AUGUST 2014 VOL. 56, NO.1 ALPHA OMEGA REVIEW OF TORONTO ALUMNI CHAPTER, PI CHAPTER WEB SITE: WWW.AOTORONTO.ORG INSIDE Zoomers Report Start with Why, Feel Fulfilled. Sailing and Tennis Day AO Picnic Directors Report Israel Insights Brian’s thoughts... Published bi-monthly by Toronto Alumni Chapter of Alpha Omega 128 Willowdale Ave., Toronto, Ontario M2N 4Y2 Tel: 416-250-7417 Fax: 416-250-8668 e-mail: Editor BARRY REINBLATT c/o Alpha Omega, 128 Willowdale Ave. Toronto, Ontario M2N 4Y2 Tel: (HOMe) 905-886-7497 (OFFice) 905-725-9954 FAx: 905-725-5830 e-MAil: Assistant Editor SHARON PERLMUTTER Advertising Committee Chair ALAN KREIDSTEIN 416-630-6282 Advertising Sales DAYLE LEVY 905-731-2025 Art Direction ROGER MURRAY AND ASSOCIATES INC. Tel: 905-880-7188 ext. 2 Fax: 905-880-3326 e-mail: The opinions as expressed by the editors and columnists of the AORTA do not necessarily reflect the views of Toronto Alumni Chapter and/or its executive. All correspondence should be sent to the Editor c/o Alpha Omega, Toronto. NEXT EXECUTIVE MEETING Monday, October 6, 2014 NEXT AORTA DEADLINE (OCTOBER) Monday, September 8, 2014 NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS Please inform the AORTA of fraters or members of their families who have achieved success, honours or milestones. BENEVOLENCE Please call Samuel Newman regarding illnesses or deaths of fraters. Home: 416-782-9850 ASSOCIATE PLACEMENT Fraters who are interested in having an associate join their practice or who are interested in associating with another dentist (full or parttime) contact Philip Novack Office: 416-224-2114 Fax: 416-224-1282 AORTA AUGUST 2014 3 From the Editor BARRY REINBLATT i hope everyone has been enjoying the summer either travelling, going to a cottage, or just sitting outside in the backyard. Personally, Karen and i enjoyed the amazing hospitality of Assistant editor Sharon Perlmutter at her cottage appropriately named Perly Shores. if possible, i will talk Sharon into hosting an Alpha Omega party there at some point! However, the fall is almost upon us and of course that means back to normal routines, Alpha Omega and back to the very full Toronto Alpha Omega schedule. This issue goes back to visit a few past programs, namely the Zoomers evening, Picnic, and Sailing Day. We also have information on a number of upcoming events, including Fraternity Night Dinner, evening continuing education programs, the international convention in israel, and of course, the Regional Meeting here in Toronto in November. There is an article by Stephen Shedletzky entitled “Start With Why. Feel Fulfilled.” Stephen will be giving the Saturday afternoon lecture at the Regional Meeting and this article will give you a preview of Trivia As the largest chapter in the International Alpha Omega family, Toronto has a history and a reputation for being warm and gracious hosts. As you will read elsewhere in this issue, we are going to once again get the opportunity to welcome fraters from all over for the Regional Weekend Meeting in November. Of course, this has made me look at our history Please enjoy this issue and remember to send Sharon or myself your thoughts and comments about the AORTA at or You never know, if Sharon likes your comment, you may get an invitation to Perly Shores! UPCOMING EVENTS FRATERNITY NIGHT DINNER Monday, September 15, 2014 Hors D'Oeuvres: 6pm, Dinner 6:30pm Shaarei Shomayim Synagogue 470 Glencairn Avenue EVENING CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS Tuesday October 21, 2014 Joel Davis – Oral Surgery Monday, November 10, 2014 les Premier – Sleep Apnea Adath israel Synagogue 37 Southbourne Avenue and brings us to this month’s trivia question: How many times TORONTO REGIONAL MEETING WEEKEND and in what years did Toronto Alpha Omega host the November 14 – 16, 2014 Sheraton centre Hotel 123 Queen Street West International Convention? The first person to correctly email the answer to me at will get their name in the October issue. Last issue, I asked about the history of the fraternity house. Art Tarshis was the first to correctly identify that we started at 42 Bedford Street, then moved to China House on Eglinton, and finally were on Bathurst just south of Eglinton prior to moving to our present house on Willowdale. 