Newsletter for the Emmaus Staff

Volume 3, Issue 3
Newsletter for the Emmaus Staff
What is “Quality of Life”?
It’s an important question that we strive to answer every day in living out our mission. I
mentioned at our annual ALL STAFF meeting back in January, that Emmaus was working with a consultant to conduct an agency wide survey to assess where we are, how we
are doing and where we are going. Fiore Londino of Pareto Consulting is conducting 40
minute “focus groups” to discuss what Emmaus means by “quality of life.” 100% of the
office staff, administrative staff and clerical staff either have participated or will participate in one of the focus groups. I am really hoping to get 100% participation from all
DSPs as well.
The following schedule has been emailed to you and is posted at each house. Please try
and contact me with your preference as soon as possible. THANK YOU VERY
Wednesday March 6th – 9:30am
Wednesday March 6th 10:30am
Thursday March 7th 3:00pm
Thursday March 7th 4:00pm
Step Right Up Folks!
You know things are really busy when I have two articles in one café! I am asking for
nine DSP volunteers to take on a small leadership role as an Agency Wide Committee
Chairperson. What does this entail? 1) A commitment to attend the next 4 Community
meetings (March 26, May 21, September 26, and November 14th). 2) Lead the brainstorming and group discussion of your committee and report to the large group that
night, and 3) take the lead in implementing at least one idea that your committee comes
up with during the year. If you are not normally on the schedule for Community
nights, you will be compensated for two hours (6:45 to 8:45 – Community nights run
from 7 to 8:30). You can call or email me with questions. Thanks for considering this
request. We really need you!
We have not yet heard when our State Inspection will be rescheduled.
It will be in March or April. I will keep you posted as soon as I know.
Emmaus Community of
Pittsburgh is dedicated to
providing residential
homes for persons with
intellectual disabilities and
promoting public awareness of their needs.
Inside this Issue
Event Calendar
Residents News
Emmaus News
Emmaus Cook
Experts’ Corner
Acts 26:20
But declared first to those in
Damascus, then in Jerusalem
and throughout all the region
of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent
and turn to God, performing
deeds in keeping with their
Bible Trivia Questions
How many were present at
the Last Supper?
1. 13
2. 11
3. 6
4. 12
Hint: Emmaus has many
pictures of the Last Supper.
Please email your answer to
MiRan for a surprise prize.
Emmaus Café
Editor: MiRan Surh
2821 Sarah Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
March 2013
Page 2
March 2013
the "R" word
Black& Gold
pledge day for
David Petrucci
Daylight Saving
Time Begins
Gloria Vanda
Lunch and
Good Friday
**YPAB Meeting
**Important location change: Prince of Peace Social Hall (where the Thanksgiving dinner is held)
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
March 2013
Page 3
Celebrating Anniversaries with Emmaus in March
Karen Jacobsen
Diana Miller
Sara Stillwell
Lorraine Wagner
18 Years of service at Emmaus
6 Years of service at Emmaus
3 Years of service at Emmaus
23 Years of service at Emmaus
Emmaus welcomed Keiona Allen, Serwad Fordjour, and Leslie Rogowski (from left
Questions? Comments? Resources?
to right) as
our new direct support professional! Welcome aboard ladies!
Shiloh and Jericho
House News from
Shiloh house:
The guys at Shiloh house are doing great. They are busy each week with Special O, bowling and theater class. They attended a Sweetheart Dance through PACC in February. Jason had a trip to the science center one weekend and had a blast. Jason’s grandma, (Jason
called her as Grandma Ony), passed away in February. Please keep his family in your
prayers. Matt goes to visit his parents each Saturday and helps them clean their apartment.
His sister and brother in law are coming in to town from Maryland to visit at the beginning of March. David has had a nice month, especially with the start of all of the fish fries!
All of the guys are gearing up for the Special O basketball tournament at Pitt at the beginning of March as well.
Jericho house:
Deanna has been doing well this month. She continues to be busy with Special O, theater,
and pottery. Deanna also became a board member for the Allegheny County MH/ID advisory board! She attended her first meeting in February and spoke about how people with
disabilities should be treated equally and that she loves where she lives. She’s been hard at
work with her scrapbooking and has enjoyed spending time with her Emmaus friends and
with her cute niece and nephew. Deanna also attended the PACC sweetheart dance, where
she danced all evening.
Emmaus and Jordan
Both Emmaus and Jericho ladies enjoyed a visit from the Pilot club in February. The laHouse News from
dies attended a special Mass service for Ash Wednesday and enjoyed a fish fry afterwards.
