Why Do Governments Borrow so Much? Michel Habib (UZH, SFI, and CEPR) and Jean-Charles Rochet (UZH, SFI, and TSE) Outline Motivation Main Insight and Results Literature Review Model: One Term in Office Calibration: One Term in Office Model: Many Terms in Office Calibration: Many Terms in Office Conclusion ii Motivation Starting with Eaton and Gersovitz’s (1981) seminal work, many papers have attempted to reproduce prevailing country debt/GDP ratios. These papers make two central assumptions: (i) governments have infinite horizon (ii) governments may default strategically, in which case they are excluded from future access to capital markets In these papers, governments borrow in order to insure their population against output shocks; they default when the expected benefits of future insurance are smaller than the gains from reneging on debt service commitments. 1 Neither assumption is entirely natural. Assumption (i) contrasts with the widely-held view that a government’s horizon extends only as far as the government’s expected term in office: après moi le déluge. Assumption (ii) is belied by the empirical evidence: Levy Yeyati and Panizza (2011) find precious little evidence of strategic default. Moreover, sanctions toward countries that default are typically very short lived (Bulow-Rogoff 1989): they are quickly able to borrow again. Moreover, existing papers generate debt/GDP ratios that are too low. The higher calibrated debt/GDP ratio found in this literature is 30%: Hatchondo et al. (2010). As we know, actual ratios are often markedly higher. 2 Debt/GDP Ratios, Selected Countries Country Average Debt/GDP , 1980-2011, % Debt/GDP 20 11, % Argentina 73 45 Australia 20 24 Austria 64 72 Canada 78 85 France 50 86 Germany 61 80 Greece 85 165 Italy 108 120 Japan 117 229 Spain 47 69 Sweden 55 38 Switzerland 50 47 Turkey 53 39 U. Kingdom 45 82 U. States 65 103 3 Main Insight and Results We replace Assumptions (i) and (ii) by their more or less exact opposites: (I) Government has horizon limited to its expected term in office. (II) Government defaults only when unable to service their debt. A government whose horizon is limited to its expected term in office naturally neglects negative consequences of borrowing that occur beyond that term. Such a government can be expected to borrow more. Investors anticipate that governments will do everything possible not to default. Thus, provided that spreads are high enough, investors are willing to accommodate large levels of borrowing. There is therefore higher debt than in existing models. 4 We derive an estimate of maximum sustainable government debt as a function of: (a) three variables that are specific to every country: (1) the mean level of GDP growth (2) the volatility of GDP growth (3) the ratio of government income to GDP (b) two parameters that are common to all countries (4) the risk-free rate (5) the ratio of government disposable income to total government income (should be country-specific, but data not available) We calibrate maximum debt/GDP ratios and default probabilities for a wide cross-section of countries. We provide some further insights into the notion of debt intolerance (Reinhart, Rogoff, and Sevastiano, 2003; Catão and Kapur, 2004). 5 The prospect of reelection prompts politicians to choose government debt levels below the maximum sustainable level: politicians realize that default jeopardizes future terms in office. The difference between prevailing and maximum debt levels provides governments with a ‘margin of safety:’ negative output shocks can be accommodated by increasing government debt towards its maximum sustainable level. The probability of default increases slowly as long as there remains a margin of safety; it increases very quickly once that margin has been exhausted and prevailing debt exceeds its maximum sustainable level. 6 Literature Review Eaton and Gersovitz (1981) + … Aguiar and Gopinath (2006) and Arellano (2008): study interactions of default risk, output, consumption, the trade balance, interest rates, and foreign debt in setting of small open economy. Mendoza and Yue (2012): endogenize output and collapse of output in default. Cuadra and Sapriza (2008): consider the role of political risk. Yue (2009) and Benjamin and Wright (2009): consider the role of renegotiation in default. 7 Literature Review (2) Hatchondo and Martinez (2009) and Chatterjee and Eyigungor (2012): consider the role of debt maturity. Fink and Scholl (2011): consider the role of conditionality. Cohen and Villemot (2013): develop a model in which the cost of default is borne ‘in advance.’ Note that our assumption of non -strategic default is not subject to the Bulow and Rogoff (1989) critique of Eaton and Gersovitz (1981). 8 Model: One Term in Office For simplicity we only consider one period debt Notation: yt = government “disposable” income in period t : tax revenues minus unavoidable public expenditures. bt yt = government borrowing at date t and dt yt = debt level (promised repayment) at date t+1. Let the growth rate in government income g yt 1 / yt be lognormally distributed F , 2 . A government that remains only a single term in office maximizes borrowing bt yt . This is true for all increasing government utility functions uyt bt yt dt 1yt 1 . 