4 what to expect from this very dynamic speaker. Of course, you will also find our regular features including the trivia question and israel insights. This month Barry Korzen has put a special thought in his israel insights column due to what has been happening in israel recently. AORTA AUGUST 2014 AO REVIVAL COOKING DEMONSTRATION Wednesday, November 19 and Thursday, November 20, 2014 CHANUKAH PARTY Sunday, December 14, 2014 Beth Torah Synagogue 47 Glenbrook Avenue AO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION December 25, 2014 – January 1, 2015 David intercontinental Hotel Tel Aviv, israel Zoomers Report 2014 SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM On June 16th, The Zoomer committee was honoured to have as our speaker Dr. Tiffany Chow who is Associate Professor Psychiatry, and senior scientist Rotman Research institute. The event was held at the Adath israel Synagogue and refreshments were served. Dr. chow provided an informative and lively presentation titled “Am i having a Senior’s Moment or is it Something More”. There were 90 enthusiastic fraters and guests attending and all were interested in learning what we can do to try and prevent dementia and how to help our loved ones who may be suffering from these diseases. Dr. chow’s interactive presentation allowed guests to ask their most pressing questions right at the beginning of the lecture as well as at the end of the lecture. Although a devastating disease, if any Alpha Omega member knows of individuals or corporations who may be interested in sponsoring our programs please let me know. This will ensure the quality of our programs and events. Bonnie Chandler, Sheryl Lipton, Tiffany Chow, Ron Richardson and Brian Chapnick Dr. chow’s enthusiasm and sparkling personality infused her material with a sense of hope and optimism. i would like to thank AO President, Dr. Bonnie Chandler, for finding such a wonderful speaker and for all her help in organizing the event. Please email this information to To all committee chairmen, please forward a list of your corporate sponsors. Also please list the contacts and email addresses. Thank you. Robert Greenbaum RCDSO PET EXAMS Are you writing the RcDSO Pet exams? Do you want to join others who are writing for a study group? Email Jackie at and we will put you together. Fraternally, Dr. Sheryl P. Lipton AORTA AUGUST 2014 5 Start with Why. Feel Fulfilled. STEPHEN SHEDLETZKY What happens if you lose your passion for what you are doing? What happens if your work is no longer a place where you feel valued, that you no longer belong or that you are not contributing to something bigger than yourself? chances are, it will happen to you. Studies from Gallup (2013) and Deloitte (Shift index-2011) reveal that 7 out of 8 people in the North American workforce do not feel highly engaged by their work. it is the exception and not the rule to love your job. it seems unfair that finding fulfillment at work is like winning a lottery, that only a few lucky ones get to feel valued by their organizations. imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up each day inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued while they are there, and returns home feeling fulfilled. This is not a crazy, idealized notion. Today, in many successful organizations, great leaders are creating environments in which people naturally work together to do remarkable things. The question is, what do you do as a leader within your organization or an individual on your own career path to beat that statistic and be a part of building a more fulfilled world? START WITH WHY A friend and mentor, Simon Sinek, shares: “Your work is your own private megaphone to tell the world what you believe.” People with the capacity to inspire all think, act and communicate in the same way and it is the complete opposite to the rest of us. My colleague, Simon, discovered The Golden circle, a concept DENTAL VOLUNTEERS FOR ISRAEL Dentists Needed... to treat disadvantaged children in Jerusalem who cannot help themselves. For information, contact Richard Nurgitz at, or check our website at 6 AORTA AUGUST 2014 that explains how great leaders and organizations inspire others. Whereas most of us start with what