•JiiZiX .C i t M I l Jl J ^ l y i I . - i . i . l . t t . bunaay, Novemoer^; 1996 Quesnei Cariboo Observer Will God always do what is really best? Do you remember Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker? Jim has recently written a book renouncing the health and wealth gospel. Prison apparently afforded him opportunity to reflect on errors in the name-it-and-claim-it movement. In a nutshell, the theory is that because God loves us, he will give us everything we think is good, as long as we have faith. He will make us healthy and wealthy. If our health fails, he will instantly heal us upon request I sometimes wonder how many young or prospective Christians stumble and fall when they're led to believe that a lack of instant healing, or a failure to win the 6/49 is always need to understand the reasons for every event. The apostle Paul had faith. He was ready to die for the Lord. Many had been healed through him. There came a tinie when he suffered some unspecified ailment, and he asked the Lord three times to take it from him. The answer that came back was, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." He then wrote, "Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." (2 Corinthians 12:9) evidence of either insufficient faith or some unconfessed sin. Lack of faith can occasionally be a factor, but consider Job. The devil told God, "... put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face." (Job L l l ) God gave Satan permission to afflict Job, but not to take his life. Job lost everything, including his health. Still, in reference to God he said, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him ..." (Job 13:15) Lack of faith? Punishment for unconfessed sin? Hardly. He suffered to prove his faith, though he didn't understand until later. Neither do we times provide miraculous healing, and we should be thankful when he does, but to demand it every time we have some difficulty is to deny ourselves greater opportunities. 10:30 SENIORS SNOW-FALL BINGO ARE God surely does some- p m $NOW-JpALL. I A l_ B I N G O Special Discounts at participating stores 138 M c L e a n S t r e e t - BenmcuB Motorcode For more information coll c Free refreshments cxjurtesy of Spoons Keep warm with some great prizes at our Services: a m & 6:00 992-9616 WEST PARK Nov 3 - fan the Flamo wlfh Creg (lust retuned form a R^vfval tn Atgentim Monday, MALL Nov. 4th., 1996 FOR THE P R A T O I N S U L A T I O N L t d . ISHERWOOD CQSTOM WOODWORK Free Estimates Batting - Blowing & Upgrades We specialize In custom built homes where quality counts. Brent or Dwayne at ^92-9663 Office/Fax CARPET Blinds & Window coven 50 o z ^ i n w r C a r p e l 50% off • 111 North Fraser Orive.Quesnel 99tr0543 «ft<?F.AVAILABlE fenclfeKltS^ Ac^llc paints for doing your Qyvn borders and designs at P.G. and Vernon make it nine in a row True custom cabinets made locally to your specs. Top quality kitchens & vanities. Come and see our full kitchen display and bring your plans for a F R E E ESTIMATE Bruce Halvorsen - 3184 Boesem Rd. - 747-2279 ing your lnp?Ma#§f6nt F Ht bufes ttJ orescent, JOERIEF When only the best will do... RIEF I N D U S T R I E S • CUSTOM CABINETS MANUFACTURED LOCALLY • DESIGN SERVICES ' OLD COUNTRY CRAFTSMANSHIP ' RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL * RENOVATIONS/CONTRACTING Box 4154, Quesnei, B.C. V2J 3J2 (Canada) Telephone & Fax: (604) 992-7738 THE QUESNEL Millionaires found the month of October pretty scary. In their 13 games this past month, an unlucky number to many people, the M's only won twice 5-1 over Penticton on the 5th and 5-4 over Merritt on the 8th. Since their two backto-back victories, the local Junior A club has lost every game, including respective 6-5 and 6-4 decisions to Prince George and Vernon last week. However, the M's did end the month on somewhat of a positive note. In their loss to Vernon on the 31st, Quesnel did manage to score four times and only let in six. Comparing those statistics to their two previous losses to die defending national champions, 16-1 and 10-4, shows the Mills are on an upswing. But not everything was entirely positive about Thursday's defeat though. Apart from losing their ninth in a row, the M's goaltender, Tyler Nilsson, was peppered with 72 total shots. And against Prince George, Nilsson faced 58 shots. Those high numbers indicate Quesnel's defensive play is still somewhat play, and earned a come from behind win. Much of Prince George's win could be attributed to the M's sparse bench - shortened maiidy due to mjuries. to us! *2D Computerized Designs *Quality Craftsmanship *Oak *Maple *Plne *Medite *Melamine Full range of styles and designs FREE ESTIMATES - INSTALLATIGN GUARANTEED Book Now For C A L t FOR APPT. Christmas 992-3538 Pay you UVTER installator SALE'. Starting as low as The Prince George Spruce Mngs used solid defenshre play, which eiimlnated Quesnel's duncesfaithe second and IfainI periods, to overcome an eariy 4-1 deficit and win 6-5. suspect. Boon with a pair, ShanNot suspect, how- non Goudie and Fil PelUcever, were Quesnel's for- dotta with his 13th of the wards as they've been year, able to find the back of Vernon jumped out to an early 5-2 firstthe net lately. In the last four games, the M's have netted 18 goals, by far their best totals of the year. Scoring for Quesnel Thursday were Dave $899 based on 315 sq. A. ENTER TO WIN YOUR PURCHASE FREEII r-,v7,-,.,,^.^_„_'ford.'-" , Johriston Ave. Pilnl & Floors period lead and hung on for the win. Quesnel scored twice in the second, but a latethird period marker by Brent Dodinghorse at A POOR showing at the Quesnel Arts and Athletic Foundation's main fundraiser may have dire consequences for local artists and athletes. A QAAF press release said a disappbinting turnout •for. the 10th Annual Bob Gassoff Meihoriai Banquet f-^ias forced executive members to COnSsider their options regarding the future. K ^ i^A.|5 The QAAF, a non-prpfit which'^^^ ; $10,00 tb^ local artists and adj^^s^l^ cial assistance to attend provindal^ natibn^iVnd international evc:n^Ia$tyrear, only diimuiaed up in supportfromme Baniquet,tiieu:key fiffialaisdr^^^ That total iis down drastibaUj^^frbih 199^ and 1994's nuttibei-- $8,300 and $11,^00 ^ectively. "Without cdinmimity kupp6rtv|tod'no mdttey to [•give oaty the Foundation may not eiast for very much Ibnger, if at all," said QAAF presiciient Mary Glass- HOMES(^&?KITCHENS Sit back, relax, leave the designirig Hurt, and playing hurt, are Graham Taylor, Jason Nissen, Chris Petry (shoulders), Steve Tramer, Ryan Philpotts (knees) and Brian Farewell (foot). Almost joining the injury Ust was Julien Jorgensen. 