Debbie celebrated her birthday with a birthday party at Emmaus House. Michele is receiving an honorary award for her participation in a drawing at Goodwill that is going to be
held in Washington DC in May. All continue to be very active in the community and look
forward to upcoming events.
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
March 2013
Page 4
Bethany and Tabor
House News from
Michele Benasutti’s submission for GII’s Congressional Directory Cover Contest was
chosen as one of three honorable mentions! Everyone was very impressed with
Michele’s depiction of, “What does Congress mean to you?”.
Congratulations, Michele! We are extremely happy with you!
Attention! Attention!
I am very excited that the Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh is participating in the
From MiRan
Pittsburgh's Top Workplaces 2013 program again. For the past two years, Emmaus
participated in this program to see how well we do as an organization by answering
questionnaires from an independent research company, WorkplaceDynamics.
You will receive an email invitation to complete a workplace survey on March 4, so
please make sure you check your email on that day. The survey has to be done before
March 15.
Your responses to the survey will remain completely confidential and no one knows
who did the survey, but I encourage all of you to do it because this is a great way to
evaluate the Emmaus as a whole. Last year, 80% of our staff did the survey and you
said that Emmaus was doing great at certain area and some not so good areas. Your
honest opinion will be an asset for Emmaus because you will be making a difference by
voicing your opinion. Thank you in advance for participating in the Top Workplace
Survey and hope you can help us to build a stronger, better Emmaus!
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
An Essay from
Apartments News
from Joannie
March 2013
Page 5
My Brother Bart
My brother Bart is one of very few guys who always seems to know how to calm you or
anyone else down when they get all gyped up inside or in my own case, “Mrs. Hulk” stage
point. Bart really makes me or anyone else laugh when they are in tears point of their
lives. My brother Bart is a three times in a row father and very talented musician. I like
having Bart for a brother for several reasons:
He helps me to understand the importance of family helping out business.
 He lets me call him whenever I have time.
 His music always cheers me up whenever I am in a really, really high quality like
female monster like mood.
 Just like my former older after school age kids from Seton Center days, Anason
and Leonard, Bart knows how to spoil me around a bit very well thanks to my
Mom’s help of course.
 He helps me understand what it means to be an older sister better than I did in the
past. I also like having him for a brother because Bart is an esy guy to forgive if
he hurt my feelings or just plain all out offended me. Many men could take a lesson from Bart on how to be patient and polite to women.
Bart will always have a big part in my heart but still nothing quite takes the place of my
Mom. Thanks to our Mom and Dad’s help, Bart and I will always remain very close buddies with each other and that is something that cannot be denied us. Bart is one heck of a
guy and other people as well as me can learn things from him and would definitely take
some advice from. If it really weren’t so much for my Mom and Bart, I wouldn’t even be
giving cheering up pep talks or making other people laugh like he does and my Mom does
sometimes. Even though I am well aware of the distance between us, Bart is still a top
notch younger brother of mine. God bless him and peace be with him always, that’s the
way it should be. I don’t think that I could really ask for anything else better than he
is. Bart already knows how much I love him. Bart, please keep up the good brotherly
The month of February sent Cece to the State Championship for Ice Skating. Cece enjoyed her trip and won gold
and silver medals. Congratulations Cece for lots of hard
work and a job well done!
Marnee attended The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra with
her Mom. She is working on Easter projects at her Pottery
class and is planning her 40th birthday bash with Tahnee
Marnee and Cece both attend Theater class and are preparing for their performance in April.
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
Fundraising Corner
by Tiffany
March 2013
Page 6
Join us for Emmaus Pirates Night on April 19th, hosted by the Emmaus Black & Gold
Club and the Young Professional Advisory Board! The event will include a tailgate
party at Station Square, a ride on the Gateway Clipper shuttle, and a Pirates vs. Braves
game at PNC Park! Tickets are $27.00 each and guests are welcome! To purchase tickets, contact Tiffany or buy them online at
Emmaus Pirates Night 2012
It’s also a great time to purchase your “Win! Place! Show!” raffle tickets! Prizes include
some fantastic getaways near and far, and participants need not be present to win! To
see the full prize list and get your tickets, visit (or use the forms found in the packets
everyone recently received!). Thanks for your support!
Music Notes
By Diana
Want to hear top-notch classical, jazz, big-band, patriotic, and contemporary music, all
for free? Come hear the West Hills Symphonic Band perform on Sunday, March 24, at
3 pm. This concert will be held at West Allegheny High School in Imperial, PA, at no
cost to the public. Unfamiliar with concert band repertoire and afraid you’ll be bored?