we do and how we do it different or better, those with the capacity to inspire always start with Why they do it. Think about that last time someone asked you, what do you do? i’m a dentist, you respond. i have a practice next to the mall. We have state of the art equipment, the best trained staff and wonderful clients. This is all true. Question is, does it inspire? Does it make you feel like you are a part of something that exists to serve and positively impact others? Those with the capacity to inspire start with Why they do it. The next time someone asks you what you do, you can start with your Why. For example: everything we do is to serve people’s needs so that they leave feeling better than when they entered. We have state of the art equipment, the best trained staff and wonderful clients. i’m a dentist and our practice is next to the mall. HOW IS THAT? MORE INSPIRING? Starting with the Why provides the context for the reason why what you do even matters. Your Why not only relates to your clientele, it also relates to how you treat all people – whether it is within the office, in your home or on a side street. Your Why is your cause, purpose or belief that drives and inspires you. When we share our Why in what we say and do, we provide an opportunity for others to join our cause and contribute to it. Our employees, colleagues and volunteers can feel that they are contributing to something bigger than themselves. That is fulfilling. Stephen Shedletzky supports leaders in building cultures that foster trust, and where people feel valued and safe, so that they can go on to accomplish remarkable things. He is a partner of Simon Sinek’s team. Stephen lives in Toronto, Canada. To learn more about Start With Why, visit: STePHeN SHeDleTZkY Stephen stands for human connection. He wakes up every day to connect with people in meaningful ways so that we live in a more fulfilled world. Stephen is the founder of InspirAction and also works with Simon Sinek’s team at Start With Why. Through both organizations, he is able to fulfill his passion for inspiring and connecting with others. When he gets the chance, Stephen speaks, coaches, consults, communicates and creates content to help people and organizations discover and live their Why – their driving cause, purpose or belief. Stephen brings a wealth of tools, experience and passion for guiding leaders and organizations to discover and articulate their Why. He graduated from the Richard Ivey School of Business with a degree in Honours in Business Administration, focusing on leadership, communication and strategy. Stephen has received extensive leadership and coaching training with the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). His corporate journey began with roles at Knightsbridge Leadership Solutions, Suncor Energy Inc., and Ernst & Young Advisory – People and Organizational Change. Stephen later began his entrepreneurial journey, founding InspirAction and joining the team at Start With Why. He has since worked with leaders internationally, with some notable clients from the Ontario Provincial Police, Loblaw, the Toronto Management Exchange, and a number of Canadian & U.S. schools, colleges and universities. Do you have a story to tell that other Fraters would love to hear? Contact the AORTA editor Barry Reinblatt at with your suggestions! Upcoming Evening Continuing Education Program Tuesday October 21, 2014 Joel Davis: Oral Surgery Monday November 10, 2014 Les Primer: Sleep Apnea, Sponsors DSG Dental Laboratories Thursday January 15, 2014 Manor Hass: Endodontic, Sponsors Tulsa and Zeiss Monday March 9, 2015 Lorie Goldenberg: Paedodontics Sponsors : Johnson & Johnson Tuesday April 14, 2015 TBA You are invited to join the Toronto Alpha Omega Fraternity group on Facebook AORTA AUGUST 2014 7 Sailing and Tennis Day On Thursday July 1, 2014, Alpha Omega sailors (fressors) sailed from the island Yacht club out onto lake Ontario for another funtastic day on the water. i have lost count but i believe that this was our 42nd Sailing Day. The day started in the morning for those who wished to play tennis and a small tennis tournament was enjoyed. We started first with a delicious breakfast on chicken Soup. Then we went sailing all morning and