Why abundant tropical tree species are phylogenetically old Shaopeng Wanga,1, Anping Chenb,1, Jingyun Fanga, and Stephen W. Pacalab,2 a Department of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, and Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; and bDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 Neutral models of species diversity predict patterns of abundance for communities in which all individuals are ecologically equivalent. These models were originally developed for Panamanian trees and successfully reproduce observed distributions of abundance. Neutral models also make macroevolutionary predictions that have rarely been evaluated or tested. Here we show that neutral models predict a humped or flat relationship between species age and population size. In contrast, ages and abundances of tree species in the Panamanian Canal watershed are found to be positively correlated, which falsifies the models. Speciation rates vary among phylogenetic lineages and are partially heritable from mother to daughter species. Variable speciation rates in an otherwise neutral model lead to a demographic advantage for species with low speciation rate. This demographic advantage results in a positive correlation between species age and abundance, as found in the Panamanian tropical forest community. | phylogeny phylogenetic age niche hypothesis | Barro Colorado Island (BCI) | T he neutral theory of biodiversity (NTB) introduced the idea that geologic time scales may be directly relevant to ecological population dynamics (1). In NTB models, individuals produce offspring, disperse, and die at random, and species are ecologically equivalent because they share the same per capita birth and death probabilities. In most NTB models, new species arise by a process analogous to mutation; every new offspring has a (low) probability of mutating into the first member of a new species (1–4). In others, species randomly split into two new species with a probability proportional to population size (1, 5, 6). NTB models are remarkably successful in predicting distributions of species abundances, particularly with the assumption of mutation speciation (4, 7, 8). Although the assumption of ecological neutrality has been continuously challenged (9–13), the predictions of NTB have been shown to be robust to the existence of niches if species diversity is sufficiently high (2, 14, 15), because random drift can still occur between the relative abundances of species within the same niche or between species that share very similar niches (16, 17). For realistically large number of individuals in a region, NTB models also predict that the abundances of species change slowly over geologic time before eventually drifting (randomly walking) to extinction (1, 18, 19). The taxon cycle that has occurred over intervals on the order of millions of years in several independent lineages of Lesser Antillean birds (20) provides some indirect empirical evidence for slow population dynamics over geologic time scales. However, recent studies also suggested that taxonomic turnover in very abundant clades, like birds (21, 22) and planktonic foraminifera (23), is sometimes much faster than that predicted by purely ecological drift. Here, we focus on geologic time scales and derive the predictions of NTB models for the relationship between a species’ current abundance and its phylogenetic age: the time since the divergence of a species and its closest extant relative. When a lineage splits into two species, the phylogenetic ages of both are set to zero at the time of speciation, because practical phylogenetic www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1314992110 trees are constructed based on trait or molecular distance among lineages, which tells about the divergence time between relatives but not who is the mother or the daughter. Despite their potential to bridge between ecological and evolutionary theories, age–abundance relationships have rarely been investigated. NTB models quantitatively couple population dynamics and speciation and thus allow age–abundance relationships to be quantitatively derived or simulated. We also investigate the empirical age–abundance relationship for tree species in the Panama Canal watershed. The abundance data come from a network of 48 census plots (Fig. S1) containing 593 angiosperm species, among which 530 species are identified to species level and thus used in the analysis (Materials and Methods). Age estimates are derived from a phylogeny for the 1,177 angiosperm species found in this region (Materials and Methods). Results and Discussion NTB models with mutation speciation predict a humped relationship between a species’ abundance and its average age (Fig. 1A). In almost all NTB models, the average rate at which a species produces a new daughter species is proportional to its population size (exceptions in refs. 5 and 7). Therefore, abundant species are more likely than rare species to have recently produced an extant daughter and thus to be phylogenetically young (Fig. 1A) (6). In contrast, rare species may range from very young (just been born) to old (unlikely to have a recent daughter because they are rare) (Fig. S2). The hump in average age at intermediate abundances occurs because recently produced daughter species are invariably rare. Also, species with intermediate abundance are less likely to have produced a recent Significance Neutral population models assume that competing species are ecologically equivalent and predict several properties of extant ecosystems. Ecological aspects of neutral models have been tested repeatedly, with a special focus on tropical trees, but their macroevolutionary predictions have received little attention. We show that neutral models predict flat or humped relationships between a species’ abundance and phylogenetic age. In contrast, abundances and ages of Panamanian tree species are positively correlated. Similar correlations have been reported for other groups and explained by deterministic niche theories. However, we show that neutral models predict positive age–abundance relationships with the addition of speciation rates that vary among lineages. Author contributions: S.W.P. designed research; S.W., A.C., and J.F. performed research; S.W. and A.C. analyzed data; and S.W., A.C., and S.W.P. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. 1 S.W. and A.C. contributed equally to the work. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: pacala@princeton.edu. