1 1* Patricia L. Mokhtarian If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse? Abstract: Saving travel has always been a motivation for the creation and use of information and communication technologies. So with the ongoing spread of ever-improving technologies, why do travel and congestion continue to increase? Twelve reasons for this paradoxical result are presented, as well as four reasons why some substitution can be expected. Keywords: complementarity, dematerialization, ICT, rebound effect, telecommuting, telework, transportation demand management (TDM) 1. INTRODUCTION Since the dawn of human history, people have devised means of communicating at a distance (e.g., Crowley and Heyer, 2006). At first, we used sound (trumpets, bells, tom-tom drums) or sight (signal flares on hilltops, flags on ships) to exchange information efficiently. The development of tools for written communication (hieroglyphs, alphabets, paper, movable type) increased our ability to telecommunicate many-fold, and the brief period of electronic communication that we have experienced so far (radio, telegraph, land-line telephone, television, fax, internet, mobile phone) has raised that ability by several more orders of magnitude. Saving travel has been at least an implicit motivation for the creation of telecommunication technologies from the beginning. By the time the telephone was invented in the latter part of the 1800s, that motivation became explicit: letters and articles appearing in the London Spectator and The Times in 1879 speculated on the potential of the telephone to replace face-to-face meetings (Albertson, 1980; de Sola Pool, 1979), and the science fiction of H. G. Wells (“When the Sleeper Wakes”, 1899) and E. M. Forster (“The Machine Stops”, 1909) imagined videoconferencing (or the “kineto-tele-photograph”, as Wells put it) accomplishing the same purpose. As far back as the 1960s (Owen, 1962), researchers and planners began to explore the potential of *Corresponding Author Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616 USA, voice: 1-530-752-7062, fax: 1-530-752-7872, e-mail: plmokhtarian@ucdavis.edu 1 telecommunications for reducing travel, and the energy crisis of the 1970s prompted a number of additional studies (e.g. Harkness, 1977). Thus, the modern hope that computers and the networks to which they are connected could help alleviate urban congestion is not particularly new. Surely, however, as information and communications technology (ICT) has gotten cheaper, easier to use, more effective, and more widely available in recent years, and as its use, therefore, has soared — surely its impact on congestion must be quite powerful by now? This does not seem to be the case: travel by any measure continues to increase in general, and metropolitan congestion in particular shows little sign of abating. In the United States, for example, the average number of phone calls for every man, woman and child rose 20% from 1984 (1,484 per year) to 2004 (1,781 per year) (Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2008). Internet-using households comprised some 70% of the population in 20041, up from a negligible percentage in 1984, and mobile phone penetration shows a similar trend2. Yet during roughly the same period, the average annual miles driven per driver increased 34%, from 10,288 in 1983 to 13,785 in 2001 (Liss et al., 2005), and the average annual hours of delay per traveler in the 437 urban areas of the country increased 2.6-fold, from 14 in 1982 to 37 in 2004 (Schrank and Lomax, 2007). What produces this paradoxical result? In the following section, I present 12 explanations. The third section briefly links the discussion to the literatures on rebound effects and <http://www.internetworldstats.com/am/us.htm>, accessed July 22, 2008. 1 2 <http://files.ctia.org/pdf/CTIA_Semiannual_Wireless_Survey_YE2003. pdf>, accessed July 22, 2008. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research (2009) 1: (1-17) DOI 10.3328/TL.2009.01.01.1-17 J. Ross Publishing, Inc. © 2009 2 Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research dematerialization. The fourth section offers four countervailing observations, supporting the expectation that ICT will replace (some) travel. A fifth section concludes the paper. Most of the principles presented here are not new — many are at least 30 years old. The contribution of the paper lies to some extent in the organization and exposition of those principles, and to a greater extent in the assembly of considerable empirical evidence to support what was, until relatively recently, largely speculation. 2. WHY DOES ICT APPARENTLY NOT REDUCE TRAVEL? The twelve answers to the title question can be divided into two groups: passive reasons versus active ones. The five passive reasons help explain why ICT does not always automatically substitute for travel, while the remaining seven describe mechanisms by which ICT actively increases travel. 2.1 Not all activities have an ICT counterpart Let us begin with the obvious, but often-neglected, basics. Although technology is constantly pushing the envelope, location still matters, in several ways. First, so far we still need, or in some cases at least strongly prefer, the co-location of human beings for certain types of activities. For example, though surgical instruments can be manipulated remotely (e.g. Morris, 2005), in most cases a cadre of medical staff will still be on site to perform the surgery and care for the patient. The robot has not yet been invented that will change an infant’s diaper or comfort a child who has been hurt. Even at a more mundane level, machines do not yet cut our hair. Second, we need human workers in specific locations to perform activities involving specific objects. Examples include gardening, cleaning house, repairing vehicles, and fixing the plumbing. Third, we need material objects, rather than digital files, for food, clothing, shelter, and amenities. Each of these cases is an example of the “coupling constraints” of Hagerstrand (1970), and in each instance, humans and/or material objects need to be physically transported to specific locations (Memmott, 1963) — an ICT alternative simply does not exist. Although we can strive to reduce our demand for physical objects and personal services, and to reduce the travel required to meet minimal demands (through choosing closer supplies and suppliers, as well as more efficient routing and scheduling), and although ICTs such as mobile phones can certainly loosen some coupling constraints (Dijst, forthcoming), we can never entirely eliminate these needs as long as we are corporeal beings. 2.2 Even when an ICT alternative exists in theory, it may not be practically feasible It is also easy to overlook this transparent fact, but just because technology exists does not mean it is always available (an instance of Hagerstrand’s “capability constraints”). The typical professional society meeting, for example, does not have a teleconferencing alternative. Online grocery shopping is still not offered in many areas, and has been discontinued in others (Murphy, 2007)3. Broadband internet access is not (yet) ubiquitous. For that matter, in some places (“cold spots”?) neither is telephone service, whether landline or mobile. Several scholars have commented on the physical equipment required to maintain virtual connectivity. At the system level, even wireless networks require control hubs and transmission towers, and at the individual level, the presence of an ICT network does a person little good if the battery dies or the hard drive crashes. There are also place-based societal (rather than technological) restrictions on the use of ICT (Hagerstrand’s “authority constraints”), as when mobile phone use is prohibited in theaters, or while using some means of transport. And finally, some feasibility constraints are due to the lack of knowledge or the economic means to access ICT equipment or services (e.g. Schwanen and Kwan, 2008). 