returned to greet the afternoon sailors. Of course the pm sailing could only happen after a great buffet lunch. Five yachts hosted our sailing crew for an afternoon of fantastic fraternalism, jovial joking, and of course tasty treats and liquids. Then we returned to the island Yacht club for a buffet dinner which everyone enjoyed. Our host skippers were Bernie Blackstien, David Cowan, Stephen Gurza, David Moscovitz and James Posluns. David Cowan 8 AORTA AUGUST 2014 AORTA AUGUST 2014 9 10 AORTA AUGUST 2014 AORTA AUGUST 2014 11 Have you heard of the Alpha Omega/JF&CS Dental Volunteer Program? But my office is far from Bathurst & Finch JF&CS can provide transportation to distant offices Am I responsible for future appointments? No, if they have a new complaint, they are once again referred by JF&CS. You may or may not see them. What do past volunteers say about their experiences in the program? It makes you feel better than chicken soup Do I have to fix all their dental problems? No, we only ask you to treat their chief complaint, often a cleaning and check up I never volunteered before. What does it involve? We will only send you one patient per year SHEP NACHAS Mazel Tov to Stan and Linda Waese on the recent marriage of their daughter Jessica. Mazel Tov to Andrew Steinman and Jennifer Yarmus-Steinman on the recent birth of their son Zachary Myles. 12 AORTA AUGUST 2014 AORTA AUGUST 2014 13 Alpha Omega Family Picnic The annual Alpha Omega Family Picnic was held on Sunday June 8th at camp Adventure Valley. it was a beautiful sunny day – right up until we all left! The picnic was well-attended by 80 fraters and their families (38 adults and 42 kids). We were welcomed with a great coffee table and refreshments upon arrival, and the kids sped off to do the scavenger hunt and explore the camp. The kids enjoyed finding a leaf with worm holes and something that smells (they had some creative finds for that one!). We quickly moved on to lunch – great Tov-li pizza and salads, and freezees were a refreshing snack in the afternoon. Although the big pool was a little chilly, the brave swimmers had a blast! The younger children and their parents got to enjoy the warm toddler pool all day – it was hard to leave that pool! We played with all kinds of pool toys, and everyone got to take home a prize! We also had a sand art activity available throughout the day – children, parents and grandparents made beautiful layers of coloured sand within bottles of all shapes. We had some excellent artists among us! A special surprise this year was the BOUNcY cASTle! kids of all ages couldn’t get enough of it. Thanks to committee members and fraters Esther Klimitz, Bradley Lands and Jennifer Hittner, Erica Zamon and Irit Shoval for all of your help setting-up, and to Robyn Hochglaube and the staff at camp Adventure Valley for making this event a great success. A special thank you to Gary elman for coming to help set-up and welcome the families! See you all at the picnic next year! Andrea Heckler DIRECTORS REPORT BARRY REINBLATT There are two initiatives that i want to concentrate on this month. First of all, Alpha Omega international, in conjunction with Henry Schein cares, is moving ahead with the Holocaust Survivors Oral care Program. Nine pilot cities have been designated, with Toronto as one of only two in canada. President Avi Wurman has been working hard to get this program underway due to the obvious time constraints on helping survivors. The official launch date is January 2015. As more details become available, information will be sent on how you can participate in this important and groundbreaking program. The second program i want to talk about is the Regional Weekend Meeting here in Toronto November 14-16, 2014. The 14 AORTA AUGUST 2014 steering committee under the leadership of President Brian Chapnick has been hard at work planning this weekend for both visiting and local fraters. On Friday, after everyone gets their fill of continuing education at the Toronto Academy of Dentistry’s Winter clinic, the weekend really kicks off with an Oneg Shabbat dinner at the Wolfond centre. This is being planned in conjunction with Shabbat dinners that will be taking place all across the Alpha Omega world as international