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1314992110/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS Early Edition | 1 of 5 ECOLOGY Contributed by Stephen W. Pacala, August 12, 2013 (sent for review March 25, 2013) 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abundance bin Fig. 1. Simulated phylogenetic age (generations) and species abundance under Hubbell’s NTB model with (A) point mutation speciation (per capita speciation rate: v = 0.002) and (B) random fission speciation (v = 0.0001). Solid and dashed lines showed the average age ± SD. The abundance bins in A are 1, 2–100, 101–300, 301–500, 501–700, 701–1,500, and >1,500 and the bins in B are 1–50, 51–100, 101–150, 151–200, 201–300, 301–500, and >500. Other bin widths were also examined and produced the same qualitative patterns. See SI Text for details of calculations. Scatter plots showing all species can be found in Figs. S2–S5. daughter than species with high abundance and thus tend to be phylogenetically old. NTB models with the fission mode of speciation produce flat age–abundance relationships (Fig. 1B; Fig. S3), because they create new species with uniform distribution of abundance. Fission speciation divides a population of size N in two, with sizes N − k and k, where k is uniformly distributed from 1 to N − 1, and the smaller species is labeled as the daughter species (1, 19). In addition, humped or flat age–abundance relationships are also obtained from NTB models in which only a subset of species have known ages or in which a new daughter species and its mother would be distinct enough to be classified as separate species only after a waiting period (protracted speciation; Figs. S4 and S5) (3). These results are especially critical for model testing, because real phylogenies are always incomplete and may be systematically biased to ignore cryptic young species. In contrast to the humped or flat age–abundance relationship predicted by NTB models, the estimated age–abundance relationship for Panamanian trees shows a positive correlation (Fig. 2). This relationship is statistically significant (P < 0.05) by a variety of tests, using a collection of 1,200 data sets on regional abundance produced from different permutations of plot data (Materials and Methods). For example, an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression of log10(age) vs. abundance has a significantly positive slope for all 1,200 estimates of regional abundance Mean age Fraction 6 8 10 100 1.10 20 2 5 5 GLM OLS 0 200 400 600 Species abundance 800 0.25 4 0.20 2 20 40 60 80 100 Abundance (11 ~ 100) 0.15 10 20 2 5 50 20 100 B Abundance (1 ~ 10) 2 Phylogenetic age A 0.30 4 1.30 3 Abundance bin 1.20 2 log10(age) 1 1-10 11-100 Fraction: age < 10My 2.0 1.5 log10(age) 1.0 1.0 0.0 log10(age) (average P = 0.022). Because the data are highly skewed, we also performed a Gamma family generalized linear model (GLM) analysis of the relationship between age and abundance, which again returned a significantly positive slope for all possible datasets (average P = 0.029). One complication with the census data is that it covers a relatively wide range of annual precipitation and extends from forests dominated by drought deciduous species to forests dominated by tropical evergreens (24). The fact that tropical tree diversity increases with rainfall has been reported previously (25–27) and is confirmed here. Within-plot diversity significantly increases with annual rainfall (P < 0.0001), which causes the average within-plot abundance to decrease with rainfall (P < 0.01). To ensure that effects of rainfall are not solely responsible for the age–abundance relationship explored in this paper, we performed a partial correlation analysis of log10(age) and abundance that controlled for both species-specific mean rainfall (the cross-plot mean of precipitation times abundance for each species) and species-specific rainfall range (maximum minus minimum rainfall for plots in which the species is present). The partial correlation of log10(age) and abundance is significant (for all 1,200 datasets, average P = 0.022) after controlling for both the mean and range of precipitation. The positive relationship between age and abundance in the data emerges even though estimates of both age and abundance are likely to contain large errors, whose distributions are not possible to be estimated with confidence and even though the Panama Canal Watershed is not a random subset of the Neotropics, which could bias the age estimation of some clades. The difference between the age–abundance relationships observed in the Panama Canal tree community and those predicted by the NTB models suggests that it is necessary to modify the NTB models by introducing some new mechanisms. Here, we show that a simple extension of the NTB models predicts and explains the observed positive age–abundance relationship and, like previous NTB models, is also able to predict observed species– abundance relationships for Panamanian tree species. Many previous studies have shown that speciation rates vary among evolutionary lineages and are at least partly heritable from mother to daughter species (28–33). We therefore modified Hubbell’s NTB model (1) by allowing the per capita speciation probability ν to vary among species. We also developed this model to investigate adaptive radiations (34). In each of the three cases considered, speciation rates are confined to a range [νmin, νmax]. In the first case (Mr), speciation rates vary among species but are not heritable. When a new daughter species is 2.5 B 2.0 A >100 Abundance bin Fig. 2. Relationship between phylogenetic age (My) and relative abundance for Panamanian tree species. (A) Scatter plots of age vs. species relative regional abundance. Red and blue lines showed the regression lines from ordinary least-square regression for log10(age) vs. abundance (OLS) and generalized linear model (GLM) for age vs. abundance, respectively. Note the most abundant species Gustaviasuperba (average species abundance = 1,183 and phylogenetic age = 32.5 My) is not shown in the figure. (B) The average age and the fraction of young species (phylogenetic age ≤ 10 My) in relative abundance bins: 1–10 (n = 254), 11–100 (n = 193), >100 (n = 48). Other set of bins were also examined and produced the same qualitative patterns. 2 of 5 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1314992110 Wang et al. Speciation rate 1e-0 1e-05 5000 10000 0 15000 20000 200 1000 2.5 Mr Ma Mt 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 log10(age) 2.0 Mr Ma Mt 1.5 2.0 800 Abundance D 1.5 600 400 Abundance log10(age) · ðn − 1Þ; Mr Ma Mt 1e-03 1e-0 1e-03 1e-04 0 C 1 − vf and thus the average speciation rate declines with abundance and with a slope that is proportional to the variance of speciation rates among newly born species. If sufficiently strong, the negative slope of vðnÞ should cause mean phylogenetic age to increase with n as it is observed to do (Fig. 2A), in contrast to the humped or flat age–abundance relationships predicted by previously published NTB models (Fig. 1 A and B). The reason is that the relatively low speciation rates of abundant species result in relatively long waiting times between daughters. We do not have analytical formulae for the age–abundance relationships, but simulations confirm that mean age is indeed predicted to increase with abundance under fission speciation (Fig. 3). Simulations of models Mr, Mt, and Ma with fission speciation also produce the kind of upper triangular scatter exhibited by the age–abundance data on Panamanian trees (cf. Fig. 2 and Fig. S5). Mutation speciation reduces the B Mr Ma Mt σ 2f 1 2 3 4 5 Abundance bin 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abundance bin Fig. 3. Relationships between average speciation rate and abundance (A and B) and