2.3 Even when feasible, ICT is not always a desirable substitute The point that ICT is not always an acceptable replacement for “being there” is another issue readily neglected by technological enthusiasts, but ordinary people are well aware of it. A conference fulfills many functions beyond the straightforward exchange of information made possible by teleconferencing (assuming it were available): it signals the importance of the meeting to the participants; it may take place in a high-amenity location, it may enable side trips or activities such as visiting friends or other desirable places, it constitutes an escape from the routine or pressures of work and home, it may be a symbol of status, and it facilitates interpersonal relationships both within and outside the confines of the minimally-necessary information exchange (Aguilera, 2008). Similar arguments can be made about other putative substitutes for travel (Day, 1973). Commuting to a conventional workplace potentially fulfills a number of functions For a recent list of services and locations serviced, see <http://mashable. com/2008/06/05/online-grocery-shopping/>, accessed July 18, 2008. 3 If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse? 3 that telecommuting cannot readily replicate: access to an activity-rich work vicinity, serendipitous social encounters, visibility to upper management, tangible trappings of status (a nice office, a secretary), and escape from domestic pressures, among others. A number of researchers (e.g. Kraut, et al., 2002a) have commented on the value of face-to-face interaction in a work context, even in the Information Age. One recent analysis (Torre, 2008) points to the role of ICT in fostering collaborative work among distant colleagues, but argues that at least “temporary geographical proximity” (involving episodic face-to-face encounters) is still essential. Given that it is “[t]he mobility of individuals, which makes it possible to implement this mechanism” (p. 870), the implication is one of more travel rather than less. Similarly, Urry (2004 and elsewhere) eloquently argues for the importance to social interactions of occasional physical copresence requiring travel, echoing a point of view expressed as early as 1977 (Albertson). In the same vein, store shopping can serve a number of needs beyond the purely functional (Tauber, 1972; Mokhtarian, 2004). It affords opportunities for social interaction with friends, store personnel, and casual passersby (Chung, 2002). Entertainment/leisure activities may be bundled at the same shopping location (such as the multiplex cinema in the shopping mall; the coffee shop in the bookstore; or the aquarium, theme park, and racecar track in the Mall of America; see, e.g., Kaufman, 1995 and www.mallofamerica. com), and for some people, the activity of shopping itself is a form of leisure or entertainment (Salomon and Koppelman, 1988). Mall-walking as a type of deliberate exercise is common in the U.S., particularly among seniors, and even if one does not systematically “take four laps around the mall” as many do, the mere act of shopping can be a welcome form of physical activity. In some cases it is a deliberate break from a long stretch of being sedentary (e.g. shopping on one’s lunch hour during the workday) or isolated (Gould and Golob, 1997), or reflects the need for escape or simply for a change of scenery. 2.4 Travel carries a positive utility As hinted in the preceding section, one reason why ICT is not always a desirable substitute for travel is that travel can be valued for its own sake — i.e. the motivation to travel can be intrinsic or “autotelic”, in psychological parlance (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi, 1990), as opposed to extrinsic or instrumental to achieving some other end. This is another principle that is often overlooked by transportation specialists (who are taught that the demand for travel is derived from the demand for spatially separated activities), but which is at least instinctively understood by “regular people”. Adventure-seeking, conquest, variety-seeking, independence, control, status, exposure to the environment, information-gathering, curiosity, escape, exercise, mental therapy, scenery, synergy, and the need for a transition zone are among the reasons people travel, or travel more than they must (e.g. by choosing longer routes, or more distant destinations, for a trip that needs to be made anyway). Collectively, these motivations are readily accepted in the case of leisure activities (many of which — hiking, sailing, skiing, and so on — are themselves travel; Borgers et al., 1989; Elias and Dunning, 1986; Landers and Arent, 2001; Tinsley and Eldredge, 1995), as well as tourism (Nicolau, 2008), exploration (Anderson, 1970; Pasternak, 2003) and migration (IOM, 2005). A number of scholars suggest that they apply — to some extent — in the context of everyday urban travel and long-distance business travel as well (e.g. Albertson, 1977; Couclelis, 2000; Metz, 2004; Mokhtarian and Salomon, 2001; and the special double issue of Transportation Research Part A on the positive utility of travel, Vol. 39, Nos. 2 & 3). Of course, the derived demand paradigm is still quite useful, and it seems likely that the increment of daily travel that can be attributed purely to these autotelic needs is relatively small (though perhaps not negligible). But it also seems likely that much of our “derived” travel is fulfilling a dual role: getting us to desired destinations, while simultaneously satisfying our need to travel for its own sake. This observation not only applies to short-term travel choices, but extends backwards in time to our medium-term choices of activity types and locations, and to our longer-term choices of residential and job locations (Handy et al., 2005) — all of which may, consciously or unconsciously, take into account a fundamental need to travel for its own sake. To the extent the autotelic role is in play, individuals will be much less inclined to adopt ICT substitutes for travel. Consider commuting, the trip purpose considered most important in the standard hierarchy of mandatory, maintenance, and leisure purposes (Reichman, 1976). A number of scholars (e.g. Ory et al., 2004; Redmond and Mokhtarian, 2001; Richter, 1990; Salomon, 1985) have pointed out the benefits of commuting (though some of those benefits relate to activities conducted while traveling rather than the travel itself, as discussed further in Section 2.9), and the popular press apparently has no trouble finding ordinary commuters to corroborate those effects (see references within the works already cited). In an empirical study of telecommuting, Mokhtarian and Salomon (1997) identified an attitudinal factor they called “commute benefit”, and found that high scores on that factor significantly reduced the preference to telecommute. And as suggested in Section 2.3, one can similarly attribute some of the aforementioned positive qualities of travel to shopping trips, a “maintenance” trip purpose 4 Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research which is also considered more or less obligatory under the derived demand paradigm. 