertion, this should
also prompt medical evaluation, as it may
represent coronary disease. Call 9-1-1,
and quickly!
The proverbial “an ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure” is applicable
here. Essentially, all of the cardiovascular
risk factors are modifiable except for a
family history of early heart disease.
Therefore, addressing obesity, cigarette
smoking, high blood pressure and
cholesterol, physical inactivity and
diabetes can make a major difference
in outcomes. Making the right food
choices along with regular walking (or
other aerobic exercises) reduces one’s risk
of heart attack and stroke.
Recognizing the risks and symptoms of
cardiovascular disease is crucial in order to
improve the outcomes of women with this
disease. Attacking the risk factors with
lifestyle changes and medications, when
appropriate, can make a big difference.
An Extraordinary Offer!
99 Healthy
Heart Screening
roke have
Heart attack and st
one killer of
been the number
since 1908.
American women
A first line of defense is knowing your
risk. St. Dominic’s Healthy Heart
program is an extraordinary offer and
value. For just $99 you can receive:
• A calcium score – a Heart Saver CT
• A lipid panel: total cholesterol, HDL,
LDL, triglycerides and glucose
• An electrocardiogram (ECG)
(this is noninvasive)
• A peripheral vascular screening
(this is noninvasive)
• A blood pressure evaluation
• A body composition: Body Mass Index
• A nutritional consultation
• A consultation with a cardiac nurse
with a risk evaluation to assess risk
factors and risk of heart disease for
the next 10 years
This screening is only needed
every five years. It is a great
investment in your health. Call 601200-8000 to set up an appointment.
Living Well Summer 2013
Yogurt Tossed
Fruit Parfait
Brain Injury Support Group
The Mississippi Brain Injury
Association hosts a monthly
support group for patients
and families dealing with brain
injuries. Fourth Monday of
each month at 6:30 p.m. at
St. Dominic’s Education Services.
Free. Call 601-845-2694.
Yield: 4 portions
St. Dominic’s
Chef Tony
This light fruit offering
takes advantage of the
fruitful bounty during the summer
months. Substituting Cheerios for the
traditional granola reduces the fat,
while still adding some whole grains.
3cups fresh cut fruit, such as melon,
strawberries, grapes
1 6 ounce container Yoplait Light
strawberry yogurt
1 cup multi grain Cheerios
Wash and cut/prepare fruit and place in
medium bowl. Toss in light yogurt and
portion into small bowls or glasses. Top
with Cheerios just prior to serving.
Each serving provides:
Calories 128
Fat 3.4g
Sodium 7mg
Carbs 25g
Protein 2g
S u m m er 2 0 1 3
Community Heart Education
Held at the St. Dominic’s Centre Building. To
register for Community Heart Education, call
Are You Predisposed to Heart Disease?
Presented by Scott Torrey, M.D. September 24
at 2 p.m. in the St. Dominic’s Centre
Holiday Nibbles and Sips
Presented by Chef Tony November 19 at 11:30
a.m. in the St. Dominic’s Centre
Gentle Joints (Arthritis Foundation
Aquatic Program)
The Club at St. Dominic’s offers a low-intensity
walking water class designed to help increase
strength, endurance and flexibility. Held
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 p.m.
It is not necessary to be a member of The Club
at St. Dominic’s to participate. Cost: $35 for
12 classes or $60 for 24 classes. To register,
call 601-200-4925. Just for Seniors
AARP Mature Driving Class
This classroom refresher course is for motorists
ages 50 and older. Completing the class qualifies
you for a discount on auto insurance. Cost is $12
for AARP members and $14 for nonmembers.
Call 601-200-6698 to register.
Senior Adult Computer Classes
Self-paced classes designed to assist anyone
wanting to improve their computer skills in the
area of computer fundamentals, word processing, spreadsheets, Internet and email. Classes
are every Saturday. Cost is $25 per person/per
class. Call 601-200-6698 to find out more.
Cancer Support Group
This group meets the second
Tuesday of each month
September through May in the
St. Dominic Cancer Center,
Education Room, First Floor at
9 a.m. For more information, call
Caregivers Support Group
A monthly support group for caregivers of
St. Dominic’s patients and caregivers in the
community. This group meets the second
Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. in
St. Dominic’s conference rooms. Free.
Call Teresa Williams at 601-200-6768.
Diabetes Support Group
This group meets the third Monday of each month
in the 6 West classroom at 10 a.m. For monthly
topic information call 601-200-6718.