between phylogenetic age (generations) and abundance (C and D), predicted by the variable speciation-rate models with mutation speciation (A and C) and random fission speciation (B and D). The trend lines in A were derived analytically for models Mr and Mt and numerically for model Ma; all trends in B–D are moving averages of the mean values. The bins in C are set to 1, 2–100, 101–300, 301–500, 501–700, 701–1,500, and >1,500 and the bins in D are 1–50, 51–100, 101–150, 151–200, 201–300, 301–500, and >500. Other set of bins were also examined and produced the same qualitative patterns. Scatter plots showing all species can be found in Figs. S2–S5. See SI Text for details of calculations. Wang et al. PNAS Early Edition | 3 of 5 ECOLOGY vðnÞ ≈ vf − 1e-05 Speciation rate A abundance n, and show that it declines as n increases in all our models (Fig. 3 A and B; Figs. S8 and S9). Abundant species are predicted to have low speciation rates, simply because speciation reduces a parent species’ population size by removing the individuals that are transferred to the daughter species. This mechanism is easy to understand for fission speciation but is also remarkably strong for mutation speciation. For example, let f(ν) be the probability density of v for newly produced daughter species with mean vf and variance σ 2f . If σ 2f is small, then vðnÞ is approximately (SI Text) 1e-04 produced, its speciation rate is randomly drawn from a constant uniform probability density over the interval [vmin, vmax]. In the remaining two cases, the speciation rate v of a new species (vnew) is uniformly distributed around that of its parental species (vparent), i.e., vnew ∼ U [vparent − L/2, vparent + L/2], where 1/L is a measure of heritability. Two alternative boundary conditions ensure that vnew stays within the interval of [vmin, vmax]. In model Mt, the uniform distribution is truncated once reaching the outside of [vmin, vmax], such that vnew ∼ U [vmin, vparent + L/2] if vparent − L/2 <vmin, and vnew ∼ U [vparent − L/2, vmax] if vparent + L/2 > vmax. In model Ma, the boundaries are absorbing: any vnew less than vmin is set to vmin and any larger than vmax is set to vmax. In addition, Hubbell’s original NTB model is a special form of our model, in which νmin= νmax (hereafter referred as Mh). Despite the modifications of the speciation rate assumptions, our model is consistent with the assumptions of NTB in that individuals of all species share the same per capita birth and death probabilities. We solved the extended NTB models for S(n, ν), the stationary ensemble distribution of species with abundance n and speciation rate ν (closed form solutions for models Mr and Mt with mutation speciation, numerical solution for model Ma with mutation speciation, simulations for fission speciation; SI Text). The equilibrium distribution of species abundance (SAD) is the marginal of S(n, ν) with respect to ν: SðnÞ = Rsimply vmax vmin Sðn; vÞdv. Like Hubbell’s original NTB model, when diversity is large, our models predict log-series SADs under point mutation and multinomial distributions under random fission speciation (Figs. S6 and S7). Using S(n, ν), we can also calculate vðnÞ, the average speciation rate for species with amount under mutation speciation. This demographic cost of speciation in our model also makes the community average speciation rate decline through geologic time (34). Within a lineage, high speciation rates increase species diversity and decrease average phylogenetic age. By splitting the abundance of an ancestral species when speciation occurs, high speciation rates also tend to decrease the average population size within a lineage. Differences in the speciation rate among species thus have population dynamic implications, which are not ecological niches in the traditional sense but which are strong enough to alter the relationship between phylogenetic age and population size. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating population dynamics in macroevolutionary models of speciation and extinction. strongly negative slope of the age–abundance relationship predicted by Mh and increases the chances that a stochastic simulation will produce a positive slope, although it is not strong enough to make the expected slope consistently positive (Fig. 3; Fig. S10). Using an approximation, we also examined the age–abundance patterns in very large communities over geologic time, which confirmed our findings of a flat relationship in model Mh and positive relationships in models Mr, Ma, and Mt under fission speciation (SI Text; Fig. S11). Like the original NTB models, the modified NTB models predict log-series distributions of SAD under point mutation and multinomial distributions under random fission speciation (Figs. S6 and S7) when diversity is large. However, compared with the original NTB models, the variable speciation-rate models predict more abundant species and fewer species with intermediate abundance (Figs. S6 and S7). Thus, the new extensions of NTB models explain how the observed age–abundance relationship could be caused by an interaction of macroevolutionary processes and random population drift, without compromising the success of the original NTB models in SAD prediction of species-rich communities. Previous studies of other groups of species have shown that broad geographic range is sometimes positively correlated with phylogenetic age (35–38). The pattern has been explained outside of the context of NTB, with hypotheses about niches. One hypothesis is that species with unusually broad geographical niches (i.e., broad climate tolerance) will tend to have broad ranges and avoid extinction during climatic fluctuations (39, 40). Another is that species able to attain large ranges might tend to have both broad niches and the ability to disperse over obstacles, which might reduce the rate of allopatric speciation and increase phylogenetic age (41, 42). These hypotheses are also applicable to the age–abundance relationship because total abundance and range are frequently correlated (43). Collectively, our results provide an alternative hypothesis for the positive correlation between age and abundance, which is more parsimonious than the niche hypotheses. Old phylogenetic ages themselves imply rare speciation, and this is enough to cause the pattern without invoking niche differences. One way to falsify the speciation rate hypothesis would be to produce positive evidence for the mechanisms of the niche hypotheses. For example, one might show that abundant species are indeed ecological generalists, perhaps in common garden experiments, and that the ecological differences among rare and common species are large enough to overwhelm drift. Our results show how variation among lineages in speciation rates can produce relatively large effects on population sizes, if population dynamics are otherwise neutral. Like many other traits, the rate of speciation is partially conserved within a lineage, but may change over time (29, 30, 32). These two contrary tendencies create variation in speciation rate among different lineages and produces phylogenies in which rapidly speciating lineages have higher species diversity than slowly speciating ones (30). Population dynamics in our model are consistent with the assumptions of NTB in that individuals of all species share the same per capita birth and death probabilities. However, our model differs from the original NTB in the sense that high speciation rates effectively increase realized death rates within a species under fission speciation by a tiny amount, by removing individuals from a species when speciation occurs. Similarly, a high speciation rate reduces a species’ realized birth rate by a tiny Estimating Regional Abundance. Regional abundance of each species was estimated as a sum of its local abundance from the 45 1-ha plots and 1 random 1-ha subplot from each of the 3 larger plots. For completeness, we constructed 1,200 datasets, using all possible combinations of single hectares from the three plots >1 ha (1,200 = 50 × 4 × 6). The graph in Fig. 2 used the subplots located at the southwest corner of each of the three larger plots, but the results are robust to the choice of the subplots. 