2.5 Not all uses of ICT constitute a replacement of travel Understanding that the ICT version of an activity is not always a good substitute helps us to realize that in many cases, the ICT version is undertaken not as an alternative to traveling to the activity, but as an alternative to not conducting the activity at all. In those cases, ICT augments the set of activities conducted, but does not (directly) replace any. In some situations, that means that ICT is assumed to be a “second-best” way of participating in the activity, when the “first-best” way of being there in person is not possible or practical. For example, distance learning is a growing segment of the education market, and can be (though is not always) an effective means of conveying knowledge (Bernard and Abrami, 2004). Few would argue, however, that it is just as good as being on a campus and in a classroom, but rather that the latter option offers a far richer social and pedagogical experience. On the other hand, the alternative for many if not most distance learners is not to travel to a campus and sit in a classroom, but rather to forgo the education altogether. That is, distance learning extends an educational opportunity to those who could not otherwise take part, because of distance, cost, time, or other constraints. Similar comments have been made about the ability of teleconferencing to make it possible for people to attend a meeting who otherwise could not have (e.g. Albertson, 1977). Although social exclusion is a legitimate concern, the internet is enriching the lives of countless people who have serious mobility limitations, by increasing at least the virtual accessibility of people and places (e.g. Kenyon, et al., 2002). And ICT is allowing new patterns of quasi-continuous “connected presence” to develop, in which frequent text messages and other telecommunications between family members or close friends emphasizes their presence-within-absence (Licoppe and Smoreda, 2005). In other situations (including, perhaps, some of the examples just offered), the in-person version of the activity may not even be considered “first-best”, or desirable. Hilty (2008, p. 42) perceptively comments, “Can working at home ever be functionally equivalent to working at the office? We think that people do telework not because telepresence is functionally equivalent to, but because it is different from, physical presence! We think that virtual substitutes for physical processes will never be functionally equivalent to the physical processes, but will always have some advantages and disadvantages as compared with physical processes. To ask for functional equivalence is misleading, because it denies the different quality of the virtual alternative.” Some portion of internet shopping constitutes purchases on impulse, or of specialized items not available locally. In those cases, the consumer may not have wished that the items were available in local stores instead, but rather is content with ordering exactly what she wants online. If the online option did not exist, the consumer would not have gone to the store to seek an item she did not even know she would be buying, or which she had reason to think would not be there. Similarly, considering the ease of broadcasting and forwarding, probably most e-mail messages would not have been sent by another means — certainly not by face-to-face communication — if e-mail did not exist. This observation is consistent with the unique character of e-mail (compared to other forms of ICT) found in several studies (e.g. Meenakshisundaram and Mokhtarian, 1999; Dijst, forthcoming). Overall, it seems that ICT is indeed growing more rapidly than travel, and is likely to continue to do so (Mokhtarian, 2003). To date, however, it does not follow that travel is actually declining, whether measured on a per capita or total basis. It has simply been growing more slowly than ICT. As discussed further in Section 4.3, however, this historical relationship could be altered, in favor of more substitution, by the rising costs of travel. Figure 1 schematically illustrates the discussion so far. The first three reasons (together with the fourth, as a special case of the third) successively filter the set of all place-based activities, eliminating activities that are either impossible, difficult, or not preferable to conduct via ICT. Conversely, the fifth reason filters out ICT-based activities that are either impossible, difficult, or not preferable to conduct via travel. (We could have had a symmetric figure, successively distinguishing the subsets of ICT activities that have no travel counterpart, that may nominally have such a counterpart but for which travel is not feasible in every circumstance, and for which travel is feasible but not desirable. But from the standpoint of the desired effect of reducing travel, it is more important to make those distinctions among activities involving travel). The remaining intersection, consisting of activities for which an individual is able and willing to replace travel by ICT, is at least conceptually relatively small. We now turn to the seven ways in which ICT actively stimulates more travel. The first four reasons in this group belong together: in all cases the question is, what happens when ICT frees time and/or money by eliminating or altering some activities? Section 2.6 considers the general case, replaced by ICT ICT not desirable ICT not feasible no ICT counterpart If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse? 5 ICT activities that don’t replace travel activities conducted via travel activities conducted via ICT Figure 1. Schematic relationship among activities involving travel and those involving ICT while Sections 2.7 - 2.9 treat some idiosyncratic aspects of the special case in which travel itself is the activity being altered. Section 2.7 deals with saving money on travel. With respect to freeing travel time, Section 2.8 takes the system-level perspective, in which ICT is used to improve the efficiency of the transportation network, whereas Section 2.9 reflects the individual’s use of ICT while traveling. Thus, these four sections deal with short-term indirect mechanisms: first ICT affects a given activity, which then has travel-stimulating consequences. Section 2.10 makes the case for ICT directly stimulating travel, through several means. And Sections 2.11 and 2.12 describe longer-term, more systemic impacts of ICT that result in greater travel. 