19:32 put the game out of reach. The locals had a great chance to pick up two points Tuesday evening, but failed to do so. Despite being outscored 4-1 in thefirstperiod. Prince George jumped on the scoreboard five straight times, including rwo on the power The M's leading scorer (14-14-28), almost had his career ended as Spruce King blueUner Jeff Rowland stuck his leg out and tried to take out Jorgensen's knee with a cross-ice hit. "He hit my knee square on," the assistantcaptain sated. "For a second there, I thought my whole career was over." "The pain was unbelievable," added Jorgensen, who walked with a slight limp after the match. Trying to shore up his losses. General Manager and head coach Barry Wolff has been busy signing up new recruits. Playing for the Mills now are Shea Keams, son of ex-Vancouver Canuck Dennis Kearns; Ryan Boyd and Brent Crunk. President ponders organisation's future 151 Reid SL CMM^nm CALL 992-2121 FAX: 992-5229 M's losing streak extended (up to $5000. instaHaiion and cushion) HO M B SPORTS Qy DOYLE POTENTEAU Observer Reporter Quesnel Christian Center Suhday he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Trust has as much to do with faith as does beUeving that God can provide for our needs. Regarding both health and wealth, we would do well to consider Hebrews 13:5. "Let your manner of life be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for SPORTS EDITOR: DOYLE POTENTEAU li^^idMMlM^''-,: • -,. '' The release backed^Glassfprd's Cpiiu^ «The Foundaiioh and'exe^utive mejmB^sfeMwiU be SPORTS SHORTS CASH CALENDAR WINNERS Daily minor hockey cash calendar winners for the months of October and November are as follows: 28:Glen Barker $25 29:Mel Armstrong $25 30:M 8c H Gagnon $25 3 l:Mabel Herman $25 01:Dale Philbrook $25 02:Kris Webb $25 03:Barbara Birk $25 HOCKEY Although the Quesnel Millionaires may be in the BCHL basement, they may not be there for very long. The Penticton Panthers, currently three points ahead of the M's, have lost t h ^ top two scorers. J.C. Larocque (9-1625 pts in 13 games) was traded to the Langley Thunder. Jay Hem (147-21 jpt8_in 13 ganaes) has just quit the team. And another of Penticton's key players, Mike Barren, a secondyear vety has sustained a major injury - a broken jaw. Barren, expected to return in three weeks time, will wear the same protective face fear that Pat Lafontaine wore two seasons ago. TAE KWON DO A trip to the Panhard to continue without better support from the com- Am Games in munity." November will be a Past redpients of the QAAF, an organisation that little for jsasier operates entirely on its own with no 'assistance form any political bodies, include Tony FiaJif, Cliris Nevoral, QuesneVs Michael " Neil McColl, a number of k>cal ballet >tudent,s schools Warwickl . The J local resident,, and mmor sports organisations to naqpie a few. who qualified for the As of October 29th, the group has decided to con,|an-AWericai|i Gani^es tinue t6 accept applKratibnThtiitiH eral meeting. At that time^ the Sbciety will tike a twb-^ i l t i | ^ i n n i n g gc^ld to-five year hiatus unless a'number of Jiew people come medMs Kt^the Nor^ B".C."' ^^ones and forward to keep the Foundation up and running.^ Canadiap Nationals in At least two positions will be needed to fill - one of tae kvyon do, was them being president. Giassford, who's been presiding awariled $500 fpr over the organisation since its' inception 10 years ago, travel expenses. has announced her intention to resign at the March year's Gairies. meeting. > take 'place in Regiiia, "I've been with the organisation for 10 years. In that time, we've never had any new people conie out to Saskatchewan during early November. our meetings, so I think it's time somebody new catnie ^^uesnel' CaribooiObservei: Gold moves on up No need to be for them to manage. The classic scenario is when a husband or boyfriend tries to teach his loved one how to ski. SKIING IS sport enjoyed by millions around the world. Men and women, as young as three years and as old as eighty are participating in alpine skiing. There seems to be few barriers to people being able to take up and enjoy the Sport. However, as a ski teacher with many years experience, I do know of one barrier which keeps people, and mainly women, away from the sport - that barrier is fear. Fear is not a very nice thing to experience. Fear of skiing may be acquired as a result of a bad experience or of the tales we hear of other people's bad experiences. But more often it is a result of our own over-active imagination. The fear of flying is a similar ( phobia that affects many people. Whatever the cause, fear inhibits the person from participating and enjoying the activity. Fear of skiing acquired from a bad experience is almost always the result of someone trying to ski on terrain or in conditions far too difficult Hitting the Slopes "Be up front about your fears and bad experiences. Trained instructors will understand." o He often gives a crash course of instruction. The only thing important to him is how to get the wife/girlfriend to the top of the mountain so he can show her how he can ski down the difficidt runs. These experiences almost inevitable turn out in disaster. After such an experience, it is no wonder many women never want to ski again. Others who have not participated in sport very much, or not at all, often lack self confidence and imagine they could not possibly learn to ski. ' My response to the 'scaredy-cat' is don't give up - there ishope. Alpine skiing is a great sport because almost anyone can learn to do it and enjoy it. As a ski teacher I have a 99.9 per cent success rate. To achieve that figure, I have had to use the correct formula, which entails the right preparation, instruction, equipment and environment. The best preparation is to contact the ski school and ask them for help. Be up front about your fears and bad experiences - trained instructors will understand. They will know how to help you overcome your fear by teaching you the correct skills so that you always feel in control. By STEVE DODGE Observer Contributor TEAM GOLD vacated the basement with a 4-2 win over a listless Green side while Red regained top spot with a come from ahead 6-5 thrill over Black in recent Forestry Hockey League action. Gold used a strong first half, as they built up a 3-0 lead over Green, and then used some stalwart defensive play to outlast their opponents 42. Once again, the scoring stars for Gold were Brian 'Banger' Nielsen with two markers and Rob 'Runaway Traiii' Bowden with two assists, as the high-scoring pair also managed to stay out of the penalty box. Brent 'Welcome Back' Carter and Brad 'Nosy' Lavigne both SjCored their first of the year to help balance the Gold attack. Bob 'Kamikaze' Keen and Randy 'Witchcraft' Crofts were . the only Green gophers to solve 'Marvellous' Marvin Fox's goaltending acrobatics. For the second consecutive game, Red biiilt up a 5-2 lead only to let it evaporate. But this time, Lorne 'Coach' Walkers scored the winning goal to eke out a 6-5 victory for his club. Jack 'O'Lantern' Wallis with two goals and Kevin 'Squirrley' Turley with three points (2-1) helped Red to its lead before the Black cats' comeback developed. Wayne ' Whammit' Zammit banged in his first two goals of the season with George 'Blade' Ryan scoring a goal and two assists. S m m M - . W L V MOTBL Ri;.