Document 244723

From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Subject: GG Email #161 - RE: Exquibbet! Re: SO that is why your a nut ........your an ex tweeker and parts of your brain are
missing ..........Nice background .......what a masquerade u put on . the truth hurts
Date: June 18, 2010 6:01:50 PM PDT
From: "Adam L Tucker" <>
Date: October 29, 2009 5:08:32 PM PDT
To: "'Gary S Gevisser'" <>
Subject: GG Email #161 - RE: Exquibbet! Re: SO that is why your a nut ........your an ex tweeker and parts of your brain are missing
..........Nice background .......what a masquerade u put on . the truth hurts
This email could be a great blog post!
If you do use it as a blog we need to get more info on the Operation Smiley section. Do you wanna share any of his
emails which I believe you have used in previous broadcasts sans his name and email address?
From: Gary S Gevisser []
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:36 PM
To: Adam L Tucker
Cc: rest; Ed Bertolas; Kate Jaro.; DM City Councilmember- Ddruker-; Tortured to death, long time Del Mar resident, Gene Requa c/o
Del Mar councilmember, Richard Ernest; Rabbi Caspers Funnye - close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama; Carlyle Hotel c/o President
Barack Obama; Jarvis Burston - Outstanding Apple Solutions Consultant.; Mason Christley - RN and former US ARMY SSGT; Charles
Knuff - 35 year CIA-US Navy Intelligence Officer knuff; Alan S. Loewinsohn Esq. - Dallas, Texas threatening attorney for Jewish
American Charles Knuff.; Adele Strous Im not interested in history of Israel Clingman - wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and
business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.; Roy Essakow - Marc Rich Lieutenant; avrilmilner; Conrad Wolff - supporter
of Roy Essakow; Roger Hedgecock; Roger W. Robinson; Kingdelmar; Rupert Murdock; Laurie Black; Jason Ritchie - Honored US Navy
Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance; Lance Gilmer; Mike Vos; Kenneth Standard, Esq.; Rush Limbaugh feigned
opponent of Obama;; Larry King Live; brian. steidle; Dersh; Noam Chomsky;; Adam Venit
- Actress Diane Keaton's business manager.; GOP - Administration; Alex Wisen - US Department of Defense Internet Security Systems
Developer & partner of GNAT developer of fail safe communication systems.; - GNAT; Cliff Benn,
(E-mail); Ben - American farm owner in Costa Rica where GNAT resides in a tent.; Sam Hackner - Chief Executive Officer - Investec;
Huell Howser; JAY MCMICHAEL; Jeffrey D. Sacks - Columbia University
Subject: Exquibbet! Re: SO that is why your a nut ........your an ex tweeker and parts of your brain are missing ..........Nice
background .......what a masquerade u put on . the truth hurts
See if you can get this Mahomedy family's telephone number so that I can explain Ed's total desperation.
You probably haven't realized because of your own distractions that Ed Bertolas because of how he cannot
deal with Ben Gurion's most important choice words explaining that the Arabs had nothing to do with
America's Auschwitz, has placed the US Government and all the peoples of America in one hell of a most
unenviable position.
His desperation has him going in and out of logic that has his mind, the first indicator of the Supernatural,
losing his mind.
There is of course the distinct possibility that Ed did in fact go to the trouble in his very busy schedule to
contact this family who you know I will be able to flush not only in an instant but in doing so I will bring that
much more Public International Attention to Ben Gurion's MOST IMPORTANT words, which most of all expose
first and foremost all the Jewish people throughout the world who have been co-opted-corrupted.
In other words, how are Ed's supporters who are my adversaries able to get him to shut up without exposing
themselves more?
Just earlier I had a phone conversation with an Israeli "brother" who is assisting me spearheading Operation
Smiley that dovetails Operation Sparkling.
It is just a matter of days before I have in my possession an official document from the brutal Israel Defense
Force which will do much more than expose this one American-Israeli Special Forces commando who has
Force which will do much more than expose this one American-Israeli Special Forces commando who has
written a best selling book that positions Israel in the most unfavorable light which of course explains why
the top US General in charge of the CIA's "War on Terror" has embraced it, and if it is only because he did it
for the money; i.e. deposited the check without even reading this bs book, then that too explains the
extraordinary problems that the US military still faces which many think couldn't get any worse.
Not to mention more than just me know that when the US says the economy grew last quarter the only thing
that grew was the US printing more worthless money and the US military continues to intimidate our most
violent regimes who know that if the US goes down the tubes not even their second in commands can save
Do you not think it is a miracle that has prevented the US from using its nuclear weapons again or do you
think it is just logic=God that continues to prevail?
Nor have you forgotten that the brutal IDF that includes the Mossad understand perfectly everything that is
going on, and nor have they decided to order their Kidon assassination unit to shut me up.