is promoting this evening as “Shabbat Across AO”. Saturday begins with an exciting and interesting optional walking tour of Jewish Toronto. in the afternoon, we are fortunate to have secured Stephen Shedletzky to present a seminar titled “leaders eat last, Why Some Organizations Succeed and Others Don’t”. Stephen works with acclaimed author Simon Sinek and his presentation is designed for everyone. We will continue the social aspect of the weekend on Saturday night with dinner at Wayne Gretzky’s restaurant and then a fabulous show at the famous Second city Theatre. The weekend concludes with Sunday brunch at the historic Free Times cafe. This Jewish styled buffet has been voted the best in Toronto. Of course, in true Alpha Omega style, there will be a hospitality suite open every evening in the host hotel, the Sheraton centre. We are hoping that many Toronto fraters will participate and help make this a wonderful and memorable weekend. AORTA AUGUST 2014 15 16 AORTA AUGUST 2014 Israel Insights Barry Korzen As i write this israel is undergoing a barrage of incoming missiles from Gaza. As of this moment there have been 1,377 rockets fired at israel (about one every 10 minutes), and who knows what that number will be by the time you read this. last night i received the following email from Barry Reinblatt: "i hope all is well and you are staying safe!! i was hoping you had something special for the August AORTA for your column. i think people need to be reminded about the beauty in israel with what is going on at this time. “ i think the beauty of israel can be summarised in one word – FAMilY. No matter where a Jew is, no matter what their background is, no matter where they come from, whenever Jews are in trouble, wherever Jews are in trouble, we close ranks and support each other. Thank you all for being family. Visit Barry's photoblog at for more pictures and insights AORTA AUGUST 2014 17 Tributes PLATINUM CARDS Condolences To: Drs David & eddie Glick & Families on the loss of their father, Morris Glick DRS MONcARZ, PHilliPS & FARBeR DR cHARleS WeiNGARTeN & FAMilY Dr eddie Glick on the loss of his father, Morris Glick DR ARTHUR & AGi DUNec Drs David & eddie Glick on the loss of their father, Morris Glick DR BONNie cHANDleR Dr eddie Glick on the loss of his father, Morris Glick Condolences To: Drs David & eddie Glick & Families on the loss of their father, Morris Glick DR ARTHUR & TeRRi keYFiTZ DR STANleY & elleN MARkiN SILVER CARDS congratulations To: Dr Stephen Abrams on receiving the Humanitarian Service Award from Toronto Alpha Omega DR HOWARD & cAROle GelFAND Dr Stan & linda Waese on the marriage of their daughter, Jessica DR cHARleS BAlABAN Condolences To: Drs David, eddie Glick & Mr. Marty Glick on the loss of their father, Morris Glick DR HOWARD & cAROle GelFAND The kendal Family on the loss of Frater, Neil kendal 1. Tribute Cards – $10.00 each 2. Silver Cards – $18.00 each DR AUBeY & MARilYN BANAck Jack krepel on the loss of his wife, cheryl krepel DR JUliAN & lOUiSe GelleR DR DAViD eiSeNSTAT & MS AMANDA SAleM Dr Dakin lee on the loss of his father DR HOWARD & cAROle GelFAND TRIBUTE CARDS Congratulations To: The Markin Family on their son Joel becoming a Rabbi DR AUBeY & MARilYN BANAck Best Wishes To: luba Agranov for a Speedy Recovery DR AUBeY & MARilYN BANAck The Mogil Family on the loss of their mother, Judith lerenbaum DR AUBeY & MARilYN BANAck Mr. lawrence Pollack on the loss of his mother DR MURRAY & MARilYN WAGMAN lawrence & Terry Reiber on the loss of their father, Nathan Reiber DR MURRAY WAGMAN Mindy levine for a Speedy Recovery DR MURRAY WAGMAN DR MURRAY & MARilYN WAGMAN The Spiegel Family on the loss of Barry Spiegel DR AUBeY & MARilYN BANAck Condolences To: Drs David & eddie Glick on the loss of their father, Morris Glick ken & charlotte Tessis on the loss of their brother, Stanley DR AUBeY & MARilYN BANAck DR AUBeY & MARilYN BANAck DR AlleN & ANNie HeBeR Dr eddie Glick & Family on the loss of his father, Morris Glick DR Mel & cOOkie kAY The Glick Family on the loss of their father, Morris Glick TRIBUTE FUND PRICES DRS JeFF SOlOMON & eVA ROSeNTHAl Dr Barry & corrine korzen on the loss of their mother DR GeRAlD ZeiT Jay Rabinowitz on the loss of his father GOLD CARDS Dr