2.6 ICT saves time and/or money for other activities In general, ICT has enabled some activities (such as paying bills, accessing and distributing information, performing mathematical calculations) to be conducted faster, and has (at least in some circumstances) altogether eliminated some activities (such as individually calling or mailing physical documents to every member of a group). The elimination of travel through the use of ICT to perform the activity is also included here (i.e., the familiar examples of “tele-substitution”, such as telecommuting, teleconferencing, teleshopping, distance learning, telemedicine, and so on — when those applications actually do remove or at least shorten a trip, which, as discussed in Section 2.5, is not always the case). By eliminating or speeding up some activities, ICT saves time for other activities — some of which may involve travel, and some of which may be travel. Thus, for example, one of the early concerns raised about telecommuting (e.g. Mokhtarian, 1991) was that the saved commute time might be used to make other trips. However, with respect to telecommuting in particular, this effect has not been empirically observed to any appreciable extent (Mokhtarian, 1998). Many telecommuters appear to be “travel-saturated” from the days on which they still commute, and tend not to travel much at all on telecommuting days. In other cases, trips made on telecommuting days are simply shifted from other times, e.g. from the weekend to a work day. When new trips are generated by telecommuters, they tend to be shorter, off-peak, and sometimes by benign modes such as walking or bicycling, so that the net impact of teleworking is still positive. On the other hand, the potential trip generation impacts of other forms of tele-substitution have been less well-studied. It seems likely, for example, that some of the time and money saved by teleconferencing for routine meetings is permitting other trips, for creating or solidifying new business relationships, or to more interesting places — trips that otherwise would have been crowded out by the demands of routine business travel. Similarly, money saved by finding bargains online may be spent on more consumer goods, involving transportation in their manufacture, distribution, and acquisition (Mokhtarian, 2004; Williams and Tagami, 2002). Such 6 Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research effects may be difficult to capture with typical cross-sectional self-reported behavioral data, since the connection between time/money saved and new trips being generated may not be perceived by the average survey respondent. While the primary focus of this paper is on personal activity, this effect (among others) has a counterpart for physical goods. For example, Milgrom and Roberts (1990) and Milgrom et al. (1991) describe the role of ICT in increasing the efficiency of manufacturing and inventory systems, thereby lowering costs, and hence supporting the production of more goods, which require more transportation. (We discuss a similar role in logistics systems under Section 2.8). 2.7 ICT permits travel to be sold more cheaply When the activity affected by ICT is travel itself, money can be saved not just by the elimination of the travel activity altogether, but also when the unit price of travel is lowered. For both business and leisure purposes, the internet and other ICTs have revolutionized travel marketing (e.g. Buhalis and Licata, 2002). The ability to save money by comparing prices, receiving price alerts, and making last-minute purchases of trips can increase travel through several different means. First, it could simply reduce the cost of a trip that was going to be made anyway, and just as in the case of saving time described above, some of that savings could be spent on more travel. Second, it could allow the substitution of a more distant destination for a closer one: with a fixed monetary budget, if one can now go to Brazil instead of Boston, why not? (some would ask). And third, it could stimulate entirely new trips to be made, as more trips fall within the discretionary spending means of more people (this variation could also be classified under the direct stimulation of travel, discussed in Section 2.10). 2.8 ICT increases the efficiency of the transportation system, making travel more attractive ICT has impacts not just at a personal level, but at a system level as well. One such impact could be the increased speed resulting from a drop in demand if non-negligible amounts of telecommunications substitution were achieved. Speeds can also be increased through ICT applications to system management and control. Either way, when the (time and/or money) cost of travel is lowered, economic theory indicates that the demand for it will rise. The role of ICT in improving the efficiency of the transportation network is many-faceted, and well-established. The telegraph not only initially followed railroad rights-of- way, it quickly became essential for system control (Spar, 2001). Increasingly today, various Intelligent Transportation System applications such as in-vehicle navigation systems with real-time traffic information, electronic toll collection, signal timing, highway ramp metering, and so on act to speed travel, and/or to accommodate higher volumes of travel without decreasing speeds (e.g. Bekiaris and Nakanishi, 2004). Over the long term, the dream is of sophisticated collision-avoidance and other technologies that will permit platooning of vehicles at high speeds (e.g. Parent, 2004). The congestion-improvement goals of such applications are laudable, but if history is any guide, increasing the speed of travel (whether through making more efficient use of existing capacity, or adding new capacity) does not ultimately reduce trips or improve congestion. In the near term, Downs (2004, pp. 82-86) points to the phenomenon of “triple convergence”, in which newly-available capacity prompts travelers to shift time, route, and/or mode so as to take advantage of the higher speeds, while in the long run, new travel demand is generated by the improved accessibility of spatially-dispersed locations (e.g. Zahavi and Talvitie, 1980; Schafer and Victor, 2000; also see Gwilliam and Geerlings, 1994). On the freight side, similar mechanisms are at work. The cost and time of goods movement is being reduced through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Global Positioning System (GPS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and other ICT-based technologies and services (e.g. McFarlane and Sheffi, 2003; Mukhopadhyay et al., 1995) — which lowers the price of goods, which increases their demand, which increases the demand for transporting the raw ingredients and finished products (e.g. Hilty et al., 2006; Milgrom and Roberts, 1990; Milgrom et al., 1991). 2.9 Personal ICT use can increase the productivity and/or enjoyment of travel time Section 2.4 spoke of the positive utility of travel itself. In addition to the utility of reaching a desired destination — the conventional derived demand view of travel — Mokhtarian and Salomon (2001) refer to one more component of the “tripartite nature of the utility of travel”: the utility of activities conducted while traveling. It has always been possible to conduct activities while traveling (talking to companions, looking at scenery, and, if not operating the vehicle, reading, sleeping, and so on), and the potential of such activities for increasing the utility of travel has been acknowledged — even if not emphasized — in the transportation literature for several decades (e.g., de Serpa, 1973). However, ICT broadens the scope of available options (commonly including speaking on the phone, sending text messages, working on a laptop, If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse? 7 browsing the internet, watching videos, and playing electronic games). Accordingly, recently a number of scholars have begun to speak of time spent traveling in positive, rather than its conventionally negative, terms. Lyons and Urry (2005) comment on the potential productivity and even ultra-productivity of time spent traveling, particularly in the context of ICT usage. Jain and Lyons (2008) point out that travel time can be a gift as well as a