\()\ATi:i) Non-Smoking Rooms Kitchenette units « Free Movie Channel • Sauna & Swirlpool -I-KI-l- l.X R O O M COI-I-l-;!-:"" i7(;s i: T.( . iiw^.. KAMI 11< 1!'^ ;^74-S<)44 /;A7AY; \\ riiis coi rox gUESNEL IRON •General & High Pressure Welding •Aluminum & Stainless Steel •Full Machine Shop •Local Steel Sales 120 >lilltop Quesnel Fax 992-2586. PLRV SPORTS TRIUIR iOITH B e g b i e ' s 1. Who scored the winning goal in the '84 Canada Cup final? 2. In what year did Karen Magnusson win her Skating World Championship?___ 3. Which Canadien great was 1st Flame coach? , 4. What name was given to 1st Leonard-Duiand fight?. 5. What was George Reed's Roughrider number?. W E E K L Y J M O N D A Y I, ^ Monte Giistowith dreeh S o m e i s e e a L i p j C H J TUESDAY!, B . L t Rollupswith ^reeri salad S P E C I A L S J THURSDAY! Philly Steak Sandwich Beef Bumto w/green salajd J sr. m m MONbAVl JTUESDAYL i Poppet steak Cunied Prawns mm Veaf Neptune S A T U R D A Y PRIA\E RIB s e e s t a r U s a b i l i t y , a \ i g h t IK.'. Pork Jambaytaya $15.95 QUESNEL'S NiWEST&FINESTT6}NBn 500 Reid Street 992-2201 lUU FRIDAY Salmon Steaks w/Creole Butter 1 m SCRAMBLE!! HLDTEHOSIWN WINOMKCACNG SIGFIACRAIRSEET RESPNATEMRHEO ANASNOSINSJ GSUI-ERJOIJENNEN LAREWNARIBFLE ; VV^TCOSDORTORHS 12. W Y R O U S I N T S E L There's moce zo che Lions Society l^l^HERiy/IAGIJ of BC than meets the eye. 1^f^iN6SI=>LyHP We don't just help children with m disabilities.We give them confidence to lead full, active lives. JTHURSDAYL MILLIONAIRE?' 8. ©APUOTFELCTIL S^^OJENJ . lOJ-piMRbLANEE w i n g e r . F R I D A Y I, Shepard's Pie, green salad or Chicken Rngers/caesar salad D.P. Todd Trojans tops 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. $ 5 > 9 S JWEDWKDAYL and Kelly Road, as zone THERE'S ALWAYS Then they beat Kelly next year for Correlieu Road 2-1 for the brass finalists, are the provincial championships next Secondary's senior boys ring. Up next for both PSO month in Pitt Meadows. soccer team. The Clan, despite posting a good record, T i ' o p h i e s • P l a q u e s , mm wound jip fifth at the zone championships in E n g r a v i n g s • M e d a l s Williams Lake last weekend. In their four games, Correlieu won twice, tied once and lost once. Winning the zones was 100 Mile Houses' BIG COONTRY PRINTERS Coireliea Secondaiy's Sbnon Grant couldnt prevent this Duchess Paric spike from blasting Peter Skene Ogden, who CORNER KINCHANT & ST LAURENT PH:992-7313 FAX:992-5226 through his hands at last weekend's Q.S.S. senior b(V8 invitational volleyball tnuraament went undefeated through the three-day tourney. The Eagles knocked off top-seeded Prince C • A »R ' I ' B ' 0 > 0 George Sr. Secondary R E G I O N A L D I S T R I C T before toppling D.P. Todd THE TROJANS shot Oddly enough They beat Fraser Lake 15- in overtime. the Condors out of the though, that wasn't' the 8, 15-13, before losing to When you can't breathe, sky. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING only mter-city matchup in Valemont 5-15, 4-15 and nothing else matters At least that's what die playoffs. TAKE NOTICE that the Board of the Cariboo Regional ^ BRrtUII COLUMBIA 14INn ASSOCUnON ^ ~ ^ . P . Todd 7-15,4-15. • ni4.UN0 or 1.B0M6B-LUNO District has received an application to amend Cariboo D.P. Todd did to Duchess Correlieu and hostRegional District Zoning Bylaw No. 1000. 1980 by Park in the championship QSS met in the battle for B.C. LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS rezoning the property described below: match at Quesnel Second- fifth and sixth. In a threeBylaw No. 3231 ary's senior boys volley- set thriller, Correlieu's CO-OPERATIVE MARKET REPORT Lot 1, District Lot 5049, Cariboo District, Plan 23045, ball tournament last Clan beat the Spartans from Rural Commercial (C-IA) zone to Highway for OCT23-OCT29,1996 weekend. 15-10, 11-5,15-8. Commercial (C-Vil) zone (minimum lot size - 1,672 Steers Range WtAve. Helfere Range WtAve. D.P. Todd dumped During round robin square metres for the first unit; 464 square metres per Duchess Park in two play, CSS went 1-2, beasleeping unit; 1,114 square metres per housekeeping 30&.399 67.00- 84.52 300-399 58.00- 69.67 straight sets, 15-11, 15- ting O'Grady 15-12, 17unit; 1,672 square metres per other commercial 90.80 84.00 and 1,672 square metres for the residence) 13, in the eight-team tour- 15 while losing to Fort St. 400-489 70.00- 82.58 400499 54.50- 69.82 Purpose for Rezoning: to allow for the development of ney and wojd the bragging James, 14-16, 4-15 and 93.10 76.25 a ten-unit motel SO0-S9962.00- 78.55 S0O599 54.00- 68.51 rights for at least who D.P. Todd, 4-15, 16-14 The subiect property is located on Edwards Road. 87.10 75.90 was the better Prince Kersley, as shown on the sketch plan below, and is 600-699 64.0076.98 600-699 59.5066.82 George school this week10-15. owned by Robert Wayne Backer. 82.40 73.25 end. QSS also went 1-2. 700-799 60.50- 75.39 700-799 66.00- 74.02 87.50 83.75 80»«99 62.25- 84.44 800-899 64.50- 83.24 C^^ueto^omi^lo^^somel^te^^^ 87.60 85.60 9 0 0 + 60.0079.84 9 0 0 + 5 7^ 65.87 Cariboo Observer on the Millionaires Scramble 83.70 79.80 that ran Wednesday, Oct. 30, we are reprinting D102 COWS 36^)043.75 03 COWS 31.