WHY IS AN EINSTEIN RING BLUE? Jonathan Blackledge Stokes Professorship: Annual

Stokes Professorship: Annual
Public Lecture 9 - 12 - 2011, 4:00pm
Jonathan Blackledge
Stokes Professor
Dublin Institute of Technology
George Gabriel Stokes
Mathematician and Physicist
Stokes' law
Stokes' theorem
Stokes line
Stokes number
Stokes relations
Stokes shift
Navier - Stokes
Stokes Professorship
Room A-029
Dublin Institute of Technology
Kevin Street, Dublin 8, Ireland
Tel: + 35 3 140 247 07 (office)
+ 44 7 501 724 135 (mobile)
Information and Communication
Security Research Group
http:// eleceng.dit.ie/icsrg
Contents of Presentation
Some Images of Einstein Rings
Einstein’s interpretation of Gravity
Dummkopf Explanations
Some Basic Thoughts
Geometric and Diffraction Optics
Low Frequency Scattering Theory
Experimental Evidence: The Colour of Scattering
Consequences of the Theory: What is Gravity?
The Field Equations in Physics Revisited
Paradigm Shift and a Thought Experiment
Summary, Discussion & Further Research
Albert Einstein:
1879 - 1955
Current Publication
Why is an Einstein Ring Blue?
J M Blackledge
International Journal of Applied Mathematics
Vol. 41, Issue 3, 177-190, August, 2011
Some Images of Einstein Rings:
In the Optical Spectrum using the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
Images of Einstein Rings:
In the Optical Spectrum
Images of Einstein Rings:
In the Infrared and Radio Spectrum
HST Near Infrared Camera
5 GHz Radio Image
using MERLIN*
Radio-Linked Interferometer Network
Images of Einstein Rings:
Red Shifted in the Far Field
Einstein’s Interpretation of Gravity
Mass warps Space -Time
Einstein’s Explanation
of an Einstein Ring
Why is an Einstein Ring Blue?
A Dummkopf Explanation
“What's large and blue and can
wrap itself around an entire
A gravitation lens image
pictured on the left. The
gravity of a normal white
galaxy has gravitationally
distorted the light from a much
more distant blue galaxy”.
Astronomy Picture of the Day,
July 28, 2008
Why is an Einstein Ring Blue?
Another Dummkopf Explanation
“...strongly lens background blue star-forming
Ellis R S,
Gravitational lensing: A unique probe of dark matter
and dark energy",
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 368, pp. 967-987, 2010
Problems with Einstein’s Theory of
Gravity: General Relativity (GR)
• GR is a geometric theory of gravity
• GR is a non-causal theory of gravity and relies of a concept
that is based on a field
• GR does not include dispersive effects associated with the
propagation and scattering of a wavefield and
consequently does not explain why an Einstein ring is blue
• GR does not explain why mass warps space-time:
we do not know what mass is and await experimental
verification (or otherwize) of the Higgs Boson
The search for the Higgs Boson could
be approaching its conclusion at CERN
BBC Newsnight Science, 7 December 2011
A scientist from the CERN
particle physics laboratory
has told the BBC that he
expects to see the first
glimpses of the Higgs
Boson next week
What is the Higgs Boson?
A particle (a pion or pi-meson - a spin-less meson)
described by the Klein-Gordon equation
Some Basic Thoughts
• The observation that Einstein rings are blue
must be due to a physical effect which GR does
not explain.
• Can we develop an explanation that expands
upon the concepts of GR where GR becomes a
special case?
• Underlying approach: Consider ideas that
have an synergy with optics.
Geometric Optics
Diffraction Optics
Optics .v. Gravity (GR)
Gravity (GR)
Geometric Theory
Geometric Theory
- Rays of light are ‘bent’
(refracted) by a dielectric
- Rays of light are ‘bent’ by
the curvature of space-time
- No dispersion
Scattering Theory
Scattering Theory
- Wavefield is scattered
(diffracted) by a dielectric
- Dispersion
No dispersion
A low frequency
scattering effect?
