Yes! I want to become a Cadw member Personal Membership – Complete boxes 1 & 3 Gift Membership – Complete boxes 1, 2 & 3 Please send this form FREEPOST with payment to: Cadw Membership Department, Freepost CF1142/9 Cardiff CF24 5GZ Freephone: 0800 0743121 1. New member details For all joint memberships please state names of both adults. What is Cadw? Cadw is a Welsh word that means ‘to keep’. As part of the Welsh Government, we ‘keep’, or protect, the historic environment in Wales which includes historic buildings, ancient monuments, historic parks, gardens and landscapes, and underwater archaeology. We work with organisations to sustain and improve access to our sites so that people can enjoy and learn from them. By joining Cadw, you’ll also be doing your bit to help protect and preserve our heritage. Subscription rates 2013-14 Title First Name/Initial Surname Adult 1 Adult 2 Address Postcode Telephone E-mail Code Membership category Price Renewal AD1Adult £40.00£38.00 AD2 2 adults at same address £60.60 £58.00 FM1 Family – 2 adults & all children under 16 £66.20 £61.80 FM2 Family – 1 adult & all children under 16 £46.00 £42.00 SC1 Senior citizen (single 60+) £25.75 £24.50 SC2 Senior citizen (couple 60+) £44.00 £42.00 ASC Adult and senior citizen at same address £50.00 £47.00 YP Young person 16 – 20 yrs/NUS £22.00 £21.00 JNR Junior/child under 16 (children under 5 free)£16.50 £15.50 LF Life £590.00N/A JLF Joint life £850.00 N/A SLF Senior citizen (life) £395.00 N/A SJL Senior citizen (joint life) £525.00 N/A Family Members Aged 5 –15 (†If a child requires a membership card please tick the box). Please enter the membership code and cost on the application form at the centre of this booklet. If you are purchasing both gift and personal memberships, please use separate forms. Promotional Code: Children under 16 applies to children or grandchildren. Where did you pick up this leaflet? Prices are valid from 29 March 2013 *On purchases of £5 or more. ‡ A small number of our events incur an extra charge. † Taken from a VisitBritain survey of 10,000 foreign tourists given 18 activities to choose from. Unless otherwise stated, all photographs are © Crown copyright. † Card First Name/Initial Surname Date of Birth Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Which membership do you require? Choose from the membership categories table opposite. Membership Code: Total Amount Wales £ England Cadw Site (please state) Tourist Information Centre Hotel Guest House Caravan Park Other (please state) Continued overleaf… 2. G ift membership – the giver’s details Instruction to your bank or building society Name of Account Holder(s) Your Name Address Bank/Building Society Acc. number - Branch Sort Code PostcodeTelephone Bank/Building Society Details: E-mail To the Manager If you are a Cadw member, please state your membership number: Bank/Building Society - Address Gift pack instructions Where would you like the gift pack/renewal notice sent? Gift pack: Giver’s address Recipient’s address Renewal notice: Giver’s address Recipient’s address Write any message that you would like to include in the recipient’s gift pack here: Postcode Banks and Building Societies will not accept Direct Debit Instruction for some types of account. Originator’s Specification No. 9 1 7 6 8 7 Membership Number Instruction to Bank or Building Society: Please pay Cadw Membership Scheme Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with Cadw and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society. Any other instructions: Membership Expiry m m y y I/We wish to pay annually, on or up to 3 days after this date. 3. Payment details Signature(s) Please indicate your method of payment: Date Cheque* Direct Debit Postal Order Credit/Debit Card Cash (at sites only) *Please make cheques payable to ‘Cadw Membership’ Card Number 3 digit security code Expiry Date m m y y (this box must be completed) Valid From m m y y d d m m y y The Direct Debit Guarantee This guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme. The efficiency and security of the scheme is monitored and protected by your own Bank or Building Society. If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change, you will be told of this in advance by at least 14 days as agreed. If an error is made by the Cadw Membership Department or your Bank or Building Society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your branch of the amount paid. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your Bank or Building Society. Please also send a copy of your letter to us. Preferred language for correspondence: Personal: Welsh English Issue No. (UK Maestro Only) Gift Recipient: Welsh English Signature s a member you will from time to time receive other information about Cadw. A If you do not wish to receive information about the products and services of other allied organisations, please tick here. Date Is the cardholder address as overleaf? Yes No From time to time other promotions may be advertised. The above prices valid from 29 March 2013. Please allow 28 days for delivery of your membership card and free Cadw membership pack. For further information please Freephone 0800 0743121.
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