Nor have you forgotten why you haven't explained why you are so lame in getting back to me the "teaser"
for my last Intelligence-Peace Briefing to Obama before he along with the US Congress stands down and the
US military steps down.
BTW, what are your cats telling you what to do in terms of your next priority.
Right now the music playing at the Pannikan coffee shop in La Jolla has the sound of morse code.
You can of course imagine how the US Government's Hollywood is going to react to this nonsense Jewish
American being an "Arik" having deserted the IDF after 7 months.
Their silence of course won't change the truth.
You would think this would be an easy document to get a hold of, but then even the Mossad haven't
forgotten they know how best to put traitors to work.
Moreover, when I have things perfectly under control why mess with a good thing?
Nor have you forgotten that the most suicidal nation on the planet is the US who have the least to gain from
the truth reaching the masses of the world which does not mean the masses won't get it.
As everyone makes their escape plans they also leave behind a clear digital trail.
You might not know that the Mossad gave Golda Meir the nickname, "The lady with the mustache" which
most probably came when she called Nixon after Israeli forces had been overrun in the first few hours of the
1973 Yom Kippur War and when told he was too busy to talk with Israel's prime minister who had been
handpicked by Ben Gurion, Golda spoke with Kissinger and told him that she was giving Nixon 5 minutes
before ordering an evacuation in anticipation of Israel about to unleash its nuclear arsenal which Israel had
developed much earlier than the US Government believed, and the little puppy dog Jewish Kapo-sellout
Kissinger went running to Nixon who got the message loud and clear which didn't change the fact that
nothing had changed in the foreign policy of the US since constructing the Rockefeller's I.G. Farben gas pellet
production facility in the dead center of Auschwitz.
What about the "no fly zone" I advocated in my first article titled, Perspective One - click HERE - back on
October 18th, 2000, which also addressed this most important war which had Jewish American CIA oil trader
Marc Rich making a fortune trading with Israel's enemies which on January 20th, 2000 had De Beers
President Bill "Rhodes-De Beers scholar" Clinton "rewarding" him with a Presidential Pardon.
You also remember the threats we got from Jewish CIA officer Charles Knuff and his Dallas, Texas attorney
Alan Lowensohn. Click HERE.
Do you think I should bother with filing a report with the FBI following a threatening call I received from a
person late last Friday calling from area code 702-430-1699 and being so stupid to leave his telephone
number showing up on my cellphone, and when the Sheriffs Department investigated the Sheriff's Deputy
didnt even bother leaving a message on the voice machine after I had told him that I called the number back
and the person confirmed it was not just someone dialing randomly asking for "Gary".
You also know that while the abandonment of fear is critical in understanding the "meaning of life" one
cannot be stupid.
You also know that those who worry about things in the future happening to other people like their car
breaking down without thinking that the car owner has the skills to fix the car if all else fails, what they
really want to do is feel good about themselves having that person feeling a moment of discomfort, however,
In other words you should be getting a much better idea of the "meaning of life" as it applies to each one of
The more we know about each other the less likely we are to want to go to war with one another as we
know how very ugly is the person just wanting to be friends with you without contributing to the betterment
of humanity.
So why would anyone want to be friends with bad people as logical people recognize the "Hand of God" in
Most uplifting for the good and totally devastating for the bad who know increasingly they cannot speed up
their suicide.
BTW, a most exquisite young lady who happens to be Jewish is seated next to me and when she read what I
have written above said, "100%".
Let me spell out the question, "What percent do you understand".
Now Cecily is saying, "I have a joke for you":
What did the frog say after he crossed the road?
That was exquibbet!
Again Cecily, "Can you imagine a 7 year old girl telling you the joke giggling so hard that you are not sure
that is exactly how the joke is supposed to go?
On Oct 29, 2009, at 1:31 PM, Ed Bertolas wrote:
I suppose nobody has ever bothered to try to find out if anything this idiot says actually has a
basis in fact.
You need to look up the Mahomedy family who Moshal Gevisser tried to put out of business by
using the Group Areas laws in their home town. And you need to ask Zena why she shopped at
Mahomedy's and took advantage of them by throwing her weight around as a white person. Of
couse Gary has a selective memory because large parts of of his brain have been wiped out by
his crystal meth use.