burden. Peters (2006, p. 1) notes that “travel not only takes time, … it also makes time” (emphasis original). By making travel time more enjoyable and/or productive, ICT at a minimum reduces the motivation to save travel time (e.g. by teleworking, or moving one’s residence), and at the margin may actively increase it (Lyons et al., 2007). A benign example of the latter effect occurs when one chooses a longer public transport commute over a shorter auto trip, in part because of the ability to work on the bus or train. A less benign example (from the standpoint of attempts to reduce travel) occurs when a professional can make more business trips because of the increased ability to remain connected to other clients and the main office while “on the road”. Thus, several researchers have counted the utility of activities conducted while traveling (as well as the utility of travel itself) among the possible explanations for observed increases (or, in some cases, stability) in per capita travel time (e.g. Littlejohn and Joly, 2007; Metz, 2008; van Wee et al., 2006). Others (Ettema and Verschuren, 2007) have found that, all else equal, those who listen to music while commuting value their travel time at a lower level than others (which, as they point out, may reflect the self-selection of a group of travelers who value comfort over time, but that merely supports the point). 2.10 ICT directly stimulates additional travel The mechanisms discussed so far have all operated either through negation (ICT is not an option at all, or is not available in this context, or is not a suitable substitute, or does not actually replace a trip), or through a chain of effects (ICT reduces the time and/or money cost of some activities, and some of the savings are spent on more travel). One of the most important mechanisms, however, may be the positive and direct role of ICT in stimulating additional travel. This mechanism can work in at least three different ways. First, the content of a telecommunicated message may directly invite travel. In some analyses we may focus too much on the travel behavior of the messenger, and fail to take into account the content of the message. To be sure, the military trumpets or church bells of old may have spared some messengers from having to deliver information in person, but the messages themselves said, “assemble for battle!”, or “come to the church — something important is about to happen!” The irony has not been lost on the student of communications history, that one of the first reported telephone messages consisted of Alexander Graham Bell saying “Mr. Watson, come here; I want to see you” — thereby generating a trip, even if only down the hallway to the next room4. Today, mobile telephony facilitates impromptu rendezvous (Licoppe, 2008) and “flash mobs” (Srivastava, 2005). Whether or not cost savings occur (as discussed in Section 2.7), the sheer volume of internet-based travel marketing can generate new trips. And in the near future, location-based marketing (e.g. Ngai and Gunasekaran, 2007) will generate numerous side trips to nearby stores. Second, by increasing accessibility to people, places, activities, events, information, and goods and services, ICT increases the engagement in activities that involve collateral travel, at least in some cases. This is something of a sequel to the principle of Section 2.5: ICT makes an activity available to people who otherwise wouldn’t have engaged in the activity at all — but now we add the observation that such activities often have some travel associated with them. Consider an early videoconference demonstration, which involved traveling to two locations with a video link between them, instead of to a single central site where the monthly meeting would normally have been held. The evaluation found that although per-capita distance traveled was lower for the videoconference, so many more people attended the meeting that total distance traveled was greater than for a typical meeting at the central location (Mokhtarian, 1988). Of course, a novelty effect could partly account for the higher attendance, but so also could the greater convenience of only having to travel a short distance. Similarly, consider a government report, or other document. Formerly, thousands of such documents would be physically printed and mailed. Now, a much smaller number is printed at the source, but by posting the document to the internet and/or e-mailing it widely, it is readily available to millions who would not otherwise have known of its existence (or bothered to request it). Only a fraction of those millions will print the document, but that fraction might be large enough to exceed the former number of copies. Delivery of thousands of finished documents through postal services has been replaced by delivery of many times that amount of paper and toner to distributed locations (Mokhtarian, 2004). For a third example, consider telemedicine, particularly its use to provide diagnostic services to remote populations. Because more people will use such a service, and more often, than would travel to be diagnosed in person, more condi4 E.g., <http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trr002.html,> accessed July 18, 2008. 8 Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research tions may be discovered than would otherwise have been the case — which may then require travel to an urban medical facility for treatment. For a fourth example: online dating services expand one’s set of social contacts, and some faceto-face meetings inevitably result. Other instances abound. Maps may now be considered a relatively low-tech ICT, but centuries ago, they were revolutionary. Several authors have commented on their power for stimulating travel, both for commerce (Spar, 2001) and for tourism (Perrottet, 2002). Today, the convenience of GPS-based navigation systems may embolden timid explorers to make numerous more forays into the unknown than would otherwise have been the case. Down through the ages, travel writing (and its graphic relatives — art, photography, and motion pictures) has stimulated countless readers/viewers to follow in the footsteps of the writer/artist. Today, the internet multiplies and intensifies the reach of that genre of communication. Couclelis (2000) adds another dimension to these first two types of direct effects. She observes (pp. 5-8) that, beyond the “explosion of the size of the contact sets of individuals and firms,” ICT has enabled an increasing fragmentation of activities in space and time. She hypothesizes that that fragmentation, involving the “interweaving and mutual dependence of physical mobility and electronic communication, not merely the spreading use of ICTs”, “is one of the reasons for the widely observed increases in travel demand in the industrialized world.” Third, by making communication essentially instantaneous, ICT fosters the expectation of rapid gratification. On the consumer side, some authors have observed that e-shopping is often accompanied by the demand for fastest-possible shipping, with air freight being far more energy-intensive than slower shipment by truck or rail (Matthews et al., 2001; Murtishaw and Schipper, 2001). On the goods movement side, it has been noted that the just-in-time (JIT) supply chain principle made possible by ICT can lead to more frequent deliveries at less-than-truckload (LTL) capacities, and/ or the increased reliance on energy-intensive and superiorservice modes (Hesse, 2002; Holmes, 2001). All of the reasons presented to this point can be considered short term, in that they can act more or less immediately, at the individual level. In the long term, however, individual effects aggregate up to the system level, feedback occurs, and new processes evolve (in contrast to merely new ways of conducting old processes). The effects of this longterm evolution can also be difficult to identify, particularly if one is looking for a straightforward replacement of “this” place-based activity with “that” ICT alternative. But those effects could be profound. In the remainder of this section, we mention two long-term reasons why ICT may stimulate travel. 