NAMI Support Group
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers
a monthly support group for family members
who have adult relatives suffering from a mental
illness. This group meets the second Thursday
of each month at 7 p.m. on the lower level of
the St. Dominic’s Education Department in the
St. Catherine’s Classroom. Call 601-899-9058.
Stroke Support Group
A monthly support group for stroke survivors,
family members and caregivers. Held the first
Friday of each month on the second floor of
Dominican Plaza in The Club conference room
at 1 p.m. Free. No RSVP required, and
refreshments are served. Call 601-200-3396.
15th Annual Senior
Entertainment, food lness Fest
, senior service
vendors and FREE
health screenings
Call 601-200-6698
for more details.
Thursday, Septembe
r 5, 9:30 a.m.-Noon
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and
Physical Therapy
by Chelsea Beyers, DPT
elvic floor disorders (PFDs) are a quiet
epidemic in the lives of both men and
women—a disorder that many are
uncomfortable even mentioning to their
PFD is a term used to describe pain and
trouble of the bladder, bowel or sexual
function due to restriction of the muscles
and nerves of the pelvis.
Nearly one in four women has a PFD at
any given time, and approximately one in
10 men experiences symptoms related to
PFD during his lifetime.
Specialized Therapy
Pelvic floor physical therapy is a growing
field that addresses many of the problems
related to PDF as well as offering
preventive services such as helping
pregnant women prepare for an easier
delivery and preventing postpartum
General Symptoms or
Conditions Include
Coccyx or Pubic Bone Pain
Interstitial Cystitis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pain / Weakness Following Cancer
Treatments for Various Pelvic
Organs (ovaries, cervix, prostate,
bowel, bladder, etc.)
• Painful Intercourse (dyspareunia)
• Pelvic Organ Prolapse (bladder,
rectum, etc.)
Like other types of physical therapists,
pelvic floor physical therapists specialize in
treating physical problems; however, pelvic
floor therapists address many of the issues
that people are too embarrassed to talk
Some of the common diagnoses treated
by a pelvic floor physical therapist include
the inability to control bowel or bladder
function, pelvic organ prolapse, pregnancy
and recovery, pelvic pain and urinary
urgency/frequency in both men and
women. Although PFD is more common
among women, symptoms related to PDF
affect millions of men each year.
Physical therapists specializing in pelvic
floor and women’s health physical therapy
use a wide range of hands-on techniques
Penile or Scrotal Pain
Pregnancy and Postpartum Pain
Pudendal Neuralgia
Rectal Pain
Removal of Prostate Gland
Urinary / Fecal Incontinence
Urinary Urgency or Frequency
Vaginal Pain (Vulvodynia)
Vaginal Tightness Limiting
Intercourse (Vaginismus)
to release restrictions of pelvic floor, hip,
abdominal and low back muscles, and
internal organs. Biofeedback training,
relaxation and strengthening exercises are
also used to retrain the muscles of the
pelvis. The ultimate goal of pelvic floor
physical therapy is to restore pelvic
stability and function so that patients are
able to participate in their daily and
recreational activities without the worry of
pain or embarrassment.
If you believe that you may benefit
from pelvic floor and women’s health
physical therapy or have any questions
about pelvic floor dysfunction, speak with
your doctor or call St. Dominic’s
Outpatient Rehabilitation at 601-200-4920.
About Chelsea Beyers, DPT
In the coming months, Chelsea Beyers, DPT, a
physical therapist at St. Dominic’s Outpatient
Rehabilitation, will begin offering pelvic floor
physical therapy.
Beyers earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
with a minor in Sports Science at the University of
Idaho in 2007. She completed her Doctor of Physical
Therapy at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
She moved to the South after graduating in 2010
and has been practicing orthopedic
physical therapy at St. Dominic’s
Outpatient Rehab. She has recently
found a passion for Women’s Health
and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy and
is excited to offer this unique and
underutilized specialty of physical
therapy in the Jackson area.
Chelsea Beyers, DPT
Living Well Summer 2013
X-Rays: Too Much
of a Good Thing?
by Forrest Carson, M.D.
Radiologist with Lakeland Radiology
omputed tomography, better known as a CAT scan, uses
an array of X-rays to take images within the body with
amazing anatomic detail. These images enable physicians to
diagnose all areas of treatable disease, discover and stage
cancer, monitor treatment response, investigate symptoms from
a headache to abdominal pain and triage patients with surgical
or traumatic illnesses.