Thanks for the info Derrick. We'll find out more of the truth
----- Original Message ----From: Gary S Gevisser
To: Adam L Tucker
Cc: Broadcast Gevisser ; Kate Jaro. ; DM City Councilmember- Ddruker- ; Tortured to death, long time Del Mar resident, Gene
Requa c/o Del Mar councilmember, Richard Ernest ; Rabbi Caspers Funnye - close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama ; Carlyle
Hotel c/o President Barack Obama ; Adam L Tucker - webmaster ; Jarvis Burston - Outstanding Apple Solutions
Consultant. ; Mason Christley - RN and former US ARMY SSGT ; Adele Strous Im not interested in history of Israel Clingman wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company. ; Roy Essakow - Marc Rich
Lieutenant ; avrilmilner ; Conrad Wolff - supporter of Roy Essakow ; Roger Hedgecock ; Roger W. Robinson ; Kingdelmar ; Rupert
Murdock ; Laurie Black ; Jason Ritchie - Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance ; Lance Gilmer ;
Mike Vos ; Kenneth Standard, Esq. ; Rush Limbaugh feigned opponent of Obama ; ; Larry King Live ;
brian. steidle ; Dersh ; Noam Chomsky ; ; Adam Venit - Actress Diane Keaton's business manager. ; GOP Administration ; Alex Wisen - US Department of Defense Internet Security Systems Developer & partner of GNAT developer of fail
safe communication systems. ; - GNAT ; Cliff Benn, (E-mail) ; Ben - American farm owner in
Costa Rica where GNAT resides in a tent. ; Sam Hackner - Chief Executive Officer - Investec ; Huell Howser ; JAY MCMICHAEL ;
Ed Bertolas ; Jeffrey D. Sacks - Columbia University
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:29 PM
Subject: AT@217Re: It is time to get up!! -Fwd: Are you thinking how you could find a way into Kate's pants? Re: Why should the
Arabs make peace? - Fwd: Proof-Apple Rules Re: History records that Hebrews ruled the geography that is now Israel
As hard as it may be to believe I have posted up this last broadcast on to my Daily Diary - see
hyperlink below that ends with the digits 1132.0 and you emailed me at 11:23 and had it been
11:24 I would have reminded you of the "coincidence" of the 4 digits 1421 when added or
multiplied result in the number 8 that is "lucky" to the Chinese and there is the non-fiction book
Right now I am in the independently owned Panikan coffee shop in La Jolla waiting for Zuma
Dogg to call me at 12:30 to be on his radio show.
There is a most attractive lady seated to my left in front of the gas fireplace and she is dressed
most fashionably, very colorful and ready for winter.
She is now standing with her back to the fireplace and just moments before I overhead her say
to an elderly gentleman that she was unemployed and looking for work and he seemed to
laugh it off as he said something that seemed quite inappropriate like "good luck you and
thousands of others it looks very bleak" and he had a smile on his face the whole time.
Shira says, "I get that all the time"
Her "backfround" (sic),"I was doing mergers and acquistions, trying to help companies".
She went to school mostly in England. No degree but she has 10 years experience in mergers
and acquistions:"
Text message your brother that I would like to broadcast his story, as best I know it.
On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:23 AM, Adam L Tucker wrote:
The last communication I had with my brother was over a month ago and since then he has not returned
any phone calls or text messages and I don’t have an email address for him.
From: Gary S Gevisser []
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:26 AM
To: Kate Jaro.
Cc: DM City Councilmember- Ddruker-; Tortured to death, long time Del Mar resident, Gene Requa c/o Del Mar councilmember,
Richard Ernest; Rabbi Caspers Funnye - close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama; Carlyle Hotel c/o President Barack Obama; Kate
Jaro.; Adam L Tucker - webmaster; Jarvis Burston - Outstanding Apple Solutions Consultant.; Mason Christley - RN
and former US ARMY SSGT; Adele Strous Im not interested in history of Israel Clingman - wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and
business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.; Roy Essakow - Marc Rich Lieutenant; avrilmilner; Conrad Wolff supporter of Roy Essakow; Roger Hedgecock; Roger W. Robinson; Kingdelmar; Rupert Murdock; Laurie Black; Jason Ritchie Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance; Lance Gilmer; Mike Vos; Kenneth Standard, Esq.; Rush
Limbaugh feigned opponent of Obama;; Larry King Live; brian. steidle; Dersh; Noam Chomsky;; Adam Venit - Actress Diane Keaton's business manager.; GOP - Administration; Alex Wisen - US Department of
Defense Internet Security Systems Developer & partner of GNAT developer of fail safe communication systems.; - GNAT; Cliff Benn, (E-mail); Ben - American farm owner in Costa Rica where GNAT resides in
a tent.; Sam Hackner - Chief Executive Officer - Investec; Huell Howser; JAY MCMICHAEL; Ed Bertolas; Jeffrey D. Sacks - Columbia
Subject: It is time to get up!! -Fwd: Are you thinking how you could find a way into Kate's pants? Re: Why should the Arabs make
peace? - Fwd: Proof-Apple Rules Re: History records that Hebrews ruled the geography that is now Israel