2.11 ICT is an engine driving the increasing globalization of commerce The critical role played by ICT in the increasing globalization of commerce is virtually undisputed. Equally incontrovertible, a key (and inevitable) effect of globalization has been to create new travel (both passenger and freight), as ever more widespread and interconnected business relationships are developed. As a historical but prototypical example, a number of scholars have commented on the synergistic relationship between the telegraph and railroads. Among them, DuBoff (1980, p. 478) succinctly captures the nature of the telegraph’s contribution. He notes that not only did the telegraph lower information and transaction costs, a direct stimulant to business in its own right, but that these reductions constitute “resources released for alternative uses: the direct benefits of the telegraph were distributed to the rest of the economy through decreased costs of coordination and movement, higher real incomes, and widened areas of economic activity… For firms, everything pointed to the growing feasibility of higher sales volumes through penetration of hitherto distant markets … The size of any market … is limited by the costs of obtaining information, negotiating exchanges, and moving goods. Historically, these cost constraints have been loosened by technology and especially by breakthroughs in communication and transportation.” Similarly, Albertson (1977, p. 40) comments that “[t]he opening of the transatlantic cable … resulted in an enormous increase in both telecommunications traffic and travel across the Atlantic”. Today, telephony, the internet, and other ICTs (see Section 2.8) are operating in much the same way: both as a direct stimulus to the development of new markets (for everything from raw materials to finished products to services), and with a multiplier effect as cost savings are redeployed to further support commerce (essentially the effects of Sections 2.10 and 2.6 — 2.9, respectively, interacting over time and aggregating up). Globalization clearly generates increased telecommunication. As Aguilera (2008) notes, at first glance that may not require greater physical movement (of goods and people) to follow (after all, many business activities are carried out through ICT), but the principles described in preceding sections serve to explain why in fact it does. As a result of those principles, executives and sales staff travel ever far- If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse? 9 ther and more frequently to develop new clients and serve existing ones, employees are exchanged among global sites to enhance knowledge transfer and travel to professional meetings all over the world, inter-firm collaborations and geographically dispersed project teams have increased over time, cheaper labor and raw materials make it cost-effective to transport them from farther away, and the worldwide customer base created through internet-based marketing as well as more conventional channels generates greater travel in the transport of finished products to the consumer (see, e.g., Aguilera, 2008; Berkhout and Hertin, 2004; Boudreau et al., 1998; Frandberg and Vilhelmson, 2003; Harvey et al., 2000; Jones, 2004). Higher fuel prices have started to reshape some of these patterns (e.g. Rohter, 2008), but will not reverse them completely. 2.12 ICT facilitates shifts to more decentralized and lower-density land use patterns At the metropolitan scale, ICT has also weakened (though by no means eradicated) the agglomeration economies that once kept cities more compact (e.g. Audirac, 2005). Because physical proximity is a less binding constraint than it once was, one natural outcome is increased diffusion of firms and residents to locations where land or labor is cheaper or amenities are higher. Lower densities, in turn, are well-known to be associated with greater distances traveled (e.g., van de Coevering and Schwanen, 2006). The effect of ICT on land use patterns, however, is quite complex. For one thing, ICT not only facilitates decentralization, it also facilitates concentration into more energy- and travel-efficient land use patterns (e.g. de Sola Pool, 1980). Thus, it is important to keep in mind that technology is itself neutral, and can be applied in ways both positive and negative. We do have a personal and collective choice in the matter (Gottman, 1983). For another thing, decentralization has many causes, and the post-World-War-II acceleration of pre-existing trends in that direction certainly predates the advent of the internet and other modern ICTs. Thus, it is quite difficult, and possibly futile, to attempt to determine the proper amount of “blame” to allocate to ICT for current decentralization patterns. Nevertheless, it seems reasonable that some portion of the responsibility does belong there. The case of telecommuting and residential location helps illustrate the causal complexities. Telecommuters do tend to live farther from work than average (Mokhtarian et al., 2004): did the ability to telecommute motivate them to do so, or is telecommuting a solution to the longer commute they chose to take on for other reasons? One study of State of California workers found that the preponderance of evidence favored the latter explanation (Ory and Mokhtarian, 2006), and that in any case people telecommuted frequently enough that, on average, their total commute distance did not exceed that of the comparison non-telecommuters (Mokhtarian et al., 2004). Nevertheless, additional study is needed in this area. 3. Ties to other literatures It is relevant to situate the preceding discussion within the general topic of rebound effects, about which a sizable literature exists (see, e.g., the special double issue of Energy Policy, Vol. 28, Nos. 6 & 7, 2000). The term is perhaps most often applied to a case in which a consumer good becomes more energy efficient, but where the resulting energy savings in turn stimulates additional energy consumption, thereby reducing (or, in the “backfire” effect, even more than counteracting) the savings. The mechanisms by which this happens have been classified into three categories (e.g. Berkhout et al., 2000; Hertwich, 2005): • • • direct: The lower per-unit cost of operating the appliance directly stimulates greater use of it (an “own-price effect”), leading to higher energy consumption for the same or less money compared to before. For example, more efficient air conditioners may motivate consumers to leave them on longer and/or put the thermostat on a cooler setting, achieving greater comfort at the same or lower price. Similarly, improvements in automotive fuel economy have been accompanied by increases in distance traveled (Small and van Dender, 2007). Thus, as Hilty (2008) points out, merely