1. Hubbell SP (2001) The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography (Princeton Univ Press, Princeton, NJ). 2. Chisholm RA, Pacala SW (2010) Niche and neutral models predict asymptotically 4. Volkov I, Banavar JR, Hubbell SP, Maritan A (2003) Neutral theory and relative species abundance in ecology. Nature 424(6952):1035–1037. 5. Etienne R, Haegeman B (2011) The neutral theory of biodiversity with random fission equivalent species abundance distributions in high-diversity ecological communities. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107(36):15821–15825. 3. Rosindell J, Cornell SJ, Hubbell SP, Etienne RS (2010) Protracted speciation revitalizes speciation. Theoret Ecol 4(1):87–109. 6. Hubbell SP (2003) Modes of speciation and the lifespans of species under neutrality: A response to the comment of Robert E. Ricklefs. Oikos 100(1): the neutral theory of biodiversity. Ecol Lett 13(6):716–727. 4 of 5 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1314992110 Materials and Methods Plot Data. A dataset containing 48 plots of tropical tree communities was used to test the relationship between phylogenetic age and species abundance (24, 44, 45). The plots are located in the Panama Canal watershed, which covered a wide range of annual precipitation from 1,760 to 3,750 mm (Fig. S1). Most (45/48) of these plots are 1 ha in area, and three plots are larger than 1 ha, including Barro Colorado Island (BCI; 50 ha), Cocoli (4 ha), and Sherman (5.96 ha). In total, 610 tree size [≥10 cm in breast height diameter (DBH)] species were found in the dataset, including 593 angiosperm species (530 of which were identified to species level and therefore used in the analyses), 1 gymnosperm species (Podocarpus guatemalensis), and 16 unidentified species (24, 44, 45). Phylogeny. A tree species list covering the Panama Canal watershed was obtained from the BCI forest dynamics research project (24, 44, 45), and 1,177 angiosperm species from this list had been phylogenetically classified as part of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III (APG III) (46) consensus tree. The topology of the phylogeny for these species was obtained with the online program Phylomatic (47), which used a based megatree derived from APG III (46). To estimate the phylogenetic age for each species, we used the module bladj in the software Phylocom version 4.1 to scale branch length using known node ages (48). Here we used the age information from Wikström et al. (49), which estimated divergence times for most angiosperm classes and orders, as well as some families. This two-step approach for constructing a dated phylogeny had been frequently used in recent papers (50–52). Finally, the phylogenetic age is defined by the branch length of the terminal nodes (extant species), which represent the time since the divergence of a species from its closest extant relative. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank R. Chisholm, D. Tilman, and R. Dybzinski for helpful discussion and W. L. Deng and L. Lin for technical assistance. Funding was provided by the Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI) of the Princeton Environmental Institute and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 31021001). The visit of S.W. to Princeton University was supported by the China Scholarship Council and CMI. The forest plot data were obtained from the BCI forest dynamics research project, which was made possible by National Science Foundation grants to Stephen P. Hubbell, support from the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS), the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, the Small World Institute Fund, and numerous private individuals, and through the hard work of more than 100 people from 10 countries over the last two decades. The plot project is part of CTFS, a global network of large-scale demographic tree plots. 193–199. Wang et al. Wang et al. 31. Magallón S, Sanderson MJ (2001) Absolute diversification rates in angiosperm clades. Evolution 55(9):1762–1780. 32. Savolainen V, Heard SB, Powell MP, Davies TJ, Mooers AØ (2002) Is cladogenesis heritable? Syst Biol 51(6):835–843. 33. Sepkoski JJ, Jr. (1998) Rates of speciation in the fossil record. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 353(1366):315–326. 34. Wang S, Chen A, Fang J, Pacala SW (2013) Speciation rates decline through time in individual-based models of speciation and extinction. Am Nat 182(3):E83–E93. 35. Böhning-Gaese K, Caprano T, van Ewijk K, Veith M (2006) Range size: Disentangling current traits and phylogenetic and biogeographic factors. 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(1), which examined the same model to study adaptive radiations. These elements are included here so that all information necessary to understand the age-abundance results is accessible to readers in one place. Model and Analytic Solutions. We modified Hubbell’s neutral theory of biodiversity (NTB) model (2–4) by allowing per capita speciation rate (v) to vary among species within the restricted range [vmin, vmax], where 0 < vmin < vmax << 1. Speciation rate hereafter always refers to the per capita probability of speciation unless otherwise specified. Under the mode of point mutation speciation, we are able to derive the equilibrium distribution of species abundance. We first derive the frequency distribution of the per capita speciation rate and then use it to obtain the species abundance distribution (see below). For random fission speciation, however, we cannot solve the equilibrium distribution of species abundance analytically, and thus the results for random fission speciation are based on simulations. Frequency distribution of per capita speciation rate. First, let quv be the transition probability that a daughter species has a per capita speciation rate v given that its parent had a per capita speciaR vmax quv dv = 1. In pretion rate u. Therefore, for any fixed u, vmin vious NTB models, speciation rates are not variable, so these transition probabilities are irrelevant. If speciation rate is variable but not heritable (model Mr in