«K37.00 BUMS 41.00^3.25 the listforyou to descramble and submit your WILLIAMS LAKE WEO. & THURS.. OCT. 23TH. &24111. entry to Subway. The Observer apologizes fro In VWnams Uto on W B ( L & ITwra.. Oct 23m. & 24m. mere « ^ calves on otter. Wednesday^ special calt sale saw some of me best qualBy cdves ever any inconvenience this error may have caused. PLAY PLEASE FILL IN THE BLANKS with your answers and drop them off at the Cariboo Observer in our TRIVIA DROP BOX A draw will be made on the foUowmg Wednesday for a FREE LUNCH SPECIAL at Begbie's. Name Phone Number__ senior at soccer zones MAJDwrniKosm ottered in our stockyaixis.Reinhanl SchvKarzers didce qudlty 604 lb s/c readied 7a60. Betty Temples 458 lb s/b traded to 82.50 Ibny Robertsonstancy6504 lb hic sold to a top of 73m Fay Grtmshire tiad a powerful load of 618 Iba/otiade to 79.90. Doris Potteis Big Strang 638 b s/c^ traded to 77.75. Ctuick Wiggins 468 U. h/o reached 71.50. QObert & Baibara Rshers 669 lb 8/0 trade to eaoo and ttteir 493 lb. s/c topped out sale at 84.10. Ian Robertson liad an excellem set of 590 b s/c trade to 79J a Burt Brattiers heavy 638 lb. s/c traded to 79.00. WUfWeetmanschdca quality 451 lb s/c reached 8e.7a Ooyd Angled 450 lb IVc tnded to 70.90. Qordon Hutchinsons heavy 612 0) s/c reached 80.20 their 5379) IVc reached 70.2a The Double JR Ranch had a tremendous sat of calves in. their 493 lb s/c traded to 81.50. Dale Dunn^ heavy 635 lb s/c reached afip'of 8a00. Rick & Arlene Boocksr had a powerful sot of calves bi their 553 lb s/c ti»ted to 79.75, their 460 b s/c topped our trade at 85.40 and their 513 lb h/b tapped our trade at 73.90. ABen & Marg FurretB top quaOy 647 lb s/c sold to 7a70. their 481 lb. sA: reached 63.30 and their h/c's weighed 455 b and brought 6aoa Yisarfings traded veiy.strong on a good vokitne ol choh» feeing Mnds. Ibm Hwlon'B 813 m steers traded f!>3|^2a thdr staera reached a7.5a Jadisan Bras, tran TeOtwa had iMd pf yearSngs. Guts B>. steers traded to 07.80their 75B lb yeariing heilto tradaci tb'83.5a tarry McConagh/s 752 lb heifers traded to 81.00 Berry Bush's 600 lb he«m traded to 79.«>. Butcher cows traded from 38.00 to^43.7& Butcher bUls traded melniy from 41.00 to S32S. ii|»eiririg for the TAKE F U R T H E R N O T I G E tflaT a purpose of hearing all persons wh||bell6ve#|ielr'1h^ in property is affected by the propolod bylsiW yyill be held in the Committee Room at the Caur^bop R^lpndl District office, 125 Barlow Ayenao, Quesrjei.BiiC, on Friday, November 8,1996, at ^gO pm. • ^ Written submissions fj^^Jding the proposed byf|iW wiil also be receivedlTh^e^^ubniissions ma]^^^^^^^ at the public hejarfoifoir should^ bg5#e#|yedi^ the Cariboo Regional bistri6t office, 5 ^ ^ i r f £ m d ^ . ^ f i i e t , VANDERHOOF SALE fRIDAY. OC^TOBm 25TH. In Vtetdartioof, Friday, Oct 25Ui., 525 head of came were'oii offer. Oordon McFae^ wers Williams l a k e , B.C. V2G 1R9, ( f a ^ ^ M i V ^ ^ ^ In wim Ms 1880 b cows that brougm 40.75 wMe f^ 147a> COM wem at 43.6a Siemens bUtehbr cows reached 43.00. MacK^y Fama 1360 lb cows brought 40.00. wMe ' ' ^ vpliirther Ms heiMirettasjeaciied 60M. Caret lnu» 14S4 lb. cows brought 3a.oa Qlen & Denise $»Bfieri'mmW«i§t a tremendous sal of heavy s/c thcdr B7Sto.group braugitt 77;00.infonTii|&bn or representations c ^ § ^ ^ | | | d e f e p by^the HmJpiiilnes^^^^^ 82.aa Ron AtUns 445 0) a/b brought 83.00. Slegmund Regiojh^|( Board after the public Ihatedl: FWcB% AifiiiiiM^'iatMa tirought 81.25 Flan Hantngtoti wi^ tn with a bunch of Ms 440 The bylaw and an Informal 3 may :be |b tVbli bmnh iroJ^.'w^ f<s 615 s/c reached 78Ji5. Geny A Renee Jones ,«m in the Cariboo office, 125 wim lfiSlrckmi!n<e^toWc'twtihoa eaoo, their heavy770 lb. s^c brought 7a7Sinspedti^dJit and (ftelr 660 ».j|/Cvifc?B.^;pouMe L Baoefi b r p u j ^ % f i « S ^ ^ of calvesfatow. 00 am and W48ejalB/5'Bca«^S0X)Ci tttSf-erf-Vi^rjm^^-Xi^ Double thenar jtffriday, vwJKrtnjj-HiOttxdemanded 76.76 the saiite^B BjaWSiSSt-'Wc. Blua 6 incliJisive SofisisALE dn NOV srrfr I- ^ t bejMreen i >ia^DAGf, 19.^' " However, our good work depends on youl" goodwill. D G O T R E L V O E N Please call us at I-800-8I8-GIVE with a donation. Itvyill help us change attitudes. And lives. H e l p give c h i l d r e n abilities. 1. I O . \ S F^l^ui;Llyestoc^ ancr|P!|cyl|ural Nee^s > l ^ l i i a l i b o a M w ^ 97 N. Quesnei « i i 9 9 2 ^ ( l i RobOit;^^M>ng Secittaisrl^;?-fv:: Quesnel Cariboo Observer Quesnel Millionaires 1996-97 Regular Season Scoring Stats (As of Oct. 28,1996) No. Pos. 9 Ctr 11 LW 16 Ctr 5 For 20 LW 21 Ctr 25 Def 10 Ctr 8 Wg 7 LW 27 Def 22 Ctr 3 Def 19 Ctr 17 Def 18 Ctr 23 Def 4 Def 28 Def Player GP G A TP PIM Jorgensen, Julien 18 14 14 28 30 PellicciOtta, Fil 19 10 13 23 92 17 5 13 18 37 Petry, Chris 17 6 11 17 27 Sherwood, Scott Goudie, Shannon 19 7 8 15 19 Maxwell, Jason 19 5 6 11 23 7 40 16 0 7 Rampone, Len 12 3 2 5 20 Farewell, Brian 4 9 10 3 1 Nissen, Jason 4 2 Tramer, Stephen 17 1 3 16 0 4 4 57 Philpotts, Ryan Taylor, Graham 16 3 0 3 26 3 10 McGowan, Nick 14 1 2 3 19 19 1 2 Boon, David 3 21 19 0 3 Guest, Andrew 2 12 19 1 1 Overton, Gerald 1 2 19 1 0 Nowicki, Brad 1 22 17 1 0 Tresierra, Craig 14 0 1 1 56 Harding, James Goaltender Min GA Avg W L No. Pos. Nilsson, Tyler 931 91 5.86 3 12 35 G 1 G White, Sheldon 216 30 8.33; 0 4 Empty net g o a l s 1 Millionaires Team Statistics vs o p f K j n e n t s Prince George Pentiaon Merritt Trail Vernon Coastal Division Home Record Road Record Overtime Record GP W L S/OL GF GA TP 0 3 4 0 1 0 1 3 1 2 0 9 10 2 12 13 3 1 3 1 1 3 5 0 0 1 0 1 7 33 0 0 3 0 3 0 28 56 2 8 1 7 48 82 6 0 13 3 10 14 39 1 1 6 0 5 0 6 7 0 2 0 2 Sunday, November 3 , 1 9 9 6 BCHL weekend wrap-up MERRITTO SURREY 6 Surrey scored twice in each period in their shutout over the Centennials. Peter Wishloff stopped 18 shots to garner the whitewash while Scott Gomez scored twice and Shane Kuss collected his 15th of the season. PENTICTON 3 POWELL RIVER 7 The Paper Kings scored three times in each of the final two periods to defeat the Panthers. Scot Dickson notched a pair, including the winner, while teammate Curt Mahn collected foiu- (2-2) points. VERNON 5 PRINCE GEORGE 1 Sean Patchell scored a pair, including the winner, to help Vernon to a win in Prince George before nearly 1,600 fans. PENTICTON 3 COWICHAN VALLEY 5 Chris Jensen scored twice as the Capitals dumped visiting Penticton. Mike Ronningen, Jeff Glowa and Ryan Buckman were the other Cowichan Valley scorers while Shaun Ford, Pete Summerfelt and Troy Smith found the net for Penticton. NANAIMO 5 PRINCE GEORGE 4 Mark Rycroft scored the winner in the shoot-out to give Nanaimo a win in Prince George before 1,497 fans. Kris Wallis scored once and added two helpers for the Clippers while David Labrecque kicked out 46 shots including 22 in the second period to keep the Spruce Kings in the game. NANAIMO 2 MERRITTS Ryan Olson scored a pair to lead the Centennials to a 3-2 win over the visiting Clippers. POWELL RTVER 3 CHILLIWACK 6 Newcomer Mitch Shawara scored three times to help the Chiefs over the visiting Paper Kings. Paul Fior- The Perfect that Christmas Keeps on onio also scored a pair and Jeremy Lapeyre scored once and set up three other for the Chiefs. POWELL RTVER 1 COWICHAN VALLEY 7 Bryan Grycan scored once and added two assists while Jeff Glowa set up three goals to lead the Capitals to a win over visiting Powell River. Seven different Capital players found the net while Eric Schileider scoried the lone marker. VICTORIAS COWICHAN VALLEY 2 Steve Taylor scored with just 1:44 remaining to give the Salsa a 3-2 win over the Capitals. David