9 Under the assumption of non-strategic default, a government will go so far as to use all government disposable income and all new borrowing proceeds in order to service existing debt. Under the additional assumption that there is a ‘sudden stop’ to lending in default, the maximum amount lenders are willing to provide is bt yt 1 Pr 1 bt 1 yt 1 dt yt dt yt 0d y / 1b yt 1dF yt 1 1r bt t t 1 t 1 xt 1 F xt 1 bt 1 0x gdF g 1r t where xt dt / 1 bt 1 . Note the ‘bubble-like’ property of debt: the amount lenders are willing to provide in period t depends on the amount that will be provided in period t 1 . 10 The only bounded equilibrium is the fixed point bt bt 1 bM such that bM max BbM , z z where e z 2 z BbM , z 1 b e 1 z e M 1 r ln x z 2 We have made use of the lognormality of g . 11 Proposition 1: If E g 1 r , bM max z BbM , z is a contraction mapping and the government’s maximization problem has a unique solution. Proposition 2: Maximum government borrowing bM is increasing in the mean growth rate and decreasing in its volatility and in the risk-free rate r . Proposition 3: The probability of default z is decreasing in the mean growth rate and increasing in its volatility (for z 1 / 2 ) and in the risk-free rate r . 12 b,τ(b) b τ(b) bM b Maximum Sustainable Borrowing bM 13 The expressions for maximum government debt dM , interest factor R , and expected loss given default LGD are dM exp zM 1 bM R dM exp zM zM bM 1 zM and z exp zg d zg LGD 1 zM exp zM 1 bM where zM arg max z BbM , z . We can obtain comparative statics results about the variations in , , and r of these quantities. 14 Calibration: One Term in Office We estimate and from IMF data over the period 1980-2011 and set r 6.9%, the average US TB rate over that period. Recalling that d denotes the debt to government disposable income ratio, we transform dM into its corresponding debt/GDP ratio by multiplying it by the product of the ratio of government income to GDP and the ratio of government disposable income to government income. Debt Debt Gvt .Disp.Inc. Gvt .Inc. GDP Gvt .Disp.Inc. Gvt .Inc. GDP Gvt .Inc. dM GDP where is there ratio of government disposable income to government income. We obtain Debt / GDP and Gvt .Inc. / GDP from IMF data and set 40% . 15 Debt/GDP, Max.Debt/GDP, Max.PD, Selected Countries Country D, 80-11, % D, 11, % dM , % PDM , % Argentina 73 45 61 3.01 Australia 20 24 166 0.62 Austria 64 72 224 0.58 Canada 78 85 168 0.86 France 50 86 222 0.53 Germany 61 80 172 0.82 Greece 85 165 107 1.28 Italy 108 120 171 0.73 Japan 117 229 106 1.06 Spain 47 69 150 0.84 Sweden 55 38 216 0.91 Switzerland 50 47 140 0.66 Turkey 53 39 97 2.04 U. Kingdom 45 82 148 0.89 U. States 65 103 135 0.81 16 Different countries clearly have different dM as well as PDM . These can be viewed as defining a country’s tolerance for debt, with lower dM and/or higher PDM countries being more debt-intolerant (Reinhart et al., 2003). Debt intolerance tends to decrease in and the ratio of government income to GDP; it tends to increase in (Catão and Kapur, 2004). The results in and are perhaps not surprising. Those in the ratio of government income to GDP reflect the dependence of government creditworthiness on government income. Government income and private income are not always positively related: John Kenneth Galbraith (1958) contrasted “public squalor” with “private affluence.” 17 , , Gov.Inc./GDP, Max.Debt/GDP, Max.PD, Selected Countries Country Argentina Australia Austria Canada France Germany Greece Italy Japan Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey U. Kingdom U. States , % , % Gvt.Inc., % dM , % PDM , % 2.5 3.1 2.1 2.5 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.3 2.1 2.5 2.3 1.8 4.1 2.3 2.6 6.0 1.6 1.5 2.1 1.4 2.0 2.9 1.8 2.5 2.1 2.2 1.7 4.4 2.2 2.0 28 33 49 41 49 45 34 44 30 37 56 34 32 38 32 61 166 224 168 222 172 107 171 106 150 216 140 97 148 135 3.01 0.62 0.58 0.86 0.53 0.82 1.28 0.73 1.06 0.84 0.91 0.66 2.04 0.89 0.81 18 Note that if the government were able to ‘sell’ its expected future disposable income to investors, it would receive E g yt s E g s E y y 1 ... ... t s t s 1 r 1 r s0 1 r yt E g 1 1r E g The ‘price to disposable income’ ratio, PDIR 1 , expressed as a fraction of GDP, can be 1r compared to maximum government debt dM . 1 19 Max.Debt/GDP, Price to Disposable Income Ratio, Max.PD, Selected Countries Country dM , % PDIR , % PDM , % Argentina 61 284 3.01 Australia 166 382 0.62 Austria 224 442 0.58 Canada 168 407 0.86 France 222 411 0.53 Germany 172 373 0.82 Greece 107 269 1.28 Italy 171 342 0.73 Japan 106 267 1.06 Spain 150 359 0.84 Sweden 216 524 0.91 Switzerland 140 282 0.66 Turkey 97 527 2.04 U. Kingdom 148 357 0.89 U. States 135 323 0.81 20 The difference between the two measures can be accounted for by the annual income that remains for the government to dispose of in the case of debt financing and the ‘sudden stop’ in default, which prevents the ‘bringing forward’ of future income through borrowing. Income remains because debt financing implies an upper bound on payments to lenders. There is no upper bound in the case of equity financing; no income therefore remains. There is no default in the case of equity financing. 