Low Frequency Scattering
• Consider the wave equation
• Exact scattering solution is given by
which is a general solution of
Scattering from a Low Frequency
Scattered Field
λ ∼ scatterer
λ >> scatterer
Far Field Scattering for a
Thin Scatterer
In the far field, the Scattering Amplitude is given by
Scattering Amplitude for a
Thin Low Frequency Scattered Field
c.f. Scattering Amplitude generated by a thin scatterer
Diffraction by a Gaussian Diffractor
Tyndall and Rayleigh Scattering
For a spherically symmetric scatterer of radius R
Intensity Scaling Laws
• Tyndall scattering of light
• Rayleigh scattering of light
• Gravitational scattering of light
Experimental Evidence:
The Colour of Scattering
Compatibility with GR
Two Dimensional ‘Space Waves’
Fundamental Hypothesis:
Let the ‘medium’ of wave propagation be Space-Time
Consequences of the Theory:
What is Gravity?
Two masses experience a gravitational force
because each mass ‘detects’ the
‘low frequency (space-time) wavefields’ (gravity waves)
scattered by the
‘high frequency (space-time) wavefields’ (matter waves)
of the other.
Other Consequences
• Gravity waves (as predicted by Einstein) will not be
measured because the detectors are in effect weighing
machines designed to weigh themselves!
• A black hole is a ‘strong scatterer’ of gravity waves
• Coherent (constructive interference of gravity waves)
scattering between two black holes could produce a
Resonant Gravity Wave Amplification effect
Further Example Consequences
• A black hole can be taken to be of compact support
defined by the Event Horizon
• A black hole should therefore generate
multiple Einstein rings
The Field Equations in Physics Revisited
• Maxwell’s equations (1865)
Electromagnetic waves
• Einstein’s equations (1916)
Gravity waves
• Schrodinger (1925), Klein-Gordon (1927),
Dirac (1928) equations (& others)
Matter waves
How to Unification EM and GR?
Which comes first, a field or a wave ?
Maxwell’s Equations
Classical Wave Equation
Proca-Maxwell Equations
Klein-Gordon Wave Equation
Field Theory .v. Wavefield Theory
• Unified field theory: Fields determine wavefields
e.g. Maxwell’s equations decouple to give the
classical (non-relativistic) wave equation
Fields describe Massless Vector Bosons
• Unified wavefield theory: Wavefields determine fields
e.g. Proca equations are Maxwell’s equations
designed specifically, so that upon decoupling,
the Klein-Gordon (relativistic) wave equation
is obtained.
Fields describe Massive Vector Bosons
The Field Equations of Physics
Paradigm Shifts (1962):
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Thomas Kuhn: 1922-1996
“Think Wavefields not Fields”
A Thought Experiment
(Designed to Promote Wavefields)
Q1: If the human race became extinct, would
Pythagoras’ Theorem exist?
Q2: If only one human being existed (who could
prove Pythagoras’ Theorem), would the
theorem exist?
Thought Experiment (Continued)
Q3: If the universe consisted of (absolutely) nothing
would electric and gravitational fields exist?
Q4: If the universe consisted of a single electron
(and nothing else), would the electric and
gravitational fields associated with it (in a
conventional sense) exist?
Discussion and Summary
• Laplace et al: Gravity is the result of a mass ‘radiating’ a
field (propagation theories)
• Einstein: Gravity is the result of object warping space-time
(field equations give wave equation)
• Proposition: Gravity is the result of object scattering long
wavelength waves – the low frequency component of a
universal spectrum generated by the big-bang
• This proposition appears to explain why Einstein rings
are blue
Further Research
New Approach to the Inverse Scattering Problem
• Weak Gradient Inverse Scattering Solutions
J M Blacklege, 2011 http://eleceng.dit.ie/papers/177.pdf
• Apply method to
potential scattering
What is Scientific Knowledge?
All observations are theory laden
• Doctoral Thesis
Electromagnetic Scattering:
Solutions for DSP
• Presentation
Why is an Einstein Ring Blue?