the text), then quv is independent of u. We now consider the probability that the population with per capita speciation rate v in a closed and fully occupied community of J individuals increases or decreases by one individual given a single death-birth event in the community. We denote gv as the probability density of individuals with speciation rate v, and N v Δv = g v ΔvJ as the discrete population size of the individuals whose speciation rate is within v ± Δv/2. Following a death, the probability of increasing population size by one individual with speciation rate within v ± Δv/2 is Probability ðincreasing population size by one individual with speciation rate within v ± Δv=2Þ = ð1 − Nv Δv=JÞ Zvmax Nu p ðNv Δv=JÞ p ð1 − vÞ + ð1 − Nv Δv=JÞ p · u · quv Δv du: J vmin On the right hand, the first term is the joint probability that an individual with speciation rate not equal to v dies and is replaced with a new individual whose mother had speciation rate v and who did not mutate into a new species at birth. The second terms describe the probability that an individual with speciation rate not equal to v dies and is replaced with a new individual whose speciation rate is v through speciation. Similarly, the probability that the community decreases by one individual with speciation rate within v ± Δv/2 following a death is Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 Probability ðdecreasing population size by one individual Nv Δv Nv Δv with speciation rate within v ± Δv=2Þ = · 1− J J " Z · 1− + vmax vmin Nu Nv Δv · v · qvv Δv u · ðquv ΔvÞdu − J J Nv Δv 1− J # Nv Δv 2 · v ·ð1 − qvv ΔvÞ: J At equilibrium, probability (increasing population size by one individual with speciation rate within v ± Δv/2) = probability (decreasing population size by one individual with speciation rate within v ± Δv/2), and replacing Nv/J with gv, we have Zvmax ð1 − gv ΔvÞ · gv Δv · ð1 − vÞ + ð1 − gv ΔvÞ · Z = gv Δv · ð1 − gv ΔvÞ · 1− ½gu · u · quv Δvdu ! vmin vmax vmin gu u ·ðquv ΔvÞdu − gv Δv · v · qvv Δv 1 − gv Δv + ðgv ΔvÞ2 · v · ð1 − qvv ΔvÞ: This equation can be simplified as Zvmax gv v = gu u · quv du: [S1] vmin In addition, Eq. S1 could also be more easily derived if we consider the problem from the perspective of speciation equilibrium. When a community reaches equilibrium, speciation events that increase in the fraction of individuals with a given speciation rate will be balanced by events that decrease it: Zvmax ðgu u · quv ΔvÞdu − gv Δv · v · qvv Δv = gv Δv · v · ð1 − qvv ΔvÞ: vmin Using Eq. S1, we can solve the equilibrium of gv after substituting in the functional form of quv (given below). For the nonheritable case (Mr) and heritable case with truncated boundary (Mt), analytic solutions were obtained; for the heritable case with absorbing boundary (Ma), we get numerical results. Mr: Nonheritable random speciation rate. In the nonheritable case, the speciation rate of a newly produced species is uniformly sampled from a probability density h(v) on the interval [vmin, vmax]. Hence, the transition probability (quv) is simply h(v) and therefore equation may be written gv v = v · hðvÞ; where 1 of 13 difficult to solve for gv analytically because of the δ function. However, we can obtain a numerical solution from the discrete form of Eq. S1: Zvmax v= gu udu: vmin From R vmax vmin vmin v dv distribution quv = hðvÞ = vmax −1 vmin , we have 1 : gv = v · ðln vmax − ln vmin Þ The average speciation rate of the community is v = vmax − vmin ln vmax − ln vmin . [S2] R vmax vmin gv vdv = Mt: Heritable speciation rate with truncated boundary. In the heritable case, the speciation rate of new species (vnew) is uniformly distributed around that of its parental species (vparent), i.e., vnew ∼ U[vparent − L/2, vparent + L/2]. To ensure that vnew stays within the interval of [vmin, vmax], in model Mt, the uniform distribution is truncated once reaching the outside of [vmin, vmax], such that vnew ∼ U[vmin, vparent + L/2] if vparent − L/2<vmin, and vnew ∼ U[vparent − L/2, vmax] if vparent + L/2>vmax. Therefore, for any v satisfying ju − vj ≤ L=2, the transition probability is 8 > > > < quv = 1 :::::::::::::::::u < vmin + L=2 L=2 + u − vmin 1 L > > > : :::::::::::::::::u ∈ ½vmin + L=2; vmax − L=2 1 ::::::::::::::::::u > vmin − L=2: L=2 + vmax − u Substituting it into Eq. S1, we obtain 8 C 1 v−v > > < v · 2+ L min gv = gvi vi = gv dv = 1, we have v = R vmax1hðvÞ . In the case of a uniform > > : ::::::::::::::::v < vmin + L=2 C :::::::::::::::::::::v ∈ ½vmin + L=2; vmax − L=2 v C 1 vmax − v · + ::::::::::::::::v > vmax − L=2: v 2 L [S3] R vmax gv dv = Here, C is the normalization parameter to ensure that vmin1 ðvmax − L=2Þ vmin vmax 1 + ln + v ln 1; hence, C1 = 12 ln vvmax v min max vmin R+ L=2 vmax − L=2 . L min ðvmin + L=2Þ vmax gv vdv = C · ðvmax − The average per capita speciation rate v = vmin vmin − L=4Þ. Ma: Heritable speciation rate with absorbing boundary. Model Ma is also a heritable case, which differs from Mt only in the treatment of boundary constraints. Here the boundaries are absorbing: any vnew less than vmin is set to vmin, and any vnew larger than vmax is set to vmax. Therefore, for any u satisfying ju − vj ≤ L=2, the transition probability is 1 u − vmin − :::::::::::::::::v = vmin δv−vmin 2 L 8 > > < quv = > > : 1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::v ≠ vmin ; vmax L 1 vmax − u − :::::::::::::::::v = vmax δv−vmax 2 L Here quv follows a mixed distribution. The probabilities at v = vmin or vmax are denoted by a delta function δxR that returns to zero if x ≠ 0 and infinity at x = 0, which satisfies f0g δx dx = 1. It is Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 X gvj vj · qvj vi : [S1′] j Here, we divide [vmin, vmax] into K equal segments, and gvi and qvj vi are the mean of gv and quv for each segment. We replace the left side of Eq. S1′ with a vector w = ðw1 ; w2 ; :::; wK Þ, where wi = gvi vi . Hence, Eq. S1′ can be written in matrix form as w = wQ, where Q is a K*K transition matrix. Because the transition probability is absorbed at the boundary, but equally distributed within [vparent − L/2, vparent + L/2] when (vparent − L/2) and (vparent + L/2) do not reach beyond the boundaries, the transition matrix Q is defined as 0 W BW −1 B B ⋮ B B 1 B B B B B B 1 B B Q¼ 2W − 1 B B B B B B B B B B B @ 1 1 ⋮ 1 1 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 1 1 ⋮ 1 1 1 1 ⋮ 1 1 ⋱ ⋱ ⋯ ⋯ 1 1 ⋱ 1 ⋱ ⋯ 1 ⋯ ⋱ 1 1 ⋮ 1 1 1 ⋮ 1 1 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 1 1 ⋮ 1 1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C; C C C C C C C 1 C C ⋮ C C W −1A W where 2W − 1 = K· vmax L− vmin is the length (number) of possible discrete segments that daughter species may fall in. Hence, Q has an eigenvalue of 1, and w is the relevant left eigenvector. Because of the scarcity of Q (W << K), w can be solved very efficiently in MatLab, even when K is as large as 105. After solving XK g = for w, we then obtain g = ðgv1 ; gv2 ; :::; gvK Þ from (1 = i = 1 vi XK wi XK ) and the average speciation rate v = g v. i=1 v i = 1 vi i i Species abundance distribution. To derive the equilibrium distribution of species abundance in a neutral community, a commonly used formulation