21 Model: Many Terms in Office We now consider the case where the government is reelected with probability to another term in office. The government’s value function V dt 1yt 1 ,yt is such that V dt 1yt 1 , yt uyt bt yt dt 1yt 1 1 r E V dt yt ,yt 1 The government recognizes that its choice of borrowing bt affects its debt dt . c1a We shall set uc . In this case V D ,Y is homogenous: 1a D V D ,Y V ,1 Y 1a v d Y 1a Y 22 The value function is obtained by iterating the contraction mapping Tvd' max u1 B x d' x 1 bM x E g1av 1r g where B x 1 x1 F x 1 bM 0xgdF g 1r denotes government borrowing as a fraction of government disposable income. Note that x xM dM / 1 bM and B x BxM bM for 0 . Further note that v 0 PDIR for 1 and a 0 . 23 Proposition: Government borrowing B x and government debt d are decreasing in . Corollary: B x bM and d dM for 0 . The prospect of reelection decreases government borrowing and government debt: governments realize that default jeopardizes their prospect of future terms in office; they decrease the probability of default by decreasing borrowing. We refer to as ‘the patience of politicians.’ We expect patience to depend not only on the length of politicians’ expected term in office, but also on politicians’ greater or lesser concern with developments beyond such term. 24 d a0 dM 1 1 1 1 bM d' Debt Dynamics under Risk Neutrality 25 d a0 dM 1 1 1 bM d' Debt Dynamics under Risk Aversion 26 Calibration: Many Terms in Office Minimum debt, dm , prevails where politicians are least risk averse ( a 0 ) and most patient ( 1 ). Low actual default probabilities may be explained by the ‘margin of safety’ due to the difference between actual and maximum sustainable debt. Default probabilities remain quite low on as long as government debt remains below its maximum sustainable level. They increase rather quickly afterwards. 27 Debt/GDP, Max.Debt/GDP, Min.Debt/GDP, Selected Countries Country D, 80-11, % D, 11, % dM , % dm , % Argentina 73 45 61 7 Australia 20 24 166 21 Austria 64 72 224 43 Canada 78 85 168 24 France 50 86 222 61 Germany 61 80 172 24 Greece 85 165 107 15 Italy 108 120 171 23 Japan 117 229 106 20 Spain 47 69 150 27 Sweden 55 38 216 52 Switzerland 50 47 140 26 Turkey 53 39 97 13 U. Kingdom 45 82 148 21 U. States 65 103 135 25 28 Debt/GDP, PD, Max.Debt/GDP, Max.PD, Selected Countries Country D, 80-11, % PD, 80-11, % D, 11, % PD, 11, % dM , % PDM , % Argentina 73 82 45 0 61 3.01 Australia 20 0 24 0 166 0.62 Austria 64 0 72 0 224 0.58 Canada 78 0 85 0 168 0.86 France 50 0 86 0 222 0.53 Germany 61 0 80 0 172 0.82 Greece 85 0 165 100 107 1.28 Italy 108 0 120 0 171 0.73 Japan 117 96 229 100 106 1.06 Spain 47 0 69 0 150 0.84 Sweden 55 0 38 0 216 0.91 Switzerland 50 0 47 0 140 0.66 Turkey 53 0 39 0 97 2.04 U. Kingdom 45 0 82 0 148 0.89 U. States 65 0 103 0 135 0.81 29 Conclusion Different countries have different degrees of debt (in)tolerance, represented in our model by the maximum sustainable debt ratio bM . A country’s debt tolerance depends on the mean and volatility of the country’s growth rate, its government income to GDP ratio, its government disposable income to government income ratio, and the world risk-free interest rate. A country’s actual debt ratio differs from the country’s maximum sustainable ratio because politicians realize that default jeopardizes their prospect of future terms in office politicians may have concerns that extend beyond their expected term in office. The difference between a country’s actual and maximum sustainable debt ratios provide the country with a ‘margin of safety:’ a country that has not yet reached its maximum sustainable debt ratio can increase debt at relatively little cost. Such is no longer the case once the margin of safety has been exhausted and debt is larger than its maximum sustainable level. 30 We believe our results may help shed some light on the recent experience of countries such as Argentina on the one hand and France, the United Kingdom, and the United States on the other hand. If our calibration results are (approximately) true, then there is little justification for the recent occasional spikes in Italy and Spain’s borrowing rates. Matters in Greece and Japan may be different. Note that an increase in debt towards its maximum sustainable ratio, although feasible, generally is not desirable: it mortgages future government disposable income (and therefore may actually invalidate the assumption of no strategic default). 31 v( d ) v( 0 ) 1 E g1av 0 K 1r 1 bM d Default Payoffs for Country and for Government 32
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