www.lessardwelding.com Information Guide Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads Modular Type (Two Section Bridge) Designed to handle a vehicle wheel loading of a CL-625 Ontario truck as per the CHBDC CAN / CSA-S6-06 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type 1. What are these bridges designed and certified for? These bridges are designed and certified for a vehicle wheel loading of a CL625 Ontario truck as per the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code CAN / CSA-S6-06. It is completed by two professional bridge engineers who verify that the bridges meet the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code standards as well as the standards of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ontario. Both engineer’s stamps appear on the blue prints. These portable bridges are designed for use on low volume crown land access roads and are certified to meet the standard identified in the latest version of the Ministry of Natural Resources “Crown Land Bridge Management Guidelines”, dated February 2008. The bridge stringer design satisfies the strength requirements of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code CAN/CSA-S6-06 (CHBDC), using the Ontario CL-625 Truck Load. 2. What types of vehicles can cross these bridges? Our Full Highway Loading Bridges are technically designed to handle a vehicle wheel loading of a CL-625 Ontario truck as per the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code CAN / CSA-S6-06. In other words, any vehicle that is legal on Canadian roads and does not require a special permit can cross these bridges. 3. Are these bridges pre-approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ontario? Yes, we have submitted our shop drawings to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ontario; the drawings are on file and considered a “Pre-approved Structure” which is one of the great attributes to buying this type of bridge from Lessard Welding. This type of bridge meets or exceeds the bridge superstructure standards in the Crown Land Bridge Management Guidelines, dated February 2008. 4. Can these bridges be installed for temporary and/or permanent applications? Yes, both applications are acceptable; however, please consult your local MNR office for further information regarding this matter. Last Updated on April 30, 2012 Page 2 of 9 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com 5. Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type What do I need to know about the bridge substructure (abutments/cribbing)? The bridge substructure, abutments or cribbing, must be designed separately to safely support the bridge and to suit site-specific ground conditions. It is recommended to have an engineer design a certified bridge substructure for your specific bridge site. The bridge substructure must provide continuous support under the bridge end beams for the full width of the end beam bottom flange. This measurement represents approximately 12 inches at each end for the full width of the bridge which is at least 15’ 4”. It would be wise to allow more than the exact 15’ 4”. 6. How are the bridges fastened? All bridges are manufactured with pre-drilled holes at each end into the corner of the end beams. One end has fixed holes and one end has slotted holes to allow for movement. The bridges are fastened at all four corners, the slotted holes allow for movement of the bridge from expansion and contraction. 7. What features do these bridges offer? a) HIGH QUALITY STANDARDS OF FABRICATION We ensure that only the highest quality workmanship is put into the fabrication of our bridges. Lessard Welding is certified to CSA Standard W47.1 in Division 2 by the Canadian Welding Bureau and operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standards. ISO 9001 QMI-SAI Global # 001723 b) INNOVATIVE CONCEPT The concept is excellent! It is a safe, simple, environmentally friendly, practical, economical, and durable concept, what more can you ask for? i) It is economical for a few reasons. 1) The decking is included, it consists of a steel checker plate pre-welded to the structure therefore there is no need to replace it like a wood deck. 2) Guard rail pockets are pre-welded to the outer sides of each section. 3) The bridges are reusable for future projects as they can be easily installed and un-installed. Last Updated on April 30, 2012 Page 3 of 9 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type ii) It is simple because it consists of just two fully assembled bridge sections bolted together side by side. Each section measures 7’ 6” wide, once installed, the bridge offers a total running surface of 15' 4". Installation is also very simple; in general Section 1 is put into place, Section 2 is put into place and both sections are bolted together, easy as that! iii) It is safe because the surface of the steel decking is covered with an anti-slip product or “grit”. iv) It is practical because the design ensures that a smooth and flush surface runs from one section to the other, no gap cap required. v) It is environmentally friendly because minimal dirt makes its way through to the water body. The two sections are basically installed edge to edge leaving very little space in between the two sections. There are access points or "cut outs" in the surface of the decking to allow installers to bolt the two bridge sections together. Cover plates are provided to ensure all openings are well covered and that the deck surface remains level and flush. vi) It is durable for a few reasons. 