As part of our mission to educate the public, our announcer introduces each piece of
music, giving a brief background and often some fun tidbits. Previous concert-goers
have described the experience as “exciting” and “uplifting,” and an audience member
was recently overheard saying he wished he would have heard of the WHSB sooner!
The school is located at 207 W. Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126. For more
information, please visit or contact Diana at
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
Websites of
March 2013
Page 7
PA Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)
Bureau of Autism Services Training Systems Entry Point
APS Healthcare Quality Unit
The Pennsylvania Training Partnership for People with Disabilities and Families
Institute on Disabilities
ODP Consulting Systems (OCS)
A Note
from Sherri Lynn
Awareness Month
from Tiffany
March is National Nutrition Month, a time to return to the basics of healthy eating.
This year, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics encourages everyone to Eat Right,
Your Way, Every Day.
On Community Night this month each committee will discuss how their committee can
encourage good nutrition within the Emmaus Community.
Did you know that March is National Intellectual Disabilities Awareness
Month? As a Community, we help raise awareness about people with intellectual disabilities every day! Every time our residents go grocery shopping or have dinner at a
restaurant, they are raising awareness by demonstrating to others just how much we all
have in common. This month, let’s try to raise awareness about the unmet needs as
well. Did you know there are more than 1,400 individuals on a waiting list for services
in Allegheny County? Please talk to your family, friends, and acquaintances about the
work you do at Emmaus, and about how crucial it is that we all work together to welcome and support people with intellectual disabilities in our communities. You can also
spread the word about “Ending the R-Word”—“retarded”—and take the pledge to not
use the “R-word” at This year, “Spread the Word to End the Word”
day will be March 6th. Hear someone using the R-word? Speak up! All of the small
things we can do to raise awareness about people with intellectual disabilities really add
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
Important Trainings
by Kelly
March 2013
Page 8
IMPORTANT Trainings:
1. Bi-Polar Training on 3/5/13, 10 AM to 12 Noon
2. Crisis Intervention- Mandatory for New Staff- 3/12/13, 9:30- 12:30 PM
3. IDD Training- 4/16/13, 12:00 to 2:00
4. Fire Training- Mandatory For ALL Staff!- 5/7/13, 9:30- 12:30 PM
Please contact KS if you have any questions or concerns. Please RSVP!!!
A CPR and 1st Aid Training will be scheduled, at Emmaus, in June 2013! More Information coming soon...
A Special Note of thanks to Rayvone Hewston- Delia Glaser (Charlie's Mother), complimented Rayvone for his work and the care that he provides to Charlie! So, thank you
Rayvone, keep up the good work! KS
Our Inspection for 2/21 & 2/22 was cancelled by the State! We will inform you of the
new dates, as soon as they notify us! Either in March or April! Please continue good
documentation, house cleanliness and providing the Excellent care that you give to the
residents EVERYDAY!!!
Remember our Goal!? Please be mindful of Medication Administration! We would like
ZERO Med Errors!!! :) Kelly
From Cece’s Kitchen
Rice Chicken Casserole
What you need to make it:
1 cup Rice
1cup Water
4 Chicken thighs
Mushroom soup-Gluten free
This is how you make it:
 Bake it at 350 degrees for one hour.
 Then uncover it for 10 minutes.
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
March 2013
Page 9
Compliance Corner
by Jen
Quality Management Plan Update:
I am happy to report that there were no reportable incidents in the month of February! Great job everyone! Keep up the good work!
All staff members have a login/password for the Emmaus Community Website
( This gives you access to pertinent forms and helpful
information including HR & Programmatic forms, Maintenance request forms
(which can be submitted online) and the monthly Cafe. Contact Jenn or Tiffany
if you have any questions.
An Emmaus Feast
How do you make a feast out of a few pounds of ground meat, a couple pounds of potatoes, vegetables and hot rolls? You have to ask “Chef Rayvone Hewston”, Bethany
House staff. He prepared a feast at the drop of a hat on Thursday, February 21. BethRayvone Hewston any House and Shiloh Houses have been hosting volunteers, Tom Gramec and Jeff
Craig, each Thursday since September. This week, in addition to the usual suspects for
dinner at Bethany House (staff and residents) were Jericho Staff, Sara Stillwell, Deanna,
Jeff Craig and his supervisor Sr. Cindy. The volunteers were there (earlier than expected!!) to enjoy a fun filled night of Scrapbooking with Deanna and Camille. The
meatloaf smelled as delicious as it looked, and multiplied like the loaves and the fishes!!