increasing efficiency is not a sufficient condition for reduction in resource consumption. indirect: The money saved by operating the more energy-efficient appliance is spent on other goods or activities, which consume energy. dynamic, macro-scale, structural: In the longer term, lower energy prices lead not only to greater demand for the existing ways of consuming energy, but also generally promote economic growth and stimulate new activities which were not financially attractive before, and which in turn consume energy. These three mechanisms can be at least loosely applied to the effects of ICT on travel, where instead of a specific more energy-efficient appliance, we mean a generally more energy(or cost- or time-) efficient way of conducting activities (i.e. via ICT). The indirect mechanism corresponds reasonably well to the reasons of Sections 2.6 — 2.9, and the macro-scale 10 Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research mechanism to the reasons of Sections 2.11 and 2.12. The correspondence of the direct mechanism to Section 2.10 also works, not in the sense that ICT use directly generates more ICT (though that is one mechanism at work in the observation of Section 2.5), but in the sense that the more efficient ICT-based way of conducting activities directly leads to more activities (involving travel) being conducted. (For a different application of these three categories to the environmental impacts of ICTs, see Berkhout and Hertin, 2004. Also see the very useful Figure 7-1 of Hilty, 2008). The literature on dematerialization is also pertinent to this discussion. Many authors have noted the general trend toward physical objects becoming smaller and/or lighter, and in some cases (e.g. recorded music) virtually disappearing altogether (which is sometimes referred to as immaterialization). But physical shrinkage at a unit level is sometimes accompanied by a greater multiplication of units, with the result that more resources are consumed overall (the “miniaturization paradox”, Hilty, 2008). For example, television sets have become less material-intensive, but at the same time, households now own several of them (including larger and larger models) where they used to own just one (Bernardini and Galli, 1993). Even as mobile phones have gotten smaller, the increase in subscribers has more than compensated for the per-unit decrease in materials required (Hilty, 2008). With respect to goods movement, improvements in fuel efficiency have been counteracted by the move to less efficient modes (e.g. from rail to trucking) and to increases in overall activity levels (Murtishaw and Schipper, 2001). These effects are similar to the second mechanism described in Section 2.10. And Marvin (1997) uses many of the arguments presented in Section 2 to question the “dematerialisation of cities”. 4. IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR A SUBSTITUTION EFFECT? Given the relationships outlined above, is there any hope whatsoever then, that ICT can reduce travel? In this section, we discuss four reasons for optimism. 4.1 Sometimes, ICT does directly substitute for making a trip Probably most of us can furnish personal examples in which ICT did, in fact, replace travel. In the US, the telegraph did close down the Pony Express (Standage, 1998). The volume of single-piece first-class mail and periodicals sent through the US Postal Service has been declining for several years, due to “electronic diversion of bills and statements, alternate payment methods, … the absence of new hardcopy applications”, and increasing reliance “on the Internet as a substitute for hardcopy publication of news, information, and entertainment” (<http://www.usps.com/strategicplanning/cs07/ chpt2_005.htm>, accessed July 17, 2008). Teleworking also appears to be an example in which the net impact is one of (modest) travel reduction (Choo et al., 2005). Several recent studies of the relationships between communications and travel, while generally finding complementarity effects to dominate (Choo and Mokhtarian, 2007), have also found a number of statistically insignificant effects, suggesting that impacts in both directions are largely balancing each other out (Choo et al., 2007; Lee and Mokhtarian, 2008; PonsNovell and Marsal, 2006). So substitution effects might, in fact, be substantial, even if often more-than-counteracted by generation effects. 4.2 ICT consumes time (and/or money) that might otherwise have been spent traveling Although Section 2.9 focused on ICT as an overlay to traveling, and indeed many ICT activities are conducted in a multi-tasking mode, some of them do prevent other activities from taking place. To reverse the Peters quote in that section, ICT not only makes time (through eliminating or speeding up some activities, and making formerly unproductive travel or waiting time more pleasant or productive), it also takes time — a phenomenon referred to in the time use literature as “displacement”. So, for example, a small panel study of young people (18-23 years old) conducted by Vilhelmson and Thulin (2006) found that increases in in-home ICT use seemed to displace time spent on out-of-home activities and travel. A similar displacement effect was deduced from crosssectional data by Nie et al. (2002), though in that case there is possibly a self-selection effect at work (less sociable people are likely to spend both more time on the internet, and less time socializing; it is their personality causing both effects rather than a direct displacement effect of the internet). In contrast, at least one larger longitudinal study (Kraut et al., 2002b) found that initial negative effects of the internet on social life diminished over time. Figure 2 illustrates one possible typology of impacts of ICT on activities. Category 1 is the “straightforward” substitution of traveling to an activity with conducting it by ICT — the subject of Section 4.1, and the choice occurring in the innermost intersection of Figure 2. Category 2 is the indirect effect just described — the converse counterpart to If telecommunication is such a good substitute for travel, why does congestion continue to get worse? 11 direct (own-activity) substitution: activity X is now done by ICTs instead of the traditional way activity generation or modification: activity X either would not have oc-curred without ICT, or is materially changed by it 1. Choice between ICTbased v. traditional activity (replacement; e.g. ICTs are the Mokhtarian and Salomon, 1996) end – the basis of 2. Generation of new conducting ICT activities (time the new displacement – ICTs activity itself taketime from other activities; e.g. Nie et al., 2002; Vilhelmson and Thulin, 2006) 4. ICTs as enabler/ facilitator/modifier of activities (e.g. Srinivasan and Raghavender, 2006) 3. ICT-enabled reallocation of resources to other activities (ICTs give time or money that permits other activities to occur; e.g. Ferrell, 2004) ICTs are the means (of saving time, money); can affect non-ICT as well as ICT activities cross-activity substitution: activity(ies) X affect(s) activity(ies) Y Source: Salomon and Mokhtarian (2008), adapted from Mokhtarian et al. (2006). Figure 2. Types of ICT impacts on activities the mechanism of Section 2.6, which is Category 3. Category 4 includes the direct stimulation effect discussed in Section 2.10. 