Neale and Matt Pettinger scored the other Victoria markers while Gary Hunter and Wayne Brovra found the net foi: C V . CHIIJJWACK6 LANGLEY 5 Jeremy Lapeyre scored twice in the last seven minutes to give the Chiefs a win over the visiting Thunder. Ben Thomber and Denis Gaudet each scored once and added an assist for Langley. Mitch Schawara scored once and added three assist in just this second BCHL game. He collected five (3-2) points in hisfirstgame. I % OFF Every Monday is Seniors Day 15 ALL PURCHASES Some exceptions may apply. W E S T PARK MALL PHARI\4ASAVE HOME BASED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gift Giving 1997 MINOR HOCKEY CASH CALENDAR Don't Just Sit There Tiiinking About It!! Manicures, Pe4icures, Sculptures Nails, Waxing N E L U E BELBIN - Licenced Nail Technician 1261 Purmal Street, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 4T4 Phone: 991-8581 Home: 992-3042 Quesnel Cariboo Observer SUBSCRIBE NOW! 1997 Minor ' ^uesnbi's Community Newspaper Publlstied Sundays and Wednesdays \is Carson Ave., Quesnel B.C. HELP Hoeicey $20,00 ea, SUPPORT DESPITE rr Ijeing the off-season. Josh Guggenheimer has added another award to his trophy case. The grade nine Correlieu student was named the Prince George Track and Field Cluh^{^o^|ai1:st|^^ug|umor th^^ past weeki aii Organisation hecompetes MINORHOCKSSY > % on a part-tinie ba^is for. Guggenheimer, a short and medium distance ruimer who medalled 11 at the B.C. Summer Games and provincial championships, v^as named B.C. Athletic's top 14-year-old track andfielda^lete. • m a J I B i H ^ s s Gommiuii For Insta-Flmne /;// MAIEStiC • t: i", .1 C WINDOW of Your cooperation in reducing the chance of injury to oiir employees by not uslng^ij^^i^igtes^^o^ggns and notices fe"^ "^^'^ Regulation 22.26; (1)/ of the Workers' Compensation Board of B.C., prohibits signs, clotheslines, posters arid other sgch obstructions or hazards on u^tlty poles. 884 Front Street O P P O R T U N I T Y all J o A N N E , Marilyn, Pat or Pattie at 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 . HEATINCPlUMBINC/a SHEET METAl FABRICATION 992-9007 aiauiacnaiapiaiaauienaniau &R^iiM In the past, our workers have been Injured when their climbing spurs have slipped ofi jciard^, halls and stepies. "More than just a beautiful flame...our ceramic burner Is m a d e to last a lifetime- your Owners, B.C. Hydjfdisextrenfielyconcerned about the1numj)er of posters and sijpns being attached to our wood powijr pql#"ady<Byti#Jd garage sales, ^mnfiunity ^events, business jand qti^ermlscMsUpn * $ 1 5 0 " O F F A L L INSTA-FLAiy^E UNIT Pre-Arranged Financing Available through the Royal Bank CalendarsQUESNEL Bowlers one, two . 4k Mntei^t the Cariiwo Observer at 992-2121 QUESNEL • CARIBOO Sunday, November 3 . 1 9 9 6 V ' AVAILAPLE NOW F •WINDOWS •CABINETS •FRAMING -roofing (all types) •EAVESTRdU(3HS 'GEN. CQNTIRACTING (Only 3000 caiendars to be spid) > QUESNEL YQUTH bowlers continued their USUALLY 60 mindominance over their Williams Lake rivals. utes in the hard-nosed In the second session of a Youth Bowling Counsport of football is cil home-at-home series last weekend, Quesnel enough to decide outcome crushed Williams Lake 1079 to 922 m pins overage. of a game. In all, 10 teams,fivefrom each city made up of But every once in a bantams, juniors and seniors, were competing in the while, overturie is needed. Quesnel Bowling Alley last Sunday. And then once every blue Two Quesnel teams took home gold and silver moon, two overtimes are as the day's two top squads while a Williams Lake needed. squad eked out the bronze. That's just what hapTaking first was the combination of Darren pened this past Sunday as Lovell, Colin Martin, Curtis Lovell, Tyler Forbes, the Quesnel Steelers and Norman Simpson and coach Brent Taylor. the Prince George Rebels Second-place went to the team of Kammara battled each other to a 6Kumpula, Kayleigh Kumpula, Patrick Martin, 6 tie in the Northern Andrew Adams, Teresa Thomsen and coach Richard Interior Minor Football's Ktunpula. first round of playo^. Each Pee Wee team had several opportimities to break the tie, but failed ^xpetience to capitalise. The two will now a -part play a sudden-death quar'''' ' ' ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ f l Quesnel's ter Saturday at Massey Stadium in Prince George, (^tetitaqe with hopes of having the deadlock broken. Naturally, Quesnel T E D B W R I T A G E HdUSiB R E S T A U R A N T head coach Rob Swaan iSipiN EVERir DAy A T 7 A M hopes his team comes out Queisnei's Pee Wee Steelers, seen here in action against the Prince George Aigos last on top. "It was a great month, are looking to make their second consecuthra trip to the provincial championships. game and I'm definitely looking forward to Satur- will play Sunday agaiiist a though, the Huskies were bounced from the playoffs * W e d d i n g s * Parties day's matchup." team yet to be deter- the first team to score a by the P.G. Knights. Meetings * U c e n s e d In their four meetings mined. touchdown against the The Rebels had a this season, the Spruce JR. BANTAM HUSKIES juggernaut from P.G. * S m o k i n g * N o n - S m o k i n g good shot at victory, as Capital club has won The Huskies had thek All season long, the three times. Quesnel's hopes of playing football Bears have oidy given up they were up 16-14 late in * Seating for 4 8 - 5 0 P e r s o n the fourth quarter, but a lone victory x^ame Septem- in November dashed two points (a safety) in last-miniute majoir by ber 15, when they won 7- when they were beaten nine games. Located dovmto^vn^ttie footbridge Quesnel's northern rivals 6. soundly by the Prince Fbrinti)hMti6hlpall wQ|ind up costing the BANTAM REBELS The wiiiner of the Ckorge Bears 48-6. The Rebels were Gold Pan City squ|d. On a positive note Steelers-Rebeis contest V 1997 Daily Cash Miners 1997 $250.00 Cash Winners 1997 $2,000 Cash Winners < • Steelers still in playoffs WIN UP TO $12,000 IN CASH 360 4..! 1 fa. • BC hydro Sliquld tlie practice continue B.C. Hydro will remove signs and seek darnages tor all costs Incurred^ vi. - Quesnel Cariboo Observer Sunday, Nbvember 3.1996' Quesnel Gariboo Observer Sunday, November 3,1996 BI Kevin McKelvie CLU ^^^^^^^^ A C L A S S I F I E DA D ! C.H.F.C. • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I- rik 4 I. I PHONE 992-2121 SI ism 100 - ANNOIJNCEMENTS Births 105 Birthdays/Anniversaries.... 110 Notices -115 Cards of Thanks. 120 Obituaries 125 Memorial Services 130 In Memorhim. 135 Coming Events. 140 Personals ..145 Lost 160 Found.... 165 Infonnation Wanted..... 