High-Dose Sunlight
As with any medical procedure, CAT scans feature some risk.
X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation, like sunlight. Each day,
in sunlight, we are exposed to radiation, along with cosmic rays,
radon, and other sources. But CAT scans can expose the patient
to two to three times the amount of radiation they might normally
get. For example, a head CAT scan results in as much radiation
as a person would receive from eight months of natural exposure.
Certainly, the information gained from a CAT scan balances the
radiation dose. It is important, however, that the dose of radiation
used is as low as is possible.
Pregnancy and Youth Risk
Be particularly aware if you are pregnant or have a young child, as
the risk for radiation is different. There are several excellent patient
information websites, such as, for more
information. Visit, and go to “My Child’s
Medical Imaging Record” and write down what your child had
done, where and when. This will decrease unnecessary repetitive
exams. You should keep track of these exams like you track/
record your child’s vaccinations.
With nearly 70 million studies performed last year in the U.S.,
CAT scans will continue to have a profound impact on patient
care. At St. Dominic Hospital, we employ state-of-the-art
techniques and equipment to dramatically lower the radiation
dose on each of our CAT scans. All of our CAT scanners are
accredited by the American College of Radiology. We review the
appropriateness of each requested CAT scan and avoid redundant
imaging when possible. The entire process is under constant
oversight by our board certified radiologists.
These suggestions will help lower the radiation dose during CAT scans.
• Take an active role in your health care and ask your primary
care physician or radiologist if alternative exams such as
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or an ultrasound can be
done instead of the CAT scan. MRI and ultrasound do not
use ionized radiation.
• Most radiology departments use digital image acquisition
which allows the CAT scan to be captured on CD or a USB
flash drive. Keep a record of your exams and take your
studies with you if you visit more than one facility to prevent
redundant exams.
• Make sure you go to a facility accredited by third parties
such as the American College of Radiology to ensure you are
receiving the best care and that the lowest radiation dose is
being used.
• Ask the medical imaging facility if it uses lead shielding for
body parts that are not being imaged and if it has “child size”
exam shields for kids.
it’s not a diet…
“The best part is
it’s a lifestyle chan
MeLisa Stewart of Ridgeland, MS lost
over 70 pounds with St. Dominic’s
Healthy Weight Advantage.
Sun Safety for the
Entire Family
hile a small amount of exposure to
sunlight is healthy and pleasurable,
too much can be dangerous. Everybody
needs some sun exposure to produce
vitamin D (which helps in the absorption of
calcium for stronger and healthier bones),
but unprotected exposure to the sun’s
ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause premature
aging of the skin, the development of
cataracts, and harmful effects to the
immune system. The damage can also
lead to skin cancer.
In most cases, UV rays are absorbed by
our skin’s melanin, our first defense against
the sun. A sunburn develops when the
amount of UV damage exceeds the
protection that the melanin can provide.
Protecting Yourself
The best means of protecting yourself
against the damaging effects of the sun is
by limiting exposure and protecting the skin.
Start with sunscreens. These tips from
the American Academy of Dermatology
apply to everyone, including babies older
than six months. Remember, even dark
skin needs protection from UV rays. Be
sure to use sunscreen and sunglasses
with UV protection when you are working
in the yard or participating in sports.
Generously apply a broad-spectrum
water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF
of at least 30 to all exposed skin. “Broadspectrum” means the sunscreen protects
you from both UVA and UVB rays.
Re-apply about every two hours and after
swimming or sweating.
Seek shade when appropriate.
Remember that the sun’s rays are
strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If
your shadow is shorter than you are, seek
shade. But remember, sand, water and
pavement reflect UV rays even while under
an umbrella.
Wear protective clothing, such as a
long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed
hat, and sunglasses, whenever possible.
Cover your eyes. Over time, exposure
to the sun’s rays can cause cataracts,
age-related macular degeneration, cancer
and other growths on the eye.
The right pair of shades can make you
look cool and provide UV protection, and
they don’t have to be expensive. Adults and
children who play outdoor sports should
wear shades with impact-resistant lenses.
And did you know children’s eyes have less
natural protection from UV radiation than
adults? So children need to wear protective
sunglasses even more than adults.
In addition to buying shades that block
99 to 100 percent of UV radiation, you
should also look for brands that are:
• Able to screen 75 to 90 percent of
visible light
• Gray with a uniform tint
• Free of imperfections and distortion
• Dark enough (If you can easily see your
eyes when looking in a mirror, shop for
a darker pair).