1) Its heavy duty design requires each bridge section to be constructed of four girders for a total of eight girders per bridge. The inside of the girders are reinforced with cross members (diaphragms). The diaphragms help to PREVENT the steel girders from twisting or bending laterally outward. Without this cross bracing, the ability of the bridge to safely carry design loads may be compromised, this is especially true of older structures that have been damaged in use or have started to corrode. 2) The decking consists of a 3/8” thick steel checker plate and has a reinforced design; the checker plate is supported by cross members every 12" across the length of the bridge. This reinforcement helps to PREVENT the checker plate from warping, deforming and deflecting. Without these cross members, the decking may warp causing it to rust and corrode much more quickly, eventually weakening the surface and rendering the bridge unsafe. Costly repairs or even complete bridge replacement may result. Last Updated on April 30, 2012 Page 4 of 9 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com c) Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type SIZE AVAILABILITY AND LOW GROUND PROFILE These bridges are available in spans of 20 ft., 30 ft., 40 ft., 50 ft. and 60 ft. They also have a profile which is quite low to the ground. The site preparation to accommodate this type of bridge is easier and more cost effective than higher profile bridges. Bridge Height 20 ft. 18" 30 ft. 20" 40 ft. 22" 50 ft. 25" 60 ft. 28" d) PULLING LUGS There are (8) Pulling Lugs pre-welded to each end of each bridge section for a total of (16). These lugs are extremely handy for effectively maneuvering the bridge sections into place. e) SEAL PLATES We provide (2) Bridge End Seal Plates, one for each end of the bridge. They prevent the soil or back fill from escaping in between the two sections. Field installation is required. f) LIFTING LUGS There are (4) Lifting Lugs pre-welded INTO the surface of the bridge sections. We also provide (4) Lifting Slings for your convenience. Cover caps are provided to cover the lifting lug openings for a safe walking surface. Last Updated on April 30, 2012 Page 5 of 9 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com g) Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type GUIDES FOR EASIER INSTALLATION Each section is equipped with “tie-downs”; which are basically the pieces responsible for fastening the two sections together. Section “1” has tie-downs with pre-welded guides and Section “2” does not. Install section “1”, then as you install section “2”; you will need to align the tie-downs (pictured above on the left). We recommend using a crow bar to align the holes perfectly. When the holes are aligned slip the bolts into each tie down. You may want to apply “Never Seize” to the bolts. Secure the nuts and torque properly. Once completed, install the self locking “Cap Plates” provided. h) THE CHOICE OF TAPERED OR SQUARE ENDS The customer has the option to chose “tapered” or “square” ends at no extra charge. Tapered Ends i) Square Ends BRIDGE IDENTIFICATION, RECORD KEEPING AND LETTER OF CONFIRMATION Each bridge is assigned an individual serial number for easy tracking and record keeping. Accurate records are a requirement of the OMNR Crown Land Bridge Management Guidelines – 2008. Lessard Welding maintains a detailed bridge information database of all the bridges sold therefore we can offer existing bridge customers up to date information about their purchased bridges. Lessard Welding issues a letter of confirmation for each bridge for proper record keeping as required by the OMNR Crown Land Bridge Management Guidelines - 2008. Our letter specifies information regarding the bridge as well as drawing information. Along with the letter of confirmation, we also provide our customers with a copy of the General Arrangement Drawing. Last Updated on April 30, 2012 Page 6 of 9 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type 8. What do I need to know about curbs and guard rails? You are required to install curbs that are a minimum of 280 mm high and a post at every 6’ 3”. Our bridges are equipped with 8” x 8” guard rail receivers. These are pre-welded to the outer edge of each bridge section and spaced according to code (every 6' 3"). This allows our bridges to be used in uncontrolled traffic areas. The guard rail system is NOT included in our price but is optional for an added cost. We do offer a few different types of guard rail systems. The bridge owner is responsible to comply with this requirement. 