4.3 When travel becomes more costly, difficult, or dangerous, ICT substitution will increase Generalizations drawn from empirical research are inevitably based on a “business as usual” assumption. That is, workplaces are functional and safe, the transportation system is operating normally and safely, and the price of travel is perceived to be “affordable”. When any of those conditions change, the substitution of travel by ICT inevitably becomes more attractive. The scholarly and/or popular media have reported promotion of and/or increases in telecommuting and/or teleconferencing in response to fires (Pratt, 1991a) and floods (Bates, 1992) making workplaces unsafe; regional or local events such as blizzards5, hurricanes6, earthquakes7, transit strikes8, and other incidents affecting transportation system operations9; fears for safety at the workplace or while traveling, e.g. from terrorist attacks10 or the occasional freeway sniper11; planned extreme events such as the Olympics12; and currently, of course, in response to dramatically increased gasoline prices13. 5 <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EKF/is_n2099_v42/ai_17817161>, accessed July 21, 2008. 6 <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/13/ AR2005091301973.html>, accessed July 21, 2008. For the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta (Northern California) earthquake, see Pratt (1991b). For the January 17, 1994 Northridge (Southern California) earthquake, see, e.g., <http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9 407E1DB1338F930A25751C0A962958260>, accessed July 21, 2008, and Wesemann, et al. (1996). 7 <http://www.internetnews.com/infra/article.php/3572256>, accessed July 21, 2008. 8 9 <http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/05/06/ BUG73PKP9G1.DTL&type=printable>, accessed July 21, 2008. See the Congressional testimony titled “Telecommuting: A 21st Century Solution to Traffic Jams and Terrorism”, given July 18, 2006, at <bulk. resource.org/gpo.gov/hearings/109h/34546.pdf>, accessed July 21, 2008. Also see <http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2001/10/28/ AW159330.DTL&type=printable>, accessed July 21, 2008, regarding increases in telecommuting immediately following September 11, 2001. 10 For example, the Washington “Beltway sniper” of 2002; see <http://www. worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=29298>, accessed October 2, 2008. 11 Regarding the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics, see <http://www.calmis. ca.gov/file/occguide-archive/telework.htm>; regarding the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics, see <http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/npr/library/ news/275e.html>; regarding the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, see <http://www.tfhrc.gov/pubrds/janfeb02/olympics.htm>; all accessed July 21, 2008. 12 13 <http://www.whsv.com/home/headlines/25514464.html>, accessed July 17, 2008. 12 Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research These and other examples demonstrate that under emergency conditions a great deal of work, commerce, and personal interaction can still take place through the power of ICT. What happens after the system returns to normal, however? One disaggregate study of the 1989 San Francisco Bay Area earthquake found considerable persistence of telecommuting several months later (Pratt, 1991b), while one aggregate study of the 1994 Los Angeles-area earthquake found little impact of telecommuting even during the immediate aftermath, and traffic patterns reverting to pre-event levels within a few months (Wesemann et al., 1996)14. A sustained rise in the price of gasoline, however, defies history and could produce a different result. On the other hand, I suspect that the relationships described earlier in this paper are rather robust, and that human nature is fundamentally opposed to limiting travel very much, for the reasons already indicated. In either case, it is extraordinarily useful to have an effective alternative to travel in place, whether as a short-term contingency measure or a long-term mitigation strategy. 4.4 ICT can be deployed to make shared means of transportation more attractive ICT enables pre-trip and en-route information about public transport (and perhaps ridesharing) to be more readily available, which can help lower key barriers to increasing ridership: lack of information about the service in general, and uncertainty with respect to a trip in progress (Kenyon and Lyons, 2003). Further, as indicated in Section 2.9, the ability to use ICT to “buy back” some or all of one’s travel time can lower the disutility of traveling. To the extent that public transport service providers can facilitate ICT usage on their system (e.g. Wi-Fi-enabled train cars and stations, and reliable mobile phone reception throughout the system, if mobile phone use can be sequestered in a way to prevent annoying other passengers), and market it as a competitive advantage over driving, the more appealing collective modes of travel can be. 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS Although the preceding section gives some causes for hope, in reality the challenges are great. It is difficult to improve technologies and services for the purposes of reducing travel, without having those same technologies and services used to stimulate travel via the mechanisms described in Section 2. For these reasons, we should keep a balanced view of the paradoxical role of ICT in addressing transportation needs: part of the solution, to be sure, but — for the same reasons — an inescapable part of the “problem” as well (Hilty, 2008). The extent to which ICT’s stimulation of travel is in fact a problem could be considered debatable. Certainly, reducing the negative externalities of travel is an important public goal. But it is also true that mobility has considerable personal, social, and economic benefits, and as a society we will pay a certain price for curtailing mobility. Perhaps it can be agreed, however, that providing more alternatives to travel — increasing people’s freedom to choose non-travel alternatives — is a good thing, and so is using the transportation system more efficiently so that more travel can be accommodated within the existing infrastructure. ICT has a clear role to play in both of these strategies, and public policies can be developed to support both. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A much shorter version of this paper, titled “i-Mobiliteit”, initially appeared in the Dutch-language periodical Agora in Fall, 2007 (pp. 15-18). A revised version of similar length was presented at the First Indo-US Symposium on Advances in Mass Transit and Travel Behaviour Research (MTTBR-08), February 12—15, 2008, in Guwahati, India. It will appear in Verma and Pendyala (2008) under the title, “The impacts of telecommunications technologies on travel behavior: Thoughts on the Indian context.” Conversations with Xinyu (Jason) Cao, Helen Couclelis, and Gil Tal have helped clarify some of the ideas presented in this version. REFERENCES By contrast, a USDOT (2002) report (<http://www.itsdocs.fhwa.dot.gov/ jpodocs/repts_te/13775.html#_Toc7237526>, accessed July 21, 2008) indicates that 90% of 1,300 randomly-sampled individuals receiving a special telecommuting package (second phone line, three-way calling, call waiting, voice mail, and so on) established by regional telephone companies in response to the quake were still working from home in August (8 months after the quake). 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