He made mashed potatoes without a potato masher so he used a wooden spoon to mash
Jovan Harris
Everyone enjoyed dinner and a fun night of pictures, glue, and stickers galore…all on a
full stomach! Thank you Rayvone for welcoming the volunteers on such short notice
and preparing a truly “Emmaus” feast!!
Jovan Harris gets the Above and Beyond Award for being willing and flexible and a
happy warrior for the Emmaus Community. Thanks Jojo!!!!
Please Save the Date: The Emmaus Community Annual Vacation (for the residents) will
be held, at Seven Springs: Monday, June 17th to Friday, June 21st, 2013
Please ask KS if you have any questions, more details will be sent out in April regarding
staff availability. Thank you. Kelly
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
March 2013
Page 10
Where were you born?
I was born in Decatur, GA. I spent my childhood in Georgia and, briefly, in Illinois, then
moved to New Orleans for college. I came to Pittsburgh in 2003.
Your Family?
I am one of three—the middle child—with an older brother and a younger sister. All of my
extended family lives in Georgia. I am married to Matt and have two children of my own. Aria
is 3 ½ and August is 7 months.
Merriman-Preston Best Memory of Childhood?
I was blessed to know five of my great-grandparents when I was a kid. I have a lot of great
memories of visiting with them and listening to their stories, which were always so interesting,
because they grew up in such a different world.
What is your favorite color and why?
I love green! It’s bright and natural.
What brought you here to Emmaus?
I came to Pittsburgh for love and school. I started an MFA program in creative writing/poetry
at Pitt in 2003 and began working at Emmaus as a part-time DSP. While I didn’t realize I would
still be here in 2013, my little sister has an intellectual disability, so I was very drawn to the mission of Emmaus. Three years later, I had finished school and continued as a full-time DSP,
then worked as an R.A. for a year, and I eventually moved on to work in the Development office. Emmaus is truly a special place, and once you get to know the residents and staff, you feel
like you’re part of something that’s hard to find elsewhere.
What is your hobby and why?
I enjoy reading, writing, and riding my bicycle. I like to learn new things, be creative, and explore.
Any volunteer work or other community involvement?
I participate in various social justice projects and activities with Allegheny UU Church, often
through Northside Common Ministries. I am involved with the community groups in Lawrenceville and volunteer with local political campaigns. In the late, I’ve also been trying to help
with some of the Pittsburgh Public Schools advocacy efforts.
What flowers do you like and why?
I love orchids. They’re so simple and beautiful.
Your most memorable vacation place and why?
When I was in college, Matt and I took a trip to Moscow to visit a friend who had moved
there. It was an amazing experience and so much fun to experience the city with people who
actually lived there!
Something about you that most of us don’t know at Emmaus.
I’m part Cherokee.
I love learning about people– coming from Korea, all I knew was Koreans except few American
Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill as I was growing up. Now in Pittsburgh, I meet, live (a Korean husband who thinks like an American), and work with people who have diverse ethnic and cultural
backgrounds. From this month, I would like you to meet one of us little deeper. You will be delighted to know the person I will be interviewing for the next Emmaus Café!
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
March 2013
Kids Who Are Different
by Digby Wolfe
Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids who don't always get A's
The kids who have ears twice the size of their peers,
And noses that go on for days ...
Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids they call crazy or dumb,
The kids who don't fit, with the guts and the grit,
Who dance to a different drum ...
Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids with the mischievous streak,
For when they have grown, as history's shown,
It's their difference that makes them unique.
*Thanks to Joannie Brown for sharing the poem!
Page 11
Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh
March 2013
Page 12
The Ken Wagner Award for Outstanding Service Nomination Accepted!
The Ken Wagner Award for Outstanding Service will be given annually to someone who has shown by their actions that they serve as
Ken served, without judging others or thinking of his own needs and
wants. Someone who never stops
giving of themselves, as Ken
never stopped giving of himself.
The award, established in 2011, will honor Ken’s name perpetually,
and be an annual reminder to the Emmaus of the future of the Emmaus
of the past. A past that exemplifies total giving of self for the service
of others from a man that showed through his actions that we all are one, with different gifts and abilities, to be
given one to another.
The award itself is beautifully symbolic of a life of service. Consider the position of your hand as you reach it
out to bring someone else up. This is that picture, and it shows in a way as though joined with Ken’s so that
the as the winner sees the award, they are reminded they are not alone. Others, like this great man, join with
them along the journey of a life of service.
Nomination criteria:
Nominees should exemplify the life of service Ken lived as described above.
A life of service to people with intellectual disabilities and autism is recommended but not necessary
for the awardee. Anyone that has shown self-giving the way Ken did is eligible.
Any individual may nominate a potential awardee.