9. What do I need to know about shipping? Shipping is NOT included in the price of our bridges but is optional for an added cost. Flat bed trailers are by far the most recommended type of trailers for us to load bridges on. Being low profile bridges, one section is loaded on top of the other and some can go four sections high depending on the size of the bridges. Special permits may be required depending on the bridge length. When having a carrier pick-up your bridge, please ensure they are fully informed of the bridge measurements and weights. Feel free to have the carrier contact us directly. We do request that the carriers give us notice prior to picking up as lifting arrangements may need to be made. Failure to notify us may result in the bridge not being loaded as expected. Last Updated on April 30, 2012 Page 7 of 9 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type 10. What type of equipment do I need to install the bridge? The type of equipment needed to lift the bridge sections into place depends on the size of bridge you are purchasing. We will give you all the specs pertaining to your bridge and this will help you or your contractor make a wise decision on the strength of machinery needed to perform this work. Another factor to keep in mind when determining the size of the machinery is the reach; how far out will the machinery need to reach to properly set the bridge sections into place. 11. Are these bridges easy to install? According to some of our customer’s experiences, they are, if you have the right equipment! This type of installation is fairly quick and simple. We can provide you with detailed installation procedures. Please feel free to view our animated installation video on our website at www.lessardwelding.com. Please keep in mind that the video is intended to give you a general idea as the actual install may not necessarily be executed exactly as the video shows. Some of our customers have reported that their new bridge was useable within an hour. The short time frame included the offloading of the bridge sections, the placement of these sections onto the preinstalled abutments and the bolting together. It does not include the pre-work necessary to receive the new bridge. This customer had already removed the old bridge, had prepared the abutments, and had hired the services of a heavy duty crane which was commissioned and ready to lift. We had specifically coordinated the bridge delivery time. In this particular setting, the road was closed for no longer than 4 hours. This example reflects one customer in particular and may not be the case for everyone. 12. Does the bridge require regular inspections? There are two types of inspections: Every move: The portable bridge shall be inspected for steel damage and/or deformation after each move by a competent person as defined by the latest version of the Ministry of Natural resources “Crown Land Bridge Management Guidelines”. Every 5 years: The portable bridge shall be inspected by a certified engineer every 5 years as defined by the latest version of the Ministry of Natural resources “Crown Land Bridge Management Guidelines”. Please contact your local MNR office to view the latest version of the Ministry of Natural resources “Crown Land Bridge Management Guidelines” or visit their website. Last Updated on April 30, 2012 Page 8 of 9 Your complete information guide to… www.lessardwelding.com Full Highway Loading Bridges for Low Volume Roads – Modular Type 13. Does the bridge require any maintenance? We would suggest that the surface of the bridges be swept on a regular basis to prevent the gravel from creating rust spots on the surface. You may even want to power wash the deck if at all possible. We would recommend greasing or applying “Never Seize” to the bolts every now and then to prevent them from seizing and rusting. 14. How long can we expect this bridge to last? It is difficult to determine the exact number of years that your bridge will last as it depends on the abuse and care that the owner will put into it. These bridges are designed to handle the certified load capacity. Our bridge structure is designed with steel reinforcements ensuring a stronger bridge and a steel deck that will last considerably longer than some of our competitors due to its reinforced design. 15. Questions? If you have any other questions, please feel free to communicate with us at any time! By mail: Lessard Welding 4590 Regional Road 15 Chelmsford, ON P0M 1L0 Last Updated on April 30, 2012 By phone: By fax: By e-mail: 705-855-3480 888-234-3687 705-855-5586 natalie@lessardwelding.com Page 9 of 9
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