180 a 200 - EUfPLOYMENT Employment Opps 200 Employment Warrted 250 mi I L - '96 RANGER (KP4SU4X2) <ionu) $2012 $5300 REDUCTION $tSOOCilSJiiACK m^RPRElMlCflONS $965 $1500 CASHBACK $1U2 MSRP REDUCTIONS AfrConditioning, CruiseControl, AIM/I=M stereo Cassette, Driver's Side Airbag, Tachometer, Ciirome S^ed Steel Wheels, Tilt Steering, Rear Step Bumper. De^p Dish 'Aluminum Wheels, AH4/I=M Stereo Clocl(, Handling Package, Driver's Side Airbag, Tinted Glass, Tachometer, 60/40 Bench Seat -.to 'StSCPIORERXtT (F9MU) REDUCTION Dual Airbags, Air Conditioning, Pomr Wind(DWS/|.ocks/IVIirrors, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, tat and Cruise, Automatic Ovefdrive, AhtHo^ Brakes, Cargo Cover, Fog Lamps, Luggfagg Rack. $22^RiDppriON 300 • PEOFESSIONAL SERVICES Appliances Services 305 Arts/Entertainment 310 Bobcat/Backhoe Services 315 BookkeepingH'ax Services 320 Building Contractors 325 Business Sendees 330 Cbmputer Services 335 Daycare 340 Equipment Rentals 345 Food Setyiiies ...350 Handy Persons 355 Health Sendees 360 Home Cleaning/Laundry... 365 Home Improvement Services .......370 Landscaplnd/Gardehlngl.'..375 Miscellaneou»Sendces.... 380 lutdrrar.......:.........,... 390 400> A6BBCUmJRAI<LOGGING-MININQ Farm ImprBmBirts. ,405 Faim Protfiice... ..410 $t5dO CASHBACK ^|GA$HBACK $700IWSRF REDUCTIONS $1893 MSRP REDUCTIONS Air Conditldning, T Passenger Seating, Running Boards. Driver's Side Airbag, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Automatic Overdrive, Dual Captain's Chairs, Uiggage Rack. Quad Captain's Chairs, Air Conditioning, Dual Airbags, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Speed Control, Tilt and Cniise, liJi^eee Rack, Power WMows/Locks. Aluminum Wheels, Privacy Glass, Remote Mirrors. .420 |joggl%|gi|p^^.,.,,......«^ .460 .:Ta.---s*. r 1ERCURY INCOLN B C i :?^l«*VAItABI.E Ort IN-STOCK INVENTORY ONLY. I S F O R D A N t) M 1 R G U R Y C O U N T R Y accepted F O R D TAXES PAYABLE ON FULL AMOUNT OF PURCHASE PRilCE BEFORE CASHBACK DEDUCTED. LIMrrED TIME OFFER AND LIMITED QUANTrriES AVAILABLE. SEE;DEAtEi;itORDE1^ILS. I - Mining Equipment..... 480 Mining Leases 485 Mining Services .....490 Heavy Dut|^^quipineht.....495 500TBEA£EStATEr Real Estate ^wvt&s...»....500 Ipperi Housff„-..»...... -..505 JiuiWirig tiiigC::.:.:.».:,,..,.. 510 &|*tti|iiar^ for Saie.-.............5i fMduseis^for Sal«;-.v-..-.;si.. S20 f M^tfile %rne,3 fqr Sale^.^..,.525 sF^siflfiahibhj^^^^^ 600-RENTALS Residential Rentals 606 Room & Board 610 Shared Accommodation 615 Cabiri/Cottage Rentals....^..620 Mobile Home Spaces .625 Wanted to Rent w650 Room & Board Wanted 655 Commercial Rentals 680 HallsforRent 685 700-ADTOMOTIV^ AutomobileforSale 701 P i c k u p s / y ^ for Sale 705 Commercial Vehicles 710 Accessories 720 Parts/Service 725 ATVs...:. 750 Boats/Marine 755 Motorcycles 760 RVs/Motorhomes for Sale 765 RV/Motorhome Rentals. 770 Snowmobiles.., .775 Utility Traflers... 780 Miscellaneous Auto. 790 275 Reid Street Quesnel, BC The Mutual Group 333ReIdSL 900 - FINANCIAL - tJB(SAL Business dppdrtunifi^i.;\..965 Investmern Oppcirtunit|esi...9lO ^i^cellane)puS:Rnanciai.....9l5 Miir^gei^ Agreeinents.^^.. >....9?0 Legal Notices.. 990 WliK)pi#:^-.550 •••••ikMlliillBHBlMBilill^ SHOP IN YOUA SEAT, NOT ON YOUR FEETI Tis the season. /Aromatherapy New Body Care Place your order while Stocks lasts. 1-688-990-9966. 115 Notices WAS YOUR child bom In Q.R, Baker Hospltg? Were you forcedtoilireak feed against yoiir Arill? Vifere you treated pooiiy because you chose not :to?^lease write me your Story. I nei^ your help. Allinfonnation Is kept totally <^nfideritial. Reply toffox "H!, c/o'Caitt)bo Obsen/eir. 188 Carsoh'Av^.. Quesnel, B.C.V2J2A8i UetttsaSlmi Mutual Ufe of CanadaMutuai Investco Inc two companies of The Mutual Qroup. Important information alMul these funds Is contained in their Amplified prespectus BvaBaUe (ran Mutual Investco Inc., through an office of The Mutual Group. Please read It caraftilly before investing. Unit values and investment return wil tkiciuata Tele Artists: CRAyCRAFTi Has afineselection of Count^^ Pipuie Shelving, Ready to Paint. Starting • at...$ 15.00 Like Southwestern? Ami Enterprises, Cactus, Coyotes, and Cowboys captured in wood.... Crafts by Ifis and Her Wood Work Cowboys and Nature. Frozen in scroll andfretwork, starting at $5,00 1 10 Hiiilidays/ . \ n n i \ ersaries THE CHILDREN of Don and Enima HoUM would like to extend an Invitation to all their friends to attend a opisn house celebrating their 50th Wedding Annhrarsary. It iwilt be held Saturday. Nov. 16i/96 at 1266 Moffat Ave.'from 1- 4 p.m. No gifts please d9i2-9751.! WEIGHT LOSS, or%ain, improved health from allergies to high bl6dd pressure. We have programsforyou. Lost 40 lbs. In 14 wks. Husband 44 lbs. 13 wks. 100% Natural. Toll Free: 1^88^-858-8021 Fax:858-8471. Safety is no accident,so 115 Notices CARIBOO FOR FREE business counselling, business loans and business plan assistance, please call Community Futures at 9925626. K E E r s m E S A ntessqge firom The War Amps PLAYSAFE Program Use the We Over 9,^000 hbmes every Simday J o f issueis^^ I issuesibr cHilySlOfOG'pSpid. r^l'^i:^ 4 issues for onfy $12.00 billed. 643 .850 Garage «ales „ .860 Machinery... Miscellaneous for Sale.. .865 Miscellaneous Wantisd.. .866 Musical Instatiinents;.... .869 .872 Nursery/Plants...J.. .875 OfRce Equipment .878 Pets...v. Sports/Recreational Eqtilpfneht.........;.'.-... ,...;i.880 Stereo/TV/Sourid... ....;r.882 ......885 Swap.. Tools..;. ..887 Travel ,.890 89S Yard & Garden. ATTENTION: SCHNEIDERS POPCORN CUSTOMERS Introducing new products: KAKTUS CHIPS; C A N O L A OIL. CHERRY. B A N A N A . CANDY FLAVORINGS. Great far fond raisers. Book your parties early. Xmas Is coming . For nrrare Infonnation call Heidi. 747-0134. Call Beth Lachmutb 992-9198. Cell 992-0191 115 Notices 8 0 0 - F O B SALE Aircraft ^ 805 Antiques 807 Appliances 809 AuctionSales... 811 Books/Coins/Stamps 017 Building Materials 819 Clothing....... 825 Computers/Videos/ Cameras « ;....828 Crafts/Hobbles 830 Rrewood 840 FumHiira Change the cha^cter of yoiir home by replacing youF^wndows. This is usually a once in a life-time opportunity to remodel, so why not take advantage of it and update your entire home. Take ptetures of the exterior of your home and enlarge and photocopy them. Use the photocopies to create new window designs and colours that bring out the'character hidden in your home then take the look you wanttoyour nearest Window Dealer and get a quote for style and energy eflteiency. FBOMTIEB REAITf (1996) 992-5790 ^ HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday I J H Real Estate Consuttant See Kevin for all your insurance needs. or drop Into our office at 188 Carson Ave. Quesnel, B.C. 1 15 Notices Trends In Home Design: Clipj Mall or Fax., Classification Sd word classified;) 3 P 1 •.