The attached form should be submitted no later than March 1st to Tim Noca at
A selection committee, headed by Tim, will decide on the recipient by March 15th.
The awardee and the Wagner family will be notified.
The winner will be invited to the Gala (and given 6 complimentary tickets).
The award will be presented at the Gala on the first Saturday in May.
Nomination forms are available online at
Six Tips for Achieving Financial Fitness
You may be focused on getting in shape for swimsuit season, but take a break from the gym this spring and spend
some time on your financial fitness. Here are six tips to help get your investment portfolio into prime condition.
1. Shed the weight of extra accounts. It’s not unusual to acquire multiple retirement accounts over the years,
especially if you’ve changed jobs several times. Consider consolidating them to simplify the management of your
investments. If you have retirement assets with a former employer, it could be to your advantage to roll them over
to your own IRA and achieve more control over how your money is invested. Consolidating accounts may also
make it easier to monitor the performance of your investments and gives you the opportunity to ensure they’re
properly allocated.
2. Bulk up your retirement savings. Have you given enough weight to what you’ll need in savings to retire comfortably? Are you taking full advantage of employer matching contributions and maxing out your IRA each year?
In 2013, you have until April 15 to contribute $5,000 (or $6,000 if you’re over 50) to a traditional IRA. Sock away
as much as you can to build your retirement nest egg.
3. Grow stronger. The fluctuating financial markets impact industries and individual investments differently, and
often in ways that are difficult to predict. You can strengthen your portfolio by making sure your investment dollars are spread across a variety of investments. With diversified investments, your overall portfolio is not as likely
to be derailed should one investment topple in value. Rather than trying to pick individual stocks and time the
market, consider pacing yourself with systematic investments and think long-term.
4. Achieve the right balance. In light of the fickle nature of financial markets, even a well-balanced portfolio can
look different than what you may have expected over time. Therefore, it’s wise to periodically assess the volatility
of your investments across and within asset classes (stocks, bonds, and so forth) and rebalance your portfolio to
achieve the desired asset allocation. A financial advisor can help you apply asset allocation strategies, and may have
access to tools that will help you decide what may be a good match for your risk tolerance and goals – see tip #6.
5. Trim your waste. The Internet has made it easy to securely monitor your financial affairs while also helping to
minimize paper waste. Question every printed piece you receive related to your portfolio. Is it absolutely essential
to receive a paper statement? Do you really need to print that 100-page prospectus? Review the options provided
by your financial institution and take advantage of their green initiatives if you’re comfortable managing your accounts online. With regard to your personal paper trail, keep in mind that your tax records and supporting documents should be maintained for seven years, while credit card statements can be tossed after a year. When disposing of documents, always use a shredder to keep your personal information safe from identity theft. Follow this
advice, and your file cabinet will be slimmer in no time.
6. Enlist a personal trainer for your finances. Like many activities, managing investments is more fun—and
potentially more productive—when you have a knowledgeable person by your side. A skilled financial advisor can
guide you through simple exercises to help improve your investment fitness and cheer you on in pursuit of your
financial dreams and goals. Together you can apply disciplined strategies designed to strengthen your investment
portfolio and help you get in the best financial shape of your life.
Contributed by Brian Stumpf
Learn more at
Living Green
From roofing to flooring, “eco-friendly” materials and devices can help you save money when you’re maintaining,
repairing or improving your home. Even better, they help save the environment. Join the Green Revolution and
consider these simple ways to conserve energy and other natural resources.
 Use impact-resistant roof shingles made from asphalt, metal or simulated tile. They deflect hail, wind and
fire better than asphalt and keep roofing material out of landfills.
 Replace appliances more than ten years old with energy-efficient models, which could save you hundreds
of dollars a year according to the EPA.
 Install low-flow showerheads and toilets to conserve water.
 Exchange your most-used lighting fixtures for Energy Star models to help reduce greenhouse gasses.
 Switch to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, which can save more than $30 in electricity costs compared to an ordinary incandescent bulb.
 Substitute recycled plastic lumber for concrete, work and metal in decks, fences, swing sets and landscaping.
 Choose renewable flooring materials when you build or redecorate, such as bamboo, cork, reclaimed glass
and salvaged wood.
Lay carpeting made from natural, organic or fair-trade fibers that are friendly to the environment and hypoallergenic.
Employees of the Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh are eligible to receive an exclusive group discount off
of Liberty Mutual’s already competitive rates on home and auto insurance. To learn more about Liberty Mutual’s
auto and home insurance or to get a free, no-obligation consultation, call Alan Alcalde at 724-325-2535 x.