is to consider the one-step stochastic process governed by a master equation (4–6). Under the mode of point mutation speciation, the master equation governing the probability that a run of the model contains a species with population size n and speciation rate v in the community at time t, S(n, v, t)Δv, is d½Sðn; v; tÞΔv = In−1;v Sðn − 1; v; tÞΔv + Dn+1;v Sðn + 1; v; tÞΔv dt − In;v + Dn;v Sðn; v; tÞΔv: [S4] In,v and Dn,v are one-step transition probabilities for a species with abundance n and speciation rate v to increase or decrease population size by one individual given a death because of ecological drift. When n > 0, we have In;v = J −J n · J −n 1 · ð1 − vÞ and Dn;v = nJ JJ −− n1 + nJ −− 11 p v (6). When n = 1, in the first item on the right side of Eq. S4, I0,v represents the probability of speciation that produces R vmax a new species with speciation rate v. Therefore, I0;v Δv = vmin gu u · quv Δvdu = gv vΔv according to Eq. S1. Finally, with the boundary condition I-1,v = 0, D0,v = 0, IJ,v = 0, and = 0 for all n > 0, we can DJ+1,v = 0, at equilibrium when d½Sðn;v;tÞΔv dt easily obtain Dn;v Sðn; vÞΔv − In−1;v Sðn − 1; vÞΔv = 0. Consequently, the equilibrium of S(n, v,t) is 2 of 13 R vmax n−1 n−1 I Ii;v 1 i;v Sðn; vÞΔv = ∏ Δv = I0;v · ∏ · Δv i = 0 Di+1;v i = 1 Di;v Dn;v n−1 = gv v · ∏ i=1 vmin and σ 2f , respectively. From Eq. S1, when J is large, S(n, v) can be approximated by (7) 1−v 1 Δv · 1 + iJ−−1i v nJ· JJ −− n1 + nJ −− 11 v gv v · ð1 − vÞn−1 n−1 = nJ · J − n n − 1 · ∏ i=1 J −1 + J −1 v 1 1 + iJ−−1i v f ðvÞdv = 1. The mean and variance of f(v) are denoted as vf [S5] J Sðn; vÞΔv = · gv v · ð1 − vÞn−1 Δv: n Δv: Thus, we have Z vmax It is also easily shown that the equilibrium S(n, v)Δv is also the probability that a randomly chosen species in a randomly chosen run of the model has abundance n. Therefore, we obtained the equilibrium distribution of abundance that is simply the marginal of S(n, v) with respect to v: vðnÞ = Z Sðn; vÞ · vdv vmin Z Zvmax SðnÞ = vmin vmin Substituting the analytic or numerical solution of gv into Eqs. S5 and S6, we obtained stationary distribution of S(n, v) and S(n). The species abundance distributions derived above for mutation speciation and simulated for fission species are similar to those from the original NTB models, which predict a log series distribution for mutation speciation and a multinomial distribution for fission speciation (Figs. S6 and S7) when diversity is large. However, compared with the original NTB models, the variable speciation rate models predict more abundant species and fewer species with intermediate abundance (Figs. S6 and S7). Speciation rate–abundance distribution. Based on Eq. S6, we can also calculate the average per capita speciation rate for the species with abundance n: Z vmax Z vmax Sðn; vÞ · n · vdv Sðn; vÞ · vdv = vmin : [S7] vðnÞ = vmin SðnÞ · n SðnÞ 2 2 2 The variance of vðnÞ R can also be derived: σ v ðnÞ = E½v ðnÞ − vðnÞ , vmax vmin vmax v = Z minvmax [S6] Sðn; vÞdv: vðnÞ ≈ vf − σ 2f 2 σ2 = vf − 2f · 1 − vf n−1 −2 · 2n =v ð1 − vf Þ f Z vðnÞ = 1 − Z Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 vmax vmin vmax − ð1 − vf Þ J ·gv v · ð1 − vÞn−1 dv n gv v2 · ð1 − vÞn−1 dv gv v · ð1 − vÞn−1 dv : [S9] f ðvÞ · ð1 − vÞn dv f ðvÞ · ð1 − vÞn−1 dv : [S10] vmin Under the assumption that σ 2f is small, we expanded (1 − v)n to the second order around v = vf Zvmax Zvmax n f ðvÞ · ð1 − vÞ dv ≈ vmin h n n−1 f ðvÞ · 1 − vf − v − vf · n · 1 − vf vmin + ðv − vf Þ 2 2 n−2 i dv nðn − 1Þ 1 − vf n σ 2 n−2 = 1 − vf + 2f nðn − 1Þ 1 − vf : Therefore, Z vðnÞ = 1 − Z vmax vmin vmax f ðvÞ · ð1 − vÞn dv f ðvÞ · ð1 − vÞn−1 dv vmin n σ 2f n−2 1 − vf + nðn − 1Þ 1 − vf 2 =1− : n−1 σ 2f n−3 + ðn − 1Þðn − 2Þ 1 − vf 1 − vf 2 We further expanded this expression to the first order around σ 2f 2 =0 n−2 n n−3 nðn − 1Þ 1 − vf − 1 − vf ðn − 1Þðn − 2Þ 1 − vf 2n−2 1 − vf σ 2f · gv v · ð1 − vÞn−1 · vdv Substituting gv*v = f(v)/C0 into Eq. S9, we have Sðn;vÞ · v2 dv where E½v2 ðnÞ = vmin SðnÞ : Numerical and simulation results showed that the average speciation rate generally declined with abundance under all cases of the variable speciation rate model (Fig. 3; Figs. S6 and S7). Here, to investigate how average speciation rate changes with abundance analytically, we study Eq. S7 under some restrictions. We first derive a general analytical approximation for vðnÞ assuming small variance of the speciation rate. We then derive a general expression for vðnÞ under model Mr in which Vnew is uniformly distributed. If f(v) is the probability density of v for newly produce daughterR species, then, using the derivation of gv above, vmax gu uquv du = C0 · gu u, where C0 is determined by f ðvÞ = C0 vmin J vmin n Z vmax = SðnÞ vmax [S8] [S11] · ðn − 1Þ: 3 of 13 Eq. S11 clearly demonstrates that vðnÞ will decrease with n when speciation rate v is variable. Next, for model Mr with a uniform distribution for f(v), Eq. S9 becomes Z vmax v · ð1 − vÞn−1 dv vmin vðnÞ = Z vmax ð1 − vÞn−1 dv vmin n ð1 − vmin Þn vmin − ð1 − vmax Þn vmax 1 = + · : ð1 − vmin Þn − ð1 − vmax Þn n+1 n+1 [S12] By studying the first derivative, we can prove that Eq. S12 is a monotonically decreasing function of n. Model Simulations. To investigate the relationship between speciation rate, phylogenetic age, and species abundance, we performed simulations for Mh, Mr, Ma, and Mt. In all simulations, we set the community size at J = 20,000. We also set the speciation rate heritability parameter L at L = 0.001 for Ma and Mt. With point mutation speciation, we simulated three levels of speciation rates for Mh, v = 0.0005, 0.002, and 0.01, and three speciation rate ranges [vmin, vmax] for Mr, Ma, and Mt: small (0.001, 0.0035), intermediate [0.0001, 0.01], and large [0.00001, 0.015]. With random fission speciation, we did parallel simulations with parameters v = 0.00001, 0.0001, and 0.001 for Mh and [vmin, vmax] = [0.001, 0.005], [0.0005, 0.005], and [0.00001, 0.01] for Mr, Ma, and Mt. For Mh, simulations were run for 50,000 generations (1 generation = J random death and replacement steps), which is sufficient for convergence. For other models, simulations were run until the average speciation rate stopped decreasing, which required up to 1,000,000 generations. Each of the 24 cases was repeated 200 times. To examine the relationships between phylogenetic age and abundance, we plotted the average age and its SD in different abundance bins. For simulations with mutation speciation (Figs. 1 and 3; Figs. S2 and S4), the bins are 1, 2–100, 101–300, 301–500, 501–700, 701–1,500, and >1,500; for fission speciation (Figs. 1 and 3; Figs. S3 and S5), bins are 1–50, 51–100, 101–150, 151–200, 201–300, 301–500, and >500. Other sets of bins were examined and produced the same qualitative patterns. In addition, we simulated age–abundance relationships in randomly chosen subsets of the species present (20%) to mimic incomplete phylogenies and reconstructed the phylogeny in the model based only on the subsample (Figs. S4 and S5). We also 1. Wang S, Chen A, Fang J, Pacala SW (2013) Speciation rates decline through time in individual-based models of speciation and extinction. Am Nat 182(3): E83–E93. 