• • fi m ia • ' • • COST inctuded, • 7 11 15. 1.fi 1ft .10,:': 17 AHriitinnAi W o r d s P l ^ prirtt yourad wttii one word per b<^^d?(fe per word per isjiMeover;^. Phone. 4 20. Quesnel Cdnboo Observer ' SundayrNovemberS, l'996 Quesnel Cariboo Observer Suridayr November 3i 1996 B3: ^1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSEJKVER To place your F R E E ad call 1-800>995-6909 Ext. 26 24 Houn a day ^V^SQUARED SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS IMC. Jennifer van Vliet •Accounting & Bookkeeping Services Computer Experience Indudes !*DAC Easy *Simply Accounting *ACCPAC *Quicken ^Systems Manual Writing Available P.O. Box 84, Quesnel, aC. V2J 4V2 X 992-4M14 H o m e s presents I C O N •I232sq.tt. bUevBl on Quesnel dlylot3bedreonn,2l)aths& cedvdeek. NOW nonw wonanxy imwmbulUto J C O N sou youl H O M E S L T D . 982:^6778 (24 H r s ) o r T 4 7 - 2 6 4 2 'Call thePower V a cClean Team! . Pro&sstonal Duct 'Qeamng P •ReSdoitial ^ ' •Commemal healthier envtronment Reduce he^gandair iCooditKHimgCosts:^ Z.'iycars.ofiiCfvicc JolIReeJ-8aW65^31il CONSUtliNC OD t^e^ldentlal & industrfai Sm 9SZ-3130 or 747-4694 (m.) 'n&rce ^ Pillaoris M a p s ^^^^^^ > M'.f^^ '^ipf^hiail.nelishop.netc V ,^1^1iJ9^]^r^nrinMtewillbef>i^^ YouiiirtbBl8y«iwaf«ff«yoMg>aidtova<itoacfalDnephoneto EXCELLENT PERSONALITY FDCCARSI SEEKS SOULMATE Basically outgoing SWF, 40, SWM, 19, 6 ' r , 176ibs., dark SWN^!!3^j^sygoing, fun 5'5", average build, loves brown hair, blue eyes, fun- iQvlnlg. Chef, e^^^ all kinds country and rock music, bving, alway joking, seeking of sp^rts,vhorseback riding dancing, movies, looking for seekS(^-honest, sincere SF. sincere, loving SM, who is friendly SF, who likes to A d # ^ AN OUTGOING GAL Ver/ hoppy-go^ucky. outgo- looking for a relationship. dance, Ad#.5225 EASYGOING ing SWF, 19. 5'7-. I26lbs., Ad#.8238 AGOODAmrUDE employed, enjoys walks, •OUt^oingj fun-loving SWM TALK RACE TO FACE Friendly, outgoing SM, 20, time outside with friends, 33,5'10", 160ibs., carpenter, seeks employed, happy SM, Outgoing SWF, 42, 5'7', 6'3-, 190lb§., East Indian, logged enjoys skiing, biking 140lbs.. dark tiair, hazel eyes, with a good personality. empioyeid. enjoys basketcamping, trdvel, 'snowmoemployed, enjoys the outAd#.9311 blllng, seeks slim, attractive doors, crofts, reading, walks, ball, hockey, football, hangHAPPY-GO-LUCKY talks, snuggling, seeks honest, ing-out, seeks nice, outgoing clean SF. Ad#.2288 Full-figured. SWF. 19, 5.4-, caring SM. Ad#.2345 SF.Ad#.1200 car%br6wn hdir, blue eyes^d A U T I L E SHY; GET IN TOUCHI UKES THE OUTDOORS ndMvr; eolov^iports/trdyel, Employed SWM, 33, 6'2 cuddling, seeks romantic, Friendly, outgoing SWF, 42, Furv-ioving SW dad, 24. 6', 190!^S', blond hair, blue sincere, sweet SM. Ad#.5253 5'6", rssjbs., brown tidlr, 160lbs., contractor.; likes fishe y ^ , enjoys hunting, fishing grey/green eyes, enjoys ONE-OF-A-KIND ing, canoeing, camping, camping, movies, socializSWF, 19,6' r , 115lbs., blonde redding, writing poetry, trav- swimming, some sports, seeks ing, good conversations, hair, brown eyes, outgoing> el, beach walks, seeks honest seeking trustworthy, romonhappy, petite SF. Ad#.8234 student, enjoys shopping, skl- SM.Ad#.600O ' tic, sincere SF. Ad#.8440 ng, swimmihg. seeks honesf, YOUNG AT HEART HAPPY-GO-LUCKY rellabie, /trustworthy SM. Easygoing, happy SWF, 44, LETSMEEn Open-minded SWM, 25, Ad#.8177 • <^ ' 57', brownish red hair, gioss- medium Fun to be with, outgoing build, selfMUST UKE KIDS ' esrtehloys iflshlng, hunting,; SWM, 36, 6 ' r , brown employed, enjoys hockey, Quiet, shy SW mom< 20, §'9'^. complngi walfei^exptoirlng; hair/eyes, slim, cook, enjoys skinny, auburn hair, btowh ydra; sales; sefejdrtg; honest.: skiing, playing cards. seel<s oil outdoor activities, readeyes, enjoys great discus- slneej^ Sjyi; ifoes^reidtton0p. attractive, trustworthy, sining, movies, fishing, seeks sions, playing with her ion. Ac«f.3412 cere SF. Ad#.9278 honest, loyal SF. Ad#.1111 seeking honest, fun-lovfng SM.Ad#.2509 FAMILY-ORIENTED Q & A COUNTRY WESTERN GAL SW dad, 36, 5'11', 190lbs., Q:Howflolg0tatartwt? ^appy-g6-Iucky SW (;nom, red-blond hair, blue eyes, A: You are going lo beracoidingyour vok» greeting, be 20,6' f r , blonde hair, green speak to the listener, deectibe yowself m a positive way, B easygoing, good sense of eyes, enjoys fishing, camfv cteafivd And ^pe^ ^)Out ^llt«&^^'^^ bcmng for. Km i* humor, likes rnpuntaln bikng. walks, seeking honest, eaofi ExL 2S option 1, you will be piompted to answer som^t. ing, walking, music, seeks sincere, trustworthy SM. «bout yottfis^ t l ^ ty!p» «f p0m(8» ) ^ wat^ Ad#.1975 honest, sincere SF. Ad#.6666 gnoebng will be eoreened for proper oontent and put on line wdNA I fi(>i^M«<fie«t^» print v m l ) » t ^ ^ DONT MISS OUT SEEKING SOUL MATE wtiSeli w$«p^«ar { n l ! i » p e $ « r l f t > 1 0 d ^ Nice SNCF, 21, brown hair, Outgoing SWM, 46. 5'10', good-natured, enjoys driving 160lbs., light brown hair, arplihWprc^ stttch. seeks hazel eyes, self-employed, iurrtdfdus;' N/Sv ribtvclriiiklng. enjoys quiet times, drives, ad Press 1 to respond, press £ to go on to the next ad fuh-lovihg SMi "fortdqtlng. Ad*. 1973 ..-A^S^ • ? traveling, dining out, seeks QrHoMritotcanoeiorranewanad and askany queetioits? nice, active, compatible SF. Ad#.7900 445lbs;. brown Setvfce ptovkiedfiy Direct Response Marketing, Inc. hair, green eyes, outgoing, ^rWfiht4»t:W#ltan^^.N.y.1@ ' TRUE BLUE emiiloyed, enjoys ddricfng. White W F e m a l o Easygoing, affectionate u going but with friencfe. seek3 H Hit(iiinic B SWM, 51. enjoys country 0 O i y o r e o d A ng honest, respectful SM, C NO WS Ncn«nok«f who gets-along with kids* music, dancing, cuddling, WW W 0 seeking honest, loyal, longhaired, brunette SF. Attracf(ve,'T6manti8 SWF, 26, Ad#.1493 .lAieEMEAWA^ SINCERE 5'6', medium build, short A GOOD cook Witty SW mbiin. A8. 5'9',. SWM. 26. 6'2-. 260lbs.. brdwo rhdlr. jgrei^p eyes. Outgoing SWM, 55. 6'1'. brown hair/eyes, easygoing, g,*t\avlng ftjn, 175lbs., tsrown hair/eyes, se'dks hbhistr^drfhg. sensl- ""hqppy-go-lucky,. employed, enjoys the out22blbs.. blond curly hair, fit, selfve, mature SM, Ad#. 1192 doors, dancing, seeks honenDployed/ enjoys booting. employed, enjoys jalonfs, Jarts. bpwfrng. wallcsi cords. est, sincere, trustworttiy SF.- cooking, seeks/ slim, " employed SF, over 5'6', with ^ . J f ^ 9 , 6'2 . Seeking trutbfuir-honestlisib-' Ad#.6969 SM,- for relpbnsh%. 06lbs., student; enjoys long redljalr. Ad#.l996 . FRIENDLY TYPE horseback riding, biking, JogHonest SWM. 28. 