(Height 5’2”)
3 years
243 lbs.
164 lbs. 175 lbs.
Size 24
Size 12
Size 14
4x per week high
impact aerobics
“Before starting St. Dominic’s Healthy
Weight Advantage, I weighed 243
pounds and was a size 24. After the
program, I weighed 164 pounds and
was a size 12. Three years later, I am
holding steady between 175-180
pounds and wearing a size 14.
My participation in the Healthy Weight
Advantage program at St. Dominic’s
improved my overall health! I am happier,
healthier, and over 70 pounds lighter.
The Decision-Free meal plan was easy
to follow, and the food was filling and
delicious. I still use the HMR diet to
supplement meals today. A shake for
breakfast is easy. An entrée is a quick
and easy lunch during the workweek.
The weekly classes led by Registered
Dieticians kept me on track, motivated,
and focused. The best part is that it’s
not a diet…it’s a lifestyle change. Using
the tools I learned at Healthy Weight
Advantage, I am confident that I will stay
on the road to health and wellness.”
—MeLisa Stewart
MeLisa Stewart
Before HWA
MeLisa Stewart
After HWA
For more information, call
St. Dominic’s Healthy Weight
Advantage at 601-200-6099.
Living Well Summer 2013
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Living Well is published by St. Dominic’s and is
intended to provide information about the benefits
of living well and taking an active role in your
healthcare. If you have any questions or concerns
regarding the content of this publication, please
contact us at
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Bites that Bug You
The summer months can be abuzz with insects. Keeping them off your back (and legs
and arms) may help prevent the harmful conditions they can spread.
osquitoes can fly in the face of your
summer fun. The bites aren’t just
annoying. Some can cause lingering
symptoms and potentially fatal infections.
Infected mosquitoes spread West Nile
virus if they bite you. Although anyone can
contract the disease, older people and
those with impaired immune systems are
prone to more severe cases. This illness
has been reported in every state.
This virus sometimes triggers mild
symptoms. But it can be more serious—
even deadly—for some people, especially
those ages 50 and older.
Know the Signs
Symptoms may appear five to 15 days after
a bite. Symptoms of the West Nile virus
include: fever, headache, eye pain, muscle
aches, joint pain, swollen lymph glands, and
a rash. Advanced symptoms may include
brain inflammation, paralysis, and coma.
While there’s no known cure, prescription
medications can control the symptoms.
Using an insect repellent that contains
DEET to ward off mosquitoes is one of the
best strategies for everyone. Spray your
skin and clothing. But don’t put repellent
on or near a child’s hands, eyes, or mouth.
To avoid bites from mosquitoes (which
are often most active from dusk to dawn):
• Beware of shady, wooded areas at any
time of day.
• Wear long pants and long sleeves
• Get rid of standing water, where
mosquitoes often breed. Keep rain gutters
unclogged. Drain birdbaths, flowerpots,
and other containers at least once a week.
• Keep mosquitoes out of your house by
installing screens on windows and
doors and fixing torn screens.
Not letting bugs get the best of you can
make for a healthy summer. For more
information, visit the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention at
Do You Have West Nile?
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of the
West Nile virus you should contact a physician to
schedule an appointment. Call 601-200-8000 to find
a St. Dominic’s Family Medicine clinic near you.
beach mat from the spa
Stop by the Sanctuary Body Spa Boutique
located inside the Club at the Township on the
first floor to pick up your FREE beach mat.
We will have the latest tips on how to care for
your skin this summer. You can check out our
extensive line of sun care products.
Limited supply of beach mats. Offer not open
to employees of St. Dominic’s.
Stay connected! Like St. Dominic’s on Facebook
( or follow us on Twitter
( for the
latest events, screenings and hospital news.
Find Your Doctor
Important Numbers
St. Dominic’s
Behavioral Health
Cancer Services
Center for Women’s Health
Diagnostic Imaging
Family Medicine
Clinton – 601-200-4800
Flowood – 601-200-4760
Madison – 601-200-4750
Farlow’s Pharmacy
Healthy Heart Advantage
Healthy Weight Advantage
Maternal & Newborn Care
Mississippi Heart and Vascular
New Directions for Over 55
Outpatient Rehabilitation
Sanctuary Body Spa of St. Dominic’s
Ridgeland – 601-790-2222
Jackson – 601-200-5961
St. Dominic’s Cancer Boutique
St. Dominic’s Sports Medicine
The Club at St. Dominic’s