2. Hubbell SP (2001) The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography (Princeton Univ Press, Princeton, NJ). 3. Hubbell SP (2003) Modes of speciation and the lifespans of species under neutrality: A response to the comment of Robert E. Ricklefs. Oikos 100(1):193–199. 4. Volkov I, Banavar JR, Hubbell SP, Maritan A (2003) Neutral theory and relative species abundance in ecology. Nature 424(6952):1035–1037. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 simulated protracted speciation by assuming that new daughter species are recognizable as separate species only after they have diverged from their parents for at least 10 generations (200,000 random death and replacement steps). New species younger than 10 generations were merged with their parental species when calculating the phylogeny and abundances. We also used an approximate algorithm (1, 8) to study the age– abundance relationship at realistically large temporal and spatial scales under the random fission speciation. Specifically, the change of population size from time T to time T + 1 for each species can be approximated as a Brownian motion process, with the mean change equal to zero and variance proportional to the duration (1,000 generations in our simulations) and initial population size (NT). Meanwhile, there is a small probability (i.e., the product of total births 1,000NT and per capita speciation rate v) that the species undergoes fission and produces a new species (population size: n0). The approximate algorithm is NT+1 = Rnormð NT ; 1;000NT · s Þ; with probability : 1 − 1;000NT · v : Rnormð NT − n0 ; 1;000NT · s Þ; with probability : 1;000NT · v where Rnorm(u, w) represents the normal distribution with mean u and variance w, and s denotes the per capita (demographic and environmental) stochasticity. Without considering environmental stochasticity, s is equal to 2 because each individual undergoes on average two events of birth and/or death in one generation. With this approximate algorithm, we simulated a neutral community with size J = 1010, a range of per capita speciation rates [vmin, vmax] = [10−18, 10−11], and heritability parameter L = vmax/5. For each simulation, the community starts from one species with per capita speciation rate v0 = 5 × 10−12 and is run for 5,000 time steps (i.e., five million generations). Without environmental stochasticity, some species abundances in simulations sometimes reached ten millions (107), and some phylogenetic ages reached millions of generations. Like the exact results from simulations of small neutral communities, the age–abundance relationships from the approximations of large communities were flat in model Mh and increasing in the extended models (Mr, Ma, and Mt; Fig. S11). When environmental stochasticity was included (8), average species abundance increased and average phylogenetic age decreased. However, the predictions for the shape of the age– abundance relationship (flat or increasing) were qualitatively unchanged (Fig. S11). 5. McKane AJ, Alonso D, Solé RV (2000) Mean-field stochastic theory for species-rich assembled communities. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics 62(6 Pt B):8466–8484. 6. Vallade M, Houchmandzadeh B (2003) Analytical solution of a neutral model of biodiversity. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 68(6 Pt 1):061902. 7. Alonso D, McKane AJ (2004) Sampling Hubbell’s neutral theory of biodiversity. Ecol Lett 7(10):901–910. 8. Allen AP, Savage VM (2007) Setting the absolute tempo of biodiversity dynamics. Ecol Lett 10(7):637–646. 4 of 13 Fig. S1. Spatial distribution of the 48 plots in the Panama Canal watershed. The map is adapted from the Center for Tropical Forest Study (CTFS) website (https://ctfs.arnarb.harvard.edu/Public/Datasets/PanamaPlotSummary/PanamaPlots.html). Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 5 of 13 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 Abundance bin log10(age) 1.0 6 2.0 3 5 7 0 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 log10(age) 2.0 2.0 Abundance bin 1.0 log10(age) 7 5 1.0 log10(age) log10(age) 2.0 1 0.0 2.0 Mt 1.0 log10(age) Large 1 Abundance bin 0.0 Intermediate 4 Abundance bin 1.0 log10(age) 7 Abundance bin Small 7 0.0 2.0 Ma 1.0 Large log10(age) Intermediate 5 Abundance bin 0.0 Small 3 3 0.0 2.0 1.0 log10(age) 1 7 Abundance bin 2 Abundance bin 3 3 1 2 1 7 0.0 2.0 Mr 1.0 Large log10(age) Intermediate 5 Abundance bin 0.0 Small 3 0.0 2.0 1.0 1 7 1 5 1 3 5 Abundance bin 7 1.0 3 Abundance bin 0.0 1 log10(age) Mh 0.0 3.0 v=0.01 1.5 v=0.002 0.0 v=0.0005 log10(age) B A 1 3 5 7 Abundance bin Fig. S2. (A) Scatter plots of simulated phylogenetic age (generations) and abundance with mutation speciation for 200 runs of each model. For model Mh, three levels of speciation rate were simulated: v = 0.0005, 0.002, and 0.01; for models with variable speciation rates (Mr, Ma, and Mt), three speciation rate ranges (vmin, vmax), small (0.001, 0.0035), intermediate (0.0001, 0.01), and large (0.00001, 0.015), were simulated. Other parameters are community size J = 20,000 and heritability parameter L = 0.001. All simulations were repeated 200 times. (B) Mean age (solid lines) along with abundance (x axis) binned from rarest to the most abundant by 1, 2–100, 101–300, 301–500, 501–700, 701–1,500, and >1,500. The dashed lines mark ±SD. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 6 of 13 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Abundance bin 5 6 2.0 1 3 5 7 log10(age) 2.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 log10(age) 1 2 3 4 5 Abundance bin 3 5 7 Abundance bin 1.5 log10(age) 5 4 Abundance bin 0.5 Mt 1.5 log10(age) Large 6 Abundance bin 0.5 Intermediate 5 1.5 log10(age) 6 Abundance bin Small 4 0.5 Ma 1.5 log10(age) Large 3 Abundance bin 0.5 Intermediate 2 3 0.5 log10(age) 1 2 Abundance bin 1.5 log10(age) 5 Abundance bin Small 1 2.0 1 7 0.5 Mr 1.5 Large log10(age) Intermediate 5 Abundance bin 0.5 Small 3 1.5 log10(age) 1 0.5 2.0 7 0.5 5 6 2.0 3 Abundance bin 0.5 1 log10(age) Mh 1.0 v=0.001 2.5 v=0.0001 log10(age) B v=0.00001 1.5 A 1 3 5 7 Abundance bin Fig. S3. (A) Scatter plots of simulated phylogenetic age (generations) and abundance with fission speciation for 200 runs of each model. For model Mh, three levels of speciation rate were simulated: v = 0.00001, 0.0001, and 0.001; for models with variable speciation rates (Mr, Ma, and Mt), three speciation rate ranges (vmin, vmax), small (0.001, 0.005), intermediate (0.0005, 0.005), and large (0.00001, 0.01), were simulated. Other parameters are community size J = 20,000 and heritability parameter L = 0.001. All simulations were repeated 200 times. (B) Mean age (solid lines) along with abundance (x axis) binned from rarest to the most abundant by 1–50, 51–100, 101–150, 151–200, 201–300, 301–500, and >500. The dashed lines mark ±SD. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 7 of 13 7 1 7 1 3 5 1 1 3 5 Abundance bin 7 2 3 log10(age) Sampling: 20% 1 3 5 Abundance bin 3 5 7 Abundance bin 1 1.0 log10(age) Mt 1 2.0 7 4 2.0 5 Abundance bin 0.0 log10(age) 3 7 2.5 log10(age) 3 7 5 Age > 10 3.0 5 3.0 4.0 5 Sampling: 20% Abundance bin 3 Abundance bin 1 log10(age) 3 2 log10(age) 1 3 2.0 log10(age) 1 7 0 1 7 Age > 10 Abundance bin Ma 5 1.0 3.5 Sampling: 20% Abundance bin 3 Abundance bin 1.0 5 1 7 2.0 log10(age) 1.0 0.0 3 5 0.5 2.0 Mr 1 3 Abundance bin 7 Age > 10 2.0 5 1.0 3 Abundance bin log10(age) log10(age) 0.0 1 Age > 10 1.0 3.0 log10(age) Sampling: 20% 1.5 2.0 Mh 1.0 log10(age) B 0.0 A 1 3 5 7 Abundance bin Fig. S4. (A) Scatter plots of simulated age (generations) and abundance under mutation speciation (first column), mutation speciation with only a subset of 20% of species sampled (second column), and with protracted mutation speciation, where daughter species were considered to be indistinguishable form their parents for 10 generations (third column). For Mh, we used the speciation rate v = 0.002; for Mr, Ma, and Mt, we used the scenario with largest variation in speciation rate in Fig. S2. (B) Mean age (solid lines) along with abundance (x axis) binned from rarest to the most abundant by 1, 2–100, 101–300, 301–500, 501– 700, 701–1,500, and >1,500. The dashed lines mark ±SD. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 8 of 13 7 1 7 1 3 5 1 7 3.0 2.0 log10(age) 1 7 3.0 log10(age) Sampling: 20% 1 3 5 Abundance bin 3 5 7 Abundance bin 2.5 log10(age) 5 7 1.0 2.0 log10(age) 0.5 3 Abundance bin 5 7 Age > 10 Abundance bin Mt 1 3 5 1.0 Sampling: 20% Abundance bin 3 Abundance bin 2.5 log10(age) 5 3.0 1 4.0 3 2.0 log10(age) 7 1.0 2.0 log10(age) 0.5 1 7 Age > 10 Abundance bin Ma 5 1.0 3.0 Sampling: 20% Abundance bin 3 Abundance bin 2.0 log10(age) 5 5 1.0 2.0 log10(age) 0.5 3 3 Abundance bin Mr 1 log10(age) 1.0 1 7 2.0 3.5 2.5 log10(age) 5 Abundance bin 7 Age > 10 2.0 3 Age > 10 1.0 1 Sampling: 20% 1.5 Mh 2.0 log10(age) B 1.0 A 1 3 5 7 Abundance bin Fig. S5. (A) Scatter plots of simulated age (generations) and abundance under fission speciation (first column), fissions speciation with only a subset of 20% of species sampled (second column), and with protracted fission speciation, where daughter species were considered to be indistinguishable form their parents for 10 generations (third column). For Mh, we used the speciation rate v = 0.0001; for Mr, Ma, and Mt, we used the scenario with largest variation in speciation rate in Fig. S3. (B) Mean age (solid lines) along with abundance (x axis) binned from rarest to the most abundant by 1–50, 51–100, 101–150, 151–200, 201–300, 301–500, and >500. The dashed lines mark ±SD. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 9 of 13 4096 1 4 16 64 512 4 16 128 40 1 2048 4 16 128 2048 abundance I Species richness Mt Mh 0 0 64 256 30 2048 10 20 30 40 50 Species richness 40 30 20 10 16 abundance 8 10 0 1 Species richness 4 Ma Mh abundance 0 1 2048 6 Species richness 30 4096 H 128 F abundance G 4 16 abundance 20 Species richness 30 20 10 0 4 1 0 5 10 40 E 1 20 512 4096 abundance D Species richness 16 64 4 512 2 16 64 abundance 10 20 30 40 50 4 0 0 1 Mr Mh 10 20 30 40 Species richness C 10 10 20 30 40 Species richness B 0 Species richness A 1 4 16 64 512 4096 abundance 1 4 16 128 2048 abundance Fig. S6. Comparing the species abundance distributions for variable speciation rate models and the original neutral theory of biodiversity models (Mh), under mutation speciation. Thick bars are averages from simulations for each variable speciation rate model capped by thin bars showing 1 SD. Green, orange, and blue lines shows our analytic solutions, whereas black lines show the log-series curve of model Mh with same average speciation rate (4). Results for models Mr, Ma, and Mt are shown in A–C, D–F, and G–I, respectively. Results under scenarios A, D, and G correspond to small; B, E, and H correspond to intermediate; and C, F, and I correspond to large variation in speciation rate, which are defined in the legend for Fig. S2. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 10 of 13 1 2 4 8 128 32 250 1 4 64 32 abundance 64 256 2048 128 350 250 Mh 150 150 250 Species richness I 1 2 4 8 16 abundance 0 8 16 abundance 250 128 50 Species richness 250 150 0 50 4 256 150 Species richness 1 2 4 8 H 2 64 Mh abundance G 16 0 50 250 128 abundance 1 4 F 150 Species richness 250 150 0 50 32 1 abundance E 1 2 4 8 150 128 0 50 D Species richness 32 abundance 0 50 32 abundance Species richness Species richness 150 0 1 2 4 8 Mh 0 50 250 C 50 150 250 Species richness B 0 50 Species richness A 1 4 16 64 256 abundance Fig. S7. Comparing the species abundance distributions for variable speciation rate models and the original neutral theory of biodiversity models (Mh), under random fission speciation. Thick bars are averages from simulations for each variable speciation rate model capped by thin bars showing 1 SD. Black lines show multinomial curve of model Mh with same average speciation rate (5). Results for models Mr, Ma, and Mt are shown in A–C, D–F, and G–I, respectively. Results under scenarios A, D, and G correspond to small; B, E, and H correspond to intermediate; and C, F, and I correspond to large variation in speciation rate, which are defined as in Fig. S3. Fig. S8. Relationship between speciation rate and abundance under mutation speciation. Points are simulated data (200 repeats of each model), and red lines showed analytic solutions of the corresponding model (SI Text). Results for models Mr, Ma, and Mt are shown in A–C, D–F, and G–I, respectively. Results under scenarios A, D, and G correspond to small; B, E, and H correspond to intermediate; and C, F, and I correspond to large variation in speciation rate, which are defined as in Fig. S2. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 11 of 13 Slope Ma Mt Mh Mr Ma Mt No Small Intermediate Large -0.002 0.002 Mh Mr 0.006 B -0.0020 Slope A -0.0005 0.0005 Fig. S9. Relationship between speciation rate and abundance under random fission speciation. Points are simulated data (200 repeats of each model), and red lines show the moving average. Results for models Mr, Ma, and Mt are shown in A–C, D–F, and G–I, respectively. Results under scenarios A, D, and G correspond to small; B, E, and H correspond to intermediate; and C, F, and I correspond to large variation in speciation rate, which are defined as in Fig. S3. No Small Intermediate Large Variation in speciation rate Variation in speciation rate Fig. S10. Distribution of regression slopes from ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions [log10(age) vs. abundance] of the simulated data from each of the 200 runs summarized in Figs. S2 and S3 under mutation (A) and fission speciation (B). See the main text for model definition. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 12 of 13 Fig. S11. Age–abundance relationship approximately simulated for large communities without (A: s = 2) and with environmental stochasticity (B: s = 100). Parameters: J = 1010, [vmin, vmax] = [10−18, 10−11], L = vmax/5. Abundance bins are 1–2 × 106, 2 × 106–4 × 106, 4 × 106–6 × 106, 6 × 106–8 × 106, and >8 × 106 for A and 1–2 × 107, 2 × 107–4 × 107, 4 × 107–6 × 107, 6 × 107–8 × 107, 8 × 107–108, and >108 for B. Solid lines and dashed lines showed the average and SD of (logtransformed) age in each abundance bin. Wang et al. www.pnas.org/cgi/content/short/1314992110 13 of 13
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