6'9'., SkAREMYUFE |ng» Jbe|ng> active, seeks wbRksdlir ISOIbs.. sandy brown hair, bhest,' nice, athletic SCM. Fun-loving SWM, 57, 6', ^^li^'sb'rl-' green eyes, employed, SWE 49, 5'3':i^ Ad*.??33, ^, 198lbs., self-employed, ou^, employed, ^nfi'' enjoys woridng out, the outr enjoys couritTy/weStem HOR^E TRAINER crafts, computers, viTobd' doors, moyles, seeks honest,,! niuslc,^ Wdlks, fSWi^ 5-10-, woridng, photography, seeks tnjstworthy, understiandJhg, bedch, golfir ;^rfs?"iseeks attractive $fv Ad#;<g)lO^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ reddish/brown hair, blue•jieerir eyes, various ^r\teiesm'L^^^°Pf^^ tibrtestv Me(^i^i^0i^!SaM seeks easygoing, affebtlonHONEST AND LOYAL HAPPY-GO'LtiCKY at© SM, for possible relationtall SWM. 30. «'4r, meidlum ship: Adf.l 722"^'- • ~ holr, green eyes, outgoing.^ build, dark brown halr/eyesj LETS GET T06E1NER . enjoys .flno dining, dancing/ employed, enjoys lifei the WF. -31, 6'3', redhead", bowling, seeking easygoing.; outdoors, seeks SF. wtio likes brown eyes, freckles, dim- honest.cotlng SM. Ad#;1937 children Ad#2308 READTHISI ^ ples,, enjoys, quiet evenings; R O M A N H C ACnVITIES^:^^' Slim SWM, 18,-136lbs^ stumovies; reading, writing, seeks communicative, easyT iAttiletic. easygoing; honest ^ dent, easygoing.' f^obbles going SM Ad# 1264 ^ ' SWM. 31. 6'2'. blond hair;.' blue eyes, thin build, enjoys ore moUnt<iifii?6ike'' riding, SEEKS A HARD WORKER. , SWF, 38.5'5', ,t40lbS", brown tiie.outdoois. sports, movies, sports, seeks ea?ygolog SM 1ALL. D A R K , A N D S U M . hair, gray/green eyes> good -seeking,, honest, tnJstworthy Adr222i . - w^personality; outgoing^ friend-. SFAd#6659^ , ly, likes to read, write poetry, SWM; ta, fun,^ easygoing, SEEKS SAME'" (• FRIEf^DSHIP HRST seeks kind, t\onest, sincere SWM. 18. tall, dark,, handsporttaneousj en]oys cbnoe- ;Fun, easygolng,--SWM,>3l;some, fun, easygoing, spon-* iSnO"; blond hair, blue-eyes. MUST UkE CHIU)REN - Ing. mountain bikSg. fishing, ^^fnpioyed," enjoys ""fishing.' faneous, employed, enjoys Spontaneousr-caring SW gQlflng;«horsebaGk' ri8l^e|j otitdooi'-acti\/ItIes,'^ sports mom." 39,'="6*V'7-"135|b^r, hikingr seeking honest,/^arMjift'^r**?^ r s skiing, seeking honest, ^irtr^i i. brown,haIr/eyes, employed^. „ ^ ^ t u i i f e i k e .cete^ovlng SF. for.q long^ f « ¥ ^ fprglvicip5F^^Jlajnsic itasting refatlonshlpT with slrrillqii .^l^teresfe Temfit<0.2B4^r"^^<^ ? rAd# 1212 Aca^f3l25./^%l>% ^ ^^^^^^^ April 3,1969 - Nov, 3,1987 Citstm Mowers by Kathy As long as we live, you live on In our thoughts ahd In our hearts. Mom, Sandy, Paul& family. MEMORIAL QIFTS Available a4J^|5:J/'''^^^; C a n b o o Mi^.. IF YOrWant to TRY thiPs your business. If. you want to stpp. that's qurs. Alcoholics Anonymous. 99^2-5560. " QUESNELANDOISnUCT . 437 B Legion Drive 992-610^ SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT 160 Lost LOST OCT. 27th in the Maple Pari< Mali, Super Valu or Zellers, necklace with silver & aqua marine stone. Sentimental value from my mother in Nonway. Reward; 747-3447. Quesnd & DIatHet PatttaOve MALE RED MERLE AUSTRACareAsmelatUm SHEPHERD with a choke P.O.BoxVS7, Quemel, B.C, LIAN VSJSJS Argo Road Maintenance Is Inviting local contractors to register ttieir snow removal equipment to assist Argo in the Quesnel District winter maintenance program. Any further inquiries or concems please contact Ken Spencer at 992-8809. Ken Spencer, Operations Mangef P.O. Box 4310, . ' . 4305 Quesnel-Hixon Road Quesnet, B.C. ' . i 140 C o m i n " Events 1987 QSS/CORREUEU Grad Reunion Meeting 7:00 p.m.. Nov.13,19S6 Begbie's Bar Everyone welcome to share ideas. For more information, call Marci 747-1203 or CarIa 992-7548. — P^|AllYoiir Amsau^ Needs Gall 992^611 ^ ^ ^ ^ fl^^«^^, INSURANCE «-» MopHim chain, docked tail and blue eyes. Lost between Brennan Rd. and Hayhiii Rd., Bouchie Lk/Nazko Hwy. 249-5955 or 992-6534. Reward offered. 165 Found FOUND IN THE BEGINNING OF OCTOBER, , prescription glasses on riyer>.waik. 9929757. ".^v "fyf, . rr c o s t s Ypii DE-ICERS NOTHING Former teachers, students and parent^ are mm sm.^r^ M. ALTERNATIVE THERAPY (Acupressure) For lovver back pain, hip prob-^ iems,scl^cd,jBtc. . . . ^ ¥hon6'lig-865aJ'• sdhrtdes ^ d r Just South ot Quesnel s Maple Pnrk Shopping Centre all .... *.=aSr ^ y^Wqilapanship *^^?|i&^iaoixl^ prolls^tohallyonpreFnises ?\ EARN CASH dailyl Change your lifel Work from hdrifiei F^ree info S.A.S.E: T. Yeatman. 2347 Tranquille Rd.. Kamlpops. B.O-. V2B3N6. "~ "•Ste^Cynm, "'*CJltI^Br8nder8 |f .Terrylssac ; ;'!ftebertBaterniai»>j ' '\"r-i.^ imd:rMiv<i|ter8g:4* • | » tjocalArt^s^iShas: THE GOLDEN Star has an ifn- ~ , •/VidrevKi8& ,iiediate" openWg for a general avel ThefcOinrnil ds and Ye|ati\/es lOUrSdthWeddirig Ii GIRLSI GIRLSI GIRLSI To Donna and Frank K ^ e r for bst^oporosis^fii^es i in 4, women old. th6ip, i0reat^^.<xw)!J(;lbi^^ maKJnjS ltd|(pi}(ieAu^^^^ Doug & Mildred Mighton - T^lk^theitilh^br 1^800^1^5302^ , vExt^2743 $?,99^perfn|oirt|. Must bela years. ^ProfeaIi'Ca^^-954^7420. per,(n|nute..18 plus, V.E.I. . ' 6dld(9ri^3tanstafr i s ' group,determln^^.tb^ut logeth-| er the best ndvi«|)aper pojssiblei dach week^\A/e%^lfk^'hl^d ^ we have ftin; A?fee>ise OfAhuilior i s definitely required. #a}$ appli- p 747-8465. - - -^^ - ' I ' • I • • c_^.', | ^BveMilis . | 20 Cards of riianks ,,^..^mmB^M^Mf£MI° f- 2302 F e r g u s o n . H w y 97 S AUTO MOBILE dataller required. Experienced ohiy. Send resumes to: Box ^ c/o Quesnei Cariboo Observer^ l8S-Carsdn Ave.. Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2Ab. Apply bV:l^loy; 8, ;1?£i6,* 145 Pcf.soiial.s Typing Thanks QUESNEL AG PARTS 8f SUPPLIES Opportunities DO-r^VOURSEiJ DIVORCE 120 Cards o Call Mike at 741^31^ 210 Employment B $3.9.95 > starting at... BUT a phone call to place a found advertisement. Phone 992-2121 Monday to Friday, 8:00 a m , to 5:00 p.m. ^ielelmite Betty's 20 years at Vdyageur School. Visit Betty at the • Dated: October 21,1996 PALLIATIVE CARE ASSOCIATION Your donaiion to the Palliative Care AssocialJon assists people living Aith Gfe ttveatening illnesses, theirfeuniesand friends by providing mjch needed care and comftat in the most diliicult drcumstances. Your gift fn honour br in memory of someone spedal will be grateMy acknowledged and you will receive an income tax receiptfrcmthe assodalion. Tlianlc you for your support Donations may be sent to: ^ ^ a t e r Coolers^Bdffied wifeivf *Water?Rlters *Water Oistlilere^% •Iron RIters *Water Soft0nera^ Kevin R, Austin Box 19, R.R. #8 Crotteau Rd. Quesnet, B.C. 454.Tiuiiper lUL, Hwy 97 & 747-2377 ^ DRINKING W A T E | . TO WHOM rr MAY CONCERN: Monday - Sat 10 ajn. - 5 pjn. ^ NORTHERN OASIS Take notice that on and after this date. 1. the undersigned, wil) no tonger be responsible fbr debts contraqted in my napie.by any person or persons offier tlian myself. K e e p s a l u l s ^ 'A
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