Saul & Yetta kendal on the loss of Frater Neil kendal DR MARk & SHARON GWARTZMAN Mr. Harris Henry on the loss of his father DR DAViD eiSeNSTAT & MS AMANDA SAleM CONDOLENCES TO: Drs David & eddie Glick & Families on the loss of their father, Morris Glick Dr Richard Goodfellow & catherine Bellingham on the loss of their mother/mother-in-law, Ruth Goodfellow 3. Gold Cards – $36.00 each 4. Platinum Cards – $50.00 each 5. Toronto Alpha Omega Forest – $18.00 per tree. A donation of Trees in the Toronto Alpha Omega Forest in Canada Park, Israel, may be ordered directly from J.N.F. When ordering please indicate the purchase through Alpha Omega Fraternity. Honour a loved one and perform a mitzvah with Alpha Omega Tribute Cards WHERE DO THE TRIBUTE CARD FUNDS GO? The Alpha Omega Foundation of canada distributes funds from the sale of tribute cards to charities in canada and israel such as: •UJA Federation Dental clinic in eilot JeWiSH NATiONAl FUND 416-638-7200 •Yad l’kashish/lifeline for the Old FOR TRiBUTe cARDS cAll: MICHELLE FACTOR – 905-707-9656 ALPHA OMEGA OFFICES – 416-250-7417 or email •Beit issie Shapiro (children with developmental disabilities in Israel) or fax 416-250-8668 Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Weekdays Only 18 AORTA AUGUST 2014 •Amutat Melech Ha’artz mobile Dental clinic •DVi – Dental Volunteers for israel •One Family Fund (supporting victims of terror in Israel) Support Dental Research in Israel and Canada Lewis Rosen Vice President, Private Client Group, Investment Advisor at Raymond James Presents a complimentary evening of wine and fine dining exclusive to Alpha Omega Healthcare Professionals at 4 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario M5R 2E8 7:00 PM, August 27th, 2014 RESERVE TODAY! RSVP: 647-793-9952 OR TOLL FREE AT 844-342-1692 LIMITED SEATING Tickets and a valid confirmation number required for entry SECOND PART IN OUR EXCLUSIVE MONTREAL / TORONTO ALPHA OMEGA SERIES TOPICS TO BE ADDRESSED • Learn how to withdraw funds from your corporation tax free • Determine whether further contributions to your RRSP are in your best interest • Potentially pay tax-free dividends to your spouse and children • Maximize on Capital Gains exemptions preparing for the sale of your practice • Determine whether incorporation makes sense for you and your Dental Practice • 2014 Market Outlook (Q4) • Utilize Trusts to help protect your wealth • Benefit from setting up an IPP (Individual Pension Plan) • Take advantage of top tax minimization strategies With Special Guest: Derek Thompson FSA, FCIA, Vice President, Raymond James Financial Planning Ltd. If you are incorporated or considering incorporating this presentation will be of significant value. Derek Thompson is a noted speaker and entrepreneurial actuary with a wide variety of experience in financial planning. The presentation will focus on how to effect and maximize the benefits of a professional corporation and how to lower tax rates to significantly increase your investment portfolio, both personally and corporately, with wealth accumulation strategies specifically designed for you. About Raymond James: Over the past 52 years, Raymond James has grown to become one of North America’s leading independent full-service investment dealers. Through its network of more than 6200 financial advisors, the firm manages more than $458 billion in client assets on behalf of more than 2.5 million individual investors and their families. The opinions expressed at the seminar will be those of Lewis Rosen and not necessarily those of Raymond James Ltd. Statistics and factual data and other information presented at the seminar are from sources RJL believes to be reliable but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. We are not tax advisors and we recommend that clients seek independent advice from a professional advisor on tax-related matters. It is furnished on the basis and understanding that Raymond James is to be under no liability whatsoever in respect thereof. It is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of securities. This event is for non-Raymond James clients only, if you are a Raymond James client, please contact your advisor.
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